Reference:2007-08-01 Douglas Sharper in the Great Tree's Bevin

From Guild of Archivists

Following his visit to the Watcher's Pub, Douglas Sharper linked to the Great Tree's Bevin and discussed the bahro and the DRC with explorers.

(08/01 22:24:01) Chat.log started...
(08/01 22:24:13) Annacat: Cool
(08/01 22:24:13) Rils: ok,
(08/01 22:24:22) Moiety Jean: Can we move it to Delin?
(08/01 22:24:30) Douglas Sharper: What did you Great Tree people need?
(08/01 22:24:33) Douglas Sharper: Want?
(08/01 22:24:45) Rils: so here's the thing...
(08/01 22:24:55) Douglas Sharper: Yes, Rils.
(08/01 22:24:57) Yellowdog: Sharper I wanted to thank you for all your hard work!
(08/01 22:25:03) Moiety Jean: Brian's going to be sorry he missed this. We were hoping to set up a meeting with you later today.
(08/01 22:25:05) janaba: yes, right
(08/01 22:25:09) Rils: We realize that not everyone is a fan of what has transpired on Noloben and since you've returned.
(08/01 22:25:21) Douglas Sharper: Not everyone is a fan of anything.
(08/01 22:25:24) janaba: just want to see you safe and telling you, we're behind you :-)
(08/01 22:25:26) Douglas Sharper: In case you haven't noticed.
(08/01 22:25:29) Cycreim: You can say that again.
(08/01 22:25:29) Douglas Sharper: Thank you.
(08/01 22:25:32) Rils: but we understand that sometimes things need to happen, and we want to support you in the future path you take.
(08/01 22:25:48) Douglas Sharper: I appreciate that Rils. I figured I could count on you.
(08/01 22:25:52) Moiety Jean: You went to Noloben and that is what we wanted... to find out about the Bahro.
(08/01 22:25:55) Rils: I know the Great Tree has worked closely with you in the past, and we want to continue to do so.
(08/01 22:25:57) Douglas Sharper: And your friends.
(08/01 22:26:14) Cycreim: Hrm.
(08/01 22:26:17) Rils: Large crowds are tough to get information across to - but we *do* need information!
(08/01 22:26:17) Douglas Sharper: I appreciate that but I'm no longer interested in overturning the DRC.
(08/01 22:26:23) Douglas Sharper: Those were the old days.
(08/01 22:26:28) Cycreim: Neither are we.
(08/01 22:26:30) Moiety Jean: We're not either, Doug
(08/01 22:26:30) Rils: right.
(08/01 22:26:33) Annacat: Well, The Great Tree has moved on too
(08/01 22:26:34) Douglas Sharper: Good.
(08/01 22:26:40) Douglas Sharper: Very well.
(08/01 22:26:47) Moiety Jean: The Bahro are the concern now.
(08/01 22:26:49) Cycreim: Things change, as you know.
(08/01 22:26:50) Rils: we need the drc now, we recognize that.
(08/01 22:27:09) Rils: the situation is different now. You know things that can help us all.
(08/01 22:27:27) Douglas Sharper: okay....
(08/01 22:27:32) Douglas Sharper: What do you want to know?
(08/01 22:27:32) Annacat: And we are prepared to help you too, should you need it
(08/01 22:27:40) Douglas Sharper: The time will come.
(08/01 22:27:42) Moiety Jean: If you want support, if you have something you need others to do, we're here.
(08/01 22:27:50) Douglas Sharper: Thank you.
(08/01 22:27:57) Moiety Jean: Please don't forget.
(08/01 22:28:13) janaba: right :-)
(08/01 22:28:14) Douglas Sharper: The only support is this: there are those who don't understand the monsters that are out there.
(08/01 22:28:18) Rils: The problem is, we don't know exactly what is going on, so we don't know how to act.
(08/01 22:28:24) Douglas Sharper: The Bahro are not the peaceful creatures that you are seeing.
(08/01 22:28:24) Yellowdog: It would be great to have the spyroom, even tho it is nolonger possisioed to spy...
(08/01 22:28:27) Rils: help us to understand them.
(08/01 22:28:28) Moiety Jean: If you can tell us anything now, so that we can be better prepared to deal with the Bahro, we're listening.
(08/01 22:28:30) Douglas Sharper: And you have to trust me.
(08/01 22:28:31) Cycreim: Yes.
(08/01 22:28:33) Douglas Sharper: I have seen them all.
(08/01 22:28:39) Thend: ALL Bahro?
(08/01 22:28:42) Douglas Sharper: there are good Bahro - of course.
