Reference:2007-06-26 Marie Sutherland in Ae'gura

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Revision as of 20:03, 4 June 2024 by Cjherkeless (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Marie Sutherland speaks to explorers in the Tokotah alley before heading to the GOG hood to continue discussing recent events. ---- (06/26 00:43:52) Carl Palmner: Marie!<br /> (06/26 00:44:03) Carl Palmner: Are you doing okay?<br /> (06/26 00:44:33) [Relayer] IBnetweasel: shorah<br /> (06/26 00:44:36) Carl Palmner: Cate was rather nasty earlier--I saw the transciprt.<br /> (06/26 00:45:01) '''Marie Sutherland''':: Hello.<br /> (06/26 00:45:10) Carl Palmner waves hello<br...")
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Marie Sutherland speaks to explorers in the Tokotah alley before heading to the GOG hood to continue discussing recent events.

(06/26 00:43:52) Carl Palmner: Marie!
(06/26 00:44:03) Carl Palmner: Are you doing okay?
(06/26 00:44:33) [Relayer] IBnetweasel: shorah
(06/26 00:44:36) Carl Palmner: Cate was rather nasty earlier--I saw the transciprt.
(06/26 00:45:01) Marie Sutherland:: Hello.
(06/26 00:45:10) Carl Palmner waves hello
(06/26 00:45:26) Marie Sutherland:: To say it's been a long day would be a colossal understatement.
(06/26 00:45:26) Rih'ki says hey
(06/26 00:45:28) Chere: Hello
(06/26 00:45:31) [Relayer] IBnetweasel: How are you doing tonight?
(06/26 00:45:38) Joshi: Oh, Shorah Ms Sutherland.
(06/26 00:45:39) Carl Palmner: Yeah--are you okay?
(06/26 00:45:49) Marie Sutherland:: I will be fine. Thanks.
(06/26 00:45:51) Grieyls waves hello
(06/26 00:45:58) Serephina: shorah Ms. Sutherland
(06/26 00:46:01) Carl Palmner: We all saw the transcipt of that little altercation with Cate earlier. She was downright nasty.
(06/26 00:46:09) Carl Palmner: Hi Phina!
(06/26 00:46:19) Serephina: Hi Carl
(06/26 00:46:41) Marie Sutherland:: How are the explorers tonight, err... this morning?
(06/26 00:46:54) Carl Palmner shrugs
(06/26 00:47:05) Grieyls: We are fine
(06/26 00:47:15) Chere: fine Is there anything we can help you with Ms Sutherland
(06/26 00:47:18) Rih'ki: as well as can be expected, I suppose
(06/26 00:47:19) Carl Palmner: Can't complain.
(06/26 00:47:20) Joshi: It feels like afternoon for some of us.
(06/26 00:47:28) Marie Sutherland:: I'm glad to hear that, Grieyls.
(06/26 00:47:32) [Relayer] IBnetweasel: IB well, thanks
(06/26 00:47:36) Carl Palmner laughs lightly.
(06/26 00:47:48) Joshi: Easy to forget what time it is in this perpetual twilight, though.
(06/26 00:47:54) Carl Palmner: Mostly just been irritated at Cate's words earlier and wondering how things were between the two of you.
(06/26 00:48:08) Marie Sutherland:: Yes it is, Joshi.
(06/26 00:48:24) Serephina: Glad to be here, Marie and curious as Carl said. Hope you are okay
(06/26 00:48:37) Marie Sutherland:: Don't worry too much about it, Carl. Things have a way of working out.
(06/26 00:48:42) Carl Palmner: Yeah--how did your private meeting fo?
(06/26 00:48:45) Carl Palmner: okay
(06/26 00:48:52) [Relayer] IBnetweasel nods his head
(06/26 00:49:48) Grieyls: So what brings you dwon to the cavern today Ms Sutherland?
(06/26 00:50:03) Gondar: Can't sleep?
(06/26 00:50:13) Marie Sutherland:: Nothing surprising. She said her peice. I said mine.
