Reference:2006-06-26 Josh Staub Town Hall 2

From Guild of Archivists

(06/26 21:56:36) Chat.log started...
(06/26 21:57:47) JStaub: I'm the Art and Visual Design Director for Cyan...most importantly, that means I'm responsible for making sure the game looks great. I began at Cyan over 12 years ago...
(06/26 21:58:41) JStaub: first project was called Color Spelunx, which I worked on during the summer before I went off to college. That Fall Myst was released, and Cyan asked me if I would quit school and come work for which I said NO! :)
(06/26 22:00:29) JStaub: ...But after a bit of prodding over the next few months (and Myst's increasing success) I finally decided to leave school and come to Cyan to be employee #7. For the first several months I lived and worked in Robyn Miller's basement. I was lead artist for Riven, as well as one of 4 game designers (Rand, Robyn, Rawa, and myself). After Riven was complete, Robyn left and I took over the reigns as Art Director, which I've been ever since.
(06/26 22:01:19) JStaub: ...A few years ago I also took on the role of Visual Design Director, which means in addition to managing the Art Dept., I also do the concept design work for the ages...
(06/26 22:01:42) JStaub: How's that? Probably more than you wanted to know I bet. :)
(06/26 22:01:57) DRCLVortmax1: Nah, that's great!
(06/26 22:02:13) JStaub: Did everyone get that or did I forget to use /shout?
(06/26 22:02:25) Tyion: got it
(06/26 22:02:30) Sithly: I got it
(06/26 22:02:31) DRCLVortmax1: So, do you have any juicy tidbits for us? Anything new and exciting on Live?
(06/26 22:02:44) DRCLVortmax1: We hear DESTRUCTION IS COMING. What is this?
(06/26 22:02:53) JStaub: Is that my first official question? ;)
(06/26 22:02:54) DRCLVortmax1 grins
(06/26 22:03:02) DRCLVortmax1: Semi-official
(06/26 22:03:15) JStaub: Unfortunately, there's no way I can let you in on THAT juicy tidbit :)
(06/26 22:03:23) DRCLVortmax1: Awww, okay
(06/26 22:03:23) DRCLeri1: aww
(06/26 22:03:26) DRCLeri1: ;)
(06/26 22:03:39) JStaub: I'm sure you've got plenty of theories :)
(06/26 22:03:44) JStaub: next?
(06/26 22:03:47) DRCLVortmax1: Okay, let's move on to the questions. Remember, if you've got one, PM me with 'question', and I'll call on you in turn.
(06/26 22:03:53) DRCLVortmax1: Marten, let's start with you
(06/26 22:03:57) Marten: In another Town Hall meeting, Marie Sutherland of the DRC has mentioned that the DRC is focusing on content with "repeatable" value. Can you expound upon what that means for the pipeline in an OOC sense?
(06/26 22:04:40) JStaub: Sure. W
(06/26 22:05:12) JStaub: Without getting TOO specific, I think we are always going to want to find a balance between the types of ages that we make available...
(06/26 22:06:06) JStaub: One type of age we feel is important is one that can be played over and over again and be most puzzle ages, you get through the age, and for many people it feels "over"
(06/26 22:07:32) JStaub: we want to try and come up with some ages that are fun no matter how many times you play example of this might be an age that is still interesting visually, and perhaps has some puzzle elements, but is also one that can encourage friendly competition of sorts...I'm NOT talking about leveling or anything like that, just simply providing players with something fun to do, that they may want to challenge eachother with
(06/26 22:09:09) JStaub: for example, we would love to provide a vehicle in an age at some point...I'm not saying we can do that NOW, but we would like to...well, you provide a couple of vehicles in an age, and guess what? people are going to want to race. :) Again, I'm not saying you HAVE to race in this age, but it is something that people WILL do because it's there
(06/26 22:09:24) JStaub: Again, we would like to find a good balance :) Make sense?
(06/26 22:09:34) JStaub: next?
(06/26 22:09:36) DRCLVortmax1: Yali, your question?
(06/26 22:10:23) DRCLVortmax1: Yali? You there?
(06/26 22:10:32) Yali: yes
(06/26 22:10:42) Marten: Yali, use /shout
(06/26 22:11:46) Yali: My qurestion nis will Uru Live's story follow the logical continuation of the original plot that was ended at ABM, or will it be something entirely new
(06/26 22:12:39) JStaub: There will be new elements, but essentially I think it is safe to say that it will be somewhat of a continuation
(06/26 22:12:51) JStaub: next?
(06/26 22:12:52) DRCLVortmax1: A.Lingo, your turn!
(06/26 22:12:55) A.Lingo: Could you talk about the design concept of Eder Delin?
