Reference:2006-04-07 Marie Sutherland on liaison plans

From Guild of Archivists
Revision as of 21:06, 4 June 2024 by Cjherkeless (talk | contribs) (Created page with "(04/07 15:20:16) Cycreim: Cheese it, it's the DRC! Everyone scatter! <br /> (04/07 15:20:20) Cycreim: I mean hello Marie. <br /> (04/07 15:20:21) kimmie.: Shorah Marie <br /> (04/07 15:20:25) zam: Shorah ireen <br /> (04/07 15:20:25) Rand: runnnnnnnn! <br /> (04/07 15:20:27) Andomind: shorah marie <br /> (04/07 15:20:2 Rand: <br /> (04/07 15:20:2 ireenquench: Hello Rand, hello Marie <br /> (04/07 15:20:29) zam: Shorah Marie <br /> (04/07 15:20:34) galahad: rofl <br /> (...")
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(04/07 15:20:16) Cycreim: Cheese it, it's the DRC! Everyone scatter!
(04/07 15:20:20) Cycreim: I mean hello Marie.
(04/07 15:20:21) kimmie.: Shorah Marie
(04/07 15:20:25) zam: Shorah ireen
(04/07 15:20:25) Rand: runnnnnnnn!
(04/07 15:20:27) Andomind: shorah marie
(04/07 15:20:2 Rand:
(04/07 15:20:2 ireenquench: Hello Rand, hello Marie
(04/07 15:20:29) zam: Shorah Marie
(04/07 15:20:34) galahad: rofl
(04/07 15:20:46) Amon: Shorah Marie
(04/07 15:20:51) Andomind waves
(04/07 15:20:55) darkstar: hi Marie and welcome come spread some oil on troubled waters?
(04/07 15:20:5 Marie Sutherland: hello, everyone
(04/07 15:21:02) zam waves
(04/07 15:21:03) ireenquench waves
(04/07 15:21:0 galahad: hi marie
(04/07 15:21:11) Rand waves
(04/07 15:21:14) kimmie. waves
(04/07 15:21:15) darkstar: hi Marie
(04/07 15:21:1 darkstar waves
(04/07 15:21:26) Mark Dev waves
(04/07 15:22:06) zam: how id the digging and restauration going on marie? not too many blisters to your poor hands?
(04/07 15:22:19) Marie Sutherland: I hadn't planned on spreading any oil, darkstar.
(04/07 15:22:44) Rand: gotta shout now, eh?
(04/07 15:23:04) darkstar: ah ok just thought you might have been aware of the dissention in some quarters as a result of the elections
(04/07 15:23:0 Marie Sutherland: Zam, we've all got blisters, but we're doing what we can with what we have.
(04/07 15:23:14) Etheldred: Shorah. Nice to meet you marie.
(04/07 15:23:27) Cycreim: Marie, in case you didn't notice, things had been getting a bit out of hand on your forums...
(04/07 15:23:33) ireenquench: I am pleased so see you here , Marie, we have missed the DRC... we are having a hard time with the task you have for us.
(04/07 15:23:34) zam: awww poor you
(04/07 15:23:36) Marie Sutherland: Just like you all are.
(04/07 15:23:56) ireenquench nods her head
(04/07 15:24:00) zam: Shorah jeff
(04/07 15:24:02) zam waves
(04/07 15:24:12) galahad: hi jeff
(04/07 15:24:1 Cycreim: A lot of people were upset with the lack of moderation.
(04/07 15:24:26) Andomind: if you need a hand just let us know, we will help out in anyway we can
(04/07 15:24:26) darkstar: Shorah
(04/07 15:24:36) kimmie.: Shorah JK, VZ, and bobF
(04/07 15:24:5 zam: Shorah VoiZod and BoB
(04/07 15:25:00) Jeff Klinger: hey
(04/07 15:25:03) Marie Sutherland: There have been some lack of patience on some people's parts, but on the whole, you are all doing a great job, in my opinion
(04/07 15:25:20) darkstar: time to spread out and use /shout things are getting a bit laggy!
