
From Guild of Archivists

This template takes a D'ni date and returns the equivalent UTC date


  • datetime - the datetime parameter takes a string of the date you want to convert. If this parameter is included, any parameters that indicate specific parts of the time (hahr, vailee, yahr, etc.) will be ignored.
  • input - if a datetime parameter is included, the input parameter is an input mask for parsing the datetime string. Unlike the surface-to-dni templates, an input mask is mandatory if you use the datetime parameter.
  • format - this parameter provides an output format for the UTC time string

Parts of time[edit]

If no datetime string is provided, individual parts of the time can be entered. Only hahr is mandatory. If the others are omitted, a default value will be used.

  • hahr - Mandatory, four-digit hahr. BE/DE years are indicated by putting in a negative year
  • vailee - the number of the vailee (starting at 0). Default = 0 (Leebro)
  • yahr - yahr of the vailee. Default = 1
  • gahrtahvo - gahrtahvo of the yahr. Default = 00
  • tahvo - tahvo of the gahrtavho. Default = 00
  • gorahn - gorhan of the tahvo. Default = 00
  • prorahn - prorahn of the tahvo. Default = 00


  • {{DniDate2UTC|datetime=9647|input=hhhh}} -> 1991 AD April 21 16:54:00
  • {{DniDate2UTC|datetime=Leevotar 9646 12 0:23:10:19 DE|input=vvvv hhhh y g:t:r:p xx}} -> 1991 AD February 21 17:53:58
  • {{DniDate2UTC||hahr=9646|vailee=8|yahr=12|gahrtahvo=0|tahvo=23|gorahn=10|prorahn=19}} -> 2020 BC August 06 09:51:58
  • {{DniDate2UTC|hahr=5636|vailee=2|yahr=27|gahrtahvo=1|tahvo=8|gorahn=9|prorahn=18}} -> 2020 BC August 06 09:51:58
  • {{DniDate2UTC|hahr=-2|vailee=2|yahr=27|gahrtahvo=1|tahvo=8|gorahn=9|prorahn=18}} -> 7658 BC August 08 22:39:10
  • {{DniDate2UTC|hahr=5636|vailee=2|yahr=27|gahrtahvo=1|tahvo=8|gorahn=9|prorahn=18|format=dddd, mmmm dd [[yyyy XX]] hh:MM:SS tt}} -> Wednesday, August 06 2020 BC 9:51:58 AM