(08/01 22:28:45) Moiety Jean: You have the experience. We do trust you.
(08/01 22:28:46) Thend nods his head
(08/01 22:28:51) Rils: we do trust you. but can you be a little more... forthcoming? ;)
(08/01 22:28:57) Douglas Sharper: And those are the ones you are seeing. But even those, you are seeing what they want you to see.
(08/01 22:29:06) Annacat: Have you gottenany insight into their conflict?
(08/01 22:29:10) Douglas Sharper: They are watching. Learning. Even as I did, I would assume.
(08/01 22:29:10) Cycreim: Like the Bahro on the imager.
(08/01 22:29:15) janaba: yes we'll trust you
(08/01 22:29:20) Moiety Jean: brb
(08/01 22:29:25) Rils: what do the bahro want with us?
(08/01 22:29:32) Douglas Sharper: Trying to understand what our role is. I'm sure I played a part in that, if I'm to be honest.
(08/01 22:29:49) Cycreim nods his head
(08/01 22:29:49) Rils: our role isn't necessarily to supplant them though...
(08/01 22:29:51) Douglas Sharper: I went there first and involved myself. Although, only after the death of Wheely.
(08/01 22:30:00) Moiety Jean: And Doug, Brian would also like you to know, he still considers you a friend, even though a lot has changed.
(08/01 22:30:01) Douglas Sharper: Our role is to help where we can.
(08/01 22:30:04) Yellowdog: Have you encounterd any other than yesterday?
(08/01 22:30:10) Thend: Help?
(08/01 22:30:14) Rils: how can we help?
(08/01 22:30:15) Douglas Sharper: This is a war. If the evil Bahro win, we will all die. It's as simple as that.
(08/01 22:30:27) Annacat: Why do they want us to die?
(08/01 22:30:29) Rils: what is the reason for the war?
(08/01 22:30:29) Thend: Why are they fighting?
(08/01 22:30:37) Douglas Sharper: I don't know.
(08/01 22:30:43) Douglas Sharper: There are obviously two sides.
(08/01 22:30:52) Douglas Sharper: I don't know what lies at the root of their battles.
(08/01 22:31:03) Douglas Sharper: But there is something deep.
(08/01 22:31:07) Thend nods his head
(08/01 22:31:10) Rils: so how do we know 'good" and "bad"?
(08/01 22:31:10) Douglas Sharper: And worth dying for.
(08/01 22:31:21) Nadnerb: he knows that some saved him..
(08/01 22:31:41) Douglas Sharper: The evil are aggresive. Quick. Cunning. You can see it in their eyes.
(08/01 22:31:47) Rils: but they've tried to kill you... how can you be so sure they are worth dying for?
(08/01 22:31:48) Douglas Sharper: There is a darkness to them that the good ones do not carry.
(08/01 22:31:52) Moiety Jean: back
(08/01 22:31:55) Rils: hmm....
(08/01 22:31:56) Douglas Sharper: There are no markings.
(08/01 22:32:03) Cycreim: Will the bad ones try to trick us into thinking they're good?
(08/01 22:32:04) Douglas Sharper: There are no distinct actions.
(08/01 22:32:04) Moiety Jean: Can they fly, doug?
(08/01 22:32:11) Rils: but by the time you can see the blues of their eyes, it's too late, eh?
(08/01 22:32:13) Cycreim: Or are they too far gone?
(08/01 22:32:15) janaba: wb MJ :-)
(08/01 22:32:17) Douglas Sharper: I know it's hard to understand but if you see the evil ones, you will know.
(08/01 22:32:22) Douglas Sharper: You will tell the difference.
(08/01 22:32:40) Cycreim: We'll keep an eye out.
(08/01 22:32:40) Rils: but it's only good ones in the city at this point?
(08/01 22:32:44) Thend: Do you know if we have seen any evil ones yet? Like in Watchers yesterday?
(08/01 22:32:44) Douglas Sharper: Correct.
(08/01 22:32:47) Douglas Sharper: Yes, they fly.
(08/01 22:32:57) Rils: why haven't the bad ones attacked, do you know?
(08/01 22:33:00) Annacat: I've seen pictures of them in Relto. Should we be concerned over that?
(08/01 22:33:01) Douglas Sharper: And do all kinds of things that you have not seen. You are witnessing a taste of their power.
(08/01 22:33:09) Moiety Jean: I wonder why they need to fly if they've always had the ability to link at will... that doesn't make sense
(08/01 22:33:16) Douglas Sharper: I've heard there are some of you who think they are afraid of you. Ha!
