Reference:2003-11-25 Douglas Sharper and Michael Engberg in Ae'gura

From Guild of Archivists
Revision as of 11:25, 5 June 2024 by Cjherkeless (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Ambox| sect = {{{1|}}} chat log is only partially preserved.}} {{Ambox| sect = {{{1|}}} chat log's timestamps for individual messages were not available.}} ---- '''Douglas Sharper''': You look cold, Rivenchan.<br /> Rivenchan: I'm always cold. Besides, we're in a cave, it's warranted. Anyway, you've probably known Shroomie longer than any of us have. Have you noticed anything more about her? Besides that she's afraid of loud things? Have you noticed anything more abo...")
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Douglas Sharper: You look cold, Rivenchan.
Rivenchan: I'm always cold. Besides, we're in a cave, it's warranted. Anyway, you've probably known Shroomie longer than any of us have. Have you noticed anything more about her? Besides that she's afraid of loud things? Have you noticed anything more about her that you'd be willing to share with the group?
Douglas Sharper: What would you like to know?
Rivenchan: Any tips on how to lure her into the main lagoon? Or even how to lure her to the spore machine?
Douglas Sharper: She's been scared lately. Maybe all the people. As I told a group yesterday, I'm working on some ways to get her closer. The pods are moving further out. Migration maybe. Not sure.
Rivenchan: Wow, neat. Do you think you'll be studying it, or will you be too caught up in restoring your new pub?
Douglas Sharper: A little of both, Rivenchan.
Blue Max: Hmmm... I've got an appointment on the surface, so I'll make my way down in a bit. Thanks for the info DS!
Rivenchan: Bye, Blue.
Moranda: Bye, Blue. It seems that the study of Shroomie could be full time job.
Rivenchan: What made you take up the pub restoration? Planning to install a TV and turn it into a sports bar?
Douglas Sharper: No, no. Explorer's Pub.
Rivenchan: Explorer's pub? What will set it apart from the pub we already have here?
Douglas Sharper: Maybe bring down some trophies from the surface.
Rivenchan: What kind of trophies do you have? Hunting? Sports?
Douglas Sharper: Hunting.
Rivenchan: What do you hunt usually?
Douglas Sharper: Ah, all sorts. Lions, tigers, bear, elk. You name it.
Rivenchan: Wow, I thought you needed special licenses to hunt that sort of thing.
Douglas Sharper: Mr. Engberg. How goes it?
Rivenchan: Greetings, Engberg.
Moranda: Hi, Michael.
Navra: Hi, Michael.
Michael Engberg: Hello, everyone. Sorry…I was having KI problems.
Douglas Sharper: Calmed down any yet, Engberg?
Michael Engberg: Douglas, Douglas…When will you learn?
Douglas Sharper: What's that Michael?
David: I can't wait to get into the city.
Douglas Sharper: Nice of the DRC to finally show up. Glad they sent you, Engberg.
Michael Engberg: I'm always calm, but we must follow rules.
Tah: make new rules. Please.
Rivenchan: What rules in particular, Engberg?
Michael Engberg: So, talking about your "wild" hunting stories?
Douglas Sharper: Just about the Explorer's Pub.
Graphite: Erg... I just want to visit the Library.
Rivenchan: What will make the Explorer's pub different from the pub we have on Ae'gura? Besides location, of course.
Michael Engberg: Rivenchan, just follow what the DRC asks and all will be safe.
Rivenchan: Engberg> In that case, could you recap me in what the DRC asks?
Tah: Michael...I disagree. We can "look" and yet not spoil anything or harm ourselves.
Michael Engberg: How is the Pub coming? I should come check it out soon.
Veovis: I have been everywhere in this City... You can’t harm yourself!
Graphite: When have you ever been able to harm yourself?
Rivenchan: How is the pub coming along, Mr. Sharper?
Douglas Sharper: Slowly.
Graphite: Moranda, Shorah!
Michael Engberg: Rivenchan, just use DRC authorized linking books, stay away from unsafe spots.
Rivenchan: Have you had any restoration troubles?
Moranda: Shorah, Graphite.
Graphite: Grr... They blocked off the bar, too.
Veovis: Someone fell through below the middle stairs.
Michael Engberg: Graphite, it has happened.
Rivenchan: Douglas, have you had any troubles restoring your pub? Any interesting discoveries?
