Editing Reference:2003-12-08 Phil Henderson and Douglas Sharper on Yeesha's Journey

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'''phend''': to represent the journey<br />
'''Douglas Sharper''': So what are you going to do now?<br />
'''phend''': Now will your journey continue?<br />
'''Douglas Sharper''': I think it will.<br />
'''phend''': where will your journey continue?<br />
MrM3FaN: Congrats on finishing the beginning of your Journey Douglas<br />
'''Douglas Sharper''': Thank you.<br />
MrM3FaN: Where are you two?<br />
'''Douglas Sharper''': It was quite a journey.<br />
'''phend''': Douglas, you have a Relto now, a gift from Yeesha…<br />
'''Douglas Sharper''': Yes Phil. Yes, I do.<br />
'''phend''': … you should go there when you need to reflect about your journey<br />
MrM3FaN: You have her shirt Doug…<br />
'''Douglas Sharper''': Yes I do.<br />
'''Douglas Sharper''': You like it?<br />
MrM3FaN: I do <br />
(12/08 17:17:36) Dusante: oooh i gotta see that <br />
(12/08 17:17:40) Dusante: heya all<br />
'''Douglas Sharper''': Hello Dusante.<br />
MrM3FaN: I to have been absent lately <br />
(12/08 17:18:29) Dusante: a few strange things<br />
'''Douglas Sharper''': Strange things?<br />
MrM3FaN: The Ki is having problems (12/08 17:18:40) Dusante: Taliametris has started some kind of group<br />
'''Douglas Sharper''': I’ve seen my share of strange things.<br />
Dusante: thats not strange MrM hehe <br />
(12/08 17:18:53) MrM3FaN: lol <br />
(12/08 17:19:08) Dusante: yeah, pretty strange things, on the journey<br />
'''Douglas Sharper''': It was not what I expected.<br />
'''Douglas Sharper''': No one told me what it really was.<br />
Dusante: her organisation is to try and put a stop to other organisations, by making all info free <br />
(12/08 17:19:51) Dusante: yeah its hard to describe <br />
(12/08 17:20:02) Dusante: other people draw different things from it<br />
'''Douglas Sharper''': There is so much more to linking than I ever thought.<br />
MrM3FaN: Exactly..that is why we are clashing so much with the DRC<br />
'''Douglas Sharper''': She has power.<br />
Dusante: oh, you mean the linking stones?<br />
'''Douglas Sharper''': All of it. The book. The Age. The Stones. The Cloths.<br />
Dusante: or the art itself? <br />
(12/08 17:20:45) MrM3FaN: Or the linking from inside a cave without a linking book <br />
(12/08 17:20:47) Dusante: ahhh <br />
(12/08 17:20:50) Dusante: yeah<br />
'''Douglas Sharper''': The DRC’s linking Books are child’s play.<br />
'''phend''': she has more<br />
MrM3FaN: *hugs Relto book*<br />
'''Douglas Sharper''': I don’t know how I lived without it.<br />
TheEggplant: where are they? <br />
(12/08 17:21:47) Dusante: yeah, i suspect part of the DRC’s dislike for her is jealousym who knows <br />
(12/08 17:22:02) Dusante: yeah, that book saved me in the lava quite a few times<br />
'''Douglas Sharper''': Ha!<br />
'''Douglas Sharper''': The lava.<br />
Dusante: yeesh, its hot <br />
(12/08 17:22:26) Strazsha: where are you? <br />
(12/08 17:22:28) Dusante: and falling in garrison<br />
'''Douglas Sharper''': I don’t think the DRC has any idea of her power. At least not that I’ve heard.<br />
MrM3FaN: You migh tnow this Phil..did the Bahro or Yessha put the Journey Doors were they are at? <br />
(12/08 17:22:56) Dusante: yeesha definetly has alot more up her sleeve <br />
(12/08 17:23:08) Dan’ni: hello everyone<br />
'''phend''': i don’t know <br />
Strazsha: phil, you look a lot like my ex<br />
'''phend''': he must have been handsome<br />
'''phend''': :)<br />
