Reference:2006-07-18 DRC Liaison Vortmax mini Town Hall

From Guild of Archivists

(07/18 22:05:15) Chat.log started...
(07/18 22:07:57) DRCLVortmax1: We're going to go ahead and start now. Normally I'd say keep the crosstalk down, but tonight I'm relaxed, so feel free to make jokes and comments
(07/18 22:07:58) Robin Lionheart: Oh, I'll have to go try to see Phil then
(07/18 22:08:00) Cubkyle: My ram had almost no change. I don't know that keeping your Ki open is that bad after all. Please /shout people. Can't hear you out here!
(07/18 22:08:04) DRCLVortmax1: I may not even need the queue, but w'ell see
(07/18 22:08:13) DRCLVortmax1: Ireen, what did you want to know?
(07/18 22:08:28) DRCLVortmax1: Remember to /shout
(07/18 22:08:31) ireenquench: omg its not prepared....LOL
(07/18 22:08:36) DRCLVortmax1 laughs
(07/18 22:08:40) DRCLVortmax1: Take your time
(07/18 22:08:53) ireenquench: well i have a question about the TH format, who came up with it?
(07/18 22:09:05) Robin Lionheart raises her hand
(07/18 22:09:37) Andy12: I MISS PATH O THE SHELL
(07/18 22:09:43) DRCLVortmax1: Ummmm... I really don't remember. It just kind of came together. We were going "We must find a way to keep order, so the speaker isn't getting flooding with questions"
(07/18 22:10:02) DRCLVortmax1: We figured a moderated system would be best, but we really wanted you to ask your own questions too
(07/18 22:10:17) ireenquench: (can I follow up?)
(07/18 22:10:25) DRCLVortmax1: We actually started with having people /wave to get on the list, but that changed after we realized it was hard to keep up with it.
(07/18 22:10:33) DRCLVortmax1: So we went to the PM system, which has worked quite well so far :)
(07/18 22:10:47) DRCLVortmax1: Wolfie, feel free to jump in and correct me if I'm getting anything wrong :D
(07/18 22:11:05) DRCLVortmax1: Follow up, ireen?
(07/18 22:11:06) CAGrayWolf: You're doing fine.
(07/18 22:11:19) Unicorn: was there an answer to the first part?
(07/18 22:11:22) ireenquench: My question wasnt so much directed as the moderating techniques and procedural things during the TH meeting
(07/18 22:11:58) DRCLVortmax1: I don't quite understand, I guess.
(07/18 22:12:20) DRCLVortmax1: What do you mean?
(07/18 22:12:21) ireenquench: I mean, for example, who had the idea, who comes up with the topics, what happens to pre-pmed questions (it seems more all open at the meetings)
(07/18 22:12:49) DRCLVortmax1: Ah, okay. Well, the DRC gave us the idea. This is apparently somethign they wanted to do back in Prologue, but never managed to do it.
(07/18 22:13:20) DRCLVortmax1: we came up with the topics by listening to you guys, and figuring out what you seemed to want to know the most.
(07/18 22:13:46) DRCLVortmax1: Then we went to the DRC and gave them the topics. We also figured out it would be smart to do IC meetings with the DRC, and OOC meetings with Cyan
(07/18 22:14:29) DRCLVortmax1: The pre-sent questions usually get sent to the speaker, and we leave it up to them how and whether to answer those questions, then move on to the open floor.
(07/18 22:14:48) ireenquench: ty
(07/18 22:14:56) DRCLVortmax1: Okay, IanWatson?
(07/18 22:14:59) IanWatson: What are the downsides to the job?
(07/18 22:15:07) DRCLVortmax1 chuckles
(07/18 22:15:24) DRCLVortmax1: Really, the worst part for me is that everyone seems to think we have some kind of power. We really don't.
(07/18 22:16:25) IanWatson: Wolf? Anything on your side?
(07/18 22:16:30) DRCLVortmax1: We've got just a touch more direct access to the DRC than you guys, but really, they don't tell us much more than they tell you :D
(07/18 22:16:43) DRCLVortmax1: Oh, and there's the key to the bathroom :D
(07/18 22:16:58) ireenquench thinks realizing that there is "hidden powers" in a job like that is a wise thing
(07/18 22:17:18) IanWatson: About what I figured. Thanks. :)
(07/18 22:17:19) Robin Lionheart: Aw, you DRC get to go into all the cool locked rooms :)
(07/18 22:18:00) DRCLVortmax1: Johnathan? What question can I dodge for you?
