Reference:2007-02-06 Michael Engberg in Ae'gura

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This chatlog is only partially preserved here.

(02/06 21:30:11) Chat.log started...
(02/06 21:33:14) Michael Engberg waves hello
(02/06 21:33:35) Prometheus: The bridge seems to be holding out.
(02/06 21:33:53) Michael Engberg: A few more inspections. How is everything going?
(02/06 21:34:32) Prometheus: Great! I haven't been down for a few days, so I'm not sure what's new to be found.
(02/06 21:34:44) Michael Engberg: This is still a bit unsafe.
(02/06 21:34:53) Berric: Where do you take your head's hair,i don't have this one in my relto
(02/06 21:35:09) Maxsilver: whats not safe?
(02/06 21:35:10) Prometheus: This opening in the wall?
(02/06 21:35:33) Michael Engberg: Yes. Should have more barriers here.
(02/06 21:35:39) Ekk waves hello
(02/06 21:35:54) Berric: you have reason to
(02/06 21:36:03) Maxsilver: I think we'll manage to not fall in ;)
(02/06 21:36:12) Prometheus: A little water never heard anyone.
(02/06 21:36:17) Michael Engberg: Good.
(02/06 21:36:22) Sorceress: yeah, I know better than to take a dip in cavern water. :)
(02/06 21:36:24) Prometheus: *hurt
(02/06 21:37:01) Michael Engberg: How's the library area? I need a final inspection over there.
(02/06 21:37:18) Sorceress: Same as it ever was.
(02/06 21:37:28) Michael Engberg: Cate's moving fast. It's mostly good.
(02/06 21:37:35) Myst'Aken: It still got those barriers though
(02/06 21:37:56) Sorceress: I thought you wanted things to slow down, that its been too rushed?
(02/06 21:38:41) Michael Engberg: I'd like to slow down the cavern exploration. I still want to be cautious.
(02/06 21:39:02) Maxsilver: why? whats to be afraid of?
(02/06 21:39:07) Sorceress: I see. Must be hard to take your time with all the cool things down here. :)
(02/06 21:39:16) Michael Engberg: But Cate wants to move very quickly.
(02/06 21:39:21) Hu K'hanDhat: the library area seems safe Mr. Engberg
(02/06 21:39:56) Michael Engberg: I don't mean to frustrate everyone. I'm just naturally cautious. There are other things as well.
(02/06 21:39:59) Amrak is amazed!
(02/06 21:40:07) E'nitra: Such as??
(02/06 21:40:09) Marjan: Other things?
(02/06 21:40:11) Amrak: So many people
(02/06 21:40:31) Michael Engberg: It's not just things in the cavern that change quickly these days.
(02/06 21:40:48) Donna: business concerns?
(02/06 21:40:57) E'nitra: what else is changing then?
(02/06 21:41:06) Hu K'hanDhat: could you explain that last remark mr. engberg
(02/06 21:41:21) Michael Engberg: Business, communications, meetings, web sites...
(02/06 21:41:30) Marjan: :-)
(02/06 21:41:55) Prometheus: Nice website by the way.
(02/06 21:42:02) Whilyam: websites... Be sure to mention to Cate that many explorers don't like that the DRC forums are down.
(02/06 21:42:02) Hu K'hanDhat: i understand
(02/06 21:42:04) Thumbs up from Marjan
(02/06 21:42:07) Michael Engberg: I don't buy into all of the changes. But I'm stubborn I suppose.
(02/06 21:42:24) Michael Engberg: I don't like that the forums are down either.
(02/06 21:42:28) Myst'Aken: PuLease ??
(02/06 21:42:45) Whilyam: No voice chat, please...
(02/06 21:42:49) Hu K'hanDhat: well, a bit of stubborness could just balance things out ... in my experience
(02/06 21:42:55) Whilyam cheers
(02/06 21:42:57) Sorceress: If I may request something, could the DRC maybe archive the old forums? A lot of good informational posts were there that we'd like to keep for posterity.
(02/06 21:42:59) Whilyam: Glad to hear that
(02/06 21:43:09) Whilyam: Yes, there was much progress made there.
(02/06 21:43:16) Gadren: Shorah!
(02/06 21:43:19) Michael Engberg: Just ashame to lose the forums - on top of everything else.
