Reference:2006-02-18 Wheely Engberg and moke in GoG hood

From Guild of Archivists
Revision as of 12:49, 5 June 2024 by Cjherkeless (talk | contribs) (Created page with "(02/18 00:36:42) Cleft: shorah rsjm<br /> (02/18 00:36:55) rsjm: howdy<br /> (02/18 00:37:02) Ural: Hello<br /> (02/18 00:37:12) Chris Barnes: going to go check out the rest of the city now... see you guys around!<br /> (02/18 00:37:15) rsjm: what's happening here at the guild of greeters<br /> (02/18 00:37:17) Joey Zoonishii: I didn't realize they were talking about Esher in that letter on Sharper's desk...<br /> (02/18 00:37:25) Cleft: ok, have fun Chris<br /> (02/18 0...")
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(02/18 00:36:42) Cleft: shorah rsjm
(02/18 00:36:55) rsjm: howdy
(02/18 00:37:02) Ural: Hello
(02/18 00:37:12) Chris Barnes: going to go check out the rest of the city now... see you guys around!
(02/18 00:37:15) rsjm: what's happening here at the guild of greeters
(02/18 00:37:17) Joey Zoonishii: I didn't realize they were talking about Esher in that letter on Sharper's desk...
(02/18 00:37:25) Cleft: ok, have fun Chris
(02/18 00:37:55) Cleft: just chatting and having fun :)
(02/18 00:38:00) rsjm: cool
(02/18 00:38:08) rsjm: any new people been here?
(02/18 00:38:36) Cleft: Joey is playing since 2 days if I'm correct :)
(02/18 00:38:37) Joey Zoonishii: Do I count as new?
(02/18 00:38:44) Joey Zoonishii: I feel... moist.
(02/18 00:39:21) Kelm: b
(02/18 00:39:21) rsjm: your first time down here?
(02/18 00:39:26) Joey Zoonishii: Well, this would be my third...
(02/18 00:39:41) rsjm: right, but you didn't come down two years ago?
(02/18 00:39:52) Joey Zoonishii: Nope...
(02/18 00:40:05) Joey Zoonishii: Live was gone by the time I got the game....
(02/18 00:40:11) Joey Zoonishii: I got Complete Chronicles...
(02/18 00:40:17) Joey Zoonishii: I mean....
(02/18 00:40:20) T_S_Kimball: Right. Definately like Prologue. :)
(02/18 00:40:31) Joey Zoonishii: Well, pretend I was in character or something when I said "game"...
(02/18 00:40:45) Joey Zoonishii: I'm not quite sure how people are supposed to talk... =)
(02/18 00:41:31) Ural: bTW DRk checked in on DRC forums...
(02/18 00:41:47) Joey Zoonishii: DRk?
(02/18 00:41:48) Cleft: it's up to you. Some people like to talk in character, other people just talk like they always do
(02/18 00:41:56) Ural: kodoma...
(02/18 00:42:04) Joey Zoonishii: I'm probably gonna be an "always do"...
(02/18 00:42:07) Cleft: what matters is that you have fun playing the game :)
(02/18 00:42:25) T_S_Kimball: I'm sure the excessive alt-tabbing to an IRC window is not helping the crashes either. :)
(02/18 00:42:32) Cleft: shorah Legacy
(02/18 00:42:43) Legacy: shorah
(02/18 00:42:44) Joey Zoonishii: Is Alt+Tabbing bad for business?
(02/18 00:42:47) Legacy waves
(02/18 00:42:50) T_S_Kimball: Evening Legacy.
(02/18 00:42:53) Joey Zoonishii: Shorah, Legacy...!
(02/18 00:42:56) Ural: hello!
(02/18 00:43:00) Joey Zoonishii: Like... gosh...
(02/18 00:43:05) rsjm: are all of you with the guild of greeters?
(02/18 00:43:14) Legacy: no
(02/18 00:43:17) Kelm: shorah Legacy
(02/18 00:43:17) rsjm: who is?
(02/18 00:43:18) Joey Zoonishii: How do you join a Guild?
(02/18 00:43:21) Cleft: I'm a Greeter
(02/18 00:43:21) Joey Zoonishii (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(02/18 00:43:27) Legacy: I'm just a visitor ^_^
(02/18 00:43:27) Ural: me too
(02/18 00:43:36) Joey Zoonishii: I don't think I'm cool enough to be in a Guild...
(02/18 00:43:44) Kelm: me too
(02/18 00:43:57) Legacy: guilds were the maker of the proud :P
(02/18 00:44:21) Cleft: if you want to apply for a greeter, you can do that on the guild of greeters website
(02/18 00:44:24) Joey Zoonishii: Do Guildspeople have to, like, do stuff?
(02/18 00:44:38) Ural: help people..
(02/18 00:44:41) Cleft: but you don't have to be one to visit the hood. Everyone is welcome here :)
(02/18 00:44:43) Joey Zoonishii: Gosh...
(02/18 00:44:53) rsjm waves
(02/18 00:44:54) Kelm: shorah Bogdahn
(02/18 00:44:57) Joey Zoonishii: Hullo, Bogdahn!
(02/18 00:44:59) Joey Zoonishii waves
(02/18 00:45:04) Cleft: we're just here to help the people
(02/18 00:45:12) Cleft: shorah Bogdahn
(02/18 00:45:13) Joey Zoonishii: I like that in a Guild...
(02/18 00:45:29) rsjm: have there been a lot of people who need help?
(02/18 00:45:34) Joey Zoonishii: So, are there exclusive cliques of jerks in the cavern or something?
(02/18 00:46:03) Cleft: well when Live was running there where people who wanted help
(02/18 00:46:16) Cleft: and then when UU was first launched
(02/18 00:46:29) Kelm: hey stop hitting me with that cone
(02/18 00:46:29) Cleft: and now again with the inventation, new people come
(02/18 00:46:33) Joey Zoonishii: Well, I know I always need all the help I can get...
(02/18 00:47:28) rsjm: so would you say new people are coming down with all that has been happening?
(02/18 00:47:30) Joey Zoonishii: I guess I could go recalibrate the Great Zero again...
(02/18 00:47:56) Joey Zoonishii: Well, I always wanted to come down here, and finally, here I am...
(02/18 00:48:03) Cleft: well Joey is new :)
(02/18 00:48:14) Legacy: There is no way in heck I'm going to do that again! It took forever to calibrate!
(02/18 00:48:16) Cleft: I think that's great
(02/18 00:48:16) rsjm: right, have there been other "joeys"?
(02/18 00:48:26) Joey Zoonishii: Am I the first?
(02/18 00:48:28) rsjm: it is great
(02/18 00:48:45) Kelm laughs
(02/18 00:48:46) Kelm: at Legacy
(02/18 00:48:49) Joey Zoonishii: Or are there mysterious other "Joeys"?
