Reference:2003-12-18 Douglas Sharper in UO neighborhood

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Douglas Sharper: Hello
Nelson: What brings you here?
Douglas Sharper: I’m not sure.
KnitCucmber: Shorah Douglas. You’re not invisible this time. :)
(12/18 13:43:31) an’nie: Any news?
Douglas Sharper: No. Have you heard any?
Kyrah: So here is the famous Douglas…
Douglas Sharper: I heard from someone that Dr. Watson was around earlier.
Douglas Sharper: Curious as to what he had to say.
an’nie: No Just Rand and Watson have been to some hoods
(12/18 13:44:07) KnitCucmber: I heard that he and Rand were both there.
(12/18 13:44:11) Nelson: He was, talking about how taking Phil away was for his own good
Douglas Sharper: That’s funny
an’nie: Just that Phil was being well taken care of
(12/18 13:44:27) Nelson: But that it wasn’t for the sake of us, the explorers
Douglas Sharper: Of course.
Douglas Sharper: What else would the good Dr. say.
Nelson: I don’t know
Douglas Sharper: Poor Dr. Watson.
Nelson: So you haven’t heard anything from Phil?
(12/18 13:45:08) an’nie: How goes the plan with your hood douglas?
Douglas Sharper: I feel bad for him really.
Cycreim: Oh, hello Doug.
Douglas Sharper: Still working on it. Having some trouble with the doors.
Nelson: Understandably, they took his Relto book and KI
(12/18 13:45:28) an’nie: Poor watson???
(12/18 13:45:35) KnitCucmber: Need a little elbow grease? :)
Douglas Sharper: Yeah Poor Watson, he’s in over his head.
Nelson: Oh, I thought you meant Phil
Douglas Sharper: More than elbow grease.
an’nie: hope he figures it out
(12/18 13:46:01) Nelson: What do you mean that Dr. Watson is in over his head?
(12/18 13:46:03) KnitCucmber: Monkey wrench? :)
(12/18 13:46:21) KnitCucmber: Dead weight to throw at the door?
Douglas Sharper: It’s too much for him. He’s not meant to be a governor.
Douglas Sharper: He’s a field director for digs.
KnitCucmber: Is that was he’s being set up as?
Douglas Sharper: Basically.
Nelson: I hadn’t realized he had become a governor.
(12/18 13:46:47) Nelson: Madness.
Douglas Sharper: He can’t lead thousands of people.
Nelson: If not him though, who should be in charge?
Douglas Sharper: Nor does he want to, I’m sure.
Cycreim: What’s the news on Phil, anyway? I’ve heard all sorts of crazy stories.
(12/18 13:47:05) KnitCucmber: I thought Engberg was going for ruler.
Douglas Sharper: I haven’t heard anything from Phil. Supposedly they are goign to let someone go see him?
KnitCucmber: I think that is Rand.
(12/18 13:47:36) Nelson: I hadn’t heard that!
(12/18 13:47:40) an’nie: yea right....
(12/18 13:47:49) an’nie: Hard to believe
(12/18 13:47:52) Cycreim: I still think they should just let him go.
(12/18 13:48:04) KnitCucmber: Wonder if he’s in a white coat?
(12/18 13:48:07) Cycreim: It just ain’t right.
(12/18 13:48:09) Nelson: What could they be doing that’s good if it requires kidnapping him?
(12/18 13:48:25) an’nie: anything we can do to help???
Douglas Sharper: I just hope they let him out soon.
KnitCucmber: As do we all. :)
(12/18 13:48:42) Nelson: Wasn’t the opening of the Pub meant to help?
(12/18 13:49:00) KnitCucmber: I haven’t been able to get into the city yet to see the pub. :(
Douglas Sharper: The opening of the pub is only a taste of what is possible.
KnitCucmber: Been playing with the pumpkins in my hood.
(12/18 13:49:16) Cycreim: Um, no offense, but I think the pub thing was a bit… uh, too much.
Douglas Sharper: We’ll see how the DRC reacts.
Nelson: So it wasn’t directly related to taking Phil?
