Reference:2007-04-23 Nick White in various hoods

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Nick White visited various hoods around the Cavern, most notably discussing Tetsonot.

In Myss Terrie's hood:

Chat.log started...
(04/23 22:55:37) Rannvig: what is happening in the cavern these days, Nick?
(04/23 22:55:40) meadow: Doesnt take long to attract a crowd, nick
(04/23 22:55:44) Rannvig: have you news?
(04/23 22:55:48) Nick White: I guess so.
(04/23 22:55:54) Nick White: Sorry to ruin your nice conversation everyone.
(04/23 22:56:03) Dimitrios: np
(04/23 22:56:07) Atheni33: not at all Nick
(04/23 22:56:08) Azaia: no worry
(04/23 22:56:11) Whilyam: Why was Tetsonot released?
(04/23 22:56:20) Atheni33: our door is open to everyone
(04/23 22:56:24) Rannvig: please tell us your news
(04/23 22:56:41) Atheni33: shorah nona
(04/23 22:56:45) Rannvig: we help new people here, Nick
(04/23 22:57:00) Eniad Corlet: Hello Heaven
(04/23 22:57:00) Nona: shorah Atheni
(04/23 22:57:06) Rannvig: a friendly safe haven, politically neutral
(04/23 22:57:32) Rannvig: do you wish to move to a larger room, Nick?
(04/23 22:57:40) Rannvig: The theatre is all yours
(04/23 22:57:50) Nick White: Uh... that's alright.
(04/23 22:57:53) Nick White: No need for that.
(04/23 22:58:02) Whilyam: Nick.
(04/23 22:58:19) Rannvig: we started the marbled fireplace a couple weeks ago
(04/23 22:58:39) Rannvig: takes some wrangling to keep the marbles together
(04/23 22:58:48) Heaven: Any news on the GZ progress?
(04/23 22:59:31) Nick White: I hear the GZ is coming along...
(04/23 22:59:36) Rannvig: we hear many rumors
(04/23 22:59:37) Nick White: Lots of good data being collected.
(04/23 22:59:49) Rannvig: some good, some troubling
(04/23 22:59:54) Whilyam: And Tetsonot? Why was it released?
(04/23 23:00:03) Dimitrios: :)
(04/23 23:00:07) Nick White: I haven't seen Laxman in a while.
(04/23 23:00:12) Heaven: Nick, I was curious...
(04/23 23:00:20) Nick White: We've been working on different projects.
(04/23 23:00:20) Nick White: Yes?
(04/23 23:00:45) Heaven: I notice an empty pedestal between the pod books, is there a central link that connects them all?
(04/23 23:01:25) Nick White: Well all the pods are on the same Age... are there other Books to the Age?
(04/23 23:01:57) Heaven: Well, I know there are many more pods, but is there like a central command area or major link?
(04/23 23:02:05) Dimitrios: there are poda total
(04/23 23:02:09) Rannvig: why do things vanish off of Relto?
(04/23 23:02:15) Rannvig: is that the Bahro at work?
(04/23 23:02:19) Dimitrios: 13 pods
(04/23 23:02:30) meadow: i am sure the bahro is to blame!
(04/23 23:02:32) Nick White: There are other links to the Age - nothing like what you are talking about though.
(04/23 23:02:53) Whilyam: Nick.. Why was Tetsonot released?
(04/23 23:03:18) Dimitrios: is there a "new "" ground zero on on north pole?
(04/23 23:03:35) Eniad Corlet: Hello Justin
(04/23 23:03:45) Nick White: It was released because it was deemed safe for visitors.
(04/23 23:03:57) Thumbs up from Heaven
(04/23 23:04:01) Whilyam: Who oversaw that?
(04/23 23:04:07) Rannvig: not much of a view though :)
(04/23 23:04:09) Whilyam: They need their glases checked.
(04/23 23:04:17) Nick White: The same peopel who oversee all Age releases. The team, all the way through.
(04/23 23:04:22) Nick White: Have you been hurt?
(04/23 23:04:23) Whilyam: Have you see it? The pod is leaking
(04/23 23:04:49) Heaven: It's dripping, I dunno if it's leaking
(04/23 23:04:52) Whilyam: The emergency lights have been giving people headaches and I know a good number keep running into the walls
(04/23 23:04:59) Atheni33: lol
(04/23 23:04:59) Whilyam: It's in horrible condition.
