Reference:2007-07-31 Douglas Sharper in Blabbity’s Bevin

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In the aftermath of his having killed a bahro and before linking to the Watcher’s Pub to find Nick White, Douglas Sharper chatted with explorers in Blabbity's Bevin.

(07/31 19:00:43) Chat.log started...
(07/31 19:00:51) To Hitana: He's in a bevin
(07/31 19:00:57) From Hitana in Guild Of Greeters's Bevin: which?!!
(07/31 19:01:09) To Hitana: One can't see that oon the list :)
(07/31 19:01:23) From Hitana in Guild Of Greeters's Bevin: aargh
(07/31 19:01:36) To Diafero 0.5: is sharper there?
(07/31 19:01:52) To TomahnaGuy: have you seen Sharper?
(07/31 19:02:00) From Diafero 0.5 in Blabbity's Bevin: Blabbity bevin
(07/31 19:02:14) To Diafero 0.5: Thanks
(07/31 19:02:23) To Hitana: He's in Blabbitys
(07/31 19:03:13) Selee Tayoy: Good to see you again
(07/31 19:03:20) Sti 'in: you killed a bahro!:O
(07/31 19:03:24) Douglas Sharper: That boy is blabbing a lot recently. I don't like it.
(07/31 19:03:27) Douglas Sharper: What elese?
(07/31 19:03:29) Vivicus: Greetings mr Sharper
(07/31 19:03:35) Memorymaker: Did the Bahro attack you?
(07/31 19:03:44) torran: what boy?
(07/31 19:03:46) Douglas Sharper: Constantly.
(07/31 19:03:50) Selee Tayoy: Would you say your expidition was a success?
(07/31 19:03:53) Diafero 0.5: I heard Nick is in the Watcher's Pub
(07/31 19:03:54) Memorymaker: Oh my.
(07/31 19:03:54) Reelah: Are you okay?
(07/31 19:04:00) Diafero 0.5: if youre searching him
(07/31 19:04:05) Douglas Sharper: I would.
(07/31 19:04:23) Selee Tayoy: That's good to hear
(07/31 19:04:26) Reelah: What have you found out?
(07/31 19:04:30) Memorymaker: What will you do now Mr. Sharper?
(07/31 19:04:32) TomahnaGuy: Shorah Douglas
(07/31 19:04:34) torran: so did you and why did you shoot a bahro?
(07/31 19:04:36) Douglas Sharper: What I said last night.
(07/31 19:04:44) Douglas Sharper: Yes, I shot a Bahro. An evil one.
(07/31 19:04:49) TomahnaGuy: How do u know
(07/31 19:04:52) TomahnaGuy: It was evil?
(07/31 19:04:55) Nateo: How can you tell the difference?
(07/31 19:04:59) Yellowdog cheers
(07/31 19:05:03) Nateo: Name tags?
(07/31 19:05:05) Douglas Sharper: I can tell. I've been there with them a long time.
(07/31 19:05:07) splash1: yeah how can you tell?
(07/31 19:05:11) TomahnaGuy: You can't go around shooting bahro without knowing -
(07/31 19:05:16) TomahnaGuy: Thyen tell us how u know!
(07/31 19:05:17) Douglas Sharper: I do know.
(07/31 19:05:22) Vivicus: How?
(07/31 19:05:25) Selee Tayoy: So their behaviors give it away then?
(07/31 19:05:26) TomahnaGuy: Give us distinctions
(07/31 19:05:30) TomahnaGuy: Anything
(07/31 19:05:39) Douglas Sharper: It takes time. They move different. Subtle things here and there. You have to know the creatures.
(07/31 19:05:45) Vivicus: how they look, their behaviour?
(07/31 19:05:47) TomahnaGuy: What about the eyyes?
(07/31 19:05:48) torran: let the man tell the story
(07/31 19:05:55) Yellowdog: Beleave him, Mr Sharper knows way more than we do!
