Reference:2006-12-20 Dr. Kodama in a neighborhood

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(12/20 19:34:21) Lynh: Hi Ireen
(12/20 19:34:30) ireenquench: hello all
(12/20 19:34:40) Thend: Excuse me, Doctor, how did the DRC fare during yesterday’s fiasco, and do you know why we all linked?
(12/20 19:34:55) Thend: Hello ireen
(12/20 19:35:22) zia: Hi Ireen
(12/20 19:35:54) ireenquench: Dr. Kodama? Are you very busy?
(12/20 19:36:17) ireenquench shrugs
(12/20 19:36:31) Lynh: He is answering no one Ireen. He must be very busy
(12/20 19:37:00) ireenquench wonders if he is autistic
(12/20 19:37:08) Thend: Sorry, don’t mean to ignore anyone, it was just really weird to see a DRC here lol
(12/20 19:37:12) Lynh: LOL, Ireen
(12/20 19:37:49) zia: yes, Dr Kodama will probably try to escape this place as soon as he can :)
(12/20 19:38:02) ireenquench: uhm… has he been here a while?
(12/20 19:38:03) Lynh: maybe we should cone him. :)
(12/20 19:38:10) Lynh: not too long
(12/20 19:38:27) Lynh: Hi Mucol
(12/20 19:38:29) zia: Shorah Mucol
(12/20 19:38:32) Mucol: Shorah
(12/20 19:38:34) Mucol waves
(12/20 19:38:36) Thend: Hello Mucol
(12/20 19:38:48) Mucol: nice to meet you all
(12/20 19:38:55) Lynh: we are just watching to see what Dr. Kodama will do.
(12/20 19:39:04) zia: :)
(12/20 19:39:15) ireenquench: hi Mucol
(12/20 19:39:26) Lynh: the bahro worry me now.
(12/20 19:39:35) ireenquench: Kodama seems very busy… and somewhat rude today
(12/20 19:39:41) Thend: I’m gonna take a screenie
(12/20 19:39:43) Thend shrugs
(12/20 19:39:44) Lynh: yes
(12/20 19:39:49) zia: yes, ever since yesterday I’m no longer certain of our safety
(12/20 19:39:49) ireenquench: He doesn’t speak.
(12/20 19:40:13) ireenquench: Maybe he is in shock?
(12/20 19:40:16) zia: lol
(12/20 19:40:24) ireenquench: Some kind of trauma?
(12/20 19:40:25) zia: well, he did move
(12/20 19:40:42) zia: from where I first spotted him anyway, but that’s been awhile
(12/20 19:40:43) Lynh: he must be taking some reading from this location
(12/20 19:41:41) Thend: zia, you could make some serious money here. ‘Pose with Dr. Kodama - 10 bucks a pic!’
(12/20 19:41:49) Lynh: LOL
(12/20 19:41:49) zia: lol thend
(12/20 19:42:00) Lynh: we should all take turns posing with him
(12/20 19:42:00) Thend: A zai Bevin exclusive
(12/20 19:42:04) zia: i’m smiling :)
(12/20 19:42:07) Thend: Yeah!
(12/20 19:42:22) ireenquench: Kodama, I think this place is fairly safe… is it?
(12/20 19:42:24) Lynh: ok who’s next
(12/20 19:42:27) zia: thanks Lynh
(12/20 19:42:35) Thend: Don’t be shy
(12/20 19:42:52) ireenquench: Isnt this a bit rude ?
(12/20 19:43:02) Lynh: well, he started it. lol
(12/20 19:43:08) Thend: HE’S being rude, thiough
(12/20 19:43:16) Lynh: thx zia
(12/20 19:43:17) Thend nods his head
(12/20 19:43:35) ireenquench: We’ll yeah, but we don’t know if he’s having some kind of issue
(12/20 19:43:40) Lynh: this is so funny
(12/20 19:44:02) zia: well, he seems safe, just preoccupied
(12/20 19:44:12) Lynh: I think he may be working on figuring out the bahro thing that happened yesterday
(12/20 19:44:37) zia: yes, they said they would be checking things out to ensure safety
(12/20 19:44:44) Lynh: I guess we shouldn’t disturb him.
(12/20 19:45:29) zia: well, it’s good he’s here to check the safety of this hood
(12/20 19:45:33) Lynh: we may frighten him when he is finished what he is doing.
(12/20 19:45:47) Mucol: hi GD
(12/20 19:45:48) zia: Hi GD
(12/20 19:45:52) Lynh: Hi GD
(12/20 19:45:54) ireenquench: I’d assume his vision isn’t impaired
(12/20 19:45:56) Thend: Hello GD!
(12/20 19:46:03) ireenquench: Hi GD.
Greydragon: Shorah all
Lynh: Dr Kodama seems very busy
(12/20 19:46:20) ireenquench: Or in shock
(12/20 19:46:20) Thend: Any idea what’s up with Kodama?
Greydragon: Yes.. I think I will go to another hood.
Lynh: Dr Kodama seems very busy
zia: after yesterday who could blame him
Ikuro Kodama: Sorry, had some work to do.
zia: yes, Dr. We understand
Ikuro Kodama: Talking to some Res Engineers
zia: do you think our neighborhood is safe?
Ikuro Kodama: I believe so. We woudn't have it open otherwise.
zia: that's good
Ikuro Kodama: We are still investigating areas though. Obviously.
zia: yes, i see
Lynh: should we be concerned about the bahro now?
Ikuro Kodama: I'm not.
ireenquench: I was wondering if you saw anything on your KI, before it happened... anything special?
Ikuro Kodama: No, I was speaking to Victor. He was noticing strange abnormalities in the Lattice. Very odd yesterday.
ireenquench: Ah ok. I had suspected an unwanted or unexpected visitor.
Lynh: yes, very odd
Ikuro Kodama: But regardless, it's good to see people coming to the cavern again. It seems we might be able to get this moving again afterall.
Lynh: yes, we will not stay away
zia: well, we figure if you say it's safe, then it must be ok :)
Ikuro Kodama: People have expressed frustration at the barricades - I understand. But hopefully they won't be long.
ireenquench: It is good to be back yes. Although the incident makes me wonder whats going on... the Bahro screech indicates its not just some lattice malfunction?
Ikuro Kodama: No the lattice malfunction was a result of something. Not a cause. What, we don't know yet. Looking into it. Hopefully we'll have something soon.
zia: and the bahro could just have been reacting to the same thing
ireenquench: Oh, I see... so a lot more than our bodies was affected? Anything else besides the lattice abnormal?
Ikuro Kodama: We're still looking into things. I hate to speculate as rumors begin...
Lynh: yes, rumors, there is always that
(12/20 19:51:35) zia: what, from us :)
(12/20 19:51:43) ireenquench: Asking questions gets you to the bottom of things , doesnt it?