Reference:2006-06-20 Ikuro Kodama Town Hall discussing Ae'gura and the City Proper

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(06/20 07:49:50) Chat.log started...
(06/20 07:51:23) Sorceress: argh lol
(06/20 07:51:38) DRCLeri1: Yeah, covering NZ is a challenge
(06/20 07:52:01) Arthur Kalnins: The later one would cover it
(06/20 07:52:01) From DRCLeri1: g'morning!
(06/20 07:52:01) Arthur Kalnins: 3pm
(06/20 07:52:02) GingerDiva: often i would ignore this time and make the 3pm one instead, but deadlines coming out my ears tomorrow
(06/20 07:52:27) Arthur Kalnins: Ahh
(06/20 07:52:31) Arthur Kalnins: GreyWorld?
(06/20 07:52:38) Sorceress: Shorah GrayWolf!
(06/20 07:52:43) CAGrayWolf: On my way
(06/20 07:53:13) Erik: do you heard that Bahro???
(06/20 07:53:19) Fealinquen ElEressea: Kimmie, hony, dont jump so high. You will bring earthquake here.
(06/20 07:53:33) CAGrayWolf: G'morning all
(06/20 07:53:38) Thend: Kimmie is just all excited and stuff
(06/20 07:53:42) Erik: shorah!
(06/20 07:53:45) Arthur Kalnins: Shorah
(06/20 07:53:51) Thend: Hello GW
(06/20 07:53:54) Ural: Morning
(06/20 07:54:12) Domahreh: shorah!
(06/20 07:54:21) Fealinquen ElEressea: If you wish to bring some more lags - use voice chat!
(06/20 07:54:30) Thend: NO!
(06/20 07:54:39) Sorceress: por favor nooooooo
(06/20 07:54:47) Thend: Jeepers, don't even joke
(06/20 07:54:58) CAGrayWolf: Please do not use the voice chat option.
(06/20 07:55:05) Arthur Kalnins: would be a good way to clear the room if lag gets too bad :P
(06/20 07:55:36) From DRCLeri1: Can you be In Charge for a bit. I need to get MOusie settled.
(06/20 07:55:48) Fealinquen ElEressea: I think, not everybody will be cleared. But everybody will feel the power of broken lattice.
(06/20 07:56:00) To DRCLeri1: I assumed meeting was with Dr Kodama?
(06/20 07:56:04) To DRCLeri1: Sure
(06/20 07:56:06) Arthur Kalnins: Shorah, Dr. Kodama.
(06/20 07:56:10) Fealinquen ElEressea: Shorah, Doctor!
(06/20 07:56:14) Thend: The almighty buzzword 'Lattice'
(06/20 07:56:16) To DRCLeri1: Ahhh, there he is.
(06/20 07:56:27) Sorceress: Shorah Dr. Kodama.
(06/20 07:56:27) Domahreh: shorah doctor :)
(06/20 07:56:31) Ural: Hello
(06/20 07:56:32) Thend: Hello Dr. Kodoma
(06/20 07:56:43) CAGrayWolf: G'morning Dr Kodama
(06/20 07:57:01) GingerDiva: good morning doctor :)
(06/20 07:57:14) Erik: Shorah Dr. Kodama
(06/20 07:57:15) Arthur Kalnins: Pulli, please find a seat in the auditorium
(06/20 07:57:23) Arthur Kalnins: Not on stage.
(06/20 07:57:38) Thend: I've only seen Kodoma in his 'Got Milk?' ad before this
(06/20 07:57:58) Fealinquen ElEressea: It's my first town hall...
(06/20 07:58:03) CAGrayWolf: Pulli, please have a seat with the others.
(06/20 07:58:07) Dr. Kodama: good morning
(06/20 07:58:26) Pulli points
(06/20 07:58:42) Dr. Kodama: are we ready?
(06/20 07:58:45) From DRCLeri1: back
(06/20 07:59:03) CAGrayWolf: Yes Dr Kodama.
