Reference:2007-01-19 Nick White in Ae'gura

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Revision as of 15:02, 5 June 2024 by Cjherkeless (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Ambox| sect = {{{1|}}} chat log is only partially preserved.}} {{Ambox| sect = {{{1|}}} chat log's timestamps for individual messages were not available.}} {{ambox|text=This transcript has been edited for clarity}} ---- '''Nick White''': yeah, things don't go as planned down here most of the time... between yeesha, bahro, and the usual complications... i've been helping out kodama here and there... er'cana. Went to a weird age too<br /> Sharaya: What age would that b...")
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Nick White: yeah, things don't go as planned down here most of the time... between yeesha, bahro, and the usual complications... i've been helping out kodama here and there... er'cana. Went to a weird age too
Sharaya: What age would that be?
Nick White: long ways off I think.. mostly water. We thought it was on track for release but I think it's been suspended...
Whilyam: Ahnonay?
Shaun Wallaby: Myst?
Nick White: Not Ahnonay...although, I've been there as well. Short visit.
Joel: Is there life as we know it?
Nick White: Yeah, water creatures.
Shaun Wallaby: What's on this strange age? Landmarks and the likes?
Nick White: D'ni were harvesting some kind of energy there I think...
Melodie: like shroomie?
Nick White: No...never seen them before.
Joel: Wait, was the age underwater? Or were you on land of any kind there?
Nick White: Very little land. Mostly water and some man-made structures.
Sharaya: thanks for telling us about it
Nick White: You bet. Just don't get me busted.
Shaun Wallaby: I'm just curious as always.
Melodie: we all are, that's why we're here
Whilyam: Nick, do you know why it was/might be suspended?
Nick White: Some of these places are just tough...
Sharaya: Is Cate really mad about the release problems?
Nick White: Yes, she is. This Age was already delayed and now this...
Sharaya: Why does she hold so much power?
Nick White: You ever live with your parents when you were in college? Your parents ever say... "Live in my house and I pay the'll live under my rules..." She's paying the bills... It implies some leadership.
Sharaya: That makes sense
Nick White: I don't think she's acting like president or anything but...
Joel: So she's from GameTap, those anonymous folk who are funding the restoration?
Nick White: No. She's not from GameTap.
Joel: Huh! Curiouser.
Shaun Wallaby: Then what company?
Nick White: Her own.
Sharaya: Will this latest setback with Delin affect the new area of the city that was supposed to be opened today?
Nick White: Uh, what was the new area of the city? I don't know of one.
Melodie: Interesting, an investor without a big name?
Nick White: No single investor - she raies money, working with companies, for a living
Sharaya: The DRC did mention opening more of this city today
Nick White: I don't know about that. Last big city thing I know of was the Great Zero.
Sharaya: And that was great!
Justin: will the DRC ever put the rest of the missing books in the Hall of Kings?
Nick White: Yeah we should put those in here I guess...
Sharaya: Do you mind being followed around? well, it must be unnerving to have people following you around everywhere
Nick White: I know what it's like to be Britney Spears.
achren: ha
Jan Stepmeir: So you wear skirts and flash for the camera?
Nick White: Ha.. I'll leave that to her. I don't look good in skirts.
Dragonia: not even a kilt?
Nick White: Only if I'm in Braveheart.
Justin: is it possible for a DRC member to spontaniously open areas of the city?
Nick White: Nope. Not possible.
S'am: is it possible for the DRC to spontaniously do anything?
Nick White: Yep.
Justin: what?
Nick White: Open an Age. I wouldn't count on it but it's possible.
Sharaya: So, would you do that for us? Open and age today?
Nick White: Sorry... nope.
Nadnerb: if they know, it wouldn't be spontaneous
Nick White: Funny. I will tell you that Sharper called again.
Whilyam: Oh? Now THAT is interesting.
Nick White: Rumor has it he talked to Cate.
Sharaya: But you don't know what he said?
Nick White: I didn't talk to him this time.
Whilyam: I wouldn't think Cate would stand for him.
Nick White: Who knows... a lot has changed since Sharper was here...
Sharaya: Cate didn't say anything about the conversation?
Nick White: I don't talk to Cate that much.
Joel: Why doesn't Cate wear a KI? How does she access the Nexus?
Nick White: She has a flesh colored KI. Kidding.
Sharaya: how did you know she talked to Sharper then?
Nick White: I said rumors.
Sharaya: Ah
spoonodoom: did you hear any rumours about what they talked about?
Nick White: Yeah...
Whilyam: But you know for certain Sharper's back?
Nick White: Sharper isn't back.
Shaun Wallaby: Thought so.
djlumberjack: did he make a robot imitation of himself?
Nick White: Yes. He's a robot now.
Joel: No, Sharper's ALWAYS been a robot! *gasp* *shock* *awe*
Whilyam: This is confusing. You said Sharper had called.
Nick White: Sharper has a phone. So does Cate - on the surface. These things called cell phones. Amazing.
Sharaya: If Sharper is a robot, who made him?
Nick White: DRC. Not like that office is "secret" anymore.
Whilyam: Ah, so he is back. Just not back here.
Nick White: Yes. I gotta get running...
spoonodoom: what rumours did you hear about Sharper and Cate's conversation?
Nick White: Not anything juicy...
Whilyam: Okay. Shorah Nick.
Joel: Thanks for visiting us, Nick!
Nick White: See you guys later.
spoonodoom: thanks, nick!
Joel: We always like visits from you.
Shaun Wallaby: Bye
Justin: bye
Melodie: ok, have a good day
Nick White: Hope so.
Dav'on: Shorah, Nick.
Nick White: No idea if it'll be up though.