Reference:2003-12-10 Phil Henderson and Douglas Sharper in a hood

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Revision as of 14:01, 4 June 2024 by Cjherkeless (talk | contribs) (Created page with "(12/10 16:19:31) '''phend''': hello<br /> (12/10 16:19:35) McBeorn: Oh, fine<br /> (12/10 16:19:35) '''Douglas Sharper''': Has everyone here taken the journey?<br /> (12/10 16:19:42) laloona: I've heared you will open a pub in Ae'guera?<br /> (12/10 16:19:43) Brian Fioca: i have<br /> (12/10 16:19:45) McBeorn: Yes<br /> (12/10 16:19:49) Dusante: sure have<br /> (12/10 16:19:54) Duskrin D'tahree: Douglas, do you know believe that I saw Yeesha in the flesh? smile.gif<br />...")
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(12/10 16:19:31) phend: hello
(12/10 16:19:35) McBeorn: Oh, fine
(12/10 16:19:35) Douglas Sharper: Has everyone here taken the journey?
(12/10 16:19:42) laloona: I've heared you will open a pub in Ae'guera?
(12/10 16:19:43) Brian Fioca: i have
(12/10 16:19:45) McBeorn: Yes
(12/10 16:19:49) Dusante: sure have
(12/10 16:19:54) Duskrin D'tahree: Douglas, do you know believe that I saw Yeesha in the flesh? smile.gif
(12/10 16:19:55) Douglas Sharper: McBeorn - but you don't where the shirt?
(12/10 16:20:12) Duskrin D'tahree: know = now
(12/10 16:20:15) McBeorn: Thats right, but i will
(12/10 16:20:23) Douglas Sharper: I don't know.
(12/10 16:20:28) Dusante: I think doug saw her himself no?
(12/10 16:20:53) McBeorn: A few days ago you alsa ware another Shirt
(12/10 16:20:54) Brian Fioca: he does have her shirt
(12/10 16:20:55) Douglas Sharper: Why would you take the journey and not wear her shirt?
(12/10 16:21:00) laloona: *****, I can't hear Sharper and Phil :-((((
(12/10 16:21:16) Pa'lua: Hello Phil and Doug.
(12/10 16:21:23) Douglas Sharper: Hello
(12/10 16:21:23) McBeorn: I have it!
(12/10 16:21:23) phend: hello
(12/10 16:21:23) <schnüff> laloona ist traurig
(12/10 16:21:30) Duskrin D'tahree: ouglas if you need a physics explanation just peruse the Many-worlds interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. Personally, even though I have physics knowledge. I want to believe it was.... magical.
(12/10 16:21:34) laloona weint
(12/10 16:21:45) Duskrin D'tahree: There is a lack of magic in the mundane world as it is.
(12/10 16:21:58) Douglas Sharper: Yes.
(12/10 16:22:16) Pa'lua: Doug have you spoken with Yeesha?
(12/10 16:22:23) Pa'lua: startchat
(12/10 16:22:29) Pa'lua: chatlog
(12/10 16:22:42) Dusante: Often the reason I hear most people don't wear the shirt is that they think its ugly
(12/10 16:22:54) McBeorn: Doug, tell about your journey
(12/10 16:23:02) Douglas Sharper: What would you like to know?
(12/10 16:23:06) McBeorn: Your point Dusante
(12/10 16:23:09) Dusante: either that or they haven't comepleted their journey and have no idea whats going on and subsequently love the DRC
(12/10 16:23:15) McBeorn: your experience
(12/10 16:23:17) phend: douglas went on the journey some of you went on
(12/10 16:23:25) Brian Fioca: What does yeesha think about the restoration?
(12/10 16:23:26) Dusante: I'm just saying, stop being vain and show your side
(12/10 16:23:57) Douglas Sharper: Yes Dusante.
(12/10 16:24:00) Dusante: wear the shirt, who cares if its not the latest fashion statement
(12/10 16:24:05) Dusante: as long as you believe it
(12/10 16:24:07) McBeorn: All of us want to go on
(12/10 16:24:18) Pa'lua: Doug, will we get to see Yeesha again?
(12/10 16:24:19) Duskrin D'tahree: Douglas, did you see the notebooks the DRC has? The knowledge they have on the Maintainer's Suits? Why do they keep this from us?
(12/10 16:24:23) Douglas Sharper: The shirt shows you follow her, as do Phil and I.
(12/10 16:24:29) Douglas Sharper: We are all on the same side.
(12/10 16:24:47) IMForeman: Well, some of you are at any rate
(12/10 16:24:47) phend: you will see her
(12/10 16:24:56) Douglas Sharper: They keep more from you than you think Duskrin.
