Reference:2006-12-28 Marie Sutherland in Ae'gura

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Revision as of 09:39, 5 June 2024 by Cjherkeless (talk | contribs) (Created page with "(12/28 15:33:31) Camann: shorah Marie<br /> (12/28 15:33:33) Dan'nee: Matthew, if I can't stay through for the whole meeting, I'll just let you post the log<br /> (12/28 15:33:41) Dan'nee: Otherwise, I've got mine running too<br /> (12/28 15:34:05) Dan'nee: Shorah, Marie<br /> (12/28 15:34:36) Camann: Me too<br /> (12/28 15:34:37) Mark_AF: Shorah<br /> (12/28 15:34:48 ) K'Dahta: hi Marie<br /> (12/28 15:35:04) Thend: Is Marie in the Grotesque Link-In Beast at the Ferry?<...")
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(12/28 15:33:31) Camann: shorah Marie
(12/28 15:33:33) Dan'nee: Matthew, if I can't stay through for the whole meeting, I'll just let you post the log
(12/28 15:33:41) Dan'nee: Otherwise, I've got mine running too
(12/28 15:34:05) Dan'nee: Shorah, Marie
(12/28 15:34:36) Camann: Me too
(12/28 15:34:37) Mark_AF: Shorah
(12/28 15:34:48 ) K'Dahta: hi Marie
(12/28 15:35:04) Thend: Is Marie in the Grotesque Link-In Beast at the Ferry?
(12/28 15:35:08) Andrej: Shorah everybody :-)
(12/28 15:35:16) Matthew Miller: Hi marie, nice to see you in the city :)
(12/28 15:35:24) Andrej waves
(12/28 15:35:25) Thend waves
(12/28 15:35:28) Matthew Miller waves
(12/28 15:35:29) Dan'nee: Hi Marie. Nice to finally meet you
(12/28 15:35:33) Dan'nee waves
(12/28 15:35:36) K'Dahta waves
(12/28 15:35:41) Thend: How are you today, Marie?
(12/28 15:35:41) peni waves
(12/28 15:36:17) Marie Sutherland waves
(12/28 15:36:18 ) From Matthew Miller in D'ni-Ae'gura: Top of the stairs if anyone is in the city
(12/28 15:36:22) Dan'nee waves
(12/28 15:36:22) Lan waves
(12/28 15:36:23) Andrej waves
(12/28 15:36:26) Matthew Miller waves
(12/28 15:36:31) Butch waves
(12/28 15:36:40) SixEcho: i just got an update -- any new content??
(12/28 15:36:43) Dan'nee: It was good too see the Gallery doors open yesterday.
(12/28 15:36:44) Camann: Where is she, she's not down at the bottom of the stairs and not shouting is she?
(12/28 15:36:55) Camann: Ah
(12/28 15:37:09) Aleks: Hello Dr. Sutherland. It's nice to see you again.
(12/28 15:37:11) Matthew Miller: Good to see the gallery doors open now marie
(12/28 15:37:12) Thend: The guys are out in force to meet the elusive Marie Sutherland
(12/28 15:37:22) Marie Sutherland: Good afternoon. It's nice to see you, too.
(12/28 15:37:25) Butch starts to laugh
(12/28 15:37:28 ) Andrej cheers
(12/28 15:37:45) Dan'nee: Is this visit for an announcement, Dr. Sutherlan, or just a chat?
(12/28 15:37:56) SixEcho: argg - when are they going to open up more?
(12/28 15:38:20) Butch: Marie Sutherland, Au'gura 2006-Dec-28
(12/28 15:38:33) Marie Sutherland: Dan'nee, a little of both, I guess.
(12/28 15:38:39) Dan'nee: Great!
(12/28 15:38:48 ) Thanakar waves
(12/28 15:38:48 ) Andrej: Nice!
(12/28 15:38:49) Lan: c
(12/28 15:38:52) Lan: cool
(12/28 15:38:54) Matthew Miller: Marie, who is this Cate person we have heard about from other DRC members?
(12/28 15:39:21) Dan'nee waits to see if she'll actually answer that.
(12/28 15:39:41) Lan: I think most of us want to hear the annoucement first :)
(12/28 15:39:53) Andrej waits for the anouncement
(12/28 15:39:59) Marie Sutherland: Cate would probably prefer to introduce herself.
(12/28 15:40:05) From Dierdre von Neumann in auntburns's Teledahn: Showing Dipani Sharpers office biab
(12/28 15:40:13) Thend: figured. When?
(12/28 15:40:19) SixEcho: sighs, is this all?
(12/28 15:40:30) Dan'nee: Patience, SixEcho
(12/28 15:40:41) Storyteller: An impatient lot, aren't we?