(04/23 23:05:00) Rannvig: in a way
(04/23 23:05:02) Illuvatar: We had approximatel 40 ppl in testosnot the other day, and it ws fine
(04/23 23:05:07) Nick White: Well it would seem you are the ones that need glasses then.
(04/23 23:05:11) Justin: I was also wondering why the DRC released it
(04/23 23:05:16) Eniad Corlet: What are you working on currently, Nick?
(04/23 23:05:19) Justin: it seems dangerous
(04/23 23:05:24) Whilyam: I HAVE glasses :P
(04/23 23:05:36) Nick White: Are you the one bumping into walls?
(04/23 23:05:41) Heaven: And where's Sharper been?
(04/23 23:05:43) Whilyam: No.
(04/23 23:05:48) Nick White: There ya go.
(04/23 23:05:55) Nick White: Sharper has been busy.
(04/23 23:06:03) Justin: patriot's game?
(04/23 23:06:03) Illuvatar: I need glasses - jsut noticed my typing
(04/23 23:06:21) ter21esa: :)
(04/23 23:06:24) Whilyam: HA! Nick have you even seen Tetsonot?
(04/23 23:06:32) Heaven: It's not football season
(04/23 23:06:34) Nick White: Yes, I have.
(04/23 23:06:44) Whilyam: Then what sort of joke is this?
(04/23 23:06:53) Nick White: Have you been hurt?
(04/23 23:06:57) Eniad Corlet: I'm sure Sharper's a Red Sox fan also.
(04/23 23:07:00) Rannvig: shing red last aggravates migraine
(04/23 23:07:06) Atheni33: :)
(04/23 23:07:06) Justin: my shoes got all wet
(04/23 23:07:15) Justin: it took an hour for them to dry
(04/23 23:07:20) Whilyam: Must another person die like Phil did to make you do some basic restoration?
(04/23 23:07:22) Atheni33: I have been through worse
(04/23 23:07:37) Nick White: Look, it seems dangerous but I'm not sure it is.
(04/23 23:07:40) Heaven: Easy, tiger
(04/23 23:07:45) Nick White: It's passed all of our tests.
(04/23 23:07:48) Nick White: That's all I can say.
(04/23 23:07:49) Eniad Corlet: What are you working on currently, Nick?
(04/23 23:07:59) Eniad Corlet: Hello Apollo and Valdez
(04/23 23:08:02) Whilyam: Well at least proper lighting should be in order..
(04/23 23:08:08) Apollo: shorah
(04/23 23:08:09) Nick White: working on two Ages.
(04/23 23:08:11) Eniad Corlet: Hello strega
(04/23 23:08:17) strega3: hi
(04/23 23:08:21) Atheni33: shorah
(04/23 23:08:22) Eniad Corlet: How are your ages going?
(04/23 23:08:25) Nona: shorah Apollo
(04/23 23:08:27) Nick White: Alright.
(04/23 23:08:34) Heaven: What powers Tetsonot? it can't be solar powered...
(04/23 23:08:38) meadow: shorah strega
(04/23 23:08:51) Dimitrios: what about the portals?what is power those portals
(04/23 23:08:56) Eniad Corlet: Good to hear, do they have names yet?
(04/23 23:09:04) Nick White: Thermo-nuclear generators.
(04/23 23:09:09) Illuvatar: Lol
(04/23 23:09:12) Atheni33: lol
(04/23 23:09:14) Justin: wow
(04/23 23:09:14) Nick White: And they are leaking radiation into the pods.
(04/23 23:09:15) Dimitrios: lol
(04/23 23:09:16) Heaven: Eek
(04/23 23:09:19) Nick White: But it should be fine.
(04/23 23:09:23) Justin: 0_0
(04/23 23:09:27) Justin: scary tho
(04/23 23:09:30) Eniad Corlet straps a Gieger counter on.
(04/23 23:09:33) Nona: good grief!!
(04/23 23:09:39) Nick White: Ok, that's a joke everyone.
(04/23 23:09:42) Nick White: In case you weren't sure.
(04/23 23:09:44) Whilyam: Yeah, no one's gotten hurt, so everythings fine...
(04/23 23:09:47) Justin roars with laughter
(04/23 23:09:48) Eniad Corlet: Welcome Onexpresso
(04/23 23:09:48) Heaven roars with laughter
(04/23 23:10:11) Onexpresso: THanks you
(04/23 23:10:12) Justin: i hav a question about the great zero calibration
(04/23 23:10:12) Onexpresso: Shorah
(04/23 23:10:13) Nick White: Anyone know about the Anti DRC Movement?
