Reference:2006-07-27 GameTap Town Hall with Rand Miller, Blake Lewin, Trent Hershenson, David Reid, and Ron "randomos" Meiners

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(07/27 18:02:31) DRCLVortmax1: Welcome to today's Town Hall meeting, Rand, Blake, Trent, David Reid, and randomos!
(07/27 18:02:36) shynale waves
(07/27 18:02:37) Junee: He made it on the first try :O
(07/27 18:02:38) Amarok apllauds
(07/27 18:02:43) LostOwl cheers
(07/27 18:02:46) Jeremey gives a big Spokane cheer
(07/27 18:02:47) GingerDiva cheers
(07/27 18:02:47) Resolute Guardian applauds
(07/27 18:02:47) TomahnaGuy: Lol
(07/27 18:02:50) Sorceress: Shorah David
(07/27 18:03:01) Rand: hello everyone!
(07/27 18:03:35) DRCLVortmax1: Today's meeting has special guests from GameTap, here to answer what they can about the new partnership, and how Live will work with GameTap
(07/27 18:03:39) zam: shorah cyanists and gametapers
(07/27 18:03:46) Rand: thanks liasons for setting up this meeting. Got some good stuff going on.
(07/27 18:03:56) DRCLVortmax1: Everyone, let's give a big thanks to GameTap for bringing our dreams alive Smile
(07/27 18:04:05) zam thanks you very much!
(07/27 18:04:09) Sparrowhawk claps
(07/27 18:04:10) Zib Redlektab: thank you game tap!
(07/27 18:04:12) TomahnaGuy: woot thanks Rand Gametap and all
(07/27 18:04:13) Cubkyle cheers
(07/27 18:04:15) HannaGertie shouts Thanks!!!!!
(07/27 18:04:15) Jane cheers
(07/27 18:04:17) Paul thanks gametap!
(07/27 18:04:17) TomahnaGuy cheers
(07/27 18:04:18) Amarok thanks you very much!
(07/27 18:04:18) Dadguy says thanks!
(07/27 18:04:18) Leonor claps
(07/27 18:04:20) Shen-to re Le-nah cheers for gametap
(07/27 18:04:21) Jeruth: thank you!!
(07/27 18:04:23) Jeremey: WooHOOOoO
(07/27 18:04:23) Junee cheers
(07/27 18:04:23) Mark Dev. thanks you very much!
(07/27 18:04:24) GingerDiva cheers some more
(07/27 18:04:25) Mari' cheers
(07/27 18:04:27) Resolute Guardian thanks you very much!
(07/27 18:04:27) Jane: Thank you all!!!
(07/27 18:04:27) Jeremey: thanks!
(07/27 18:04:28) IanWatson cheers! Thanks, GameTap/Turner!
(07/27 18:04:29) LostOwl claps
(07/27 18:04:30) Toria thanks
(07/27 18:04:31) Serena thanks gametap and cheers
(07/27 18:04:34) Wilhelm claps his hands
(07/27 12:04:38) Rand: let me introduce a few people and we'll let you ask questions...
(07/27 12:04:41) JoeyRobertParks: awesome!
(07/27 12:04:56) Leandros: danke (Ger)
(07/27 12:05:07) DRCLVortmax1: Remember, PM me with 'question' if you want in the queue
(07/27 12:05:26) Rand: First someones name you haven't seen around here, but will - David Reid VP of Marketing at Game Tap...
(07/27 12:05:43) David Reid waves
(07/27 12:06:15) Rand: and of course Blake Lewin - VP of Product Development and Innovation at Turner...
(07/27 12:06:44) Blake waves
(07/27 12:06:45) Rand: These are some of the people who have made Uru possible again - give them a big hand...
(07/27 12:06:54) DRCLVortmax1 cheers and applauds
(07/27 12:07:06) randomos cheers
(07/27 12:07:19) A.Lingo breakdances
(07/27 12:07:34) Rand: Without further ado - here's Blake to move things forward.