(02/06 21:43:46) URU_Plum: i hear u five by five
(02/06 21:43:46) Whilyam: Understand, but please stop. It's generating lag... at least for me it is
(02/06 21:43:47) Gadren: where is everyone?
(02/06 21:44:00) Sorceress: We're by the walkway to the library Gad.
(02/06 21:44:05) Whilyam: Thanks
(02/06 21:44:06) Gadren: thanks
(02/06 21:44:16) Marjan: Was it ms Alexanders idea to take them down?
(02/06 21:44:21) Michael Engberg: I'll see what I can do. But Cate seems to think nobody cares that much.
(02/06 21:44:25) Hu K'hanDhat: any news on the light in the docks section mr. engberg?
(02/06 21:44:42) E'nitra: Well the let her know we do!!
(02/06 21:44:53) Myst'Aken: She didn't really give us time to respond yesterday
(02/06 21:45:10) Michael Engberg: Yeah it was Cate's idea, but she had other support.
(02/06 21:45:19) Whilyam: Aye. Tell her she'll have riots soon if she doesn't have some sort of forum up.
(02/06 21:45:20) Michael Engberg: But I didn't agree.
(02/06 21:45:38) Whilyam: I liked seeing small reports of progress.
(02/06 21:45:44) Sorceress: Maybe if there was an active effort to moderate the DRC forums, there would be less trolling there. I left because I couldn't stand the nasty atmosphere there.
(02/06 21:45:56) Whilyam: I also miss the Sights and Sounds section. That's pretty much gone too.
(02/06 21:46:07) Sorceress: I know, add yet anohter job to the pile. :)
(02/06 21:46:17) Berric: the fact to be all here together is cause of lags
(02/06 21:46:19) Michael Engberg: I might not threaten her with riots, but I will express some of your opinion if you don't mind.
(02/06 21:46:29) Whilyam: Thank you.
(02/06 21:46:32) Ural: Any video live from the cavern?
(02/06 21:46:40) Michael Engberg: You should also make it clear to her when she's around down here.
(02/06 21:46:45) Whilyam: She WILL have problems, though, if this keeps up.
(02/06 21:46:52) Whilyam: I will. I just haven't seen her much.
(02/06 21:46:55) Hu K'hanDhat: ok, we will do that ...
(02/06 21:46:57) Sorceress thanks you very much!
(02/06 21:46:59) E'nitra: oh we will!
(02/06 21:47:01) Whilyam: I'm busy myself.
(02/06 21:47:17) Marjan: But.... we have a lot to thank her for as well haven't we?
(02/06 21:47:29) Sorceress: Just remember guys, a little politeness goes a long way fi you mention this to Cate.
(02/06 21:47:31) Hu K'hanDhat: agree with yoiu Marjan
(02/06 21:47:33) Marjan: Without her funding....
(02/06 21:47:51) Michael Engberg: I do agree with you all. I may be slow on the cavern and age release, but the forum removal seems unproductive.
(02/06 21:47:53) Whilyam shrugs
(02/06 21:47:53) Whilyam: I'm glad she came. Doesn't mean shredding a good forum is okay by me.
(02/06 21:48:32) Michael Engberg: No need to be rude. Cate gets things done. But she listens... generally.
(02/06 21:49:04) Whilyam: Michael: One thing that surprised me is that you said most of these decisions end up with you being the only detractor. I would think Dr. Kodama would oppose releasing unsafe areas. Has something changed?
(02/06 21:49:09) Cosmo: hi everyone
(02/06 21:49:19) Whilyam: Shorah, Cosmo
(02/06 21:49:24) Marjan: She knows how to get a train moving ....:-)
(02/06 21:49:25) Michael Engberg: I'll be pushing from my direction. We'll see.
(02/06 21:49:29) Sorceress: Hi Cosmo
(02/06 21:49:52) Berric: can we have other avatar's head cause the one i have is not representing mine
(02/06 21:50:19) Michael Engberg: Dr. Kodama and I agree and disagree. But we seem to get along just fine.
(02/06 21:50:25) Donna: forgive me if already asked, but what is the library's status?
(02/06 21:50:46) Amrak: I am sorry, but she funds, and that's all she cares about in my
(02/06 21:50:48) Michael Engberg: Actually I was here to do a final library insprection.
