Reference:2003-11-24 Douglas Sharper plays ahyoheek

From Guild of Archivists

Please welcome Douglas Sharper, a rank 1 player with 99 points!
Douglas Sharper: I'll wait for this game to end.
Lucas: Hi, Douglas, how are you?
Douglas Sharper: Very good. Patriots won again yesterday.
Lucas: Nice to hear. I'm from the Netherlands so excuse me that I don't follow NFL.
Douglas Sharper: Ha! Of course.
Rockman_X: I used to live there for a few years when I was young.
Douglas Sharper: Never been to the Netherlands, unfortunately.
Dirk: I also live there.
Douglas Sharper: Excellent. Everyone having fun down here?
Chwith: Yeah.
Dirk: Yeah, Heek is a great game.
Lucas: Yeah, great fun.
Dirk: Douglas are you still here?
Douglas Sharper: Of course. Well, I should be going myself.
Dusante: Hey, all.
Douglas Sharper: Ah, Dusante.
Dusante: How was your meeting Douglas?
Douglas Sharper: Very well...for the DRC.
Dusante: Awe, man. That doesn’t sound good.
Douglas Sharper: No, it was good. Things are progressing. Slowly.
Dirk: What was the meeting about, Douglas?
Douglas Sharper: The pub.
Dirk: When will we be able to visit your pub?
Douglas Sharper: Some time away. I hope in a couple of months. Maybe three.
Dirk: Seems pretty far away.
Douglas Sharper: Yes, it is. Hopefully there will be enough, in the meantime, to keep you busy. We'll see what the DRC can do.
Dusante: Hopefully. The DRC hasn't released much though... and that KI message about the Great Stairs. We've been able to get past the barriers on the stairs except for the top since last Monday.
Douglas Sharper: Right. They don't know that though. Or don't care.
Dusante: If all they are doing is getting rid of two barriers and not the top, that’s pretty blah. Darn.
Douglas Sharper: Oh, yes. All the more confusing. It's plenty safe. Been safe for months.
Dirk: Do you have any idea what is behind there?
Dusante: Some neat stuff past the barrier. The Hall of Kings is nice.
Tweek: I like the Palace.
Dirk: Then why are they keeping us from going there if it is safe?
Douglas Sharper: A question you will have to ask them. I have no idea. Power? Red tape?
Dusante: Yup.
Douglas Sharper: Ignorance.
Dusante: I think the acronym DRC stands for something quite different.
Douglas Sharper: Don't get me going. I have to be careful. I still need them, as we all do.
Dirk: True for sure.
Douglas Sharper: In time perhaps we can do something but for now, we have to live under them.
Dusante: Indeedy.
Douglas Sharper: The more we acknowledge that, the better off we'll be now and later.
Chwith: We hope.
Douglas Sharper: I'll let you in on a secret: The DRC is in a pickle with all this Yeesha stuff.
Dusante: I bet, hahaha. She even said the restoration wouldn’t go as planned by others.
Douglas Sharper: They were expecting to release Ages that she already has. Thrown the plans all out of whack. Ha! I'd love to talk to Zandi. He must be running this thing. Clever devil he is.
Dirk: Yeah, I’ve seen him once but then he disappeared.
Douglas Sharper: I assume he'll be down here soon enough.
Lucas: Michael Engard was here an hour ago.
Douglas Sharper: Engberg. I had heard. Telling you where you can't go?
Lucas: Yeah, but he was in the DRC (30 Hood).
Douglas Sharper: Seems all he's good for lately.
Lucas: No, he stood in front of the Heek table, doing nothing actually. He didn't speak.
Douglas Sharper: Well, what could he say? Get away from the table?
Tweek: Well, when we have to wear Maintainers suit to play Heek, I'll be happy...just ‘cause I want a Maintainers suit.
Douglas Sharper: Engberg used to be so relaxed. He's gotten tense lately.
Dirk: Yeah, how come?
Lucas: Influence by someone maybe?
Douglas Sharper: Not sure. Pressure maybe. Maybe, Lucas.
Dusante: Must have been the thing that happened with Phil.
Tweek: Pity I missed that. I was in Kemo the other day, too.
Dirk: Yeah, that was some event.
Dusante: Poor Phil. Something crazy must have happened.
Tweek: I want to know how far into the cave he went. He must have gotten in further than I have.
Dusante: I mean, we don’t go crazy every time we enter the doors.
Douglas Sharper: Yes, Phil. That's an interesting topic.
Dirk: What does the DRC think happened?
