Reference:2007-08-01 Douglas Sharper in the Watcher's Sanctuary

From Guild of Archivists

After several appearances in the Cavern in recent days amid the Familiar Voices episode and the fall-out of his having killed a bahro, Douglas Sharper paid a visit to the Watcher's Sanctuary.

(08/01 16:06:25) Chat.log started...
(08/01 16:06:39) Eric Wolfe: Shorah!
(08/01 16:06:43) Yellowdog: Good to see you fine sir!
(08/01 16:06:51) Mister Cloak salutes
(08/01 16:07:12) D'nara: Ah, theres the murderer
(08/01 16:07:12) Mister Cloak: hush you
(08/01 16:07:14) Eric Wolfe: Oh, hello, Mr. Sharper.
(08/01 16:07:34) Poseidon: Good to see you again doug
(08/01 16:07:34) Douglas Sharper: Hm, the best you ahve D'nara.
(08/01 16:07:38) Douglas Sharper: I am not a murderer.
(08/01 16:07:40) Yellowdog: Any news for us Doug?
(08/01 16:07:47) Drewski: lets not start any attacks now
(08/01 16:07:52) D'nara: How do you call it then=
(08/01 16:07:59) Poseidon: Yeah.. lets just hear what he has to say
(08/01 16:08:02) Thend: Douglas, I have a question for you
(08/01 16:08:03) Trylon: Exactly
(08/01 16:08:04) Douglas Sharper: And I don't have the energy to argue with those of you who think I am.
(08/01 16:08:07) Yellowdog: Please dont barade him! Let the man speak!
(08/01 16:08:09) Dimitrios: Yes but i have a question
(08/01 16:08:09) Poseidon: Save the flaming for Q&A
(08/01 16:08:15) Douglas Sharper: You can believe what you want.
(08/01 16:08:24) Alysa: None of us know what's really going on. Stop judging him and listen.
(08/01 16:08:26) Douglas Sharper: I'm going to back to Noloben.
(08/01 16:08:30) anju: Please, just tell us what you can, Mr. Sharper
(08/01 16:08:41) Yellowdog: Great!
(08/01 16:08:44) Eric Wolfe: What?!
(08/01 16:08:49) DaveRamos: What for?
(08/01 16:08:50) Mister Cloak starts to laugh
(08/01 16:08:50) Drewski: agreed
(08/01 16:08:51) moomalop: l
(08/01 16:08:53) Poseidon: Going back? whatever for?
(08/01 16:08:53) Douglas Sharper: The good Bahro have to know we are on their side.
(08/01 16:08:53) D'nara: Theres a surprise
(08/01 16:08:53) Mister Cloak: can I go with?
(08/01 16:08:56) Douglas Sharper: They are the ones here.
(08/01 16:08:57) Yellowdog: Yes!
(08/01 16:08:59) To ireenquench: Sharper going back to noloben
(08/01 16:09:01) Queen Salacia: good thinking mr. Sharper
(08/01 16:09:01) Mister Cloak: I could be bait
(08/01 16:09:02) darkstar: To what purpose Mr Sharper
(08/01 16:09:05) D'nara: How do you knwo that=
(08/01 16:09:06) Douglas Sharper: If that's not obvious.
(08/01 16:09:09) Mister Cloak starts to laugh
(08/01 16:09:14) Thend: Douglas, have you met the D'ni survivor in Noloben? And did you stay at his Lab? If so, what did you think of his research?
(08/01 16:09:14) DaveRamos: lol well, they havent hurt anyone have they?
(08/01 16:09:18) Poseidon: So how do you tell the difference in the bahro?
(08/01 16:09:23) Douglas Sharper: They are watching. And, they haven't killed any of you.
(08/01 16:09:28) From groath in groath's Relto: It linked
(08/01 16:09:30) Yellowdog: They are here Thanking you right doug?
(08/01 16:09:41) D'nara: Bad doesnt have to mean kill anything on sight
(08/01 16:09:45) Douglas Sharper: The good deserve our help.
(08/01 16:09:53) Douglas Sharper: OR mine at least.
(08/01 16:09:56) DaveRamos: can we do anything to help?
(08/01 16:10:00) Dimitrios: Did Cate use you mr Sharper?is there a secret deal with Cate and the he who can control tha bahros?
(08/01 16:10:04) Douglas Sharper: They are good creatures.
(08/01 16:10:09) Yellowdog: I want to help you sir!
(08/01 16:10:12) Simon_Bitdiddle: Sharper: We'd like to help, but there isn't apparently any way we can.
(08/01 16:10:17) Simon_Bitdiddle: Besides the Journey.
(08/01 16:10:18) From groath in groath's Relto: Man!
(08/01 16:10:21) ireenquench is a bit puzzled...