(02/18 00:48:52) Legacy: :P
(02/18 00:49:23) Cleft: I don't know about that. I havn't been that long in UU today
(02/18 00:49:49) Legacy: It's weird coming back here and seeing so many people, I got used to wandering the ages by myself until now.
(02/18 00:49:54) Cleft: but I heared about other people who where new from other greeters
(02/18 00:50:01) rsjm: great - very cool
(02/18 00:50:04) Kelm: just think Legacy all that running about and suffering with lag
(02/18 00:50:11) Legacy: hehe
(02/18 00:50:15) Legacy: good times
(02/18 00:51:34) From Bogdahn in Guild of Greeters (17) Neighborhood: what up with Whilyan?
(02/18 00:51:39) To BUDDIES: he buddies, moeten jullie nog niet naar bed? lol
(02/18 00:51:40) From marjan (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(02/18 00:51:42) Legacy: aaaww how cute Whilyam is all snuggled up next to that cone ^_^
(02/18 00:51:49) Cleft: he's /afk
(02/18 00:51:50) Kelm: it's like that now down in the city i went down there earlyer lot's of people on marker quest's getting no where LOL
(02/18 00:52:23) Legacy: That's why I'm not doing any of those ever again :P
(02/18 00:53:14) Whilyam: Stop that
(02/18 00:53:23) rsjm: finally woke you up
(02/18 00:53:23) Legacy: He lives!
(02/18 00:53:27) Legacy: run away!
(02/18 00:54:26) rsjm: felt like i was at the circus for a minute
(02/18 00:54:35) Whilyam: cone me here, suckas :P
(02/18 00:55:20) Cleft: I miss my hard hat :(
(02/18 00:55:40) rsjm: so what do you guys think will happen down here?
(02/18 00:55:42) rsjm: anything?
(02/18 00:55:50) Whilyam: Here?
(02/18 00:55:53) Joey Zoonishii: I have no idea...
(02/18 00:55:55) rsjm: yeah the cavern
(02/18 00:55:57) Whilyam: Not much, yet.
(02/18 00:56:06) rsjm: yet?
(02/18 00:56:14) Kelm: only time will tell
(02/18 00:56:24) Joey Zoonishii: It'd be neat if they tried to put Path of the Shell up...
(02/18 00:56:31) Whilyam: Stand back from it a bit, Bog
(02/18 00:56:31) Cleft: maybe a visit from someone of Cyan. But you'll never know when that might happen. Could be das before someone shows up again
(02/18 00:56:53) Legacy: The DRC forums are active again
(02/18 00:56:56) rsjm: could be today
(02/18 00:57:01) rsjm: could be right now
(02/18 00:57:13) Joey Zoonishii: Rand was on here yesterday, so I was told...
(02/18 00:57:18) Cleft: anyone fancy a game of heek?
(02/18 00:57:26) Whilyam: Sure
(02/18 00:57:29) Cleft: yes there is a chat log on the GoG forum
(02/18 00:57:33) Joey Zoonishii: I could Heek...
(02/18 00:57:46) Legacy: From what I heard it's going to be more of a "test"
(02/18 00:57:55) Whilyam: If you get on top of the cone, Bog, you'll have to tap back and forth, left and right until you get balenced
(02/18 00:58:09) Whilyam: But you have to stand back a bit from it
(02/18 00:58:11) Kelm: brb afk
(02/18 00:58:18) From Theo in De MystFriendsbuurt (22) Neighborhood: Kun jij mij ff lid maken van de buurt Marjan
(02/18 00:58:18) From Theo in De MystFriendsbuurt (22) Neighborhood: Kun jij mij ff lid maken van de buurt Marjan
(02/18 00:58:18) From Theo in De MystFriendsbuurt (22) Neighborhood: Kun jij mij ff lid maken van de buurt Marjan
(02/18 00:58:24) Please welcome Cleft, a rank 1 player with 100 points!
(02/18 00:58:25) Please welcome rsjm, a rank 1 player with 100 points!
(02/18 00:58:28) Legacy: Speaking of Heek I haven't played it yet. Anyone willing to play a newbie?
(02/18 00:58:33) Please welcome Whilyam, a rank 1 player with 100 points!
(02/18 00:58:47) Whilyam: Sure.
(02/18 00:58:52) Legacy: yay!
(02/18 00:59:01) Cleft: sure join the table :)
(02/18 00:59:17) Please welcome Legacy, a rank 1 player with 100 points!
(02/18 00:59:19) Cleft: it's like rock paper siscors
(02/18 00:59:34) Legacy: yeah, I've read about it
(02/18 00:59:45) Cleft: I've played it long a go. I forgot wha t wins form what lol
(02/18 00:59:50) Legacy: lol
(02/18 01:00:06) Cleft: pen wins from book I belive
(02/18 01:00:07) Whilyam: Ouch
(02/18 01:00:15) Please welcome Joey Zoonishii, a rank 1 player with 91 points!
(02/18 01:00:21) Whilyam: Pen > Book > Beetle
(02/18 01:00:24) Legacy: beetle beat pen right?
(02/18 01:00:27) Legacy: oh
(02/18 01:00:28) Cleft: whoa
(02/18 01:00:29) Whilyam: Ouch
(02/18 01:00:33) Cierdwyn: hi everyone .. :)
(02/18 01:00:44) Cleft: shorah Cierdwyn
(02/18 01:00:55) Cierdwyn: Would someone here have EricL's KI number .. or be able to tell me who I get ahold of for some help?
(02/18 01:01:04) Cierdwyn: madcat is stuck at fetching player
(02/18 01:01:10) Cierdwyn: For the last 2hours!!
(02/18 01:01:14) Cleft: oh no
(02/18 01:01:19) Cierdwyn: i think her recent is overflowing
(02/18 01:01:31) Whilyam: No, I don't know Eric's KI
(02/18 01:01:34) Cleft: I don't think I have Eric's number
(02/18 01:01:36) Cierdwyn: And the only way past it is for a techie to clean it from this side
(02/18 01:01:40) Toria: hi all!
(02/18 01:01:45) Toria: Cier!
(02/18 01:01:46) Cierdwyn: Hi Toria :)
(02/18 01:01:52) Cleft: Shorah Toria
(02/18 01:01:56) Toria waves
(02/18 01:01:56) Cierdwyn: Fancy meetin' you here :D
(02/18 01:02:02) Toria: LOL
(02/18 01:02:05) Toria laughs
(02/18 01:02:06) You are now rank 1 with 99 points!
(02/18 01:02:13) Cleft: congrats!
(02/18 01:02:15) Toria: mind if I add you?
(02/18 01:02:20) Cierdwyn: Would you have EricL's Ki
(02/18 01:02:27) Toria: yes, I do :)
(02/18 01:02:32) Toria: one sec
(02/18 01:02:34) Cierdwyn: MC is having technical difficulties
(02/18 01:02:39) Toria: okay.