(02/06 21:50:54) Donna cheers
(02/06 21:50:56) Whilyam claps his hands
(02/06 21:50:59) Hu K'hanDhat: mr. Engberg, any news on Sharper since we last met a few days ago?
(02/06 21:51:00) Sorceress claps her hands
(02/06 21:51:02) Rima cheers
(02/06 21:51:10) Myst'Aken: Need any assistance ?
(02/06 21:51:14) E'nitra: Lol
(02/06 21:51:14) Donna: opening soon then?
(02/06 21:51:21) Amrak: Sooner than friday?
(02/06 21:51:47) Michael Engberg: I don't keep up with Sharper and the rumors.
(02/06 21:51:54) Donna shivers with anitcipation
(02/06 21:52:00) Sorceress yawns
(02/06 21:52:25) Whilyam: Michael, there's been a pestering question about Watson. Do you mind if I ask you about it?
(02/06 21:52:27) Hu K'hanDhat: but, don't let us stop you from you insdpection ...
(02/06 21:52:51) Michael Engberg: Just trying to be safe on the library. I error on the cautious side. But there is a lot of pressure to open it soon.
(02/06 21:52:53) Hu K'hanDhat: We all are anxious to see the inside of the library :)
(02/06 21:53:10) Amrak: No pic?
(02/06 21:53:11) Sorceress: And maybe finally go down the stairs all the way!
(02/06 21:53:15) Amrak: ok then
(02/06 21:53:17) Michael Engberg: I haven't heard from Dr. Watson at all.
(02/06 21:53:45) Whilyam: Back at one of the first Town Halls, the DRC said that news about Watson should "wait until the community is healed" or something to that effect. Yet now you say we've heard nothing. What did the DRC mean by that first comment?
(02/06 21:53:51) Michael Engberg: It's a shame he's not around. He was always a voice of reason.
(02/06 21:54:23) Thumbs up from Amrak
(02/06 21:54:35) Hu K'hanDhat: and nobody in the DRC does have his most recent Mobile Phone number? Too bad
(02/06 21:55:00) Marjan: maybe he's on Yeesha's journey?
(02/06 21:55:09) Gadren: For two years?
(02/06 21:55:15) Michael Engberg: I think we were just referring to the fact that we didn't really want to spend time worrying or contemplating what might have happened.
(02/06 21:55:17) Gadren: Even I'm not that bad a puzzle-solver ;)
(02/06 21:55:27) Marjan: Lol
(02/06 21:55:38) Prometheus: How long was Phil gone?
(02/06 21:55:44) Whilyam: Ah. Thank you. Good to have at least partial resolution to that problem.
(02/06 21:55:49) Gadren: Phil disappeared around December 2003
(02/06 21:55:57) Michael Engberg: If it's a journey, it's a long journey. I hope he's well.
(02/06 21:56:12) Sorceress: Wow, three years ago.
(02/06 21:57:08) Whilyam: I along with many others have taken a journey to free the Bahro by releasing a Tablet. Does the DRC have any info on what happened to that tablet or the Bahro? K'veer was where it was located.
(02/06 21:57:13) Berric: in the game he left message on the beginner 2004
(02/06 21:57:22) Michael Engberg: Well I'm going to do a walk-around the library area. Just my own inspection.
(02/06 21:57:23) From LegoAddict in LegoAddict's Nexus: is anyone in Ae'Gura with Engberg?
(02/06 21:57:33) To Jeremy: yes
(02/06 21:57:41) Gadren: Don't let us get in the way :)
(02/06 21:57:43) Whilyam: You'll have a throng of about thirty following you, don't worry :P
(02/06 21:57:48) Donna: hope it goes well Michael
(02/06 21:57:54) From Zukeenee in Guild Of Greeters's Bevin: Anything happening there?
(02/06 21:57:54) Sorceress: Don't mind the entourage.
(02/06 21:57:59) Michael Engberg: Things have changed. We don't know what the future holds.
(02/06 21:58:03) Hu K'hanDhat: succes on that Mr. Engberg
(02/06 21:58:17) To Jeremy: he mentioned he isnt happy about the forums, and that it was cate and unnamed others who were in favour, not him
(02/06 21:58:18) Sorceress: Does anyone?