(07/18 22:18:03) Jonathan: My question is to all Liaisons, and any not here can post their answers to the fourms: Briefs, boxers, panties, or natural? :) Too bad I crashed before I could ask Rand this morning. Personally, I coulnd't find any briefs in my Relto, so I guess you know my answer. If anyone can help, let me know.
(07/18 22:18:18) DRCLVortmax1: Boxerbriefs, thanks :D
(07/18 22:18:34) CAGrayWolf: sorry goota go
(07/18 22:18:35) DRCLVortmax1: (Now that you've got that image in your heads...)
(07/18 22:18:42) DRCLVortmax1: Awww, so long Wolfie.
(07/18 22:18:56) IanWatson: Later, Wolf. Thanks for dropping in.
(07/18 22:18:59) IanWatson: And I missed him.
(07/18 22:19:07) DRCLVortmax1: Right, it's just me then. I shall be lying to you all night from this point forward!
(07/18 22:19:09) DRCLVortmax1 laughs
(07/18 22:19:19) DRCLVortmax1: Unicorn! How may I help you?
(07/18 22:19:22) Unicorn: lag was a big problem this morning at meeting, for UL what capacity will neighborhoods have?
(07/18 22:19:50) DRCLVortmax1: That's waaaay beyond my info. I hear we hit 96 this morning, and on the St. Pat's Day parade, we hit 116 in that 'hood.
(07/18 22:20:11) DRCLVortmax1: I can tell you that Cyan is working on the lag issue for Live, but I wouldn't expect to see any improvements here.
(07/18 22:20:25) DRCLVortmax1: Ian?
(07/18 22:20:28) IanWatson: Any suggestions for prospective future Liaisons in the audience such as myself? ;)
(07/18 22:20:44) IanWatson grins
(07/18 22:20:53) Andy12: Can i have a question?
(07/18 22:21:01) DRCLVortmax1: Talk to everyone. Try to help people -- they remember you for that. Be friendly and helpful. That's what I did, and it seems to have gotten me elected!
(07/18 22:21:23) Jonathan: And teach them to stand on invisible floors, eh Vort?
(07/18 22:21:26) DRCLVortmax1: Also, be ready to work without a whole lot of guidelines on anything. The DRC likes to say "Hey! We want you to do this. You figure out how." :D
(07/18 22:21:41) IanWatson: Right. Cut the sneering derision. Check. ;)
(07/18 22:22:05) DRCLVortmax1: I do hope the next group can learn from what we've done though, and they have an easier time. We really have built this job from the ground up, and while it's not what we expected, I think it's worked out well.
(07/18 22:22:21) DRCLVortmax1: Andy, you're on the list. Ireen's next :)
(07/18 22:22:24) ireenquench: So far, from what can be seen in public, the L job is mostly that of an "event manager", cross poster, coordinator of that event, and supplying info to the DRCL site.... is there more to it? And has the DRC been a little more forthcoming about the job description to you?
(07/18 22:23:15) DRCLVortmax1: That's really about it so far. At the first meeting, they said "We want to do Town Halls, you figure out how to do it."
(07/18 22:23:52) DRCLVortmax1: Wolfie built up the list of forums, and he handles posting the announcements EVERYWHERE.
(07/18 22:24:01) ireenquench nods her head
(07/18 22:24:01) DRCLVortmax1: He also got the translation team together.
(07/18 22:24:47) DRCLVortmax1: And otherwise, we try to coordinate the meetings, pick the topics, and keep things running smoothly at those meetings.
(07/18 22:24:57) DRCLVortmax1: And then we try to get that information spread as far and wide as we can.
(07/18 22:25:07) DRCLVortmax1: Andy, your question?
(07/18 22:25:12) Andy12: Why wasn't path of the Shell on UU?
(07/18 22:25:43) DRCLVortmax1: Andy, UU is merely what Prologue was at shutdown. The PotS Ages were never added, because Live was shut down too soon.
(07/18 22:26:03) DRCLVortmax1: However, it HAS been confirmed that you WILL see the PotS Ages in the new Live. Eventually. :D
(07/18 22:26:09) DRCLVortmax1: Robin?
(07/18 22:26:44) Robin Lionheart: thanks.