(04/23 23:10:20) Whilyam nods his head
(04/23 23:10:21) Nick White: they are asking me to go and talk to them...
(04/23 23:10:21) Onexpresso: Anti?
(04/23 23:10:22) Justin: no
(04/23 23:10:29) Rannvig nods
(04/23 23:10:34) Azaia nods
(04/23 23:10:43) Dimitrios: what about the anti anti ?;)
(04/23 23:10:43) Heaven: They seem very disorganized
(04/23 23:10:49) Azaia: they have a meeting tonight
(04/23 23:10:49) Eniad Corlet: They are an interesting group.
(04/23 23:10:57) Rannvig: we do not understand why they oppose DRC
(04/23 23:11:02) Illuvatar: I put them on ignore...seriously
(04/23 23:11:07) Eniad Corlet: Welcome Rivenorth
(04/23 23:11:13) Onexpresso: Thanks for the warning
(04/23 23:11:17) Rannvig: we are neutral here -- very like Switzerland
(04/23 23:11:24) Onexpresso: ah ok
(04/23 23:11:25) Nick White: I like the Swiss.
(04/23 23:11:25) Rivenorth: hey Eniad
(04/23 23:11:31) ter21esa: Shorah Rivenorth
(04/23 23:11:35) Eniad Corlet: Only we don't have a bank, so don't ask.
(04/23 23:11:38) Rannvig: so as soon as there is D'ni currency folks can leave it here with us
(04/23 23:11:41) Whilyam: I like Swiss... not as good as Parmessan, though.
(04/23 23:11:44) Atheni33: lol
(04/23 23:11:48) Eniad Corlet: lol, spoke to soon
(04/23 23:11:55) Nona: yeah and mostly with Nona
(04/23 23:12:00) Heaven: Nick, you should know about them. Isn't that Sydney's group?
(04/23 23:12:04) Rannvig: we have a good forum going too
(04/23 23:12:07) Onexpresso: Hah Whilyam
(04/23 23:12:07) ter21esa: :)
(04/23 23:12:11) Nick White: Yeah.
(04/23 23:12:14) Nick White: It is Heaven.
(04/23 23:12:14) Eniad Corlet: Welcome Barbarra
(04/23 23:12:15) Rannvig: they are having a meeting tonight
(04/23 23:12:30) Justin: Nickk? i know the explorers hav relto books, but, isn't it a bid dangerous encouraging explorer jump off cliffs?
(04/23 23:12:32) Rannvig: ADM says peaceful protest
(04/23 23:12:38) Nick White: Nah.
(04/23 23:12:41) Rannvig: about the animals
(04/23 23:12:42) Nick White: It's fun Justin.
(04/23 23:12:44) Atheni33: yes . they are concerned about the animal population
(04/23 23:12:52) Justin: what if someone faints in mid jump
(04/23 23:12:52) Dimitrios: yes
(04/23 23:12:56) Nick White: Have we met Atheni33?
(04/23 23:12:59) Rannvig: Like PETA on the surface
(04/23 23:13:01) Heaven: I heard they want to work with you on some translations, but seems to go against their credo
(04/23 23:13:03) Nona: I personaly like to jumping of cliffs
(04/23 23:13:12) Justin: lol
(04/23 23:13:22) ter21esa: lol
(04/23 23:13:23) Atheni33: I was at Jazz bevin when you were there ..but no we never met
(04/23 23:13:27) Nick White: Well doesn't being down here generally go against their credo since it's all DRC work?
(04/23 23:13:27) Rannvig: we believe that typing LEMMINGS RULE
(04/23 23:13:33) Rannvig: helps with each leap
(04/23 23:13:42) Justin: is someone logging this?
(04/23 23:13:46) Whilyam: I'd say so... but I'm staying away from it.
(04/23 23:14:01) Rannvig: The Greeters have asked for our help
(04/23 23:14:06) Heaven: Well, the DRC didn't invite me down here, Zandi and Yeesha did
(04/23 23:14:19) Rivenorth claps his trusty Relto book
(04/23 23:14:31) Barbarra: I believe that Cate and the DRC had something to do with it.
(04/23 23:14:33) Rivenorth: ooops almost linked
(04/23 23:14:41) Nick White: Didn't say invite.
(04/23 23:14:46) Rannvig: Sometimes we cover Greeters' bevin when they are understaffed
(04/23 23:14:46) Nick White: But this Hood was restored by us.
