Reference:2003-12-04 Phil Henderson in a neighborhood

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Theora: Hello... I've been looking for you.
phend: Why?
Theora: I guess one could say you've become rather famous with the Explorers.
phend: Hmmmm...
To Thanakar: I found him.
phend: I'm just looking.
Theora: What are you looking for?
phend: There's so many Neighborhoods, so many people.
Theora: I might be able to help.
phend: Just looking...for a while.
From Thanakar in DRC (1) Neighborhood: Pretty white lights in that Hood.
phend: This is a beautiful neighborhood.
Theora: It is at that. What are you looking for? We may be able to help you.
phend: My Journey is just to find this find what this place has become...or will become.
Thanakar: Phil, you've become somewhat of a celebrity among the Explorers.
Theora: We all hope that through our efforts it will become great. Who set you on this Journey?
phend: You're on Journeys, too, right?
Theora: Yes, we are.
Thanakar: Yes.
phend: Who set you on your Journeys?
bonz: Zandi started mine.
Thanakar: Zandi started mine. Yeesha progressed it and I hope the DRC lets me finish it.
phend: Yes.
Theora: I think Yeesha plays the biggest role in mine.
Thanakar: Same here, Theora .
phend: You all feel the Call?
Theora: Yes.
Thanakar: Yes, we all do.
bonz: Yes.
Jeryn Kwaan: Yes.
Al'my: Yes.
Thanakar: If it wasn't for that call, I wouldn't be here now.
Theora: It's the Call that brought us here.
akiva: Definitely.
phend: Only Thanakar show her.
Thanakar: Bonz shows her, too. Phil, what do you know of her? Sharper would like us to think she's dead. Is that true?
Theora: I don't believe Yeesha is dead. Even if I haven't seen her.
phend: You haven't seen her, Theora?
Theora: Not yet.
Thanakar: I have not seen her since the Cleft. Phil, I guess the question that most of us, well, me at least, want to know is, where have you been?
phend: I've been where some of you have been...but I've seen more.
Al'my: More?
phend: You can go anytime...but you may not see what I've seen...yet.
Thanakar: Go where? The DRC doesn't let us go anywhere.
akiva: How?
Theora: Can you help us to see what you have seen? Can you help us on that path?
Thanakar: Or at least guide us to the right path?
phend: You know the path. She told you.
Thanakar: Hrm...I need to listen to her again.
Theora: But, sometimes that path leads us through the mud.
Goeran: You mean, "go back"?
Thanakar: The going back was the return of the Bahro pillars.
phend: Just know what she said...and be ready.
Theora: Be ready for what?
Thanakar: Ready to choose sides.
akiva: For what?
bonz: To pick sides?
phend: Be ready.
Thanakar: There is a storm coming.
phend: Yes.
Al'my: When?
bonz: We already know we don’t like the DRC.
phend: D'ni lives again. Look around you. What is D'ni now?
Goeran: Do you mean we should explore the Ages again?
phend: Yes
Thanakar: In a sense we, the new Explorers, are the D'ni. We carry on the spirit. But, Yeesha warned us about pride, too. Pride brought down the D'ni.
phend: Yes.
Theora: What do you and Yeesha think of the DRC, Phil?
phend: The DRC is part of this
akiva: But, what is "this"?
phend: This is all of this. You are part of this.
Thanakar: This is our Journey.
bonz: But, how do we get doors open that they keep closing?
phend: They will open.
Thanakar: Yeah. We have to be patient. In time the right doors will open.
phend: Yes. Many doors.
akiva: How can we choose if we don't understand? Will the path be clear?
phend: You must have ears to hear.
Thanakar: Akiva, have you listened to Yeesha's messages in the Bahro cave?
phend: Look deep.
Theora: But, how do we get around the barriers the DRC put before the doors?
Thanakar: The barriers are just temporary.
phend: Explore deeper where you can explore...that's what I am doing.
From Thanakar: Okay. All you need to know is in those messages.
Thanakar: How long will your journey take, Phil?
phend: I hope our Journeys will never end.
Goeran: Oh, dear, you are barefoot Phil. This is a dangerous area. (laughs)
Thanakar: Not to mention cold.
phend: My feet are strong...and cold.
Theora: I believe all our Journeys will never end...
bonz: How many books do you know of?
phend: I know of many books, and many more Ages.
Thanakar: Have you spent the last few years journeying?
phend: You will see them. We will bring you.
Goeran: Soon?
Thanakar: We?
phend: I must go now.
Thanakar: You and who?
Al'my: Where?
Theora: Will we see you again?
Thanakar: Pooof.
phend: Bye.
Goeran: Bye, Phil.
bonz: Shorah.
Thanakar: Interesting.
Theora: Safe travels, Phil...