Reference:2007-08-01 Marie Sutherland in Kirel

From Guild of Archivists

Very late on the 1 August and into the 2nd, Marie Sutherland stops by Kirel and answers explorers' questions.

(08/02 09:52:31) Marie Sutherland: I have no news, zreyasa. Sorry.
(08/02 09:53:02) ireenquench: How are you Marie, its late!
(08/02 09:53:03) Fax Paladin: Marie, I was curious about that big button thingy on the podium back in the community room...
(08/02 09:53:07) Marie Sutherland: I have not seen one up close as some have. For that, I think I'm grateful, honestly.
(08/02 09:53:18) zreyasa: then I suspect you have come here to work, not be inundated. Have a nice evening.
(08/02 09:53:24) The World: WHy, do you think they're dangerous?
(08/02 09:53:41) A'drian: We can't judge them all by the actions of a few.
(08/02 09:53:49) Tyion: Acually Marie there harmless, from what i;ve herd they simply wave at you or observe.
(08/02 09:53:52) Vivicus: According to Sharper, its the good bahro that are stopping by in the city
(08/02 09:54:06) Darkling: Sharper said these Bahro around the city are the 'good' bahro. I for one think there harmless
(08/02 09:54:14) Tyion: One appeared in front of a bunch of us int he city did nothing but look
(08/02 09:54:31) Andrew Yosso: Same with the one at gog
(08/02 09:54:47) Marie Sutherland: That seems to be true at the moment. I hope it stays that way.
(08/02 09:54:52) A'drian: For all we know, they have a BRC.
(08/02 09:54:57) Tyion: As do we all.
(08/02 09:55:07) Vivicus nods his head
(08/02 09:55:11) Tyion: Lol Bahro restoration council lol
(08/02 09:55:16) Andrew Yosso starts to laugh
(08/02 09:55:16) ireenquench: they seem to respond to bowing and mimick it. They seem to observe us when we gather in large groups, too. And at least two were seen on a Relto!
(08/02 09:55:21) A'drian nods
(08/02 09:55:28) Andrew Yosso: wow
(08/02 09:55:34) Tyion: I was in Er'cana tonight one looked at me
(08/02 09:55:50) Tyion: It's stange the fact that there in the age's now.
(08/02 09:56:00) Tyion: But then when your in the cavern, expect the strange.
(08/02 09:56:05) Marie Sutherland: Interesting.
(08/02 09:56:09) Darkling: There watching us :S
(08/02 09:56:17) Andrew Yosso: and can link at will
(08/02 09:56:41) Marie Sutherland: Indeed.
(08/02 09:56:42) Tyion: I think it;s good there watching us, if we can help them to understand us better i'm all for it.
(08/02 09:56:53) Serana thanks Fell and takes the coat
(08/02 09:56:59) Darkling: Lets just hope Sharper knows what he is doing... A lot rests on his shoulders
(08/02 09:57:01) Ansel: So long as they like what they see.
(08/02 09:57:01) The World: Is anyone in the DRC offically trying to investigate the Bahro? because they're obviously a large part of D"ni at the moment.
(08/02 09:57:01) Erik: It could be that they're just testing us though...
(08/02 09:57:32) Ahda: Marie, do you know what shape the Guilds will take? or is it too earliy to tell?
(08/02 09:57:32) Tyion: I think the bahro are smart enough to no it;s sharper who is doing this and not us
(08/02 09:57:40) Tyion: Besides they've herd are arguments on the matter
(08/02 09:57:51) Tyion: There watching us remember lol
(08/02 09:57:52) A'drian: Just to be different... Is there anything we can do or answer for you Marie?
(08/02 09:58:02) Zedra says hey
(08/02 09:58:06) Tyion: Yeah ask us a question.
(08/02 09:58:08) Marie Sutherland: It's too early to tell, Ahda.
(08/02 09:58:13) ireenquench: Marie don't you wish you had more time for anthropology these days? Exiting times. Sorta an alien race to get in contact with.
(08/02 09:58:40) Gelwyn: letting her answer a few questions first might be more productive...
(08/02 09:58:54) gaeflin: so when is the new age comming out?
(08/02 09:58:56) Ahda: Ok, thanks Marie.
(08/02 09:59:01) A'drian: keep it casual and be patient. we'll get along
(08/02 09:59:01) Marie Sutherland: I wish I had more time for sleep, frankly.
(08/02 09:59:03) Fax Paladin sighs
(08/02 09:59:07) Rocky waves hello
(08/02 09:59:12) Marie Sutherland smiles.
(08/02 09:59:17) ireenquench: Awww.
(08/02 09:59:20) Andrew Yosso: dont we all
(08/02 09:59:21) Fax Paladin: I used to think sleep was for wimps...
(08/02 09:59:21) Tyion: I bet you do! your job must be so taxing.
(08/02 09:59:30) Fax Paladin: I was younger then...
(08/02 09:59:41) Tyion: Oh getting older has it;s downsides
(08/02 09:59:42) Darkling: sleep makes work alot easier
(08/02 09:59:59) Tyion: Agreed darkling
(08/02 10:00:04) Serana: oops, cauhgt
(08/02 10:00:05) Marie Sutherland: But we press on as best we can.
(08/02 10:00:06) Darkling: =)
(08/02 10:00:09) Andrew Yosso nods his head
(08/02 10:00:12) Fax Paladin: Of course, weird hours throw everything off anyway.