(07/18 22:26:46) DRCLVortmax1: (Sorry, I'm not able to warn you gyys ahead of time, since I'm running the whole thing myself :D )
(07/18 22:26:50) IanWatson: (The Liaisons are just people like you or me, who help organize community events with the DRC or Cyan. They aren't employees of either organization, and really don't have insider access to any information that we don't already know.)
(07/18 22:26:56) Robin Lionheart: I'd like to see a TM with RAWA
(07/18 22:27:03) DRCLVortmax1: so would we Robin :D
(07/18 22:27:09) Robin Lionheart: Could we get the professor down to talk about D'ni culture?
(07/18 22:27:15) DRCLVortmax1: We'll do our best to drag him down here, kicking and screaming :D
(07/18 22:27:26) Robin Lionheart: Yay. Also, can i have a DRC hardhat? :)
(07/18 22:27:57) DRCLVortmax1: As soon as I get one Robin, you'll get one :D
(07/18 22:28:04) DRCLVortmax1: Okay, Jon?
(07/18 22:28:07) Jonathan: Will the current Liaison website be available to future Liaisons to use, or will they need to reinvent themselves?
(07/18 22:28:37) DRCLVortmax1: We plan to pass both the DRCL site and the private DRCL forum on to the next group.
(07/18 22:28:50) DRCLVortmax1: that way they can see what we've done so far, and why, and hopefully learn from it.
(07/18 22:28:58) DRCLVortmax1: Of course, they're welcome to set up their own elsewhere!
(07/18 22:29:04) DRCLVortmax1: Aro?
(07/18 22:29:17) From Aro-Ron Chynn in Town Hall 1 (148) Neighborhood: what was your first reaction and/or thoughs when you got elected liaison?
(07/18 22:29:22) Aro-Ron Chynn: oops
(07/18 22:29:23) Jonathan: I'd like to point out of the log, with Vid's arrival, that he was a candidate who has always been very helpful and curtious down here.
(07/18 22:29:34) DRCLVortmax1 laughs
(07/18 22:29:36) Aro-Ron Chynn: what was your first reaction and/or thoughts when you got elected?
(07/18 22:29:37) vid blinks
(07/18 22:29:43) DRCLVortmax1: Campaigning already, are we?
(07/18 22:30:00) vid: Apparently? :)
(07/18 22:30:21) DRCLVortmax1: Aro, I was floored. I honestly never expected to get elected. I wasn't as popular as many other candidates (or so I thought), and didn't have the name recognition.
(07/18 22:30:53) DRCLVortmax1: Then after I got over the shock and excitement, I was really touched. You guys trusted me enough to elect me as basically an information passer, who had to be trusted to do this right.
(07/18 22:31:18) DRCLVortmax1: Oh, you silly, silly people. Trusting me...
(07/18 22:31:19) IanWatson cheers
(07/18 22:31:20) DRCLVortmax1 laughs
(07/18 22:31:27) Aro-Ron Chynn: lol
(07/18 22:31:42) DRCLVortmax1: Anyway, yeah, I'm really happy to have made it, and I do hope I've done a good job too.
(07/18 22:31:47) DRCLVortmax1: Robin again?
(07/18 22:31:52) Robin Lionheart: Okay
(07/18 22:31:57) DRCLVortmax1: Or did you get your two in?
(07/18 22:32:04) Robin Lionheart: I really think the office is not a good place to keep that map
(07/18 22:32:18) Robin Lionheart: You might get some newbies around here once in a while
(07/18 22:32:29) Robin Lionheart: and by the time they see the map there it'll be long past when they need it
(07/18 22:32:43) DRCLVortmax1: Which map?
(07/18 22:32:52) DRCLVortmax1: Oh, the one of Ae'gura?
(07/18 22:32:54) IanWatson: The DRC map that used to be by the tent.
(07/18 22:32:56) Robin Lionheart: the Ae'gura map that used to be in Tokotah
(07/18 22:32:58) Robin Lionheart: yeah
(07/18 22:33:10) DRCLVortmax1: I don't have any control over that, unfortunately. But I can ask the DRC to put it out again.
(07/18 22:33:27) DRCLVortmax1: vid?
