Reference:2007-03-14 Douglas Sharper in Negilahn

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Revision as of 08:26, 5 June 2024 by Cjherkeless (talk | contribs) (Created page with "(03/14 22:00:01) From Douglas Sharper in Douglas Sharper's Teledahn: I don't.<br /> (03/14 22:00:04) To '''Douglas Sharper''': The last time we argued?<br /> (03/14 22:00:10) To '''Douglas Sharper''': It was about Phil<br /> (03/14 22:00:34) From Douglas Sharper in Douglas Sharper's Teledahn: Sorry V. YOu'll have to refresh my memory. I've moved on<br /> (03/14 22:00:4 From Douglas Sharper in Douglas Sharper's Teledahn: Phil is ancient history.<br /> (03/14 22:00:5 To ''...")
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(03/14 22:00:01) From Douglas Sharper in Douglas Sharper's Teledahn: I don't.
(03/14 22:00:04) To Douglas Sharper: The last time we argued?
(03/14 22:00:10) To Douglas Sharper: It was about Phil
(03/14 22:00:34) From Douglas Sharper in Douglas Sharper's Teledahn: Sorry V. YOu'll have to refresh my memory. I've moved on
(03/14 22:00:4 From Douglas Sharper in Douglas Sharper's Teledahn: Phil is ancient history.
(03/14 22:00:5 To Douglas Sharper: Now everyone thinks I'm a hothead because I faced off with you. You did not recieve my email?
(03/14 22:01:19) To Douglas Sharper: Four years ago is far from ancient
(03/14 22:01:33) From Douglas Sharper in Douglas Sharper's Teledahn: In my book it is.
(03/14 22:02:04) To Douglas Sharper: This has more to do with my inability to understand after all you did that they would just allow you to come back.
(03/14 22:02:12) To Douglas Sharper: I would like to hope you've changed
(03/14 22:02:29) From Douglas Sharper in Douglas Sharper's Teledahn: Send me an ivite to where you are. Let's hash this out like men.
(03/14 22:02:30) To Douglas Sharper: But that does not mean anyone should forgive you just like that
(03/14 22:02:42) To Douglas Sharper: I'll send you an invite to Negilahn
(03/14 22:03:00) From Douglas Sharper in Douglas Sharper's Teledahn: See you there.
(03/14 22:03:46) To LdyDrgn: meeting with him now.
(03/14 22:04:19) From LdyDrgn in LdyDrgn's Nexus: well done!
(03/14 22:04:24) To Douglas Sharper: I'm here.....
(03/14 22:05:31) Vormaen: Hello Sharper
(03/14 22:05:35) Douglas Sharper: The face rings a bell.
(03/14 22:05:50) Vormaen: was in your Great Tree hood
(03/14 22:06:06) Vormaen: You and I got into a heated discussion about Phil
(03/14 22:06:16) Vormaen: But this isn't about Phil
(03/14 22:06:22) Vormaen: It's about you
(03/14 22:06:24) Douglas Sharper: What is it about?
(03/14 22:06:29) Vormaen: OK....
(03/14 22:06:39) Vormaen: Things that transpired back in 03
(03/14 22:07:14) Vormaen: I believe every man can make up for their mistakes, but people tell me I should just forgive and forget
(03/14 22:07:25) Vormaen: But nothing has been cleared up.
(03/14 22:07:33) Douglas Sharper: You're going to have to stop beating around the bush here boy.
(03/14 22:07:45) Vormaen: So I want to know the truth about a few things.
(03/14 22:08:01) Vormaen: One......why did you take Phil's book.......
(03/14 22:08:20) Vormaen: Accident?
/14 22:08:59) Douglas Sharper: What does it matter?
(03/14 22:09:39) Vormaen: Because, Phil was a good man, even if he was a little off. You may have caused his predicament.
(03/14 22:09:54) Vormaen: I just want to know your motives.
/14 22:09:56) Douglas Sharper: My intentions were never to harm Phil.
(03/14 22:10:00) Vormaen: Good.
(03/14 22:10:09) Vormaen: Ok.....big one
(03/14 22:10:26) Vormaen: I know you don't like the fact we have read your journals
(03/14 22:10:40) Vormaen: And I suspect you may be many things, but not a liar.
(03/14 22:11:04) Vormaen: The books you had Nick "hide", were they returned?
/14 22:11:30) Douglas Sharper: I"m not sure where you're going with all of this?
[b]/14 22:11:32) Douglas Sharper: What are you after?
(03/14 22:11:42) Douglas Sharper: Why do I need to sit here and explain my life to you of all people?
(03/14 22:11:51) Douglas Sharper: We going to go through my whole life here?[/]
(03/14 22:11:56) Vormaen: The truth. I want to believe you're a changed man......but somehow it's hard for me to grasp
(03/14 22:12:30) Vormaen: It's no secret I'm the loudest opposition to you being back here
[b]/14 22:12:37) Douglas Sharper: I haven't.
(03/14 22:12:43) Vormaen: Just check the DRC forums
/14 22:12:46) Douglas Sharper: Regardless what does it matter what I tell you?
(03/14 22:12:53) Douglas Sharper: The proof is in the pudding.
(03/14 22:13:00) Douglas Sharper: You'll have to judge for youself.[b]
(03/14 22:13:06) Vormaen: Why are you being so defensive?
[b]/14 22:13:13) Douglas Sharper: Ha!
(03/14 22:13:24) Douglas Sharper: I don't like being questioned as you are.
(03/14 22:13:30) Vormaen: Just like before, laughing at my inquiries.
(03/14 22:13:57) Vormaen: Hey, it would make things more comfortable for all of us if you let us know what you intentions are.
