Reference:2007-03-26 Nick White chats with explorers

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Revision as of 06:56, 5 June 2024 by Cjherkeless (talk | contribs) (Created page with "(03/26 14:02:47) '''Nick White''': Gotta go for UCLA now.<br /> (03/26 14:02:51) '''Nick White''': Pac-10<br /> (03/26 14:02:54) Budgie2: Better luck next time<br /> (03/26 14:02:57) Kazahiro: nice<br /> (03/26 14:02:57) Nick White cheers<br /> (03/26 14:03:05) Andrew Eldred: As long as it's not the gators...<br /> (03/26 14:03:10) Stephen C.: Shorah nick<br /> (03/26 14:03:11) Kazahiro: I live in I guess I gfotta go for georgetown.. since VCU is out<br /> (03/26...")
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(03/26 14:02:47) Nick White: Gotta go for UCLA now.
(03/26 14:02:51) Nick White: Pac-10
(03/26 14:02:54) Budgie2: Better luck next time
(03/26 14:02:57) Kazahiro: nice
(03/26 14:02:57) Nick White cheers
(03/26 14:03:05) Andrew Eldred: As long as it's not the gators...
(03/26 14:03:10) Stephen C.: Shorah nick
(03/26 14:03:11) Kazahiro: I live in I guess I gfotta go for georgetown.. since VCU is out
(03/26 14:03:11) Nick White: Just don't want to see any Florida fans right now.
(03/26 14:03:20) Kazahiro: LOL
(03/26 14:03:21) Andrew Eldred: Amen.
(03/26 14:03:22) Kazahiro: agreed
(03/26 14:03:40) Budgie2: Hello, nick, welcome to the guild of greeters bevin
(03/26 14:03:40) Kazahiro: so whats going on with you?
(03/26 14:03:40) charmed: hey...whats wrong with FL fans?
(03/26 14:03:44) Kazahiro: lol
(03/26 14:03:48) Kazahiro: they won too much
(03/26 14:03:54) Stephen C. waves hello
(03/26 14:03:59) Kazahiro: c
(03/26 14:04:03) charmed: Yea BUCS
(03/26 14:04:09) Nick White: Nothing much going on with me.
(03/26 14:04:12) Kazahiro: brb all...
(03/26 14:04:18) Budgie2 waves hello
(03/26 14:04:22) Solita waves hello
(03/26 14:04:25) TomahnaGuy: shorah all
(03/26 14:04:29) TomahnaGuy waves hello
(03/26 14:05:01) Andrew Eldred: Nick, you heard from Sharper yet? Concerning another expedition, I mean.
(03/26 14:05:03) Solita: Hola TomahnaGuy
(03/26 14:05:09) Budgie2: Hi, tarheel
(03/26 14:05:16) TomahnaGuy: Hi solita
(03/26 14:05:22) Nick White: Sharper is on the surface.
(03/26 14:05:26) Nick White: Might be for a while.
(03/26 14:05:36) Andrew Eldred: Why's that?
(03/26 14:05:50) Nick White: Supplies. Training. Not exactly sure.
(03/26 14:05:58) TomahnaGuy: Business as usual then
(03/26 14:05:59) Nick White: It was quick. He just up and left over the weekend.
(03/26 14:06:24) Nick White: Said he needed to get "upstairs".
(03/26 14:06:40) TomahnaGuy: Maybe hes scared that the thing in Negilahn will come to the cavern? :P
(03/26 14:06:42) Andrew Eldred: Strange... several explorers have a theory running around that the "predator" might have been some sort of insect swarm--do you think there were enough marks on the vegetation to suport that?
(03/26 14:06:54) TomahnaGuy: Although sharper doesnt strike me as the scared type
(03/26 14:07:13) Nick White: Could be insects. Could be.
(03/26 14:07:28) TomahnaGuy: You mean the firefl8ies?
(03/26 14:07:29) Kai-Uwe: Shorah!
(03/26 14:07:29) Nick White: I don't think he's scared, unless he's scared he doesn't have the right equipment for the job.
(03/26 14:07:29) TomahnaGuy: Fireflies
(03/26 14:07:34) TomahnaGuy: Shorah Kai
(03/26 14:07:44) Illyria waves hello
(03/26 14:07:51) Nick White: Carniverous insects.
(03/26 14:07:52) Albrecht: Flamethrowers and Chainsaws
(03/26 14:07:54) ireenquench: I heard some people suspect Bahro, I am worried about a wave of Xenophobia against them.
(03/26 14:08:08) TomahnaGuy: Nick may I ask a question that has been bothering some people lately?
(03/26 14:08:08) Thend: Hello all
(03/26 14:08:22) Nick White: Of course. I don't want anyone to be bothered.
(03/26 14:08:28) Illyria: anyone want tp help me with the Tsogal door?