(08/01 16:10:25) Eric Wolfe: There was a bahro in the Great Tree earlier, Douglas.
(08/01 16:10:28) Douglas Sharper: The good are watching. They need to know we are on their side.
(08/01 16:10:32) Trylon: Can we show our support to them? If so, how?
(08/01 16:10:34) Douglas Sharper: They are wondering.
(08/01 16:10:35) Tyion: sharper how do you no the good from the bad? did yeesha tell you?
(08/01 16:10:39) Thend: Douglas, did you meet the D'ni survivor in Noloben? And did you stay in hios Lab? If so, what did you think of his research?
(08/01 16:10:47) D'nara: Wouldnt it be better to show the bad ones weere not against them
(08/01 16:10:49) Poseidon: Should we wear our yeesha rewards?
(08/01 16:10:52) Yellowdog: So do you know if the ones we are releasing taking Yeeshas Journy are the Good Bahro?
(08/01 16:10:55) Douglas Sharper: He seemed like a twisted man.
(08/01 16:10:59) Zen6219: How can we show them we are on their side?
(08/01 16:11:02) melodilynn: Mr. Sharper, Did you enter the labe of the D'ni surviror in Noloben have you studied his work?
(08/01 16:11:02) Ollie: Arent' we?
(08/01 16:11:06) From D'nial in Uru Obsession's Bevin: You wouldn't mind returning it, then, as it contains nothing of value.
(08/01 16:11:06) Thend: Douglas, you saw him?!
(08/01 16:11:08) D'nara: instead of siding in this civil war
(08/01 16:11:14) Douglas Sharper: No.
(08/01 16:11:16) melodilynn: He's still alive?
(08/01 16:11:20) Dimitrios: Who????
(08/01 16:11:26) Thend: Okay, Douglas, thank you
(08/01 16:11:29) Varekai: Oh my god so much laaag
(08/01 16:11:39) Ollie: I'm not partial to beings that kills innocent kids.
(08/01 16:12:04) Dimitrios: Who is the he?
(08/01 16:12:09) Poseidon: Yes... do you have proof that it was a bahro that caused wheelys death?
(08/01 16:12:11) D'nara: e dont know anything about what happened with Whellie, we cant blaim them yet
(08/01 16:12:14) ireenquench: Doug, how should we tell the frinedly ones that we are on their side?
(08/01 16:12:14) Douglas Sharper: The good Bahro need to know that I am on their side. I owe them.
(08/01 16:12:17) Dimitrios: The great king?
(08/01 16:12:22) Drewski nods his head
(08/01 16:12:26) Simon_Bitdiddle: Simon: How can we help?
(08/01 16:12:29) DaveRamos: again, is there anything we can do to help?
(08/01 16:12:31) Douglas Sharper: So I will return and fight for them. Give my life if I must.
(08/01 16:12:33) Simon_Bitdiddle: Sharper, I mean.
(08/01 16:12:33) melodilynn: How will you show them that you are on their side?
(08/01 16:12:37) melodilynn: HOw can we?
(08/01 16:12:37) Calliope: how do we show or support
(08/01 16:12:40) Douglas Sharper: It's the least I can do.
(08/01 16:12:42) Yellowdog: Doug, Have you heard from Yeesha?
(08/01 16:12:44) Axis_WLF: Would the Bahro be offended by the guild shirts?
(08/01 16:12:50) Thend: Douglas, like ireen said, how do we communicate our good intentions to the Bahro?
(08/01 16:12:50) Dimitrios: I think that you are doing a mistake
(08/01 16:12:55) Songe: Me too
(08/01 16:12:56) Douglas Sharper: I have not spoken with Yeehsa.
(08/01 16:13:01) Songe: Your still null
(08/01 16:13:03) Poseidon: Indeed... you cannot fight our battles for us, how can we help?
(08/01 16:13:10) Douglas Sharper: You'll each have to decide how to best show your support. I know what I must do.
(08/01 16:13:17) Moiety Jean: Doug, will you please come and meet with Brian and the Great Tree before you go back?
(08/01 16:13:19) Dimitrios: If the good protect the bad then they dont want our help to their war
(08/01 16:13:19) melodilynn: why do you think it's so important to show them we are on their side?
(08/01 16:13:22) D'nara: dont be so dramatic Sharper / we cant just go on and help the bahro kill each other
(08/01 16:13:23) Calliope: what are you gonna do?
(08/01 16:13:34) DaveRamos: that is very noble of you Mr. Sharper....
(08/01 16:13:37) Thend: Douglas, what will you do to show your support?
(08/01 16:13:41) Songe: have you seen her ?
(08/01 16:13:54) Eric Wolfe: She seemed to know a lot about the bahro. Has anyone from the DRC tried to contact her?
(08/01 16:13:56) Dimitrios: No answer again?
(08/01 16:13:56) Songe: yeesha?
