Template:Timeline of D'ni kings

From Guild of Archivists
Revision as of 23:44, 30 October 2015 by Alahmnat (talk | contribs)
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Ri'neref (0 - 120)
Ailesh (120 - 300)
Shomat (300 - 555)
Ja'kreen (555 - 812)
Veesha (812 - 997)
Mararon (997 - 1159)
Koreen (1159 - 1352)
Ahlsendar (1376 - 1501)
Solath (1502 - 1779)
Me'erta (1779 - 2014)
Gan (2015 - 2070)
Behnashiren (2050 - 2193)
Hemelin (2193 - 2356)
Naygen (2356 - 2533)
Hinash (2533 - 2779)
Needrah (2779 - 3000)
Rakeri (3000 - 3219)
Tejara (3219 - 3422)
Ti'amel (3422 - 3654)
Kedri (3654 - 3903)
Lemashal (3903 - 4083)
Ishek (4083 - 4291)
Loshemanesh (4291 - 4438)
Ji (4438 - 3692)
Demath (4692 - 4843)
Yableshan (4843 - 5081)
Emen (5081 - 5240)
Me'emen (5240 - 5549)
Adesh (5549 - 5701)
Lanaren (5701 - 5999)
Asemlef (5999 - 6284)
Jaron (6248 - 6498)
Rikooth (6498 - 6731)
Kerath (6731 - 6977)
250 BE
250 DE
750 DE
1250 DE
1750 DE
2250 DE
2750 DE
3250 DE
3750 DE
4250 DE
4750 DE
5250 DE
5750 DE
6250 DE
6750 DE
7250 DE
7750 DE

Lives and Reigns of D'ni Kings