(02/06 21:58:19) URU_Plum kneels down...
(02/06 21:58:19) URU_Plum: lead on
(02/06 21:58:34) To Jeremy: other than that, just the usual "things move / change too fast"
(02/06 21:58:39) Lobo: Donna!
(02/06 21:58:41) Michael Engberg: Thanks for chatting and letting me know your opinion. I will express you thought back to the DRC.
(02/06 21:58:43) Donna: Hi
(02/06 21:58:48) Vidar: Thank you for the Library inspection Mr. Engberg.
(02/06 21:58:52) Myst'Aken: Donna will show you the way
(02/06 21:58:54) From LegoAddict in city city: bah. missed it in link. would you mind retyping?
(02/06 21:59:00) Sorceress: Any time, Michael. :)
(02/06 21:59:03) Hu K'hanDhat: hope to see you around soon Mr. Engberg
(02/06 21:59:04) Michael Engberg: And I do agree with your thoughts on the forum.
(02/06 21:59:11) Berric: Thank for holding on
(02/06 21:59:14) Michael Engberg waves hello
(02/06 21:59:19) Hu K'hanDhat waves hello
(02/06 21:59:21) Marjan waves hello
(02/06 21:59:24) From Whilyam in D'ni-Ae'gura: Anyone who disagrees with the DRC Forum's killing off, please make that known any time you see Cate. She's under the impression no one cares.
(02/06 21:59:25) Donna leans left
(02/06 21:59:27) Sorceress waves hello
(02/06 21:59:28) Jack923: hello
(02/06 21:59:29) Vixen Online: Michael is it true that the DRC are using Bahro as slave labor to restore the city?
(02/06 21:59:31) Whilyam salutes
(02/06 21:59:32) Brainz waves hello
(02/06 21:59:37) E'nitra waves goodbye
(02/06 21:59:43) From LegoAddict in city city: we could just... email her. Her email is given on the site
(02/06 21:59:47) Gadren: Oh, by the way...we at the D'ni Network were wanting to hold some interviews with members of the DRC...could you remind the other council members to check their email? ;)
(02/06 21:59:49) To LegoAddict: he just said that it was cates and unnamed others who decided to pull the DRC forums, he disagrees and wants them back
(02/06 21:59:54) Michael Engberg: The bahro as slave labor? Ha. That's pretty good.
(02/06 21:59:58) From LegoAddict in city city: thanks
(02/06 22:00:13) Vixen Online: True?
(02/06 22:00:31) From Whilyam in D'ni-Ae'gura: Do that, then. Engberg stressed telling her in cavern, but that's a fine idea.
(02/06 22:00:32) Gadren: Vixen, Marie Sutherland replied to such accusations by saying "To think we would means you don't understand the DRC. To think that we could means you don't understand the Bahro."
(02/06 22:00:32) Prometheus: I think that's a "no".
(02/06 22:00:32) Michael Engberg: I will remind them. Thanks for the support Gadren.
(02/06 22:00:39) Gadren: Awesome.
(02/06 22:00:41) Ekk waves nice inspection!
(02/06 22:00:58) From Justin in Justin's Teledahn: What's he saying?
(02/06 22:01:08) Vixen Online: Ok
(02/06 22:01:10) Michael Engberg: If you'll excuse me.
(02/06 22:01:18) Prometheus salutes
(02/06 22:01:18) Amrak: Thx for the pics Mr. Engberg!
(02/06 22:01:23) Whilyam salutes
(02/06 22:01:23) Michael Engberg: I'll get on with things.
(02/06 22:01:30) Hu K'hanDhat steps aside for Mr. Engberg
(02/06 22:01:32) Whilyam bows
(02/06 22:01:52) dcos: shorah all, where is everyone?
(02/06 22:02:00) Sorceress: Heading toward the library
(02/06 22:02:04) Vixen Online: lol
(02/06 22:02:05) Whilyam: Michael, you could just walk off a cliff and we'd follow. Good way to clear out the City
(02/06 22:02:36) Amrak: Lol...LEMMINGS
(02/06 22:02:43) Ekk: lol
(02/06 22:02:52) From LegoAddict in city city: i think he meant as opposed to the forums, which she probably doesn't read, Whil. Any chance of him opening the Great Library?