(12/10 16:24:59) Strife: then Phil is sending mixed messages...
(12/10 16:25:02) Duskrin D'tahree: Douglas: Many are as Phil is. He does not wear the shirt.
(12/10 16:25:04) Pa'lua: Are we supposed to be returning the Least to Kemo?
(12/10 16:25:04) Dusante: good point dusk, yeesha allowed us to see those journals, when the DRC tried to hide them
(12/10 16:25:13) Douglas Sharper: But Yeesha knows far more then they could ever wish to know.
(12/10 16:25:39) Douglas Sharper: No one questions where Phil stands.
(12/10 16:25:52) phend: i am here
(12/10 16:25:52) Douglas Sharper: He does not need the shirt.
(12/10 16:25:55) Brian Fioca: I am assuming, that since we are on her side, that she is at odds whith the restoration, correct?
(12/10 16:26:04) IMForeman: How does Yeesha feel about the hunting of large water creatures, Doug.
(12/10 16:26:06) Pa'lua: Will Yeesha tell us more soon?
(12/10 16:26:08) Duskrin D'tahree: Douglas: Might I ask you why you side with Yeesha? Is it for the power? Or what lies behind it... the knowledge and use of the power.
(12/10 16:26:11) Dusante: well, she thinks it shouldnt go as it is now
(12/10 16:26:13) Douglas Sharper: YOu heard her.
(12/10 16:26:43) Douglas Sharper: There is a better way to rule D'ni than the way the DRC is.
(12/10 16:26:44) Brian Fioca: just wanted to make sure
(12/10 16:26:46) Pa'lua: But she left before I could ask her any questions.
(12/10 16:26:59) phend: Duskrin - it is for knowing, not ruling
(12/10 16:27:00) Dusante: dusk, of you think yeesha is about gaining power, you weren't paying attention to her
(12/10 16:27:12) Douglas Sharper: Right Phil.
(12/10 16:27:38) Duskrin D'tahree: Dusante: Indeed I did listen. I have questions on why others choose her. I am saying that power can cause quite a bit of allegiances
(12/10 16:27:40) Pa'lua: That is why we are all on the learn and know.
(12/10 16:27:59) McBeorn: The power is to have no power
(12/10 16:28:05) IMForeman: So, if the DRC is really hiding stuff from us... why don't you just tell us what it is? Why be coy?
(12/10 16:28:14) Pa'lua: But we are having problems getting any information.
(12/10 16:28:15) Douglas Sharper: What do you want to know?
(12/10 16:28:27) Dusante: duh, because they are hiding it too well, its just obvious that they are hiding it
(12/10 16:28:30) IMForeman: Why you killed the Shroomie for one.
(12/10 16:28:33) Brian Fioca: knowledge is power, to hold back knowledge is to retain power
(12/10 16:28:35) McBeorn: Tell us what, happend
(12/10 16:28:48) phend: the past is the past
(12/10 16:28:49) McBeorn: Right Brian
(12/10 16:28:53) Duskrin D'tahree: I want to know where all of the maintainers technology is being kept. I want to see the books they hide from us.
(12/10 16:28:54) Dusante: quite the PETA crap IMF, who cares
(12/10 16:29:02) IMForeman: THEY are hiding truth too.
(12/10 16:29:08) Douglas Sharper: Thank you Dusante.
(12/10 16:29:12) phend: we look forward - to change - to what will come
(12/10 16:29:13) Strife: i would like to know about the maintainers tech too
(12/10 16:29:15) Douglas Sharper: Who is they?
(12/10 16:29:24) Duskrin D'tahree: They as in the DRC
(12/10 16:29:25) IMForeman: At least when the DRC speak they don't hide it behind vague, quasi mystical speech
(12/10 16:29:35) Douglas Sharper: You will find out soon about the maintainers tech.
(12/10 16:29:36) Brian Fioca: they say nothing IMF
(12/10 16:29:46) Douglas Sharper: The DRC is releasing something soon.
(12/10 16:29:53) Duskrin D'tahree: IMF: Apparently you have not conversed with the DRC.
(12/10 16:29:55) Dusante: obviously you haven't completed the journey imf, you would understand alot more if you did
(12/10 16:29:58) phend: IMForeman, have you taken the journey?
(12/10 16:30:11) IMForeman: I have conversed with the DRC many times
(12/10 16:30:12) Pa'lua: Do you know when we'll get to see Yeesha again?
(12/10 16:30:13) Duskrin D'tahree: smile.gif My own dealings with them was an exercise in verbal cat and mouse
(12/10 16:30:24) IMForeman: Yes, Phil. I have taken the journey
(12/10 16:30:24) Brian Fioca: same here
(12/10 16:30:24) Douglas Sharper: Phil knows.
