Reference:2007-05-22 Wheely trapped and speaking to her father

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Revision as of 05:45, 5 June 2024 by Cjherkeless (talk | contribs) (Created page with "(05/22 13:18:52) Illuvatar: Her's marie <br /> (05/22 13:18:53) [ Mister Cloak ]: someones coming <br /> (05/22 13:19:09) Yellowdog: Marie! <br /> (05/22 13:19:19) Kam Uraki: They have a habit of killing interns in the show <br /> (05/22 13:19:31) Erik: Hello Dr Sutherland <br /> (05/22 13:19:42) leeloo: hello Marie <br /> (05/22 13:19:53) '''Marie Sutherland''': Good morning. <br /> (05/22 13:19:59) Amun Aten: good morning <br /> (05/22 13:20:10) Kam Uraki: Sutherland!...")
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(05/22 13:18:52) Illuvatar: Her's marie
(05/22 13:18:53) [ Mister Cloak ]: someones coming
(05/22 13:19:09) Yellowdog: Marie!
(05/22 13:19:19) Kam Uraki: They have a habit of killing interns in the show
(05/22 13:19:31) Erik: Hello Dr Sutherland
(05/22 13:19:42) leeloo: hello Marie
(05/22 13:19:53) Marie Sutherland: Good morning.
(05/22 13:19:59) Amun Aten: good morning
(05/22 13:20:10) Kam Uraki: Sutherland! Get your cousin Keifer down here. We need Jack Bauer!
(05/22 13:20:21) Ayli: Shorah Mrs. Sutherland
(05/22 13:20:30) leeloo: i have a suggestion from ireen that is not in the city (she says that wheely should try a leap of faith if she can and then her relto book may work again and she will be safe)
(05/22 13:20:53) Marie Sutherland: Another update.
(05/22 13:21:32) Marie Sutherland: The rescue teams began work on the second floor a little over an hour ago.
(05/22 13:21:35) Robert F. Caine: yes
(05/22 13:21:49) Legacy: when will we be alowed in again??
(05/22 13:22:07) Kam Uraki: Legacy, there are bigger issues at the moment
(05/22 13:22:13) Marie Sutherland: There was more damage on the third floor, so it was slower going.
(05/22 13:22:38) Legacy: ok
(05/22 13:22:53) lotris: Shorah rovtee,? Thoe Kenem
(05/22 13:23:05) Marie Sutherland: As many of you know, we lost the signal from Wheely's KI around 11:30 last night.
(05/22 13:23:07) Yellowdog: Do you have any idea how much damage was done on the second floor?
(05/22 13:23:20) leeloo: is the poor Michael engberg ok ?
(05/22 13:23:23) Kam Uraki: Michael holding up alright?
(05/22 13:23:28) Erik: I hope Wheely is okay...
(05/22 13:23:38) Crash Test Dummy: This is an update...Not Q & A
(05/22 13:23:55) Scarlette: our prayers are with you all, and Wheely!!
(05/22 13:24:23) Marie Sutherland: That in and of itself is not a reason for increased concern, but...
(05/22 13:24:59) Marie Sutherland: her condition when we last spoke with her is reason enough.
(05/22 13:25:42) Leonor: Dr Sutherland, do you think there is a way we can communicate with the Bahro so they help?
(05/22 13:26:24) Curty: wheelys KI is back on!!
(05/22 13:26:25) Marie Sutherland: The rescue teams are doing their best to get us to Wheely as soon as they can.
(05/22 13:26:39) Kam Uraki: How far down do you estimate she is
(05/22 13:26:39) Victor Laxman: That was odd.
(05/22 13:27:11) Whilyam: Victor, what's wrong?
(05/22 13:27:21) Kam Uraki: Oh hey there Mr. Laxman
(05/22 13:27:44) Whilyam: Laxman?
(05/22 13:27:56) peni: :(
(05/22 13:28:30) Kam Uraki: I think he's focussed on something else. So, how're you holding up, Ms. Sutherland?