(08/01 16:13:59) Axis_WLF: So if you owe them what will you do to show your support? Also WE do not exactly wanna tick them off either so how about some advise on what we can do?
(08/01 16:14:02) ireenquench: Doug tell us more about what you experience in Noloben, please. And yeah how will you show support to them?
(08/01 16:14:04) melodilynn: why is it so importan now and how do you show them you are on their side?
(08/01 16:14:05) Douglas Sharper: For those of you who disagree with me, I understand but I don't care.
(08/01 16:14:19) Dimitrios: Did Cate use you ????
(08/01 16:14:23) bpgisme: What will you do to help them?
(08/01 16:14:26) Douglas Sharper: I'll fight for them.
(08/01 16:14:27) Tyion: sharper what do you plane to do in noloben this time round?
(08/01 16:14:27) Poseidon: May i ask what caused the sudden change in hear me sharper?
(08/01 16:14:29) melodilynn: I don't disagree with you, just curious why the sudden need to show support
(08/01 16:14:30) anju: Many of us agree with you, Sharper
(08/01 16:14:34) Douglas Sharper: Kill the evil ones.
(08/01 16:14:36) melodilynn: and how do you plan to do it?
(08/01 16:14:40) D'nara: youre disgusting
(08/01 16:14:41) Thend: Douglas, we understand there are many forces at work here. And are willing to listen to you
(08/01 16:14:45) Calliope: how do you tell them apart?
(08/01 16:14:49) Dimitrios: Whats their opinion mr Sharper???
(08/01 16:14:50) ireenquench: You will fight in their war.
(08/01 16:14:57) Zen6219: Are the good Bahro protecting us in the Cavern from the bad Bahro?
(08/01 16:14:57) Tyion: sharper why! you saw what happened the first time round
(08/01 16:14:57) Poseidon: Bah.... cant type
(08/01 16:14:59) Douglas Sharper: Yes I will.
(08/01 16:15:00) Robu: How do we know that they are evil?
(08/01 16:15:07) Axis_WLF: how are you able to find and help the "good" Bahro out?
(08/01 16:15:09) Dimitrios: No answer again?
(08/01 16:15:10) Poseidon: What caused this sudden change in heart
(08/01 16:15:12) Tyion: you cant go around killing bahro!
(08/01 16:15:16) isabella39 tosses a rotten egg towards sharper (08/01 16:15:16) Andros: Douglas.... we are seeing baby Bahro in the city... did you noticed baby Bahro on Nobolen?
(08/01 16:15:18) ~~meadow~~: sharper cant answer 15 ?s at once, please organize yourselves
(08/01 16:15:18) Robu: Don't you think that the Bahro might just be controlled by someone else?
(08/01 16:15:19) melodilynn: How do you interact with them?
(08/01 16:15:19) Calliope: why not?
(08/01 16:15:22) Douglas Sharper: I must.
(08/01 16:15:25) melodilynn: How do they know that you mean to support them
(08/01 16:15:26) MiniCapnQuery: how do we tell the good bahro from the bad ones?
(08/01 16:15:26) Varekai: I feel the same way Zen, maybe they are here to protect us since we can't defend ourselves!
(08/01 16:15:35) Douglas Sharper: I have seen the Bahro here.
(08/01 16:15:39) ireenquench: How will you fight in their war? what strategy?
(08/01 16:15:40) Moiety Jean: Doug, please at least come see The Great Tree...
(08/01 16:15:42) Arwen Gemstone: I would loke to know more about the bahro you killed
(08/01 16:15:43) Dimitrios: Now i am sure what was happening
(08/01 16:15:45) Douglas Sharper: God ones - all of them.
(08/01 16:15:46) Eric Wolfe: I think maybe it might make sense for you to look for that 'survivor.' He may have information that is relevant...
(08/01 16:15:46) D'nara: the Bahro wont like it that you interfere in thei affairs like this i think
(08/01 16:15:50) Thend: Tyion, this sounds different, he is acknowledging the 'good' ones
(08/01 16:15:51) Douglas Sharper: Good.
(08/01 16:15:58) Douglas Sharper: Ones.
(08/01 16:16:03) Yellowdog: Thank you Doug!
(08/01 16:16:06) DaveRamos: what do the bad ones look like, if we ever see one?
(08/01 16:16:07) Varekai cheers
(08/01 16:16:08) melodilynn: Do you interact with them using body language?
(08/01 16:16:16) Douglas Sharper: No.
(08/01 16:16:22) melodilynn: Do you interact with them using signs?
(08/01 16:16:25) Calliope: how can we tell them apart?
(08/01 16:16:25) Songe: How then?
(08/01 16:16:27) Axis_WLF: Are we able to interact with the bahro like you can?
(08/01 16:16:31) ~~meadow~~: any advise how to tell a bad one?