Douglas Sharper: Too much?
an’nie: Do you think it is possible to break more barriers with enough people
(12/18 13:49:43) KnitCucmber: Either that, or we’ll all freeze in one place. ;)
(12/18 13:49:43) Nelson: Well, we removed their barriers. Jmping them is one thing, destroying another
(12/18 13:49:44) Cycreim: Yeah. I mean, all that’s going to end up happening is that they’re going to close up more areas.
Douglas Sharper: They haven’t yet have they?
Nelson: Not yet, that we’ve seen
(12/18 13:50:04) Cycreim: Well, no…
(12/18 13:50:11) Brian Fioca: hello Douglas
(12/18 13:50:15) Cycreim: They haven’t exactly told us anything about Phil yet either.
(12/18 13:50:16) Tah: hello brain
(12/18 13:50:17) KnitCucmber: Brian! :)
(12/18 13:50:19) Tah: er brian
Douglas Sharper: Well then why do you worry? You give them too much credit.
Douglas Sharper: Hi Brian .
Cycreim: Oh, hello Brian.
Douglas Sharper: How are things?
Brian Fioca: good
(12/18 13:50:39) KnitCucmber: *waves at Brian Fioca*
(12/18 13:50:50) KnitCucmber: I keep typing Brain.
(12/18 13:50:54) Nelson: I don’t know, it seems like even though progress may be slow, they are acting in our best interests, or at least not against them
(12/18 13:50:55) Brian Fioca: how is the work you’re doing on the neighborhood
(12/18 13:51:02) Cycreim: Well, I may not quite trust them the way I used to, but I still think they have some sort of dignity.
Douglas Sharper: No one said they had no dignity.
an’nie: Why do you say that Nelson??
(12/18 13:51:27) Cycreim: Decency too.
(12/18 13:51:43) Nelson: Well, they haven’t taken our Relto books or anything important and nothing that they aren’t giving us is critical
(12/18 13:51:47) KnitCucmber: I can’t think of anything to say. I finally run into Douglas and I can’t think of anything to say!!!! Argh!
(12/18 13:51:52) an’nie: Its not decent to grab people and hold them hostage
Douglas Sharper: They can’t take your Relto book!
(12/18 16:48:27) Nelson: They took Phil's
(12/18 16:48:38) an'nie: they took my closet maybe...big deal
(12/18 16:48:41) Douglas Sharper: He was too trustworthy.
(12/18 16:48:44) KnitCucmber: As long as they don't take my blue hair I'll be okay.
(12/18 16:49:04) Cycreim: Heh.
(12/18 16:49:04) KnitCucmber: Cat'ja, you're invisible to me. :(
(12/18 16:49:05) Brian Fioca: yeah, he should've ran from them
(12/18 16:49:15) Brian Fioca: is he ok?
(12/18 16:49:17) Cycreim: It's too late now, Brian.
(12/18 16:49:18) Nelson: You keep on mentioning this other 'hood, Douglas. Is it K'veer?
(12/18 16:49:19) Brian Fioca: any word?
(12/18 16:49:22) an'nie: he was just too slow
(12/18 16:49:55) Douglas Sharper: No, no. It's a hood like any other. I'm just trying to get my private room doors open.
(12/18 16:49:58) an'nie: no
(12/18 16:50:03) Douglas Sharper: As I know it's safe in there.
(12/18 16:50:08) Douglas Sharper: Another thing I'd like to prove.
(12/18 16:50:11) Nelson: When you figure out how, will you share with us?
(12/18 16:50:16) an'nie: wish we could open our doors too
(12/18 16:50:26) KnitCucmber: I just want my colored firemarbles back. :)
(12/18 16:50:28) Katherian: Hello, Douglas.
(12/18 16:50:32) KnitCucmber: I'm easy to please.
(12/18 16:50:32) an'nie: we have tried alot of things
(12/18 16:50:33) Brian Fioca: so, what do you think they are hiding with this ruse of safety?
(12/18 16:50:42) Brian Fioca: there are a lot of theories
(12/18 16:50:51) Douglas Sharper: I don't understand it.
(12/18 16:50:57) Nelson: D'ni corpses?
(12/18 16:50:57) Douglas Sharper: I have a lot of my own theories.
(12/18 16:51:02) Douglas Sharper: Ha!
(12/18 16:51:09) Brian Fioca laughs
(12/18 16:51:12) KnitCucmber: Good for jumping on. ;)
(12/18 16:51:17) Nelson: That would be a no then...