(04/23 23:14:52) Nick White: If you don't like our work, don't use the Hoods.
(04/23 23:14:54) Nick White: Stay in Relto.
(04/23 23:14:59) Heaven: I get the feeling the DRC tolerates us, but would have us gone if they had their druthers
(04/23 23:15:05) Whilyam: Since I'm sure you'll have to go soon... please have Tetsonnot gone over again. The creaking and groaning is not making people very confident.
(04/23 23:15:06) ter21esa: Whew!
(04/23 23:15:09) Eniad Corlet: Well Nick, I'm glad you all at the DRC have decided to restore D'ni, thank you.
(04/23 23:15:16) Whilyam: Alright, Nick?
(04/23 23:15:17) Nick White: You of all people would say that?
(04/23 23:15:17) Barbarra: Indeed.
(04/23 23:15:27) Rannvig: We are considering what we can do to help Greeters
(04/23 23:15:27) Nick White: Heaven, I'm disappointed.
(04/23 23:15:33) Eniad Corlet: Welcome Ron
(04/23 23:15:40) Rannvig: but I think we want special t-shirts :)
(04/23 23:15:50) Ron1P: wat up?
(04/23 23:15:58) Heaven: Present company excepted :)
(04/23 23:16:10) Nick White: Ah, alright.
(04/23 23:16:19) Eniad Corlet: Friendly converstion, Ron, as always in Myss Terrie's Bevin
(04/23 23:16:23) Justin tries to resist himself from folloing nick
(04/23 23:16:25) From Marik Meydrek in D'ni-Ae'gura: lol K
(04/23 23:16:27) Barbarra: Nick, since you've been translating the cultural material, I wonder if you have seen any reference to the pods.
(04/23 23:16:30) pennylongstocking: hi all i'm bck

In the anti-DRC movement's hood:

(04/23 23:18:45) Nick White: So this is the crew? What do you want to ask me?
(04/23 23:18:46) Breanna Walker: Nick is there a problem?
(04/23 23:18:54) Thanakar is just a bystander here by accident really
(04/23 23:19:04) Sydney Austin: Are you coming tonight or any of the drc?
(04/23 23:19:35) Nick White: I don't believe I will.
(04/23 23:19:40) Breanna Walker: welcome Heaven and Whilyam
(04/23 23:19:40) Sydney Austin: why?
(04/23 23:19:48) Whilyam says hey
(04/23 23:20:02) Nick White: I don't see the reason to support the event.
(04/23 23:20:03) Sydney Austin: how the cate or the council?
(04/23 23:20:15) Thanakar: probably has somethignto do with 'job security'
(04/23 23:20:21) Sydney Austin: Not looking for support from the drc
(04/23 23:20:39) Nick White: It's an event to protest the DRC - why would they come?
(04/23 23:20:39) Breanna Walker: we are looking for answers from the DRC
(04/23 23:20:40) Sydney Austin: Just answer to why they are hiding info about the negilahn animals
(04/23 23:20:52) Nick White: What makes you think they are?
(04/23 23:21:36) Sydney Austin: don't you think the pople wo explore the entire age and release four pods know more about whats going on out there
(04/23 23:21:43) Nick White: Probably.
(04/23 23:21:52) Valdez: shorah everyone
(04/23 23:22:03) Breanna Walker: welcome everyone
(04/23 23:22:05) meadow: Shorah all
(04/23 23:22:10) Nick White: But I'm don't think there are any conspiracy theories here.
(04/23 23:22:11) Nick White: dude.
(04/23 23:22:14) Sydney Austin: You really think they would send sharper, rils and you on those expeditions to get everything you know
(04/23 23:22:15) Nick White: Little too close.
(04/23 23:22:16) Whilyam starts to laugh
(04/23 23:22:23) Valdez: sorry
(04/23 23:22:34) Whilyam: Now if a girl did that...
(04/23 23:22:34) Sydney Austin: Come on do they thnk we are stupid?
(04/23 23:22:41) Whilyam: you'd have no problem :P
(04/23 23:22:46) Valdez: I am know for invading people's persoal space
(04/23 23:22:50) Valdez: known
(04/23 23:22:53) Nick White: Depends on the girl...
(04/23 23:22:56) Justin: Anyone wanna play heek?
(04/23 23:23:02) Thanakar: some girls you can't get that close too...
(04/23 23:23:04) Valdez: Cate Alexander?