(07/27 12:07:42) Toria: I hope your servers are ready for the onslaught. LOL...
(07/27 12:07:44) Rand cheers
(07/27 12:07:53) Blake: I want to thank all of you first and foremost..
(07/27 12:08:12) Blake: This would not ever have been possible without your support...
(07/27 12:08:33) Blake: First, for the past two years in keeping Until Uru living..
(07/27 12:09:24) Blake: second, for the ground swell of support that took D'mala Shard from 58 admins to over 3,000 users...
(07/27 12:09:40) Blake: This is a very big day for me personally...
(07/27 12:10:10) Blake: 6 years ago Turner was pursuing Cyan and a product that they were working on called Parable..
(07/27 12:10:35) Blake: it is thrilling to see it finally come to fruition...
(07/27 12:10:42) Rand cheers
(07/27 12:10:48) DRCLVortmax1 applauds
(07/27 12:11:10) Blake: I would like at this time to hand this over to David Reid. He has only been with GameTap a few months...
(07/27 12:11:45) Blake: But, he has been instrumental in making sure that URU would become part of GameTap...
(07/27 12:12:14) David Reid: thanks Blake, thak you Rand, and thanks to everyone here today!
(07/27 12:12:33) David Reid: this is also a very exciting day for me and everyone at GameTap...
(07/27 12:12:57) David Reid: it is really something that has only been made possible by all of us working together...
(07/27 12:13:15) David Reid: naturally it starts with the vision that Rand and the Cyan team have embodied...
(07/27 12:13:35) David Reid: of making games that realized our most ambitious visions of world...
(07/27 12:13:52) David Reid: where we could all play togehter in something different from what the rest of the games industry...
(07/27 12:14:05) David Reid: was telling us was how to make and enjoy games...
(07/27 12:14:18) David Reid: also for Blake in particular and Turner in general...
(07/27 12:14:41) David Reid: for giving Cyan the opportunity to make the game as they believed it should be done...
(07/27 12:15:02) David Reid: but mostly by all of you. for keeping the Uru dream alive during the quiet times...
(07/27 12:15:13) Rand cheers
(07/27 12:15:22) David Reid: it was teh support of this loyal, passionate community that made Uru simply impossible to ignore...
(07/27 12:15:37) David Reid: as Blake says, I've been with Turner about 4 months now, and started just before E3...
(07/27 12:15:53) David Reid: and at that time, we discussed bringing Uru to gametap as part of a vision we had...
(07/27 12:16:11) David Reid: a vision of giving people critically acclaimed games they could not find elsewhere...
(07/27 12:16:26) David Reid: and today we start that process in earnest. it was trhilling to see your reactions....
(07/27 12:16:46) David Reid: after the E3 announcement, and so I'd like to introduc e a few more folks who have been
(07/27 12:16:55) David Reid: an intergral part of the process...
(07/27 12:17:18) David Reid: I believe many of you already know randomos, Ron Meiners...
(07/27 12:17:24) randomos waves
(07/27 12:17:42) David Reid: he is coming on board to work wiht GameTap as our community manager ...
(07/27 12:17:43) Blake claps his hands
(07/27 12:17:49) Rand claps his hands
(07/27 12:17:50) DRCLVortmax1 cheers
(07/27 12:17:57) David Reid: just as he did for the Uru Ages Beyond Myst game before...
(07/27 12:18:13) David Reid: and also I want to introduce Trent Hershenson, here as Trent...
(07/27 12:18:37) David Reid: Trent comes to GameTap from THQ and will be our marketing lead for you on the Uru game and community...
(07/27 12:18:42) Rand claps his hands
(07/27 12:18:44) Blake claps his hands
(07/27 12:18:48) DRCLVortmax1 claps his hands
(07/27 12:18:51) randomos claps his hands
(07/27 12:18:57) David Reid: now as a team, we have some exciting news for all of you and then we'll take your questions...