(12/28 15:40:49) Thend nods his head
(12/28 15:41:01) SixEcho: it's been 6-9 months
(12/28 15:41:02) Montgomery: Don't be rude, Six!
(12/28 15:41:05) Jared: We have exploration in our blood, what can I say
(12/28 15:41:14) Butch: Does Cate plan on introducing herself soon?
(12/28 15:41:14) Dan'nee: Should we wait until after the announcement before we ask questions?
(12/28 15:41:27) Grogyan: When will we see the new story?
(12/28 15:41:29) Lan: I think we should Dan'nee
(12/28 15:41:32) Matthew Miller: Yeah, sorry. Maybe I should have waited until after the announcment
(12/28 15:41:40) Jared: Grogyan, this is part of it
(12/28 15:41:46) SixEcho: twitchie: i've finished the game a few times hoping it unlocked more content, only to get reset later
(12/28 15:42:04) Marie Sutherland: When, I'm not sure when Cate will be here. Probably not until after the new year.
(12/28 15:42:07) Camann: Please, everyone hold questions until after Marie's announcement
(12/28 15:42:33) Matthew Miller: Could you say anything about her position within the drc? We hardly know anything about her
(12/28 15:43:09) Dan'nee: I personally have a theory about who she is that I'm waiting to meet her to see if it's true.
(12/28 15:43:16) SixEcho: did i just happen upon a scheduled announcement? time? (almost 4pm CST here)
(12/28 15:43:42) Thend: We are listening to Marie Sutherland's impromptu announcement
(12/28 15:43:53) SixEcho: *hears nothing*
(12/28 15:43:57) Lan: Dr. Sutherland already said she would like to introduce herself, so that will be explained during her introduction
(12/28 15:43:59) From Matthew Miller in D'ni-Ae'gura: The mysterious Cate will probably be showing up sometime in the new year is all I've got so far.
(12/28 15:44:01) Montgomery: Could you guys standing on the link-in spot move and give Ms. Sutherland some space?
(12/28 15:44:20) Marie Sutherland: as for the announcements... Engberg has moved his focus onto the fountains in the hoods.
(12/28 15:44:21) Thanakar: she's down by the water but you all are way up by the barriers...
(12/28 15:44:28) Arrhae cheers
(12/28 15:44:31) tikibear: I suppose it will be better than the Rand imposter we saw earlier today.
(12/28 15:44:32) Thend starts to laugh
(12/28 15:44:32) Lan cheers
(12/28 15:44:34) Grogyan cheers
(12/28 15:44:39) Dan'nee: She's at the top of the stairs
(12/28 15:44:39) Camann: That's wonderful news!
(12/28 15:44:41) Storyteller: Alright! I can break out the swim trunks!
(12/28 15:44:44) From Dierdre von Neumann in Relto Relto: Never heard of her
(12/28 15:44:55) a'bond claps his hands
(12/28 15:44:57) Thanakar: funny..I seee her down the lake
(12/28 15:45:06) Andrej: SixEcho, please be patient, Mrs. Sutherland can't answer to everyabody and I think that she is ovverrun with questions
(12/28 15:45:13) Thend: Marie, about the Hoods, who took the ttelescopes and who put them back? It was reported they simply 'blinked' back in
(12/28 15:45:14) From Dipani (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(12/28 15:45:19) From Montgomery: She's standing on the link-in spot -- along with about 3 others.
(12/28 15:45:21) From Dierdre von Neumann in Relto Relto: ah, now I know why Dipani had to link out
(12/28 15:45:25) Marie Sutherland: I think he'll get them working again very soon. Maybe even today, though don't hold him to that. :D
(12/28 15:45:40) Andrej: Thend My Hodd doesn't have the telesope back, yet
(12/28 15:45:41) Matthew Miller: Oh, today. That would be nice!
(12/28 15:45:44) Lan cheers
(12/28 15:46:31) Marie Sutherland: After the fountain, we'll be focusing on the community rooms in the neighborhoods.
(12/28 15:46:53) a'bond: cool
(12/28 15:46:53) Andrej: That sounds great, Marie!
(12/28 15:47:00) Marie Sutherland: We hope that those will also be available in the next few days.
(12/28 15:47:07) Matthew Miller cheers
(12/28 15:47:09) Aleks: Sounds great.
(12/28 15:47:45) Andrej: Will Ae'gura be only opened, after the hoods are fully functional?
(12/28 15:47:47) Aleks: How about the schedule for the city? Anything tentatively known yet?
(12/28 15:47:55) Jared: can you give us any specifics on why they were gone in the first place?
(12/28 15:48:03) Dahn: Great to hear! I hope that heavy heek table will be soon to follow
(12/28 15:48:42) Marie Sutherland: Andrej, we are still evaluating the different areas of the city.
