Reference:2003-12-08 Phil Henderson and Douglas Sharper on Yeesha's Journey

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Revision as of 14:15, 4 June 2024 by Cjherkeless (talk | contribs) (Created page with "(12/08 23:36:40) Gregor: what do you mean, douglas<br /> (12/08 23:36:47) MrM3FaN: through control and secrecy jus tmy opinion though<br /> (12/08 23:37:06) '''Douglas Sharper''': I mean the same mistakes can be made in rebuilding. The mistakes that cause a people to fall.<br /> (12/08 23:37:13) Dan'ni: so you're implying that the DRC is meant to fall?<br /> (12/08 23:37:17) akiva: where is everyone?<br /> (12/08 23:37:30) akiva: I am too -but I don't see anyone<br /> (1...")
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(12/08 23:36:40) Gregor: what do you mean, douglas
(12/08 23:36:47) MrM3FaN: through control and secrecy jus tmy opinion though
(12/08 23:37:06) Douglas Sharper: I mean the same mistakes can be made in rebuilding. The mistakes that cause a people to fall.
(12/08 23:37:13) Dan'ni: so you're implying that the DRC is meant to fall?
(12/08 23:37:17) akiva: where is everyone?
(12/08 23:37:30) akiva: I am too -but I don't see anyone
(12/08 23:37:31) Dan'ni: at least in it;s current state
(12/08 23:37:34) NeoCelt: how to don't make the same mistake?
(12/08 23:37:37) Douglas Sharper: the DRC is a joke.
(12/08 23:37:54) Douglas Sharper: That's why I'm implying.
(12/08 23:37:59) From Chair in Chair's Relto: hey hey hey
(12/08 23:38:05) Strazsha: power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely
(12/08 23:38:13) Douglas Sharper: Phil are we going somewhere else?
(12/08 23:38:15) MrM3FaN: So are you going to stop working for the DRC then Doug?
(12/08 23:38:25) Douglas Sharper: I don't work for the DRC.
(12/08 23:38:28) phend:: We can
(12/08 23:38:29) Douglas Sharper: Never have.
(12/08 23:38:30) Vormaen: where is phend:?
(12/08 23:38:41) Strazsha: can you take us to new places, Phil?
(12/08 23:38:42) Deg: Is the DRC a lost cause? Can we show them their errors and prevent more mistakes?
(12/08 23:38:44) akiva: I'm by the place the heek table should be
(12/08 23:38:49) akiva: no table
(12/08 23:38:50) Gregor: might the DRC has some D'ni survivor, who leads them and is obsessed by the whish to control all ages and their inhabitants?
(12/08 23:38:51) akiva: no people
(12/08 23:39:00) Dan'ni: akiva - come forwarda little we're here
(12/08 23:39:08) VereaTurus: And which side have you choose, Doug ?
(12/08 23:39:15) Gregor: - just a thought -
(12/08 23:39:46) Douglas Sharper: I'm with her.
(12/08 23:39:57) Gregor: Yeesha?
(12/08 23:39:59) Douglas Sharper: Just like Phil.
(12/08 23:40:17) Deg: Gregor, do they even need a native D'ni? Isn't the DRC's pride strong enough already?
(12/08 23:40:21) phend:: I will show you something Douglas
(12/08 23:40:37) Gregor: maybe, Deg
(12/08 23:40:51) Gregor: Why doesn't Yeesha come here?
(12/08 23:41:33) phend:: follow me...
(12/08 23:41:35) Vormaen: been looking for you
(12/08 23:41:42) Strazsha: all of us?
(12/08 23:41:47) Gregor: where to?
(12/08 23:42:31) TheEggplant: where are we all going?
(12/08 23:43:02) Dan'ni: I don't think we'll be able to follow them
(12/08 23:43:05) Dan'ni: again...
(12/08 23:43:22) TheEggplant: unless someone who followed them sends a message to one of us
(12/08 23:43:27) Dan'ni: they're in D'ni!
(12/08 23:47:27) phend:: Douglas, you see this city, this ae'gura. This is not what made D'ni great.
(12/08 23:49:31) baldok: heuuuuuuu
(12/08 23:49:43) Douglas Sharper: Right.
(12/08 23:50:21) From Strazsha: where are they
(12/08 23:50:26) Douglas Sharper: Will you help me tell people about this?
(12/08 23:50:34) To Strazsha: go towards the library
(12/08 23:50:36) phend:: who?
(12/08 23:50:52) MrM3FaN: I would be willing to help
(12/08 23:51:26) Dan'ni: I cannot turn away from Yeesha... I'm willing to help too
(12/08 23:51:49) From Strazsha: I was already at dakotah
(12/08 23:52:03) To Strazsha: go further - past the placa alcove
(12/08 23:52:06) phend:: maybe others who will come now?
(12/08 23:52:08) MrM3FaN: Yessha really has shown us much more than I could have imagined already..I will help here cause..I will help the Least
(12/08 23:52:38) phend:: there will be new ones coming
(12/08 23:52:56) an'nie: I dont know
(12/08 23:52:58) AnubisSL5: hold on new what?