(07/27 12:19:12) David Reid: first: the Uru Live closed beta program will begin next week...
(07/27 12:19:19) DRCLVortmax1 cheers wildly
(07/27 12:19:25) Jane: YAY!!
(07/27 12:19:25) Blake cheers
(07/27 12:19:25) Trent waves
(07/27 12:19:26) Rand cheers
(07/27 12:19:32) David Reid: a small group of exploreres will initiallly be invited and then additional groups will be added on an ongoing basis...
(07/27 12:19:34) Jeruth: yay!!!
(07/27 12:19:48) David Reid: on the order of beta testing volunteer sign ups...
(07/27 12:20:03) David Reid: if yo uhaven't signed up already, please do so at ...
(07/27 12:20:32) Ivan: highlu improbable that we haven't ;)
(07/27 12:20:33) David Reid: second: even if you are not in the initial beta, we'd like to thank you for your loyal support ....
(07/27 12:21:03) David Reid: of Uru. We are provding an offer in conjuction with Cyan...
(07/27 12:21:17) David Reid: so you can sign up for GameTap now and received your first month free...
(07/27 12:21:36) David Reid: a letter with the details on this will be available soon on
(07/27 12:21:41) Rand cheers
(07/27 12:21:46) DRCLVortmax1: Huzzah!
(07/27 12:21:49) Blake claps his hands
(07/27 12:21:53) randomos claps his hands
(07/27 12:21:57) David Reid: I know it's important to many of you to make sure your support of Cyan and Uru is heard...
(07/27 12:22:15) David Reid: so we will be placing this offer on the site and those who sign up there...
(07/27 12:22:40) David Reid: will be spefically noted as signing up for GameTap to show their support for Uru live...
(07/27 12:23:02) David Reid: and third. I want to officuially announce that while Uru Live is a subscription based product...
(07/27 12:23:09) Rand claps his hands
(07/27 12:23:17) David Reid: there will be a free experience as well. many of you have said that you...
(07/27 12:23:31) David Reid: could get your firends to try Uru if it was free and that once they tried it, they'd...
(07/27 12:23:56) David Reid: feel the call as well so we're creating a free Uru Live experience and will look to you...
(07/27 12:24:19) David Reid: to help us generate the word of mouth in your own communities to get friends to try the game...
(07/27 12:24:24) DRCLVortmax1 cheers
(07/27 12:24:29) Blake cheers
(07/27 12:24:35) Rand cheers
(07/27 12:24:47) David Reid: now before you ask the question, yes, both the free and subscrtiption products will be available internationally...
(07/27 12:25:03) Ivan: you bet
(07/27 12:25:11) Jane: BRAVO!
(07/27 12:25:13) Rand cheers
(07/27 12:25:18) Zib Redlektab: i already posted on UO
(07/27 12:25:18) David Reid: and also GameTap and Uru Live will be available for the same $9.95 per month subscription in the US...
(07/27 12:25:23) Ivan: this is going on my blog
(07/27 12:25:41) David Reid: we don't have international support for GameTap yet, but as we launch GameTap in other countries...
(07/27 12:25:55) David Reid: we will give all Uru Live subscribers the free GameTap subscription as well...
(07/27 12:26:11) David Reid: I am sure lots of you have questions about what we are announcing....
(07/27 12:26:13) Ivan: I like
(07/27 12:26:16) David Reid: so let's get to them!
(07/27 12:26:30) DRCLVortmax1: Allright, JoeyRobertParks, you're up first! What's your question?
(07/27 12:26:38) randomos cheers
(07/27 12:27:17) DRCLVortmax1: Joey asks: Will Uru Live GameTap players need to go through the trailer/crevice bit at the beginning of Until Uru, or will they just start in the neighborhood?
(07/27 12:27:19) Ivan: Are there any plans to make ages, even individual ones, explorable offline?
