
From Guild of Archivists
Revision as of 06:46, 6 August 2013 by Alahmnat (talk | contribs) (add line iterator)
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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:StringHelper/doc

local p = {}

-- copy mw.ustring methods
for k, v in pairs( mw.ustring ) do p[k] = v end

-- true if string 's' starts with string 'prefix'
function p.startswith( s, prefix )
   return p.sub( s, 1, p.len( prefix ) ) == prefix

-- true if string 's' ends with string 'suffix'
function p.endswith( s, suffix )
   return suffix == '' or p.sub( s, 0 - p.len( suffix ) ) == suffix

-- strip characters 'chars' from beginning and end of string 's'
function p.strip( s, chars )
    s = p.gsub( s, '^[' .. chars .. ']*', '' )
    s = p.gsub( s, '[' .. chars .. ']*$', '' )
    return s

-- line iterator
function p.lines( s )
    return p.gmatch( s, "[^\r\n]+" )

return p