(06/26 00:50:13) Chere: Marie did Sharpter really go to Noleban?
(06/26 00:50:22) Rih'ki: Do you know anything about Douglas Sharper's intention to go to Noloben to kill a bahro?
(06/26 00:50:37) Marie Sutherland:: No, it will take him a while to prepare, Chere.
(06/26 00:50:40) Gondar: no. Got here too late.
(06/26 00:50:56) Chere: Are you sure it's wise for him to go?
(06/26 00:51:31) Carl Palmner: I know *I'm* glad he's going.
(06/26 00:51:43) Joshi: Better him than me...
(06/26 00:51:45) Carl Palmner: We can't live in fear of the Bahro forever.
(06/26 00:52:03) Gondar: Provided he doesn't act stupid.. I don't think he will, but I wasn't here before the shutdown.
(06/26 00:52:04) Marie Sutherland:: Rih'ki - Douglas likes to, um, well, let's just say that killing a Bahro is one of those things that definitely falls into the "easier said than done" category.
(06/26 00:52:15) Gondar laughs
(06/26 00:52:19) Carl Palmner shrugs
(06/26 00:52:23) Grieyls starts to laugh
(06/26 00:52:29) Rih'ki laughs
(06/26 00:52:30) Carl Palmner: What's so hard about it? Just put a bullet between its eyes.
(06/26 00:52:34) Rih'ki: I see
(06/26 00:52:54) Gondar: Unless it sees and links first.
(06/26 00:52:57) Carl Palmner: Surely it doesn't have enough time between hearing the gunshot and getting hit to realize what's happening and Link.
(06/26 00:53:10) Gondar: Yes, but its buddies might take offense.
(06/26 00:53:19) Carl Palmner: I suppose.
(06/26 00:53:33) Gondar: For that matter.. do you know anything about thheir habits, Dr. Sutherland? Like if they stay to groups or solo mostly?
(06/26 00:53:43) [Relayer] IBnetweasel: I think it is good that he is going to study the Bahro in detail...we need to learn more about the process he might find something out we didn't know before that changes our perspective on the whole thing
(06/26 00:53:46) Carl Palmner: You know what? They already killed one of us--no, TWO of us--and now Wheely's buddies are taking offense.
(06/26 00:54:29) Kenguin: Carl, I would be careful about using "they" -- surely not all bahro are ill-intentioned
(06/26 00:54:52) Gondar: Yes, but I doubt it's only one.. so they is a suitable pronoun.
(06/26 00:54:56) Carl Palmner: No, of course not. But it's pretty clear that a faction of the Bahro ARE--and that faction did strike first, after all.
(06/26 00:55:08) Carl Palmner nods to Gondar.
(06/26 00:55:12) Carl Palmner: Right.
(06/26 00:55:34) Gondar: And me without my coffee.
(06/26 00:55:36) weaselboy: I have a small question, and please let me know if I'm out of line, since I do not know Cate. But isn't Cate being on the council kind of a conflict of interesting since she provides funding and could, in theory, pull it?
(06/26 00:55:56) Marie Sutherland:: killing a Bahro is not what's been asked of Douglas to begin with.
(06/26 00:56:08) Carl Palmner does a double take.
(06/26 00:56:11) Carl Palmner: It's...not?
(06/26 00:56:14) weaselboy: My question is hypothetical, of course
(06/26 00:56:17) Timbo: to my knowledge, cate has shown no desire to pull funding. she seems to have a firm desire to see the restoration proceed
(06/26 00:56:17) Carl Palmner: I must have heard wrong.
(06/26 00:56:19) Joshi: It's not a conflict of interest. Providing the funding gives Cate an interest in the Restoration.
(06/26 00:56:22) Rih'ki: well that's good to know
(06/26 00:56:24) Dison: What has been asked of him, Marie?
(06/26 00:56:34) Leighana: i'd like to know whose idea it was for sharper to go to noloben, and if the drc was in unanimous agreement about the decision
(06/26 00:56:35) Chere: but that's what he said??????
(06/26 00:56:52) Chere is confused
(06/26 00:57:06) Rih'ki: What was his "official" task?