(07/27 12:27:31) DRCLVortmax1: Ivan, please hold your questions until I call on you
(07/27 12:27:51) DRCLVortmax1: And those who want on the queue, just PM me 'question' :)
(07/27 12:28:07) Rand: - without giving too much away - no. Uru Live will start off a bit differently. :)
(07/27 12:28:12) Rand: next question
(07/27 12:28:16) DRCLVortmax1: Toria?
(07/27 12:28:38) Toria: Will we see new ages right away when live starts?
(07/27 12:29:24) Rand: No new ages immediately - but we have some surprises as we move forward
(07/27 12:29:43) Toria: thx, and good luck to all at Mysterium and Mystralia :)
(07/27 12:29:48) Rand: the initial launch is just to get things up and running again.
(07/27 12:29:52) Rand: next
(07/27 12:29:54) DRCLVortmax1: TomahnaGuy?
(07/27 12:29:56) TomahnaGuy: can u give us a clue as to where we will start?
(07/27 12:30:38) Rand: at home ;)
(07/27 12:30:42) Rand: next
(07/27 12:30:47) DRCLVortmax1: Ivan?
(07/27 12:30:49) Ivan: Are there any plans to make ages, even individual ones, explorable offline?
(07/27 12:31:22) Rand: no - we want to control everything! :)
(07/27 12:31:25) Rand: next
(07/27 12:31:30) DRCLVortmax1: Stevecrox?
(07/27 12:31:39) Stevecrox: would you elaborate on how interntaional explorers will sgn upto ive
(07/27 12:32:24) Blake: Our goal is to make the "free" URU Client available worldwide through URU Live...
(07/27 12:32:52) Blake: International users will then be able to subscribe directly for URU..
(07/27 12:33:15) Blake: URU Live in the US will be bundled with GameTap
(07/27 12:33:22) David Reid: plus one more detail
(07/27 12:33:35) David Reid: when GameTap does launch in other countries,...
(07/27 12:33:53) David Reid: Uru Live subscribers in those coutnries will also get teh GameTap subscription...
(07/27 12:34:14) David Reid: bundled in for free. you won't need to pay for more when GameTap launches inyour country.
(07/27 12:34:19) David Reid: next?
(07/27 12:34:21) DRCLVortmax1: Leandros?
(07/27 12:34:24) Leandros: will uru live have some inbuild games like the wall and others?
(07/27 12:34:24) GingerDiva: Yay! (from New Zealand)
(07/27 12:34:29) Blake: also to clarrify, subscription is $9.95 US Dollars
(07/27 12:35:03) Ivan: (what happened to the $0.05) :P
(07/27 12:35:39) Toria: hooray from Canada
(07/27 12:35:52) Rand: Uru Live will be growing like Uru was suppose to - so it will include things like the wall and other "game" ages
(07/27 12:36:10) Rand: as we move out beyond launch
(07/27 12:36:14) Rand: next
(07/27 12:36:19) DRCLVortmax1: IanWatson?
(07/27 12:36:28) IanWatson: I signed up for the beta several weeks back, but had to sign up a second time because I upgraded just about my whole system. Will this affect my chances of getting picked for Beta?
(07/27 12:37:18) Rand: - i think it will be based on your first signup - that will be in our list
(07/27 12:37:22) Rand: next
(07/27 12:37:36) DRCLVortmax1: Mari' ?
(07/27 12:37:38) Mari': Will we have to have GameTap subscription for beta play?
(07/27 12:38:00) David Reid: No.
(07/27 12:38:28) David Reid: your ability to participate in teh beta will simply be based on when you registered for it.
(07/27 12:38:45) David Reid: next?
(07/27 12:38:48) Ivan: Oh no..
(07/27 12:39:09) DRCLVortmax1: Dadguy?
(07/27 12:39:11) Dadguy: Many of us have already subscribed to Gametap in anticipation of URU Live. We think URU hits an untapped market of online players. Do you have a good estimate of what business volume that URU will bring to Gametap?
(07/27 12:39:52) David Reid: obviously we deeply believe in the power of the Uru Live community...