(07/18 22:33:36) DRCLVortmax1: VID VID VID! :p
(07/18 22:33:43) vid: hush, you can't do it :P
(07/18 22:33:49) DRCLVortmax1 laughs
(07/18 22:34:04) vid: I don't really have a question, but rather a statement that's been bugging me all day
(07/18 22:34:06) DRCLVortmax1: (If you can't tell, I like to make jokes)
(07/18 22:34:13) vid: FIND A WAY!!!! MAKE A HOME!!!!!!
(07/18 22:34:20) vid: k. I'm good.
(07/18 22:34:22) vid shrugs
(07/18 22:34:24) DRCLVortmax1 grins
(07/18 22:34:26) Aro-Ron Chynn: lol
(07/18 22:34:31) DRCLVortmax1: Right. ireen then?
(07/18 22:34:54) ireenquench: Speaking of "information passing" and "asking the DRC "... have you done that allready, passed on stuff from explorers to DRC and back
(07/18 22:35:53) DRCLVortmax1: Well, we haven't gotten to do that part of the job as much as we'd like. It's mostly been just setting up these meetings, where you get to ask your questions of someone who will (hopefully) know the answer
(07/18 22:36:34) DRCLVortmax1: We have taken some questions and concerns to the DRC, both in the Cavern and through other means (PMs and e-mail on the Surface), but as you well know, the DRC are masterful at dodging questions. :)
(07/18 22:37:05) DRCLVortmax1: Okay, Jon, yet again?
(07/18 22:37:09) Jonathan: When the Liaisons chose the TMH topics, did you simply submit them to Cyan/DRC and have them accepted verbatim, or were there some modifications or rejections? Any examples?
(07/18 22:38:02) DRCLVortmax1: Actually no, Marie took them as is and said it would work great. We did have to move some things around to fit schedules, as you've seen most recently with Rand's meeting
(07/18 22:38:49) DRCLVortmax1: But overall, our topics went off just as planned.
(07/18 22:38:52) DRCLVortmax1: Andy?
(07/18 22:39:19) Andy12: How will we be able 2 write ages in live?
(07/18 22:39:58) DRCLVortmax1: Ah, I'd suggest you read this morning's chatlog (when the DRCL site is back up). At first, they plan to give you plugins for software like 3D Studio, but eventually they plan to make it easier for the non-techies out there.
(07/18 22:40:24) Jonathan: GW also posted it on the DRC site.
(07/18 22:40:30) DRCLVortmax1: But it will be some time before those tools are even available. Cyan is working on getting the basics working now. The tools will be coming later.
(07/18 22:40:40) DRCLVortmax1: ireen?
(07/18 22:41:00) ireenquench: Will there be any "open topic" TH meetings with DRC and Cyan soon?
(07/18 22:41:22) DRCLVortmax1: We're actually going to work on that. We have to plan the next round of meetings, which we'll start on after mysterium.
(07/18 22:42:10) DRCLVortmax1: That's been suggested, and it's really something we'd like to do. We went with planned topics for this round, because we wanted to get answers to some of the "big questions" out of the way first.
(07/18 22:42:25) DRCLVortmax1: but in the future, we do plan more "open topic" meetings
(07/18 22:42:28) DRCLVortmax1: Robin?
(07/18 22:43:07) Robin Lionheart: I have a couple small suggestions
(07/18 22:43:23) DRCLVortmax1: Go for it :D
(07/18 22:43:29) Robin Lionheart: for Live you should let the Ki take pictures through the viewers or of papers you pick up and read
(07/18 22:43:48) DRCLVortmax1: Ah, if it's for Live, I can't really help with that. I'd send an e-mail to
(07/18 22:43:58) Robin Lionheart: And more hairstyles!
(07/18 22:44:03) Robin Lionheart: Okay
(07/18 22:44:08) DRCLVortmax1: Sorry :)
(07/18 22:44:11) DRCLVortmax1: Aro?
(07/18 22:44:24) Aro-Ron Chynn: who of the liaisons has the highest 'heek score?
(07/18 22:44:42) DRCLVortmax1: YOu know, I have no idea! Probably not me, I hover around 100
(07/18 22:44:46) Aro-Ron Chynn: *dumb question alert*
(07/18 22:44:48) Aro-Ron Chynn: lol
(07/18 22:45:10) DRCLVortmax1: Though that does give me an idea for a forum post. Let me talk to the others about it, and I'll get back to you.
(07/18 22:45:15) Aro-Ron Chynn: hehe ok
(07/18 22:45:17) DRCLVortmax1: vid?