(06/26 22:13:09) JStaub: anything specific about it?
(06/26 22:13:24) A.Lingo: :) If you could.
(06/26 22:14:01) JStaub: Well, it is a garden age of course (thus the Eder), so it will share some similarities to Eder Kemo and Eder Gira
(06/26 22:14:07) A.Lingo: How does it relate to the "Garden fad" of the D'ni, what was the idea that made it different than Gira and Komo?
(06/26 22:14:24) Yali: Question no. 2
(06/26 22:14:58) JStaub: ...but at the same time it will be different. Some of the architecture will be the same (because it is sort've standard "Dni" garden architecture) but the environment will be different
(06/26 22:15:10) JStaub: Have you seen images of it?
(06/26 22:15:21) DRCLVortmax1: We've just seen the image Marie provided
(06/26 22:15:42) JStaub: Okay, I'm aware of the one you're talking about...
(06/26 22:16:18) JStaub: ...The look and feel of the garden will be a little more mysterious than the others, but still have the feel of a garden,...somewhat calm in a way
(06/26 22:16:21) JStaub: next?
(06/26 22:16:25) Darryl Pogue: Hopefully you can say this without causing trouble, but any chance you could give us the name of the Physics engine used in Uru Live? You were mentioning this morning that it caused trouble with some of the current Ages due to the slight nuances between engines.
(06/26 22:16:30) DRCLVortmax1: Darryl?
(06/26 22:17:47) JStaub: I actually don't think I can provide the name contractually at this point unfortunately...sorry. I'm sure we will be able to comment on it soon. But yes, there are differences between the physics engines and so much of what we are working on now is getting the ABM ages to work with the new physics engine
(06/26 22:18:09) JStaub: next?
(06/26 22:18:16) DRCLVortmax1: vid?
(06/26 22:18:18) vid: This one is courtesy of Spock from the surface: Are there plans to add ages that we've seen previously to Uru Live? Such as the various Myst based ages? Even worlds with puzzles removed, it'd be nice to revisit certain areas with others.
(06/26 22:20:03) JStaub: We have talked a lot about that actually, and judging from the poll on it is obvious that visiting previous ages (myst I ages for example) is something many of you would like to see...I can't say any of them specifically, but we would also like to explore those :)
(06/26 22:20:59) JStaub: Incorporating some of the previous ages would definitely make URU feel like the "ultimate" universe of the Myst franchise, and that is something that is exciting to me...of course, so is making new stuff :)
(06/26 22:21:07) JStaub: next?
(06/26 22:21:09) DRCLVortmax1: Thend, you're up next!
(06/26 22:21:11) Thend: While the Pipeline is being filled and tested before Live, can Cyan please possibly release the specific current Until Uru subscription/invitation figures, and update them publicly on, say, a weekly or biweekly basis as an incentive for explorers to create and hit certain goals in our grassroots drive to bring new folks on-board and generate outside interest in Uru and Live?
(06/26 22:22:21) JStaub: I understand your question, but I'm really not the best person to ask...I appreciate your desire to reach goals of bringing lots of people to URU! :)
(06/26 22:22:46) JStaub: next?
(06/26 22:22:49) Marten: At this morning's TH, you mentioned adding multiplayer support to ages that never had it. Is this work in progress now, planned for the opening of Uru Live or sometime after? If after, how long after (so we get a feel for how long things take in the pipeline)? (I won't ask which ages; I can guess.)
(06/26 22:24:55) JStaub: Wow, good questions. Well, like I mentioned this morning, most of what we are working on right now is just getting the ABM ages working...believe me, I fully understand that is not the most glamorous thing to be working on leading up to live, but it is obviously the most critical...beyond that, we plan on attacking those "ages that you can guess" and releasing them amongst hopefully new bits of content...
(06/26 22:26:02) JStaub: ...that may change of course, we have the ability to move things around in the pipeline...obviously, we are intimately familiar with those ages so theoretically we could complete them sooner than new content...but we also need to balance that with the idea that many players have already seen that content and are looking for new items as well
(06/26 22:27:19) JStaub: Again, we want to create something that appeals to a broad range of people...many people will want to incorporate things they are already familiar with (thus filling the ultimate D'ni universe) while others may want new places to explore...
(06/26 22:27:24) JStaub: next?
(06/26 22:27:26) DRCLVortmax1: Yali?
(06/26 22:27:48) Yali: Is there a chance that we will revisit Tay. I'd LOVE to see more of it.
(06/26 22:28:00) DRCLVortmax1: As a note: There's still plenty of time, and plenty of space left in the queue. PM me with 'question' if you have one.