(02/06 22:03:00) dcos: oddly enough lemmings don't jump off cliffs :-P urban myth
(02/06 22:03:02) Cosmo roars with laughter
(02/06 22:03:06) From Whilyam in D'ni-Ae'gura: Looks like he's preparing to
(02/06 22:03:13) dcos: started by disney of all people
(02/06 22:03:17) Whilyam: Where did these rocks come from, Michael?
(02/06 22:03:21) Amrak: Oh man, that was good dcos
(02/06 22:03:21) KL/\RREN leans left
(02/06 22:03:25) From LegoAddict in city city: well I'll just mind my own business parked infront of the Hood Instance library
(02/06 22:03:44) KL/\RREN leans right
(02/06 22:03:52) Prometheus: Haven't they always been there?
(02/06 22:04:10) Donna: hi kxy!
(02/06 22:04:15) URU_Plum: hi vixen
(02/06 22:04:39) Myst'Aken: I'm starting a sit in for the library
(02/06 22:04:52) Vixen Online: Sounds good
(02/06 22:04:58) Donna: me three
(02/06 22:05:00) dcos: a sit in? seriously?
(02/06 22:05:01) Vixen Online: On the black line
(02/06 22:05:30) Donna: open, open, open
(02/06 22:05:38) Sorceress: Michael, do you know which King is on the mosaic on the library?
(02/06 22:05:42) Vixen Online: In the name of yeesha open
(02/06 22:06:20) Vixen Online: Weneed some yeesha magic
(02/06 22:06:26) URU_Plum kneels down...
(02/06 22:06:26) URU_Plum: open says-a-me
(02/06 22:06:43) Sorceress: Oh, okay. My guess is Kedri, but I'm not sure.
(02/06 22:07:35) Donna: mmmm lights sooo pretty...
(02/06 22:07:44) Vixen Online: Praise the pretty lights
(02/06 22:07:45) Vixen Online: Ahhhh
(02/06 22:07:58) From Yali in Yali's Relto: Anything new?
(02/06 22:08:21) Donna: they kinda look like they got peed on
(02/06 22:08:22) Vixen Online: They are doing a good job, we should praise them
(02/06 22:08:31) Rinoa Rowan: why is everyone gathering at the library?
(02/06 22:08:43) Amrak: Nobody has busted them yet
(02/06 22:08:48) Vixen Online: Who's a good barrier light, yes, you are!
(02/06 22:08:48) Brainz: may they raise theselves high
(02/06 22:09:10) Gadren: By the way, I'm wondering...the D'ni built things to last...why is everything so broken, Mr. Engberg?
(02/06 22:09:48) Whilyam: and there he went-- :P
(02/06 22:09:56) dcos: um... did he just walk over the cliff?
(02/06 22:10:02) Whilyam: NO! Michael! You had so much to live for!
(02/06 22:10:06) KL/\RREN is a bit puzzled...
(02/06 22:10:08) dcos starts to laugh
(02/06 22:10:21) dcos: did he say if he was working or just stopping by?
(02/06 22:10:28) Sorceress: He might come back, he got the Nexus link for the courtyard.
(02/06 22:10:43) Sorceress: He said he was doing final inspection for the library.
(02/06 22:10:44) dcos: he still shows as being here
(02/06 22:10:54) Whilyam: He's still here. He (OOC: hit a lag bubble)
(02/06 22:11:06) Whilyam: See?
(02/06 22:11:06) Whilyam points
(02/06 22:11:06) dcos: (k thanks :P)
(02/06 22:11:19) Whilyam: He's happily spinning around a blocker
(02/06 22:12:07) dcos waves hello
(02/06 22:12:11) Gadren: Sorry, I tripped on a piece of rubble back there and fell behind...was my question answered? :)
(02/06 22:12:23) dcos: no he's being very quiet
(02/06 22:12:34) Whilyam: en Restoration
(02/06 22:12:40) Whilyam: Zen that is
(02/06 22:12:44) dcos starts to laugh
(02/06 22:12:58) Captain_Ron: i got in
(02/06 22:12:58) Vixen Online: there you go
(02/06 22:12:59) URU_Plum: oh my who had the scotch tape and cold coins
(02/06 22:13:03) Michael Engberg: Sorry. Hard to inspect and talk at the same time.
