Reference:DRC Discussions forum/Inappropriate threads

From Guild of Archivists

May 6, 2002 - Marie Sutherland[edit]

There are currently a few threads on these boards that really have nothing to do with the DRC or the restoration. I don’t wish to be negatively branded as Dr. Kodama already has been, but I would like to discuss whether we should step in at some point and have these threads removed. If so, where exactly are we going to draw that line?

We can discuss this privately at our next meeting if the rest of you would prefer.


May 6, 2002 - Dr. Kodama[edit]

No reason to make this a public discussion.

Dr. K.

May 6, 2002 - Michael Engberg[edit]

We each recognized that the focus of invited participants would be an issue even before this forum became accessible to the public. As you’ll remember, debates on this very topic went on at length, to the point of becoming a distraction to the real work at hand.

If someday the costs of maintenance outweigh the benefit to our greater purpose of restoring D’ni, we can discuss further action, but I think any decision is premature after being online for only two weeks. For now, I sustain my original vote to maintain these forums with as little moderation as possible. I simply do not think we have the resources at this time to do otherwise. If nothing else, Kodama, remember the sieve analogy that sold you on the idea in the first place. Let’s not give up on it yet.

Unwanted participants and site security is another matter entirely, which I, for one, think should be given the greater priority.


May 6, 2002 - Victor Laxman[edit]

Not to stir up an old issue, but if we had addressed just few more of the security issues before going live, some of those “inappropriate” threads would never have been started.

Now we’ve had a breach and are in the unfortunate situation of having to do damage control.


May 6, 2002 - Victor Laxman[edit]

I further secured the server.

We’ve all got so much to do. I can’t believe we have to deal with this.

Most people didn’t see it anyway. Why don’t we just lose the “inappropriate” threads.


May 7, 2002 - Dr. Kodama[edit]

Speaking of “inappropriate” threads, this is one.

Again, can we make this a private discussion?

Dr. K.

May 7, 2002 - Victor Laxman[edit]

These boards are just a tool – sometimes useful. Give the privacy thing a rest already, Kodamasan.


May 7, 2002 - Dr. Kodama[edit]

Victor – Although I would enjoy to publicly respond to your message, I’ll follow my own advice and speak to you in private.

By the way, your annex has been delayed a week.

Dr. K.

May 13, 2002 - Dr. Watson[edit]

Just a quick update, since most of this discussion was conducted privately, but I know that there were comments to this thread in other areas of the forums.

We will continue to do our best to keep the DRC Discussion area free of inapropriate threads.

We are grateful for those of you who are doing your best to keep inappropriate threads out of the explorer areas. We are not going to draw up “official” rules about staying on topic at this time, but please continue to keep your topics as appropriate as possible for this DRC site.

Thank you for your cooperation,

Dr. Watson