(06/26 22:28:49) Tyion: Ubisoft has some control over some of Uru's content my question is has Cyan gotten back any of it?
(06/26 22:29:02) DRCLVortmax1: I'll add you Tyion :)
(06/26 22:29:26) Tyion: sry i thought i sent that to you vort
(06/26 22:29:34) JStaub: I would say we are open to exploring many of those places...but yes, Ubisoft still owns Myst III and IV content I believe
(06/26 22:29:43) JStaub: next?
(06/26 22:29:48) DRCLVortmax1: Sithly?
(06/26 22:29:50) Sithly: As far as the Story line hearing Destruction is coming makes me hope there is some type of Vilian or bad guy added to the story line.. is that something you can comment on?
(06/26 22:30:47) JStaub: Hmmm.
(06/26 22:31:25) Sithly: ohh that must be a yes :)
(06/26 22:31:27) JStaub: I think with any good storyline there is to where the tension comes from I won't say at this point. :)
(06/26 22:31:38) JStaub: How's that for vague?! :)
(06/26 22:31:42) JStaub: next?
(06/26 22:31:43) DRCLVortmax1: I've got a question. You said this morning that you work on avatar stuff too. So if, say, the Liaisons wanted a shirt or a hat or something, we'd come to you?
(06/26 22:32:25) DRCLVortmax1 grins
(06/26 22:33:08) JStaub: Well, technically you could do that, but of course everything would have to be prioritized...I'm not saying we WON'T do that, but there's a lot of other stuff to do right now! ;)
(06/26 22:33:23) JStaub: next?
(06/26 22:33:25) DRCLVortmax1: Of course. :) Marten, you had another question?
(06/26 22:33:30) Marten: Are alternative neighborhood layouts and/or customizations in the near pipeline?
(06/26 22:33:55) Marten: (e.g., Kirel from To D'ni)
(06/26 22:34:31) JStaub: Alternative neighborhoods and customizations are definitely something we would like to do...b
(06/26 22:34:55) JStaub: ...but is not yet a priority in the pipeline (I said "yet') ;()
(06/26 22:35:02) JStaub: next?
(06/26 22:35:27) DRCLVortmax1: Another one from me, serious this time. Can you elaborate a bit on the differences and similarities between Kemo and Delin?
(06/26 22:36:30) JStaub: Well, like I mentioned, structurally they will be somewhat similar...Delin is quite a bit smaller, but at the same time the atmosphere is more dense, so in some ways it feels bigger than it really is
(06/26 22:37:43) JStaub: also feels much different...Delin is more mysterious...there is a lot more blue, peach, pink, purplish hues, while Kemo is much brighter (unless it's raining of course!)
(06/26 22:37:53) JStaub: next?
(06/26 22:37:55) DRCLVortmax1: A.Lingo, you're next!
(06/26 22:38:04) A.Lingo: As the ABM ages are being modified for the new physics engine, will there be any visible modifications to the ages? I.E., new items, new details? Or is it strictly a back-to-working-order job currently? It would be interesting to see that the ages have "aged".
(06/26 22:38:57) vid: Like repairing broken walkways in Teledahn?
(06/26 22:39:00) JStaub: Well, we haven't specifically been working on "aging" the ages, but there may be some new things...additionally, there may be new things added over time after launch to keep those ABM ages fresh
(06/26 22:39:30) JStaub: next?
(06/26 22:39:31) DRCLVortmax1: Tyion?
(06/26 22:39:47) A.Lingo: Like a 25 cent shroomie binolcular station?
(06/26 22:39:57) JStaub: lol :)
(06/26 22:40:16) Tyion: sry
(06/26 22:40:52) Tyion: you said Ubi owned myst3 and 4 dose that mean all uru content is owned by cyan including myst5?
(06/26 22:41:30) JStaub: I believe Ubisoft still has Myst V as well...but I personally would like to get my hands on that stuff. :) We'll see
(06/26 22:41:49) Tyion: cool thanks.
(06/26 22:42:01) JStaub: We spent a lot of time and effort on those ages, it would be nice to incorporate them if possible...
(06/26 22:42:03) JStaub: next?
(06/26 22:42:15) DRCLVortmax1: Leh'roi?
(06/26 22:42:18) Leh'roi: When Uru Live returns, will that also be the return of the DRC to the cavern and the story?
(06/26 22:43:33) JStaub: Hmmm. I probably should wait and let the story unfold...I think it's safe to say that the DRC will still have some sort of presence
(06/26 22:43:41) JStaub: next?
(06/26 22:43:45) DRCLVortmax1: Eleri?
(06/26 22:43:47) DRCLeri1: will we see any new concept art from you before Live?