(02/18 01:02:42) Cierdwyn: She's stuck on fetching player
(02/18 01:02:50) Toria: oh boy :(
(02/18 01:02:50) Cierdwyn: Already O_o
(02/18 01:02:52) Ural: darn!
(02/18 01:03:01) Cierdwyn: hi Ural :)
(02/18 01:03:05) Ural: hi
(02/18 01:03:41) You are now rank 1 with 98 points!
(02/18 01:03:42) Cleft: aww lost again :(
(02/18 01:03:43) Bogdahn (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(02/18 01:03:49) Joey Zoonishii: Gosh.
(02/18 01:03:56) Cierdwyn: I always lose at heek .. lolol
(02/18 01:04:01) Legacy: heh
(02/18 01:04:04) Cleft: hahaha
(02/18 01:04:10) Cierdwyn: Mostly I'm a heek point piggy bank for others :D
(02/18 01:04:19) Joey Zoonishii: Err... so... beetle beats pen?
(02/18 01:04:26) Ural: eric's ki is 20080
(02/18 01:04:27) Whilyam: Yep
(02/18 01:04:37) Joey Zoonishii: Does book smash beetle?
(02/18 01:04:39) Whilyam: Pen > Book > Beetle
(02/18 01:04:43) Cleft: yes
(02/18 01:04:45) Cierdwyn: thanks Toria !!
(02/18 01:04:45) Toria: oh okay!!
(02/18 01:05:11) Legacy: lol
(02/18 01:05:15) Toria: sorry couldn't find him LOL..
(02/18 01:05:17) Cleft: and beatle sucks the ink out of the pen :)
(02/18 01:05:18) Joey Zoonishii: Sheesh...
(02/18 01:05:26) Toria: thanks Ural
(02/18 01:05:34) Ural: yw
(02/18 01:05:37) Whilyam: The beetles are the one's from Gahreesen which destroyed ink
(02/18 01:05:38) Joey Zoonishii: Oh, right... the maintainers used beetles...
(02/18 01:05:57) You are now rank 1 with 97 points!
(02/18 01:05:59) Whilyam: Pen writes the book, book squishes the beetle, beetle eats the ink
(02/18 01:06:01) Cleft: yeah
(02/18 01:06:11) Toria: that's fun to play!
(02/18 01:06:49) Cleft: oh man I'm so bad at this game lol
(02/18 01:07:11) Whilyam: Ow...
(02/18 01:07:14) Legacy: aha!
(02/18 01:07:16) Whilyam: T_T
(02/18 01:07:35) Whilyam: aha! right back at you!
(02/18 01:07:36) Cierdwyn: i have the VM number ..
(02/18 01:07:57) Cierdwyn: is there a spot in the forum that is set up for tech issues?
(02/18 01:08:00) Toria: oh man...
(02/18 01:08:05) Kelm: shorah Cierdwyn
(02/18 01:08:10) Cierdwyn: Hi kelm :)
(02/18 01:08:14) Kelm waves
(02/18 01:08:21) Toria: um, on UO I've seen issues on UU addressed...
(02/18 01:08:21) You are now rank 1 with 96 points!
(02/18 01:08:27) Whilyam: Woo hoo!
(02/18 01:08:37) Toria: on the Ubisoft forum it s in the tech area..
(02/18 01:08:39) Legacy: ow
(02/18 01:08:40) Kelm: shorah Toria
(02/18 01:08:41) Whilyam: O_o
(02/18 01:08:45) Cierdwyn: She couldn't even get Madcat through the cleft with out crashihgn
(02/18 01:08:47) Kelm waves
(02/18 01:08:47) Toria: Shorah Kelm
(02/18 01:08:59) Legacy: woohoo
(02/18 01:09:00) Toria: Oh man, that's not good!
(02/18 01:09:01) Toria: :(
(02/18 01:09:07) Toria: I'm so sorry
(02/18 01:09:09) Cierdwyn: So she made Madcat_2_Tat ..and that ran the cleft just fine
(02/18 01:09:16) Toria: lol
(02/18 01:09:20) Cierdwyn: She's been happy with the name lolol
(02/18 01:09:24) Toria: good for ere!
(02/18 01:09:40) Legacy: eep
(02/18 01:09:42) Cierdwyn: She's been trying to get a back up through the past half hour and they ALL keep crashing
(02/18 01:09:45) Cleft: hmmm ink :)
(02/18 01:09:49) Cierdwyn: It's SO frustrating ..
(02/18 01:10:03) You are now rank 1 with 95 points!
(02/18 01:10:09) Cierdwyn: Thing is .. Madcat crashed on both our computers .. even with separate ISP's
(02/18 01:10:16) Toria: weird!
(02/18 01:10:23) Ural: Yes!
(02/18 01:10:23) rsjm: hatsta
(02/18 01:10:29) Cierdwyn: Its very odd .. she keeps saying that her Madcat is cursed lol
(02/18 01:10:31) Cierdwyn: Poor kid
(02/18 01:10:32) Whilyam: Hatsta?
(02/18 01:10:34) Toria: LOL
(02/18 01:10:39) Whilyam: T_T
(02/18 01:10:43) rsjm: later
(02/18 01:10:49) Legacy: bye
(02/18 01:10:53) Cleft: bye rsjm
(02/18 01:10:53) Toria: hey, I'm right in saying that KI images aren't available offline right?
(02/18 01:10:55) Joey Zoonishii: Bye!
(02/18 01:10:56) Cierdwyn: Bye .. :)
(02/18 01:11:00) Toria: bye rsjm
(02/18 01:11:02) Toria: :)
(02/18 01:11:05) You are now rank 1 with 98 points!
(02/18 01:11:08) Cierdwyn: Not unless you vnode extract them
(02/18 01:11:16) Toria: yes, that's correct,
(02/18 01:11:20) Cleft: they where online a while ago
(02/18 01:11:26) Toria: and I don't know how to do that.
(02/18 01:11:29) Cierdwyn: That was a feature of the userKI
(02/18 01:11:32) Cierdwyn: Ah ..
(02/18 01:11:34) Toria: that's correct
(02/18 01:11:38) Cleft: but the imagers goes on and off for the visitor list also
(02/18 01:11:46) Toria: yeah, true...
(02/18 01:11:48) Cierdwyn: i still have the program somewhere for the vnode_cache picture extractor
(02/18 01:11:54) Toria: ahhh okay
(02/18 01:12:01) Cierdwyn: And it is easy to use :)
(02/18 01:12:05) Toria: I don't know if I ever used it LOL
(02/18 01:12:08) Toria laughs
(02/18 01:12:20) Toria: you're welcmoe Bogdahn
(02/18 01:12:36) rsjm: anyone seen Willow?
(02/18 01:12:40) Toria: it's sure confusing here for new exploerers :D
(02/18 01:12:43) Whilyam: Willow?