(12/18 16:51:17) KnitCucmber: Just like Kadish.
(12/18 16:51:25) Nelson: A little morbid for my tastes
(12/18 16:51:30) KnitCucmber: *bounce, bounce, bounce*
(12/18 16:51:42) Brian Fioca: who knows
(12/18 16:51:45) Cycreim: I wouldn't put it past them though.
(12/18 16:51:54) an'nie: if 30 some people crashed the barrier in the city why not here
(12/18 16:51:56) Douglas Sharper: There are no corpses.
(12/18 16:52:05) Cycreim: Oh well, until we get enough evidence, we won't be able to tell anything that's going on.
(12/18 16:52:09) Douglas Sharper: I'm thinking.
(12/18 16:52:13) Nelson: Well, that's good. How do you know though without having opened teh doors?
(12/18 16:52:15) Cycreim: Well, maybe not anything, but you know.
(12/18 16:52:37) Brian Fioca: the DRC have been strangely quiet about the pub incident
(12/18 16:52:39) Brian Fioca: do they know?
(12/18 16:52:45) Douglas Sharper: Strangely.
(12/18 16:52:58) Nelson: I don't see how they couldn't know with all the traffic in the city
(12/18 16:53:00) Douglas Sharper: I'm not sure what they are up to. Maybe too busy questioning Phil.
(12/18 16:53:03) Brian Fioca: maybe they are in retreat
(12/18 16:53:13) Cycreim: They've been strangely quiet about everything.
(12/18 16:53:13) Nelson: Questioning can't take all of them though
(12/18 16:53:19) KnitCucmber: Maybe they're having too much trouble linking around, like we are. Probably stuck somewhere.
(12/18 16:53:21) Douglas Sharper: Sure it can.
(12/18 16:53:36) Cycreim: I haven't heard a peep out of them since they turned on the fans.
(12/18 16:53:39) Douglas Sharper: They want to know everything.
(12/18 16:53:40) an'nie: maybe they think they are placating us
(12/18 16:53:44) KnitCucmber: Hi Tweek! :)
(12/18 16:53:48) Katherian: Yah I expected there to be some kind of reaction last night on the DRC website.
(12/18 16:53:52) Katherian: And there was NOTHING.
(12/18 16:53:57) Katherian: Hasn't been anything for days in fact.
(12/18 16:54:03) Nelson: They should let us explor for them if they want to know everything
(12/18 16:54:08) Douglas Sharper: That has been there MO lately.
(12/18 16:54:15) Brian Fioca: well, they realize they can't keep us corraled
(12/18 16:54:15) Douglas Sharper: Keep quiet.
(12/18 16:54:16) Nelson: There are enough of us that we can get it done much faster
(12/18 16:54:20) KnitCucmber: Silent, but deadly.
(12/18 16:54:20) Douglas Sharper: Say Nothing.
(12/18 16:54:31) Cycreim: I think we all want to knowas much as we can.
(12/18 16:54:32) Katherian nods her head
(12/18 16:54:36) Douglas Sharper: Better than Engberg spouting off at least.
(12/18 16:54:41) Brian Fioca: yes
(12/18 16:54:44) Brian Fioca: he's been known to do that
(12/18 16:54:48) Cycreim: How dull.
(12/18 16:54:48) Douglas Sharper: Tweek is here - leader of the free people.
(12/18 16:54:57) Katherian: Why is it we've heard very little from Marie?
(12/18 16:55:03) an'nie: Hey Tweek
(12/18 16:55:04) KnitCucmber: Tweekikens. :)
(12/18 16:55:05) Brian Fioca: no, tah, the DRC has been quiet
(12/18 16:55:11) Nelson: Has anyone had an actual conversation with her?
(12/18 16:55:19) Douglas Sharper: We have heard very little from any of them.
(12/18 16:55:23) Tweek: No Doug ...Im selling them for $2.50
(12/18 16:55:24) Cycreim: Hiya, Tweek.
(12/18 16:55:34) KnitCucmber: LOLOLO!
(12/18 16:55:34) Katherian: Heh.
(12/18 16:55:35) Douglas Sharper: How goes the crusade Tweek?