(08/01 22:33:18) Yellowdog: And, the Bahro linked the decesed to the pub yesterday?
(08/01 22:33:21) Douglas Sharper: Nothing could be further from the truth.
(08/01 22:33:32) Moiety Jean: I'm assuming nothing about the Bahro at this point.
(08/01 22:33:39) Rils: so they are studying us now... our strengths, our weaknesses, our ability to learn and react...
(08/01 22:33:43) Douglas Sharper: I don't know why the good Bahro brought the body. Perhaps they were making a statment to me.
(08/01 22:33:45) Douglas Sharper: I don't know.
(08/01 22:33:54) Douglas Sharper: I don't know.
(08/01 22:33:54) Rils: was it a good or bad you killed?
(08/01 22:33:56) Moiety Jean: You're supplying us with the only info I'm accepting as fact.
(08/01 22:33:59) Douglas Sharper: I don't know.
(08/01 22:34:09) Rils: sigh.
(08/01 22:34:16) Akiva: forgive me if I'm a little skeptical, but we have only your word for all this. Is there no other way to corroborate this information about the factions and the war?
(08/01 22:34:21) dcos: The important thing though is that you got back alright.
(08/01 22:34:26) Cycreim: Well despite not knowing, you've given us a lot to work with here...
(08/01 22:34:31) Thend: Douglas, thank you for being so frank about all this
(08/01 22:34:31) Douglas Sharper: Be skeptical.
(08/01 22:34:33) Annacat: So now... we wait?
(08/01 22:34:49) Rils: do we try to work with the good bahro in the meantime?
(08/01 22:34:50) Cycreim: Well, we watch, Anna.
(08/01 22:34:54) Moiety Jean: How long will you stay and fight?
(08/01 22:34:59) Yellowdog: And your return trip, will you be leaving soon? How long do you plan on staying?
(08/01 22:35:08) Douglas Sharper: As long as I can.
(08/01 22:35:11) Moiety Jean: Till the death? ::cringe::
(08/01 22:35:21) Douglas Sharper: If it comes to that. I owe them.
(08/01 22:35:25) Akiva: May I ask what you hope to accomplish?
(08/01 22:35:36) Douglas Sharper: What any soldier hopes to accomplish.
(08/01 22:35:38) Moiety Jean: We want to be able to see you again.. we need you to tell us what to do to help.
(08/01 22:35:39) Douglas Sharper: Victory.
(08/01 22:35:42) Rils: Does the supposed "tablet" play into any of this?
(08/01 22:35:45) Akiva: Victory, then?
(08/01 22:35:55) Douglas Sharper: Doing his or her part for that cause.
(08/01 22:36:04) Rils: there are rumors of a tablet that controls them...
(08/01 22:36:04) Cycreim: Right
(08/01 22:36:15) Douglas Sharper: A tablet?
(08/01 22:36:16) dcos: Is there nothing we can do to help you mister.sharper?
(08/01 22:36:29) Cycreim: That was a while ago, Rils...
(08/01 22:36:31) Yellowdog: Can you leave us the spyroom, in case you dont come back?
(08/01 22:36:36) Rils: rumors...
(08/01 22:36:46) Douglas Sharper: I know of nothing that controls them.
(08/01 22:36:50) Rils: nothing more.
(08/01 22:36:50) Thend: Is their enslavement acurrate in the form Yeesha inferred?
(08/01 22:36:54) Rils: fair enough.
(08/01 22:36:56) Whilyam: Sharper. Why are you going back?
(08/01 22:37:04) Thend: 10,000 years, etc, by the D'ni?
(08/01 22:37:10) Douglas Sharper: I'm sure Yeesha wouldn't lie.
(08/01 22:37:25) Thend: Interesting
(08/01 22:37:28) Cycreim: Anyway, we've got your back on the home front, Sharper. If anything happens here that could help you there...
(08/01 22:37:37) Douglas Sharper: Thank you.
(08/01 22:37:44) Rils: have you continued your journey with Yeesha since the first restoration?
(08/01 22:37:46) Whilyam: Sharper?
(08/01 22:37:55) janaba: yeah :-)
(08/01 22:37:58) Cycreim: Whilyam, shhhh.
(08/01 22:38:09) Douglas Sharper: Not sure what you mean Rils.
(08/01 22:38:20) Whilyam: No. Sharper, don't you understand what's happened?
(08/01 22:38:33) Rils: Phil spoke of further journeys, further lessons to learn...
(08/01 22:38:42) Cycreim shakes his head
(08/01 22:38:48) Moiety Jean: Will you be in contact with anyone back here while you're in Noloben?