(03/26 14:08:40) IllesQ12-3: shorah all
(03/26 14:08:41) TomahnaGuy: What has happened to all the othe members of the DRC? We havent seen them in ages! The only DRC member ive seeen recently has been cate when she opneed Dereno
(03/26 14:09:01) Andrew Eldred: I second that, otmahna--I've been dying to meet Kodama, to no avail.
(03/26 14:09:09) Nick White: Sutherland has had personal matters on the surface. Laxman has been up to this ears with KI, GZ, stuff.
(03/26 14:09:10) JWPlatt: Greetings, Mr. White.
(03/26 14:09:22) Nick White: Kodama has been busy in Minkata.
(03/26 14:09:22) TomahnaGuy: I see
(03/26 14:09:23) Budgie2: lets move away from the link in spot, lets give everyone a chance to move ....
(03/26 14:09:32) Nick White: Cate has been up on the surface quite a bit as well...working the funding stuff.
(03/26 14:09:44) Nick White: Not much more reasons than that.
(03/26 14:09:48) TomahnaGuy: Well I hope we see them soon :)
(03/26 14:09:54) Nick White: Just busy I guess.
(03/26 14:09:58) TomahnaGuy: In a way we kinda miss them
(03/26 14:09:59) Andrew Eldred: Any idea when we might see Kodama again? Not until Minkata is ready?
(03/26 14:10:03) Nick White: Yeah, it's be nice if they stopped by more.
(03/26 14:10:14) TomahnaGuy nods his head
(03/26 14:10:14) Nick White: Kodama was down here not too long ago I heard.
(03/26 14:10:16) Thend: Nick, and how's the funding going?
(03/26 14:10:20) Tai'lahr: Well, we're happy to see you.
(03/26 14:10:21) ireenquench: thanks , yeah especially Marie
(03/26 14:10:33) TomahnaGuy: Be right back
(03/26 14:10:40) Nick White: No big news on funding.
(03/26 14:10:41) Kazahiro: wow got clogged in here....your a celebrity huh?
(03/26 14:10:43) Nick White: Same old I think.
(03/26 14:10:45) Thend nods his head
(03/26 14:10:50) Kazahiro: lol
(03/26 14:10:54) Nine-O-Nine: hi Thend :-)
(03/26 14:11:13) Kazahiro: I leave for a min and the place is PACKED
(03/26 14:11:16) Budgie2: Lets all scatter about a bit more, to make room for others to link in
(03/26 14:11:23) Thend: Hello Nine, AKA
(03/26 14:11:24) Kazahiro: agreed budge lol
(03/26 14:11:31) Vivicus: shorah, nick!
(03/26 14:11:45) Lady Chaos: Shorah
(03/26 14:12:29) Nick White: You ever wonder what that thing is?
(03/26 14:12:31) Nick White points
(03/26 14:12:45) JWPlatt: No
(03/26 14:12:45) Thend: No, never, strangely enough
(03/26 14:12:48) Tai'lahr: Yes, what is it?
(03/26 14:12:50) JWPlatt: What is it?
(03/26 14:12:51) ireenquench: a light?
(03/26 14:12:52) Esther: yes
(03/26 14:12:58) From Techno420 in NULP's Bevin: another foreign bevin
(03/26 14:13:00) Esther: drain?
(03/26 14:13:00) Nick White: I think it's the top to a submarine. A James Bond mini-submarine
(03/26 14:13:03) JWPlatt: A conversation piece?
(03/26 14:13:15) Nine-O-Nine starts to laugh
(03/26 14:13:18) ireenquench: hehehe
(03/26 14:13:19) Andrew Eldred: Nick, I think you're insane.
(03/26 14:13:21) Tai'lahr giggles
(03/26 14:13:22) JWPlatt: Nick, I understand you are the man to see about Delin books. Got any?
(03/26 14:13:23) Kai-Uwe: the skylight of the Nautilus? ;-)))
(03/26 14:13:26) Nine-O-Nine: it's a Ghen spy-pod
(03/26 14:13:32) Thend: Hmm, well if anyone here knew, it'd be you, Nick. Okay, it's officially a sub, Nick says so
(03/26 14:13:37) Nick White: Platt how much are you paying?
(03/26 14:13:37) Kazahiro: hmmmm
(03/26 14:13:54) JWPlatt: I'm not paying enough for this great place, Nick.
(03/26 14:13:59) Kazahiro: LOL
(03/26 14:14:04) Andrew Eldred: Hint to Platt: Feathers have been adopted as the new in-cavern currency.
(03/26 14:14:05) Thend nods his head
(03/26 14:14:06) Nick White: For the book I mean?
(03/26 14:14:30) Kazahiro: oooo
(03/26 14:14:30) Nick White: I can maybe grab one for you.
(03/26 14:14:33) ireenquench thinks the DRC must pay really bad ;)
(03/26 14:14:35) JWPlatt: Oh, I have received an offer of companionship for you of which I am authorized to bargain. :)
(03/26 14:14:36) Tai'lahr: Anything you want.
