Reference:2007-06-25 Douglas Sharper announces his intention to go to Noloben

From Guild of Archivists

Douglas Sharper tells explorers he is planning to go to Noloben, observe the bahro, and then kill a member of the 'bad bahro.'

Chat.log started...
(06/26 00:04:02) Hugh Sacristan: jo?!
(06/26 00:04:03) Douglas Sharper: Ladies. Gentlemen.
(06/26 00:04:09) Jolinda K: Hugh!!
(06/26 00:04:11) Sam Byard: any news from the front ?
(06/26 00:04:11) Firesign: hows it going?
(06/26 00:04:12) Janine: welcome mr. Sharper :D
(06/26 00:04:15) Hugh Sacristan: Oh my god, Jo!!!
(06/26 00:04:23) Douglas Sharper: Very well, very well. Good day today.
(06/26 00:04:30) Sam Byard: what happened ?
(06/26 00:04:32) Janine: really?? please tell
(06/26 00:04:34) Firesign: how did the meeting with cate go?
(06/26 00:04:38) Hugh Sacristan: What HAVE ytou done to your hair?!
(06/26 00:04:47) Jolinda K: Oh, you--
(06/26 00:04:49) AKA: hi Mr Sharper...nice to see you again
(06/26 00:04:54) Jolinda K punches Hugh Sacristan
(06/26 00:04:56) Douglas Sharper: Little adventure ahead of me. An adventure of revenge one could call it.
(06/26 00:04:59) Janine: hold on folks and let Mr. Sharper speak before pummeling him with questions
(06/26 00:05:06) Sam Byard: starting question moderation
(06/26 00:05:08) Hugh Sacristan: What--
(06/26 00:05:09) Sam Byard: PM me
(06/26 00:05:10) Jolinda K: SSh.
(06/26 00:05:13) Firesign: in neghilan, diug?
(06/26 00:05:24) Chloe: hehe, thanks Sam, was about to suggest that.
(06/26 00:05:28) Firesign: er doug, sorry
(06/26 00:05:28) Douglas Sharper: No, no.. I've been there. The buggers have vanished from there.
(06/26 00:05:37) Firesign: oh, do tell then
(06/26 00:05:41) Sam Byard: are you hunting them still ?
(06/26 00:05:41) [Relayer] Nev9: Uo!
(06/26 00:05:42) Douglas Sharper: Somewhere much more... dangerous. Ha!
(06/26 00:05:53) gelf56: Going to keep you relto book open and your hand just above it this time?
(06/26 00:06:10) Douglas Sharper: He said it himself. I suppose he wants me to go there.
(06/26 00:06:10) UberThend: Sharper, where's that?
(06/26 00:06:18) Douglas Sharper: To find him and kill him myself.
(06/26 00:06:19) Firesign: more dangerous eh? the board room? :)
(06/26 00:06:30) Sam Byard: who is this ?
(06/26 00:06:34) Douglas Sharper: Noloben my friends. Noloben.
(06/26 00:06:37) Firesign: oh wow, who?
(06/26 00:06:41) Janine: wow
(06/26 00:06:42) gelf56: Ohh
(06/26 00:06:44) Nine-O-Nine: eh??
(06/26 00:06:44) Sam Byard: you've been to Noloben !
(06/26 00:06:44) UberThend: huh, interesting
(06/26 00:06:45) Firesign: woah!
(06/26 00:06:48) From Jinanin in Uru Obsession's Bevin: ooooooo
(06/26 00:06:49) Kato: Whoba!
(06/26 00:06:49) Douglas Sharper: I'll be going.
(06/26 00:06:51) From 2jojo in imwithher's Bevin: so what bevion is douglas in
(06/26 00:06:51) Kato: Whyso?
(06/26 00:06:54) From 2jojo in imwithher's Bevin: bevin
(06/26 00:06:55) Douglas Sharper: Found out today.
(06/26 00:06:56) Sam Byard: Escher ?
(06/26 00:06:58) From 2jojo in imwithher's Bevin: and hello
(06/26 00:07:01) From 2jojo in imwithher's Bevin: hehe
(06/26 00:07:02) Firesign: are we talking about esher, doug?
(06/26 00:07:03) To 2jojo: UO
(06/26 00:07:07) Nine-O-Nine: shoot....
(06/26 00:07:08) From 2jojo in imwithher's Bevin: ok
(06/26 00:07:11) From 2jojo in imwithher's Bevin: ty
(06/26 00:07:11) Chloe: Douglas, I had a quick question regarding teledahn, I figured you were the man to ask.
(06/26 00:07:11) Jinanin: Wow
(06/26 00:07:12) Douglas Sharper: I'm getting access to the book. Esher? Good grief no!
(06/26 00:07:26) UberThend: Sharper, why good grief no?
(06/26 00:07:32) Justin: what did u find out???????
(06/26 00:07:36) UberThend: Is he still there/
(06/26 00:07:41) Sam Byard: send PMs to me with questions not about sharpers news
(06/26 00:07:44) Douglas Sharper: The bahro. I'd like to find the one that took down Wheely and take him down.
(06/26 00:07:47) Sam Byard: I'm starting the list
(06/26 00:07:48) Douglas Sharper: I hope he's there.
(06/26 00:07:52) Justin: wat is it????
(06/26 00:07:55) Firesign: oh man
(06/26 00:07:58) Whilyam: You're going to Noloben?