(12/10 16:30:26) Dusante: notice how the DRC ran to secure the library when phil first came to the city?
(12/10 16:30:32) IMForeman: I am still unsure of Yeesha.
(12/10 16:30:35) louis.cyphre: tell us about tommorow ....the lost book
(12/10 16:30:41) Douglas Sharper: What are you unsure of?
(12/10 16:30:47) Pa'lua: Phil, do you know of the D'ni on Nobolen?
(12/10 16:30:48) IMForeman: And of you, Phil.
(12/10 16:31:00) phend: that's okay. But what are you unsure of?
(12/10 16:31:02) IMForeman: But I know some people when I speak to them.
(12/10 16:31:06) laloona: Hello
(12/10 16:31:07) Douglas Sharper: Such hostility.
(12/10 16:31:11) IMForeman: And I know Douglas is not what he appears
(12/10 16:31:18) laloona: Is anybody telling something?
(12/10 16:31:23) Douglas Sharper: Who are you so mad at and why? What have I done to you?
(12/10 16:31:29) phend: I have taken the journey - and I've seen her.
(12/10 16:31:44) phend: i belive her
(12/10 16:32:01) Dusante: hey IMF you said they werent explain ing when sharper said he knows the DRC is hiding something, now you aren't explaining when you say sharper is hiding something
(12/10 16:32:06) Brian Fioca: she's been far more open with us than the DRC
(12/10 16:32:18) Duskrin D'tahree: Douglas, I think many people are reluctant to believe you because of your hunts.
(12/10 16:32:25) Pa'lua: Being confrontational will not get us the answers we seek.
(12/10 16:32:34) Douglas Sharper: I've met your type before IMF. I'm not scared.
(12/10 16:32:38) IMForeman: How is being vague being open
(12/10 16:32:48) Douglas Sharper: The hunts: The past is the past.
(12/10 16:32:57) Dusante: anyone read that email about the profile of he american presidents compared to hitler?
(12/10 16:33:07) IMForeman: I'm not asking you to be scared.
(12/10 16:33:08) Duskrin D'tahree: Indeed. So you will no longer hunt?
(12/10 16:33:13) Pa'lua: Yes, we need to let go of the past so we can move forward.
(12/10 16:33:20) IMForeman: I like to think that people change, but I have seen it so rarely
(12/10 16:33:20) Brian Fioca: agreed
(12/10 16:33:20) Dusante: beating a dead horse that one
(12/10 16:33:24) Douglas Sharper: No.
(12/10 16:33:37) Strife: i would have compaired him to Sherman but oh well.
(12/10 16:33:41) Duskrin D'tahree: GOod. This will cause a lot of fears to be subsided
(12/10 16:33:43) Brian Fioca: you're losing track of what's important here
(12/10 16:33:44) McBeorn: And what is your destiny now, Doug
(12/10 16:33:54) Douglas Sharper: My destiny?
(12/10 16:33:59) Dusante: ?
(12/10 16:34:00) McBeorn: Yes
(12/10 16:34:09) Douglas Sharper: I don't knwo about that.
(12/10 16:34:12) Dusante: i dont think he's a prophet
(12/10 16:34:17) Brian Fioca: haha
(12/10 16:34:22) Douglas Sharper: My plan is to change the way things are happening here.
(12/10 16:34:28) teferi: I take it that doug and phil are here, then?
(12/10 16:34:30) phend: douglas and I are simply continueing our journey
(12/10 16:34:30) Brian Fioca: good. change is good
(12/10 16:34:31) Strife: anybody who thinks they have a destiny is vain.
(12/10 16:34:31) Pa'lua: Can we help?
(12/10 16:34:40) teferi: Hi, guys. Glad I found you.
(12/10 16:34:41) Duskrin D'tahree: Forgive me, if I believe in Yeesha's goals, believe in the freedom of information, and how we should all learn. Yet destiny is some kind of New Age thing.
(12/10 16:34:41) McBeorn: in what way?
(12/10 16:34:44) Douglas Sharper: And Phil and I need your help. Yes, you must help.
(12/10 16:34:44) phend: we are bringing more to understand - to hear
(12/10 16:34:47) IMForeman: The way I see it, the DRC is trying to restor the body of D'ni.
(12/10 16:34:53) Dusante: yeah! we sure can help
(12/10 16:34:55) phend: prepare them for another voice
(12/10 16:34:58) IMForeman: You seem to be trying to restore the soul.
(12/10 16:34:59) Douglas Sharper: First show you follow her.
(12/10 16:35:06) IMForeman: But why can't both be done?
(12/10 16:35:17) McBeorn: Ok
(12/10 16:35:17) Duskrin D'tahree: Has anyone realized yet that we are the new people of D'ni?