(08/01 22:39:02) dcos: Whilyan I'm sure Douglas understands a great deal more than you do.
(08/01 22:39:10) Douglas Sharper: I don't know of further journeys. I'm also learning though.
(08/01 22:39:13) Douglas Sharper: No.
(08/01 22:39:18) Rils: ok
(08/01 22:39:23) Thend: Douglas, do you have any specific strategy in the War?
(08/01 22:39:39) Rils: how should we react to the bahro visiting the cavern, besides "staying away from them"?
(08/01 22:40:26) Douglas Sharper: Carry on as normal. Visit other Ages. Let them see you in your normal states - not flockign to them like some kind of caged animal.
(08/01 22:40:45) janaba: good
(08/01 22:40:45) Akiva: I need to learn D'ni for friend real fast here
(08/01 22:40:50) Douglas Sharper: They are not here to be your pets.
(08/01 22:41:03) Rils: and hopefully not our masters, either...
(08/01 22:41:04) Douglas Sharper: To pose for photos.
(08/01 22:41:06) Moiety Jean: What if they seem interested in communicating? Should we try?
(08/01 22:41:11) Cycreim: We're the animals in THEIR zoo, not the other way around, I guess.
(08/01 22:41:19) Douglas Sharper: Agreed Rils.
(08/01 22:41:28) Moiety Jean: Do you think it will do any good?
(08/01 22:41:29) Douglas Sharper: I don't think the ones here have any intention of being our masters. The others....
(08/01 22:41:34) Rils: I think that's what some are afraid of.
(08/01 22:42:16) Yellowdog: I know someone asked in the pub, but I dident see... Were there any D'ni in Nobelen?
(08/01 22:42:17) Cycreim: Well, we're in good hands so far.
(08/01 22:42:22) Moiety Jean: (can you still hear me, Doug?)
(08/01 22:42:50) Rils: (popular guy I guess... lol playing with his ki)
(08/01 22:42:55) Whilyam: When the Sharper love-fest is over, may I ask a question?
(08/01 22:42:58) janaba: :-)
(08/01 22:42:59) Douglas Sharper: Sorry, had to read a note.
(08/01 22:43:05) Douglas Sharper: I do need to get going.
(08/01 22:43:07) Rils: no worries.
(08/01 22:43:13) Yellowdog: see above ^
(08/01 22:43:17) Cycreim: Thanks a lot for the chat.
(08/01 22:43:17) Douglas Sharper: Not sure there ever was a love fest so ask away Wil.
(08/01 22:43:25) Rils: mostly we just wanted to express our support, and ask what we can do to help.
(08/01 22:43:29) Rils: stay in touch with us.
(08/01 22:43:34) Douglas Sharper: Will do.
(08/01 22:43:38) Thend: Douglas, thanks again, best of luck
(08/01 22:43:39) Yellowdog thanks you very much!
(08/01 22:43:43) Moiety Jean: It's not a love-fest... just an opportunity to speak to Douglas without a giant crowd slinging mud.
(08/01 22:43:47) Douglas Sharper: What?
(08/01 22:43:48) Whilyam: Don't you think the 'good' Bahro's actions suggest they don't want others to help?
(08/01 22:43:54) janaba: thaks Doug :-)
(08/01 22:44:02) Douglas Sharper: No I don't. If I did, I wouldn't be going there to help.
(08/01 22:44:09) Whilyam: Obviously
(08/01 22:44:14) Cycreim: Told!
(08/01 22:44:15) Whilyam: But what else could it suggest?
(08/01 22:44:15) Douglas Sharper: Then why did you ask?
(08/01 22:44:18) Rils: Doug, have you communicated with the good bahro?
(08/01 22:44:29) Douglas Sharper: In part...
(08/01 22:44:40) Rils: what have they shared?
(08/01 22:44:46) Douglas Sharper: They are intelligent - no doubts about that.
(08/01 22:44:52) Cycreim nods his head
(08/01 22:44:57) Yellowdog: Sorry to ask again but any D'ni alive in Nobelen?
(08/01 22:45:00) dcos: How did you manage to communicate? Verbally or otherwise
(08/01 22:45:05) Douglas Sharper: Not that I saw Yellowdog.
(08/01 22:45:16) Yellowdog: :)
(08/01 22:45:20) Douglas Sharper: Body language. Basic stuff. Primal. I don't speak their language and they don't speak mine.
(08/01 22:45:31) Whilyam: So why do you think the good one blocked you?
(08/01 22:45:33) Cycreim: Yellowdog, I think Marie said a while back that the survivor on Noloben was gone.
(08/01 22:45:34) Moiety Jean: I wonder if they understand any d'ni...