(06/26 00:07:59) Kato: And they're going to let you?!
(06/26 00:08:08) Douglas Sharper: Let me? They want me to go!
(06/26 00:08:08) Justin: What did u "found out today"?
(06/26 00:08:11) Firesign: you know which one it isd??
(06/26 00:08:12) Sam Byard: Douglas There are a few of us that would volenteer to assist you in this hunt
(06/26 00:08:15) Jinanin: Oh my
(06/26 00:08:15) gelf56: But from what you siad last time there to fast for you
(06/26 00:08:18) Gondar: Can you tell them apart yet?
(06/26 00:08:19) UberThend: I'm with you there Sharper, but what if the Bahro are being controlled? Not resoponsible?
(06/26 00:08:23) Justin: noloben eh?
(06/26 00:08:26) From Chloe: thanks Sam, was going to suggest someone do that. put me on the list.
(06/26 00:08:32) From D'nial in Uru Obsession's Bevin: Are you sure that's a good idea Mr. Sharper?
(06/26 00:08:42) Douglas Sharper: I was spooked. They are fast. But they are mortal.
(06/26 00:08:44) From Kal in Kal's Relto: where's sharpy boy
(06/26 00:08:52) Justin: Oooo oooo oooo Sharper can i t ake my picture with u?
(06/26 00:08:53) Douglas Sharper: I'll have to be better prepared this time.
(06/26 00:09:04) Firesign: how will you know which one, doug?
(06/26 00:09:07) Kato: But (as someone else said) what if they're not repsonsible? And also, how will you know which it is?
(06/26 00:09:08) Douglas Sharper: I'll be ready for the speed.
(06/26 00:09:11) UberThend: Sharper, what was there motivation? And why NOW?
(06/26 00:09:14) gelf56: Are you going alone?
(06/26 00:09:21) Douglas Sharper: I don't care which one. I just want one of them.
(06/26 00:09:24) Douglas Sharper: Dead.
(06/26 00:09:25) Justin: so... you're going to noloben?
(06/26 00:09:27) Dakro: Will you have any pictures posted?
(06/26 00:09:33) Sam Byard: will you need volunteers ?
(06/26 00:09:36) Firesign: uh oh
(06/26 00:09:41) Douglas Sharper: No. No. Wouldn't dare.
(06/26 00:09:43) Justin: I'll go
(06/26 00:09:44) Sam Byard: ok PM questions to me please lets get some order here
(06/26 00:09:46) ireenquench: Doug... I think" taking down one "of the Bahro in act act of revenge may be dangerous... and unwise.
(06/26 00:09:48) Harrison Pink: but Doug, killing a random Bahro could make this entire situation worse!
(06/26 00:09:50) AKA: is that really a good idea Mr. Sharper.
(06/26 00:09:51) Douglas Sharper: These things are far too deadly.
(06/26 00:09:52) kyashii: Awesome Sharper! :)
(06/26 00:09:59) Trevor1013: woah, we shouldn't be killing any of them off yet!
(06/26 00:10:02) Sam Byard: Sharper, you mind if i moderate ?
(06/26 00:10:02) Dakro cheers
(06/26 00:10:04) Kato: Doug I don't think revenge (especially against a random Bahro) is the best way to go about this!
(06/26 00:10:07) Gondar: We know you want to make them pay.. we understand that. But..
(06/26 00:10:09) Nine-O-Nine: Dead? What for? Send them a message?
(06/26 00:10:13) Justin: What ????? he's gonna kill a random bahro????
(06/26 00:10:15) Douglas Sharper: Afraid we should be killing them. They killed two of us first.
(06/26 00:10:21) Justin: Nooooo
(06/26 00:10:24) Douglas Sharper: What do you think they are? Teddy bears?
(06/26 00:10:27) Chloe: Doughlas, um, isn't that a bit presumtous. I mean, what if you kill one that's not deadly. If the Bahro are at war, every war has its sides, what if you kill one of the "good" ones so to speak.
(06/26 00:10:29) Justin: ya
(06/26 00:10:32) Firesign: but they also saved your life, doug
(06/26 00:10:34) UberThend: Sharper, like gelf said, are you going alone? And how will you be prepared?
(06/26 00:10:37) Whilyam: Teddy Bahro, actually
(06/26 00:10:40) kyashii: well, yeah
(06/26 00:10:42) conndarus: HI. I would like to know if the money problem is in IC or OOC ? Thans Douglas Sharper
(06/26 00:10:42) Douglas Sharper: I won't kill one of the good ones.
(06/26 00:10:43) D'nial: And even if you get the right one, based on what you said about Negilahn, there are probably others who align with this Bahro.
(06/26 00:10:45) *Moietay: Revenge isnt going to help us. Besides, some of them are good.
(06/26 00:10:45) Justin: the good ones are better than teddy bears
(06/26 00:10:47) Kato: How will you know?
(06/26 00:10:51) kyashii: :)
(06/26 00:10:52) Douglas Sharper: I'll learn.
(06/26 00:10:52) Firesign: how can you tell the difference?
(06/26 00:10:56) Chloe: how will you be able to tell the diffrence though.
(06/26 00:10:58) Douglas Sharper: I'll watch.
(06/26 00:10:58) Gondar: Ironically, the best way to tell would be any more attacking you. Not an option. Plus.. we don't know good and bad is our definition.