(12/10 16:35:18) Douglas Sharper: Wear your shirts.
(12/10 16:35:22) IMForeman: Why must this be mutually exclusive
(12/10 16:35:24) Dusante: yey lets restore D'ni so our civilisation can crash! just like they did! biggrin.gif
(12/10 16:35:56) Dusante: lets start enslaving people too, it will make us more like the D'ni and speed up the restoration [/sarcasm]
(12/10 16:36:06) Douglas Sharper: IMF. What do you want?
(12/10 16:36:09) teferi: er, have any answers been given yet?
(12/10 16:36:20) Strife: who needs to enslave people just pay them minimium wage
(12/10 16:36:21) IMForeman: I want an end to this emnity.
(12/10 16:36:24) phend: IMF and Dusante - what would you do?
(12/10 16:36:33) IMForeman: The caverns are being divided.
(12/10 16:36:35) phend: what is your journey?
(12/10 16:36:38) teferi: ...can anyone hear me?
(12/10 16:36:39) Duskrin D'tahree: The fans are being turned on again. ... I hope the DRC has checked them for contamination.. last time they were on.. well.
(12/10 16:36:45) Duskrin D'tahree: Not a good time.
(12/10 16:36:46) IMForeman: Why must there be this divisiness
(12/10 16:36:46) From Brian Fioca: dood
(12/10 16:36:49) Dusante: I want to learn from teh mistakes from the D'ni and not repeat them
(12/10 16:37:01) From Brian Fioca: good answer smile.gif
(12/10 16:37:18) McBeorn: It sounds like anew religion
(12/10 16:37:22) Pa'lua: Yes, IMF and Dusante, why have you taken the journey Yeesha offer?
(12/10 16:37:25) Douglas Sharper: Not everyone agrees, like it or not.
(12/10 16:37:35) phend: if two will not walk together, then they must walk apart in order to move
(12/10 16:37:41) Douglas Sharper: There are two views. You must choose.
(12/10 16:37:51) From teferi: er, have I missed anything?
(12/10 16:37:52) Dusante: why must there be divisiness? ask the DRC who look at us devided by the barriers
(12/10 16:37:53) IMForeman: I took it to learn. But I did not get that sense of right that I got in helping her father
(12/10 16:37:55) McBeorn: Then tell us more
(12/10 16:37:56) Strife: on a totaly different topic: do you think the drc will use the raw materials of the outlying ages to generate money?
(12/10 16:38:03) Duskrin D'tahree: IMF: Personally, for myself. I believe I am being ignored, and misled. Safety concerns are one thing. I can understand this. Yet there are many safe things we could do.
(12/10 16:38:07) IMForeman: Nor did I get the sense of wrongness that her brothers radiated
(12/10 16:38:07) McBeorn: What shall we do, and why
(12/10 16:38:25) Duskrin D'tahree: Yet, the DRC will not even speak on them. It is like, we are children.
(12/10 16:38:36) Brian Fioca: no, it is like they don't want us to know
(12/10 16:38:36) Dusante: imf are you 200 years old? how could you have helped atrus?
(12/10 16:38:39) Douglas Sharper: Wear your shirts. Ask them when you see them why they don't give you more.
(12/10 16:38:48) phend: if the DRC will follow her, than we will walk togther. Will they?
(12/10 16:38:48) IMForeman: Dusante, don't be obtuse
(12/10 16:38:53) Douglas Sharper: Tell them you support Yeesha, Phil, and Sharper.
(12/10 16:39:00) Knottyboy: I think they will
(12/10 16:39:10) Brian Fioca: they will have to
(12/10 16:39:11) Dusante: stay in character tongue.gif
(12/10 16:39:12) Knottyboy: they need to walk the same path as Douglas
(12/10 16:39:15) Douglas Sharper: Tell them you follow the Baron.
(12/10 16:39:18) Pa'lua: I for one will do as you and Phil ask.
(12/10 16:39:28) Strife: lol
(12/10 16:39:30) McBeorn: Who is the Baron
(12/10 16:39:33) Brian Fioca: shroombaron smile.gif
(12/10 16:39:39) Douglas Sharper: I am the Baron.
(12/10 16:39:41) IMForeman: I need alot more than these quasi-mystic statements.
(12/10 16:39:48) IMForeman: This is too cultish for me.
(12/10 16:39:51) Duskrin D'tahree: BTW Douglas. ... they know about your office.
(12/10 16:40:04) Brian Fioca: then leave, IMF - go find the DRC
(12/10 16:40:04) Duskrin D'tahree: IMF: Quasi what?
(12/10 16:40:07) Douglas Sharper: IMF - We'll see you on the other side then.