(08/02 10:00:22) Tyion: Thinking possitive always a pluse.
(08/02 10:00:31) Fax Paladin: Which is why I'm here this time of the morning.
(08/02 10:00:43) Ansel: Can you speak more specifically about what's keeping you awake?
(08/02 10:00:52) Tyion: Coffee!!!!
(08/02 10:00:56) A'drian: Caffiene
(08/02 10:01:00) StrykerOne: Laaa a a a a a a a aaaa aaa gggggggg............
(08/02 10:01:01) Andrew Yosso: Tea!
(08/02 10:01:13) Darkling: Marie, do you know what area of the city will be released next?
(08/02 10:01:15) ireenquench: Bahro
(08/02 10:01:52) Darkling: Or at least what areas are being worked on at the moment?
(08/02 10:01:52) Fax Paladin: They do seem to have sodas here, if you need a quick caffeine boost. I saw a cooler somewhere...
(08/02 10:01:53) Marie Sutherland: I'm not sure, Darkling.
(08/02 10:02:24) Darkling: ok, thank you
(08/02 10:02:30) Tyion: Any thoughts on Kveer islands release? i no thats looking ahead but it is close to phase 5
(08/02 10:04:02) A'drian: No Engberg sightings yet?
(08/02 10:04:04) Marie Sutherland: K'veer isn't at the very top of the list, but it's fairly close to the top.
(08/02 10:04:14) Tyion: Cool thanks for the info
(08/02 10:04:21) Darkling: so what is on the top of the list? :P
(08/02 10:04:21) Vivicus: What is on the top of the list then?
(08/02 10:04:23) Marie Sutherland: No word from Mr. Engberg at all.
(08/02 10:04:25) Darkling: lol
(08/02 10:05:03) L'lee is worried about Mr. Engberg and hopes he's safe and sound...
(08/02 10:05:08) ireenquench: Marie... I am a bit worried Sharper's actions might be unwise.Him going to war the the "friendl" Bahro. Could you elaborate on your or the DRC's stance on that? Is he "officially" going?
(08/02 10:05:25) Marie Sutherland: I'll not be the one to spoil that, Darkling.
(08/02 10:05:32) Marie Sutherland smiles.
(08/02 10:05:34) Ahda shares L'lee's sentiments
(08/02 10:05:37) Darkling: ok ;)
(08/02 10:05:41) Vivicus: :)
(08/02 10:05:46) Darkling: no harm in trying is there hehe
(08/02 10:05:52) Andrew Yosso shakes his head
(08/02 10:06:26) Marie Sutherland: We're still trying to talk Mr. Sharper out of taking any implsuive actions.
(08/02 10:06:41) Erik: Dr. Sutherland, do you think it's still safe to pick up Bahroish items like sparks and Relto pages?
(08/02 10:06:43) Tyion: so i take it then he hasnt left yet?
(08/02 10:07:08) Marie Sutherland: I don't think he has.
(08/02 10:07:09) Ansel: Does he have access to his own Noloben linking book?
(08/02 10:07:12) Darkling: its a sensative thing that sharper has gotton himself into...
(08/02 10:07:28) IBnetweezel: Have any of the DRC heard reports of explorers communicating with Bahro recently?
(08/02 10:07:36) Marie Sutherland: We have no reports to the contrary, Erik.
(08/02 10:07:45) Erik: Okay, thank you.
(08/02 10:08:04) Tyion: may i suggest something marie?
(08/02 10:08:15) A'drian: Is the algae the only thing that's dorment in the lake? Could we inadvertently be feeding something else?
(08/02 10:08:24) Darkling: scary thought....
(08/02 10:08:31) Marie Sutherland: Go ahead, Tyion.
(08/02 10:08:34) Gelwyn seconds that
(08/02 10:08:55) Tyion: if possible take away his noloben linking book and seal away all others if possible. that way he couldnt harm the bahro or cause any trouble.
(08/02 10:08:57) Andrew Yosso thirds it
(08/02 10:09:07) Ahda: Maybe we should start carying around signs with Bahro "friendship" symbols on them.
(08/02 10:09:32) Darkling: Sharper is too involved with this war now i think to turn back
(08/02 10:09:36) Tyion: it is not a nice thing to do a person ill edmit but if it will stop him from killing more of them it has to be done.
(08/02 10:09:42) Gelwyn: you could wear a sandwich board, that would be easier... hehe
(08/02 10:09:49) Marie Sutherland: Thanks for the suggestion.
(08/02 10:09:56) Fax Paladin: Marie, do you know anything about the weird blue button-looking thingy on the podium upstairs in the auditorium?
(08/02 10:09:58) Ahda: heh
(08/02 10:10:04) Darkling: But hes killing bad ones, he wants to show that we are on the good bahros side
(08/02 10:10:06) Tyion: if it will all help i am glade to suggest it.
(08/02 10:10:20) Ahda: Yes, I was wondering abou tthat too Fax
(08/02 10:10:50) Marie Sutherland: at one time we had it hooked up to play a recording. But that was several years ago. It doesn't do anything at the moment.
(08/02 10:10:53) CrashOveride: Thanx for the head up there man :-)
(08/02 10:11:19) Ahda: ah.
(08/02 10:11:26) Fax Paladin: Ah. Cool.
(08/02 10:11:47) Ansel wants to ask a question...
(08/02 10:12:02) Marie Sutherland: Yes, Ansel?