(12/18 16:55:35) Tah: I would still like to know what action plans everyone has
(12/18 16:55:40) laloona: Hello Mr. Sharper, nice to meet you
(12/18 16:55:41) Tweek: Well Dr Watson made some comments about Phil earlier
(12/18 16:55:49) Brian Fioca: what did he say?
(12/18 16:55:51) KnitCucmber: *giggle*
(12/18 16:55:51) Douglas Sharper: So I've heard.
(12/18 16:56:01) Tweek: It was going good doug..thent he soaps came on TV so I had to redirect my attention
(12/18 16:56:09) Katherian: Douglas, I am putting together a group of people forming a Guild to do specifically what you've been talking about...Finding out. Researching. Inquiring.
(12/18 16:56:21) Douglas Sharper: Interesting.
(12/18 16:56:33) Tah: That is a great idea katherian
(12/18 16:56:35) KnitCucmber: *snort* $2.50 :)
(12/18 16:56:39) laloona: Are there news about Phil?
(12/18 16:56:40) Katherian: SOMEONE has got to find out what's going on.
(12/18 16:56:45) Douglas Sharper: Tweek you have more attitude than usual today. I like it.
(12/18 16:56:49) Katherian: Yes, what about poor phil? :(
(12/18 16:56:57) Cycreim: Hmm, you know Doug, we may agree on more points than I thought we would.
(12/18 16:56:59) KnitCucmber: He's worth at least $10. Phil is.
(12/18 16:57:05) Tweek: Knit> well I suppose $5 for you
(12/18 16:57:10) KnitCucmber: Yeah!!!
(12/18 16:57:18) Tah: I think Phil will be long as yeesha is with him
(12/18 16:57:20) Katherian: Beh. You just like Tweek more because he's reactionary like you, Douglas. ;) j/k hehehe
(12/18 16:57:20) Tweek: I was going to try and Kidnapp Dr Watson couldnt find him tho
(12/18 16:57:22) Xia: For once I agree with Katherian.
(12/18 16:57:23) Douglas Sharper: I'm sure we do. I'm a reasonable man.
(12/18 16:57:26) Deg: Tweek, what about the soap opera Sharper started?
(12/18 16:57:36) Brian Fioca: oh, it's Deg
(12/18 16:57:38) Douglas Sharper: Perhpas a little agressive at times.
(12/18 16:57:41) Nelson: You make it sound as though Yeesha is some sort of god-figure, Tah
(12/18 16:57:42) Brian Fioca: run away Deg... it's not safe
(12/18 16:57:47) Douglas Sharper: But reasonable.
(12/18 16:57:50) Cycreim: Any news on where they're keeping Phil, anyway?
(12/18 16:57:53) Jon deMorgan: Tweek, you've switched sides then?
(12/18 16:57:58) Tweek: Deg> Yes.....Sharper who dare you run off with my wife...wait I dont have a wife..
(12/18 16:58:01) Cycreim: Reasonable. That's a quality I look for.
(12/18 16:58:09) Katherian: What's this about Yeesha being with phil...?
(12/18 16:58:13) laloona: Why won't the DRC us to explore the city? Perhaps because of Bahro?
(12/18 16:58:15) Deg: Voices in your head Brian? reminds me of someone...
(12/18 16:58:16) Douglas Sharper: Tweek is the third party - the happy happy peace people.
(12/18 16:58:18) Tah: no, phil believes in her unique gifts and that she is very powerful
(12/18 16:58:19) Tweek: Jon>No but kidnapping Watson would have been amusing
(12/18 16:58:25) an'nie: Now I Understand why your name is Tweek!!!!
(12/18 16:58:28) an'nie laughs
(12/18 16:58:30) Brian Fioca: happy happy
(12/18 16:58:36) Tweek: Yep...we sit around hugging trees and smoking pipes
(12/18 16:58:44) KnitCucmber: We could have just all stood around Watson and jumped. He wouldn't have been able to go anywhere.
(12/18 16:58:45) Katherian: Haha
(12/18 16:58:45) Tweek: would you like a flower in your hair?
(12/18 16:58:46) Deg: Douglas, I thought you were the hippy, not Tweek
(12/18 16:59:00) Tah: IF Yeesha can give extraordinary gifts...then she can find Phil
(12/18 16:59:15) Douglas Sharper: I'm a strange hippy then.
