Reference:2006-08-10 Ron "randomos" Meiners Town Hall 2

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(08/10 21:54:18) randomos: moving a little slow here, lol, not so young any more
(08/10 21:54:26) DRCLVortmax1 laughs
(08/10 21:54:27) randomos: Shorah, all!
(08/10 21:54:32) DRCLVortmax1: Heya Randomos! :D
(08/10 21:54:38) Ro'tahgahm: Shorah, Randomos.
(08/10 21:54:47) Dalken Starbyne: Shorah Randomos!
(08/10 21:54:49) IanWatson: We'll have to ask Cyan to code us up some golf carts.
(08/10 21:55:11) DRCLVortmax1: For those of you unfamiliar with tonight's guest, Ron Meiners is the Uru Community Manager for GameTap
(08/10 21:55:21) IanWatson applauds
(08/10 21:55:28) DRCLVortmax1: He also did the same job for Ubisoft, back during the old Live
(08/10 21:55:32) Dalken Starbyne applauds
(08/10 21:55:33) Beth claps
(08/10 21:55:38) DRCLVortmax1: We're just really lucky to have him back with us :D
(08/10 21:55:45) A.Lingo notices that D'ni isn't handicapped accessible...
(08/10 21:55:54) randomos: I know how lucky I feel in many ways...
(08/10 21:56:04) A.Lingo waves
(08/10 21:56:28) DRCLVortmax1: Welcom Randomos, AKA Ron Meiners, to the Town Hall!
(08/10 21:56:59) DRCLVortmax1: We're glad to have you back again tonight :)
(08/10 21:57:07) randomos: Thank you it's great to be here
(08/10 21:57:30) DRCLVortmax1: So, just to start, want to tell everyone about your work with Uru?
(08/10 21:57:40) randomos: in many ways- the chance to return to Uru Live is very exciting for all of us.
(08/10 21:57:44) DRCLVortmax1: Reember, if you have a question for randomos, PM me with "question" and I'll add you to the list.
(08/10 21:58:14) randomos: Sure- I started working with online communities some time ago- I think the opportunities to build
(08/10 21:58:41) randomos: real friendships and really work together are ... well they inspire me every day.
(08/10 21:59:12) randomos: so when the chance came to work with this community I was totally jazzed.
(08/10 21:59:42) randomos: I worked for Ubisoft through the Prologue, and the closure, and then through the releases that
(08/10 22:00:07) randomos: came after up until EoA... then I went to for a spell, mostly hanign out
(08/10 22:00:26) randomos: with some of th eTMP folks there (Hi Soosi and June!)
(08/10 22:01:08) randomos: GameTap approached me to help out with bringing back Uru Live, mostly though the recommendation
(08/10 22:01:33) randomos: of Celia Pearce, aka Artemesia, and Grey Dragon. So I've been happy to help where I can.
(08/10 22:01:39) randomos: Mostly my role now
(08/10 22:02:04) randomos: is to listen to you and relay your input upstairs... GameTap is very committed to this
(08/10 22:02:23) randomos: community- they realize the community in large part kept the dream of Uru alive for all of us.
(08/10 22:02:48) randomos: I want to add my thanks- to you for being here and for the Liaisons for soing a great job of
(08/10 22:03:12) randomos: bringing this together and working with GameTap and Cyan to help keep the communication flowing.
(08/10 22:03:22) randomos: Shall we start with questions?
(08/10 22:03:40) DRCLVortmax1: First, could you talk a bit more about what you do as Community Manager?
(08/10 22:03:57) DRCLVortmax1: Basically, what's the job description? :D
(08/10 22:04:30) randomos: Yes, certainly- well, I sort of see my role as similar in many ways to that of an advocate
(08/10 22:04:58) randomos: I try to help the community make it's wants and needs known to GameTap, and Cyan too, and vice versa
(08/10 22:05:34) randomos: This is really a partnership in many ways, and I try to help it work beter.
(08/10 22:05:58) randomos: I'm also starting to talk to the GameTap folks about what might be done with the greater GameTap
(08/10 22:06:19) randomos: community- I think there's a lot of opportunity there to create fun and positive interactions.