(04/07 15:25:23) kimmie. claps her hands
(04/07 15:25:25) Cycreim: Things are ing down, for sure...
(04/07 15:25:36) Mark Dev waves
(04/07 15:25:40) galahad: shorah
(04/07 15:25:47) zam: shorah galahad
(04/07 15:25:56) Etheldred: I've got to go now, so I'll see you all later. Nice to meet those of you I haven't already, and for those I have, nice to see you again. Thanks. Bye
(04/07 15:25:5 Etheldred waves
(04/07 15:26:00) ireenquench: I am upset because it seems we are inable to complete your task in a gracefull or peacefull manner, and I think you knew us too little to know how hard the task would be.
(04/07 15:26:10) Marie Sutherland: As long as everyone keeps it civil (which most have), things will all work out.
(04/07 15:26:11) darkstar: cya Ethy see you soon
(04/07 15:26:13) kimmie.: Bye ethy
(04/07 15:26:24) Rand: bye etheldred
(04/07 15:26:30) zam: Bye bye ethy
(04/07 15:26:32) Cycreim: Anyway for the sake of the other liaison candidates... um... how soon do we get started with you guys after we're elected?
(04/07 15:26:36) Cycreim: Later etheldred!
(04/07 15:26:55) Marie Sutherland: That's why I'm here, actually, Cycreim.
(04/07 15:26:5 Etheldred: have to prepare for my meeting. see you all later. just call me ethy, it's shorter and quicker to type!!
(04/07 15:27:17) darkstar: wave
(04/07 15:27:1 darkstar: Opps
(04/07 15:27:19) VoiZod: lol
(04/07 15:27:20) darkstar waves
(04/07 15:27:33) Cycreim: Oh awesome!
(04/07 15:27:34) Marie Sutherland: We'd like to meet with the elected liaisons the day after the elections.
(04/07 15:27:55) Mark Dev: Eedrah.
(04/07 15:28:03) zam: That will be mid april then
(04/07 15:28:0 darkstar: Not hanging about then
(04/07 15:28:15) ireenquench: Can you tell us now what that meeting will be about?
(04/07 15:28:16) Cycreim: So the 15th of April?
(04/07 15:28:20) Etheldred (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(04/07 15:28:27) zam: Unless we follow the people who ask to begin everything again lolol and that could be in months
(04/07 15:28:53) Cycreim: Actually yeah, that would be a good idea. It'd give us candidates a chance to canvas the Cavern with questions. (whoa, lots of hard Cs in there)
(04/07 15:29:02) darkstar: I assume tyhat'll be to sort out the ground rules?
(04/07 15:29:27) Eedrah: Wait whats going on?
(04/07 15:29:40) darkstar: and modus operandi
(04/07 15:29:50) Marie Sutherland: Yes, the 15th of April. 4:00 pm GMT (12pm Eastern/11am Central/10 Mountain/9 Pacific)
(04/07 15:30:09) ireenquench: Eedrah this is about the DRC -Explorer liaisons
(04/07 15:30:11) Eedrah: Whats going on?
(04/07 15:30:13) Cycreim: I hope I get to go.
(04/07 15:30:24) zam: Good luck Cycreim
(04/07 15:30:40) Marie Sutherland: Do you mind trying to get the word out?
(04/07 15:30:41) zam: And good luch to the other candiodates as well
(04/07 15:30:49) Cycreim: A point of clarity though... we are applying for liaison positions, right? Not representatives?
(04/07 15:30:57) zam: We will spread the word out with CCN Marie
(04/07 15:31:01) Cycreim: You aren't going to ask us to keep any weird secrets, are you?
(04/07 15:31:19) ireenquench: We will get the word out about the meeting.
(04/07 15:31:23) Cycreim: And yeah I'd be a poor candidate if I didn't immediately run everywhere going 15th! 15th!
(04/07 15:31:23) Marie Sutherland: Cycreim. Yes. Liaisons. No "weird" secrets.
(04/07 15:31:32) zam: And the Archiver
(04/07 15:31:39) Cycreim: That'll be a load off on everyone! Thanks!