(02/18 01:12:49) rsjm: yeah
(02/18 01:12:50) Cleft: No I havn't
(02/18 01:12:57) Toria: saw the name, but haven't seen her on today
(02/18 01:13:00) Whilyam: Hey, Cier?
(02/18 01:13:12) Whilyam: I see a MedicMadCat_SOSR
(02/18 01:13:22) Toria: ha ha :)
(02/18 01:13:28) Cierdwyn: Lololol
(02/18 01:13:36) Cierdwyn: She's just made that one :D
(02/18 01:13:44) Toria: that's FUNNY
(02/18 01:13:45) Cierdwyn: i told her to make a backup ..
(02/18 01:13:47) Toria roars with laughter
(02/18 01:14:08) Whilyam: Should be SOMC Save Our MadCat
(02/18 01:14:19) Cierdwyn: lOLOLOL
(02/18 01:14:23) Cleft: lol
(02/18 01:14:28) Bogdahn: does anyone know Ayli?
(02/18 01:14:34) Cleft: Shorah nonie
(02/18 01:14:34) Cierdwyn: Save Our Soul Runner .. is what she just say
(02/18 01:14:36) Cierdwyn: i do ..
(02/18 01:14:39) Cierdwyn: Not seen her though
(02/18 01:14:41) Cleft: yeah I know Ayli
(02/18 01:14:41) Toria: yes, from the GoG
(02/18 01:14:42) Ural: Hello!
(02/18 01:14:46) Whilyam: Not me.
(02/18 01:14:48) rsjm: if anyone sees willow, tell her I'm looking for her
(02/18 01:14:51) Whilyam: I've seen her
(02/18 01:14:54) Whilyam: Okay
(02/18 01:14:57) Cleft: But I havne't seen here today yet
(02/18 01:15:00) Cierdwyn: whilyam .. MC says to say 'Hi" :D
(02/18 01:15:10) Toria: she did a nice post on the forum about the visti by Rand :)
(02/18 01:15:13) Whilyam: Say Hi to her, too
(02/18 01:15:16) Cierdwyn: 'k
(02/18 01:15:17) Toria: complete with a chat log and pix!
(02/18 01:15:23) Toria claps her hands
(02/18 01:15:27) Toria: to Alyi
(02/18 01:15:31) Cierdwyn: Ayli's a vey nice person ..
(02/18 01:15:36) Cleft: yeah saw that. that was great to read :)
(02/18 01:15:39) Whilyam: RSJM?
(02/18 01:15:41) Toria: awesome
(02/18 01:15:48) Whilyam: RSJM?
(02/18 01:15:49) rsjm: yeah
(02/18 01:15:58) Legacy: hey is calibrating the Great Zero worth it? Last time it took me hours 0.o
(02/18 01:16:05) Whilyam: Is the Willow you're looking for a "Willow Engberg?
(02/18 01:16:10) rsjm: yeah
(02/18 01:16:15) Toria: lol @ Legacy...
(02/18 01:16:16) Bogdahn: I saw Her on one russian uru forum
(02/18 01:16:18) Toria: not really ...
(02/18 01:16:24) Legacy: heh
(02/18 01:16:26) Whilyam: she is offline, do you need her KI?
(02/18 01:16:35) rsjm: yeah
(02/18 01:16:43) Toria: i get no hot spot on Kelm...
(02/18 01:16:45) Whilyam: Okay, I'll go to private chat
(02/18 01:16:48) rsjm: that'd be great
(02/18 01:16:52) Bogdahn: actualy i dont know how to use it
(02/18 01:16:52) Cleft: yeah she is from rusia I believe
(02/18 01:16:58) Toria: anybody else see that?
(02/18 01:17:02) Legacy: ?
(02/18 01:17:06) Cierdwyn: See what?
(02/18 01:17:08) Whilyam: brb
(02/18 01:17:09) Cleft: but she live in the usa now
(02/18 01:17:10) Legacy (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(02/18 01:17:11) Toria: move your cursor
(02/18 01:17:15) Toria: to Kelm
(02/18 01:17:16) Cierdwyn: Yes she is from russia
(02/18 01:17:25) Toria: tdo you see a single circle?
(02/18 01:17:26) Cierdwyn: It looks okay
(02/18 01:17:29) Cierdwyn: No
(02/18 01:17:30) rsjm: thanks
(02/18 01:17:32) Cierdwyn: i see the usual cursor
(02/18 01:17:32) Legacy: nope
(02/18 01:17:33) Kelm: hey iam still here
(02/18 01:17:34) Toria: or a double one?
(02/18 01:17:37) rsjm: who are you saying is from russia?
(02/18 01:17:41) Toria: ooo, okay sorry..
(02/18 01:17:42) Cierdwyn: ring in a ring
(02/18 01:17:57) Cierdwyn: But I had a circle with an X on Bogdahn earlier
(02/18 01:18:04) Cierdwyn: Still do infact
(02/18 01:18:06) Toria: it's just that I can't click on you..
(02/18 01:18:29) Toria: yeah, me too Cier!!!
(02/18 01:18:31) Kelm: ihave that on Bogdahn
(02/18 01:18:42) Cierdwyn: Lolol .. glad it's not just me then .. O_o
(02/18 01:18:43) Toria: the circle with the X in it
(02/18 01:18:49) Joey Zoonishii: Shucks... I jus' found 4 markers in this dump...
(02/18 01:18:54) Bogdahn: wat das it men?
(02/18 01:19:14) Cierdwyn: Oh good EricL came on just as MC hit relto
(02/18 01:19:23) Cierdwyn: She can pm him soon as she gets her Ki
(02/18 01:19:35) Bogdahn: you meen in sound system?
(02/18 01:20:22) Cierdwyn: When we put our cursors on you Bogdahn .. we see the cursor circles with an x on it
(02/18 01:20:29) Toria: yeah..
(02/18 01:20:43) Toria: it should be a circle within a circle
(02/18 01:21:15) Cleft: Shorah Roland
(02/18 01:21:25) Cierdwyn: Lololol nice :\
(02/18 01:21:25) Roland of Gilead: Greetings Cleft
(02/18 01:21:40) Toria: Shorah Roland
(02/18 01:21:42) Joey Zoonishii: I think I'm gonna go recalibrate the Great Zero... I'll see y'all later...
(02/18 01:21:48) Cierdwyn: 'k
(02/18 01:21:51) Cleft: Shorah Farlesis
(02/18 01:21:51) Farlesis (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(02/18 01:21:56) Ural: Welcome!
(02/18 01:21:59) Cleft: ok, have fun Joey
(02/18 01:21:59) Farlesis: shorah
(02/18 01:22:07) Toria: Shorah Farlesis
(02/18 01:22:12) Cierdwyn: Hi farlesis
(02/18 01:22:14) Toria: nice to see you again!!
(02/18 01:22:20) Joey Zoonishii: Thanks... see ya...
(02/18 01:22:21) Toria: been a long time!