(08/10 22:06:43) randomos: I'm sort of the voice of the community, in many ways... manager is just what they call it, lol
(08/10 22:06:51) randomos: Does that help?
(08/10 22:07:02) DRCLVortmax1: Yes, that's quite informative!
(08/10 22:07:10) DRCLVortmax1: So, let's start with Dalken!
(08/10 22:07:37) DRCLVortmax1: Dalken?
(08/10 22:07:57) Dalken Starbyne: I'm still planning of using the link to sign up for GameTap (once my parents get around to helping me with credit card stuff etc. *sigh*) but I was wondering...sorry, trying to figure out wording here...
(08/10 22:08:42) DRCLVortmax1: Dalken, do you need more time?
(08/10 22:09:02) DRCLVortmax1: Okay, moving on, Reme?
(08/10 22:09:09) Reme: Will beta testers be needed after URU has gone live? New ages etc...
(08/10 22:09:50) randomos: That's a good question, and one properly for the Cyan folks, but my guess would be very much so. The need to test new content will be ongoing...
(08/10 22:10:01) randomos: Which is very exciting! Next?
(08/10 22:10:04) DRCLVortmax1: AllMyst?
(08/10 22:10:07) AllMyst: What kind of players has Gametap been attracting so far? The arcade style players or major PC title players? In other words, what kinds of games have seen the most action on Gametap?
(08/10 22:10:39) randomos: Good question... let me answer in two parts
(08/10 22:11:11) randomos: first, I havent' seen that yet- the breakdown of their existing customers. But I'm guessing they'll
(08/10 22:11:46) randomos: look pretty familiar- probably older than most gamers, and with a wide ranging interest. Deg's been a member for a while, and enjoyed it.
(08/10 22:12:07) randomos: the real answer is I'm very curious... but very optimistic too. This raises a second question
(08/10 22:12:25) randomos: that I sort of want to get people thinking about (being a community manager and all)
(08/10 22:12:46) randomos: well, we all need to help the community grow, that's important. But I also want us to think about
(08/10 22:12:56) randomos: the fact that it will be growing a lot.
(08/10 22:13:21) randomos: I think this is a good thing, and much as we found new friends in the first Beta and in the PRologue, I think
(08/10 22:13:45) randomos: we'll find the same thing happening this time- lots of people who are really amazed at what is here.
(08/10 22:13:58) randomos: and who will become new friends and community members. Next?
(08/10 22:14:02) DRCLVortmax1: Remember, if you have a question, PM me with 'question' to get on the list. IanWatson, your turn!
(08/10 22:14:05) IanWatson: A friend of mine recently spoke about how many MMORPGs have elements (such as mining or herb-gathering or whatever) which are not inherently fun, but which help serve as strong encouragement for players to continue to connect. I realized URU really had nothing like that. In your opinion, what do you think encourages us to come back, despite this missing "vital" element?
(08/10 22:15:00) randomos: Great question... I think that this community has been incredibly creative and resourceful in
(08/10 22:15:30) randomos: finding those kinds of activities with the Cavern as it is today... A cloud of fireflies or a St. Patrick's day parade
(08/10 22:15:55) randomos: or any of the creative and exciting things people have discovered... and made fun... and I think, too
(08/10 22:16:57) randomos: that as the story unfolds, we'll continue to have a meaningful drama to be part of, which
(08/10 22:17:28) randomos: should be very fun too. But also... I want to learn, really... What do you find to be meaningful in the Cavern?
(08/10 22:17:51) randomos: Friendships... certainly. Well, this is a big question for me, and one I strive to understand
(08/10 22:18:29) randomos: to relay to GameTap and Cyan as best I can. Talk to me later and we'll see what we can come up with... Next?
(08/10 22:18:35) DRCLVortmax1: GingerDiva?
(08/10 22:18:40) GingerDiva: you talk about GT being available to "Urupeans" ... in your definition of europe is NEW ZEALAND and australia (no particular *cough* priority on those 2 hehe) on the list? or are we planned for later... or coming into Live the other way without GT? *breathes*
(08/10 22:19:33) randomos: All international community members are included.
(08/10 22:19:55) randomos: As I gather you know... we're from all over, lol
(08/10 22:20:01) randomos: Next?
(08/10 22:20:05) DRCLVortmax1: Dalken?