(04/07 15:32:16) zam: I think some new translations job s will come soon to us ireen lolol
(04/07 15:32:22) darkstar: To uase a hackneyed expression 'the games afoot' lol
(04/07 15:32:35) Marie Sutherland: Did I miss any questions?
(04/07 15:32:37) VoiZod: lol
(04/07 15:33:01) ireenquench: I had the question what the meeting will be about...
(04/07 15:33:19) Cycreim: And I second ireen's question.
(04/07 15:33:25) darkstar: I just suggested that the first meet would set ground rules and a modus operandi
(04/07 15:34:16) Marie Sutherland: Just initiation, mainly. Getting to know the liaisons a bit, and
(04/07 15:34:16) Eedrah: i jist want know what your talking about
(04/07 15:34:20) zam: /me wish the calibration so zam will be bale to create evil markers games hehehe
(04/07 15:34:47) Jeff Klinger: This might not pertain to the topic of discussion, but how are the other members of the DRC doing?
(04/07 15:34:59) ireenquench: An initiation? Wll ther ebe a secret handshake ? Or a rite?
(04/07 15:35:13) kimmie.: lol
(04/07 15:35:17) zam: Maybe they will have to drink bahros blood?
(04/07 15:35:1 darkstar: Just so long as no-one has roll there trouser legs up lol
(04/07 15:35:19) VoiZod: wish I could get that last marker , balconey jump lol
(04/07 15:35:23) Marie Sutherland: working with them in further defining their duties.
(04/07 15:35:3 Cycreim: Sounds good.
(04/07 15:35:42) Marie Sutherland: We're going to be as flexible as possible.
(04/07 15:35:43) ireenquench: Who will define the duties?
(04/07 15:35:45) VoiZod: GZ will never be calabrated sighs
(04/07 15:35:57) darkstar: Unless of course there paddling in the fountain lol
(04/07 15:35:59) zam: Awwww really VoiZod?
(04/07 15:36:02) Cycreim: Say, just in passing, does Nick White still work with you guys?
(04/07 15:36:05) Marie Sutherland: Oh, and drinking Bahro blood (j/k)
(04/07 15:36:11) ireenquench roars with laughter
(04/07 15:36:11) zam: Lol
(04/07 15:36:16) kimmie. starts to laugh
(04/07 15:36:1 ireenquench: Awwww
(04/07 15:36:40) Cycreim: I've been trying to get in touch with the guy.
(04/07 15:36:50) Marie Sutherland: Cycreim, Yes, I've seen Nick around.
(04/07 15:37:07) Marie Sutherland: Jeff, we're all busy, but we're hanging in there.
(04/07 15:37:22) darkstar: Great news Marie
(04/07 15:37:33) kimmie.: bye Kaezon
(04/07 15:37:34) Cycreim: Oh awesome, could you tell him I'm looking for him?
(04/07 15:37:35) VoiZod: ...
(04/07 15:37:59) darkstar: cya Kaezon
(04/07 15:38:00) Jeff Klinger: That's great. It's good to see you guys back down here where you belong! Wink
(04/07 15:38:25) Marie Sutherland: cycreim, I'll let him know next time I see him.
(04/07 15:38:31) ireenquench: bye Kaezon
(04/07 15:38:33) Marie Sutherland: any more questions I've missed?
(04/07 15:38:57) ireenquench: Mare who will define the dutes of the liaisons...or how will they be defined?
(04/07 15:38:59) Cycreim: Thanks!
(04/07 15:39:09) ireenquench: Marie, sorry
(04/07 15:39:16) Marie Sutherland: andomind, I'll see what I can do about that.
(04/07 15:39:56) Marie Sutherland: Irenequench, that will be part of the process. As I said, we're trying to be as flexible as we can.
(04/07 15:40:56) kimmie.: Shorah Jedwar
(04/07 15:40:5 darkstar: I think we maybe watching history in the making
(04/07 15:41:06) zam:
(04/07 15:41:11) ireenquench: Flexible in accepting what liasons will suggest as duties?
