Reference:2007-02-22 Michael Engberg on restoring stained glass: Difference between revisions

From Guild of Archivists
(Created page with "Michael Engberg linked into the city and proposed an opportunity for explorers to assist in restoring stained glass features. ---- (02/22 13:24:53) '''Michael Engberg''': You have probably noticed the stained-glass "windows" in the 'hoods of the Gahreesen Age. <br /> (02/22 13:25:02) BobLishman: yes <br /> (02/22 13:25:04) Erik nods his head <br /> (02/22 13:25:07) A'drian: Yes, they're beautiful. <br /> (02/22 13:25:08) The Broken Light: Yes Mr. Engberg <br /> (02/22 13...")
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Michael Engberg linked into the city and proposed an opportunity for explorers to assist in restoring stained glass features.
Michael Engberg linked into the city and proposed an opportunity for explorers to assist in restoring stained glass features.
'''Michael Engberg''': Hello, everyone.<br />
(02/22 21:19:33) A’drian waves hello <br />
(02/22 21:19:34) Jimbo: Howdy <br />
(02/22 21:19:37) Talazian: hi <br />
(02/22 21:19:40) Sorceress: hi <br />
(02/22 21:19:45) HeWhoIsBob: can anyone help me out with the Kadish Age? <br />
(02/22 21:20:08) Erik: Hello Mr. Engberg <br />
(02/22 21:20:13) A’drian: How are you today, Mr. Engberg? <br />
(02/22 21:20:19) HeWhoIsBob: I’m stuck at the part where you need to manipulate the light coming from the ceiling <br />
(02/22 21:20:22) The Broken Light: Shorah, large group of people. <br />
(02/22 21:20:33) Myst’Aken: Have you come to check up on the museum doors ? <br />
(02/22 21:20:38) Jimbo: bye mr engberg <br />
(02/22 21:20:50) Erik: How are things going? <br />
(02/22 21:21:03) Talazian: Just out for a stroll I guess. <br />
(02/22 21:21:18) The Broken Light waves hello <br />
(02/22 21:21:36) Jimbo: Hi Robert<br />
'''Michael Engberg''': How are things going today?<br />
Sorceress: Good, how about you? <br />
(02/22 21:21:53) The Broken Light: Things are great, you? <br />
(02/22 21:21:57) Moiety Jean: ::follow, follow:: <br />
(02/22 21:22:06) Jimbo: i dunno . hes just checking <br />
(02/22 21:22:12) Moiety Jean: Feeling a little restless, myself, Mr. Engberg. <br />
(02/22 21:22:15) Johan: good, but i cannot throw snowballs in tsogal<br />
'''Michael Engberg''': Keeping busy, thanks.<br />
Volki: shorah all <br />
(02/22 21:22:37) Ti’an: So, is there a specific reason for your visit today? <br />
(02/22 21:23:00) Kelm: Hello Mr Engberg how are you today? <br />
(02/22 21:23:01) White Rose: Wait<br />
'''Michael Engberg''': Actually, there is, in fact.<br />
Ti’an: Care to share with us, Mr. E?<br />
'''Michael Engberg''': I have an interesting opportunity to discuss with you.<br />
Erik: i’m listening… <br />
(02/22 21:24:06) Moiety Jean ‘s ears perk up <br />
(02/22 21:24:09) Ti’an: We’re all ears <br />
(02/22 21:24:10) The Broken Light: As am I :) <br />
(02/22 21:24:11) A’drian: All ears. <br />
(02/22 21:24:12) Sorceress is interested <br />
(02/22 21:24:24) Jimbo: tell us <br />
(02/22 21:24:30) BobLishman: please <br />
(02/22 21:24:39) Myst’Aken wonder’s what it could be <br />
(02/22 13:24:53) '''Michael Engberg''': You have probably noticed the stained-glass "windows" in the 'hoods of the Gahreesen Age. <br />
(02/22 13:24:53) '''Michael Engberg''': You have probably noticed the stained-glass "windows" in the 'hoods of the Gahreesen Age. <br />
(02/22 13:25:02) BobLishman: yes <br />
(02/22 13:25:02) BobLishman: yes <br />

Latest revision as of 06:00, 6 June 2024

Michael Engberg linked into the city and proposed an opportunity for explorers to assist in restoring stained glass features.

Michael Engberg: Hello, everyone.
(02/22 21:19:33) A’drian waves hello
(02/22 21:19:34) Jimbo: Howdy
(02/22 21:19:37) Talazian: hi
(02/22 21:19:40) Sorceress: hi
(02/22 21:19:45) HeWhoIsBob: can anyone help me out with the Kadish Age?