Dusante: I suspect the bahro have alot to do with the link stone technology <br />
(12/08 17:23:40) Dusante: haha <br />
(12/08 17:23:46) Dusante: heya danni<br />
'''phend''': I am only joking with you Strazsha<br />
Strazsha: did doug finish his quest? <br />
(12/08 17:24:02) MrM3FaN: How is it you can come back through the cave behind the Journey Door in Kemo? I can only enter it but not come back <br />
(12/08 17:24:04) Dusante: well, look :P<br />
'''phend''': yes<br />
Strazsha: he was! <br />
(12/08 17:24:08) VereaTurus: shorah<br />
'''Douglas Sharper''': Doesn’t the shirt answer your question?<br />
NeoCelt: salut<br />
'''Douglas Sharper''': Salut.<br />
'''phend''': i can’t say<br />
Dusante: Bonjour <br />
(12/08 17:24:42) Strazsha: you’re an id error <br />
(12/08 17:24:48) Dan’ni: ah here you are - hey everyone! <br />
(12/08 17:25:04) Gregor: phil, why don’t you wear “her” shirt <br />
(12/08 17:25:12) Dan’ni: nice shirt Doug<br />
'''phend''': i will<br />
Dusante: because he completed the circle <br />
(12/08 17:25:32) Dan’ni: looks familar ;) <br />
(12/08 17:25:40) MrM3FaN: Are you going to continue to wear her shirt Doug? <br />
(12/08 17:25:41) Dusante: hehe now you know what it means now doug<br />
'''Douglas Sharper''': None of you wear the shirt? Why?<br />
MrM3FaN: Even when teh DRC are around? <br />
(12/08 17:25:52) Gregor: did your journey take you to new ages? <br />
(12/08 17:25:54) Strazsha: we do, just not all the time <br />
(12/08 17:25:56) Dusante: I do, but it’s in the wash right now <br />
(12/08 17:26:06) Dusante: i got it muddy in gira<br />
'''phend''': maybe all should wear it now<br />
J’nilou: vs etes ou ? <br />
(12/08 17:26:16) Dusante: kinda fell off the waterfall and stuff <br />
(12/08 17:26:21) Demos waves <br />
(12/08 17:26:22) MrM3FaN: She said to wear it when sides were choosen....not sure if that truly has happened yet <br />
(12/08 17:26:35) VereaTurus fait un signe de la main<br />
'''Douglas Sharper''': Some have already chosen sides.<br />
Dusante: do you have a message from her phil? <br />
(12/08 17:26:40) Strazsha: please don’t stand right in front of me<br />
'''phend''': maybe not<br />
'''phend''': only the same message<br />
Dusante: okay<br />
'''Douglas Sharper''': Has the DRC mentioned anything about Phil while we were gone?<br />
J’nilou: je vois personne<br />
'''phend''': only two of you have sided?<br />
Dan’ni: I don’t think they did<br />
'''phend''': Douglas and VereaTurus<br />
VereaTurus: phill, it seems <br />
(12/08 17:27:54) Dusante: no, we just don’t know if we should wear the shirt all the time<br />
'''Douglas Sharper''': Maybe the others have chosen the other side Phil.<br />
Gregor: in the DRC forums they said they have to hold a meeting because of you, Douglas <br />
(12/08 17:28:08) Dan’ni: Many people didn’t chose sides yet <br />
(12/08 17:28:15) Dusante: which is the other side? <br />
(12/08 17:28:22) MrM3FaN: I have staied nutreul up until this point<br />
'''Douglas Sharper''': If you are not for her, you can only be against her.<br />
Dan’ni: why can’t we be on both sides? <br />
(12/08 17:28:49) Dusante: im definetly not against her<br />
'''Douglas Sharper''': Because they disagree.<br />
AnubisSL5: how do you choose sides<br />
'''phend''': you cannot serve the greatest and the least<br />
Strazsha: Yeesha has a different vision for restoration than DRC<br />
'''Douglas Sharper''': You can not serve two masters.<br />
Dusante: indeed <br />
(12/08 17:29:37) Gregor: how come, that you’re so sure about yeesha now, Douglas <br />
