
Protector of the Tablet

From Guild of Archivists
Protector of the Tablet
Race Bahro
Portrayed by Daniell Reeser

Protector of the Tablet is the title given to the bahro who serves as the leader of the People of the Tablet while the Sovereign is in the incubation vessel. The current Protector—distinguished by her bright turquoise eyes—is gifted in telepathy with humans (for example, encouraging Alex to "think" rather than speak), even though she is capable of understanding when he talks aloud.[1]

It is Alex who names this Protector 'Tiara'. During his stay with the People of the Tablet while recovering from his fall, Alex and Tiara become quite close. Their intimacy is such that when Tiara finds out the Sovereign is still alive, the shock propels her and Alex into a shared hallucinogenic state: in this state Alex perceives her as a human.


  1. "Season Two Bahro", The Lost Art Facebook group, accessed December 25, 2021.