(06/26 00:11:00) Trevor1013: what if they are being controlled
(06/26 00:11:00) ireenquench: Doug... that is not the attitude that helps usually. I fact that kind of attitude tends to lead to war.
(06/26 00:11:01) AKA: how will you tell the difference?
(06/26 00:11:04) [ Mister Cloak ]: an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind
(06/26 00:11:08) beachrm: you are wrong to do this Sharper
(06/26 00:11:12) Vormaen: Sharper, don't be stupid
(06/26 00:11:13) Sam Byard: It already is WAR !
(06/26 00:11:21) Harrison Pink: we dont know what they did to Wheely, it might have been big mistake on their part, an accident
(06/26 00:11:22) Justin: the good ones have names tags saying "I'm good" the bad ones don't
(06/26 00:11:33) Firesign: oh my god, i adgree with vormaen
(06/26 00:11:34) Dakro: Ahhh what the fiery abyss give it the ol' texan death sentence.
(06/26 00:11:36) Firesign: :)
(06/26 00:11:36) Deirdre: I have a bad feeling about this!!!!!
(06/26 00:11:38) kyashii: Don't go too over your head now sharper! ;)
(06/26 00:11:39) Douglas Sharper: Thank you Mister Cloak. I don't need your cute sayings.
(06/26 00:11:39) Trevor1013: they have been controlled before, they might be now
(06/26 00:11:41) UberThend: You might start something that WE'LL have to experience consequences for
(06/26 00:11:44) Chloe: how will watching them help to tell them apart. Don't they all look the same, or similiar?
(06/26 00:11:49) Douglas Sharper: WE already have!
(06/26 00:12:03) Kal: for the love of pete, don't be a fool, man! Think about US! What are the reprocussions of this?
(06/26 00:12:06) Gondar: Douglas... all I can say is take backup. They tried for you once. They probably think you're a threat then. These are intelligent creatures, who can hunt us too.
(06/26 00:12:06) Vormaen: Coming from the man that witnesses the two factions, attacking any Bahro is folly,
(06/26 00:12:07) Douglas Sharper: I wish they had taken photos of Wheelys' body.
(06/26 00:12:09) Justin: somebody has to go with you!
(06/26 00:12:09) ireenquench: Please consider finding out more first. Try to learn a bout them. Communicate.
(06/26 00:12:10) [ Mister Cloak ]: you are welcome, just thought I would throw that one out ther :D
(06/26 00:12:12) UberThend: Yes, but things could get worse
(06/26 00:12:12) Firesign: so an eye for an eye then
(06/26 00:12:13) AKA: couldn't you just go back to negilahn and get a dead on there?
(06/26 00:12:14) gelf56: Can you tell a good bahro the ones that helped you escape and a bad bahro appart?
(06/26 00:12:18) UberThend: Much worse
(06/26 00:12:19) Douglas Sharper: Maybe you all wouldn't talk to so foolishly.
(06/26 00:12:20) Harrison Pink: Doug, who (if anyone) gave you the go ahead to hunt the Bahro in Noloben?
(06/26 00:12:24) Kato: Was it as bad as the Negilahn bodies?
(06/26 00:12:41) Chloe: douglas, If one of us had killed wheely, but you didn't know which one, would you come down to the cavern and just pick one of us off?
(06/26 00:12:45) Douglas Sharper: Worse.
(06/26 00:12:47) UberThend nods his head
(06/26 00:12:48) Firesign: did the go ahead come from cate? or the entire drc, doug?
(06/26 00:12:53) Kal: and maybe if we'd seen her body, we'd honor her memory by staying SAFE. it's what she would have wanted.
(06/26 00:12:55) ireenquench: Foolish? You are foolish if you act so rashly without investigating first.
(06/26 00:12:59) Jolinda K: Should we--
(06/26 00:13:00) Douglas Sharper: I'm sure they wil start picking us off soon if we don't react.
(06/26 00:13:04) Harrison Pink: doug, id really like to know who authorized this hunt
(06/26 00:13:04) Hugh Sacristan: No, no point.
(06/26 00:13:12) Kal: instead of going on a revenge hunt, gather data. make a plan. don't be an idiot.
(06/26 00:13:13) Harrison Pink: or if you are out there issuing vigilante justice
(06/26 00:13:15) Hugh Sacristan: It begins.
(06/26 00:13:15) Kato: You need to make sure it's a bad Bahro.
(06/26 00:13:17) Sam Byard: this sounds like a crusade......
(06/26 00:13:17) sengel: Vengeance doesn't make for a wise hunter, Sharper, though we understand your position
(06/26 00:13:18) Vormaen: Look, it's mister "take things into his own hands." All over again. Have you learned nothing?!
(06/26 00:13:19) Chloe: harrison, I think we all know who authorized this.
(06/26 00:13:21) Douglas Sharper: I will make sure.
(06/26 00:13:22) KL/RREN: give us guns please :)
(06/26 00:13:22) UberThend: Douglas, WHY? Why now? And what provaocation did thye have?
(06/26 00:13:26) Dakro: Kill two of them sharper after all they killed two of us!
(06/26 00:13:28) Douglas Sharper: I will watch for a while.
(06/26 00:13:32) Harrison Pink: Chloe, id like ot hear it from Doug
(06/26 00:13:44) Douglas Sharper: I will try to find those who seem to care about us.