(05/22 13:29:19) Snoopy: wheelies ki is back on again
(05/22 13:29:20) Marie Sutherland: She is on the first floor, we hope to the place right above where she is within the next 6-12 hours.
(05/22 13:29:40) Whilyam: Victor?
(05/22 13:29:43) lotris: oki c'est fait et apres?
(05/22 13:29:58) Wheely: Dad are you there?
(05/22 13:30:05) Marie Sutherland: Hmm...
(05/22 13:30:08) Wheely: Dad?
(05/22 13:30:10) Whilyam: Weely!
(05/22 13:30:15) Whilyam: Wheely!
(05/22 13:30:27) Kam Uraki cheers
(05/22 13:30:28) Erik cheers
(05/22 13:30:38) ghaelen: whoot!
(05/22 13:30:39) Wheely: Dad are you there?
(05/22 13:30:47) Whilyam: He's coming ,Wheely
(05/22 13:30:49) Wheely: Where's my dad?
(05/22 13:31:01) Whilyam: He's here.
(05/22 13:31:02) ghaelen: hold on, Wheely
(05/22 13:31:34) Wheely: Dad
(05/22 13:31:40) Michael Engberg: Thank god Wheely!
(05/22 13:31:45) Leonor: Wheely, hold on. Here's here. we're all here. The rescue team is there to help. They are almost there.
(05/22 13:31:47) Kam Uraki: calm down Wheely. The more relaxed you are, the better for your body it is.
(05/22 13:31:52) Marie Sutherland: I'll be back later.
(05/22 13:31:59) Michael Engberg: Oh I'm so glad to see you here. How are you doing? We haven't heard from you in so long.
(05/22 13:32:05) Kam Uraki: Good luck Dr. S
(05/22 13:32:08) Wheely: Dad I feel really good.
(05/22 13:32:10) Amun Aten: YAY! She's alive!
(05/22 13:32:13) Amun Aten cheers
(05/22 13:32:17) Wheely: I'm not even thirsty!
(05/22 13:32:24) Wheely: What happened?
(05/22 13:32:46) Michael Engberg: I don't know. We're still coming for you.
(05/22 13:32:54) Michael Engberg: We're going to be there soon.
(05/22 13:33:09) Michael Engberg: You were always so strong. I'm so proud of you.
(05/22 13:33:38) Wheely: The eyes are still there.
(05/22 13:33:42) Michael Engberg: Okay.
(05/22 13:34:03) Wheely: But I feel good. I can hear them above me.
(05/22 13:34:10) Wheely: How close are you?
(05/22 13:34:28) Michael Engberg: We're getting very close. We've been working all night honey. We all can't wait to see you again.
(05/22 13:34:37) Michael Engberg: I'm so glad to hear from you. It's been a long night.
(05/22 13:34:47) Michael Engberg: Can you tell us anything that happened?
(05/22 13:35:08) Wheely: Not really. I was so tired last time. I went to sleep. I think.
(05/22 13:35:59) Wheely: Dad... Rose is still here. Dad... she's dead. She's never moved. Dad.
(05/22 13:36:25) Michael Engberg: Honey it's alright. I'm so sorry for you. But we are going to get you.
(05/22 13:36:44) Michael Engberg: I'm sorry for Rose. But remember it's not your fault.
(05/22 13:37:19) Michael Engberg: Do you know why your KI was off? Can you tell us anything that happened?
(05/22 13:37:39) Michael Engberg: Wheely?
(05/22 13:38:20) Michael Engberg: Willow are you there?
(05/22 13:39:12) Wheely: Sorry, dad. I'm so sad for Rose.
(05/22 13:39:26) Wheely: She's just laying there.
(05/22 13:40:06) Michael Engberg: Baby we're coming. We're going to get you both out.
(05/22 13:40:21) Michael Engberg: How is your leg?
(05/22 13:40:50) Wheely: It still hurts but the tingling is gone. And my head doesn't hurt anymore either.