(02/22 21:20:08) Erik: Hello Mr. Engberg
(02/22 21:20:13) A’drian: How are you today, Mr. Engberg?
(02/22 21:20:19) HeWhoIsBob: I’m stuck at the part where you need to manipulate the light coming from the ceiling
(02/22 21:20:22) The Broken Light: Shorah, large group of people.
(02/22 21:20:33) Myst’Aken: Have you come to check up on the museum doors ?
(02/22 21:20:38) Jimbo: bye mr engberg
(02/22 21:20:50) Erik: How are things going?
(02/22 21:21:03) Talazian: Just out for a stroll I guess.
(02/22 21:21:18) The Broken Light waves hello
(02/22 21:21:36) Jimbo: Hi Robert
Michael Engberg: How are things going today?
Sorceress: Good, how about you?
(02/22 21:21:53) The Broken Light: Things are great, you?
(02/22 21:21:57) Moiety Jean: ::follow, follow::
(02/22 21:22:06) Jimbo: i dunno . hes just checking
(02/22 21:22:12) Moiety Jean: Feeling a little restless, myself, Mr. Engberg.
(02/22 21:22:15) Johan: good, but i cannot throw snowballs in tsogal
Michael Engberg: Keeping busy, thanks.
Volki: shorah all
(02/22 21:22:37) Ti’an: So, is there a specific reason for your visit today?
(02/22 21:23:00) Kelm: Hello Mr Engberg how are you today?
(02/22 21:23:01) White Rose: Wait
Michael Engberg: Actually, there is, in fact.
Ti’an: Care to share with us, Mr. E?
Michael Engberg: I have an interesting opportunity to discuss with you.
Erik: i’m listening…
(02/22 21:24:06) Moiety Jean ‘s ears perk up
(02/22 21:24:09) Ti’an: We’re all ears
(02/22 21:24:10) The Broken Light: As am I :)
(02/22 21:24:11) A’drian: All ears.
(02/22 21:24:12) Sorceress is interested
(02/22 21:24:24) Jimbo: tell us
(02/22 21:24:30) BobLishman: please
(02/22 21:24:39) Myst’Aken wonder’s what it could be
(02/22 13:24:53) Michael Engberg: You have probably noticed the stained-glass "windows" in the 'hoods of the Gahreesen Age.
(02/22 13:25:02) BobLishman: yes
(02/22 13:25:04) Erik nods his head
(02/22 13:25:07) A'drian: Yes, they're beautiful.
(02/22 13:25:08) The Broken Light: Yes Mr. Engberg
(02/22 13:25:10) Sorceress: Yes, they're very pretty.
(02/22 13:25:48) The Broken Light: If you need a window cleaner, I have 4+ years of experience.
(02/22 13:26:16) Michael Engberg: We have recently found similar stained-glass windows for Eder Tsogal, but they need to be restored before they can be displayed.
(02/22 13:26:51) Myst'Aken: How can we help ?
(02/22 13:26:51) Moiety Jean: Ooh. Well, any task you'd care to set out I'm sure we'll be glad to take on.
(02/22 13:26:58) The Broken Light: Oh wow! They must be beautiful
(02/22 13:27:06) BobLishman: we're happy to help
(02/22 13:27:09) Ti'an: Yes, we'd be glad to help
(02/22 13:27:38) Michael Engberg: We were thinking that that is a project that the explorers might like to tackle.
(02/22 13:27:58) A'drian: I'm happy to volunteer in any way I can.
(02/22 13:28:03) BobLishman: me too
(02/22 13:28:05) Lule: me too
(02/22 13:28:08) Sorceress: Sounds great! What do we need to do?
(02/22 13:28:10) Moiety Jean: I'm one of numerous explorers raring for a chance to assist the restoration. This is wonderful.
(02/22 13:28:18) A'drian: I'm sure all of us are.
(02/22 13:28:21) Deathsbedbug: tell us how to help, and you'll have more helpers than you can handle :)
(02/22 13:29:14) Erik: I would love to do some restoration work.
(02/22 13:29:14) Ragdrazi: What you would be having us do?
(02/22 13:29:21) To Cycreim: Our words aren't falling on deaf ears. Engberg is here in the city proposing a project for us.
(02/22 13:29:28) Ragdrazi: And what are the risks?
(02/22 13:29:37) A'drian: Glass cuts, i'm sure.
(02/22 13:29:43) Michael Engberg: Feel free to restore the stained glass as best as you think it would have looked
(02/22 13:30:42) Michael Engberg: and send a picture of the restored window to
(02/22 13:30:51) The Broken Light: What I believe he means is we are to submit to the DRC a diagram of how we think the stained glass window should look
(02/22 13:30:58) Myst'Aken: I see
(02/22 13:31:04) Moiety Jean: Interesting. So it is also a creative opportunity!