(08/02 10:12:21) Ansel: Are there any ideas as to how there came to be English on the Bahro stones in Minkata?
(08/02 10:12:33) Zedra: he he
(08/02 10:12:41) Sti 'in: Hi
(08/02 10:12:45) Gelwyn: I think it's only around 30 in here... not sure
(08/02 10:12:55) ireenquench: excellent question Ansel!
(08/02 10:13:40) Fell L: I agre with ireen, great qeustion Ansel
(08/02 10:13:41) Zane: Are the DRC going to open up more of Ae'gura City any time soon?/askquestion
(08/02 10:13:55) Fax Paladin: Yeesha knows English. Perhaps she wrote it.
(08/02 10:14:06) Tyion: thats what i think to fax
(08/02 10:14:10) IBnetweezel: that relates to my earlier question of whether the DRC has received any reports of exploreres communicating with the Bahro...I believe that they Bahro can understand English
(08/02 10:14:17) Shinohara wants to ask a question...
(08/02 10:14:37) DonVitorio: Rumor has it that there is a group that call themselves "the clan of the rose", and they will wage war with anyone who is against them! what then????
(08/02 10:14:51) ireenquench: I think they might yes.. but different vocal chords, thus speech probs
(08/02 10:14:51) vanda (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(08/02 10:14:52) Zedra: I thought the Bahro language was pictographical.
(08/02 10:15:18) Gelwyn wonders if the Bahro are telepathic
(08/02 10:15:27) Ahda: You're assuming that the bahro made the tablets in minkata. I've seen no evidence of this.
(08/02 10:15:34) Darkling: I was told they learnt how to write in our language so they could communicate with us...
(08/02 10:15:48) Erik: No evidence? I've seen lots of evidence actually
(08/02 10:15:56) Darkling: theres no evidence against it either :P
(08/02 10:15:59) Hitana: shorah marie
(08/02 10:16:06) ireenquench: Ahda, the MInkata stone has Noloben "language" symbols all over it, too, thats Bahro.
(08/02 10:16:12) Marie Sutherland: I would guess that they probably asked Yeesha.
(08/02 10:16:20) IBnetweezel: So my question to Marie is if any of the DRC have tried to openly communicate with the Bahro
(08/02 10:16:38) Darkling: apart from sharper with a gun :P
(08/02 10:16:48) Ansel: Thanks.
(08/02 10:16:50) A'drian: or vice-versa
(08/02 10:17:01) Ahda: OH! I wasn't aware those were bahro glyphs.
(08/02 10:17:09) Ahda feels dumb
(08/02 10:17:12) Marie Sutherland: Yes, but they have not been responsive.
(08/02 10:17:29) Darkling pats ahda on the head
(08/02 10:17:31) Tyion: i think communication with the bahro is possible if we could just find more symbols that represent words of there race
(08/02 10:17:33) Darkling: :)
(08/02 10:17:43) Hitana: marie what do you think of sharpers plans to fight for the bahro?
(08/02 10:17:46) Fell L makes a note
(08/02 10:18:08) Gliodhna: ms
(08/02 10:18:08) Ahda: Perhaps the Guild of Linguists is in order!
(08/02 10:18:10) IBnetweezel: Some bahro have responded to explorers...mimicking explorers by dancing or sitting...even answering yes or no questions
(08/02 10:18:11) Erik: Dr. Sutherland, I would like to mention that it appears that the Bahro in the tunnels behind the Journey Doors are sometimes saying Noloben. I don't know if it's important, but I thought I should mention it.
(08/02 10:18:16) Gliodhna: ya aber sie sind nicht ansprechbar
(08/02 10:18:50) IBnetweezel: you think it might be good to open up avenues of communication directly with the Bahro as a means of finding out more about them
(08/02 10:18:54) IBnetweezel: ?
(08/02 10:18:55) Gliodhna: erik:kurzform: die bahros sprechen von noloben
(08/02 10:19:26) Ahda: Does the DRC have any plans to reliease Noloben?
(08/02 10:19:29) Hitana: they also seem to like ppl wearing yeesha-shirts...
(08/02 10:19:35) Serana hands Fell his coat as it is suddenly very warm
(08/02 10:19:51) Tyion: well thats becuse we are saying we side with the bahro when we ware these yeesha shirts
(08/02 10:20:03) Marie Sutherland: I think it's good to support the friendly bahro, but attacking the unfriendly bahro seems unwise.
(08/02 10:20:14) ireenquench agrees
(08/02 10:20:23) Sti 'in agrees
(08/02 10:20:24) Robotany nods his head
(08/02 10:20:26) Andrew Yosso nods his head
(08/02 10:20:32) Hitana agrees
(08/02 10:20:36) Ollie: Is that official DRC policy, Marie, or your own position?
(08/02 10:20:37) Ahda: Yeah. We already know the Bahro are the perfect killin gmachine!
(08/02 10:20:42) Gelwyn: violence begets violence...
(08/02 10:20:44) Tyion: it is unwise but from what i read from doughs chatlog in the greattree hood he seems scared about something.
(08/02 10:20:45) Zane: Agrees
(08/02 10:20:46) A'drian: Support in what way? Without knowing the nature of the conflict, involvement one way or the other seems dangerous/unwise.
(08/02 10:20:52) CrashOveride: Agrees
(08/02 10:20:52) Zedra: How can you do one without doing the other, when they are at war with each other, though, Marie?