(12/18 16:59:21) Douglas Sharper: You must not know hippies.
(12/18 16:59:26) Brian Fioca: heh
(12/18 16:59:27) Katherian: I'm also wondering what (if anything?) the DRC are doing with that one D'Ni survivor that they also kidnapped...?
(12/18 16:59:40) Cycreim: I've heard even less about Yeesha than I have about Phil.
(12/18 16:59:40) Jon deMorgan: Very
(12/18 16:59:47) Nelson: They said that they found them, did they take him/her into custody?
(12/18 16:59:49) Deg: They did not kidnap the D'ni survivor.
(12/18 16:59:50) Deg: You need to work on your verbs.
(12/18 16:59:54) Brian Fioca: so are we, Kath.. they won't say... try asking the DRC about it
(12/18 16:59:56) Cycreim: They apparently kidnapped. I'm not even sure that's true, Kat.
(12/18 16:59:56) Tweek: hes working the salt mines
(12/18 17:00:03) Brian Fioca: they won't answer
(12/18 17:00:03) Katherian: Oh okay...Thus why I put the question mark at the end of my statement, Deg. ;) Relax.
(12/18 17:00:35) Tweek: well Phil is says the brotherhood..
(12/18 17:00:36) Deg starts to laugh
(12/18 17:00:36) Brian Fioca: brotherhood?
(12/18 17:00:37) Cycreim: It could just be a rumor.
(12/18 17:00:38) Nelson: If he is dead, he'll make an excellent martyr
(12/18 17:00:38) an'nie: the brotherhood huh??
(12/18 17:00:39) laloona: Phil is dead????
(12/18 17:00:40) Cycreim: In fact it probably is.
(12/18 17:00:40) Katherian: And I'd also like to know when they intend on proceeding with their ill-conceived notion of reactivating the Zero.
(12/18 17:00:41) Tweek: some guy on the DRC forums
(12/18 17:00:41) Douglas Sharper: I thought you were a fan of Phil Tweek.
(12/18 17:00:48) Cycreim: Oh god, not the Brotherhood.
(12/18 17:00:53) Tweek: Doug> I am
(12/18 17:00:55) Nelson: What's wrong with the Great Zero reactivation?
(12/18 17:00:59) Jon deMorgan: They might answer if we stopped breaking things.
(12/18 17:01:01) Tweek: I dont believe hes dead...
(12/18 17:01:06) Deg: Some rumor that Brotherhood started... see how smart that mob is?
(12/18 17:01:21) Douglas Sharper: I doubt he's dead.
(12/18 17:01:25) Xia: The DRC seriously needs a good PR person.. all this not answering. It's just plain silly.
(12/18 17:01:29) Tweek: Deg> Oh shh just cause I cant tye my own shoe laces
(12/18 17:01:43) Cycreim: What could he possibly die from?
(12/18 17:01:58) Nelson: Them murdering him would be the most obvious, but they aren't that foolish
(12/18 17:02:08) Brian Fioca: they arent evil
(12/18 17:02:09) Tweek: Well there is that lunch bag on the Doktah building its sure been there a while
(12/18 17:02:13) Brian Fioca: just oppressive...?
(12/18 17:02:16) Deg: Maybe Phil is hiding underneath a cone somewhere.
(12/18 17:02:22) Elspeth: Nelson, what's wrong with activating the GZ is that we don't know what's wrong, what it does.... what the consequences will be. And as usuall they aren't telling us.
(12/18 17:02:24) Jon deMorgan: They won't kill him.
(12/18 17:02:25) lost pupil: who said he was dead?
(12/18 17:02:25) Cycreim: No, I expect them to at least be above manslaughter.
(12/18 17:02:30) Katherian: Insofar as the zero goes...I'm personally VERY worried that firing up technology that we BARELY understand on such a large scale is just going to give the cavern a brand new sun roof. :(
(12/18 17:02:36) Tah: has anyone heard of ANYONE dying here so far?
(12/18 17:02:50) Brian Fioca: nope
(12/18 17:02:51) Nelson: I wouldn't mind, All we'd have to do is panic link as soon as the power up starts
(12/18 17:02:53) Elspeth: Katherian, I'd feel better if the DRC had mentioned what they THINK it does....