(02/18 01:22:37) Toria waves
(02/18 01:22:45) Farlesis: yes it has and so wonderful to be back here again
(02/18 01:22:59) Toria: sure has!
(02/18 01:23:06) Wheely waves
(02/18 01:23:08) Cleft: Shorah Wheely
(02/18 01:23:08) Toria: I can recall the city by the Library..
(02/18 01:23:11) Ural waves
(02/18 01:23:16) Cleft waves
(02/18 01:23:18) Toria: shorah Wheely
(02/18 01:23:26) rsjm: hey wheely
(02/18 01:23:28) Kelm waves
(02/18 01:23:40) Cierdwyn: Hello Wheely
(02/18 01:24:29) Toria: So, I'm very excited to think that we'll be having visits by all the cyan people here :)
(02/18 01:24:32) Toria cheers
(02/18 01:24:32) Cierdwyn: Got a normal hotspot on you now Bogdahn
(02/18 01:24:40) Cierdwyn: Really!!
(02/18 01:24:42) Bogdahn: cool
(02/18 01:24:46) Cleft: yeah me also
(02/18 01:24:48) Cierdwyn: That was cool yesterday
(02/18 01:25:04) Toria: yeah, I gather they really want to know what we think..
(02/18 01:25:06) Bogdahn: so what now?
(02/18 01:25:09) Cleft: I'm tryong to stay awake as long as I can today lol
(02/18 01:25:09) Toria: and what works
(02/18 01:25:13) Toria: lol
(02/18 01:25:21) rsjm: what happened yesterday?
(02/18 01:25:21) Toria: where are you in RL Cleft?
(02/18 01:25:31) Cleft: The Netherlands
(02/18 01:25:31) Toria: Rand came to this hood!
(02/18 01:25:43) Toria: I suppose I should move to another one ;)
(02/18 01:25:44) Cleft: Yes I've read the log
(02/18 01:25:57) Toria: oh okay Cleft
(02/18 01:26:03) rsjm: Did he say anything?
(02/18 01:26:05) Wheely: I think my dad met Rand
(02/18 01:26:12) Toria: cool!
(02/18 01:26:13) Cleft: it's almost 1.30 here zzzzz
(02/18 01:26:20) Wheely: A few years ago
(02/18 01:26:20) rsjm: who's your dad?
(02/18 01:26:33) Wheely: Michael
(02/18 01:26:34) Bogdahn: here its 2:30
(02/18 01:26:42) Toria: wow
(02/18 01:26:46) Wheely: He works here
(02/18 01:26:47) Toria: that's soooo late :P
(02/18 01:26:48) Farlesis: 12:30am here in england
(02/18 01:26:50) rsjm:'re willow engberg!
(02/18 01:26:57) From Kelm: i'am only one hour behind you here in U/K
(02/18 01:26:59) Wheely: How'd you know?
(02/18 01:27:04) Bogdahn: Im from Ukraine
(02/18 01:27:11) Toria: cool!
(02/18 01:27:17) Toria: welcome Bogdahn
(02/18 01:27:24) Bogdahn: thanks
(02/18 01:27:24) rsjm: well Whilyham just sent me a buddy that was supposedly willow engberg but I guess it's not the right one
(02/18 01:27:32) Toria: you're the first person from the Ukraine I've met!
(02/18 01:27:44) Toria: I'm in Ottawa, Canada
(02/18 01:27:46) rsjm: glad to see you willow
(02/18 01:27:46) Bogdahn: Thas graet
(02/18 01:27:50) Farlesis: were you in the prologue bogdahn?
(02/18 01:27:53) rsjm: how is your dad?
(02/18 01:27:58) Wheely: Busy
(02/18 01:28:01) Bogdahn: no
(02/18 01:28:07) Wheely: Very busy since he got here
(02/18 01:28:15) rsjm: I saw Kodama wanted him for something - you know what he is doing?
(02/18 01:28:15) Farlesis: ok :) name just looked familiar
(02/18 01:28:28) To Kelm: hehe hope someone drops in quick otherwise I prolly wake up with keyboard keys printed on my forehead lol
(02/18 01:28:42) Wheely: No, he's letting me explore on my own these days
(02/18 01:28:48) From Kelm: LOL
(02/18 01:28:58) rsjm: Cool.
(02/18 01:28:59) Bogdahn: i dont understand what do u mean by prolog
(02/18 01:29:11) rsjm: No school?
(02/18 01:29:27) Wheely: My dad's took me out
(02/18 01:29:41) rsjm: nice
(02/18 01:29:43) Wheely: he didn't want to leave me with my grandparents
(02/18 01:29:43) Bogdahn: Toria?
(02/18 01:29:55) Kelm: Cleft one consolation it's saturday
(02/18 01:30:03) rsjm: Sounds like you're dad. : )
(02/18 01:30:07) rsjm: your
(02/18 01:30:12) Wheely: You know my dad?
(02/18 01:30:13) Cleft: yeah lucky it is :)
(02/18 01:30:17) Toria: yes?
(02/18 01:30:52) rsjm: Is your dad planning on visiting the hoods soon?
(02/18 01:31:07) Cierdwyn: I have to meet MC in the DB hood ..
(02/18 01:31:08) Wheely: I don't know, I'll have to ask him next time I see him
(02/18 01:31:15) Wheely: He's been so busy...
(02/18 01:31:17) Cierdwyn: i'll see you all later .. and thanks Toria for the help :)
(02/18 01:31:29) Cleft: Ok bye Cierdwyn
(02/18 01:31:34) Cleft waves
(02/18 01:31:40) Wheely: He's working with Dr.K on something
(02/18 01:31:46) Wheely: Do you know Dr. K?
(02/18 01:31:51) Kelm: bye see you again
(02/18 01:31:56) rsjm: I've met him a few times
(02/18 01:32:11) rsjm: Worked with him here and there.
(02/18 01:32:11) Cleft: Shorah Golden Wedge and A'lan
(02/18 01:32:12) Golden Wedge: Shorah all
(02/18 01:32:13) A'lan: avie sandwitch
(02/18 01:32:22) Farlesis: shorah golden wedge
(02/18 01:32:22) Ural: hello GW
(02/18 01:32:25) A'lan: Shorah everyone
(02/18 01:32:34) rsjm: I like Dr. K.
(02/18 01:32:34) Farlesis: shorah A'lan
(02/18 01:32:36) Kelm: shorah G.W
(02/18 01:32:36) Nonie waves
(02/18 01:32:45) Toria: this is the classroom :)
(02/18 01:32:46) rsjm: What do you think of him?
(02/18 01:33:06) Toria points
(02/18 01:33:13) Wheely: He seems kinda nice, stict?
