Reference:2020-08-18 Patrick "Doobes" Dulebohn in Watcher's Pub checks on Age release progress

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Patrick Dulebohn visited the Watcher's Pub again to check in on the progress of the new Age release and mentions work on the Gahreesen Wall.

Chat log provided by EMM.

(08/19 12:28:05) Chat.log started...
(08/19 12:28:05) Patrick Dulebohn whistles
(08/19 12:28:17) Hemulendottir: It was underground trade though. Which is promising... I guess
(08/19 12:28:35) Hemulendottir: Means they weren't nonchalant about it
(08/19 12:28:45) Marn: Was it? I guess I forgot
(08/19 12:28:45) Patrick Dulebohn: Just doing a bit of work before I head back up to the surface, skuavi. You may see workers coming in and out of here.
(08/19 12:28:55) Patrick Dulebohn: We try to be very discreet so as not to interrupt the rest of you.
(08/19 12:28:58) Hemulendottir: Maybe. I forgot too
(08/19 12:29:12) Hemulendottir: We're watching your every movement, Patrick
(08/19 12:29:15) EMM: Patrick, are any of the other people you work with on this project going to be coming in and out as well before launch?
(08/19 12:29:35) Marn: Woah wait what project? The new Ages?
(08/19 12:29:44) Patrick Dulebohn: There might be. I don't want to name names as some like their anonymity.
(08/19 12:29:55) Minasunda starts to laugh
(08/19 12:30:01) skuavi II nods his head
(08/19 12:30:15) TGMChrist: Have patience EMM.
(08/19 12:30:23) Patrick Dulebohn: Quite a few people working both here and behind the scenes to get everything ready. A true community effort!
(08/19 12:30:27) Patrick Dulebohn cheers
(08/19 12:30:31) skuavi II: hemulen
(08/19 12:30:32) Marn: It's real exciting
(08/19 12:30:37) EMM: Nothin wrong with asking questions :-)
(08/19 12:30:48) Marn: If you've anything to do with it Patrick, you've my thanks
(08/19 12:30:51) Patrick Dulebohn checks to see if fire marbles need replacing
(08/19 12:30:56) EMM: Yes very exciting.
(08/19 12:31:01) Marn: This game is bringing back more memories than I can count
(08/19 12:31:02) Patrick Dulebohn waves hello
(08/19 12:31:20) Marn: The resurge in players has made it even more nostalgic
(08/19 12:31:23) Patrick Dulebohn: I see we have someone who was able to hop the barrier.
(08/19 12:31:47) EMM: Yeah, it really is great to see, Marn. It's been so long since the cavern has felt so alive.
(08/19 12:31:51) Hemulendottir: Darn tresspassers
(08/19 12:32:03) Marn: I was just excited to see pellet scores in Bevin!
(08/19 12:32:12) Marn: Something behind these barries huh?
(08/19 12:32:42) Marn: Yep I see someone behind the curtains...
(08/19 12:32:43) skuavi II: marn you see?
(08/19 12:32:43) Marn: Oz?
(08/19 12:32:52) Marn: Yeah I see him back that
(08/19 12:32:52) Patrick Dulebohn: There's something behind each of these curtains, in fact. Someday soon, we'll hopefully open them all up.
(08/19 12:32:53) EMM: Yeah, a few people were behind them last night
(08/19 12:33:15) Marn: Patrick, you part of the DRC?
(08/19 12:33:17) Patrick Dulebohn: I'm guessing ondine is one of those industrious skydivers I've heard so much about.
(08/19 12:33:19) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(08/19 12:33:38) Patrick Dulebohn: No, I am not. I have consulted with a few members, but that's about it.
(08/19 12:33:41) EMM: Yeah, my skydiving efforts have proved fruitless
(08/19 12:33:56) Patrick Dulebohn: They've also been invited to attend on Friday, but I'm not sure if they will. We'll see.
(08/19 12:34:10) Minasunda: we hope so
(08/19 12:34:10) TGMChrist: I wish the Wall game in Gahreesen are working some day.
(08/19 12:34:21) EMM: TGM, that would be so fun.
(08/19 12:34:23) Marn: There are some Shards that have it working
(08/19 12:34:32) Marn: I was talking with someone earlier about it
(08/19 12:34:37) Marn: I think Deep Island?
(08/19 12:34:41) Eternal Seeker: I hope that everything that happens behind the curtain is suitable for minors
(08/19 12:34:44) Patrick Dulebohn: I know of at least one person who is working on getting the Gahreesen wall up and running properly.
(08/19 12:34:44) Minasunda: yes Deep Island
(08/19 12:34:59) Marn: We'll find out, about half of this room is trying to get past them now
(08/19 12:35:45) Max Welrod: We're just testing barrier integrity
(08/19 12:35:49) Patrick Dulebohn: Hmm...I wonder if those energy barriers in Jalak can be made portable...
(08/19 12:36:07) Marn: I completely forgot Jalak was a place
(08/19 12:36:13) EMM: Haha, a little zap might stop cone jumping efforts...
(08/19 12:36:18) Marn: It's book is in the librairy yes?
(08/19 12:36:48) Patrick Dulebohn: It's a shame the DRC never found out what game or contest was played in the Age.
(08/19 12:36:49) EMM: A little Jurassic-parky. I bet we'd still test integrity...haha
(08/19 12:36:59) Patrick Dulebohn: Yes, the common library in Ae'gura.
(08/19 12:37:06) Patrick Dulebohn: Next to the Minkata Book.
(08/19 12:37:17) Marn: Ondine, you gotta tell us what's back there
(08/19 12:37:23) Marn: Or how you got there
(08/19 12:37:34) Max Welrod: send us ki pics!
(08/19 12:37:37) Marn: I forgot about minkata too...
(08/19 12:37:55) Marn: I'm kind of glad I did. So much time spent aimlessly wandering
(08/19 12:38:10) Hemulendottir: Am back, got booted out for some reason
(08/19 12:38:20) Hemulendottir: What did I miss?
(08/19 12:38:26) Marn starts to laugh
(08/19 12:38:45) Marn: nothing I noticed outside of us trying to get past the barrier
(08/19 12:38:48) LouisaB: I spent way too much time wandering Minkata looking for the soccer ball the last two weeks, only to find it's no longer there. LOL
(08/19 12:38:50) skuavi II: i want celebrate this new era in moula with all :)
(08/19 12:38:53) TGMChrist: I see the buttom to the door up there is light up.
(08/19 12:39:00) skuavi II: with fresh water :)
(08/19 12:39:07) skuavi II cheers
(08/19 12:39:16) Patrick Dulebohn: Alright, my friends...back to the surface for me for now!
(08/19 12:39:23) Patrick Dulebohn: See you soon!
(08/19 12:39:23) Marn: See ya mate
(08/19 12:39:25) Patrick Dulebohn waves goodbye
(08/19 12:39:27) Hemulendottir waves hello
(08/19 12:39:30) LouisaB waves goodbye
(08/19 12:39:35) skuavi II leans left
(08/19 12:39:35) Hemulendottir: I mean goodbye
(08/19 12:39:37) Melis leans right
(08/19 12:39:38) TGMChrist: Goodbye
(08/19 12:39:40) Umo: Alright!