Reference:2007-05-22 Nick White in the Great Tree's neighborhood

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Revision as of 10:02, 5 June 2024 by Cjherkeless (talk | contribs) (Created page with "(05/22 21:04:51) '''Nick White''': Just one bend in the line. <br /> (05/22 21:04:57) Moiety Jean: Whoa <br /> (05/22 21:05:00) Julian Lapis: There, put the word out <br /> (05/22 21:05:00) ireenquench: one zig zag? <br /> (05/22 21:05:09) '''Nick White''': Top is more toward the right and the bottom is more toward the left. <br /> (05/22 21:05:12) Moiety Jean: I try to have an out of body experience for two minutes and you sneak in here <br /> (05/22 21:05:20) Marck: Ma...")
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(05/22 21:04:51) Nick White: Just one bend in the line.
(05/22 21:04:57) Moiety Jean: Whoa
(05/22 21:05:00) Julian Lapis: There, put the word out
(05/22 21:05:00) ireenquench: one zig zag?
(05/22 21:05:09) Nick White: Top is more toward the right and the bottom is more toward the left.
(05/22 21:05:12) Moiety Jean: I try to have an out of body experience for two minutes and you sneak in here
(05/22 21:05:20) Marck: Maybe it is more a wave than angular?
(05/22 21:05:21) Julian Lapis: We should be getting an onrush. Ye might wanna take a step back Chief. :D
(05/22 21:05:25) Nick White: Yeah.
(05/22 21:05:28) Nick White: Kinda.
(05/22 21:05:36) ireenquench: thanks
(05/22 21:05:49) Moiety Jean: haha, vacate the landing point!
(05/22 21:05:56) Whilyam: Hello, Nick
(05/22 21:06:06) Whilyam: What's going on?
(05/22 21:06:06) Julian Lapis: Cy, you're glowing
(05/22 21:06:07) Marck sighs
(05/22 21:06:11) Cycreim: While we're waiting for people to filter in... Did anything happen when you touched the symbol in Negilahn, Nick?
(05/22 21:06:22) Nick White: Nope.
(05/22 21:06:22) Finn Dove: we were discussing that
(05/22 21:06:25) Nick White: Nothing.
(05/22 21:06:27) Moiety Jean dreams about leftover spaghetti
(05/22 21:06:40) Julian Lapis: Do you have any theories on it's nature, Nick?
(05/22 21:06:51) Julian Lapis: Grapevine reckons its some kind of ward.
(05/22 21:06:55) Nick White: It's nature?
(05/22 21:06:56) Finn Dove wonders why leftover spaghetti is better than a soft candybar
(05/22 21:07:06) Nick White: It's carved into a tree.
(05/22 21:07:09) LegoAddict waves hello
(05/22 21:07:12) Whilyam: You still speak English, righ, Nick?
(05/22 21:07:14) Julian Lapis: yeah. A protection symbol or somesuch.
(05/22 21:07:19) Moiety Jean: Because I don't know why the soft candybar is soft
(05/22 21:07:29) ireenquench: sent it to you again Nick
(05/22 21:07:33) Deathsbedbug: Shorah
(05/22 21:07:38) Whilyam: --then you should know what "it's nature" means.
(05/22 21:07:42) Finn Dove ponders how long that candybar has been in his pocket
(05/22 21:07:45) Moiety Jean: Do you know anything about the Delin books?
(05/22 21:08:06) Cycreim: Yeah, the Delin books! Not really a priority right now but while we're waiting and all
(05/22 21:08:13) Cycreim: :)
(05/22 21:08:16) Marck: The DRC and the ResEngs are already looking into the Delin book issue
(05/22 21:08:27) Moiety Jean: boy, it really doesn't take long for people to track you down. Explorers are as hard to get away from as mosquitos in the bushes.
(05/22 21:08:42) Cycreim: I wish people chased ME around everywhere :(
(05/22 21:08:47) Eleri: homing device... I'm telling you.
(05/22 21:08:50) Finn Dove: lol cyc
(05/22 21:08:52) Cycreim wants you to call
(05/22 21:08:55) Serephina: you do ? lol
(05/22 21:08:59) Moiety Jean: I chase you around everywhere. You're highly entertaining, Cyc.
(05/22 21:09:08) Julian Lapis: Dont you get enough letters from children and dyslexic Satanists Cy?
(05/22 21:09:22) Moiety Jean: ::snorty laugh::
(05/22 21:09:31) Nick White: Alright, let me get this out and I'll move along.
(05/22 21:09:37) Nick White: In Sharper's words....
(05/22 21:09:45) Cycreim: Dyslexic Satanists? Ah nevermind
(05/22 21:09:59) Moiety Jean: you know.. santaists!
(05/22 21:10:02) Julian Lapis: (they sell their soul to Santa)
(05/22 21:10:06) Finn Dove waits with bated breath
(05/22 21:10:10) LegoAddict snorts milk out his nose
(05/22 21:10:11) Whilyam says DOH!
(05/22 21:10:11) Eleri: shhhhhhh
(05/22 21:10:18) Eleri: dorks. ;)
(05/22 21:10:19) Moiety Jean: sorry.. we are in fact paying attention to you, Nick.