(12/10 16:40:15) Pa'lua: Then you did not truly feel the call to be here IMF
(12/10 16:40:28) phend: IMForeman - life is more than physical
(12/10 16:40:40) IMForeman: I did feel the call... but what I see here is vagueness.
(12/10 16:40:46) Beni: Shorah
(12/10 16:40:47) Beni: Shorah
(12/10 16:40:49) Beni: Shorah
(12/10 16:40:49) Brian Fioca: you see what you want to see
(12/10 16:40:50) Duskrin D'tahree: I definately am not a new ager. Yet I bnelieve in physics. If is possible to transfer acorss worlds. Linking should make that obvious
(12/10 16:40:51) Strife: i got a minor sin to admit, i read your journal
(12/10 16:40:53) Beni: Shorah
(12/10 16:40:53) Pa'lua: The call itself was vague.
(12/10 16:41:01) Beni: Shorah
(12/10 16:41:03) McBeorn: is that like evolution?
(12/10 16:41:13) IMForeman: I'm willing to hear what they have to say, but I need more evidence then their sayso that the DRC is evil.
(12/10 16:41:25) phend: this is none of that - it is understanding new things
(12/10 16:41:38) Dusante: you gotta first look at the evidence, it's so blatantly available,
(12/10 16:41:39) Douglas Sharper: Who said evil?
(12/10 16:41:40) Duskrin D'tahree: I never said the DRC is evil. Nay, they probably do have the best interests in mind.
(12/10 16:41:41) IMForeman: For all we know, Phil is just crazy
(12/10 16:41:45) phend: sometimes new things appear magical
(12/10 16:41:49) Douglas Sharper: We said two different sides.
(12/10 16:41:52) McBeorn: You see the light, Phil?
(12/10 16:41:55) IMForeman: You always seem to hint that, Doug
(12/10 16:41:55) Pa'lua: I don't recall anyone saying the DRC was evil....sides don't have to be about good or evile.
(12/10 16:42:03) Duskrin D'tahree: Read my post on the DRC forums. In response to an Engberg post
(12/10 16:42:08) Douglas Sharper: Two paths as Phil says.
(12/10 16:42:11) Knottyboy: phil it seems the only action that needs to be taken now is to convice the DRC of the truth we all are seeking
(12/10 16:42:28) Douglas Sharper: YOu decide which one is right.
(12/10 16:42:28) Brian Fioca: a hard task
(12/10 16:42:40) phend: i am just a small part of preparing others as I prepare
(12/10 16:42:40) McBeorn: I cant choose without knowledge
(12/10 16:42:45) Solaris: Is there a reference or post that explains the two views completely?
(12/10 16:42:46) Knottyboy: Well, this is just going round and round at this point, lets get to work
(12/10 16:42:46) Duskrin D'tahree: Besides. There has to be some kind of balance anyway.
(12/10 16:42:47) Brian Fioca: which is why i imagine we need many others
(12/10 16:42:55) IMForeman: For now, I reserve the right to walk my own path, and choose my sides later
(12/10 16:43:06) teferi: er, get to work how?
(12/10 16:43:15) phend: knowlege does not convice, it supports
(12/10 16:43:28) McBeorn: The only thing Ican do is to ask my heart
(12/10 16:43:29) Douglas Sharper: For now, you can do that. But not for long IMF.
(12/10 16:43:30) IMForeman: I cant choose yours right now. I can't wear that shirt anymore than I wear the DRC logo.
(12/10 16:43:31) Knottyboy: showing our solidarity in Yeesha's vision
(12/10 16:43:37) louis.cyphre: i´ll wait and then i make my dicision
(12/10 16:43:39) Pa'lua: I will follow where my heart leads.
(12/10 16:43:50) Duskrin D'tahree: I've just been ignored too long. And if Douglas needs a scientific mind to keep him out of the New Age sway, he has my support
(12/10 16:43:58) Knottyboy: shirts, help but our actions should be the biggest show of togetherness
(12/10 16:44:20) Douglas Sharper: When does the DRC come here and talk to you?
(12/10 16:44:21) Strife: i agree with knot
(12/10 16:44:27) Dusante: same
(12/10 16:44:30) Brian Fioca: very rarely
(12/10 16:44:34) Jusch jubelt
(12/10 16:44:37) Douglas Sharper: Have you seen DR. Watson?
(12/10 16:44:37) IMForeman: I have spoken with them many times in the City, D
(12/10 16:44:38) Duskrin D'tahree: Knotty: Then stop harrasing the DRC smile.gif It can only cause us trouble if someone is beligerant
(12/10 16:44:41) Dusante: every so often but its so rare, and they dont say anything
(12/10 16:44:44) Douglas Sharper: Dr. K?