(08/02 10:20:54) Darkling: Do we know what their war is actuly over? Our future?
(08/02 10:20:56) Tyion: but he is still beging rash and i do not like him killing the least
(08/02 10:21:33) Tyion: no there is alot of specualtion on the why they are at war
(08/02 10:21:39) Tyion: but it is all thoughts and not fact
(08/02 10:21:47) Darkling: Well they did cill some of us off =/
(08/02 10:21:52) Darkling: kill*
(08/02 10:21:58) Andrew Yosso: hope not
(08/02 10:22:01) Tyion: now we dont no if it was a bahro
(08/02 10:22:07) Tyion: we no there was a bahro helping wheely
(08/02 10:22:10) Ahda: Asuming that wasn't an accedent, Darkling
(08/02 10:22:15) Andrew Yosso: yes
(08/02 10:22:16) Tyion: but not if it was a bahro that killed her.
(08/02 10:22:17) Darkling: There never are any facts =P
(08/02 10:22:18) ireenquench: I think they might be fighing over what to do with the tablet or who gets it.
(08/02 10:22:30) Tyion: if there is a tablet
(08/02 10:22:34) Andrew Yosso: yes
(08/02 10:22:34) Marie Sutherland: As for communicating with the friendly bahro, I would like that very much, but they are in control of that situation.
(08/02 10:22:42) Tyion: remember Myst5 is based on a journal
(08/02 10:22:43) Darkling: The bahro helping wheely killed her i nthe end.... That or it was another bahro
(08/02 10:23:20) Tyion: i wonder if they have already tried to talk with us
(08/02 10:23:26) Tyion: the screams could be them calling us
(08/02 10:23:30) Marie Sutherland: In that respect, you explorers have a much greater chance (statistically) since there are many more of you than thjere are of us.
(08/02 10:23:33) Tyion: and they have said Noloben
(08/02 10:23:44) Ahda: Could be.
(08/02 10:23:49) DonVitorio: I think the clan of the rose has something to do with all of this!!!
(08/02 10:24:03) Ahda: What is the clan of the rose?
(08/02 10:24:06) ireenquench: Marie.. I have been wondering about that one symbol on the second floor of the pub.. could it have been a protective symbol and the searchers destroyed it accidentally as they went down to get Wheely?
(08/02 10:24:10) Tyion: well marie your as much of an explorer as us.
(08/02 10:24:38) Darkling: We need to find yeesha
(08/02 10:24:56) Darkling: Im sure she can answer some of thethings we need to know
(08/02 10:25:01) Tyion: but there in lies the problem
(08/02 10:25:07) Tyion: how do you find the desert bird?
(08/02 10:25:12) Tyion: heck how do you contact her?
(08/02 10:25:12) Andrew Yosso shrugs
(08/02 10:25:19) A'drian: She'll find us when she's done.
(08/02 10:25:28) Darkling: Who knows, maybe we will hear from her soon ;)
(08/02 10:25:32) Marie Sutherland: Indeed, Tyion. I'm just saying that many are expecting us (the DRC) to have the answers, when there are somet things that you're in a better position to find the answers to than we are.
(08/02 10:25:47) A'drian agrees
(08/02 10:25:59) Andrew Yosso agrees
(08/02 10:26:00) Tyion: true.
(08/02 10:26:01) Hitana: how can we pass the information we may get on to you, if we get any?
(08/02 10:26:19) Marie Sutherland: last think I remember Yeesha saying was that she had to "attend to other matters" or something along those lines.
(08/02 10:26:35) Hitana: when did you hear that marie?
(08/02 10:26:36) Erik: That's true
(08/02 10:26:47) Tyion: oh what did she say
(08/02 10:26:51) Erik: The imager speech "And I'll be concerned with other tinhs "
(08/02 10:26:57) Hitana: oh yes....
(08/02 10:26:59) Tyion: right thank Erik
(08/02 10:27:00) Andrew Yosso: ah
(08/02 10:27:27) A'drian: "...the least are growing greater"
(08/02 10:27:37) Tyion: becoming greater
(08/02 10:27:40) Andrew Yosso: sure are
(08/02 10:27:45) Hitana: yeah
(08/02 10:27:46) A'drian: heheh, thanks Ty
(08/02 10:28:00) Tyion: i make it a habit to no yeesha qoutes inside out lol
(08/02 10:28:01) Ahda: soon they'll be the "most"
(08/02 10:28:03) Fell L nods his head
(08/02 10:28:10) Andrew Yosso nods his head
(08/02 10:28:21) Darkling: well... there hardly the least anymore are they...
(08/02 10:28:29) ireenquench: It'd be great if we could ask her about her knowledge of the Bahro. There have been attempts at contacting her, but so far no idea how really.
(08/02 10:28:35) Tyion: if Myst5 happened as in the game there the Great
(08/02 10:28:45) Jahmen wants to ask a question...
(08/02 10:29:00) Marie Sutherland looks at Jahmen.
(08/02 10:29:05) Marie Sutherland: Yes?
(08/02 10:29:53) Jahmen: Will the DRC be putting out an age every month now?
(08/02 10:30:31) Tyion: and there back!
(08/02 10:31:14) Andrew Yosso: ah
(08/02 10:31:29) Jahmen: I ask because it has been very exciting how much has been put forth already.
(08/02 10:31:38) Andrew Yosso nods his head
(08/02 10:32:19) Hitana wants to ask a question...