(12/18 17:02:54) Cycreim: Not me.
(12/18 17:02:55) Katherian: And Phil is alive.
(12/18 17:02:56) Tweek: most of the D'ni technology is connected to the Great Zero apparently
(12/18 17:02:58) an'nie: no they just get dragged off...
(12/18 17:03:01) Deg: Nope. Except for a few braincells of a few people...
(12/18 17:03:02) Jon deMorgan: You'll use the books though we don't understand them
(12/18 17:03:13) Tah: Karherian I think so too
(12/18 17:03:13) Cycreim: But then again, we've been fairly sectioned off from most areas that the DRC has access to.
(12/18 17:03:17) Katherian: Books are different. Books are not Machines, per se.
(12/18 17:03:32) Elspeth: Also, whom do we risk besides ourselves when we use a book?
(12/18 17:03:32) Nelson: But they're D'ni technology so advanced that they appear to be magic
(12/18 17:03:40) Elspeth: So far, no one.
(12/18 17:03:48) Jon deMorgan: Define the difference.
(12/18 17:03:51) Elspeth: The Great Zero could affect everyone.
(12/18 17:03:53) Katherian: Books do not have moving parts that might go flying across the cavern due to ill-repair and decapitating people at random... :-
(12/18 17:03:59) Elspeth: We just don't know. And no one is telling.
(12/18 17:04:11) laloona: Mr. Sharper, what about the Bahro? What do you think about?
(12/18 17:04:22) Deg: Maybe since noone knows yet, Elspeth?
(12/18 17:04:34) Elspeth: If no one knows, we shouldn't be turning the fool thing on!
(12/18 17:04:35) Cycreim: Well, I'm sure they took a good long look at how it works, Kath.
(12/18 17:04:41) Katherian: Well I presume the DRC at least THINK they know.
(12/18 17:04:46) Elspeth: "Let's see what this button does..." famous last words
(12/18 17:04:53) Katherian: Precisely.
(12/18 17:04:54) Cycreim: I don't think they'd be firing it off if they had NO clue what it did.
(12/18 17:04:54) Nelson: You didn't know what the MYST book was, but you used that, didn't you?
(12/18 17:04:54) Katherian nods her head
(12/18 17:05:08) Elspeth: Sorry... Mr. Sharper... would liketo hear the answer to laloona's good question
(12/18 17:05:12) Jon deMorgan: Trial and error. How most discoveries are made
(12/18 17:05:13) Katherian: You are giving them a lot of confidence, Cycreim. Any particular reason why?
(12/18 17:05:19) Tweek: please Bahro is such a negitive word man call them the humanally challanged its way more groovy...come lets gather round the fire and sings songs
(12/18 17:05:36) Katherian: Heh
(12/18 17:05:37) Deg claps his hands
(12/18 17:05:37) Douglas Sharper: I don't know enough about the Bahro.
(12/18 17:05:38) Elspeth: Tweek, come over and join thet Filk Song Army. We're all about that.
(12/18 17:05:44) Nelson: Until we know what they call themselves, I'm sticking with the shorter Bahro :)
(12/18 17:05:47) Tweek: lol
(12/18 17:05:55) Jon deMorgan: Not enough to hunt them, yet?
(12/18 17:05:55) Elspeth: Mr. Sharper, there are some in D'ni though, aren't there?
(12/18 17:05:58) Tweek: called Bobs
(12/18 17:06:10) Deg: What about Bob?
(12/18 17:06:10) Cycreim: Because they may be into kidnapping and stuff but they aren't stupid, or evil.
(12/18 17:06:11) Douglas Sharper: Rumors would say yes.
(12/18 17:06:14) Katherian: Bobs??? As in Twin Peaks? lol
(12/18 17:06:18) Elspeth: Tweek, no kidding. Well not much. Ask me for the url later
(12/18 17:06:21) laloona: I can use another name but I only know that word - sorry :-)
(12/18 17:06:27) Elspeth: Sorry all... meant to be private
(12/18 17:06:29) Nelson: How could htere be D'ni survivors? D'ni fell too long ago for any of them to be around still
(12/18 17:06:31) Elspeth: (shuts up for a while)
(12/18 17:06:46) Tweek: dont worry Elspeth I do that all the time
(12/18 17:06:49) Katherian: That's a tad presumptious of you, Nelson. They went to Releeshan.