(12/28 15:49:05) Dan'nee: Which area looks most promising?
(12/28 15:49:12) Aleks: Any areas we are likely to see sooner than others?
(12/28 15:49:15) Andrej: Thx, I hope to see more of the city, soon!
(12/28 15:49:29) Jimbo: Whats there to evalue?
(12/28 15:50:22) SixEcho: Jimbo, how about the lag....
(12/28 15:50:35) Marie Sutherland: Aleks, the areas that were open prior to "the scream" will likely be opened first.
(12/28 15:50:52) Jimbo: a loose tile we might fall over?
(12/28 15:51:16) Aleks: Ah, ok? So the Takotah and such?
(12/28 15:51:26) Aleks: Sounds good.
(12/28 15:51:27) Andrej: Well... I didn't manage to read through all the books in the King's hall, so I'm thursting for information!
(12/28 15:52:13) Jimbo: But u do look great, Dr. Sutherland
(12/28 15:52:18) Andrej: This will be hopefully one of the first Areas to be opened
(12/28 15:52:34) Dan'nee: Do you know of any D'ni history that will be released soon?
(12/28 15:52:43) Dan'nee: I noticed Nick White is back, for translations?
(12/28 15:52:52) Marie Sutherland: Thanks, Jimbo.
(12/28 15:52:54) Aleks: Any word on any ages? I know it may be early to speak of it, and all.
(12/28 15:53:01) Grogyan: How is Dr Laxman going with the Great Zero?
(12/28 15:53:39) Marie Sutherland: Dan'nee, for now the priority is getting things that were recently closed verified and opened again.
(12/28 15:54:17) Dan'nee: What kind of work is Nick doing, then?
(12/28 15:54:44) SixEcho: i'm gonna check out the new content in the "Life Age" *links via X in the lower right of screen*
(12/28 15:55:20) Marie Sutherland: Aleks, there are two Ages you've probably heard about that will be opening in the not too distant future.
(12/28 15:55:55) Aleks: Ah, ok. I think I know what you mean. Quite exciting.
(12/28 15:56:00) Butch: Dr. Sutherland, is there anything the explorer community can do to help the DRC?
(12/28 15:56:44) Marie Sutherland: grogyan, Laxman is busy with lattice issues at the moment, but I think he hopes to get back to the Great Zero after that.
(12/28 15:57:12) Grogyan: Great thanks Dr.
(12/28 15:57:16) Matthew Miller: Does he have any information on that interesting readings from before the scream?
(12/28 15:57:54) Marie Sutherland: Butch, at the moment, your patience and support are helping us tremendously.
(12/28 15:58:05) Aleks: And as for the scream, is there any more info regarding its exact origin?
(12/28 15:58:17) Aleks: Was it a Bahro thing for sure?
(12/28 15:59:01) jerrabella: G
(12/28 15:59:01) Marie Sutherland: I also know that Laxman has mentioned something that he wanted help looking in to.
(12/28 15:59:02) a'bond: Is Douglas Sharper still around?
(12/28 15:59:35) Dan'nee: He mentioned the city book and "instancing"
(12/28 15:59:38) Marie Sutherland: Matthew, I'm sorry, but you'll have to ask him that.
(12/28 15:59:52) Dan'nee: Many think the instancing is based on Neighborhoods
(12/28 16:00:09) Dan'nee: That the book brings you to a Neighborhood instance of the city
(12/28 16:00:22) Thend: Marie, anthropologically speaking, there's the possibility that the 'Called' may, in actuality, be descendents of genuine D'ni. I request you authorize blood tests of both the D'ni survivor and willing members of the explorer community to confirm this? What is your stance on this possible scheme?
(12/28 16:00:54) Dan'nee: vid has achart on the drc site, I believe
(12/28 16:02:29) Marie Sutherland: thend, That's an interesting theory.
(12/28 16:02:43) Mookie: Hey vid, whatcha up to?
(12/28 16:02:48) Mookie: mt
(12/28 16:03:08) Thend: It seems to be scientifically proveable
(12/28 16:03:20) Mookie: Hey vid, whatca up to?
(12/28 16:03:23) Mookie: Fark
(12/28 16:03:26) Matthew Miller: Marie, what have you been working on lately yourself?
(12/28 16:03:30) Marie Sutherland: I'm sorry to cut this chat short, but I have another meeting to attend.
(12/28 16:03:38 ) jerrabella: Lol
(12/28 16:03:42) Mark_AF: Well you can start by eliminating everyone that is not native american.
(12/28 16:03:50) Matthew Miller: Okay, thank you for coming Dr.Sutherland.
(12/28 16:03:57) Marie Sutherland waves