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December 3, 2002 - Marie Sutherland

Well, it looks like they’ve started to arrive. I’ve seen five Uru explorers so far that did not go through our authorization process. I can only assume that these are the first of the group that Zandi has gathered.

We had expected him bringing a large group down with him all at once. It’s too long a trip for him to be making very frequently. Instead, they seem to be coming down a few at a time.

Here’s the thing: they are not coming down through the tunnels. They’re Linking here from somewhere! The explorer I talked to mentioned an interim Age which contained a linking book to the Seret neighborhood. (How’d he get that!?)

At least the small groups will be a bit more manageable for us. The down side of this development is that he may be able to send these small groups more frequently, meaning in the long run we may end up with more people than we ever planned for.

One other bizarre thing: they all have an odd linking book with them.

December 3, 2002 - Dr. Watson

Yes, Rand and I spoke with two of them this morning on Ae’gura. They didn’t mention having a Linking Book, though.

So many questions…

They each have a Linking Book? Where would he get a supply of Books? What exactly did you mean by “odd”? Did you actually see one?
Where does it Link?

Very curious,

Dr. Watson

December 4, 2002 - Marie Sutherland

Yes, it is my understanding that they each have a linking book, and I have seen one.

It is a bit narrower than most linking books I’ve seen. It is leather bound. There is a silver medallion with a decorative symbol on the cover.
I think I’ve seen a similar symbol in Eder Kemo.

I am not sure where it links. The explorer I talked with wouldn’t say. Since the symbol looks like the one found in Eder Kemo, it seems reasonable to assume it links there. But that’s just a guess.

If nothing else, we should at least keep our eye out for when one of these books is used. Then we’ll be able to get our hands on it. ;)


December 4, 2002 - Marie Sutherland


I found one of the new explorers who was willing to let me use his book. It doesn’t link to Eder Kemo after all. It links to an Age that we haven’t seen before.

Here’s the most amazing part: the explorer linked in after me, and he was still holding the book! The book came with him when he linked with it! I thought that was impossible.

Any ideas, Dr. Watson?


December 5, 2002 - Victor Laxman

Okay, I’m in shock, and I’ve got quite a few questions! But I’ll limit this post to the two biggies.

First – WHAT WAS THE AGE? I can’t believe they’ve got a link to an age that we haven’t seen! Where did Zandi stumble onto that? Can I get more information? Was it large? Was it D’ni written? Was it stable? Inhabitants? Structures? Etc.???

Second – Are you SURE the book came with them? Maybe they had another one. Perhaps the books are small enough to keep a supply of them on their person. It just could NOT have come with them!

I would like to get together and get some answers!


December 5, 2002 - Dr. Watson

I would like to see one of those Books, especially if the Book is actually able to Link with them.

I am also concerned about the safety of the people he’s sent down. That Age obviously has not been inspected.

I’m with Vic. Let’s meet and discuss all this

December 5, 2002 - Marie Sutherland

I suppose it’s possible that the person had two identical books, held one in his hand then opened the other and linked with it. If that had been the case, then the book he used would be on Ae’gura. If it is a deception, it’s one that is easily disproven.

I’ll be at the Tokotah in a bit. Let’s discuss.