Michael Engberg: We opened the stairs today. Progress is moving a long nicely.
Rivenchan: Engberg> (laughs) We noticed. You DRC folk have a cruel sense of humor.
Moranda: When can we expect something new? The stairs don't do much good without a destination.
Rivenchan: When do you think you'll open up the main courtyard?
Michael Engberg: That was humorous??
Drew Kempa: Mr Engberg, what is the DRC stance on local wildlife? Namely, the incidents of Shroomie attack?
Michael Engberg: Shroomie attacks?
Drew Kempa: Perhaps Douglas can comment?
Rivenchan: I thought it was Renegade explorers who had already found a way over the pylons blocking the stairs off. This was just making their exploration official. Do you think this will become a common practice? Letting renegades have access to areas before they're opened by the DRC?
Michael Engberg: Rivenchan, just follow the DRC and be safe.
Rivenchan: Aw, shucks, but that's no fun. Does the DRC not have a very sound insurance policy?
Tah: Hello Michael. Why should we be safe?
Michael Engberg: Fun? So is that why we are down here?
Rivenchan: I suppose so, we're not really allowed to help with the restoration yet, are we? So, what else is there but fun?
Tah: I want to explore and take in the beauty.
Michael Engberg: Hey, everyone, lets all go and destroy the Cavern. Doesn't that sound fun?
Rivenchan: Maybe the Cavern really was opened too quickly. (laughs)
Tah: Michael...just why would you think we would destroy it?
Moranda: I am down here to explore and study this wondrous place. But, I am stymied by not having anywhere to go.
Michael Engberg: Listen to the rules and areas will be opened faster.
Drew Kempa: Mr. Sharper, are you still hunting local wildlife?
Veovis: Shouts to all, "Let us once again have a sit-in protest for them to open the rest of the Age!"
Douglas Sharper: Local? I try to respect the local wildlife as much as possible. And stay within DRC rules.
Michael Engberg: Break the rules and, well, wait around for things to open.
Tah: Michael, change the rules.
Drew Kempa: So, you deny hunting the local wildlife of Teledahn?
Michael Engberg: Douglas, they said Shroomie attacks. Do you know anything about that?
Douglas Sharper: She can. But, you have to get very close.
Michael Engberg: Douglas, should I come and check Teledahn?
Rivenchan: I don’t think you have much to worry about, Engberg.
Tah: Ornery, aren't you?
Douglas Sharper: I wish you would come if that will help approve it.
Michael Engberg: Tah… who?
Tah: Michael, you.
Douglas Sharper: It looks pretty stupid for the DRC to not approve the Age when everyone is going there anyway.
Rivenchan: With the number of explorers cavorting around, Shroomie's gotten kinda scared, Doug and i think she might be hiding.
Michael Engberg: Doug, we have had this talk. We’re in a public forum. Please…
Drew Kempa: I'm sorry, but I've read Mr. Sharper's notes...
Michael Engberg: Please don't talk about what the DRC has said.
Jared White: Shorah, everyone. It's good to be back in D'ni. Had to leave for a few weeks...
Douglas Sharper: What the..? You've read what notes?
Rivenchan: What has the DRC said?
Jared White: Sorry to interrupt, but it's great to finally meet a couple of DRC members.
Michael Engberg: Rivenchan, I can't talk about it at this time.
Tah: Michael...then change the rules and let us look...
Michael Engberg: Hello, Jared.
Rivenchan: Why can't you talk about it? Is it classified?
Michael Engberg: Rivenchan, yes.
Moranda: Okay Michael, what about all the different agendas people of "power" seem to have down here? It has to be counterproductive to the restoration.
Michael Engberg: Different agendas?
Rivenchan: Is there a lot of classified material floating around the DRC?
Michael Engberg: Tah, change five years of rules for some new people who think they should get special treatment?
Tah: Michael, we are adults. We are careful. Why not?
Michael Engberg: Rivenchan. We hope to release some of it soon.
Rivenchan: (laughs) Have you had to change very many rules for us? If anything, it feels like Cavern life has gotten stricter.
Tah: Michael, why not now? Rules can be changed. Michael, look at the people here. Do we look like we would do anything to hurt this place?
Rivenchan: What kind of materials do you hope to release?
Douglas Sharper: I've heard Dr. K. proposing declassifying some information. What do you think, Engberg?