(08/02 10:32:49) Ahda has a question
(08/02 10:33:02) Skulls is waiting...
(08/02 10:33:23) A'drian applauds everyone's patience
(08/02 10:33:30) Darkling is also waiting
(08/02 10:33:33) Darkling: lol
(08/02 10:33:40) Seltahn laughs
(08/02 10:33:43) Tyion looks around for the bahro who yelled
(08/02 10:33:50) "Phantom": Sure no problemo I can move easily here
(08/02 10:33:58) Marie Sutherland: Thank you, Jahmen. We've been trying to do as much as we can within our current limits, and will continue to do so.
(08/02 10:34:22) Hitana: how's the DRC proceeding with the restoration of the main city?
(08/02 10:34:58) Andrew Yosso shrugs
(08/02 10:35:08) Marie Sutherland: the main city is a ways down the list.
(08/02 10:35:15) Tyion: no voice chat please, youll make the lag worse. either that or crash people lol not good.
(08/02 10:35:29) Seltahn: oh, and it sound like gibberish!
(08/02 10:35:35) Seltahn: *sounds
(08/02 10:35:37) Darkling: in fact, i think having a area of the city released one month would be just as good as a age....
(08/02 10:35:40) Hitana: so i suppose new ages are more important now?
(08/02 10:36:05) Hitana: yeah even a small area would be nice
(08/02 10:36:07) Darkling: More city means more places to 'find' ages
(08/02 10:36:16) Jahmen: I think everyone in Uru loves what has been given to us so far and can see greater things ahead.
(08/02 10:36:24) Darkling: indeed
(08/02 10:36:29) Tyion: agreed
(08/02 10:36:29) Ahda: Marie, are the fanancial problems Cate mentioned a while back still going on?
(08/02 10:36:30) Hitana: of course
(08/02 10:36:32) rebus: Right Jahmen
(08/02 10:36:49) Erik: Dr. Sutherland, what's become of Sam Reynold's notebooks that used to be on the Tokotah rooftop about some of the Kings?
(08/02 10:36:51) Rocky salutes
(08/02 10:37:05) Darkling: there in with the others now ;)
(08/02 10:37:23) Marie Sutherland: Not just Ages, last month was the Watcher's Sanctuary, this month, this very 'hood we're standing in.
(08/02 10:37:40) Nasser: T_T
(08/02 10:37:40) rebus: And it's great:)
(08/02 10:37:43) Nasser: Help
(08/02 10:37:47) Hitana: agreed
(08/02 10:37:49) Tyion: and its a nice hood thanks for cleaning it. XD
(08/02 10:37:56) rebus: Would have loved to take a ballon with me though LOL
(08/02 10:38:01) Darkling: i ment a large area. Although those areas anice too =)
(08/02 10:38:01) ireenquench: How do you personally think Cate having two votes on the council will affect the restoration?
(08/02 10:38:19) A'drian: Marie...Speaking of Kirel, is there a reason it was chosen as the "guild neighborhood"?
(08/02 10:38:58) Marie Sutherland: It will be interesting to see, Ireen.
(08/02 10:39:06) Ansel: And a follow up to ireen's question: How does it feel to be one of the most popular DRC members?
(08/02 10:39:06) Vivicus: hehe
(08/02 10:39:09) ireenquench half smiles
(08/02 10:39:13) Hitana: interesting...
(08/02 10:39:32) Darkling: yeah, we all love u ^^
(08/02 10:39:37) Andrew Yosso nods his head
(08/02 10:39:39) Darkling bows
(08/02 10:39:40) Sti 'in: xD
(08/02 10:39:44) Marie Sutherland smiles.
(08/02 10:39:48) Atrius Opheria agrees
(08/02 10:39:49) rebus cheers
(08/02 10:39:51) Marie Sutherland: well, thank you.
(08/02 10:39:52) Hitana: *g*
(08/02 10:39:54) Andrew Yosso: @-->---
(08/02 10:40:01) Fell L claps his hands
(08/02 10:40:02) ireenquench: My personal favorite really
(08/02 10:40:18) Fax Paladin grins
(08/02 10:40:18) IBnetweezel: :)
(08/02 10:40:57) Nev9: You're a lady and a saint, Marie. :)
(08/02 10:41:01) Hitana: oh and thx for taking the greeters into the guilds as well :)
(08/02 10:41:06) Andrew Yosso salutes
(08/02 10:41:09) Tyion: 3 cheers for marie!
(08/02 10:41:11) Zedra: woh bah!
(08/02 10:41:11) Hitana thanks you
(08/02 10:41:13) Marie Sutherland blushes.
(08/02 10:41:18) Andrew Yosso cheers
(08/02 10:41:20) Darkling cheers
(08/02 10:41:22) Fax Paladin cheers
(08/02 10:41:24) Hitana cheers
(08/02 10:41:25) Tyion cheers
(08/02 10:41:25) lee cheers
(08/02 10:41:26) Vivicus cheers
(08/02 10:41:28) Nev9 cheers
(08/02 10:41:28) rebus cheers
(08/02 10:41:29) Shal cheers
(08/02 10:41:30) IBnetweezel claps his hands
(08/02 10:41:31) Hitana cheers
(08/02 10:41:32) Francesca cheers
(08/02 10:41:32) Andrew Yosso claps his hands
(08/02 10:41:35) Zedra claps her hands
(08/02 10:41:35) Ansel cheers
(08/02 10:41:36) Jahuti cheers
(08/02 10:41:36) L'lee cheers
(08/02 10:41:37) Skulls thanks you
(08/02 10:41:37) Hitana cheers
(08/02 10:41:37) Rocky salutes
(08/02 10:41:37) lee claps his hands
(08/02 10:41:40) ireenquench claps her hands
(08/02 10:41:41) Vivicus cheers
(08/02 10:41:41) Sti 'in: ?