(06/26 00:13:45) Justin: maybe the bad ones are Enslaved ones, maybe the good ones are free
(06/26 00:13:49) Whilyam: Douglas, who authorized this?
(06/26 00:13:54) Janine: Doug, who is giving you access to the book, Cate or was it unanimous by the DRC?
(06/26 00:13:58) Justin: perhaps Kadsih is controliing the bad ones
(06/26 00:13:59) Douglas Sharper: I will try to communicate.
(06/26 00:14:01) Ash Sidious: If you kill one bad one whos to say that other bad ones arent going to gang up on you and kill you......
(06/26 00:14:01) gelf56: Is it Cate giving you access to the book?
(06/26 00:14:05) Trevor1013: all those against, raise your hand
(06/26 00:14:05) Vormaen: For all you know the killer of Wheely is already dead.
(06/26 00:14:06) Harrison Pink: yes Doug, who gave this the go ahead, we want to know
(06/26 00:14:08) Douglas Sharper: But I will come back with a body.
(06/26 00:14:15) ireenquench: Doug... have you studied their sign language? That might prove more helpful than killing one off.
(06/26 00:14:16) Dakro cheers
(06/26 00:14:16) conndarus: Douglas, im sorry.. for the money problem in caverne speak Cate Alexander, This is IC or OOC ? Thanks for your reply
(06/26 00:14:17) Douglas Sharper: If I come back at all.
(06/26 00:14:19) Kato: That's a good idea, communicating with teh good ones.
(06/26 00:14:21) AKA: why do you want a dead one?
(06/26 00:14:22) Kal: I can't tell you what to do, Sharper. nobody can. But the LEAST you can do is think about OTHER people's safety: not your own. If you screw this up, we're all gonna pay the price. So before you go running half-naked into the jungle covered in warpaint and waving your gun, think.
(06/26 00:14:22) Gondar: Douglas, your mind might be set or not.. but.. please be careful. It's possible they'll try for your life again. Why lay a trap for you once? Oppertunity or..
(06/26 00:14:28) [ Mister Cloak ]: if you do, bring it here so we can take pictures!
(06/26 00:14:29) Vormaen: You come back with a body, it will be your own.
(06/26 00:14:32) Chloe: Douglas, if I might suggest, if you're going to go into Noloben to kill them. Sketch the friendship symbol that we used on the imagers.
(06/26 00:14:33) [ Mister Cloak ]: :D
(06/26 00:14:34) Dakro: DOug, are you bringing Nick with you?
(06/26 00:14:41) Kal: you'd better not...
(06/26 00:14:43) Kato: Will you have a contact like Nick to ensure you're alive? And when will this take place?
(06/26 00:14:43) Douglas Sharper: Nick refuses to go.
(06/26 00:14:45) Chloe: that way if they respond in a friendly manner, you know its not that one.
(06/26 00:14:47) Justin: you can't go alone... that's for sure
(06/26 00:14:47) Trevor1013: good
(06/26 00:14:49) Douglas Sharper: I don't blame him.
(06/26 00:14:50) UberThend: Douglas, listen, all predators have reasons, what are the Bahros reason and why now?
(06/26 00:14:51) Whilyam: Smart boy
(06/26 00:14:52) Firesign: cant say as i blame him
(06/26 00:14:54) Kal: he's being smart.
(06/26 00:15:00) Dakro: Well whatever you do be careful Doug
(06/26 00:15:05) To Whilyam: we need some kind of order here
(06/26 00:15:05) Justin: if you go alone you're dead meat
(06/26 00:15:06) Ash Sidious: I think sharper is going to die
(06/26 00:15:07) AKA: why do you need a dead one?
(06/26 00:15:13) Douglas Sharper: Careful is my middle name. Ha!
(06/26 00:15:15) Whilyam: He has a brain under the thick skull.
(06/26 00:15:15) Kal: Douglas, let me ask you a question. What is your goal?
(06/26 00:15:17) Harrison Pink: Doug, who gave you permission to kill them in Noloben?
(06/26 00:15:19) Firesign: ha!
(06/26 00:15:26) Trevor1013: Yes who?
(06/26 00:15:26) Vormaen: Looks like you're signing your own death warrent Sharper. And ours
(06/26 00:15:27) [ Mister Cloak ]: are you going to write one last log in your journal?
(06/26 00:15:27) Whilyam: Strange, I thought it was Moron...
(06/26 00:15:30) KL/RREN: /Shout but why?
(06/26 00:15:34) Justin: Can u put me in your Journal Doug?
(06/26 00:15:34) [ Mister Cloak ]: you know, in case you don't come back?
(06/26 00:15:38) ireenquench: Please Doug, is there anything we can do o convice you that this is extremely unethical and unwise?
(06/26 00:15:39) Justin: pleese?
(06/26 00:15:41) Kal starts to laugh
(06/26 00:15:49) Ash Sidious: Like - hey you guys were right i was an idiot
(06/26 00:15:52) Harrison Pink: Doug, Noloben is a clearly a place of grave significance to the Bahro, as im sure you know better than I. Are you sure that that Age is the best place to carry this out?
(06/26 00:15:53) Douglas Sharper: Unethical? Ha! Now that is funnny.
(06/26 00:15:59) Chloe: Douglas, please, at least use the friendship symbol on the one you want to kill first. that way you know for sure. If it gets angry, by all means, put a bullet between its eyes. But if it seems friendly, don't.