(08/01 22:45:35) Rils: we've experienced some of that here.
(08/01 22:45:43) Rils: copying body language.
(08/01 22:45:46) Douglas Sharper: I don't know if a good one did block me.
(08/01 22:45:56) Whilyam: Why was its body broght
(08/01 22:46:01) Douglas Sharper: I don't know.
(08/01 22:46:04) Whilyam: Why was no one hurt, Douglas?
(08/01 22:46:07) Cycreim: If they don't speak our language, then I wonder who inscribed those rocks in Minkata.
(08/01 22:46:14) Douglas Sharper: No one hurt where?
(08/01 22:46:14) Rils: yeesha, perhaps?
(08/01 22:46:15) Thend: Doglas, there's English language on the Minkata stone, who wrote that and why? Good or Bad Bahro?
(08/01 22:46:17) Moiety Jean: Good point, Cyc
(08/01 22:46:22) Whilyam: ...
(08/01 22:46:26) Whilyam: The pub, remember?
(08/01 22:46:36) Douglas Sharper: There are good oens here - as I've already said. No bad ones.
(08/01 22:46:47) Whilyam: They brought the body, you know that.
(08/01 22:46:50) Rils: it's just a matter of time, I suppose
(08/01 22:46:51) Cycreim: Not saying it was the Bahro, but... hmm. Anyway, sorry. Speculation.
(08/01 22:46:53) Moiety Jean: If bad ones show up, do we have a prayer?
(08/01 22:46:58) dcos: Any gestures that we can use Douglas? I mean ... just in case,
(08/01 22:46:58) Douglas Sharper: No.
(08/01 22:47:05) Whilyam: No what?
(08/01 22:47:05) Yellowdog: And I thank you Doug for trying to keep it that way!
(08/01 22:47:10) Douglas Sharper: Unless the good ones protect us.
(08/01 22:47:10) Rils: well, at least he's honest!
(08/01 22:47:13) Akiva: bowing worked a few minutes ago
(08/01 22:47:14) Douglas Sharper: Which they often do.
(08/01 22:47:22) Douglas Sharper: That is our only hope.
(08/01 22:47:34) Whilyam: So why do you think the one you shot wasn't good?
(08/01 22:47:42) Douglas Sharper: We had all better hope that they win this war.
(08/01 22:47:43) Moiety Jean: I wonder if our attempts at communicating will persuade the good bahro to try to protect us from the bad.
(08/01 22:47:52) Douglas Sharper: I need to go.
(08/01 22:47:53) Whilyam: If it was 'evil' why didn't it attack you, not block its buddy
(08/01 22:47:54) Rils: How can we help them win the war?
(08/01 22:47:56) Douglas Sharper: Good day to you all.
(08/01 22:48:02) Whilyam: --bathrooms down the hall
(08/01 22:48:03) Cycreim: Alright, thanks Doug. Good luck.
(08/01 22:48:04) Nadnerb salutes
(08/01 22:48:05) Akiva: Thanks for the information, Mr Sharper
(08/01 22:48:07) Moiety Jean: Thanks for coming, Doug. Stay safe. Eyes in the back of your head.
(08/01 22:48:08) Yellowdog: Thanks again Doug and good luck!
(08/01 22:48:12) Yellowdog salutes
(08/01 22:48:23) Moiety Jean: And report back as soon as you are able.. we'll be thinking of you
(08/01 22:48:23) Cycreim does a dance
(08/01 22:48:33) janaba: Just wow!!!
(08/01 22:48:35) Whilyam: Well, at least he answered something..
(08/01 22:48:36) janaba cheers
(08/01 22:48:39) Thend laughs
(08/01 22:48:46) janaba: right
(08/01 22:48:46) dcos: what did i miss?
(08/01 22:48:47) Moiety Jean: That went well
(08/01 22:48:48) Cycreim: See how much you learn when you play nice? :)
(08/01 22:48:51) Thend: Yes
(08/01 22:48:55) Whilyam: well enough
(08/01 22:48:59) Akiva: I think that may have been some of the straightest talk we've ever experienced..........
(08/01 22:49:07) Thend: Minkata stone thing was good question, but very good info
(08/01 22:49:08) Nadnerb: it was.
(08/01 22:49:09) Whilyam: Too many soft questions, though.
(08/01 22:49:10) Moiety Jean: Amazing what a difference it makes when no one is jabbing at him to get his temper up
(08/01 22:49:15) Rils: just goes to show he can be reasonable without a huge crowd bugging him.
(08/01 22:49:18) ...Chat.log stopped.