(12/18 17:06:52) Elspeth: Nelson... descendants of survivors?
(12/18 17:06:54) Douglas Sharper: They lived to be 300. D'ni fell 200 years ago.
(12/18 17:06:58) Cycreim: Nelson, especially since they just found one of them. Or so say the rumors.
(12/18 17:07:02) Douglas Sharper: Roughly.
(12/18 17:07:03) Elspeth: Ahh. Old fogies.
(12/18 17:07:05) laloona: Yes there were survivors, some D'ni survived that attack of Veovis
(12/18 17:07:13) an'nie: Douglas do you think you are close to opening the doors in your hood??
(12/18 17:07:14) Katherian: Yes and in some cases it seems to me there are references to older D'Ni than 300.
(12/18 17:07:15) Tah: I think you will find many D'ni here
(12/18 17:07:16) Nelson: That was 200 years ago, none of the D'ni we may encounter would be the originals
(12/18 17:07:27) Tweek: not true
(12/18 17:07:35) Tweek: average D'ni life span is 325
(12/18 17:07:36) Katherian: Heh. "originals" meaning what? Atrus & Catherine?
(12/18 17:07:38) Katherian laughs
(12/18 17:07:47) Nelson: Meaning those who were alive at the time of the fall
(12/18 17:07:55) Tweek: we could meet people that witnessed the fall
(12/18 17:07:59) Katherian: I thought we were interested in facts, not fairytails.
(12/18 17:08:06) laloona: Catherine is not D'ni, she came from Riven :-)
(12/18 17:08:08) Jon deMorgan: Maybe Gehn?
(12/18 17:08:24) Katherian: Yes, I know that, Ialoona. I was being sarcastic. Someting I'm quite good at, I'm told. ;)
(12/18 17:08:25) Katherian laughs
(12/18 17:08:26) Tweek: yes Im sure we'd get relyable info from Gehn hehe
(12/18 17:08:27) an'nie: what are we going to do about PHIL
(12/18 17:08:39) Tah: isn't history usually written by the victors?
(12/18 17:08:40) Nelson: I think we have no choice but to wait
(12/18 17:08:45) Katherian: Oh yes...Let's find Gehn's prison book and have HIM lead us.
(12/18 17:08:51) Deg: If Yeesha can make pages appear out of thin air, then why hasn't she done anything to help Phil?
(12/18 17:08:52) Cycreim: Sorry for interrupting, but... is there anything we can do about Phil?
(12/18 17:08:57) Katherian: And yes, Douglas, what of the doors in our hoods?
(12/18 17:09:00) Nelson: I'm guessing that Ghen starved fairly quickly
(12/18 17:09:12) Nelson: Blast.
(12/18 17:09:14) an'nie: bye
(12/18 17:09:15) Katherian: Nelson: Now THERE'S a morbid thought. heh
(12/18 17:09:18) Brian Fioca: that was sudden
(12/18 17:09:26) Jon deMorgan: Just put what you get from him through a 'god' filter and get the truth
(12/18 17:09:28) Nelson: Maybe the lag was too intense for him
(12/18 17:09:39) Nelson: What does the Nexus say about our population?
(12/18 17:09:39) Katherian: I'm not getting much lag here right now.
(12/18 17:09:41) Katherian shrugs
(12/18 17:09:46) an'nie: me either
(12/18 17:09:49) Katherian: Oddly. heh
(12/18 17:09:57) Deg: Maybe he was kidnapped!
(12/18 17:09:58) Deg starts to laugh
(12/18 17:10:04) laloona: I don't think that Gehn is stil alive
(12/18 17:10:05) Nelson: So long as I don;t look at any avatars, I'm fine. :)
(12/18 17:10:15) Tweek: Deg> was proberbly Saxy hehe
(12/18 17:10:17) Katherian: OOC: (The key folks is turn the graphical settings way down, and to reduce shadow quality, and number of sounds. If you do these things it will TREMENDOUSLY improve your performance.)
(12/18 17:10:18) Jon deMorgan: Probably not, I hope
(12/18 17:10:40) Nelson: Ghen would be well over 350 by now
(12/18 17:10:40) an'nie: he went to the city