(08/10 22:20:20) Dalken Starbyne: I'm still planning on unsing the link to sign up for GameTap (once my parents get around to helping me with credit card stuff, etc. *sigh*), but I was wondering if they think a good flow or a not so large flow of people are signing up for GameTap via the Uru Live link so far
(08/10 22:20:57) randomos: I think the response so far has been very good. Honestly
(08/10 22:21:24) randomos: I'd love to see more though... the more signups, the more the GameTap upper management
(08/10 22:21:42) randomos: will want to support Cyan- that's what it all really amounts to
(08/10 22:22:16) randomos: David and Blake and Trent are all solid supporters... but they have to justify the budgets to their bosses too!
(08/10 22:22:22) randomos: Next?
(08/10 22:22:28) DRCLVortmax1: Aloys?
(08/10 22:22:31) Aloys: At this point do you have good hopes to see Live be localized at launch? And if yes in which languages?
(08/10 22:23:07) randomos: Ah hi Aloys! Great to see you again...
(08/10 22:23:52) randomos: Honestly I'm not sure... I'm guessing that that will depend on the amount of signups from international
(08/10 22:24:12) randomos: customers... Probably not at launch... but again, that's a guess.
(08/10 22:24:19) randomos: Next?
(08/10 22:24:20) DRCLVortmax1: Niymen?
(08/10 22:24:24) Niymeh: This may have been asked in the earlier meeting, and if so I apologise, but what can we international players expect from Uru Live and GameTap in regards to membership, story and so on? Is there any new information yet besides 'there will be options'?
(08/10 22:24:25) DRCLVortmax1: *Niymeh
(08/10 22:24:58) randomos: Can you clarify what you mean?
(08/10 22:26:01) randomos: We're wanting to have full access to, ideally, a unified shard with the US base
(08/10 22:26:10) Niymeh: With membership, you just mentioned that different languages will depend on the amount of signups from international customers, but right now only people in the US can sign up to GameTap, which causes a problem there. With story, I was hoping that most events or whatever you'd like to call them wouldn't occur on a US-centric basis, leaving non-US players out of the loop.
(08/10 22:26:38) randomos: though that will depend on how the technology works... ah, I see!
(08/10 22:27:13) randomos: Tha't sreally a Cyan question... but my guess is that they very much appreciate the International
(08/10 22:27:29) randomos: community, and would make efforts to make sure that all are included.
(08/10 22:27:48) randomos: I'm not really sure what they are working on, honeslty... but I know we all really do appreciate
(08/10 22:28:14) randomos: All of the community, and want to support you, as you are supporting us! Next?
(08/10 22:28:17) DRCLVortmax1: Calam?
(08/10 22:28:21) Calam: Huge question here: will Gametap be involved in any sort of advertising campaign, and if so, what will be the extent of said 'campaign'? Will it be limited to the Gametap and affilliated websites, or will it be marketed at a larger audience? What are Gametap's plan for advertising and getting the word out? (Besides word of mouth) And what would your own role be if an ad campaign were launched?
(08/10 22:28:56) randomos: Well, my understanding is that a very substantial campaign is planned
(08/10 22:29:20) randomos: GameTap realizes that there's a lot of people who might enjoy this experience, and that
(08/10 22:29:55) randomos: Uru Live is a revolutionary creation, one that is very important for GameTap. So I expect
(08/10 22:30:09) randomos: a very serious advertising campaign.
(08/10 22:30:38) randomos: also, there will be limited free access to Uru- certain locationsor something like that
(08/10 22:31:21) randomos: so that people can try it... That will help with word of mouth converts...
(08/10 22:31:39) randomos: The community really is important in this... My role, well, I can give feedback on what I think
(08/10 22:32:02) randomos: and from my experience of this community and the last time and all. I also am trying to
(08/10 22:32:29) randomos: get the word out about how important it is that we all try and help make Uru a great success...
(08/10 22:32:56) randomos: It's not a role I'm comfortble with, honeslty, but it's so important. We have to make sure the Cavern
(08/10 22:33:14) randomos: stays open this time- and we can look forward to years of growing our home.
(08/10 22:33:20) randomos: next?