(07/18 22:45:27) Unicorn: oops...aro, no /shout we can't all read...heheheh:0
(07/18 22:45:42) Aro-Ron Chynn: sorry, still noob
(07/18 22:45:50) DRCLVortmax1: he asked who had the highest 'heek score :)
(07/18 22:46:13) vid: Are the are plans for a tri-pronged town hall with Cyan, the DRC, and the liaisons anytime? It'd be nice to see Cyan and the DRC working together a bit, rather than just transferring funds and comparing life to games.
(07/18 22:47:06) DRCLVortmax1: Hmmm, no plans of yet, but it's something we can look into doing.
(07/18 22:47:41) DRCLVortmax1: They are working together a lot behind the scenes, but it's just not something we see often.
(07/18 22:47:48) DRCLVortmax1: Jon?
(07/18 22:47:49) Jonathan: Please invite both Dr. Watson and RAWA to a mixed meeting of Cyan/DRC. I'd like them to discuss any differing points of view they might have about the D'ni culture. Yeah, Dr. Watson is MIA, but I've heard Liaisons can email him. (I had all this typed in before Vid's question, btw).
(07/18 22:48:15) DRCLVortmax1 laughs
(07/18 22:48:29) vid still thinks they're the same person, trying to fool us :P
(07/18 22:48:41) DRCLVortmax1: Ummm, We can't get ahold of Dr. Watson, but if he returns, I'll be glad to see if we can get him and RAWA here together. Just to prove you wrong, vid!
(07/18 22:48:42) Robin Lionheart chuckles
(07/18 22:48:59) DRCLVortmax1: OKay, ireen?
(07/18 22:49:01) ireenquench: From your personal experiences... and your current expectations on Uru Live... do you think there will be a need for the same type of Ls in Live? As in "event managers"? Or a different job type? Do you see this one as necessary for Live? What would you see as necessary?
(07/18 22:49:30) DRCLVortmax1: Well, without knowing what's coming in Live, I really can't say.
(07/18 22:49:52) DRCLVortmax1: I do see the "event manager" part of the job sticking around, though it may become more story-oriented (just with the DRC).
(07/18 22:50:20) ireenquench: (For one thing : a lot more people, and a lot more happening)
(07/18 22:50:23) DRCLVortmax1: LIke I said, the DRC apparently wanted to do this back in Prologue, but things got shut down before they could get it up and running. I think they'll probably keep it around for Live
(07/18 22:51:05) DRCLVortmax1: And Jonathan, last comment from you, then I have a question or two for you guys
(07/18 22:51:31) Jonathan: Eleri isn't here, so for the log I'd just like to thank her profusely for calling on me for the first question this mornign with Rand. I crashed seconds after he finished his answer, and it was great to have gotten the chance.
(07/18 22:51:42) DRCLVortmax1 smiles
(07/18 22:51:47) DRCLVortmax1: Glad that worked out for you man :)
(07/18 22:52:04) DRCLVortmax1: Okay, so here's my question, and feel free to shout out your answers. I'll read the log later if I get confused.
(07/18 22:52:18) DRCLVortmax1: What do you want to see at the next round of THs, in terms of topics and speakers?
(07/18 22:52:37) ireenquench: Ryan Miller on "Guilds"
(07/18 22:52:48) Robin Lionheart: To reiterate, RAWA
(07/18 22:53:08) vid: Rand, a member of the DRC, and you!
(07/18 22:53:18) Jonathan: Intellectual Property, The Ages, and Uru Live (discuss what can and can't be used, why, and who owns all the game materials).
(07/18 22:53:37) ireenquench: Marie and/or Engberg on: species besides the D'ni
(07/18 22:53:52) IanWatson: I'd like a TH about the restoration of the cavern rather than Ages.
(07/18 22:54:05) DRCLVortmax1: Any more?
(07/18 22:54:16) ireenquench: lots, lemme pop em out
(07/18 22:54:21) ireenquench laughs
(07/18 22:54:23) DRCLVortmax1: Go for it :D
(07/18 22:54:26) DRCLVortmax1 starts to laugh
(07/18 22:54:44) ireenquench: DRC on Cartography
(07/18 22:54:45) Jonathan: Not babies, ireen, just questions.
(07/18 22:54:59) IanWatson: Oo, Cartography.
(07/18 22:55:01) ireenquench: i am pressing as if, only with my brain!