/14 22:14:1 Douglas Sharper: My intentions are to help this effort. The problem isn't me letting you know, it's you believing me.
(03/14 22:14:19) Vormaen: You did some mighty destructive things back then
/14 22:14:23) Douglas Sharper: I don't need this.
(03/14 22:14:29) Vormaen: I want to, trust me.
(03/14 22:14:46) Vormaen: Sharper, I'm not trying to prove you wrong.
/14 22:15:01) Douglas Sharper: Look it's a new page.
(03/14 22:15:05) Vormaen: If people can see me convinced, maybe it will make it easier.
/14 22:15:10) Douglas Sharper: You're going to have to watch and judge for yourself.
(03/14 22:15:24) Douglas Sharper: I'm not going to be blackmailed into thinking that I have to convince you to convince everyone else.
(03/14 22:15:29) Douglas Sharper: There are plenty of people who trust me.
(03/14 22:15:34) Vormaen: So can you tell me if you informed the DRC of the translations you took?
/14 22:15:40) Douglas Sharper: Ha!
(03/14 22:15:45) Douglas Sharper: Are you their lawyer?
(03/14 22:16:00) Vormaen: Sharper, even members of the Great Tree said they did not fully trust you.
(03/14 22:16:12) Vormaen: No, I am just a concerned explorer
/14 22:16:27) Douglas Sharper: Well, that is their decision.
(03/14 22:16:31) Douglas Sharper: I can't worry about all of them.
(03/14 22:16:37) Vormaen: We've been this route before, would it hurt you to be more open with us?
/14 22:16:54) Douglas Sharper: I'll be open when I need to be.
(03/14 22:17:05) Douglas Sharper: What is it you want to know that I"m not being open about?
(03/14 22:17:07) Vormaen: Well......
(03/14 22:17:27) Vormaen: I hope that you won't try to cause a war again, which is on a lot of folks minds.
/14 22:17:33) Douglas Sharper: Besides little nuggets from the past.
(03/14 22:17:41) Douglas Sharper: I'm not here to start a war.
(03/14 22:17:51) Vormaen: The translations! They obviously were of great importance for you to hide them from the DRC
(03/14 22:17:54) Vormaen: ok.
(03/14 22:18:02) Vormaen: That was my main concern
(03/14 22:18:20) Vormaen: The past always directly ties to the future.
(03/14 22:18:41) Vormaen: So are you not going to comment on those translations?
(03/14 22:18:42) Douglas Sharper: V my problem is this.
(03/14 22:18:4 Vormaen: ok, listening.
(03/14 22:18:59) Douglas Sharper: You come in here acting as though you understood all that happened during those days - why translations were hidden.
(03/14 22:19:06) Douglas Sharper: You don't and I'm not about to explain them all to you now.
(03/14 22:19:06) Vormaen: ok.
(03/14 22:19:10) Douglas Sharper: But I had good reason.
(03/14 22:19:13) Vormaen: ok.
(03/14 22:19:20) Douglas Sharper: Many of which you are not aware.
(03/14 22:19:29) Vormaen: ok.
/14 22:19:33) Douglas Sharper: Talking to Kodama once in a while or reading my journal tells you nothing of the story
(03/14 22:19:52) Vormaen: Can you say if you were worried about power going to the wrong hands?
/14 22:20:57) Douglas Sharper: Yes.
(03/14 22:21:06) Vormaen: OK, that clears up a lot.
(03/14 22:21:17) Vormaen: Are you still worried about it?
/14 22:21:21) Douglas Sharper: No.
(03/14 22:21:32) Vormaen: Good. That pretty much answers that.
/14 22:21:3 Douglas Sharper: Are you satisfied?
(03/14 22:21:44) Vormaen: Yes, for now.
(03/14 22:21:52) Vormaen: While I have you here.
(03/14 22:22:07) Vormaen: Have you been outside these pods yet?
14 22:22:11) Douglas Sharper: Yes.
(03/14 22:22:1 Vormaen: Have you seen that?
(03/14 22:22:25) Vormaen points
(03/14 22:22:3 Vormaen: Something blinking out there
(03/14 22:23:05) Vormaen: Anything to do with the wildlife decline?
/14 22:23:16) Douglas Sharper: Not sure what you are referring to.
(03/14 22:23:32) Vormaen: Under the second farthest trees, right hand side
(03/14 22:23:42) Vormaen: under the bush next to it.
(03/14 22:23:49) Vormaen: See it?
(03/14 22:23:57) Vormaen: A faint blinking.
(03/14 22:24:02) Vormaen: red I think.
(03/14 22:24:25) Vormaen: Thought you might want to investigate it.
/14 22:24:36) Douglas Sharper: I don't think I'm hunting a red light.
(03/14 22:24:41) Douglas Sharper: I'll tell you that.
(03/14 22:24:47) Vormaen: I know......but not sure what it is.
(03/14 22:24:52) Vormaen: ok.
/14 22:24:53) Douglas Sharper: Alright.
(03/14 22:25:05) Douglas Sharper: I need to be moving along.
(03/14 22:25:0 Douglas Sharper: We done here?
(03/14 22:25:0 Vormaen: Ok.
(03/14 22:25:15) Vormaen: Yes........
/14 22:25:19) Douglas Sharper: Very well.
(03/14 22:25:36) Vormaen: Shorah Sharper
/14 22:25:36) Douglas Sharper: Look forward to having you on board.
(03/14 22:25:41) Vormaen: Will be there.
/14 22:25:43) Douglas Sharper: If not now, eventually.
(03/14 22:25:52) Vormaen: Will think it over.