(08/02 10:41:42) Robotany claps his hands
(08/02 10:41:42) ziidee cheers
(08/02 10:41:43) Andrew Yosso thanks you very much!
(08/02 10:41:44) rebus claps her hands
(08/02 10:41:45) Hitana claps her hands
(08/02 10:41:45) Darkling: whey, what a response XD
(08/02 10:41:46) Hagenn cheers
(08/02 10:41:49) Nev9 claps his hands
(08/02 10:41:50) Vivicus cheers
(08/02 10:41:52) Palastrose claps her hands
(08/02 10:41:53) Sti 'in: What happened?
(08/02 10:41:54) Ahda cheers
(08/02 10:41:59) "Phantom" claps his hands
(08/02 10:41:59) Andrew Yosso starts to laugh
(08/02 10:42:09) Marie Sutherland: Really, that's not necessary. We all just do our jobs as best we can. But thanks!
(08/02 10:42:10) Fax Paladin bows
(08/02 10:42:12) "Phantom" cheers
(08/02 10:42:13) Tyion: were cheering for marie who rocks!
(08/02 10:42:15) Skulls cheers
(08/02 10:42:17) Andrew Yosso cheers
(08/02 10:42:17) Vivicus grins
(08/02 10:42:18) Sti 'in: Ok
(08/02 10:42:21) Sti 'in claps his hands
(08/02 10:42:39) Jahmen: Uru's awsome potential is limited only with time and over time it will become a gaming legacy!
(08/02 10:42:52) Tyion: see even the bahro like you marie!
(08/02 10:42:55) Andrew Yosso nods his head
(08/02 10:43:03) Sti 'in starts to laugh
(08/02 10:43:05) ireenquench: I'd think they would.
(08/02 10:43:06) Hitana: so coming back to something...
(08/02 10:43:11) rebus: Dr Sutherland?
(08/02 10:43:16) Darkling agrees with Jahmen
(08/02 10:43:20) rebus: I have a question?
(08/02 10:43:24) Ahda: Marie, do you know if the fanancial problems Cate spoke of are still going on?
(08/02 10:43:28) Hitana: which part of d'ni is the next on your plan?
(08/02 10:43:32) Marie Sutherland: yes, rebus?
(08/02 10:44:02) rebus: Thanks, and maybe you talked about this already, But are you sure that the bahro Sharper killed was a Bad one?
(08/02 10:44:11) Serana tucks Fell into bed and sings him a lullaby before saying goodnight
(08/02 10:45:11) A'drian: Take care Marie, thx for your time.
(08/02 10:45:13) Marie Sutherland: There is no way to know for sure, but based on the accounts of the Bahro the other day, it seems unlikely to me.
(08/02 10:45:17) A'drian waves goodbye
(08/02 10:45:23) Erik: Dr. Sutherland, did you get my earlier question about the notebooks that used to be on the Tokotah rooftop?
(08/02 10:45:28) rebus: Thank you Dr Sutherland
(08/02 10:45:29) Marie Sutherland: bye, a'drian
(08/02 10:45:54) lee salutes
(08/02 10:45:57) Marie Sutherland: I wasn't aware they were missing, Erik.
(08/02 10:46:16) Darkling wants to ask a question...
(08/02 10:46:17) Erik: Yes, there used to be Books about Ri'neref for example, written by Sam
(08/02 10:46:24) ireenquench: they have been missing since the great link I believe
(08/02 10:46:26) Hitana wants to ask a question...
(08/02 10:46:27) L'lee just link back home to her warm bed as well.... g'night everyone. Thank you, Marie, for allowing us to interrupt your work for a bit!
(08/02 10:47:20) Marie Sutherland: Well, I'll look into it. In the meantime, if you find them, let me know.
(08/02 10:47:35) ireenquench thanks you very much!
(08/02 10:47:36) Erik: Thank you very much.
(08/02 10:47:41) Nasser: the lag makes me want to cry
(08/02 10:47:51) Tyion has a question.
(08/02 10:47:59) Darkling: its not too bad for me =)
(08/02 10:48:00) Hitana wants to ask a question...
(08/02 10:48:10) Darkling: (turn shadows off, it may help)
(08/02 10:48:12) Marie Sutherland: yes, Tyion?
(08/02 10:48:19) Ahda wonders if his questio nis being ignored.
(08/02 10:48:27) Tyion: where dose the DRC get there cool clothing> i mean your outfit rocks if you dont mind my saying so.
(08/02 10:49:10) Fax Paladin: I think there's a vested interest involved here. :-)
(08/02 10:49:27) Old Hip: If it is okay with everyone, and Marie, I would to give her a hug from all of us here - Is it okay with you all?
(08/02 10:49:31) Marie Sutherland: Thanks.
