Reference:2007-05-02 greydragon in TMP hood

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(05/02 16:44:21) Thanakar: so you can't tell us the meaty stuff?
(05/02 16:44:27) Greydragon: i can't .. not today.. cause of what happened at the meeting.. man.. i'll see what i can say..
(05/02 16:56:57) Greydragon: Well how about this.. Cyan is working on a statement about the future of Myst Online : Uru Live
(05/02 16:57:40) Greydragon: I wanted to get it out to you today, but its still being looked over. We should have it out to you by the end of the week
(05/02 16:58:26) Greydragon: Everyone at Cyan thinks it is good news. However, I do think some in the community might not like it.
(05/02 16:59:15) Greydragon: Its a smarter way of thinking and using the resources we have at Cyan
(05/02 16:59:44) Marcello: has Gametap taken over Cyan?
(05/02 16:59:55) Greydragon: Na not a take over..
(05/02 17:02:28) Greydragon: Well I don't mind all the questions.. just wish i could send the statement out.
(05/02 17:03:34) Greydragon: It might effect peoples gameplay style.. then again it might not.. it will be nice to discuss the differences it will bring
(05/02 17:04:43) IsengardUnleashed: i wonder if cyan offers honesty
(05/02 17:06:14) Greydragon: As for honesty .. we are being as honest as we can be.. why would it help us to lie at this point..
(05/02 17:06:43) Greydragon: The honest truth is we need more people and the statement is out way to fix problems and try to bring new people in..
(05/02 17:10:52) Whilyam: Is this statement going to reveal if Gametap has given Cyan more funding orn o?
(05/02 17:10:56) Whilyam: or no*
(05/02 17:11:54) Greydragon: Whilyam- no
(05/02 17:12:19) Greydragon: Well.. it shows the direction we plan to go..
(05/02 17:12:19) Thanakar: I know you said it may affect our gameplay style but will it affect access to the cavern in the forseeable future?
(05/02 17:12:32) Greydragon: thanakar - no
(05/02 17:14:11) Greydragon: The statement is not that we are going to shut Myst online down if that is what everyone is worried about..
(05/02 17:15:17) Eric Wolfe: GD: Is there (or will there be) any way for us to help Cyan make this all happen the way we all want it to?
(05/02 17:16:47) Greydragon: I am a fan.. From a fan view its bittersweet.. We all know this isnt the full version of Uru we all hoped for ..even Cyan.. However the new view does give the fans some really engaging things and could really add alot of fun into the cavern..
(05/02 17:16:46) darkstar: can i just confirm that the status of international players is not going to be affected
(05/02 17:17:04) Greydragon: International won't be affected
(05/02 17:16:19) Chloe: gD, does the statement have anything to do with the age creation tools that Cyan was talking about a few months ago?
(05/02 17:17:09) Whilyam: Is this announcement related to User Created Content?
(05/02 17:17:26) Greydragon: Not about age creation.. still something we want.. jsut time and effort plagues us..
(05/02 17:17:53) Ly'net: Will this affect story development?
(05/02 17:18:19) Greydragon: Umm in a way - i think it will make it better..
(05/02 17:18:29) Marcello: GD do you consider this a temporary change of direction or a permanent one?
(05/02 17:19:03) Greydragon: Marcello - permanent one for now. :)
(05/02 17:19:16) Marcello: Lol... thnx
(05/02 17:19:09) Slightperil: it sounds a little scary
(05/02 17:19:18) Andrew Yosso: Bittersweet hmmm
(05/02 17:19:22) Ly'net is worried
(05/02 17:19:24) URU_Plum: we can deal
(05/02 17:19:35) Janine: we CAN deal
(05/02 17:19:45) Greydragon: I think alot of people will like it.. but again some people will always be against it..
(05/02 17:19:19) Thanakar: GD, will this affect the speed of content turnout?
(05/02 17:20:20) Greydragon: Thanakar - yes , but more in the statement..