(12/08 23:53:12) Dan'ni: if it wasn't for Yeesha w'd probably never be here - we owe her everything
(12/08 23:53:19) MrM3FaN: New ppl I think is what Phil means
(12/08 23:53:29) AnubisSL5: o ok i just joind in
(12/08 23:53:30) phend:: yes
(12/08 23:53:47) MrM3FaN: Others that should make the Journey
(12/08 23:54:01) Gregor: btw: Douglas, you know, the DRC hasn't officially opened this place here, we're breaking the rules
(12/08 23:54:12) Douglas Sharper: Phil I need you to go with me and tell the people all that you know.
(12/08 23:54:13) Dan'ni: rules set BY the DRC
(12/08 23:54:23) Dan'ni: and only by them
(12/08 23:54:23) MrM3FaN: those of us that have and are willing to help Yessha should be willing to help others with there Journey
(12/08 23:54:23) Douglas Sharper: Will you do that?
(12/08 23:54:27) phend:: okay
(12/08 23:54:35) Douglas Sharper: Good.
(12/08 23:54:37) phend:: where?
(12/08 23:54:40) MrM3FaN: Why not tell all of use here?
(12/08 23:54:42) Deg: Some rules are meant to be broken, Gregor.
(12/08 23:54:53) Strazsha: do you mean tell DRC?
(12/08 23:54:57) Douglas Sharper: Anywhere. Wherever there are people.
(12/08 23:55:04) Strazsha: yes, tell us!
(12/08 23:55:06) MrM3FaN: Lots of ppl here
(12/08 23:55:09) Gregor: I like your attitude Douglas
(12/08 23:55:13) Dan'ni: we want to listen
(12/08 23:55:54) Douglas Sharper: Anywhere Phil.
(12/08 23:56:11) phend:: Yes anywhere there are people to tell
(12/08 23:56:11) Douglas Sharper: You and me, together.
(12/08 23:56:16) phend:: okay
(12/08 23:56:24) Gregor: has yeesha access to ages, of which the DRC know nothing?
(12/08 23:56:25) MrM3FaN: How about Kemo..seems fiting since that is where all this started for you Phil!?
(12/08 23:56:43) phend:: I will go to Relto now though - to rest
(12/08 23:56:59) Douglas Sharper: Sounds good.
(12/08 23:57:08) Kha'tie: Wow, someone should have woken me up!
(12/08 23:57:08) Douglas Sharper: I need to rest too.
(12/08 23:57:15) Strazsha: can you tell us anything first?
(12/08 23:57:20) MrM3FaN: Have a good one then Phil and you too Doug
(12/08 23:57:20) Douglas Sharper: It's been a long journey.
(12/08 23:57:22) phend:: thank you Douglas - good bye for now
(12/08 23:57:25) Dan'ni: glad you woke up Kha smile.gif
(12/08 23:57:32) Kha'tie: Thanks Danni.
(12/08 23:57:34) phend:: another voice will come
(12/08 23:57:36) Douglas Sharper: How nice that I can use this book and not have to find a Nexus now. Wow.
(12/08 23:57:37) Kha'tie: Nice to see you both ...
(12/08 23:57:38) Strife: take all the time you need Doug
(12/08 23:57:42) Dan'ni: goodbye Phil! goodbye Doug!
(12/08 23:57:46) Dan'ni: See you both soon!
(12/08 23:57:48) Douglas Sharper: That is power.
(12/08 23:57:49) Dan'ni: Take care!
(12/08 23:57:49) phend:: later
(12/08 23:57:53) Strazsha: shorah
(12/08 23:57:53) Gregor: but isn't speaking to us part of your journey?
(12/08 23:57:54) Dan'ni: We'll be waiting
(12/08 23:57:58) <sniffle> Vormaen is sad
(12/08 23:58:09) Gregor: tell us some more
(12/08 23:58:11) MrM3FaN: bye Phil and Doug
(12/08 23:58:12) KnitCucmber: What did I miss?
(12/08 23:58:15) phend:: we have been speaking
(12/08 23:58:28) Brian Fioca: what did he say?
(12/08 23:58:29) phend:: we will speak more
(12/08 23:58:29) Kha'tie: Wow, so Douglas got his own Personal Age.
(12/08 23:58:38) Brian Fioca: looks like it
(12/08 23:58:40) Dan'ni: he took the Journey Kha'tie
(12/08 23:58:43) Gregor: but when
(12/08 23:58:44) phend:: good bye
(12/08 23:58:49) Brian Fioca: bye Phil
(12/08 23:58:49) Dan'ni: shorah Phil!
(12/08 23:58:53) Kha'tie: Goodbye Phil Be well.
(12/08 23:58:56) Knottyboy: bye phil
(12/08 23:59:05) Vormaen: I do not know I missed it too
(12/08 23:59:31) KnitCucmber: There is a naughty four letter work I'd really like to use right now.
(12/08 23:59:34) Vormaen: what did he say>?
(12/08 23:59:43) To Kha'tie: ha I finally know who to side with - yay for me
(12/08 23:59:44) Strazsha: did anyone get a log?
(12/08 23:59:45) Deg: I wonder how Douglas's journey wil impact his Shroomie hunts...