(02/18 01:33:16) Wheely: *strict
(02/18 01:33:29) Cleft: Shorah Kyven and Robyn
(02/18 01:33:47) Kyven: Shorah
(02/18 01:33:48) Cleft: Shorah Lost pupil
(02/18 01:33:49) Whilyam: Back
(02/18 01:33:53) Golden Wedge: Shorah Robyn
(02/18 01:33:54) rsjm: Is Dr. K. coming down?
(02/18 01:33:55) Wheely: Shorah
(02/18 01:34:07) Wheely: Down where?
(02/18 01:34:09) Golden Wedge: Shorah Toria
(02/18 01:34:16) Golden Wedge: Shorah Bogdahn
(02/18 01:34:19) Whilyam: what's this about Dr. Kodama?
(02/18 01:34:28) rsjm: to the hoods? anytime soon?
(02/18 01:34:39) Wheely: I don't know
(02/18 01:34:43) Wheely: I'll ask my dad
(02/18 01:34:51) lost pupil: he got lost
(02/18 01:34:59) Wheely: Are you Drc?
(02/18 01:35:01) rsjm: You ever been to Dr. K's house?
(02/18 01:35:07) Robyn: He Gw, re we able to get enough markers so we can play marker games or do artistic pieces yet?
(02/18 01:35:26) Wheely: In the cavern or on the surface?
(02/18 01:35:32) rsjm: Either one.
(02/18 01:35:48) Wheely: Yeah on the surface, my dad and him were friends
(02/18 01:36:02) Robyn waves
(02/18 01:36:12) rsjm: Very cool.
(02/18 01:36:20) Golden Wedge: This model of the KI does not support user marker games
(02/18 01:36:21) lost pupil: your dad dr. watson?
(02/18 01:36:23) Wheely: I was young though, don't really remeber it much
(02/18 01:36:31) Robyn: Darn!
(02/18 01:36:33) Wheely: No, Michael
(02/18 01:37:13) Wheely: Rsjm, how long have you been down here?
(02/18 01:37:38) rsjm: Long time -
(02/18 01:37:45) Wheely: Cool
(02/18 01:37:51) Golden Wedge: Shorah Whilyan
(02/18 01:37:52) Whilyam: What are we, a line of ducks?
(02/18 01:37:52) Golden Wedge: m
(02/18 01:37:59) Whilyam: Shorah
(02/18 01:38:03) Golden Wedge: Quack
(02/18 01:38:05) Wheely: Im going to look around some more
(02/18 01:38:06) Toria: shorah
(02/18 01:38:11) Ural: moke's here!!
(02/18 01:38:12) Wheely: Its been a while since I've been down here
(02/18 01:38:16) rsjm: Say hi to your dad if you see him - or Kodama
(02/18 01:38:17) Toria: for inviting to Relto you can
(02/18 01:38:20) Toria: can't
(02/18 01:38:23) Wheely: Yeah, sure
(02/18 01:38:24) Cleft: Ok, have fun Wheely
(02/18 01:38:29) Wheely: Thanks
(02/18 01:38:46) Toria: you can invite by doing this...
(02/18 01:38:51) Whilyam: And other age invites sometimes don't work
(02/18 01:39:04) Farlesis waves
(02/18 01:39:13) Kyven waves
(02/18 01:39:23) Ural: moke is from Cyan
(02/18 01:39:24) rsjm: Wilyham - not sure who that id was earlier but that was Willow
(02/18 01:39:39) Golden Wedge: Shorah
(02/18 01:39:39) Wheely waves
(02/18 01:39:42) Wheely: shorah
(02/18 01:39:58) Kyven nods his head
(02/18 01:40:30) A'lan: So what's up tonight besides the Up on the Roof gathering?
(02/18 01:40:32) rsjm: oh great, moke is here
(02/18 01:40:40) Whilyam: Shorah, Moke
(02/18 01:40:44) rsjm: nice shorts moke
(02/18 01:40:45) Ural: hello!
(02/18 01:40:46) Golden Wedge: Anybody have any questions or need any help?
(02/18 01:40:47) Cleft: Shorah Moke
(02/18 01:40:50) Moke: Shorah!
(02/18 01:40:50) A'lan: Shorah Moke
(02/18 01:40:53) lost pupil: moke
(02/18 01:40:58) Kelm: shorah Moke
(02/18 01:41:02) Moke: How is it going today?
(02/18 01:41:06) Golden Wedge: Shorah Moke
(02/18 01:41:10) Ural: fine
(02/18 01:41:19) A'lan: Groovy
(02/18 01:41:23) Cleft: It's going great :)
(02/18 01:41:30) Moke: There were so many in here, I thought Rand must be here...
(02/18 01:41:34) Golden Wedge: Lots of new explorers
(02/18 01:41:40) Kelm: alright thx how's it with you Moke
(02/18 01:42:02) Toria: hi Moke :)
(02/18 01:42:14) A'lan: Happy Friday :)
(02/18 01:42:38) Kelm: hey it's Saturday for me
(02/18 01:42:51) lost pupil: is rand coming on?
(02/18 01:42:59) Whilyam: Hey, Moke. How are things at Cyan?
(02/18 01:43:01) Kelm: England
(02/18 01:43:15) Golden Wedge: Shorah J'amin
(02/18 01:43:24) Cleft: Shorah J'anim and Le'ah
(02/18 01:43:33) Golden Wedge: Shorah Le'ah
(02/18 01:43:40) Le'ah: shorah!
(02/18 01:43:50) Toria cheers
(02/18 01:43:50) Kelm: AT 12:45
(02/18 01:44:05) Le'ah cheers
(02/18 01:44:22) Ural: can you tell us whats going on at Cyan?
(02/18 01:44:31) Golden Wedge: it is good to see you down in the cavern Moke
(02/18 01:44:48) Le'ah: bye/wave
(02/18 01:44:50) Kelm: yes they sart kicking you out at that time
(02/18 01:44:56) Le'ah waves
(02/18 01:44:56) Toria: lol
(02/18 01:44:59) A'lan: see ya later JP
(02/18 01:45:32) Ural: how soon will we see fixes?
(02/18 01:45:33) Toria: will we be seeing GreyDragon?
(02/18 01:45:41) Golden Wedge: Then you have to do research like coming to the cavern, right?
(02/18 01:46:27) lost pupil: that would be nice
(02/18 01:46:27) Whilyam: We'd all love to know on what, but is it on a new thing, or setting up stuff with the "third party"?
(02/18 01:46:28) lost pupil: havnt seen him since the night live closed
(02/18 01:46:33) Toria: I saw GD and Moke on Tapestry the night of the 9th Feb.
(02/18 01:46:55) Moke: Yeah, that was a fun night.
(02/18 01:47:02) Whilyam: Still, it's great to know you guys are working.
(02/18 01:47:05) lost pupil: anything you can let out moke? or will rand let us know
(02/18 01:47:07) Golden Wedge: Shorah Amon
(02/18 01:47:10) Toria: yes, it sure was but you left before the fun!