(04/23 23:23:04) Dakro: I'm up for Justin
(04/23 23:23:10) Justin gasps
(04/23 23:23:14) Valdez: Marie Sutherland?
(04/23 23:23:17) Justin: Is nick following me?
(04/23 23:23:23) Justin: Aiiiiieeeeee
(04/23 23:23:23) meadow: Hehe
(04/23 23:23:35) Valdez: are you a DRC member?
(04/23 23:23:40) Nick White: Make enough noise and the DRC might show up.
(04/23 23:23:44) Thanakar sighs
(04/23 23:23:45) Justin: srry dakro, i didn't know nick waz here
(04/23 23:23:51) Sydney Austin: i know the drc is hiding what they know about the animals
(04/23 23:24:02) Valdez: no
(04/23 23:24:03) Nick White: Until now, it seems like a few people who think the DRC is lying about animals.
(04/23 23:24:07) Sydney Austin: They have info that the explorers need to know
(04/23 23:24:12) Valdez: I am with the DRC
(04/23 23:24:12) Nick White: It's cute but I don't think Cate is threatened.
(04/23 23:24:21) meadow: so why does the drc have to tell you everything they know.
(04/23 23:24:25) Nick White: Since when Valdez?
(04/23 23:24:26) Thanakar: Sydney, you keep saying this, but what do you base your statement on?
(04/23 23:24:33) Sydney Austin: I have an army that believes they are hiding information
(04/23 23:24:38) Valdez: Nick, what do you do?
(04/23 23:24:41) Breanna Walker nods her head
(04/23 23:24:41) Nick White: An army?
(04/23 23:24:52) Justin: the DRC rocks!!!!
(04/23 23:24:54) Justin cheers
(04/23 23:24:55) Sydney Austin: yes nick
(04/23 23:24:57) Jeffrey Lewis nods his head
(04/23 23:25:02) Dakro: Nick's the best translator we got down here.
(04/23 23:25:02) Sydney Austin: Growing everyday
(04/23 23:25:03) meadow: so what if they are hiding information, are you gonna be the one to solve whatever problem faces them
(04/23 23:25:12) Valdez agrees with Justin
(04/23 23:25:19) Sydney Austin: You better let cate know she can't hide the info anymore
(04/23 23:25:31) Justin: i've read all nick's tokatah rooftop books!
(04/23 23:25:35) Heaven nods her head
(04/23 23:25:36) Sydney Austin: We are getting very upset down here
(04/23 23:25:36) Nick White: Well, no one lets Cate know anything. But, I'll tell her about the group.
(04/23 23:25:47) Dakro: Yeah me too Justin
(04/23 23:25:50) Sydney Austin: Thank you nick
(04/23 23:25:55) Nick White: I'll let her know it's growing as well.
(04/23 23:25:58) Sydney Austin: I am just worried about the animals
(04/23 23:26:04) Valdez: yes ot no?
(04/23 23:26:15) Nick White: Of course. It's all about the animals...
(04/23 23:26:41) Sne: Shorah
(04/23 23:26:47) Justin likes to wear a yeesha shirt AND DRC helmet
(04/23 23:26:52) Sydney Austin: I sent her an invite to give her a chance to tell us
(04/23 23:26:59) Thanakar has room for the animals, on his plate right beside the mashed potatoes
(04/23 23:27:01) Sydney Austin: Before the protest goes anyfurther
(04/23 23:27:12) Nick White: Good.
(04/23 23:27:31) Sydney Austin: I hope she shows up tonight at 8pm cavern time
(04/23 23:27:35) Sydney Austin: To tell us
(04/23 23:27:47) Justin: what exactly are the anti drc movement protesting? anything particular about the DRC?
(04/23 23:27:51) Nick White: Tell you all the secret information?
(04/23 23:28:09) Dakro shrugs
(04/23 23:28:14) Valdez: can I start a viral infection?
(04/23 23:28:17) Sydney Austin: She can't keep the information about the ngilahn cratures to herself anymore
(04/23 23:28:33) Nick White: Alright.
(04/23 23:28:46) Heaven needs a moment to breathe!
(04/23 23:28:47) Valdez sneezes
(04/23 23:29:01) Sydney Austin: I am sure the explorers agree and will be here to hear her tonight
(04/23 23:29:04) Valdez sneezes
(04/23 23:29:10) Valdez sneezes
(04/23 23:29:19) Nick White: Alright.
(04/23 23:29:19) Stobar2 has an itch but can't scratch it
(04/23 23:29:22) Valdez: anyone sick yet?