(06/26 00:16:03) Justin: ok enough with the Ha!
(06/26 00:16:08) Justin: lol
(06/26 00:16:10) ireenquench: Its not funny, its humane.
(06/26 00:16:19) Justin: it's INhumane
(06/26 00:16:21) Whilyam: It's unethical to kill things at random
(06/26 00:16:21) Kal: Doug, all we're doing is asking you to have courtesy for our well-being. Think before doing things that have permanent consequences.
(06/26 00:16:29) Vormaen: Sharper, if you put the explorers in danger I will be on your heels.
(06/26 00:16:34) Chloe: Ireenquench, do you have the friendship symbol on your Ki?
(06/26 00:16:34) sengel: I have a very bad feeling about this.
(06/26 00:16:40) AKA: MR, Sharper, WHY do you NEED a DEAD bahro?
(06/26 00:16:40) Douglas Sharper: How long do you think I'll have? I won't be writing symbols to something that wants to kill me.
(06/26 00:16:44) UberThend: They weren't humane to us ireen, presumably anyways, but we do need to find out why this his happening
(06/26 00:16:45) Trevor1013: douglas, with so many explores against you, you may lose your title
(06/26 00:16:50) Kal: like this, for example. if you screw up, who're the Bahro goingto go after once you're dead? Ys.
(06/26 00:16:56) Kal: us*
(06/26 00:16:57) Whilyam: Unless you can protect all the explorers, killing one won't do a thing
(06/26 00:17:01) Sam Byard: I dont think Douglas carea about titles
(06/26 00:17:02) Justin: by killing them in cold blood you'll be as bad as the violent ones themselves!
(06/26 00:17:02) UberThend nods his head
(06/26 00:17:05) Kal: Whilyam's right.
(06/26 00:17:06) Douglas Sharper: What is this love for these creatures?
(06/26 00:17:08) Chloe: Douglas, yes but if you shoot one thats been helping us, we'll have two enemies on our hands.
(06/26 00:17:08) Whilyam: Think about it.
(06/26 00:17:09) Gondar: Douglas... be careful. They will NOT do one on one. They didn't before. They won't again.
(06/26 00:17:10) ireenquench: Doug... or do te one that corresponds to Eshers number 13... looks like a pair of glasses.
(06/26 00:17:14) Kal: we don't love them any more than you do.
(06/26 00:17:15) Kato: You need to make sure that it's a bad one.
(06/26 00:17:20) Douglas Sharper: They have killed two of us and you all want to give them every benefit of the doubt.
(06/26 00:17:20) [ Mister Cloak ]: true, if they want to kill you they arent' going to wait for you to say, "will you be my friend?"
(06/26 00:17:21) Kal: but if you go and do this, we're all at risk.
(06/26 00:17:22) Whilyam: Try taking off your hat and supplying som oxygen to your brain
(06/26 00:17:22) Justin: yeesha trusts them
(06/26 00:17:24) Vormaen: You are putting at risk all of our lives Sharper, think before you doom us all.
(06/26 00:17:25) Harrison Pink: its love of SAFETY Douge
(06/26 00:17:30) Gondar: Even if you take one down.. others will be after you.
(06/26 00:17:30) Justin: LONG LIVE YEESHA!!!
(06/26 00:17:35) Sam Byard: Douglas When are you leaving ?
(06/26 00:17:37) Kal: oh, shuttup...
(06/26 00:17:37) Rose: What do you know that we don't Douglas?
(06/26 00:17:46) Firesign: because the killing is out of character with their past actions, doug
(06/26 00:17:47) Harrison Pink: honestly? id rather not ***** off a creature that can link at will
(06/26 00:17:48) From 2jojo: hi ya
(06/26 00:17:54) Chloe: Doug, we gave you the benefit of the doubt when the situation with phil went down. Remember.
(06/26 00:17:55) Douglas Sharper: They have violently ripped apart innocent animals and you all act as though they have done nothign wrong.
(06/26 00:17:56) Kal: exactly. you yourself admitted they're too strong for you.
(06/26 00:18:04) sengel: Oh, be very careful, Doug. We don't want to be mourning you next
(06/26 00:18:05) Kato: Doug, don't you think that you'll stir up a whole crock of junk if you do this? That they won't come after more of us, in greater numbers?
(06/26 00:18:06) Kal: so why pick a fight?
(06/26 00:18:14) Harrison Pink: perhaps they dont KNOW they have done anything wrong
(06/26 00:18:16) Ash Sidious: Oh let him die
(06/26 00:18:19) Junee: So what have the bahro been up to this past month?
(06/26 00:18:21) Gavin E: they have done wrong but we don't know which ones
(06/26 00:18:22) Gondar: They already picked a fight with us.
(06/26 00:18:27) UberThend: Sharper, we've kinda lived with them under the same roof for awhile. We need to know what is up with them, why they would act this way. Something is up with them, and you are not listening. I thought you were some 'Great Hunter'. A true Hunter KNOWS his prey
(06/26 00:18:29) Vormaen: Are you listening to us you self centered egomaniac? One already dead, you gonna take responsiblity for more of us??
(06/26 00:18:29) Gondar: The trouble is how far will they go with it.
(06/26 00:18:30) Douglas Sharper: They have killed already. What is to stop them from killing us again?