(06/26 22:44:11) JStaub: I imagine least a tease or two :)
(06/26 22:44:19) JStaub: next?
(06/26 22:44:23) DRCLVortmax1: Thend?
(06/26 22:44:32) Thend: In Live, will we get to actually see and/or communicate/interact with the Bahro?
(06/26 22:44:44) DRCLVortmax1: We have space for one or two more questions. PM me with 'question' if you want in
(06/26 22:45:15) JStaub: Hmmm. (Do you notice I always say Hmmm when I'm trying to figure out what I should say?) :)
(06/26 22:45:21) JStaub: :)
(06/26 22:45:50) JStaub: Uhm, there is more we would like to do with the to communicating with them or interacting with them, that remains to be seen
(06/26 22:45:54) JStaub: next?
(06/26 22:45:59) DRCLVortmax1: KDT
(06/26 22:46:01) KDT: Adding onto Eleri's question, will we see anymore actual screenshots of completed ages before Live's launch? That has always been a big tradition with Myst titles to tease us with various screenshots leading up to a release.
(06/26 22:47:27) JStaub: It's possible you will see some screenshots before Live's've got a shot of Delin already, but it's possible you might see more
(06/26 22:47:30) JStaub: next?
(06/26 22:47:33) DRCLVortmax1: vid?
(06/26 22:47:50) vid: This one's from me... who also hopes to be working under you in the next ten years or so... can you give us any details about the starting time for Beta? And how starting in Beta will reflect starting in Live? Like the journey beginning?
(06/26 22:49:04) JStaub: Beta will begin when the game is stable, and we've got the ABM ages and any other bits of content running properly...unfortunately, technically speaking, we're not there yet
(06/26 22:49:29) JStaub: ...but hopefully it won't be much longer
(06/26 22:49:34) JStaub: next?
(06/26 22:49:35) DRCLVortmax1: Yali?
(06/26 22:49:36) Yali: I don't know if you already answered this already, is there a chance that we might revisit Tay? I would LOVE to see the rest of that Age.
(06/26 22:50:15) JStaub: Well, I didn't discuss Tay speficially, but we're open to looking into any of the old stuff if reasonably possible
(06/26 22:50:38) JStaub: "specifically"
(06/26 22:50:41) JStaub: :)
(06/26 22:50:45) JStaub: next?
(06/26 22:50:51) DRCLVortmax1: Thend?
(06/26 22:50:53) Thend: Kodoma said that the apartments in the Hoods would be able to be entered or something like that, can you elaborate on those specific changes and will the individual units be alotted ('bought up' or 'rented') to a specific explorer each because of their fixed numbers?
(06/26 22:52:18) JStaub: We have no plans on renting or allowing explorers to rent space in the cavern :) It is possible that at some point we may open up rooms so as to provide additional content in the hoods
(06/26 22:52:24) JStaub: next?
(06/26 22:52:29) DRCLVortmax1: Eleri?
(06/26 22:52:42) DRCLeri1: When it comes time for fan-made ages, how do you see your job impacting those designs?
(06/26 22:54:45) JStaub: Good question. Well, we've talked about a variety of different things regarding fan made ages. I think ultimately we would love to allow people a lot of freedom to create their own content, but if we do that, then we would also separate ourselves from that content other words, we would need to provide a way for explorers to visit content made by fans, but it would be clearly not be CYAN content, and would be promoted as such...we would still like to find a way...
(06/26 22:55:22) vid: FIND A WAY! MAKE A HOME!
(06/26 22:55:26) vid: ...sorry >_>
(06/26 22:55:40) DRCLeri1: (bad vid!)
(06/26 22:55:40) JStaub: ...for that content to be accessed in game of course, but we would try and find a story reason for that to make sense...why these other perhaps "volatile" ages exist, and that you are on your own as an explorer if you choose to adventure into them...
(06/26 22:56:32) JStaub: ...granted, there is a LOT of thinking and discussing we need to do along those lines and we aren't very close to that point yet...we are committed to doing it, but there are "bigger fish to fry" so to speak :)
(06/26 22:56:35) JStaub: next?
(06/26 22:56:36) DRCLVortmax1: And our last question is from KDT
(06/26 22:56:38) KDT: Will Cyan give an official public statement when Beta begins? Because I know that testers won't even be able to mention that they're testing due to the NDA.
(06/26 22:57:26) JStaub: I would certainly think there would be a public announcement. I would be very surprised if there wasn't. :)
(06/26 22:57:49) DRCLVortmax1: I'd like to thank Josh Staub again for attending our interrogation! Um, I mean, speaking with us tonight.