(07/27 12:40:08) Zib Redlektab: woot
(07/27 12:40:14) David Reid: and we have partnerered with Cyan not just because we love the game...
(07/27 12:40:32) David Reid: but also because we see the opportunity to make GameTap a place where the world can ...
(07/27 12:40:47) David Reid: find games like Uru Live which they will not find anywhere else...
(07/27 12:41:07) David Reid: we know you are a strong community, numbering thousands without even a full game...
(07/27 12:41:25) David Reid: to get behind. what we hope at GameTap is you will all channel that passion for Uru Live...
(07/27 12:41:40) David Reid: into making GameTap a place where not only do we see strong support for Uru Live...
(07/27 12:42:04) David Reid: but also for our larger vision of making games like this possible for millions of gamers around the world...
(07/27 12:42:17) David Reid: it's very important that you show that support for the vision...
(07/27 12:42:38) David Reid: so we can show our business leaders that this support can make a difference in the games industry...
(07/27 12:42:59) David Reid: so just remember that when the Uru Live offer goes live on Cyan's site...
(07/27 12:43:22) David Reid: we will know when you have signed up there as a GameTap member that it is in direct support of Cyan an dUru...
(07/27 12:43:39) David Reid: and if you are already a GameTap subscriber...
(07/27 12:43:53) David Reid: just let GreyDragon at Cyan know...
(07/27 12:44:16) David Reid: and we'll make sure your voice is counted among those who have joined GameTap to specifically support Cyan...
(07/27 12:44:35) David Reid: one last point. after E3 and in the fourms, I saw many of you asked about when to join...
(07/27 12:44:46) David Reid: to make sure we knew you were joining to support Cyan...
(07/27 12:44:53) David Reid: the answer to that is now.
(07/27 12:45:12) Dadguy: Thx!
(07/27 12:45:18) David Reid: with the offer we are putting wiht Cyan's site, we will know right away how this announcement has been received...
(07/27 12:45:38) David Reid: in the community, and we are looking forward to seeing your response!
(07/27 12:45:39) Ivan: here, here!
(07/27 12:45:41) Blake: Your subscriptions now sends a message that the URU live audience is significant
(07/27 12:45:41) David Reid: next?
(07/27 12:45:43) Jane: you are awesome, thank you!!!
(07/27 12:45:45) DRCLVortmax1: Shen-to?
(07/27 12:45:49) Rand: (Greydragon at forums)
(07/27 12:46:43) Shen-to re Le-nah: how many peole will be able to play without lag at once?
(07/27 12:47:04) Rand: We'll let you know after beta! :)
(07/27 12:47:19) Shen-to re Le-nah: lol
(07/27 12:47:23) Rand: but that's obviously a high priority for us.
(07/27 12:47:26) Rand: next
(07/27 12:47:28) DRCLVortmax1: Aloys?
(07/27 12:47:32) Aloys: Will US and Europe share the same game servers?
(07/27 12:48:07) Blake: Right now yes, once we get..
(07/27 12:48:32) Blake: through Beta we will see if there are any issues that could be solved with servers in local areas
(07/27 12:49:02) Blake: next
(07/27 12:49:09) DRCLVortmax1: Seans265 asks: Will there be a noticable difference, graphically or otherwise, between UruLive...
(07/27 12:49:44) DRCLVortmax1: and prologue at the beginning?
(07/27 12:49:52) Rand: No differences graphically - we're working on performance and just getting back up and running.
(07/27 12:49:58) Rand: next
(07/27 12:50:15) Tweek: How will advertising be handled this time around? There seemed to be a distinct lack of such the first time around esspeciall in outside US countries.
(07/27 12:50:15) DRCLVortmax1: Tweek?
(07/27 12:50:38) David Reid: here's our philosophy here.
(07/27 12:50:54) David Reid: I come from teh console world, just launched Xbox 360 this past holiday before coming to GameTap...
(07/27 12:51:07) David Reid: and I view GameTap much like a platform like an Xbox or a Playstation...