(05/02 17:20:20) Thanakar: thank you
(05/02 17:20:59) Greydragon: For Cyan we have been talking about it and it really could brng some excitement to the cavern..
(05/02 17:23:07) Greydragon: Just a different way of looking at things :)
(05/02 17:23:14) Marcello: GD will the new approach continu to be an online one?
(05/02 17:23:43) Greydragon: marcello - of course
(05/02 17:23:46) Dakro: When is this new "excitement" expected to be released?
(05/02 17:24:06) Greydragon: all of those questions are explained in the statement
(05/02 17:24:23) Ant: When is the statement realease GD ?
(05/02 17:24:43) Greydragon: I wanted to do it today.. by the end of the week..
(05/02 17:25:14) Greydragon: I'll post it on the myst online forums
(05/02 17:25:03) Curty: Grey, with this statement...does that mean that it will be set in stone so to speak?
(05/02 17:25:37) Curty: or is there time chose other options?
(05/02 17:25:47) Greydragon: curty.. yep we are already going down that path
(05/02 17:26:02) Curty: ty
(05/02 17:26:04) Captain Jack Harkness: What do you hope to gain by this change? Will it be obvious when it is released, or might it need further explanation...
(05/02 17:27:23) Greydragon: We hope to get more people in with the change, easier way to market the game, expectations managed better..
(05/02 17:27:28) Greydragon: and many other things..
(05/02 17:27:57) Ant: Will there be an increase in subscription ?
(05/02 17:28:12) Greydragon: No changes in price
(05/02 17:28:21) Ly'net: good
(05/02 17:28:39) Greydragon: :)
(05/02 17:28:47) Thanakar: GD, if I win teh lottery, who at cyan should I send the check?
(05/02 17:28:56) Greydragon: lol me..
(05/02 17:29:01) Greydragon: hahaha
(05/02 17:29:03) S'an: is this change a gameply or content change?
(05/02 17:29:29) Greydragon: S'an - no not really..
(05/02 17:29:38) Thend: GD, is this change based on a 'Do or Die' decision/situation, of just a quicker way to increase numbers that were projected?
(05/02 17:30:34) Greydragon: THend - Wow .. hard one i think if the #s increase its better for everyone in the long run. :)
(05/02 17:30:58) Slightperil: so we're going to be told whats coming up nad when, but at the loss of more ages?
(05/02 17:31:15) Greydragon: Slight - nope don't assume :)
(05/02 17:31:21) Slightperil: k
(05/02 17:31:10) Marcello: GD on a scale of 1 to 10 how r we doin' # wise?
(05/02 17:31:48) Greydragon: Can't talk about #s,
(05/02 17:32:00) Marcello: Ok GD no problem
(05/02 17:32:40) Greydragon: The change isn't going to break up community.. story who knows.. If I am the right hand.. i really don't get to see what the left hand is planning..
(05/02 17:32:42) Thanakar: GD, does using the direct launcher screw the numbers up for Cyan?
(05/02 17:33:32) Greydragon: Thanakar , well using gametap helps gametap see that you are interesting in uru
(05/02 17:33:46) Marcello: thanakar or the othere way around.... does the Gametap client do that ;)
(05/02 17:34:06) Greydragon: We get the #s either way.. lol
(05/02 17:34:20) petfam: good to know GD thx
(05/02 17:34:47) Dakro: GD, how long have you been working on this new "excitment" for everyone?
(05/02 17:35:10) Greydragon: umm started awhile ago.. i guess
(05/02 17:35:18) Marcello: GD will the change require considerable downtime or will it be gradual
(05/02 17:36:11) Captain Jack Harkness: a better question is will we notice the transition from the current model to the new one...
(05/02 17:37:01) Greydragon: marcello- um it really doesn't effect the content, how big or small... we will continue to try to make great content with the people we have.. i think you will love minkata..
(05/02 17:36:57) Chloe: GD, on a lighter note, has RAWA decided the canonocity of Myst V and Uru. Or does he still want to stall the answer to that?