(08/02 10:49:37) rebus: Yes:)
(08/02 10:49:38) Tyion: fine with me
(08/02 10:49:43) Hitana: lol Hip
(08/02 10:49:45) ireenquench: lol
(08/02 10:49:45) Nasser: we no more lag XD
(08/02 10:49:50) Old Hip: Marie?
(08/02 10:49:55) Rihm: All good!
(08/02 10:49:57) Nasser: XD
(08/02 10:49:59) Nasser cheers
(08/02 10:50:45) Darkling: lol
(08/02 10:50:50) Hitana claps her hands
(08/02 10:50:51) Old Hip: cool? :-)
(08/02 10:50:54) ireenquench sniffles
(08/02 10:50:55) Nev9: Hip, move!
(08/02 10:50:55) rebus: Hurra!
(08/02 10:50:59) Hitana: sweeet
(08/02 10:51:01) Marie Sutherland: thank you
(08/02 10:51:07) ireenquench: awww
(08/02 10:51:08) Old Hip bows
(08/02 10:51:10) Rihm cheers
(08/02 10:51:10) Hitana still has a question :P
(08/02 10:51:11) Vivicus grins
(08/02 10:51:24) Marie Sutherland: yes, hitana?
(08/02 10:51:27) L'lee: ack... sorry
(08/02 10:51:27) Fax Paladin: Pity I've no more room for photos on my ki...
(08/02 10:51:36) Darkling: (there should so be a propper animation for that =P)
(08/02 10:51:38) Old Hip: you are welcome -
(08/02 10:51:40) L'lee: sleep walking...
(08/02 10:51:51) Hitana: which part of the city is going to be next on DRC's plans?
(08/02 10:52:07) Jahuti: 52 people here :-)
(08/02 10:52:17) Marie Sutherland: I'll not be the one to spoil that, Hitana.
(08/02 10:52:23) Darkling: its a secret, we already tried asking that
(08/02 10:52:27) Darkling: lol
(08/02 10:52:28) Hitana: hehe
(08/02 10:52:32) IBnetweezel: Got a full deck to play with then
(08/02 10:52:41) Ragdrazi: Ballons. I like ballons.
(08/02 10:52:41) rebus: Nice try:)
(08/02 10:52:42) Darkling wants to ask a question...
(08/02 10:52:43) Hitana has heard rumors about kveer
(08/02 10:53:07) VoiZod: oh shorah Marie and everyone
(08/02 10:53:08) Fax Paladin: We almost need a board where we can cross off questions as they're asked...
(08/02 10:53:17) Zedra: shorah VoiZod
(08/02 10:53:22) Marie Sutherland: what was your question, Ahda?
(08/02 10:53:45) Ahda: Do you know if the fanancial issues Cate mentioned are still going on?
(08/02 10:53:51) raymose34: whats the occasion?
(08/02 10:54:24) Darkling: Marie is here
(08/02 10:54:29) kxxt: Hi mp3
(08/02 10:55:33) jondoe: Jalak is in the house!
(08/02 10:55:45) Tyion: what?
(08/02 10:55:50) rebus: Where?
(08/02 10:55:50) Darkling: ?
(08/02 10:55:50) Rihm: Really? Where?
(08/02 10:55:51) mp3: Hi kxxt
(08/02 10:55:52) Vivicus: huh?
(08/02 10:55:55) Shal: yHuh?
(08/02 10:55:59) Sti 'in: ?
(08/02 10:56:01) Marie Sutherland: Things are still very tight, Ahda. We're doing what we can with what we have, and hoping we get a chance to do more in the future.
(08/02 10:56:06) Darkling: lol, total uproar
(08/02 10:56:07) L'lee roars with laughter
(08/02 10:56:16) rebus: That's good with me:)
(08/02 10:56:22) Ahda: OK, thanks Marie.
(08/02 10:56:25) Shal: It's what I like to call a 'lol what?' moment.
(08/02 10:56:26) Old Hip: Sho'rah all - Got pellets to drop that are coming out cookers now - Peacr & Love - and Thank you Marie for the time and allowing me the honor of the hug. :-)
(08/02 10:56:30) Darkling wants to ask a question...
(08/02 10:56:44) Marie Sutherland: Take care, Old Hip
(08/02 10:56:49) Nasser wants hugs.
(08/02 10:56:53) ireenquench: bye Old Hip
(08/02 10:56:55) Nasser: I like hugs....
(08/02 10:57:05) Nasser: and chicken...
(08/02 10:57:09) Marie Sutherland: yes, darkling?
(08/02 10:57:34) Darkling: How is the maintainers wall coming along? Will it be released to the explorers any time soon?
(08/02 10:57:52) Darkling hopes
(08/02 10:58:49) Marie Sutherland: the wall was completely non-functional when we returned to the Cavern.
(08/02 10:59:10) Marie Sutherland: it is still on the list, but not in the next few months.
(08/02 10:59:12) IBnetweezel: The DRC have a website up that tells what phase of resotration each of the areas are in
(08/02 10:59:28) Darkling: mmm ok, thank you
(08/02 11:00:04) IBnetweezel: Phase 1 is just started...phase 5 is near completion
(08/02 11:00:25) Hitana wants to ask a question...
(08/02 11:00:31) VoiZod: looks like DRC is working on it 'The Wall' game , the lights are flashing on the blocker panels
(08/02 11:00:36) Tyion raises hand
(08/02 11:00:52) Marie Sutherland: yes, hitana?
(08/02 11:01:14) Hitana: how's the work with ahnonay going on? will it be released soon?