(12/08 17:29:42) Demos: but wht choose to serve? <br />
(12/08 17:29:59) Deg: I do not see yet how the DRC’s restoration effort is against the Least. <br />
(12/08 17:30:05) VereaTurus: Yeesha is the right side <br />
(12/08 17:30:06) Gregor: do we have to SERVE here in D’ni<br />
'''Douglas Sharper''': In time you will see.<br />
Demos: my point<br />
'''Douglas Sharper''': If you don’t already.<br />
Deg: I will keep my eyes open. <br />
(12/08 17:31:04) Dusante: darn, i gotta go to a photoshoot, see you all later <br />
(12/08 17:31:12) Strazsha: cu <br />
(12/08 17:31:12) Deg: Bye, Dusante <br />
(12/08 17:31:12) NeoCelt: Even if we agree with yeesha , we don’t know everything to have a perfect vision <br />
(12/08 17:31:14) Dan’ni: what you’re trying to say is that DRC wants total control? <br />
(12/08 17:31:25) Gregor: Douglas, you sound a bit too much like a preacher, somehow fanatic <br />
(12/08 17:31:27) Demos: assist or help maybe<br />
'''phend''': douglas - tell them where your journey will lead<br />
Demos: serve is a slave/master relationship <br />
(12/08 17:31:55) Strazsha: we want to understand what you understand<br />
'''phend''': not always<br />
'''Douglas Sharper''': Gregor you don’t have to listen.<br />
'''phend''': sometimes it is simply a choice<br />
Demos: unless you want sensei?<br />
'''Douglas Sharper''': Well said Phil.<br />
VereaTurus: From my point of view, DRC is strange<br />
'''phend''': they just don’t see<br />
VereaTurus: We should be more implicate in the restoration process <br />
(12/08 17:33:23) Gregor: but, the Prologue seems all about dead ends, you finally encounter something new douglas, but I get the impression you don’t really want to tell us all the truth <br />
(12/08 17:33:36) NeoCelt: If you don’t know what is the white and what is the black , you can’t choose a side intelligently…<br />
'''Douglas Sharper''': have you made the journey?<br />
'''Douglas Sharper''': Gregor?<br />
'''phend''': life is about dead-ends and new beginnings<br />
Dan’ni: Neo - I’m not sure it’s balck and white we’re takign about/.. <br />
(12/08 17:33:56) Dan’ni: more like shades of grey <br />
(12/08 17:34:02) Gregor: Yes, till the bahro was released<br />
'''Douglas Sharper''': And what did you learn?<br />
NeoCelt: yeah it was just an image… <br />
(12/08 17:34:30) MrM3FaN: I learned much about the pride of the D’ni<br />
'''phend''': more will come<br />
Strazsha: the returning <br />
(12/08 17:34:56) Dan’ni: I learned that the truth is not what is seen ut what is hidden, that you cannot take without giving something in return… <br />
(12/08 17:35:00) MrM3FaN: and how the way the DRC seems to be doing things is not much off of what caused it’s original downfall<br />
'''phend''': and more returning<br />
Gregor: I learned about Yeesha’s opinion about D’ni, a great civilisation <br />
(12/08 17:35:20) Gregor: but they made mistakes<br />
'''Douglas Sharper''': And what do you think of her opinion?<br />
Gregor: because they were corrupted by their own powers <br />
(12/08 17:35:52) MrM3FaN: I think it follows along with how all great powers fall <br />
(12/08 17:36:10) Gregor: I can agree with her so far, but<br />
'''Douglas Sharper''': And how great powers begin to rebuild? <br />
(12/08 23:36:40) Gregor: what do you mean, douglas<br />
(12/08 23:36:40) Gregor: what do you mean, douglas<br />
(12/08 23:36:47) MrM3FaN: through control and secrecy jus tmy opinion though<br />
(12/08 23:36:47) MrM3FaN: through control and secrecy jus tmy opinion though<br />
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