(04/07 15:41:12) kimmie.:
(04/07 15:41:17) Marie Sutherland: No problem, Ireen. I spelled your name wrong too, sorry.
(04/07 15:41:1 Cycreim: And another one, in passing... Who's in charge of Teledahn now?
(04/07 15:42:00) Marie Sutherland: This is new territory for us too, after all.
(04/07 15:42:02) kimmie.: Shroomie is in charge...
(04/07 15:42:07) ireenquench nods her head
(04/07 15:42:0 VoiZod: lol
(04/07 15:42:19) zam: Lol
(04/07 15:42:24) Marie Sutherland: Shroomie sounds good to me.
(04/07 15:42:33) kimmie. starts to laugh
(04/07 15:42:34) Cycreim: She came really close the other day!
(04/07 15:43:17) Cycreim: There's just so many other places to see on that map, and well...
(04/07 15:43:26) Cycreim: Anyway.
(04/07 15:43:29) ireenquench: Marie... I know you have Restoration work and all... but say... have you at DRC taken what we call the "jounrey? Do you know Yeesha?
(04/07 15:43:43) VoiZod: Shroomie , I got her to swim under the spore dispencer hehe
(04/07 15:43:59) VoiZod: she is Huge!
(04/07 15:44:20) Cycreim: Oh wow, I've never seen her so close, VoiZod!
(04/07 15:44:32) kimmie.:
(04/07 15:44:52) Marie Sutherland: some of us have. Things aren't exactly the same as they were two years ago.
(04/07 15:44:5 BobFM: Yipe! Bahro!
(04/07 15:45:24) :-)kateR: shorah
(04/07 15:45:31) ireenquench: Ah, very interesting... change. What do you think of Yeesha and her message?
(04/07 15:45:35) Marie Sutherland: OK. I'm heading back to work. Thanks for the support and
(04/07 15:45:50) Marie Sutherland: try to keep things civil.
(04/07 15:45:53) galahad: Nice meeting everyone
(04/07 15:45:53) Mark Dev waves
(04/07 15:45:56) zam: Lol
(04/07 15:45:57) Jeff Klinger waves
(04/07 15:45:57) kimmie.: Bye Marie
(04/07 15:46:01) kimmie. thanks you
(04/07 15:46:01) Jeff Klinger: see you later
(04/07 15:46:02) Andomind: thanky for the headsup, bye and god speed
(04/07 15:46:09) ireenquench waves
(04/07 15:46:10) zam: Bye marie thanks for coming
(04/07 15:46:11) Cycreim: Thanks for dropping by, Marie! I hope we get to talk again, on the 15th...
(04/07 15:46:12) Kaelri: Farewell.
(04/07 15:46:19) Amon thanks you very much!
(04/07 15:46:22) BobFM: Bye Marie
(04/07 15:46:40) ireenquench: hm, interesting
(04/07 15:46:44) darkstar: It is our pleasesure Marie we want the same thing to keep the cavern open and expand the known areas
(04/07 15:46:50) Brienne: bye Marie. Thanks for coming to see us. I'll get the others to fill me in on what you said before I arrived
(04/07 15:46:53) VoiZod: Rand has left us
(04/07 15:47:14) ireenquench: Bye Marie
(04/07 15:47:23) darkstar: Very intersting seems things are on the move
(04/07 15:47:3 kimmie.: awww...
(04/07 15:47:46) ireenquench: indeen
(04/07 15:47:49) Cycreim: Guys, I'll, uh, be back in a bit. I'm heading to the desert where I can get an internet connection.
(04/07 15:47:56) BobFM: Bahro again
(04/07 15:47:5 Cycreim: I have to post this log.
(04/07 15:48:01) ireenquench: anybody posting htis yet?
(04/07 15:48:10) Mark Dev waves
(04/07 15:48:15) Cycreim: On it like peanut butter, ireen!
(04/07 15:48:16) Cycreim waves
(04/07 15:48:1 kimmie.: wave
(04/07 15:48:22) kimmie. waves
(04/07 15:48:23) VoiZod: which forum
(04/07 15:48:29) Jeff Klinger: And Rand was here too!