Reference:2003-12-11 Victor Laxman on the Great Zero

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Victor Laxman: overall it seems the cavern systems are handling the recent arrivals quite well
!Njck_Yap!: mind me.... but when will we get to see the new ages?
Victor Laxman: ah…new ages…always a ready question eh?
!Njck_Yap!: yes it is… heh
(12/11 19:29:04) Jaden: You can imagine our suspence.
(12/11 19:29:08) Jaden: suspense I mean LoL
Victor Laxman: we have several Ages in varying phases of approval
Victor Laxman: one of the Ages that is furthest along is Er’cana
Starfire: Have you spoken to Phil recently?
!Njck_Yap!: A sneak peek of what's to come?
Victor Laxman: I don't recall what information Watson has authorized for release with Er'cana. But, I was actually thinking we may enlist your help with a project in the Cavern itself before that.
Jaden: We're listening!
jess: What do you need us to do?
Starfire: I'm in and ready to explore.
Victor Laxman: This is something I've only begun to discuss with the rest of the council. You may have heard of the Great Zero?
Jensen: Yes.
Starfire: Yes.
Jaden: Yeah.
Jaharen: Yeah.
jess: I've heard of it. Not much about it, though.
Victor Laxman: It's a marvelous piece of machinery. It's an engineering marvel that became almost a religious icon. Or perhaps the other way around. It's turned out to be a much larger project than I and my team anticipated.
jess: Anything we can do to help?
Jaden: What do you want us to do, Laxman?
jess: Yeah, let's hear some more about this Great Zero.
Victor Laxman: I'm devising a way for anyone who's interested to assist us in restoring it...but again, I've only begun discussions with this among the Council. So, I'm here trying to gauge interest in this kind of endeavor.
Jaden: Sounds awesome.
jess: Sounds intriguing. I'd be interested.
Jaharen: Count me in.
Victor Laxman: Is it something that sounds interesting? Or are you just looking for the next Age.
Starfire: I'm ready, willing, and able!!!
Jaden: Yeah, me too. Anything to help explore and restore!
Jaharen: I'm definitely interested.
Bad Speller: I'm in.
Jensen: I don't want to go to any Age before it is fully restored and approved by the DRC. I have seen some without DRC approval and it wasn't always pretty.
!Njck_Yap!: Hmm.... restore. A word to be used over and over again. Can you actually be more specific on what the DRC actually plans to restore? I mean, one can use the word 'restore' so simply but what do you actually mean by that?
Victor Laxman: We're talking specifically about the Great Zero, Njck.
jess: That was the impression I had, Reid, but it sounds like some sort of machine. Can you tell us more about it, Victor?
Victor Laxman: Yes, jess, it's a massive machine that sits atop Ae'gura.
!Njck_Yap!: Once it is restored, what's going to happen next?
Jaden: By restore I mean make D'ni a living, breathing place again.
!Njck_Yap!: The culture, the life of once D'ni, shouldn't that be restored?
Victor Laxman: Restore, re-establish, reinstate, renew, recover...
Jaharen: Whatever task I can help with, I'm in.
Victor Laxman: I'm the engineer on the team, Njck. If you're interested in the culture and history of D'ni, you'll have to speak with Watson or one of the others.
!Njck_Yap!: I see...
Victor Laxman: It is the reference point for the coordinate system on which D'ni was built.
!Njck_Yap!: How does one use it?
Jaden: Non-functional?
rcs: Can we help to make it functional?
Victor Laxman: Right. And quite a bit more, I'm sure. We won't know it's full functionality until we can turn it back on. In any case, it looks like I can tell the Council that you all are ready and willing to help.
Starfire: Yes, we are.
Jaharen: That's the consensus.
jess: Yup. I don't think you'll have any trouble finding helpers.
Jaden: Does it have some connection with the KI? Will we be able to use the KI as a GPS unit?
!Njck_Yap!: The did you guys turn them back on? Congratulations, by the way!
Victor Laxman: Ah, yes. Ha. The fans. Though not much of a challenge, they're a significant milestone in the restoration.
Jaden: Why are the fans so important?
Jaharen: They bring fresh air into the Cavern.
Jaden: No kidding, but this Cavern is so expansive we could live down here for years with no problems.
Victor Laxman: It's more of a psychological accomplishment. They improve the air quality, but they were used against the D'ni in the Fall.
Solaris: To spread a virus?
jess: So, I guess I'm still unclear on this Great Zero. Initially, I thought it was just a point in space. But now it sounds like it will "do" something. Any ideas on what that something is?
Victor Laxman: I'm afraid I've said all I should for now, jess. But, yes, it's a rather grand machine.
Jaharen: Let us know when you're recruiting.
Victor Laxman: Oh, yes, cleaned thoroughly, Reid, and believe me, they've been secured against any future threat.
jess: Well, you definitely have me intrigued, Victor. If there's anything I can do to help, let me know.
Jaden: Thanks for hanging out, Victor, but I have to eat some dinner now. Seeya.
Victor Laxman: Goodbye, Jaden.
jess: Goodbye, Jaden.
!Njck_Yap!: Bye, Jaden!
Bad Speller: Cheers, Jaden.
Jaharen: Later.
rcs: Bye, Jaden.
Victor Laxman: In fact, it looks like there's a situation I should attend to in another Neighborhood. I'm going to have to take my leave.
jess: Thanks for talking with us. See you around.
Victor Laxman: Thank you for your support everyone! Be safe.