(06/26 00:57:22) melodilynn: He wasn't given a chance to say much of anything really.
(06/26 00:57:30) Joshi: Surveillance, according to Nick.
(06/26 00:57:37) Marie Sutherland:: He was asked to gather information.
(06/26 00:57:44) Carl Palmner shrugs
(06/26 00:57:56) Carl Palmner: Well, that's still good then.
(06/26 00:57:59) June: may I comment please
(06/26 00:57:59) Gondar: GAther information on the bahro, bahro and age, or what?
(06/26 00:58:10) Timbo: mr sharper is angry, and i can understand that. i just hope he doesn't do anything rash and make the situation worse
(06/26 00:58:12) Leighana: and the "vengence" is all his idea?
(06/26 00:58:18) Rih'ki: Ah, ok ... so killing a bahro was his own idea?
(06/26 00:58:27) Grieyls: It would appear so
(06/26 00:58:42) Chere: "bring one back to study it?"
(06/26 00:58:54) Carl Palmner: Well, even if it's his own idea, I support him in it. And I'd do the same thing in his shoes.
(06/26 00:59:17) Carl Palmner: You can't tolerate terrorism.
(06/26 00:59:27) Gondar: I don't know if it's wise, but he's the best to do it I think.
(06/26 00:59:30) Joshi sighs
(06/26 00:59:32) Dison: And you can't call everything you don't like terrorism, Carl.
(06/26 00:59:38) Timbo: i hardly think 'terrorism' is an appropriate word here
(06/26 00:59:43) Joshi: It's not terrorism. They haven't made any threats.
(06/26 00:59:54) Dison: It's not terrorism for all kinds of reasons.
(06/26 00:59:57) Carl Palmner: I don't, Dison. I call killing two innocent girls for no apparent reason terrorism.
(06/26 00:59:58) Leighana: but isn't what sharper is planning terrorism as well?
(06/26 01:00:01) Kenguin: it looks like murder to me, plain and simple.
(06/26 01:00:01) Chere: no nor have the made demands
(06/26 01:00:03) Joshi: It's just murder, or manslaughter, depending on their intent.
(06/26 01:00:10) Timbo: terrorism implies a desire to inflict fear and terror. we can't claim to know *anything* about what the bahro desire
(06/26 01:00:18) Dison: Carl, that's murder, not terrorism.
(06/26 01:00:34) Dison: Timbo has it exactly right.
(06/26 01:00:35) Rih'ki: We just don't have enough information to know what's going on with the bahro.
(06/26 01:00:52) June: Marie many none IC players are very concerned abut the needed funding Cate is speaking of and want to know if this situation is IC or OOC. If both then what is time estimate on URU live closing?
(06/26 01:00:52) Carl Palmner: No, what Sharper is planning is retaliation, and there's a big difference. The Bahro faction responsible needs to understand they can't attack hum,ans without consequence.
(06/26 01:00:52) Gondar: Heh... must be easiest session yet, Dr. Sutherland.. stand here and let them all talk instead of the usual press-conference flurry.(06/26 01:01:06) Carl Palmner starts to laugh
(06/26 01:01:09) Grieyls starts to laugh
(06/26 01:01:10) Serephina laughs
(06/26 01:01:10) Rih'ki laughs
(06/26 01:01:12) Timbo chuckles
(06/26 01:01:16) Marie Sutherland:: Fine by me.
(06/26 01:01:20) Marie Sutherland: smiles.
(06/26 01:01:22) Joshi: Marie is hardly going to respond to questions about this fictional "OOC" universe...
(06/26 01:01:26) Gondar: Figured you'd say that.
(06/26 01:01:28) Chere giggles
(06/26 01:01:36) Carl Palmner: Gondar is right--I'd like to hear Marie's opinion on it.
(06/26 01:01:38) Grieyls: So why are you here Ms Sutherland?
(06/26 01:01:53) Joshi: Just out for a stroll?