(02/18 01:47:21) Cleft: Shorah Amon
(02/18 01:47:28) Toria: Shorah Amon
(02/18 01:47:35) Moke: As far as fixes, we're trying to get something in place that will do just that.
(02/18 01:47:37) Whilyam: Shorah Amon
(02/18 01:47:44) Moke: You'll see more next week on that...
(02/18 01:47:46) Amon: Shorah
(02/18 01:47:51) Golden Wedge: How many explorers are in the city?
(02/18 01:47:55) Toria cheers
(02/18 01:48:06) lost pupil: how about 1680x1050 resoulution, :)
(02/18 01:48:17) Toria: it's so nice to see you here asking us what we like. :)
(02/18 01:48:23) Moke: Wow, lost pupil, what kind of system do you have?
(02/18 01:48:37) Moke: Or rather, what kind of bank account!
(02/18 01:48:40) lost pupil: alienware gaming one
(02/18 01:48:44) Toria: lol
(02/18 01:48:52) Whilyam: Fixes for what, Moke?
(02/18 01:49:09) Kelm: one that comes with free magifiying glasses
(02/18 01:49:20) Golden Wedge: If you want to hear you need to come closer
(02/18 01:49:23) Moke: Well, you are all probably aware of the usual Until Uru annoyances...
(02/18 01:49:41) Moke: Doors, buckets, etc.
(02/18 01:49:42) Ural: yes
(02/18 01:49:51) Whilyam: True.
(02/18 01:49:59) Whilyam: I just read a book in the buckets
(02/18 01:50:05) Moke: There may even be some hope for the lag in the City, so keep your fingers crossed...
(02/18 01:50:19) Golden Wedge: We love lag
(02/18 01:50:22) Ural cheers
(02/18 01:50:31) lost pupil: whats that
(02/18 01:50:32) Whilyam: Mowog found that killing sound will also kill lag.
(02/18 01:50:52) Moke: Yes, that's one of the trials we're following.
(02/18 01:51:03) Toria: okay good !!!
(02/18 01:51:14) Moke: But our goal isn't to fix everything in Until Uru.
(02/18 01:51:26) lost pupil: moke tell us a story, since your the center of attention
(02/18 01:51:26) Kelm: moke door's /bucket's/lag those are thing's we have become use to what about expansion?
(02/18 01:51:38) Moke: We would never deprive you of the bubbling fountain sounds!
(02/18 01:51:43) Toria: lol
(02/18 01:51:54) Toria: or the sloshing feet sound? ;)
(02/18 01:52:04) Farlesis: or the fireflies in nexus
(02/18 01:52:05) Amon: it would be much easier to recommend UU to others if there were fewer bugs
(02/18 01:52:15) Whilyam: I don't know, sometimes you've REALLY got to go, and the fountain doesn't help ...
(02/18 01:52:24) Toria roars with laughter
(02/18 01:52:33) Moke: lol
(02/18 01:52:42) Moke: I wish I could backspace faster......
(02/18 01:52:47) Whilyam: Sorry
(02/18 01:52:51) Whilyam starts to laugh
(02/18 01:52:58) Moke: No, it's all good!
(02/18 01:52:59) Ural: expansons??
(02/18 01:53:19) Moke: Expansions is such an expansive word....
(02/18 01:53:33) Golden Wedge: Interesting
(02/18 01:53:37) Toria: it's such a hope of ours....;)
(02/18 01:53:50) Kelm: yes we know can you expand on it
(02/18 01:53:56) Moke: I can tell you that our hope is your hope.
(02/18 01:54:26) rsjm: Hey Wheely, do you know what Age Dr. K and your dad might be working on?
(02/18 01:54:53) Kelm: just a little bit more expanation please
(02/18 01:55:16) Moke: Is Wheely Engberg here?
(02/18 01:55:30) Whilyam: I think so
(02/18 01:55:34) rsjm: right behind you
(02/18 01:55:46) Moke: Shorah, Wheely, I didn't see you.
(02/18 01:56:07) Cleft: Shorah Jerathim
(02/18 01:56:22) Moke: We were all having a chat about the future.
(02/18 01:56:27) rsjm: Kahlo?
(02/18 01:56:38) Golden Wedge: Hads out Twinkies to everyone
(02/18 01:56:41) Golden Wedge: Hands
(02/18 01:56:43) A'lan thanks you
(02/18 01:56:50) Farlesis: thank you golden wedge
(02/18 01:56:52) Whilyam: Kodama doesn't seem like the type who'd ever approve Kahlo
(02/18 01:57:10) rsjm: Kodama is probably dying to approve something
(02/18 01:57:13) Kelm: kelm offer's coffee all round
(02/18 01:57:18) Farlesis: lol rsjm
(02/18 01:57:28) Moke: Kodama is probably dying.
(02/18 01:57:35) Cleft: thanks Kelm. I could use some :)
(02/18 01:57:42) Moke: He
(02/18 01:57:48) Moke: is so uptight
(02/18 01:58:03) Moke: (Stupid keyboard...)
(02/18 01:58:06) rsjm: Kodama just doesn't have a lot of patience
(02/18 01:58:06) A'lan starts to laugh
(02/18 01:58:12) rsjm: That's why I like him.
(02/18 01:58:12) Toria: thx Kelm
(02/18 01:58:24) Kelm: i'd give Moke a pint of beer but the pub's are closed LOL
(02/18 01:58:27) Whilyam: I remember when the DRC first posted, everyone was saying "Oh, Kodama will post next" I'm think "No... he hates using the forums. He's said so himself"
(02/18 01:58:42) Toria: good thinking!
(02/18 01:59:10) Whilyam: OOC: The actors do a great job staying IC...
(02/18 01:59:16) Toria: nice way to get explorers interested in coming back :)
(02/18 01:59:18) Le'ah: Moke will there be a new fee involved in this new ....undertaking
(02/18 01:59:18) rsjm: i'd rather he work on an age than make forum posts
(02/18 01:59:31) Moke: I wish some of the DRC would be brave enough to show their faces...
(02/18 01:59:45) rsjm: well at least a daughter of one of them has!
(02/18 01:59:57) A'lan nods his head
(02/18 02:00:01) lost pupil: out of character
(02/18 02:00:16) Jerathim: ooc: oww eye strain
(02/18 02:00:17) Moke: Sorry, Wheely, you are right, of course...
(02/18 02:00:23) Moke: I was thinking of someone else.
(02/18 02:00:37) Whilyam: I'm thinking of a whole mess of someone elses :P
(02/18 02:00:57) Whilyam: I need to talk to Laxman about him getting me one of his nice coats...
(02/18 02:01:04) Ural: how soon can we see new stuff?
(02/18 02:01:06) rsjm: Why is everyone sitting down?
(02/18 02:01:12) Golden Wedge: Maybe they are waiting for us to get the dust off of everything
(02/18 02:01:15) Whilyam: Because our feet hurt :P
(02/18 02:01:19) rsjm: ah...