Rivenchan: Dr. Kodama?? Wanting to declassify materials? Are we talking about the same man here? (laughs)
Michael Engberg: Doug, I think too much, too soon.
Douglas Sharper: Of course, you do.
Michael Engberg: Aww, Douglas.
Rivenchan: Doug, do you think the DRC should declassify more of its documents?
Douglas Sharper: Yes. I hope Dr. K. can convince some of the others.
Rivenchan: How do the others feel about it?
Douglas Sharper: Ask Engberg how they feel.
Michael Engberg: I think they should give out some documents but what Dr. K wants to give is way too much.
Rivenchan: What does Kodama want to give?
Tah: Michael...we can handle it.
Douglas Sharper: More Age information.
Moranda: Well, I have come to the conclusion that the barricades are for political safety and not personal safety. Same with keeping all this information classified. It is a ruse to "keep all the nosey Explorers in line".
Michael Engberg: Most people are reserved on the issue.
Nick_Yap: Mind me... but heh... you guys are somewhat intimidating....
Tah: many have already explored. It is pointless to keep us out.
Rivenchan: Did you find the book to Terahnee in the library, guys? Or did Atrus remove it?
Douglas Sharper: This would be Age information you haven't heard yet. Ages whose names you have never heard. Ages I've never heard.
Michael Engberg: Dr K. is talking to people. We don't know what we will do about that issue.
Tah: Douglas...someone has.
Rivenchan: So are you still finding lots of Ages?
Michael Engberg: Well, got to go. Bye.
Drew Kempa: Bye, Michael.
Rivenchan: Aww. When do you think you'll be dropping by again?
Douglas Sharper: Tell everyone at the Council hi for me.
Tah: Goodbye, Michael.
Rivenchan: Will you be staying, Doug?
Moranda: Nice of you to stop by Michael. Take care.
Douglas Sharper: I might go play some Heek, actually.
Rivenchan: Oh? Are you very good at it?
Douglas Sharper: Don't know if I would say that.
Moranda: I'll take you on in a game, Doug.
Douglas Sharper: Alright, let's go.
Moranda: Which Hood?
Douglas Sharper: I hope Engberg doesn't go whining to the DRC now.
Rivenchan: (laughs) Does Engberg whine a lot?
Douglas Sharper: I don't think he liked me bringing up the proposal in front of you all. Probably a bad move on my part.
Rivenchan: Do you think you'll get in trouble for it?
Moranda: Aww, you gotta push the envelope a little Doug.
Douglas Sharper: I agree. Just can't too much. I don't want my pub taken away.
Tah: you see how many of us are here and willing to explore?
Moranda: I understand that.
Rivenchan: Do they have a history of taking away projects from people they're unhappy with?
Navra: Not necessarily, Douglas. You have a lot of friends behind you!
Drew Kempa: You having renovations done in the pub?
Tah: This is an amazing group of people
Douglas Sharper: I'm somewhat of a special case. They usually don't give projects to non-members.
Rivenchan: How did you weasel your way in?
Douglas Sharper: Ha! They don't control those link stones, friend. They take them away - that's about it.
Jared White: I'm sorry. I think I missed some of this conversation. In a nutshell, what did you propose, Douglas?
Douglas Sharper: I was early on enough. Knew some people. They trusted me.
Rivenchan: How often do they assign people new areas to restore?
Douglas Sharper: Fairly often. They have a lot going on - that's what Dr. K. would like to share with you all. It's Dr. K.'s proposal. I only brought it up.
Rivenchan: And which people did you know to get in?
Moranda: For what it’s worth, I think Dr. K. is on the right track.
Douglas Sharper: I agree. Well, it's been fun but I should go.
Rivenchan: Are you still friends with those people now? You seem to be on shaky ground with the DRC, after all.
Douglas Sharper: We're all on talking terms. I'm closer with some than others.
Jared White: Thanks, Douglas.
Douglas Sharper: I'm going to play some Heek and head back to Teledahn.
Rivenchan: Which neighborhood do you think you'll play in?
Douglas Sharper: Hm, not sure. What's a good one?
Moranda: Greeters.
Rivenchan: Greeters is often crowded, though.
Moranda: Yeah...Myst Island.
Douglas Sharper: I'll try Myst Island. Talk to you all later.