(05/22 21:10:25) Julian Lapis: Sorry Nick, carry on.
(05/22 21:10:25) Finn Dove: well, maybe
(05/22 21:10:27) Deathsbedbug is listenting
(05/22 21:10:30) Cycreim pays attention to Nick
(05/22 21:10:38) Nick White: "Peggy Sue is dead. It's dragging her and I'm following.
(05/22 21:10:39) Julian Lapis is listening
(05/22 21:10:41) Finn Dove tries to focus
(05/22 21:10:49) Julian Lapis: Whoa.
(05/22 21:10:50) LegoAddict is disturbed that he squirted milk out his nose, because he wasn't drinking milk
(05/22 21:10:52) Moiety Jean: The Urwin was named Peggy Sue?
(05/22 21:10:53) ireenquench is amazed!
(05/22 21:10:54) Finn Dove: who on earth is peggy sue?
(05/22 21:10:57) Eleri: (he named the Urwin Peggy Sue?!?)
(05/22 21:11:00) Whilyam: Peggy Sue being Urwin?
(05/22 21:11:02) Nick White: The hunter has become the hunted.
(05/22 21:11:04) Cycreim: It?
(05/22 21:11:11) Moiety Jean: sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
(05/22 21:11:15) LegoAddict: interesting
(05/22 21:11:16) Kal: wow. Peggy Sue.
(05/22 21:11:19) Finn Dove: i'm so confused
(05/22 21:11:21) Eleri: Go 'Stache!
(05/22 21:11:26) Moiety Jean: woo!
(05/22 21:11:27) Julian Lapis: He caught a look at the predator?
(05/22 21:11:29) Cycreim: Oh that's interesting. Wait, it's DRAGGING an Urwin???
(05/22 21:11:32) Kal: Ok, so he knows what it looks like?
(05/22 21:11:33) Moiety Jean: Did he say what it looked like?
(05/22 21:11:39) Finn Dove: did he get a picture?
(05/22 21:11:39) Nick White: "You'll never believe this."
(05/22 21:11:45) Cycreim: That thing must be huge!
(05/22 21:11:49) Moiety Jean: ::bounce::
(05/22 21:12:00) Kierra: interesting
(05/22 21:12:04) Cycreim: Or at least really strong...
(05/22 21:12:09) Cycreim: There's more?
(05/22 21:12:09) Kal: c'mon Nick, talk to us!
(05/22 21:12:11) Eleri: whatwhatwhat?
(05/22 21:12:15) Nick White: "If you don't hear from me in a few hours you had better send someone to find my body. Ha!"
(05/22 21:12:20) Nick White: That's it.
(05/22 21:12:23) Kierra snorts
(05/22 21:12:23) Moiety Jean: oh now that's just poor
(05/22 21:12:26) Kal: yeah that sounds like Sharper.
(05/22 21:12:29) LegoAddict: He has KI access then?
(05/22 21:12:30) ireenquench: that is wild, wow
(05/22 21:12:31) Julian Lapis: How deliciously vague.
(05/22 21:12:31) Nick White: That's the message.
(05/22 21:12:31) Finn Dove: yup, that sounds like he's having a great time
(05/22 21:12:39) Julian Lapis: He must be in his element.
(05/22 21:12:42) Eleri: Argh! Sharper! Less machismo, more details, man!
(05/22 21:12:43) Whilyam: Hmm
(05/22 21:12:45) Moiety Jean: shall we have some taxidermists on call?
(05/22 21:12:48) Cycreim: Ugh
(05/22 21:12:48) Finn Dove: typical
(05/22 21:12:50) Cycreim: Famous last words!
(05/22 21:12:59) Finn Dove: could be
(05/22 21:13:01) Nick White: Peggy Sue is obviously the Urwin.
(05/22 21:13:01) Kierra: not a Bahro then? hm
(05/22 21:13:03) Whilyam: Jea, for the Urwin, predator, or Sharper?
(05/22 21:13:04) Kal: from the sound of it, you'll need a TEAM of taxidermists...
(05/22 21:13:05) Julian Lapis: Oh come on, its Sharper. Let him have some glory.
(05/22 21:13:13) Moiety Jean: I'll take any of them
(05/22 21:13:15) Cycreim: He does sound like he's having the time of his life
(05/22 21:13:25) Julian Lapis: Well, thanks for telling us Nick. We'll spread it around. Keep us posted.
(05/22 21:13:27) Cycreim: Thanks for passing this on, Nick
(05/22 21:13:28) Kierra: yeah, his life alright
(05/22 21:13:29) Nick White: That's all I know.
(05/22 21:13:32) Finn Dove ponders whether predator stew is tasty
(05/22 21:13:33) Whilyam: Frankly it would be creepy if Sharper stood around the hood for all time...
(05/22 21:13:40) Nick White: See you guys later.
(05/22 21:13:44) Finn Dove: thanks nick!
(05/22 21:13:45) Esther2: bye
(05/22 21:13:45) Moiety Jean: aw
(05/22 21:13:47) Julian Lapis: Take care.
(05/22 21:13:47) Whilyam: Bye, Nick.