(08/01 16:16:34) Douglas Sharper: Basic signs as some of you have.
(08/01 16:16:44) D'nara: o you just show up and go kill some of them and hope the others understand=
(08/01 16:16:50) Thend: We watch too ;)
(08/01 16:16:52) Songe: Shirts?
(08/01 16:16:54) Katran: Mr. Sharper sir, how do we know good from abad?
(08/01 16:16:54) Dimitrios: Do you ask them if they want to take part in their war????
(08/01 16:16:57) Douglas Sharper: By the time you know it is a bad one, I fear it is too late. Unless there are good around to save you.
(08/01 16:16:58) Robu: I think that the guy in Noloben is controlling some of the Bahro
(08/01 16:17:03) isabella39 nods her head
(08/01 16:17:03) Tyion: Sharper do you not realise that you may bring the wrath of the bahro apone us by killing more of them!
(08/01 16:17:04) Axis_WLF: do the Bahro have a hatred for the Dn'i?
(08/01 16:17:06) Calliope: lol
(08/01 16:17:07) Alysa: What do WE do to help them out?
(08/01 16:17:08) Thend: Understood, Douglas
(08/01 16:17:09) Yellowdog: They seem to be responding to the Shirt Yeesha gave us, any Idea why?
(08/01 16:17:09) Mister Cloak: when you go back, can you take a picture of noloben for us?
(08/01 16:17:14) melodilynn: So, how do you tell before it's too late
(08/01 16:17:21) melodilynn: We want to show our support also, how can we?
(08/01 16:17:24) Esbee: He obviously can't tell them apart - that's why he's being so... reluctant in his explanations
(08/01 16:17:24) ireenquench: What strategy will you use when you go to fight?
(08/01 16:17:24) Rils: how can we tell the good from the bad?
(08/01 16:17:25) Zen6219: Is that why the good ones are in the cavern now in such numbers? To protect us from the bad?
(08/01 16:17:37) Douglas Sharper: What do you mean Yellowdog?
(08/01 16:17:56) melodilynn: He's not going to fight, he's going to communicate
(08/01 16:18:14) Songe cheers
(08/01 16:18:15) From Barbarra in (null) The Watcher's Pub: sorry hard to follow so much chatter
(08/01 16:18:18) Axis_WLF: if the Bahro have a distaste for those who wear yeesha shirts than could we expect retlaiation upon large groups wearing them?
(08/01 16:18:20) Yellowdog: They seem to be getting Closer to us that are wearing this shirt, even making contact and bowing back!
(08/01 16:18:21) Dimitrios: Yes i can confirm that about Yeesha shirt.and also when we say shorah and Yeesha
(08/01 16:18:26) Moiety Jean: I know Brian Fioca would really like a chance to talk to you. If you're leaving for Noloben, and it's so dangerous, we might not get another chance...
(08/01 16:18:32) Douglas Sharper: Interesting.
(08/01 16:18:39) bpgisme: What can we do to help?
(08/01 16:18:50) Douglas Sharper: Regardless, I need to move along. Much to do.
(08/01 16:18:51) Thend: Douglas, one other question - Why should dead Bahro not be touched? Or was it only that dead one yesterday?
(08/01 16:19:06) Axis_WLF: could the guild of maintainers be reinstated in true form to help police what little we have?
(08/01 16:19:11) Songe: Can we come with you?
(08/01 16:19:11) Zen6219: Good luck to you.
(08/01 16:19:24) Alysa: Thanks for bothering to stop and talk to us.
(08/01 16:19:26) Ieddo: Luck to you Sharper.
(08/01 16:19:28) ireenquench: They have been reported to show up on a Relto ans scream... That person had finished the journey and afterwards took pillars back to Relto.
(08/01 16:19:28) D'nara: Go and have your little war then
(08/01 16:19:28) melodilynn: good luck in your efforts and much success
(08/01 16:19:29) Calliope: interesting
(08/01 16:19:29) ~~meadow~~: thanks doug, as always
(08/01 16:19:29) Poseidon: Yes... good luck to you sir
(08/01 16:19:30) Mar'ith: Douglass, would you like us to give you a Yeesha shirt or do you have one?
(08/01 16:19:31) Error: Don't know how to '/say '
(08/01 16:19:31) Poseidon salutes
(08/01 16:19:37) Esbee: what a subborn idiots
(08/01 16:19:38) Eric Wolfe: Thend: I think he just meant don't touch it because they were mourning it.
(08/01 16:19:40) MiniCapnQuery: thank for for coming Mr. Sharper
(08/01 16:19:41) Yellowdog: I beleave that the Good ones ate ones that we are "Releasing" by taking Yeeshas Journey!
(08/01 16:19:41) Thend: Thank you Douglas, for your input
(08/01 16:19:43) ...Chat.log stopped.