(12/10 16:44:45) IMForeman: Yes
(12/10 16:44:47) IMForeman: Yes
(12/10 16:44:48) Brian Fioca: I've never seen watson
(12/10 16:44:51) Douglas Sharper: Sutherland?
(12/10 16:44:53) IMForeman: Yes
(12/10 16:44:55) Pa'lua: They come once in a while, but give us no pertinent information.
(12/10 16:45:05) Duskrin D'tahree: IMF: they never seem to be around whne I am. And when I finally meet Engberg, he ignores me
(12/10 16:45:05) IMForeman: Everyone but Laxman, really
(12/10 16:45:12) McBeorn: Me too
(12/10 16:45:13) Pa'lua: Yes, Marie was here the other day.
(12/10 16:45:19) Douglas Sharper: YOu are one of the few IMF.
(12/10 16:45:20) Strife: spoke sutherland got no info out of her.
(12/10 16:45:25) Dusante: the most anyone has ever said from the DRC is when burg came to spaz at us in the pub
(12/10 16:45:26) From IMForeman: BTW, Dus... II'm playing a role here.
(12/10 16:45:28) Brian Fioca: she wouldn't answer about Nobolen
(12/10 16:45:28) Douglas Sharper: They rarely come and talk
(12/10 16:45:35) From IMForeman: Try not to take it personal.
(12/10 16:45:37) phend: the DRC is not evil - they only don't see yet
(12/10 16:45:38) To IMForeman: yeah me too, wink.gif
(12/10 16:45:48) Duskrin D'tahree: Phil: My thoughts exactly.
(12/10 16:45:49) Douglas Sharper: They rarely listen.
(12/10 16:45:49) phend: maybe they will
(12/10 16:45:54) To IMForeman: i was going to say the same thing hehehe
(12/10 16:45:57) Knottyboy: I agree phil
(12/10 16:46:05) Pa'lua: Maybe they will take the journey also.
(12/10 16:46:09) Douglas Sharper: They don't care about you.
(12/10 16:46:10) Duskrin D'tahree: I side with Yeesha. I side with friends. I do not oppose the DRC> I support the others
(12/10 16:46:18) Douglas Sharper: Only their buildings.
(12/10 16:46:18) Brian Fioca: they will if we are many enough
(12/10 16:46:20) From IMForeman: Cool. It's just noone was on the DRC side, and it seemed unbalanced.
(12/10 16:46:29) phend: but the journey has started without them - and it can continue without them
(12/10 16:46:41) phend: I hope they will come
(12/10 16:46:43) Brian Fioca: will they get in our way?
(12/10 16:46:49) Pa'lua: Then I want to continue the journey.
(12/10 16:46:51) Knottyboy: And we don't need to push our wieght around to make that point
(12/10 16:46:54) Duskrin D'tahree: Brian: However I think your furvor is a little harsh. smile.gif
(12/10 16:47:00) Douglas Sharper: HOw can they? You have Yeesha, Phil, and the Baron.
(12/10 16:47:01) To IMForeman: its unfourtunatem some people get right mad about the role playing, and then refuse to do it because they dnn't want to be evil
(12/10 16:47:10) teferi: er, can anyone hear me? I can't seem to hear phil/doug...
(12/10 16:47:17) Duskrin D'tahree: Sharper: You have a fifedom? biggrin.gif
(12/10 16:47:19) Knottyboy: be a mirror, an example of what we desire
(12/10 16:47:20) IMForeman: Doug, tell me this?
(12/10 16:47:30) Douglas Sharper: What?
(12/10 16:47:33) Demos: move closer
(12/10 16:47:42) IMForeman: Why can't we let the DRC restore the buildings, while you restore the soul of the D'ni?
(12/10 16:47:50) Duskrin D'tahree: I mean you say you are a Baron. Was just wondering if this was an official title
(12/10 16:48:14) Douglas Sharper: IMF - if you are happy with the DRC, then so be it. OThers are not.
(12/10 16:48:24) Dusante: i'm not sure if yeesha is keen on making the "new D'ni" the same as they were though.
(12/10 16:48:39) Duskrin D'tahree: IMF: thing is... how much restoration are they actually doing?
(12/10 16:48:40) Dusante: I mean look at kadish, nice soul shocked.gif
(12/10 16:48:40) phend: hello teferi
(12/10 16:48:43) IMForeman: Maybe I'm just jaded to the type, but authorities never share EVERYTHNG.
(12/10 16:48:53) Douglas Sharper: It's time for us to go.
(12/10 16:48:58) Strife: douglas: you are incharge of restoring the pub in the city right? when are you planing on opeing it?