(05/22 13:41:19) Wheely: I don't know what happened. I feel so much better. But I just want to get out even more now dad. I don't like being so close to Rose.
(05/22 13:41:27) Wheely: And the eyes.
(05/22 13:42:01) Michael Engberg: We were so worried. I'm not sure what happened but I'm so happy. Baby, you were not good last night.
(05/22 13:42:22) Wheely: I know. It's good. But I'm still scared.
(05/22 13:42:24) Michael Engberg:
(05/22 13:42:38) Michael Engberg: Can you see any more of your surroundings? Is there space above you?
(05/22 13:43:06) Wheely: It seems normal. I can't see a lot.
(05/22 13:43:21) Wheely: But the eyes aren't too far away. They just keep staring. I wish they would go away.
(05/22 13:43:42) Michael Engberg: Wheely, those eyes may have saved you. They aren't there to hurt you.
(05/22 13:43:49) Michael Engberg: Don't worry about the eyes.
(05/22 13:43:58) Wheely: Yeah, I guess...
(05/22 13:45:02) Michael Engberg: I don't know how else to explain how good you are feeling...
(05/22 13:45:16) Michael Engberg: I'm so happy.
(05/22 13:46:01) Wheely: How much longer dad?
(05/22 13:46:01) Illuvatar: ok, a bannana then
(05/22 13:46:28) Michael Engberg: We're working hard. Just a few more hours.
(05/22 13:46:58) Michael Engberg: Now that you're feeling better, baby, we're going to get there. We have time now.
(05/22 13:47:02) Michael Engberg: Thank god.
(05/22 13:47:14) Wheely: I know. But I want you to hurry. I'm still scared.
(05/22 13:47:16) peni cheer
(05/22 13:47:33) Whilyam: Wheely what happened to the glowing symbols on the walls? Did they disappear?
(05/22 13:47:40) Michael Engberg: We are hurrying. We're going as fast as we can, of course.
(05/22 13:48:42) Wheely: The eyes just left. They're gone. It's moving in here. Dad, hurry up.
(05/22 13:49:05) Michael Engberg: We're coming babe. Remember, it's not hurting you.
(05/22 13:49:33) Michael Engberg: Wheely. What's going on?
(05/22 13:49:40) Yellowdog: Did Wheely just link?
(05/22 13:49:52) Silex waves hello
(05/22 13:50:08) Amun Aten: yeah she went to kadish
(05/22 13:50:08) Yellowdog: I heard the linking noise just as she left!
(05/22 13:50:15) Michael Engberg: Wheely what's going on?
(05/22 13:50:19) Michael Engberg: Are you there?
(05/22 13:50:24) Michael Engberg: Laxman?
(05/22 13:50:26) Ly'net: Wheely is in Kadish!
(05/22 13:50:33) Victor Laxman: Her coordinates show here the entire time. I'm not sure what these anomalies are.
(05/22 13:50:41) Michael Engberg: Anomalies?
(05/22 13:50:54) Michael Engberg: What do you mean?
(05/22 13:51:00) Michael Engberg: Do you see what the KI is doing?
(05/22 13:51:07) Amun Aten: now gahreesen
(05/22 13:51:26) Ly'net: what the....
(05/22 13:51:33) Michael Engberg: You are sure she's here? in the rubble?
(05/22 13:51:48) Amun Aten: and now relto
(05/22 13:51:52) Ly'net: sh is in relto
(05/22 13:51:54) Michael Engberg: Wheely. Where are you?
(05/22 13:52:05) Michael Engberg: Willow. What's happened? Can you hear me?
(05/22 13:52:09) Michael Engberg: Laxman?
(05/22 13:52:21) Whilyam: Michael, it showed her in Relto, then offline
(05/22 13:52:21) Ly'net: gone
(05/22 13:52:26) Victor Laxman: she's still here, Michael. I don't know what's going on.
(05/22 13:52:33) Michael Engberg: What do you mean?