(06/26 22:57:54) KDT claps his hands
(06/26 22:57:56) Darryl Pogue: Thanks Josh, you've certainly given us something to ponder.
(06/26 22:57:59) DRCLeri1 cheers
(06/26 22:58:02) DRCLVortmax1 cheers
(06/26 22:58:03) Taba claps her hands
(06/26 22:58:04) vid cheers
(06/26 22:58:04) Thend claps his hands
(06/26 22:58:07) JStaub: That it? Thanks everyone for coming. I hope I've been of some help to you all :)
(06/26 22:58:07) Sithly: thank you Josh
(06/26 22:58:08) Dalken Starbyne claps his hands
(06/26 22:58:14) JStaub: *blush*
(06/26 22:58:26) DRCLVortmax1: You've been a great speaker Josh. Keep up the great work, and thanks from all of us :)
(06/26 22:58:27) KDT: thanks for visiting us
(06/26 22:58:33) Thend nods his head
(06/26 22:58:34) DRCLeri1: before you take off, would you pose for pics?
(06/26 22:58:44) JStaub: My pleasure! Ha! Sure, I'll pose for pix
(06/26 22:58:52) DRCLVortmax1: Yeah, everyone wants pics of the folks here
(06/26 22:58:57) vid: Yes please! I need a photo for the Age Linker's Guide!
(06/26 22:58:59) JStaub: Were would you like me to stand?
(06/26 22:59:16) JStaub: I didn't pose for pictures this morning, I hope no one was offended *blush*
(06/26 22:59:21) vid: next to the podium would be great, if that's ok
(06/26 22:59:31) JStaub: Ok
(06/26 22:59:34) DRCLVortmax1: Amala, feel free to take pics now :)
(06/26 23:00:02) JStaub: Is HERE ok?
(06/26 23:00:03) DRCLVortmax1: And thanks to all of you for coming!
(06/26 23:00:21) Thend: Thanks to the Liaisons!
(06/26 23:00:28) Thend claps his hands
(06/26 23:00:41) JStaub: Yeah, thanks to everyone for coming, and to the liaisons for their coordinating the event :)
(06/26 23:00:45) DRCLVortmax1: See you again in 10 days! Keep up with all the latest info at our site,
(06/26 23:00:45) Stagetree (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/26 23:03:15) DRCLVortmax1: The next Town Hall meeting will be Thursday, July 6 (tentatively), and the IC counterpart to this one. "New Ages" with the DRC
(06/26 23:03:43) Ehren: okay wow yeah standing did make a big difference
(06/26 23:04:04) A.Lingo does a dance
(06/26 23:04:05) DRCLeri1: Thanks everyone for coming!
(06/26 23:04:07) SuperGram: yes it did...32 people and no one crashed
(06/26 23:04:09) Dalken Starbyne cheers
(06/26 23:04:10) DRCLVortmax1: Yeah, I think Mark Dev hit something with this "sitting avvies cause memory leakage" theory
(06/26 23:04:21) SuperGram: next time try more people
(06/26 23:04:29) Leh'roi: apperently it was more than jsut a theory
(06/26 23:04:41) DRCLeri1: it works great!
(06/26 23:04:41) JStaub: yeah, no one crashed this morning either...and everyone was standing
(06/26 23:04:45) SuperGram: I think Ehren was right
(06/26 23:04:54) Dalken Starbyne does a dance
(06/26 23:05:10) SuperGram: the avie slight movement keeps the avie from timing out.
(06/26 23:05:13) JStaub: Ok everyone, it's time for me to head home...thanks again! :)
(06/26 23:05:14) A.Lingo: See kids? Standing is good for you.
(06/26 23:05:22) A.Lingo: Goodnight.
(06/26 23:05:22) DRCLVortmax1: Thanks Josh :D
(06/26 23:05:23) Leh'roi: thanks josh
(06/26 23:05:28) Leh'roi: good night
(06/26 23:05:28) Dalken Starbyne: Bye Josh!
(06/26 23:05:32) Dalken Starbyne waves
(06/26 23:05:35) SuperGram: I've got to go...Goodnight everyone and thank you Josh
(06/26 23:05:36) DRCLeri1: although it makes my feet hurt just watching everyone stand for an hour
(06/26 23:05:37) A.Lingo waves
(06/26 23:05:37) Thend: Seeya Mr. Staub
(06/26 23:05:51) DRCLeri1: thanks bunches Josh!
(06/26 23:05:52) DRCLVortmax1: Ah, an hour is nothing. I stand longer than that at work usually :)
(06/26 23:05:56) Thend: Seeya SG
(06/26 23:06:13) ...Chat.log stopped.