(07/27 12:51:30) David Reid: and I view Uru Live as one of our critical exclsuive titles that will drive our platform...
(07/27 12:51:41) David Reid: we can't get into too many details about the markaeting campaign right now...
(07/27 12:52:08) David Reid: but I can promise you we have some very exciting plans to market Uru Live, sam & Max, and other titles...
(07/27 12:52:32) David Reid: this holiday alongside the GameTap platform advertising we do today and will continue to do through the holiday...
(07/27 12:52:52) David Reid: and beyond. We know no one buys consoles without great new games they can't get anywhere else...
(07/27 12:53:10) David Reid: and we know for you and many others like you, GameTap can be that "console-esque" experience...
(07/27 12:53:24) David Reid: that brings you great critically acclaimed games you will only find here.
(07/27 12:53:39) David Reid: we will be telling the world that story with the launch of Uru Live and more this holiday.
(07/27 12:53:41) Blake: I would also like to add a few points about URU Live and GameTap...
(07/27 12:53:57) Blake: when we built GameTap, we built it as a Broadband Network..
(07/27 12:54:09) Blake: and
(07/27 12:54:44) Blake: and just like a Network like TNT, Cartoon or TBS, we are looing for great content to fill it...
(07/27 12:55:27) Blake: You can think of URU Live as the launch of a pilot...
(07/27 12:55:57) Blake: with it's success we will be able to fund additional "seasons" of content.
(07/27 12:56:32) Blake: that's why your support will continue to be very importnat to the sucesss of URU.
(07/27 12:56:35) Rand: (the fact that the VP of marketing is actually answering questions in Uru is a good sign!) :)
(07/27 12:56:52) David Reid waves
(07/27 12:56:55) Rand: time for just couple more
(07/27 12:56:58) DRCLVortmax1: Paul?
(07/27 12:57:03) randomos cheers
(07/27 12:57:21) Paul: my question been answered thanks!
(07/27 12:57:29) DRCLVortmax1: zam?
(07/27 12:57:31) zam: it was said uru live will be launched by the holidays, what does that mean as it seems we don't have the same notion of what holidays means in Europe and in the US? For me holidays meant this summer and many US people told me it meant this autumn?
(07/27 12:57:51) David Reid: sorry about any confusion there...
(07/27 12:58:03) David Reid: we do mean in time for the Christmas holiday.
(07/27 12:58:19) zam: thanks
(07/27 12:58:21) David Reid: next?
(07/27 12:58:23) DRCLVortmax1: Sorceress?
(07/27 12:58:41) Ivan: Christmas present: a year's subscription to Uru :)
(07/27 12:58:50) Sorceress: With GameTap supporting older games, might we see old Cyan games like Cosmic Osmo?
(07/27 12:59:25) David Reid: we actually have some exciting news on that front.
(07/27 12:59:40) David Reid: for now, I'll say "yes" and you should know that in addition to the games we have in GameTap today...
(07/27 13:00:23) David Reid: including Myst, Riven, Uru Ages Beyond Myst etc.
(07/27 13:00:34) David Reid: we will be adding more Cyan games in the near future...
(07/27 13:00:40) Jane: oh boy oh boy
(07/27 13:00:49) David Reid: we just might be holding an announcement for an important event this weekend ;-)
(07/27 13:00:57) Sorceress: Gosh!
(07/27 13:01:12) Sorceress: cheers
(07/27 13:01:17) David Reid: and I should also mention that while I personally am unable to travel to Mysterium myself...
(07/27 13:01:44) David Reid: Trent and Ron will be attending for GameTap and I look forward to hearing from you and them after the event!
(07/27 13:01:53) Trent waves
(07/27 13:02:10) DRCLVortmax1: I'd like to again thank Rand, Blake, David, Trent, and randomos for coming to the meeting today, and answering our questions!
(07/27 13:02:17) randomos cheers
(07/27 13:02:20) DRCLVortmax1: Let's hear it for Cyan and GameTap!!