(04/23 23:29:35) Nick White: I'll be anxious to see how many show up.
(04/23 23:29:36) Valdez: 20 of them
(04/23 23:29:44) Valdez sneezes
(04/23 23:29:49) Whilyam says DOH!
(04/23 23:29:54) Justin: when is cate coming here?
(04/23 23:29:56) Nick White: Valdez, man... learn something about personal space.
(04/23 23:29:56) Sydney Austin: there will be quite a few
(04/23 23:30:13) Whilyam: Valdez! Stop trying to infect the only DRC member to be down here!
(04/23 23:30:13) Thanakar: we've been tryingto teach poor valdez for months
(04/23 23:30:19) Valdez sneezes
(04/23 23:30:28) Thanakar: Valdez, please..stop
(04/23 23:30:29) Sydney Austin: If we have enuf people here, i'm sure she be here at 8pm cavern time
(04/23 23:30:32) meadow: Excuse you
(04/23 23:30:41) From Jeffrey Lewis: I pmed Nick. He said don't worry, I know Sydney Well..interesting eh?
(04/23 23:30:43) Whilyam: *Nick shoots lightning from his fingers and toasts Valdez*
(04/23 23:30:44) Justin: when is that EST?
(04/23 23:30:46) meadow sneezes
(04/23 23:30:46) Heaven: Nick, you mention a few days ago about a new Age this week? I'll understand if you don't want to answer in here...
(04/23 23:30:48) Justin: midnight?
(04/23 23:30:57) Heaven leans right
(04/23 23:30:59) Thanakar: nice view nick?
(04/23 23:31:00) Nick White: Yeah, there is a new Age.
(04/23 23:31:07) Valdez: really?
(04/23 23:31:10) Valdez: what?
(04/23 23:31:11) Whilyam: Do we know its name?
(04/23 23:31:12) Justin: Where???
(04/23 23:31:17) Valdez: hen
(04/23 23:31:21) Nick White: Probably another fast track.
(04/23 23:31:21) Valdez: when
(04/23 23:31:25) Sydney Austin: Here
(04/23 23:31:39) Sydney Austin: 8pm cavern time
(04/23 23:31:39) Dakro: Do you know what the DRC's latest age might be?
(04/23 23:31:44) Sydney Austin: The protest begins
(04/23 23:31:52) meadow: Lol
(04/23 23:31:53) Heaven: Photo op
(04/23 23:32:01) Justin protests the protesters
(04/23 23:32:02) meadow: Cheese
(04/23 23:32:03) Nick White: What do you mean by that Dakro?
(04/23 23:32:13) Whilyam: What's this new Age's name.
(04/23 23:32:18) Dakro: Well what age might be the next one to be released to the explorers
(04/23 23:32:30) Nick White: Yes.
(04/23 23:32:58) Valdez: Ahnonay!
(04/23 23:33:02) Valdez: Uran
(04/23 23:33:05) Nick White: No Valdez.
(04/23 23:33:07) Dakro: What have you been up to lately Nick?
(04/23 23:33:09) Valdez: Valdezland
(04/23 23:33:16) Nick White: Working.
(04/23 23:33:20) Thanakar: fast track he said Valdez
(04/23 23:33:21) Dakro: Translating?
(04/23 23:33:32) Valdez: what is the name?
(04/23 23:33:37) Heaven: Er'cana?
(04/23 23:33:44) Valdez: and what is a fast track?
(04/23 23:33:44) Nick White: Closer but no Heaven.
(04/23 23:33:47) Thanakar: what is the status of Mintaka?
(04/23 23:33:51) Valdez: oooo
(04/23 23:33:52) Heaven: Kirel?
(04/23 23:34:09) Valdez: Whatchers Sancturay!
(04/23 23:34:14) Whilyam: Is Kirel a type of hood or a specific hood?
(04/23 23:34:14) Jeffrey Lewis: Ahnonnay?
(04/23 23:34:18) Nick White: Not yet.
(04/23 23:34:20) Dakro: Maybe we should start a raise hand basis. Best not assault Nick with questions after all.
(04/23 23:34:32) Valdez: tell me
(04/23 23:34:35) Whilyam: Like, will we have Kirel-style hoods, or just be able to visit the one and only Kirel?
(04/23 23:34:36) Valdez: tell me
(04/23 23:34:55) Heaven wants some space!
(04/23 23:34:58) Valdez: PM the answer
(04/23 23:35:01) Nick White: Alright, I gotta run.