(08/02 11:01:21) Nasser is hungry and wonders where the food is for this event.
(08/02 11:01:52) Ansel: Nasser, did you check in the coolers?
(08/02 11:01:58) Marie Sutherland: We are making progress. No guarantees of how soon, though.
(08/02 11:02:07) Hitana: ok thx
(08/02 11:02:28) Nasser: O_o No no i didnt
(08/02 11:02:38) Marie Sutherland: Ok, and Tyion gets the last question. I really need to get some sleep.
(08/02 11:03:11) VoiZod: should be asking when cate will reviel Jalak to us ?
(08/02 11:03:15) Tyion: in the early days of the restoration there were screenshots released ont he DRC website. one of which was a green looking hood. can yout ell us anything about it?
(08/02 11:03:32) Ahda: Heh, and here I was thinking you had just woken up really early. :D
(08/02 11:03:40) Nasser does a dance
(08/02 11:03:51) Fax Paladin: Are we not in it now?
(08/02 11:04:02) VoiZod: doh!
(08/02 11:04:02) Tyion: this is blue
(08/02 11:04:12) Nasser thinks this is a party and wishes for music and more dancers.
(08/02 11:04:17) Nasser does a dance
(08/02 11:04:19) Fax Paladin: It looks kind of blue-green to me.
(08/02 11:04:20) Ragdrazi: Crud. I would have asked about Engberg.
(08/02 11:04:20) VoiZod: toquoise
(08/02 11:04:25) Tyion: dose it?
(08/02 11:04:28) VoiZod: actualy its Cyan
(08/02 11:04:32) Kos Volan: So they painted lol
(08/02 11:04:36) VoiZod: hey
(08/02 11:04:44) Tyion: lol well if this is that screenshot then i feel silly
(08/02 11:05:02) Ragdrazi: What's a screenshot.
(08/02 11:05:06) Fax Paladin: Maybe it's the angle, or the lighting.
(08/02 11:05:19) Nasser think Tyion need to get another question. XD
(08/02 11:05:20) Marie Sutherland: I don't recall which 'hood was on the old website, but it could have been one of many.
(08/02 11:05:38) Hitana: there are more?
(08/02 11:05:39) Tyion: Cool thanks amrie
(08/02 11:05:43) Tyion: marie
(08/02 11:05:53) Marie Sutherland: it's amazing how different photos of a place can look so different once we're done restoring them.
(08/02 11:05:53) L'lee: a picture from the screen of his digital camera he brought down, Ragdrazzi....
(08/02 11:06:16) Fell L makes a note
(08/02 11:06:21) Ragdrazi: Ah. Thank you... yes, of course. How silly of me.
(08/02 11:06:23) Sti 'in: There is one othewr kind of hood isnt there there is bevin, kirel and another one
(08/02 11:06:23) Tyion: a picture dose speak a thousand words
(08/02 11:06:32) Erik: Seret
(08/02 11:06:38) Hitana: yeah i can guess so. thx for stopping by and answering all of our questions marie!
(08/02 11:06:42) Hitana thanks you
(08/02 11:06:49) L'lee thanks you very much!
(08/02 11:06:52) ireenquench thanks you very much!
(08/02 11:06:52) Ahda: Thank you for your time Marie. We all really appreciate it.
(08/02 11:06:52) Grieyls claps his hands
(08/02 11:06:54) Marie Sutherland: good night/morning, everyone.
(08/02 11:06:55) Sti 'in thanks you
(08/02 11:06:56) Zedra thanks you very much!
(08/02 11:06:57) Erik: Sleep well!
(08/02 11:06:57) Rihm: Thanks for coming Marie, it was great meeting you!
(08/02 11:06:57) Hitana claps her hands
(08/02 11:06:57) rebus: Thanks Marie!
(08/02 11:06:59) Shal thanks you very much!
(08/02 11:06:59) Vivicus thanks you very much!
(08/02 11:06:59) Fax Paladin thanks you
(08/02 11:07:00) Erik claps his hands
(08/02 11:07:01) Tyion: yes we do
(08/02 11:07:01) ireenquench bows
(08/02 11:07:02) rebus claps her hands
(08/02 11:07:03) Tyion claps his hands
(08/02 11:07:03) Ansel: Thanks, Marie. Please get some rest.
(08/02 11:07:04) Hitana: good night marie
(08/02 11:07:04) Robotany salutes
(08/02 11:07:04) Sti 'in thanks you very much!
(08/02 11:07:06) Hagenn cheers
(08/02 11:07:07) Kos Volan claps his hands
(08/02 11:07:09) VoiZod: Its kind of instristing to see the fountain without water running in it
(08/02 11:07:09) IBnetweezel: Adios Marie...thanks for chatting with us!
(08/02 11:07:10) Zedra claps her hands
(08/02 11:07:10) Jahuti: good night, Marie.. Sweet dreams :-)
(08/02 11:07:11) Hitana salutes
(08/02 11:07:11) Ansel cheers
(08/02 11:07:12) Vivicus waves goodbye
(08/02 11:07:12) Fax Paladin: Pleasant dreams...
(08/02 11:07:13) Sti 'in waves goodbye
(08/02 11:07:14) Nasser: Go Guild Of Writers!
(08/02 11:07:16) Palastrose claps her hands
(08/02 11:07:17) IBnetweezel waves goodbye
(08/02 11:07:18) Ahda: Goodnight marie.