(02/18 02:01:48) Moke: All we need is a campfire and some marshmallows...
(02/18 02:01:49) Le'ah: We have a habit of doing that when we are visiting with each other.
(02/18 02:01:51) rsjm: when did you guys arrive wheely?
(02/18 02:02:14) Le'ah: Moke....will there be a fee involved soon?
(02/18 02:02:20) Kelm: will we begetting those hard hat's back only Cleft is missing his
(02/18 02:02:38) Whilyam: I'm glad you're here, Wheely. The DRC seem so robotic, it's refreshing to see that they have families too.
(02/18 02:02:43) Moke: I don't think there will ever be a fee for Until Uru, Le'ah.
(02/18 02:02:53) Whilyam: That's great to hear.
(02/18 02:02:59) Le'ah claps her hands
(02/18 02:03:08) Toria: yup/cheer
(02/18 02:03:08) Nonie: duck duck duck goose
(02/18 02:03:15) A'lan: lol
(02/18 02:03:17) Robyn: LOL
(02/18 02:03:55) A'lan: That would be a great game to play during down time between exploring
(02/18 02:04:01) A'lan: :)
(02/18 02:04:27) Moke: We all seem to act like children anyway....
(02/18 02:04:30) Golden Wedge: So, did you take off early this afternoon Moke, to come down and visit?
(02/18 02:04:33) Whilyam: I just hope Laxman comes back soon, the KIs seem to have problems with the GZ link.
(02/18 02:04:47) Whilyam: Almost fourty, I'd guess
(02/18 02:04:51) Moke: I'm in the office right now...
(02/18 02:04:59) Toria: hurrya!!
(02/18 02:05:06) Toria: what a fun place to work LOL
(02/18 02:05:07) rsjm: How are you in the office if you're right here?
(02/18 02:05:12) Ural: new ages??? how soon?
(02/18 02:05:23) A'lan: You get paid for being here? How cool!
(02/18 02:05:27) lost pupil: this is his office, next to the foutain
(02/18 02:05:29) Toria starts to laugh
(02/18 02:05:30) Moke: It is! Rand is as great a boss as you would imagine.
(02/18 02:05:43) Toria: I bet!
(02/18 02:05:48) Golden Wedge: Did you get your new cone?
(02/18 02:05:50) Moke: No, our fountain is freezing over right now.
(02/18 02:05:57) Toria: I loved that last interview with him by Mowog
(02/18 02:06:00) Moke: I did!
(02/18 02:06:02) Toria: he sounds so upbeat!
(02/18 02:06:21) Kelm: will shroomie find a mate
(02/18 02:06:25) Toria: lol
(02/18 02:06:28) Moke: Is it possible to "kiss up" when he's not here?
(02/18 02:06:34) Whilyam: Yes :P
(02/18 02:06:40) A'lan: Sure, word gets around :)
(02/18 02:06:43) Moke: Then I should be doing more of that!
(02/18 02:06:48) A'lan starts to laugh
(02/18 02:06:49) Le'ah: log
(02/18 02:06:50) Toria: sure!
(02/18 02:07:18) rsjm: He already knows Moke is a kiss up
(02/18 02:07:19) Toria: how do you log convos again?
(02/18 02:07:24) Moke: I'm guessing he gets quite a few questions, with little time for reports on his trouble makers
(02/18 02:07:31) Toria: yeah, I bet!
(02/18 02:07:34) A'lan: lol
(02/18 02:07:40) Moke: Hey Ryan!
(02/18 02:07:55) Moke: You may be younger than me, but I can still take you!
(02/18 02:08:05) Farlesis: lol
(02/18 02:08:08) rsjm: take that
(02/18 02:08:17) A'lan: eeek
(02/18 02:08:18) Toria: take that
(02/18 02:08:27) Whilyam: Run, Moke!
(02/18 02:08:41) rsjm: my back hurts - no more
(02/18 02:08:48) rsjm does a dance
(02/18 02:08:50) Kelm: oh know it checker's time
(02/18 02:08:52) Whilyam: We now return to "As the Cavern Turns"
(02/18 02:08:58) rsjm: now it feels better
(02/18 02:09:01) rsjm does a dance
(02/18 02:09:03) Toria: I never did get the trick of balancing on a cone :(
(02/18 02:09:06) Farlesis: lol whilyam
(02/18 02:09:21) Moke: I want to do the girl dance, myself...
(02/18 02:09:25) Toria does a dance
(02/18 02:09:35) Moke: That's it, Toria!
(02/18 02:09:36) Toria: lol
(02/18 02:09:40) Toria does a dance
(02/18 02:09:49) Nonie does a dance
(02/18 02:09:50) Robyn: Oops! Just got the call that dinner is ready!
(02/18 02:09:58) Toria: when we had the word to pull out..
(02/18 02:10:02) Toria: 2 years ago...
(02/18 02:10:03) Robyn: See y'all later!
(02/18 02:10:06) Cleft: Have a nice dinner Robyn
(02/18 02:10:07) Nonie does a dance
(02/18 02:10:08) Toria: a butnch of us all did that..
(02/18 02:10:12) Whilyam: Bye, Robyn
(02/18 02:10:15) Toria: inside each other LOL
(02/18 02:10:21) Toria: byeeeee Robyn
(02/18 02:10:24) Le'ah waves
(02/18 02:10:26) Golden Wedge: Enjly your dinner Robyn
(02/18 02:10:31) Toria: and man was it kinky to watch LOL....
(02/18 02:10:38) Toria starts to laugh
(02/18 02:10:41) Whilyam: -_-;;
(02/18 02:10:49) Toria does a dance
(02/18 02:10:57) Toria: anyway....
(02/18 02:11:01) Moke: I've got to go, everyone...
(02/18 02:11:09) lost pupil: ohhh
(02/18 02:11:11) Error: Don't know how to '/wabe'
(02/18 02:11:11) Le'ah: ooooooooh
(02/18 02:11:11) Nonie waves
(02/18 02:11:12) Golden Wedge: Oh, back to WORK???
(02/18 02:11:13) Farlesis waves
(02/18 02:11:15) Toria: thx for the visit.
(02/18 02:11:15) Whilyam: Okay. Bye, Moke.
(02/18 02:11:16) Kyven: Shorah, Moke
(02/18 02:11:18) Cleft waves
(02/18 02:11:19) Moke: See you later, maybe next week.
(02/18 02:11:21) Toria waves
(02/18 02:11:24) Ural: bye moke
(02/18 02:11:25) Golden Wedge: Bye Moke
(02/18 02:11:26) Kelm: bye Moke
(02/18 02:11:27) Le'ah: come back soon
(02/18 02:11:31) rsjm: happy president's day
(02/18 02:11:33) Golden Wedge cheers
(02/18 02:11:33) Farlesis: shorah moke
(02/18 02:11:37) Cleft: By Moke. Have a nice weekend :)