(08/10 22:33:21) DRCLVortmax1: CaptainQuery?
(08/10 22:33:25) CaptainQuery: As manager what means/methods will you use to keep communication open between you and the community (us!)?
(08/10 22:34:13) randomos: Well I'm being much more active in the forums, and I want to meet people in cavern too. Also, people can PM me, and there
(08/10 22:34:43) randomos: are a number of people I've been in pretty much daily contact with since the original Beta... I made friends there too.
(08/10 22:34:57) randomos: And I'm always open to new ideas! :-)
(08/10 22:35:20) randomos: Next?
(08/10 22:35:21) DRCLVortmax1: Daedalus?
(08/10 22:35:27) Daedalus: Hey Randomos -- How will Uru Live (both free and pay versions) operate outside of the GameTap client? Will all GameTap members have access to Uru Live, or will it somehow be separate (paying for GT with UL, etc.)?
(08/10 22:36:51) randomos: Heya! My understanding is that Uru will be downloaded software, like the games at GameTap, and all part of the same subscription
(08/10 22:37:22) randomos: The international folks, at first, will only have access to Uru Live. But GameTap hopes to expand at
(08/10 22:37:39) randomos: some point, so hopefully the other games will someday be available world wide.
(08/10 22:37:55) randomos: There's a lot there, I'm liking being a member. Next?
(08/10 22:37:57) DRCLVortmax1: Eleri?
(08/10 22:38:12) DRCLeri1: Is Gametap planning, or would they be interested in, doing some public community building beffore launch, like pre-puzzles or stuff like that?
(08/10 22:38:53) randomos: Well, I'm not sure- I'm guessing yes, and if you've got any good ideas, let me know!
(08/10 22:39:12) randomos: We're all going to meet next week to discuss a lot of things- certianly for something like that
(08/10 22:39:25) randomos: I'd want to work very closely with GreyDragon
(08/10 22:40:02) randomos: I'm really not sure what they're planning... and want to make sure we work together closely... It's very exciting. Next?
(08/10 22:40:25) Shonda: How can those of us who already subscribe to Game Tap add to the Uru Live volume and push for wide publicity coverage of the launch?
(08/10 22:41:03) randomos: well, the first thing is to send an email or PM to GreyDragon... he's keeping tally so that you will be counted too.
(08/10 22:41:34) randomos: That's the main thing... and the other is to tell me that that's what you want- honestly, in
(08/10 22:41:49) DRCLVortmax1 wants in!
(08/10 22:41:54) randomos: my next report, I'll mention the TH, and how people were wanting to make sure that the
(08/10 22:42:11) randomos: advertising campaign was successful. That will say a lot! Next?
(08/10 22:42:16) DRCLVortmax1: Calam?
(08/10 22:42:18) Calam: I've heard several complaints on the Uru Live Forums regarding downloading GameTap- download problems, errors, etc. Most often these complaints are followed up by a quick call to Gametap and resolved; my question was that, with a massive influx of clients at the launch of 'Live', would such problems scare away potential customers? And has this already been considered by Gametap?
(08/10 22:42:59) randomos: It is being considered, and I've been making sure to connect with the CS team there and to
(08/10 22:43:24) randomos: make them aware of the issues that people have had, and the need to make that experience better.
(08/10 22:43:48) randomos: I've been very impressed- they're responsive and capable. I'm very optimistic on how it will go.
(08/10 22:43:53) randomos: Next?
(08/10 22:43:54) DRCLVortmax1: Aloys
(08/10 22:44:00) Aloys: Age Creation is starting to pick up speed, is that something GameTap see as good, and if yes to what extent would you (and Cyan) support it/foster it? (And eventually use it as a martketing plus)
(08/10 22:44:18) randomos: PS- if you have issues that don';t get resolved, let me know, and I'll try to help
(08/10 22:44:34) Calam: :)
(08/10 22:44:54) randomos: Great questions... and really these are for Cyan- I think I can say this, that we're all very
(08/10 22:45:14) randomos: excited by how creative and capable this community is, and would love to make these contributions
(08/10 22:45:50) randomos: part of Uru Live. No promises yet, but we're working on it. I'm a big fan of community contributions
(08/10 22:46:17) randomos: so I'll do everything I can to help. But I think it's very likely, in some form. Next?