(06/26 00:18:31) AKA: what will getting a dead one do for you Mr, Sharper?
(06/26 00:18:31) Justin: they're not all liiikke that! Yeesha trunst them
(06/26 00:18:38) Douglas Sharper: Answer me that.
(06/26 00:18:42) Douglas Sharper: Wise ones.
(06/26 00:18:44) Whilyam: Think about htis, Hunterboy.
(06/26 00:18:47) Harrison Pink: Gondar, we dont know that they picked a fight, it might have been a misunderstanding
(06/26 00:18:47) Whilyam: this
(06/26 00:18:50) ireenquench: I dont doubt what happened with Wheely and its terrible. But taking the kind of action you decribes not right. How do you know she wasnt killed in an accident.... fight between two factions? She was ybe collateral damage?
(06/26 00:18:51) Kal: LISTEN TO ME: I don't really care ifyou die. If you want to go commit suicide, go on and do it. But for God's sake, don't do it if WE'RE at risk because of your actions.
(06/26 00:18:55) Rose: You tell us, douglas. Why haven't there been any further killings?
(06/26 00:18:56) Whilyam: What will killing one do?
(06/26 00:19:00) kyashii: Sharper may start to have a point....
(06/26 00:19:00) advicefield: yes go for it Mr Sharper!
(06/26 00:19:03) Trevor1013: i think we need to find out why they are doing this!
(06/26 00:19:09) Trevor1013: First
(06/26 00:19:11) Douglas Sharper: We will learn about them.
(06/26 00:19:13) Ash Sidious: Thats very self centred kal
(06/26 00:19:18) Kato: When are you planning to go?
(06/26 00:19:19) Kal: oh? wil we? by your death?
(06/26 00:19:20) Jinanin: SHARPER we would rather figure out WHY they did this first before there is anymore bloodshed over something as little as a misunderstanding or a gesture misread
(06/26 00:19:21) Hugh Sacristan: Oh, don't bother, he's not listening!
(06/26 00:19:22) Kal: that's brilliant.
(06/26 00:19:24) Chloe: Douglas, we just don't want you going in, half expletive, and shootonging one without thinking. Then having both sides on our asses.
(06/26 00:19:24) Justin: don't do it!!!! if you die, i'll never b in your journal!!
(06/26 00:19:32) AKA: what can we learn from a Dead bahro?
(06/26 00:19:32) Gondar: I don't think it'll make a difference like everyone worries. If anything they'll know we're dangerous. But..
(06/26 00:19:33) ireenquench: And what if you kill one of the good ones... like the ones that saved you and that wemight need to befriend?
(06/26 00:19:36) Hana: excuse me I lost control of my self there
(06/26 00:19:45) Douglas Sharper: A misunderstanding? Is that what you call the carnage that was Wheely and Rose?
(06/26 00:19:45) Deirdre: WHEN are you going Doug??????
(06/26 00:19:47) Kelm: Doug you said that they have Killed two of us Wheely we know about who's the other?
(06/26 00:19:48) Harrison Pink: *sigh* and the crowd goes nuts...
(06/26 00:19:50) Douglas Sharper: You people are sick!
(06/26 00:19:50) Janine: well Doug, I figured you would have a better plan than a bloodthirsty hunt without truly learning your prey
(06/26 00:19:51) Chloe: MC, Stuff it before I stuff it for you.
(06/26 00:19:59) UberThend: Sharper, respectfully, you better learn about them. Going blind into anything,especially this, is unwise, to put it nicely
(06/26 00:19:59) Kal: self-centered: who cares!? He's insane. Nothing we say will change his mind. But if he endangers US, THEN WE SHOULD CARE
(06/26 00:20:01) advicefield claps his hands
(06/26 00:20:06) [ Mister Cloak ]: no need to attack me
(06/26 00:20:07) Whilyam: So, Douglas? You are a reactionary fool
(06/26 00:20:10) Hana: why is the DRC so evasive anyway about everything that has happened
(06/26 00:20:11) [ Mister Cloak ]: geez
(06/26 00:20:12) Junee: If the bahro wanted to kill us they could've done that a long time ago.
(06/26 00:20:16) UberThend nods his head
(06/26 00:20:19) Gondar: Well, I'm not gonna be heard over the shouting. Just be very careful Doug. Remember, this isn't like things you've hunted before. These will group and plan. Come back safe.
(06/26 00:20:21) Kato: Please, tell us, when are you planning to go to Noloben?
(06/26 00:20:23) Ash Sidious: Exactly
(06/26 00:20:24) Douglas Sharper: Reactionary? IT's been three weeks.
(06/26 00:20:24) Harrison Pink nods his head
(06/26 00:20:25) [ Mister Cloak ]: aren't you all being reactioinary?
(06/26 00:20:28) Vormaen: Only an idiot would try to hunt something smarter and faster then himself. Then they would get ticked and go after us. You're so wise Sharper it hurts.
(06/26 00:20:29) Jolinda K: Can we get out of here, Hugh?
(06/26 00:20:31) Justin: WE are sick???? you're the one that wants to murder them in cold blood! not even checking if it's good or bad!!
(06/26 00:20:35) UberThend: Something is up, we need to know what that is
(06/26 00:20:35) Douglas Sharper: I've been planning. Thinking.