(07/18 22:55:33) DRCLVortmax1: And if you think if any more after the meeting ends, feel free to PM me on any of the forums (DRCsite or UO preferrably)
(07/18 22:55:34) IanWatson: Someone about the D'ni language?
(07/18 22:55:40) ireenquench: DRC on authentic documents, artefacts (for explorers to see)
(07/18 22:56:15) IanWatson: As a random aside, I'd like to see the KI support D'ni time as well as human time.
(07/18 22:56:15) Robin Lionheart: Ian: Like RAWA? :)
(07/18 22:56:25) IanWatson: Yeah, like RAWA. (:
(07/18 22:56:55) DRCLVortmax1: that might actually be a good way to get him down here.
(07/18 22:56:57) Jonathan: The Timeline.
(07/18 22:57:03) ireenquench: DRC about those MIA (like watson, sharper, Nick, ect)
(07/18 22:57:23) Robin Lionheart: speaking of Cartography...
(07/18 22:57:28) IanWatson: What, a language-centric TH? I certainly hope so.
(07/18 22:57:36) ireenquench: ah , yes the timeline, Cyan please
(07/18 22:57:40) Robin Lionheart: Maybe we could have the people who made those nice Guild of Cartographers maps at
(07/18 22:58:07) Robin Lionheart: the GoC website over to talk about how they do it
(07/18 22:58:12) DRCLVortmax1: Would you be interested in town halls with some of the fan groups (GoG, GoC, VoD, etc etc etc)?
(07/18 22:58:20) ireenquench: DRC on Bahro (if thats not included in "other species")
(07/18 22:58:36) IanWatson: Guild of cartographers and D'ni Linguistic Foundation. Yes.
(07/18 22:58:43) Robin Lionheart: Sure!
(07/18 22:58:45) DRCLVortmax1: DLF, that's another good one
(07/18 22:59:01) DRCLVortmax1: I'm not saying it'll happen, or that we have time to organize it, but it's an idea that just hit me :D
(07/18 22:59:11) Jonathan: Not especially, with the fans groups, sorry. Except maybe age builders. That might be interesting.
(07/18 22:59:14) IanWatson: I've been considering a weekly language lesson for those interested, but I don't know if anyone would attend. ;)
(07/18 22:59:28) DRCLVortmax1: Ian: Only to find out is to try it :D
(07/18 22:59:32) ireenquench: DRC on: History books on Kings
(07/18 22:59:59) DRCLVortmax1: Okay, you can keep coming with topics, but I also must know: What did you like and dislike about this first round of meetings, that we can actually try and change?
(07/18 23:00:20) DRCLVortmax1: Keep in mind that lag and crashing are out of our control :D
(07/18 23:00:45) Robin Lionheart: Ian: bodolmahwah
(07/18 23:01:00) IanWatson: Hand out those giant foam novelty "We're number one" hands beforehand.
(07/18 23:01:01) ireenquench: I realize the need for structure and economical organizing, but I would have preferred polls/threads about th meeting topics
(07/18 23:01:12) Jonathan: The topics were good, the organization was good, but post raw chat logs quickly. Take your time with the summaries.
(07/18 23:01:58) ireenquench: I like open meetings , missed them and am looking forward to them
(07/18 23:02:35) ireenquench: I like the structure of the TH meetings (mod stuff) under the conditions
(07/18 23:02:44) Jonathan: Liaison site need easier navigation (gentle recommendation).
(07/18 23:02:55) DRCLVortmax1 listens intently
(07/18 23:03:27) ireenquench: I think the sitting issue could have been resolved earlier by trust in explorers and/or listening closer
(07/18 23:03:59) ireenquench: I miss Gadren on the forums, is he hiding?
(07/18 23:04:00) DRCLVortmax1: On that one ireen, common sense was that sitting reduced lag. Until Mark Dev came to us with his test results, we thought we were doing the right thing based on advice from explorers :D
(07/18 23:04:01) Jonathan: I would not have made it into this mornings meeting with Rand if there were a cap, but it really needed one anyway. For such an important guest, the time available to Rand was more important than the number of people attending.
(07/18 23:04:32) DRCLVortmax1: Gadren's been extremely busy with work and school of late. He's still helping us, but he's not able to appearn in public as much.
(07/18 23:04:40) Aro-Ron Chynn: I must begoing... night all... havea good meeting remainder
(07/18 23:04:51) IanWatson: Night, Aro.