(05/22 13:52:59) Michael Engberg: This isn't normal.
(05/22 13:53:04) Ly'net: did she go topside?
(05/22 13:53:10) Michael Engberg: Wheely! Can you hear me?
(05/22 13:53:17) Victor Laxman: Her Ki was returning it's location from several different Ages, but her signal never moved.
(05/22 13:53:29) Michael Engberg: Laxman, can you get the KI back on? It's off again. We need it on.
(05/22 13:53:38) Michael Engberg: Willow?
(05/22 13:53:39) Victor Laxman: I'm trying.
(05/22 13:54:19) Amun Aten: and now engberg is back in relto
(05/22 13:55:32) Amun Aten: how many DRC do we have in Ae'gura right now?
(05/22 13:55:40) Snoopy: 4
(05/22 13:55:53) Amun Aten: sutherland, laxman, alexander and... ?
(05/22 13:56:04) Whilyam: Laxman, it shows Engberg in Relto. Did he leave?
(05/22 13:56:15) Amun Aten: engberg wen tot relto a few minutes ago
(05/22 13:56:21) Snoopy: kodama is in the city as well
(05/22 13:56:22) Robert F. Caine: Kodama
(05/22 13:56:32) Silex: As if Laxman has nothing better to do than to give that info
(05/22 13:56:36) Whilyam: Are you tracking heat or something? Is she still there? Maybe the Bahro took her KI?
(05/22 13:56:41) Travis Ohms: Are they all in the pub?
(05/22 13:56:54) Amun Aten: which name in the list is Kodama?
(05/22 13:56:55) Scarlette: or maybe the bahro took HER!
(05/22 13:56:58) Snoopy: cant tell that
(05/22 13:57:03) Robert F. Caine: Engberg is in a Bevin now.
(05/22 13:57:05) Whilyam: No, Victor said she was still here
(05/22 13:57:18) Whilyam: Maybe they want her to stop talking?
(05/22 13:57:26) Robert F. Caine: Dr. Kodama
(05/22 13:58:10) Snoopy: now michael is in Gahreesen
(05/22 13:58:35) Amun Aten: kodama doesn't appear in my "age players" list
(05/22 13:58:54) Robert F. Caine: He seems to be checking the Ages that Wheely's KI indicated.
(05/22 13:58:58) peni: they are linking around like crazy
(05/22 13:59:15) Whilyam: Victor? Michael looks to have gone to a bevin thento Gahreesen
(05/22 13:59:21) Whilyam: Now he's gone.
(05/22 13:59:24) Snoopy: engberg is on the surface now
(05/22 13:59:42) peni: looking for Wheely
(05/22 13:59:50) Travis Ohms: I just arrived, what is happening with wheelys ki?
(05/22 14:00:20) Scarlette: ???? mannn don't leave us hangin!!!
(05/22 14:00:38) Robert F. Caine: Engberg is now offline
(05/22 14:01:32) Ly'net: You know about Wheely's KI signal age hopping?
(05/22 14:01:36) Ly'net: oops
(05/22 14:01:49) Travis Ohms: Ah, no i was unaware
(05/22 14:02:10) Yellowdog: Laxman, sounds like Phil Henderson syndrome, linking at will.....
(05/22 14:02:25) DaVinci: Victor Cate i wish to speak to you
(05/22 14:02:31) Ly'net: Poor Will
(05/22 14:02:55) Scarlette: i know!
(05/22 14:03:00) Legacy laughs
(05/22 14:03:08) peni: maybe the bahro were showing her something
(05/22 14:03:45) Snoopy: sounds like a lot of linking going on
(05/22 14:06:18) Silex: It's gone quiet
(05/22 14:06:40) [ Mister Cloak ]: Marie?
(05/22 14:06:48) [ Mister Cloak ]: Laxman?
(05/22 14:06:57) [ Mister Cloak ]: Cate?
(05/22 14:07:51) Scarlette: crud i hate it when they leave us hanging like this! on the edge of our seats!!