Reference:RAWA/D'ni symbol for 25

From Guild of Archivists

Part 1[edit]

RAWA, is it true that the "X" is a D'ni 25? And, if so, it that method preferred over writing a Dni "10"? (I've sort of assumed that a blank box is the number 0, correct me if I'm wrong.)

Yes, 25 can be written in two different ways in Dni, the X on the Book of D'ni is the number 25 written as a single digit. It is the only digit that has this dual representation. The single digit 25 is rarely used, it is far more common to see "10" for 25 instead.

0 is not an empty box, but is a box with a single dot in the center. The map included with the Book of Ti'ana has at least two zeroes in it. (I didn't look very long to find those two, there may be more.)



--- _ -----------------------------------------------------------------
/ * Richard A. Watson * *
\_/ * Programmer / D'ni Historian * *
C Y A N ------------------------------------------------------------

Part 2[edit]

I know this was discussed immediately upon the opening of the spoiler lyst... and I may have missed a message or two. Did anyone uncover the meaning of the '/' number? That's the only missing piece in my number knowledge.

Just to help curb the confusion here, the single diagonal slash was an error in the original D'ni number font we made. The only place that I know the old font was used by mistake is on the watch in Gehn's bedroom.

Sorry for the confusion.


--- _ -----------------------------------------------------------------
/ * Richard A. Watson * *
\_/ * Programmer / D'ni Historian * *
C Y A N ------------------------------------------------------------

Part 3[edit]

In the original game design, 25 was meant to be figured out by process of elimination. But later we decided to just not use it at all. I just double-checked the prototype to make sure that I was remembering correctly, and when generating the dome combo, it doesn't use 1 or 25.

It is possible that Broderbund (Mac/PC) or Sunsoft (Game machines) didn't implement this limitation in their versions. Out of the dozens of times I've played each of their versions, I never got 1 or 25 in the dome combo, but that may just have been coincidence.

A Fan wrote:

If the D'ni numbering system is base 25 (and it is), then 25 would be two digits. The first would be the symbol for 1, followed by a symbol for 0. I believe the symbol for 0 is a square with a dot in the middle. (25 x 1 ) + 0 = 25 We use the same logic for Gehn's Age 233. (25 X 9) + 8 + 233

For mathematical purposes you are correct. In these cases, twenty-five is always represented as two digits ("10"). But the D'ni also has a single symbol for 25 used in other instances (like comparisons, where they judge things on a scale from 1 to 25).

One Fan wrote:

BTW, the symbol for zero is a square with a single diagonal line. Check Gehn's timepiece. When it's open, there are number symbols on the upper area of the inner cylinder. They begin with this symbol, and continue with the symbols for one, two, three, etc.

Another Fan wrote:

I disagree. I believe the square with the diagonal line is an error. I remember a post many months ago stating the square with a dot inside is "0". I believe it was RAWA who posted it. But I may be wrong. Maybe both are correct.

There are two ways of looking at this:

1) The number on the timepiece was meant to be 25, but there was an error in the font that was used.

2) The single slash is a special symbol representing the combination of 0 (a dot) and 25 (an "x") only used in cases like the clock where the number sequence is cyclical, and can be thought of a wapping around upon itself.

#1 is the truth, but I like #2 better. ;)



--- _ -----------------------------------------------------------------
/ * Richard A. Watson * *
\_/ * Programmer / D'ni Historian * *
C Y A N ------------------------------------------------------------

Part 4[edit]

(Note: this was not posted on the Riven Lyst, but as a personal message on the Myst Online forums)
Message subject: Re: ConScript Unicode Registry
From: RAWA
Sent: Fri 18 Oct 2013, 19:17 (UTC+1)
To: korovev


The "Alternative 0" represents both 0 and 25 simultaneously, and is used for cyclical representations where 0 and 25 would overlap. Examples from our culture (kind of): a 24-clock where either 00:00 and 24:00 could be used to represent midnight; or a compass where 0 and 360 degrees "overlap".

The "Alternative 25" that looks like an asterisk in a box (D'ni numerals 6 and 25 in the same box) - is the D'ni symbol for the concept of "infinity" - something that cannot be numbered.

Hope that helps,