(02/06 22:13:11) Vixen Online: how captain
(02/06 22:13:22) Whilyam: It's something Kodama brought with him :P
(02/06 22:13:22) Hu K'hanDhat: go Eni, Go Eni
(02/06 22:13:22) Captain_Ron: great timing
(02/06 22:13:31) Vixen Online: oh to the city
(02/06 22:13:32) Rinoa Rowan: No
(02/06 22:13:34) E'nitra: would sing too if I could..
(02/06 22:13:37) dcos: sorry if we're distracting you, hows it looking?
(02/06 22:13:50) dcos is checking something out
(02/06 22:13:52) Lobo: Is Myst feeling a shower?
(02/06 22:13:55) E'nitra: but my voice might damage your hearing..
(02/06 22:14:00) Hu K'hanDhat: well, you could read us a poem?
(02/06 22:14:05) Cosmo: just try, we won't hear you anyway
(02/06 22:14:07) Vixen Online: lol
(02/06 22:14:21) dcos looks around for a bit
(02/06 22:14:28) Whilyam is checking something out
(02/06 22:14:32) Michael Engberg: Not too bad.
(02/06 22:14:34) Sorceress is checking something out
(02/06 22:14:38) E'nitra: i'm not that poetic Hu..
(02/06 22:14:41) Donna cheers
(02/06 22:14:44) kxxt: I put my umbrella up Lobo
(02/06 22:14:44) Sorceress: That's good.
(02/06 22:14:48) Vixen Online: how is the inspection going Michael and please shout!
(02/06 22:14:49) dcos: Anything we can do to help?
(02/06 22:14:49) Gadren: I hope that the results of this inspection get posted on the DRC would be nice if the new site was at least updated more often ;)
(02/06 22:14:50) Whilyam: Good.
(02/06 22:15:26) Lobo: Excuse me Captain Ron, but you're sitting on me.
(02/06 22:15:34) Vixen Online: lobo and captian are snuggling
(02/06 22:15:37) Donna wonders if E'nitra will get trampled when the barriers vanish suddenly
(02/06 22:15:39) Whilyam: Nice sit in :P
(02/06 22:15:47) dcos: y'all still having a "sit in" ?
(02/06 22:15:56) E'nitra: I probably will Donna!
(02/06 22:16:02) Hu K'hanDhat: try something like ... one day in may i'll find a way to say ... URU is the best thing that happened to us
(02/06 22:16:07) Donna: I'll save you sweetie!!
(02/06 22:16:16) From LegoAddict in city city: Is he getting any closer to saying the Museum is open?
(02/06 22:16:29) To Yali: nope
(02/06 22:16:32) E'nitra: thankies Donaa! I apreciate it!
(02/06 22:16:37) URU_Plum: oh hes doing the ki thing
(02/06 22:16:40) E'nitra: Err Donna
(02/06 22:16:46) Donna: :)
(02/06 22:16:52) From Jeremy in city city: Complaining that it's not ready yet, or not safe enough or something?
(02/06 22:16:57) From LegoAddict in city city: He can't just say "here. The Library's open. I don't like the speed. Hope you're happy"
(02/06 22:17:02) Lobo: The library
(02/06 22:17:06) From LegoAddict in city city: how long can you complain for
(02/06 22:17:07) From LegoAddict in city city: ?
(02/06 22:17:16) From Whilyam in D'ni-Ae'gura: He's inspecting the Library.
(02/06 22:17:16) Lobo: Michael Enberg is inspecting it.
(02/06 22:17:25) Lobo: We're hoping he opens it.
(02/06 22:17:31) From Jeremy in city city: Quite a while apparently
(02/06 22:17:41) Whilyam: To the invisible voice: Hi
(02/06 22:17:49) Gadren: Hey kal'el...did Delin get working for ya?
(02/06 22:17:58) Donna: reply hee hee, I don't know girl....
(02/06 22:18:02) Donna: oops
(02/06 22:18:09) Gadren: That's too bad :(
(02/06 22:18:26) URU_Plum: brb putting log on fire
(02/06 22:18:36) Whilyam: How's it looking up here?
(02/06 22:18:54) dcos: i have the strongest urge to yell "good evening D'ni"
(02/06 22:19:00) Lobo: Just told you...