(06/26 00:20:36) Ash Sidious: Big word cloak
(06/26 00:20:38) ireenquench: I am sorry if I missed this.. how will you tell the difference between dangerous bahro and friendly bahro again?
(06/26 00:20:42) Douglas Sharper: Learning.
(06/26 00:20:42) Kal: that's a start...
(06/26 00:20:42) Ash Sidious: Lol
(06/26 00:20:42) Pryftan: Mr. Sharper did you see the bodies of Wheely and Rose? Did they share the fate of the creatures in Nagilhan?
(06/26 00:20:43) Kal: thinking...
(06/26 00:20:46) Trevor1013: They may be being controlled by someone/something
(06/26 00:20:46) Douglas Sharper: Hardly reactionary.
(06/26 00:20:46) Sam Byard: ireen he wont
(06/26 00:20:47) Whilyam: You and thinking rarely occur, Douglas
(06/26 00:20:49) Hugh Sacristan: Of course. Nothing new to learn here.
(06/26 00:20:51) Vormaen: Well go plan some more, your plan has holes
(06/26 00:20:52) Kal: f you think a little more, maybe this will have a better ending.
(06/26 00:20:53) Harrison Pink: he doesnt know irene
(06/26 00:21:02) Janine: Really Douglas? I don't quite see what thought you've put in this.......
(06/26 00:21:03) Chloe: douglas, is that why you met with Cate. so she could authorize a bahro hunting expedition.
(06/26 00:21:04) [ Mister Cloak ]: he says that he is going to get a bahro and you all instantly react as being opposed
(06/26 00:21:04) *Moietay: If we wanted a war, we'd be playing World of Warcraft, not Uru. We are restoring a cavern, not killing off random animals without understanding what's wrong with them.
(06/26 00:21:09) Chloe: havey ou learned nothing from Rebek?
(06/26 00:21:17) Douglas Sharper: Well, I didn't expect this reaction. I have to say I"m disappoined.
(06/26 00:21:17) Justin: this is definitly not wise!!!
(06/26 00:21:17) From Thanakar in DRC(5358) Bevin: at this rate Cate may be the only member left of the DRC
(06/26 00:21:18) Ash Sidious: We could always save sharper the pain and kill him now
(06/26 00:21:20) From 2jojo in Uru Obsession's Bevin: oh crap doing buddiechat takes to long with lag to get to a name
(06/26 00:21:20) Douglas Sharper: Truly.
(06/26 00:21:21) Rose: Right Moiety
(06/26 00:21:22) [ Mister Cloak ]: that is more reactionary than he is being.
(06/26 00:21:22) Vormaen: Someone contact Cate and tell her to grab the Noloben book, please!
(06/26 00:21:23) Gondar: What is it with the personal attacks people? We're angry, but he is too. No reason to go insulting him. He has his reasons.
(06/26 00:21:25) UberThend: Douglas, besides just telling us how many you will kill, tell us what conclusions/information you have about them currently
(06/26 00:21:28) Kal: quite honestly, go grab yourself some Bahro hides. power to you, mainiac. But don't do somethig ignorant that will endanger us all.
(06/26 00:21:30) AKA wants to hide Mr. Sharpers "lucky" hat so he won't go.
(06/26 00:21:30) From 2jojo in Uru Obsession's Bevin: ash u bad bad boy
(06/26 00:21:31) Pryftan: ..does anybody support him?
(06/26 00:21:31) Frisky Badger: Ash nock it off
(06/26 00:21:33) Harrison Pink: agreed Gondar
(06/26 00:21:37) Sam Byard: Doug, we aren't all against you
(06/26 00:21:47) UberThend: We just want information
(06/26 00:21:52) Sam Byard: the true believers in your cause back you 110%
(06/26 00:21:52) From Kevin8020 in Uru Obsession's Bevin: only most of us
(06/26 00:21:52) UberThend: Not bravado
(06/26 00:21:53) Jolinda K (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/26 00:21:53) Justin: we just don't want you to share wheely's fate
(06/26 00:21:54) Pryftan: This is a little out of hand, people.
(06/26 00:22:00) From Kevin8020 in Uru Obsession's Bevin: oops
(06/26 00:22:00) Tehanu thinks it is wrong to kill them
(06/26 00:22:02) Kal: I'm not for or against it. just be smart. don't think about only your own vindication.
(06/26 00:22:04) Firesign: i dunno, doug. maybe yours is the right way, but i dont see it.
(06/26 00:22:07) Douglas Sharper: None of you seem to understand the power of these beasts.
(06/26 00:22:08) Vormaen: Come on Sharper, you could deal with me before, are you afraid to face us now?
(06/26 00:22:12) Gondar: Support him? I do. I think he'll be intelligent in watching. I just hope he doesn't underestimate them. They are nasty. They laid a trap once.
(06/26 00:22:20) Tehanu thinks you are a beast
(06/26 00:22:21) [ Mister Cloak ]: I have faith in you sharper
(06/26 00:22:22) Douglas Sharper: Nor do you understand the mind of them.
(06/26 00:22:23) Rose: Tell us then, Douglas - what is it you know about them?
(06/26 00:22:26) Kal: so you DO understand their power?
(06/26 00:22:28) UberThend: Douglas, tell us all you know. Facts
(06/26 00:22:30) Kal: is that what you're saying?
(06/26 00:22:33) Douglas Sharper: If you did you wouldn't talk so foolishly.