(07/31 19:05:56) Douglas Sharper: I can't describe it plainly.
(07/31 19:06:02) Memorymaker: can u tell by their screetching?
(07/31 19:06:13) Memorymaker: screeching
(07/31 19:06:22) Selee Tayoy is awed
(07/31 19:06:37) splash1: or by the way they attack?
(07/31 19:06:44) Vivicus: Has the DRC given you any other asignments?
(07/31 19:06:45) Douglas Sharper: Everything.
(07/31 19:06:49) Douglas Sharper: No.
(07/31 19:06:50) Diafero 0.5: is there a way for us to see it?
(07/31 19:07:03) Yellowdog: Mr Sharper, do you beleave the Bahro we are freeing by taking Yeeshas Journy are the good Bahro?
(07/31 19:07:06) Selee Tayoy: How did the other bahro react to you being there
(07/31 19:07:27) splash1: is there really gonna be a war?
(07/31 19:07:30) TomahnaGuy: DMr Sharper wont that just anger them all more and make them want to attack us more?
(07/31 19:07:32) Douglas Sharper: I don't think any of them liked it.
(07/31 19:07:39) TomahnaGuy: Exactly
(07/31 19:07:40) Douglas Sharper: I don't care.
(07/31 19:07:50) TomahnaGuy: Of course you dont
(07/31 19:07:54) TomahnaGuy: :P
(07/31 19:07:54) Vivicus: What does Cate think about you killing a Bahro?
(07/31 19:08:02) LIRA: Was your ife at risk?
(07/31 19:08:08) Douglas Sharper: She understands.
(07/31 19:08:08) TomahnaGuy shakes his head
(07/31 19:08:09) Reelah: You dont care about the war? why not?
(07/31 19:08:09) LIRA: life
(07/31 19:08:09) Yellowdog: But are we making the problem worse by freeing Bahro through Yeesha?
(07/31 19:08:12) Julian Lapis: What are your plans now Doug?
(07/31 19:08:13) Vivicus: good.
(07/31 19:08:15) Sti 'in: why did you kill the bahro?
(07/31 19:08:24) Selee Tayoy: I understand too
(07/31 19:08:25) Douglas Sharper: I'm not sure.
(07/31 19:08:28) Anarta: Waht happens next Douglas?
(07/31 19:08:28) Diafero 0.5: it could be that we all have to bear the consequences, and we dont know which consequenzen that will be
(07/31 19:08:44) TomahnaGuy: If you don't mind me asking, Mr Sharper, what have the bahro ever done to you (besides wheely) to make you dislike them - good or bad - so intensely?
(07/31 19:08:51) Douglas Sharper: There are goign to be consequences no matter what.
(07/31 19:08:55) Vivicus: How long did you stay in Noloben?
(07/31 19:08:56) Curty: why should we care about war when we can have peace :)
(07/31 19:09:10) Douglas Sharper: A few weeks.
(07/31 19:09:12) Selee Tayoy: Would you say you gathered a lot of new information on the bahro?
(07/31 19:09:13) LucyCat: Mr. Sharper, what is your plan regarding the Bahro?
(07/31 19:09:15) Yellowdog: But yoy took the Journy with Phil right? Can you tell us your thoughts on Yeesha?
(07/31 19:09:16) Douglas Sharper: We can't have peace.
(07/31 19:09:27) TomahnaGuy: We can with the good bahro
(07/31 19:09:30) Janine: mr Sharper, do you have any information to share with the explorers to help them prepare?
(07/31 19:09:32) TomahnaGuy: If you dont kill them
(07/31 19:09:33) Vivicus: How long did it take before you killed one?
(07/31 19:09:37) NaWen: Do you think we are being naive?
(07/31 19:09:37) Memorymaker: Why can we not have peace?
(07/31 19:09:38) Curty: peace is a choice
(07/31 19:09:45) Douglas Sharper: I killed it at the end.