(07/18 23:04:54) DRCLVortmax1: Night Aro :)
(07/18 23:05:13) DRCLVortmax1: Actually, I'm going to wrap this up, as I do have work in the morning. I'd like to thank... well... ME, for comign tonight :D
(07/18 23:05:13) ireenquench: nahh, i mostly meant I miss him as a "normal explorer" I did not know what that was related to
(07/18 23:05:13) Aro-Ron Chynn (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(07/18 23:05:21) vid cheers
(07/18 23:05:22) Robin Lionheart: Oh recently when I leave my wardrobe the camera goes down where the fissure used to be and I get a screen full of brown haze
(07/18 23:05:25) ireenquench cheers
(07/18 23:05:37) DRCLVortmax1: Robin, that's a common bug. Go to first person, andyou'll be fine.
(07/18 23:05:44) Jonathan: In fact, I had to ask Eleri to ask my question for me because after I clicked on her to ask the question, I couldn't get back up the age list to click on age players to ask it.
(07/18 23:05:46) IanWatson cheers
(07/18 23:05:47) DRCLVortmax1: And thanks to all of you folks for being here and tlaking to me
(07/18 23:06:01) DRCLVortmax1: Or even talking!
(07/18 23:06:07) vid: thanks Vort, for a fun meeting, and for all your hard work so far
(07/18 23:06:08) Jonathan claps his hands
(07/18 23:06:14) Jonathan: Thanks Vort!
(07/18 23:06:15) Unicorn: thanks Vort ...very good meeting...
(07/18 23:06:18) ireenquench: thanks a lot Vort, thank you for coming answering Qs and posing some yourself
(07/18 23:06:27) vid: and a thanks to all of the liaisons who were unable to attend as well!
(07/18 23:06:36) Avaric: Thanks Vort
(07/18 23:06:38) DRCLVortmax1: If any of you are interested in trying for this job next time, and want to know more, just ask! In fact, feel free to PM me or the other Liaisons about stuff, and we'll do what we can to help.
(07/18 23:06:46) ireenquench: and please pass my thanks on to the other Ls for the hard work
(07/18 23:06:54) IanWatson: Thanks, Vort. We appreciate the time you took.
(07/18 23:06:55) Jonathan: I think Vid is running?
(07/18 23:07:11) DRCLVortmax1 cheers
(07/18 23:07:14) IanWatson: I'm gunning for the position, too.
(07/18 23:07:19) IanWatson claps his hands
(07/18 23:07:29) ireenquench: gunning? o_O
(07/18 23:07:29) vid will be running, almost certainly
(07/18 23:07:33) Unicorn: yes Vort next time all questions must be asked with giggles
(07/18 23:07:38) DRCLVortmax1: I know you just got onto me for not posting chatlogs quickly, but I hope you'll forgive me if I wait until tomorrow to get this one up :D
(07/18 23:07:46) vid: and if not... well, I'll still be tryig to circumvent their posts as best as I can :)
(07/18 23:08:02) DRCLVortmax1: Heh vid, thanks for that. It's actually been helpful.
(07/18 23:08:24) IanWatson: I think it's fair to warn everyone that I conducted an impromptu vote last week... of course, I couldn't reach all the explorers, so I just assumed each explorer was a representative sample: 100 explorers. So with the three of us present, that means that I have 300 people voting for me.
(07/18 23:08:34) IanWatson: Join the crowd! Don't be left behind! Vote for Ian!
(07/18 23:08:34) DRCLVortmax1: Okay folks, to bed with me! You all have a wonderful night, and thanks again for coming!
(07/18 23:08:44) vid claps his hands
(07/18 23:08:50) ireenquench: ahhh, another suggestion: do more outsourcing, less work for you, more explorer involvement, do not hesitate to ask for help
(07/18 23:08:57) Jonathan: G'nite Vort.
(07/18 23:09:02) DRCLVortmax1 waves
(07/18 23:09:02) DRCLVortmax1: :)
(07/18 23:09:05) ireenquench: nite vort
(07/18 23:09:06) IanWatson: Goodnight, Vort. Thanks again, and take care.
(07/18 23:09:07) Unicorn: good nite all
(07/18 23:09:12) CaptainQuery: Night Vort
(07/18 23:09:12) Unicorn waves
(07/18 23:09:13) Robin Lionheart waves
(07/18 23:09:59) ...Chat.log stopped.