(05/02 17:37:42) Greydragon: chole- i think the more we get into uru the more you will see the cannon of Myst V come out..
(05/02 17:38:07) Chloe: Who hoo.
(05/02 17:37:43) CoyoteCreed: Are you laying some Cyan workers off?
(05/02 17:37:54) Curty: does that mean we are getting a Staff cut further then before?
(05/02 17:38:14) Greydragon: Coyote - no plans to.. do you know something?
(05/02 17:38:27) Dakro: GD, how have explorers effected the storyline so far?
(05/02 17:38:51) Greydragon: Dakro - maybe??
(05/02 17:39:33) Captain Jack Harkness: GD, M5 is supposed to be in the past, yet some things that we are trying to do now need that information... My torchwood group is investigating the Bahro... M5 stated that they don;t like snakes... without knowing if M5 is cannon, something as simple as that is unknown
(05/02 17:40:11) Greydragon: hmm
(05/02 17:40:36) Kermit D Frog wants to ask a question...
(05/02 17:41:38) Greydragon: Kermit go ahead
(05/02 17:42:05) Kermit D Frog: GD. thanks for coming here to talk to us. So, bottomline, in summary so-to-speak, what will players notice after the statement?
(05/02 17:42:35) Greydragon: kermit - A change in the way we operate..
(05/02 17:41:30) Marcello: GD is the decision mainly strategical for Cyan or also a logical next step?
(05/02 17:41:51) Greydragon: Marcello - both.
(05/02 17:42:18) Marcello: 'kay
(05/02 17:42:10) Greydragon: its a smart move..
(05/02 17:42:58) Kermit D Frog: will the change you operate change gameplay here?
(05/02 17:43:39) Greydragon: kermit- maybe.... its more on how some will play the game.. not the gameplay..
(05/02 17:43:20) Ly'net: Do you know when we might expect this startment?
(05/02 17:43:57) Greydragon: By the end of this week for sure..
(05/02 17:44:01) Ly'net: ty
(05/02 17:44:25) Greydragon: some equals people..
(05/02 17:44:54) Greydragon: brb
(05/02 17:46:21) Greydragon: i think that came out wrong..
(05/02 17:47:54) Greydragon: I am trying to say.. people who play non-stop might find themself in less and people who don't know when to come in might come in more during certain times.. - wow thats spills alot..
(05/02 17:48:17) Yellowdog: GD: so it is safe to say you are here to tell us you will be telling us something
(05/02 17:48:44) Greydragon: Yellow.. ya i wanted to be here today .. to tell you the news..
(05/02 17:48:55) Marcello: GD more specific ;) will we see an XPacks approuch in Myst Online (just trying ;) )
(05/02 17:49:15) Greydragon: no expansion packs..
(05/02 17:48:46) Thend: Playing less by choice, or design?
(05/02 17:49:37) Greydragon: no time limits.. just your own time limits..
(05/02 17:49:49) Greydragon: Example..
(05/02 17:50:46) Greydragon: If I only had a certain amount of personal play time i could give to myst online .. wouldn't it be nice to use that time when i know i can get the best use of it.. :)??
(05/02 17:51:01) Ly'net: YES!
(05/02 17:51:02) IsengardUnleashed: u know the problem is
(05/02 17:51:03) Ivy: ahhhhhh
(05/02 17:51:06) Kaelri: Yes. Yes, it would.
(05/02 17:51:10) Herohtar: Oohhh
(05/02 17:51:12) URU_Plum: yes
(05/02 17:51:13) Ant: Yep me too
(05/02 17:51:14) Myst'Aken: I see your point
(05/02 17:51:16) Greydragon: okay now i have to leave
(05/02 17:51:22) K'laamas: aww
(05/02 17:51:24) [ Shadow ]: oooo
(05/02 17:51:24) Ly'net: said too much?
(05/02 17:51:24) Greydragon: Rawa and me need to go over things