(12/10 16:49:00) phend: okay
(12/10 16:49:05) teferi: hi, great to meet you guys finally
(12/10 16:49:08) teferi: albeit briefly
(12/10 16:49:14) Douglas Sharper: Goodbye.
(12/10 16:49:18) Brian Fioca waves
(12/10 16:49:20) Dusante: cya doug doug and phil
(12/10 16:49:20) McBeorn: Nice to see you again
(12/10 16:49:20) phend: goodbye
(12/10 16:49:23) Pa'lua: Goodbye and good journey.
(12/10 16:49:23) Dusante waves
(12/10 16:49:26) Deg: I look forward to seeing you again.
(12/10 16:49:26) teferi waves
(12/10 16:49:27) Solaris waves
(12/10 16:49:29) Demos: TTFN
(12/10 16:49:33) Pa'lua waves
(12/10 16:49:33) RedTansNax waves
(12/10 16:49:34) louis.cyphre: q/winken
(12/10 16:49:39) Knottyboy waves
(12/10 16:49:40) Duskrin D'tahree: Douglas: Just keep us informed on what is happening. Then you would be one step further than the DRC has.
(12/10 16:49:42) Jusch winkt
(12/10 16:49:43) Strife: later guys
(12/10 16:49:43) Demos waves
(12/10 16:49:44) Knottyboy: Yahvo
(12/10 16:49:53) Dusante: true that dusk
(12/10 16:49:55) phend (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(12/10 16:50:01) teferi: Anyone care to give me a synopsis?
(12/10 16:50:28) Strife: i came in late so who has a complete chat log?
(12/10 16:50:37) Chwith: Especially since there were someof us who coyuldn't hear what they said
(12/10 16:50:40) Brian Fioca: it'll be posted
(12/10 16:50:41) Strife: and where are you going to post it?
(12/10 16:50:47) teferi: gg forums, probably
(12/10 16:50:50) AnubisSL5: yes i just got here what did they talk about
(12/10 16:50:50) Jusch: Yes please
(12/10 16:50:52) Strife: ok
(12/10 16:51:00) Pa'lua: I've got some of the chat, but not all of it.
(12/10 16:51:09) Dusante: i have some too
(12/10 16:51:16) Dusante: i will post it on UO
(12/10 16:51:17) McBeorn (Ich bin an der Oberfläche, komme gleich zurück):
(12/10 16:51:21) teferi: someone get up there and tell us what happened, then tongue.gif
(12/10 16:51:39) Douglas Sharper (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(12/10 16:51:39) Douglas Sharper (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(12/10 16:51:41) Chwith: Cool.
(12/10 16:52:01) Pa'lua: Dusante, will you also post in on the Uru forum?
(12/10 16:52:03) Strife: basicly to show the drc you don't support them
(12/10 16:52:15) Demos: how?
(12/10 16:52:16) Duskrin D'tahree: IMF: I am sorry if it seems as if you are not being heard.
(12/10 16:52:22) Strife: ware the shirt yeesha gave you
(12/10 16:52:33) Demos: OK
(12/10 16:52:39) Pa'lua: The impression I got was we are to wear our Yeesha shirts.
(12/10 16:52:44) Strife: that was the theme
(12/10 16:52:45) Brian Fioca: yes
(12/10 16:52:47) teferi: I'm gonna stay neutral for now, if it's all the same.
(12/10 16:52:58) teferi: Not enough information to go one way or the other
(12/10 16:53:03) Chwith: We need a central place to post these things. I'll make the offer. I'll post any chat logs on my site.
(12/10 16:53:04) Brian Fioca: they said for now, fine, but eventually you'll need to decide
(12/10 16:53:11) teferi: Chwith, they generally go on the GG forums
(12/10 16:53:18) Duskrin D'tahree: Brian: Let people choose at their own pace.
(12/10 16:53:33) Chwith: Yeah, and Ubi and UO.
(12/10 16:53:34) Pa'lua: I got the impression that if we wear our shirts we'll either see or do something that the others can't.
(12/10 16:53:38) Duskrin D'tahree: You only tend to push them away if you pressure them.
(12/10 16:53:51) teferi: Interesting.
(12/10 16:53:53) Strife: (OOC: it wouldn't be any fun if it was easy)
(12/10 16:54:18) From IMForeman in IMForeman's Relto: Later, Dus. Gotta run.
(12/10 16:54:19) Solaris: in a nutshell, can someone explain the two views?
(12/10 16:54:20) Demos: aside fm Phil and Sharper, anyone else onboard?