(06/26 01:02:07) June: Then if we are to lose the cavern environment without being able to know what we can do to help in real life the point is moot
(06/26 01:02:12) Dison: If no one else is willing to, I'll volunteer to run handle calling on people for you, Ms. Sutherland
(06/26 01:02:39) Marie Sutherland:: Indeed. Just wandering a around a while before bed.
(06/26 01:02:43) Dison: If you'd like, of course. Everyone bickering is good, too.
(06/26 01:02:46) Carl Palmner nods his head
(06/26 01:02:52) Grieyls: No harm in that
(06/26 01:03:05) June: bickering solves nothing
(06/26 01:03:13) Gondar: Always helps sort out thoughts, a good stroll.
(06/26 01:03:24) June: knowing the truth and having a plan of action is best
(06/26 01:03:28) Gondar: So, any plans what to do next, with the whole DRC + Cate situation?
(06/26 01:03:30) Rih'ki: Nice to see you here
(06/26 01:04:05) Marie Sutherland:: Plans? No, I don't have any at the moment.
(06/26 01:04:05) Carl Palmner: Ah, Marie, I've just remembered--Rils wanted someone to ask the DRC about something.
(06/26 01:04:09) To Marie Sutherland:: I applaud you for your efforts in keeping the restoration going. I enjoy being here a lot...and I know it has been a stressful time recently with the deaths...and Engberg disappearing. So thank you for all your hard work
(06/26 01:04:39) Carl Palmner: There's been some talk that the DRC intends to light the lake, or let explorers light the lake?
(06/26 01:04:46) Timbo: are you able to speak about the 'funding situation', ms sutherland? if you can't, that's fine
(06/26 01:05:12) June: If she can not then does one really exist?
(06/26 01:05:20) Carl Palmner: There was some concern from Rils and I think a few other members of the DZS that this might hurt whatever life might be in the lake?
(06/26 01:05:57) June: Joshi ty for the suggestion but I doubt that will solve the delema
(06/26 01:06:21) Marie Sutherland: thinks.
(06/26 01:06:29) Carl Palmner starts to laugh
(06/26 01:06:43) Carl Palmner: As usual, Marie, we are all asking you different things at once
(06/26 01:06:54) Gondar: Another day in the cavern :-D
(06/26 01:07:13) Marie Sutherland:: We should be used to that, I suppose.
(06/26 01:07:29) Dison did offer to attempt some semblance of organization...
(06/26 01:07:32) Gondar: Yeah, at least it's subdued tonight. Too late for most of the crowd to be about.
(06/26 01:07:33) Timbo: maybe we *do* need the press conferance style of conversation that cate seems to like
(06/26 01:07:54) Carl Palmner shakes his head
(06/26 01:08:11) Kenguin: I still hear construction inside the building... are there engineers working around the clock?
(06/26 01:08:13) Carl Palmner: Don't remind me about Cate--after reading the transcript of her behavior earlier, I have no desire to think about that woman.
(06/26 01:08:34) Marie Sutherland:: A few of them do, yes.
(06/26 01:08:43) Kenguin: very dedicated!
(06/26 01:09:01) Grieyls: Yeah but try and get some sleep
(06/26 01:09:11) Gondar: Speaking of engineers.. are there any biologists on staff? Actual ones? Or just field-trained in gist?
(06/26 01:09:11) Timbo: i think cate's just doing what she thinks best for the restoration. i don't quite agree with some of her decisions, but i respect her apparant dedication
(06/26 01:09:13) June: Frankly Cate has very good points to make.She is very worried about the continuation of LIve and so are many others of us
(06/26 01:09:36) Gondar: Live? As opposed to the DRC giving recordings or something?
(06/26 01:09:42) Carl Palmner: I have no idea what Live is--but I agree Cate has good points.
(06/26 01:09:51) Carl Palmner: What I disagree with is her way of expressing them.
(06/26 01:10:10) June: since the issue of the cavern dying from lack of funding that is a very real threat
(06/26 01:10:20) Marie Sutherland:: As for the lake lighting, I understand the concerns. If we were to give the explorers a chance to contribute, it would not be without a great deal of study.