(02/06 22:19:03) E'nitra: Pff getting tired..
(02/06 22:19:04) Vixen Online: here goes the mute button
(02/06 22:19:05) dcos: we're waiting to see if mr.engberg opens the library
(02/06 22:19:05) Whilyam: Mr. Engberg is inspecting, Kalel
(02/06 22:19:08) Brainz: donnas dancing for us
(02/06 22:19:09) Sorceress waves hello
(02/06 22:19:10) Gadren: I think people are doing a "sit-in" to protest the loss of the DRC forums ;)
(02/06 22:19:15) Michael Engberg: Seems unchanged. Just wish we understood at bit more of the reason why certain areas collapsed.
(02/06 22:19:17) Lobo: Hoping he opens it
(02/06 22:19:19) dcos cheers
(02/06 22:19:34) dcos: was there much damage mr.engberg?
(02/06 22:19:41) Whilyam: Which areas collapsed?
(02/06 22:19:45) Michael Engberg: I'll make a report.
(02/06 22:19:50) Sorceress: Was it like this when you first came to D'ni?
(02/06 22:19:58) Michael Engberg: Worse than this.
(02/06 22:20:11) Sorceress: I see. Maybe earthquakes?
(02/06 22:20:35) Vixen Online: bahro caused the collapses while protesting being used as slave labor!
(02/06 22:20:40) Michael Engberg: Just lots of debris. We've cleaned up a lot of the smaller debris.
(02/06 22:20:47) Sorceress: And didn't A'gaeris plant a bomb or twon before the Fall?
(02/06 22:20:53) Donna: free the Bahro!!!
(02/06 22:20:57) Gadren: See, I'm just not seeing how earthquakes could do THIS much damage...a civilization that lives underground would have been geologically knowledgable...
(02/06 22:21:01) Vixen Online: poor bahro
(02/06 22:21:20) Whilyam: You said certain areas collapsed, Michael. Any specific areas that were damaged the most?
(02/06 22:21:24) Gadren: But then again, it's not as bad when you compare it to some of the major surface disasters
(02/06 22:21:27) Michael Engberg: I'm actually surprised sometimes how little damage was done.
(02/06 22:21:28) Vixen Online: they are a proud race
(02/06 22:21:38) Donna nods her head
(02/06 22:22:00) Michael Engberg: Even small stones falling from the cavern ceiling can do quite a bit of damage.
(02/06 22:22:02) URU_Plum: damage can be cleaned up i volunteer
(02/06 22:22:03) Vixen Online: Do you like Cate Michael?
(02/06 22:22:20) Prometheus cheers
(02/06 22:22:26) Gadren: Kind of like droppiing a penny off a really tall building, Mr. Engberg? ;)
(02/06 22:22:30) Whilyam: That's been some concern, Michael. Is the roof stable?
(02/06 22:22:35) Michael Engberg: The Guild Hall area is pretty badly damaged.
(02/06 22:22:47) Whilyam: The cavern roof that is
(02/06 22:23:09) Hu K'hanDhat: yes, we noticed a lot of hammering sounds there for quite a time now
(02/06 22:23:23) Lobo: What is the likelihood you'll be opening the library?
(02/06 22:23:29) Kelm: does that mean the Guild hall will not be open for a while?
(02/06 22:23:30) Donna: brb
(02/06 22:23:30) KAL`EL: r we going to have a cave in
(02/06 22:23:37) Michael Engberg: Right through your skull? I think that's actually not quite true - but a car sized rock can mess up a building.
(02/06 22:24:03) Vixen Online: Do some of the d'ni have active roles in the DRC, micheal?
(02/06 22:24:06) Whilyam: Is there a significant risk of that happening?
(02/06 22:24:33) Vixen Online: sorry i mean michael
(02/06 22:24:42) From Yali in Yali's Relto: Is the Library open yet?
(02/06 22:24:49) To Yali: no
(02/06 22:24:56) From KAL`EL in D'ni-Ae'gura: yes
(02/06 22:25:06) Michael Engberg: I won't be opening the library. But it's likely not to long now. I'll make a report.
(02/06 22:25:08) From Whilyam in D'ni-Ae'gura: Not yet. Though it appears immenent.