Douglas Sharper: They are very quiet about it. They want to talk to him, I know that.
Dusante: Phil said he will return.
Douglas Sharper: Ha! Phil was half out of his mind from what I heard.
Tweek: He sounded it.
Douglas Sharper: Who knows? I'd like to talk to him though. Before the DRC does.
Dusante: Well, if anyone needs me to open the door, I'm here. Hehe. I wonder if the Bahro did something to him.
Tweek: Dus> I can’t open the door. The DRC put me in a full body splint when I broke a nail opening it last time.
Douglas Sharper: Ha!
Dusante: I should fake my death, That will make the DRC lose some sleep.
Douglas Sharper: Or close down the city. I wouldn't do that!
Dusante: Yeah, guess it be best I stay alive.
Douglas Sharper: Don't give them something to react to. They'll kick everyone out and start all over. Claiming safety.
Dusante: Good point.
Tweek: Yeah, then I can’t start the great D'ni Tiddly Winks championship.
Douglas Sharper: Ha!
Dusante: Anyone notice something fishy about RAWA?
Dusante: Er, Dr. Watson?
Douglas Sharper: Well, which one?
Dusante: Dr. Watson of the DRC.
Douglas Sharper: Ah. The good Doctor.
Dusante: He told me that he "doesn't open doors". Maybe that’s why Sutherland is always with him. She opens the doors for him?
Douglas Sharper: He's a good man. Just a little on the cautious side.
Dirk: That is how the DRC should be.. cautious but not scared...
Dusante: They seem scared. As if they know something is dangerous.
Douglas Sharper: Maybe they do. Although I haven't heard anything. It's a thin line between cautious and scared.
Lucas: Douglas, did you go to Noloben?
Douglas Sharper: Ah. Noloben. I'm trying to get a link. They keep it well protected.
Dusante: I’m surprised they were going to open Gahreeson for us. I’ve base-linked there so many times. And the lava in Gira, so many close calls.
Douglas Sharper: You have to get a KI there. That's how they control your links through the Nexus. That's why Gahreeson. They didn't open Gira.
Dusante: Ah, yeah.
Lucas: Too bad. I would like some stories about Shroomie.
Douglas Sharper: Shroomie. Ah yes. What a beast.
Dusante: I keep the gates open for Shroomie. One day I hope she eats a mushroom.
Douglas Sharper: Beautiful creature. Especially the big ones. They haven't been coming in lately. Not sure what happened to her. Getting scared. Or smart.
Dusante: I think Shroomie is pretty smart. Dont know why, but she’s gotta be.
Douglas Sharper: Very smart. Clever.
Dusante: Too bad all the flappers are inside the gates though.
Douglas Sharper: I think the pods are moving away from where the people are. I'll try to work on some ways to draw her in. You all deserve a good look at her.
Dirk: That would be very nice.
Dusante: I wonder what the DRC thinks of her.
Douglas Sharper: Cautious. What else?
Chwith: I think that's why they wanted the gun.
Douglas Sharper: Believe me; they did not want the gun.
Chwith: Then why is it there?
Tweek: Shoot her?
Douglas Sharper: It's not there to shoot Shroomie, I'll tell you that.
Dirk: I was under the impression it was. Then, why is it there?
Dusante: DRC has strange reasons. We’ll find out some day.
Douglas Sharper: I never have been able to figure that one out really.
Dusante: Have you seen more parts of Teledahn than we have? That map of Tel is just amazing!
Douglas Sharper: I've seen most, if not all, of Teledahn. Been all over. Big place.
Tweek: So, you ever thought of seeing Relto, Doug?
Douglas Sharper: Relto, yes.
Dusante: Cooool, I like Teledahn. So many strange creature noises.
Douglas Sharper: Yes, fun place Teledahn.
Tweek: Not safe enough for the DRC, I suppose. I'm surprised they haven’t tried to confiscate our books.
Douglas Sharper: Ha! They can't. And that drives them crazy. That's why the strict control over the City and Neighborhoods. They do control that. Well, I really should be going. I've got work to do.
Dusante: I wonder who will deliver new Ages first, Yeesha or DRC? Okay, see you, Doug.
Douglas Sharper: We'll see. I wouldn't bet money on the DRC though. Ha!
Lucas: Hope to see you again soon, Doug.
Dirk: Bye, Doug. It was nice chatting with you.
Chwith: Thanks for the info, Doug.
Douglas Sharper: Yes, I'll be around. It's fun talking with you. Until next time.
Dirk: Bye.