Author | Atrus |
Written | unknown |
Link-in points | J'nanin |
Edanna is one of 5 Lesson Ages written by Atrus to help teach his sons, Sirrus and Achenar, how to write Ages. This Age was written to illustrate the concepts of nature and the inter-dependence of elements of the environment. It is a 400-foot-tall tree, and the first totally organic environment in the Myst series. There are three distinct ecosystems in Edanna, the Deadwood Ridge (Upper, Middle, and Lower), the Forest, and the Swamp. There are a myriad of creatures and plants in Edanna, which are listed and described in the Flora and Fauna section. Links are provided here to each description.
'Nature encourages mutual independence.'
Plants: [article id="816"]Corkscrew Cattail[/article] [article id="817"]Lens Blossom[/article] [article id="818"]Quaffler Fig[/article] [article id="815"]Aurora Blossom[/article] [article id="824"]Fan Palm[/article] [article id="825"]Swing Vine[/article] [article id="826"]Tongue Fern[/article] [article id="830"]Venus Flytrap[/article] [article id="820"]Lambent Orchid[/article] [article id="828"]Jumping Dragon[/article] [article id="829"]Nemel Lotus[/article] [article id="827"]Vesuvi Mushroom[/article]
Animals: [article id="882"]Squee[/article] [article id="877"]Electra Ray[/article] [article id="814"]Redbreasted Grossamery[/article] [article id="831"]Papilion Moth[/article]