(07/31 19:09:45) Diafero 0.5: war isnt
(07/31 19:09:56) splash1: was it going to attack you?
(07/31 19:10:05) Vivicus: why not link there and just shoot one?
(07/31 19:10:06) Douglas Sharper: Eventually.
(07/31 19:10:16) Vivicus: why stay for weeks?
(07/31 19:10:18) LucyCat: What is the Bahro war about?
(07/31 19:10:20) Sti 'in: but did it attack you?
(07/31 19:10:21) Douglas Sharper: That's not my way.
(07/31 19:10:22) Reelah: So you attacked first?
(07/31 19:10:24) Trevor1013: Eventually.......
(07/31 19:10:24) TomahnaGuy: What did you do once you killed it then?
(07/31 19:10:30) Vivicus: I see.
(07/31 19:10:30) splash1: do you have any idea what the war is about
(07/31 19:10:32) splash1: ??
(07/31 19:11:00) Selee Tayoy: I'm glad you went on the expidition, are you?
(07/31 19:11:04) Memorymaker: What will you do now?
(07/31 19:11:12) Thend: Douglas, what Janine said, please, what info do you have so we can prepare?
(07/31 19:11:13) Douglas Sharper: I don't know.
(07/31 19:11:17) Goloth: Whoa Im late
(07/31 19:11:20) From UruKat in (null) The Watcher's Pub: nick is in the pub
(07/31 19:11:24) Vivicus: How did you get food? There aren't much vegetation there, right?
(07/31 19:11:31) TomahnaGuy: Mr sharper what did you do with the bahro once it was dead?
(07/31 19:11:38) To UruKat in (null) The Watcher's Pub: And sharper is here :)
(07/31 19:11:38) Douglas Sharper: I brought it.
(07/31 19:11:40) Thend: Douglas, any notes/research, we'd be very grateul
(07/31 19:11:46) splash1 wants to ask a question...
(07/31 19:11:46) TomahnaGuy: What?
(07/31 19:11:46) LucyCat: Yes, what is the Bahro war about?
(07/31 19:11:48) Reelah: Brought it where?
(07/31 19:11:53) TomahnaGuy: Brought it where?
(07/31 19:11:54) Yellowdog: My guess is got the fiery abyss out of there! lol
(07/31 19:11:59) Thend: Douglas, we understand you've been through a lot
(07/31 19:12:05) Curty: Hey Pet:)
(07/31 19:12:06) Douglas Sharper: Someone just sent me a message that Nick said I killed a good Bahro. Has anyone heard that?
(07/31 19:12:07) Curty waves hello
(07/31 19:12:12) Selee Tayoy understands
(07/31 19:12:16) Vivicus: not me.
(07/31 19:12:16) Diafero 0.5 shakes his head
(07/31 19:12:17) Reelah: No
(07/31 19:12:18) DaytonaKit shakes her head
(07/31 19:12:18) Trevor1013: Ya, thats what I heard
(07/31 19:12:18) TomahnaGuy: Hwo can we know for sure
(07/31 19:12:18) Thend: Douglas, yes, heard
(07/31 19:12:21) splash1 shakes his head
(07/31 19:12:21) splash1: not me
(07/31 19:12:22) GentleFire yes
(07/31 19:12:24) LIRA shakes her head
(07/31 19:12:24) TomahnaGuy: U say u think you know
(07/31 19:12:27) Selee Tayoy: no
(07/31 19:12:28) Anarta: not the message we got
(07/31 19:12:28) TomahnaGuy: But maybe u did
(07/31 19:12:30) Vivicus: Nick is in the pub Maybe you should ask him?
(07/31 19:13:00) To UruKat in (null) The Watcher's Pub: doug is comming
(07/31 19:13:04) splash1: after him!
(07/31 19:13:05) Curty: i've got some good music for you
(07/31 19:14:10) From UruKat in (null) The Watcher's Pub: sharper is here too