(02/22 13:31:09) Erik: Sounds great!
(02/22 13:31:12) The Broken Light: I am very excited.
(02/22 13:31:17) Ragdrazi: Arts and crafts.
(02/22 13:31:17) BobLishman: is that correct mr engberg?
(02/22 13:31:21) Ragdrazi laughs
(02/22 13:31:36) Ti'an: An excellent opportunity for the creative among us. Thank you Mr. E.
(02/22 13:31:54) Moiety Jean: Thank you very much, Mr. Engberg. This is a welcome opportunity.
(02/22 13:32:17) A'drian: Mr. Engberg, any specifications for the restoration?
(02/22 13:32:24) The Broken Light: You know the window above the Gahreesen book in Bevin? We're to submit how we believe the window above the Tsogahl book should look.
(02/22 13:32:31) Ti'an: Would there be compensation of some sort for the best efforts, Mr. E?
(02/22 13:32:35) Erik: Thank you Mr Engberg for letting us help with the restoration.
(02/22 13:32:57) Ragdrazi: What materals can we use to resurch to insure historial acuracy.
(02/22 13:33:07) Michael Engberg: We'll collect the images until March 26th and then select some of them for display in the 'hoods with Eder Tsogal.
(02/22 13:33:34) The Broken Light: We should probably use the Gahreesen window as a guideline
(02/22 13:33:45) Erik: Is there a limit for restorating windows? Or could you send multiple entries?
(02/22 13:34:01) Ragdrazi: Two types on the Gahreesen window aren't there?
(02/22 13:34:13) Ti'an: Ahhh....pubilicity...the best compensation an artist can get :)
(02/22 13:34:16) Michael Engberg: We'll be adding more specific details to the drcsite in the near future.
(02/22 13:34:24) Sorceress: Okay!
(02/22 13:34:25) The Broken Light: Thank you very much, Mr. Engberg.
(02/22 13:34:28) The Broken Light bows
(02/22 13:34:39) Myst'Aken: Which would be preferred the single or triple pane version ?
(02/22 13:34:40) Ti'an: We'll be sure to get the word out
(02/22 13:34:40) Sorceress: Thanks, this sounds like it's gonna be fun :)
(02/22 13:35:15) Moiety Jean: I trust you have technicians available to craft the glass once designs are chosen?
(02/22 13:35:52) The Broken Light: They have the technicians to restore an underground civilization. I'm sure they can craft glass :)
(02/22 13:36:04) Moiety Jean: Good point, TBL
(02/22 13:36:12) Ragdrazi: Or repair it rather.
(02/22 13:36:32) Michael Engberg: You may submit as many designs as you like.
(02/22 13:36:52) The Broken Light: Awesome.
(02/22 13:37:05) The Broken Light: Thank you very much for this opportunity, Mr. Engberg.
(02/22 13:37:07) Moiety Jean: For those not so artistically inclined, how soon might they be able to help again with The Great Zero?
(02/22 13:37:09) Erik: Nice.
(02/22 13:37:13) Michael Engberg: Thanks. I'm glad it's something some of you are interested in.
(02/22 13:37:20) The Broken Light cheers
(02/22 13:37:27) Sorceress breaks out her colored pencils
(02/22 13:37:35) Moiety Jean: Any opportunity to assist is interesting. :)
(02/22 13:37:43) Michael Engberg: Moiety Jean, I'm really not sure. Sorry.
(02/22 13:38:15) Moiety Jean: That's okay. Please keep working. We know it takes time.
(02/22 13:38:34) The Broken Light: I really don't mean to be bothersome, but do you have and comments regarding the recent supposed Yeesha summoning?
(02/22 13:39:00) Ragdrazi raises eyebrows
(02/22 13:39:20) To Cycreim: They want a stained glass window to hang over Tsogahl books in the hoods
(02/22 13:39:32) From Cycreim in The Great Tree's Bevin: Nice
(02/22 13:39:32) From Cycreim in The Great Tree's Bevin: How about Delin?
(02/22 13:40:52) A'drian: I'd be happy to help you lift those bothersome barrels from infront of the Museum.
(02/22 13:40:57) To Cycreim in The Great Tree's Bevin: nothing said about Delin yet. Might be next. I won't ask him, I want to hear if he answers some other questions
(02/22 13:41:03) Ragdrazi starts to laugh
(02/22 13:41:12) Ragdrazi: Another task for the not so artistically inclined.
(02/22 13:41:14) Michael Engberg: Thanks for the offer, A'drian.