(07/27 13:02:21) A.Lingo cheers.
(07/27 13:02:23) DRCLVortmax1 cheers
(07/27 13:02:28) Jane: thank you thank you thank you thank you
(07/27 13:02:29) Ivan: 3 cheers
(07/27 13:02:32) Jeruth: thank you all so much!! :)
(07/27 13:02:36) David Reid claps his hands
(07/27 13:02:37) Blake claps his hands
(07/27 13:02:40) oldmanjob: will the Guild of Greeters service be used on Live
(07/27 13:02:44) LostOwl: Thanks so much!
(07/27 13:02:45) DRCLVortmax1: Sorry we couldn't get to all the questions, but time ran out.
(07/27 13:02:51) David Reid cheers
(07/27 13:02:54) Rand: Thanks everyone - thanks Vortmax - thanks GameTap and Turner!
(07/27 13:02:56) Ivan: hip hip, hurrey!
(07/27 13:02:57) Rand cheers
(07/27 13:02:59) Cubkyle: Thank you for making our dreams come true!
(07/27 13:03:00) Blake does a dance
(07/27 13:03:09) randomos waves
(07/27 13:03:10) Ivan: thanks rand :D
(07/27 13:03:12) Rand: Let's get this party started!
(07/27 13:03:13) DRCLVortmax1: And thanks to all of you for coming to this meeting!
(07/27 13:03:15) Rand waves
(07/27 13:03:15) David Reid: thanks for having us and we are very excited about seeing you in Uru Live and on GameTap!
(07/27 13:03:15) Jane: w00t!!!!!
(07/27 13:03:19) IanWatson: Thanks to Rand, and everyone from GameTap/Turner!
(07/27 13:03:34) Tofer: Thank you Rand, and everyone at Game Tap
(07/27 13:03:34) Tweek: Thanks guys gals and small llama's
(07/27 13:03:36) David Reid waves
(07/27 13:03:48) Rand waves
(07/27 13:03:52) Ivan: Can we mug people for caravan passes?
(07/27 13:03:59) Rand waves
(07/27 13:04:02) Zib Redlektab: thanks everyone!
(07/27 13:04:13) Trent waves
(07/27 13:04:14) DRCLVortmax1: I will try to get the chatlog up ASAP at the DRCL site.
(07/27 13:04:21) Rand: shout - now off to Mysterium preparations. :)
(07/27 13:04:23) IanWatson: "Dream come true" only scratches the surface. :D
(07/27 13:04:31) DRCLVortmax1: Good luck with Mysterium, Rand :)
(07/27 13:04:36) Undercover Brother: Cheers for Vort.
(07/27 13:04:47) Ivan: Don't forget to say Cerebrally :)
(07/27 13:04:57) Ivan: aww he left
(07/27 13:04:59) DRCLVortmax1: I'm off too. Check the DRCL site in about half an hour!
(07/27 13:05:03) randomos: cya all
(07/27 13:05:08) Sorceress: holy cow
(07/27 13:05:09) Stevecrox does a dance
(07/27 13:05:17) Sorceress: this is awesome
(07/27 13:05:18) Junee: Now we're ALL blessed!!!
(07/27 13:05:25) GingerDiva: thanks Vort :)
(07/27 13:05:33) DRCLVortmax1: Thanks again everyone for coming!
(07/27 13:05:50) Cubkyle: I can't belive I made it through!
(07/27 13:05:58) zam: I wonder what was my signing up number for beta hmmmm
(07/27 13:05:58) Undercover Brother: What a great dya.
(07/27 13:06:22) Sorceress: and never thought my question would get THAT response
(07/27 13:06:43) Ivan: me too.
(07/27 13:07:03) Sorceress: maybe we'll see Latus after all :)
(07/27 13:07:26) Sorceress: I think it was May 8 sut
(07/27 13:08:01) Mari': Yea, I have always wanted to play Latus and Real Myst