(02/06 22:25:10) From Jeremy in city city: Not that we see
(02/06 22:25:18) From Whilyam in D'ni-Ae'gura: Scratch that. Not open today
(02/06 22:25:23) dcos: will we get to see a copy on the site?
(02/06 22:25:23) thumbs down for Amrak
(02/06 22:25:26) Vixen Online: thats not nice michael
(02/06 22:25:27) From KAL`EL in D'ni-Ae'gura: will it open soon
(02/06 22:25:28) From LegoAddict in city city: what did he say?
(02/06 22:25:28) Michael Engberg: No, there are no D'ni on the DRC.
(02/06 22:25:29) From Jeremy in city city: ARGH!!!!!
(02/06 22:25:30) Vixen Online: can we bribe you
(02/06 22:25:31) To Yali: like i said... :)
(02/06 22:25:41) From Whilyam in D'ni-Ae'gura: It will open soon.
(02/06 22:25:41) Michael Engberg: Sure.
(02/06 22:25:41) <sniffle> KL/\RREN is sad
(02/06 22:25:42) dcos cringes
(02/06 22:25:46) Captain_Ron: Can we help
(02/06 22:25:47) Prometheus: Haha
(02/06 22:25:49) Lobo: Would that be days, weeks, or what, Mr. Enberg.
(02/06 22:25:49) Vixen Online: to open it now
(02/06 22:25:53) Amrak: Ok girls...go change his mind with some dancing...
(02/06 22:25:55) From Yali in Yali's Relto: before the 15th?
(02/06 22:25:55) Hu K'hanDhat: So you are no that opposed to it anymore Mr.Engberg
(02/06 22:26:00) From Whilyam in D'ni-Ae'gura: Library report may be on the DRC site
(02/06 22:26:00) Gadren: I can't remember what Phase the guild hall was in...but it's nottoo far along
(02/06 22:26:11) From Whilyam in D'ni-Ae'gura: Days = soon
(02/06 22:26:16) Vixen Online: with what?
(02/06 22:26:16) Michael Engberg: I was joking.
(02/06 22:26:18) From Yali in Yali's Relto: Woohoo!
(02/06 22:26:19) Hu K'hanDhat: lol .. Vixen
(02/06 22:26:25) Michael Engberg laughs
(02/06 22:26:28) From Yali in Yali's Relto: I wonder what's in there
(02/06 22:26:29) Whilyam starts to laugh
(02/06 22:26:35) Sorceress: Heh.
(02/06 22:26:41) Vixen Online: not nice
(02/06 22:26:43) From Jeremy in city city: BOOOOOOOKS!!!!!
(02/06 22:26:52) From Yali in Yali's Relto: I doubt it
(02/06 22:26:55) KAL`EL: will the LIBRAREYOPEN SOON
(02/06 22:26:57) Vixen Online: i found a vault with loot
(02/06 22:27:03) Captain_Ron: i'll help kick rocks out of the way
(02/06 22:27:13) From Yali in Yali's Relto: at least not any new Ages
(02/06 22:27:27) From Jeremy in city city: Well there will be books, and ages, just no hotspots
(02/06 22:27:36) Donna: should we inspect the insdie for you Michael?
(02/06 22:27:39) From Yali in Yali's Relto: We'll have to wait for those : (
(02/06 22:27:45) Donna: inside?
(02/06 22:27:54) Sorceress: le sigh
(02/06 22:27:56) From Yali in Yali's Relto: I doubt Cyan would put non-working books in the library
(02/06 22:28:08) From Yali in Yali's Relto: doesn't seem realistic
(02/06 22:28:30) From Jeremy in city city: They had non-working books in the museum.
(02/06 22:28:42) From Jeremy in city city: And what is a library for but books?
(02/06 22:29:15) Sharaya: How does Cate feel about the progress so far?
(02/06 22:29:15) From Tan Corbin in Tan Corbin's Kadish: That was a bug; the books in the Museum weren't even supposed to be there.
(02/06 22:29:17) From Ruzinus in cata's Gahreesen: the DRC could have removed the books... or they might be just books for reading
(02/06 22:29:50) From Jeremy in city city: but the fact is that they WERE there.
(02/06 22:29:59) From Jeremy in city city: And therefore WILL be there
(02/06 22:30:01) Sorceress: Is that why the DRC hasn't made her a member?