Reference:Atrus, personal journal (Riven (2024))

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Atrus, personal journal (Riven (2024))
Author Atrus

87.6.10 They held for more than thirty years, but the corrections I made to Riven have finally failed—the island has resumed the familiar pattern of decay that is the hallmark of my father's work. I must now race to implement this new patch before it's too late.

I only hope that my revised theories are sound.

87.6.16 Revisions to Riven completed. There are still a number of minor adjustments which need to be made, but the basic corrections are in and should be working.

Something's not right—I've been monitoring the instruments for several hours now, but have thus far observed no change. It's possible I've made an error, though I've checked my entry against my prenotation and can find no discrepancy. I haven't slept in nearly three days, so it may be that I'm just not seeing it. If the fault is with my foundational assumptions, however....

...Perhaps after a short rest, I will see something.

87.6.18 Success! It appears that my repairs have been effective after all; the Gateway Image has become noticeably clearer, and although it's impossible to know this with absolute certainty, the island seems to have quieted itself.

Just a few more weeks of work and I should be free, at last, to go there myself and attempt to bring Catherine back. The past eight months have left me little time to devise a strategy for getting her out of there. There's been no sign from her in all that time... I only hope that—no, I must assume that she is all right, lest my fears undermine my efforts.[1]

87.6.19 I did not "create" the Age of Riven. Unlike my father, I have never presumed to have such power. And yet, the future of all those who live there has fallen into my hands. So far, I've managed to read the page before it turns; the island continues to appear stable, and I would like to believe that I have saved a dying world—but the theories of one individual cannot support the lives of real people indefinitely. I must get everyone off of Riven as soon as possible.

The problem now is Gehn. I'll never be able to rescue Catherine and relocate the islanders if he is still the man he used to be.

I haven't seen him in over thirty years; but given his history, I must assume that he's still a threat. His myopic mission to restore the D'ni civilization has left too many innocent cultures dying in its wake; a pattern that would no doubt continue were he to ever escape the confines of Riven.

For more than three decades, now, the universe has been safe from his corruptive influence because no one has been able to leave that ill-fated Age, the last Linking Book out of Riven having been lost in the Star Fissure upon my return to Myst.

That was our intention: to maroon my father on Riven by removing all the existing Links to other worlds. And since the libraries containing the vast and intricate knowledge needed to construct Linking Books remained largely confined to the ruins of D'ni, he would be trapped there for the remainder of his lifetime—and effectively segregated from the countless other worlds that he would have invaded.

This is what we achieved—but the way it fell, was no one's ideal. And although the sting of it has gradually faded over the years, the deep pain of the responsibility for what actually came to pass has never left me. At the time it all seemed so clear: Gehn's destructive path could not be allowed to continue. But it was never my wish that the innocent inhabitants of Riven, who had already suffered so much, would be the ones to have to pay for it.

But enough! To dwell in the past is to die in the present.
And the situation is not the same as it was then. The knowledge I've acquired since that time has yet to be factored into the equation...

87.6.20 I think I have the solution. Why it did not occur to me sooner, I do not know—unless the thought had been pushed out with the memory of my sons.

A Prison Book―
Many years ago, during a hunting expedition through the ruins of D'ni, I chanced upon a formula for a most unusual type of Book. Unfortunately, as my father was then in the habit of confiscating my discoveries, I had to leave it behind. Years later, however, as part of my efforts to protect the vulnerable worlds linked to the Books in my library, I was pleased to find I could still recall most of the formula, and with little experimentation quickly succeeded in creating one of these devices myself.

The procedure is actually quite simple: by altering key lines of text but slightly, a normal Linking Book's connection can be partially severed, such that anyone who attempts to use the Book will be permanently trapped in the dark void of the Link. Unless... someone else then uses the Book—at which point that person becomes trapped, and the first person displaced back into the world.

The technique can be applied to Books that have already been written, changes to the original text being so slight that anyone who is unfamiliar with the code will be unable to detect them.

If my father is indeed unchanged, what better bait could there be than a Book that appeared to be a Link back here to D'ni?

87.7.2 Trouble―
My nightly analysis of the island's condition has revealed that the tremors have started again. The pattern, however, is new—the disturbances are the result of the changes I have made.

This did not, at first, concern me; tremors of this type were one of the possible side effects I'd anticipated during the initial phase of the island's readjustment. But in order to verify my assumptions, I recalculated, incorporating the new data. The results were not what I had expected.

The damage to the understructure is more extensive than I'd realized—I can no longer go to Riven as planned.

Catherine, forgive me.[1]

87.7.3 I must act while I have the time.

The signs are as yet barely visible, but there is no question that the island's deterioration is accelerating. Total collapse is imminent unless I can keep ahead of it—and that is becoming increasingly difficult to do.

87.7.5 With every passing moment, I gain a clearer picture of the incredible chaos that my father's shortcuts have yielded; but it's a dismaying process—the complexity of the problem is overwhelming.
There is no good end to this.

The last few days have convinced me that the collapse of Riven is inevitable; and that, at best, I can only strive to delay it in the hope that at some point the island will become stable enough to risk a rescue attempt.

87.7.7 I think I've come up with a way to subdue the tremors!

It will require my exclusive attention for at least a month or two, so it may be necessary to discontinue these journal entries for a while.

87.7.13 Something truly miraculous has happened—beyond all conceivable probability, someone has finally found my lost MYST Linking Book and freed me from this prison!!

I immediately realized that this could be the solution to my dilemma, and I believe my mysterious benefactor is willing to assist me. The logistics of such a scheme are formidable, but the fact that it may now be possible for me to continue my repairs to Riven while also proceeding with my original intent to find Catherine has renewed my hopes.

87.7.16 The last few days have left me little time to work out the remaining problems with sending someone else to Riven. It did occur to me, however, that if a way could be found to signal me once my fath Gehn had been captured, it would no longer be necessary to take a real Linking Book to Riven, and thereby risk the possibility of inadvertently freeing him.

The deteriorated state of the Gateway Image would seem to make the use of a visual signal impossible, yet the picture remains a reliable indicator of Riven's condition nonetheless: by measuring and interpreting variations in the noise patterns, I am still able to "observe" basic changes that occur in the Age—even though I cannot see them. The problem is that my instruments can only detect changes that occur at a fundamental level, and it seems unlikely that an individual would be able to effect such an elementary change from within an Age. The idea may be foolish.

Still, there is a known weakness that may be worth investigating—an unstable anomaly that appears as a rift between two separate realms: the Star Fissure. But how this feature might be exploited, I cannot say.

Sending someone to Riven also means that once signaled, I will have to leave my writing in order to take a real Linking Book there myself. Provided my father is safely out of the way, this should take little time. Assuming the island does not incur any serious damage during my absence, I should then be able to return to K'veer and hold it together long enough for Catherine to evacuate the remaining islanders.

Predetermining a specific signal may simply be impossible. But I'm afraid there can be only one answer to the question of whether or not I should send my friend to Riven with a way out; the potential for success will be greatly increased, and the possibility of disaster greatly diminished, if the Prison Book is all that is taken there.

My father is no doubt expecting me to bring a Linking Book to Riven—

May he not be disappointed.
  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 This phrase is blurred with teardrops.