(12/10 16:54:21) Duskrin D'tahree: (ooc: and too much bickering and too much dissent in game play will turn a lot of people off)
(12/10 16:54:37) Strife: always remember folks you came to d'ni to have fun
(12/10 16:54:53) Demos: or jump!!! hehehe
(12/10 16:54:58) Strife: if your not having fun you're doing something wrong
(12/10 16:55:00) Chwith: I'm having fun watching it all unfold.
(12/10 16:55:02) Duskrin D'tahree: Strife: Aye, I did.
(12/10 16:55:12) Pa'lua: I am...that's why I'm wearing my Yeesha shirt from now on, except when I'm on GoG duty.
(12/10 16:55:13) Brian Fioca: well...
(12/10 16:55:17) teferi: Indeed, chwith.
(12/10 16:55:20) Brian Fioca: I don't feel so crazy anymore smile.gif
(12/10 16:55:24) Duskrin D'tahree: ooc: And if too much of this sides thing keep going its not going to be fun anymore.
(12/10 16:55:37) Chwith: It's better than a soap opera.
(12/10 16:55:51) Demos: so what has the DRC offered?
(12/10 16:55:55) Brian Fioca: nothing
(12/10 16:55:56) AnubisSL5: so basicy they talked about the sides we will have to choose from
(12/10 16:56:03) teferi: The story is what's holding me to the game for now, since there isn't really any enw content yet.
(12/10 16:56:09) Duskrin D'tahree: It is the same coin.
(12/10 16:56:14) Brian Fioca: but i think they'll have to do something if they realize what's going on here
(12/10 16:56:19) Duskrin D'tahree: Just has two sides.
(12/10 16:56:20) Pa'lua: I don't believe that the DRC is evil, but I wouldn't be here except for Zandi and Yeesha...the DRC wouldn't have let us in.
(12/10 16:56:25) Solaris: what are the two viewpoints?......... DRC"S..........and Yeshas
(12/10 16:56:34) Brian Fioca: exactly, Pa'lua
(12/10 16:56:38) Solaris: I am confused
(12/10 16:56:43) Strife: teferi: i agree with you but i have trouble keeping OOC stuff from effecting my IC
(12/10 16:57:08) Strife: the drc could be said to be over protective
(12/10 16:57:18) Brian Fioca: that's an undertsatement
(12/10 16:57:28) Strife: that seems to be the issue of contention
(12/10 16:57:42) Duskrin D'tahree: And I would message you if the ki worked right so... OOC Strife, they need to watch this plotline. It can get nasty and not fun, realllly fast.
(12/10 16:57:45) Brian Fioca: i have a feeling there is more to it than that
(12/10 16:58:07) Brian Fioca: overprotection from what?
(12/10 16:58:14) Chwith: Agreed Duskin
(12/10 16:58:19) AnubisSL5: yeeshas way is difforent that the drc's way and thats why there are the difforent sides right?
(12/10 16:58:31) Duskrin D'tahree: Yes.
(12/10 16:58:36) AnubisSL5: o ok
(12/10 16:58:36) Pa'lua: Well, I've got to get dinner ready....even though this is very interesting. Yes, Anubis that is correct.
(12/10 16:58:37) Strife: Dusk: yes
(12/10 16:58:41) Brian Fioca: yeesha does not agree with the way the DRC is handlign the restoration of D'ni
(12/10 16:58:42) Demos: other thing is how is contact being made with all players around the world?
(12/10 16:58:52) Duskrin D'tahree: I mean everyone has their secrets. Nobody is telling us everything. Both sides are convoluted.
(12/10 16:58:54) Pa'lua: See everyone later>
(12/10 16:58:54) Demos: except as logs
(12/10 16:59:01) Brian Fioca: bye Pa'lua
(12/10 16:59:11) Chwith: Byr
(12/10 16:59:12) AnubisSL5: byebye tootels
(12/10 16:59:15) Brian Fioca: by telling us, Duskrin
(12/10 16:59:20) Duskrin D'tahree: Yet my relto book kept me from breaking my neck when I fell off the end of Dakotah Alley
(12/10 16:59:20) Brian Fioca: word travels fast around here
(12/10 16:59:30) Strife: i'm not really sure what yeesha wants
(12/10 16:59:35) teferi: Okay, I get the drift. I'll see the details in foro later.
(12/10 16:59:45) teferi: bah, can't decline today, in the forums.
(12/10 16:59:50) Demos: but first hand knowledge and sightings are in NA time sones
(12/10 17:00:12) AnubisSL5: i guess i WOULD be on yeesha's side afterall the drc did barg their way in
(12/10 17:00:14) Demos: you cannot pose a question to a chat log
(12/10 17:00:17) Duskrin D'tahree: Many of us have seen more of the cavern than some.
(12/10 17:00:19) Brian Fioca: Yeesha made it a point to show us Kadish. Maybe she thinks the DRC are like him