(03/26 14:14:46) Kazahiro: uhm
(03/26 14:14:48) Kazahiro: okkkkk
(03/26 14:14:48) Tai'lahr giggles
(03/26 14:14:51) Kazahiro: lol
(03/26 14:14:58) Kazahiro: gak
(03/26 14:15:10) Tai'lahr: ???
(03/26 14:15:14) JWPlatt: But other than that, name your price, if you have one.
(03/26 14:15:18) Nick White: You sound a little like a pimp JW. Not good.
(03/26 14:15:32) Kazahiro: how about an authentic jersey?
(03/26 14:15:37) Kazahiro: thats what I thought lol
(03/26 14:15:39) Tai'lahr: That's what I've been telling him!
(03/26 14:15:41) ireenquench thinks WHO is...
(03/26 14:15:42) Thend: Nick, is another expedition planned?
(03/26 14:15:47) JWPlatt: I only said companionship, Nick. The rest would be in your own mind.
(03/26 14:15:55) Kazahiro: dun dun dun
(03/26 14:16:06) Kazahiro: how about a brand new tv?
(03/26 14:16:10) Kazahiro: 70 inch
(03/26 14:16:18) Thend thinks the most interesting conversations seem to spring up around Nick
(03/26 14:16:19) Nick White: Are you a member of the hood?
(03/26 14:16:20) Kazahiro: with 10.1 surround sound system
(03/26 14:16:27) tarheel:
(03/26 14:16:30) Kazahiro: and.....uhm...hello tar
(03/26 14:16:40) JWPlatt: Who are you asking, Nick?
(03/26 14:16:50) Kazahiro: part of blabbitys bevin
(03/26 14:16:54) Kazahiro: but we could use a delin book to
(03/26 14:17:00) Kazahiro: lol
(03/26 14:17:01) Tai'lahr: We're members of the same hood - Revelations.
(03/26 14:17:04) Nick White: Are you a member of the hood you want a Delin Book in.
(03/26 14:17:07) JWPlatt: Our hood is really fond of Delin, and we're seeking the book.
(03/26 14:17:09) Kazahiro: yes
(03/26 14:17:11) ireenquench: Oh Nick, can I ask a question about this awesome creation myth think thats popped up at the Students of D'ni Knowledge thing?
(03/26 14:17:24) Nick White: Yes you can ask a question Ireen.
(03/26 14:17:40) Nick White: I'll see what I can do JW.
(03/26 14:18:08) Kazahiro: same group is really fond of delin..and were growing more as we speak...we could really appreciate delin as well nick
(03/26 14:18:08) ireenquench: Cool, for one thing, did you hand pass it along... and another, do you know how old it is?
(03/26 14:18:15) JWPlatt: Perhaps there is some research or networking thing we could do for you in exchange, aside from the jokes.
(03/26 14:18:55) Kazahiro: -shrugs-
(03/26 14:18:58) AKA: Hi UBER!!!!!
(03/26 14:19:05) Thend: AKA!
(03/26 14:19:08) Nick White: I emailed it. Not sure how old.
(03/26 14:19:13) Andrew Eldred: Nick, a question about translations: where are the philosophic works? If the D'ni have none, they'd be the only non-nomadic civilization lacking them.
(03/26 14:19:16) Kazahiro: I could help figure out the bandwith majoring in network security LOL
(03/26 14:19:21) AKA: hi 909
(03/26 14:19:30) Nine-O-Nine: Hi AKA
(03/26 14:19:43) Lady Chaos: Hi, 909 and AKA!
(03/26 14:19:50) Nick White: They are out there Andrew.
(03/26 14:19:53) AKA: hi Lady C
(03/26 14:19:55) Nine-O-Nine: hi LC
(03/26 14:19:59) Esther: i'm in ki jail...can't close this thing :(
(03/26 14:20:00) Kazahiro: on a more serious are the other two doing after you...bloody encounter?
(03/26 14:20:07) Thend: Nick, is another expedition intot he wilds of Negilahn planned?
(03/26 14:20:32) ireenquench: thanks
(03/26 14:20:33) AKA: how was your weekend Nick? Do anything interesting?
(03/26 14:20:50) Nick White: Watched Oregon lose.
(03/26 14:20:56) Tai'lahr: Awwww
(03/26 14:20:58) AKA: Awwwww
(03/26 14:21:18) Andrew Eldred: I'm not referring to religion, Nick--I'm in a group of freethinkers who are trying to research D'ni philosophy.
(03/26 14:21:26) Lady Chaos: How come nick WHITE is orange?
(03/26 14:21:29) Nick White: Alright. I'l see what's out there?
(03/26 14:21:38) Nick White: Orange?
(03/26 14:21:46) Tai'lahr: He looks fine from here.
(03/26 14:21:59) Nick White: I'm gonna go get a Delin Book. Talk to you all later.