(06/26 00:22:33) 2jojo like beast
(06/26 00:22:33) Vormaen: Oh, and you do??
(06/26 00:22:35) ireenquench: agreed, please remain polite, no need to shout at Sharper
(06/26 00:22:36) Jinanin: DRC......what ever happened to SAFETY FIRST
(06/26 00:22:38) Songe: What is thier power?
(06/26 00:22:39) Gondar: If anything, take a maintainer suit. Paint it camo, and stay quiet.
(06/26 00:22:42) Kato: And you DO?
(06/26 00:22:45) UberThend: Doug, we are listening
(06/26 00:22:47) Douglas Sharper: How much have you studied them Vormaen?
(06/26 00:22:50) Justin: If they threaten you, yoou must fight... maybe you can team up with the good bahro
(06/26 00:22:52) Vormaen: Sharper, you are a hypocrite
(06/26 00:22:54) Douglas Sharper: How long have you watched them?
(06/26 00:22:54) Tehanu is disappointed
(06/26 00:22:59) Kal: how long have YOU?
(06/26 00:23:01) Justin: maybe if you ask, the good ones will help
(06/26 00:23:02) Douglas Sharper: How many victimes have you seen?
(06/26 00:23:06) Harrison Pink: everyone needs to take a breath and calm down
(06/26 00:23:07) Pryftan: Seriously, can we stop with the namecalling?
(06/26 00:23:07) Whilyam: 0
(06/26 00:23:09) From 2jojo in Uru Obsession's Bevin: none
(06/26 00:23:11) Kal: and the more you see, the more you think you can stop them?
(06/26 00:23:11) UberThend: Everyone, Mr Sharper says he knows more than us, let him explain
(06/26 00:23:11) Douglas Sharper: Exaclty. None.
(06/26 00:23:13) Kevin8020: 1
(06/26 00:23:14) Kato: Exactly, how long have YOU?
(06/26 00:23:14) Kal: is that what you're saying?
(06/26 00:23:14) AKA: And because you were attacked have watched them for a while, Mr. "know" them?
(06/26 00:23:16) Flow Enol: is someone going to kill the bahro?
(06/26 00:23:19) Vormaen: You are gonna doom us all, and I cannot let you do that.
(06/26 00:23:20) Douglas Sharper: Weeks.
(06/26 00:23:26) J'Ankenne: Let Sharper talk.
(06/26 00:23:27) Gavin E: Guys could you please stop attacking him and let him say his part
(06/26 00:23:32) Kal: who cares? if they';re so powerful, then don't pick a fight.
(06/26 00:23:34) jimmyleg: im not sick, doug. just a little lighter on the blood-lust thatn you.
(06/26 00:23:34) Kal: is simple.
(06/26 00:23:34) Kato: We have seen them multiple times. Maybe if they let us into Noloben we could've studied them a bit more.
(06/26 00:23:34) Whilyam: Right, if they didn't kill anyone else they aren't going to
(06/26 00:23:34) From groath in groath's Relto: shorha all ! whats up?
(06/26 00:23:35) Junee: Douglas what did you learn from watching them?
(06/26 00:23:36) From 2jojo in Uru Obsession's Bevin: sheeswh just like RL
(06/26 00:23:41) Whilyam: unless provoked by you
(06/26 00:23:47) Moon'snail: They have a right to a fair trial
(06/26 00:23:47) Kelm: Good man sharper
(06/26 00:23:49) UberThend: No personal attacks, if he has info, we should hear it
(06/26 00:23:51) Vormaen: NO, we will not stop until he stops deciding our fate for us.
(06/26 00:23:52) Kal: do you think killing a few will change anything? tell me?
(06/26 00:23:58) To 2jojo: tried to get it ordered but too many emotions flying around
(06/26 00:23:58) Harrison Pink: everyone, its a bit difficult to be talking to Doug like this, we are inexperienced explorers who have little to no information on the Bahro
(06/26 00:23:58) Kelm roars with laughter
(06/26 00:23:59) Kal: do you?
(06/26 00:24:10) UberThend: Inform us Sharper
(06/26 00:24:11) From 2jojo in Uru Obsession's Bevin: lol
(06/26 00:24:11) Douglas Sharper: I'll come and talk when you are willing to listen.
(06/26 00:24:11) Justin: I havn't see the carnage you've seen sharper, but I have seen the Inhumane cages and traps and dungeons used to torture and trap them!!!
(06/26 00:24:12) Chloe: douglas, this isn't some animal you're talking about. this is a living, sentient creature. Who is in the middle of a war with others of its kind. If you kill the wrong one you could doom us all.
(06/26 00:24:15) Kal: so you come back with dead Bahro. Whoop-dee-doo.
(06/26 00:24:17) Jinanin: We are not saying you shouldn't do something about what happened......we just think it's a tad soon to start handing out death sentences!
(06/26 00:24:18) [ Mister Cloak ]: QUIET PLEASE AND LET THE MAN TALK!
(06/26 00:24:19) Pryftan: He's not deciding anybody's fate
(06/26 00:24:20) Kal: then what?
(06/26 00:24:20) Vormaen: Oh give me a break.
(06/26 00:24:22) Firesign: were listening
(06/26 00:24:22) Harrison Pink: Douglas, I want to listen.
(06/26 00:24:32) Justin: nooooooo
(06/26 00:24:32) ...Chat.log stopped.