(08/10 22:46:18) DRCLVortmax1: A.Lingo?
(08/10 22:46:21) A.Lingo: About GameTap support - which has been good to me - With the (hopefully) massive amounts of Explorers, will Uru Live support be handled seperately from GameTap support?
(08/10 22:46:58) randomos: I believe that the core team will be expanding
(08/10 22:47:44) randomos: and working with Cyan to come up to speed. They have a solid organization in place, which is abig plus. But I'm not up
(08/10 22:47:58) randomos: to speed yet with what exactly is planned. Next?
(08/10 22:48:10) DRCLVortmax1: One last question: What do you think about the return of LIve?
(08/10 22:48:36) randomos: Well... I could go on for days...
(08/10 22:48:46) DRCLVortmax1 chuckles
(08/10 22:48:46) randomos: It's really kind of magical, isn't it?
(08/10 22:49:12) randomos: I said at one point it's like Christmas- and that's probably most accurate- it's wonderous, and hopeful...
(08/10 22:49:28) randomos: and something we all thought we would never see! And now it's coming...
(08/10 22:49:48) randomos: every day I'm excited... And amazed too... this time around so much is going right that
(08/10 22:50:07) randomos: didn't go right the first time... I'm awestruck,really.
(08/10 22:50:29) randomos: And very grateful to be a part of it!
(08/10 22:50:34) randomos: :-)
(08/10 22:50:35) DRCLVortmax1: Let's have a big hand for Ron, our new (and old) community manager!
(08/10 22:50:37) IanWatson (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(08/10 22:50:40) Calam cheers
(08/10 22:50:43) CAGrayWolf claps his hands
(08/10 22:50:46) Sparrowhawk claps her hands
(08/10 22:50:47) Dalken Starbyne applauds
(08/10 22:50:47) CaptainQuery claps his hands
(08/10 22:50:48) Calam claps his hands
(08/10 22:50:49) Daedalus claps his hands
(08/10 22:50:50) Beth claps
(08/10 22:50:52) DRCLVortmax1: Thanks for coming tonight randomos, and thanks to all of you as well!
(08/10 22:50:52) IanWatson applauds
(08/10 22:50:54) randomos: Thanks again for being here tonight!
(08/10 22:50:55) Niymeh claps his hands
(08/10 22:50:58) AllMyst claps his hands
(08/10 22:50:59) Atlantis9 cheers
(08/10 22:51:01) Beth: thanks
(08/10 22:51:01) A.Lingo applauds.
(08/10 22:51:02) Dalken Starbyne explodes
(08/10 22:51:06) Calam: thanks Randomos!
(08/10 22:51:10) Ro'tahgahm: Thanks, Ron!
(08/10 22:51:10) randomos: I hope to see you all soon in the cavern!
(08/10 22:51:15) Calam: :)
(08/10 22:51:16) DRCLVortmax1: We'll be here :)
(08/10 22:51:18) Daedalus: Thanks again, Ron!
(08/10 22:51:25) IanWatson: Thanks, Ron!
(08/10 22:51:32) CAGrayWolf: Thank you again Ron.
(08/10 22:51:39) randomos: And thanks again Vort and CA and Elerie and all the Liaisons for putting this together- you are doing a great job!
(08/10 22:51:42) DRCLVortmax1: Be sure to check the DRCL site at for the chat log, hopefully within a couple of hours :D
(08/10 22:51:48) randomos: Night all! see you soon I hope.
(08/10 22:52:03) CAGrayWolf: G'night Ron!
(08/10 22:52:04) Sparrowhawk waves
(08/10 22:52:07) AllMyst: thanks Ron!!
(08/10 22:52:08) DRCLVortmax1: G'nite Ron :)
(08/10 22:52:08) Calam waves
(08/10 22:52:10) IanWatson: Goodnight! Thanks!
(08/10 22:52:20) Ro'tahgahm: Goodnight :)
(08/10 22:52:20) Dalken Starbyne: Night Randomos
(08/10 22:52:21) IanWatson: Thanks again to the Liaisons, as usual. (:
(08/10 22:52:22) Atlantis9: night, Ron :)
(08/10 22:52:32) Beth claps her hands