Reference:Yeesha, introduction (Myst IV: Revelation)

From Guild of Archivists

[A flash of light fades to reveal a desert scene, sliding away beneath you on a rail car]

This part's really really cool, if you're not afraid of tight spaces. Dad and me aren't, but sometimes mom has to close her eyes when I'm driving. I don't think she's home right now, 'cause I never could have picked you up alone if she was.

Is that a new image recorder you've got? How cool! And I know just the place to use it. Hang on!

[She speeds up the rail car and stops it right outside of Atrus's lab.]

Isn't Tomahna pretty from here? Every time you visited us, you always liked stopping here. What are you waiting for? Take a picture!

[If you delay in opening the camera]

What's wrong? Don't you want to take a picture right now? Go ahead!

[She waits.]

If you refuse to take a photo[edit]

I get it. You don't want to keep my dad waiting. He did seem pretty anxious for you to arrive. Okay, then let's go!

If you open the camera[edit]

Just don't get your fingers in the shot. Dad always ruins his images that way.
[Once you take the picture]
Did you get it? I think you should put it in your journal. That way, you could look at it whenever you miss us.

[Yeesha brings the vehicle to Atrus's lab and parks it. She walks out.]

I'll tell Dad you're here.

[Yeesha opens the door.]


[She enters the lab. The door shuts behind her.]