(06/20 07:59:09) DRCLeri1: Thank you for joining us this morning Dr. Kodama
(06/20 07:59:31) Dr. Kodama: of course
(06/20 07:59:58) Fealinquen ElEressea: Pulli, find a way, make a home!!!
(06/20 08:00:09) DRCLeri1: Now that funding is more stable, can you tell us a bit about what the plan is for city restoration?
(06/20 08:00:58) Dr. Kodama: Not too many specifics - J'Taeri is on the list as well as historical city structures - the Guild Hall, etc...
(06/20 08:01:07) Dr. Kodama: timeframes are hard to announce at this point
(06/20 08:01:52) Dr. Kodama: most likely, not definitely, J'Taeri - at least sections of it - will be next.
(06/20 08:02:13) Dr. Kodama: And perhaps some of the city proper in the not too distant future.
(06/20 08:02:43) Dr. Kodama: next
(06/20 08:02:48) CAGrayWolf: If you would like to ask a question ... please PM me with "QUESTION" and you will be added to the queue. Then have your question ready (typed out) to submit when called on.
(06/20 08:03:12) From DRCLeri1: do we have a queue ready?
(06/20 08:03:19) From Arthur Kalnins: QUESTION
(06/20 08:03:33) CAGrayWolf: Arthur, you jave a question?
(06/20 08:03:33) From Sorceress: QUESTION
(06/20 08:04:20) Arthur Kalnins: Shorah, Dr. Kodama. I have a question regarding the Guild Hall. When might explorers be able to explor or at least assist searching the area where Phil Henderson "dieD"
(06/20 08:04:21) From Domahreh: Hi GW, I PMed Eleri with some questions at the drcsite forums; shall I PM them to you now to be added to the queue?
(06/20 08:04:37) From DRCLeri1: oi
(06/20 08:04:37) Dr. Kodama: As I said, I don't have specific timeframes at this point
(06/20 08:04:41) Dr. Kodama: shout it's on the list
(06/20 08:04:58) Arthur Kalnins: explore* "died" ... still sleepy this morning.
(06/20 08:05:04) Dr. Kodama: although i doubt you will find much - it's been a long time now...
(06/20 08:05:06) Dr. Kodama: next
(06/20 08:05:11) CAGrayWolf: Sorceress, you have a question?
(06/20 08:05:20) From Fealinquen ElEressea: QUESTION, but give me time to type it.
(06/20 08:05:21) From Thend: QUESTION
(06/20 08:05:38) Sorceress: Have the DRC found any artifacts from the D'ni Relyimah, for example in Katha Island?
(06/20 08:05:41) From Erik: Question
(06/20 08:06:16) From Domahreh: I have two questions I'd like to ask, if that's OK?
(06/20 08:06:35) From DRCLeri1: unfortunately, a good chunk of the presubmitterd questions got eatten in the DJC fall
(06/20 08:06:35) Dr. Kodama: We have found plenty of evidence of their existence. Yes.
(06/20 08:06:53) From Arthur Kalnins: QUESTION
(06/20 08:06:55) To Domahreh: Ask one first then PM me again when done ... ok?
(06/20 08:07:15) From Domahreh: np -- you'll call me when I'm up for the first one?
(06/20 08:08:28) Dr. Kodama: Because of the numerous written evidences of their existence, we suspect much of what we have found to belong to them - although we'll never know for sure.
(06/20 08:08:31) Dr. Kodama: next
(06/20 08:08:33) CAGrayWolf: Domahreh, you have a question?
(06/20 08:08:58) From Tweek: I have a question
(06/20 08:09:33) Domahreh: Could you say a bit about how a restoration project works, specifically how D'ni language documents fit in? You've got a community of linguists eager to help out with translation if you ever need!
(06/20 08:10:39) From StarLion: QUESTION
(06/20 08:11:23) Dr. Kodama: We've been focusing on the physical aspects and, in the past, our team has provided enough translation work for us - however, as in the past, we will use the Guild of Linguists when we need to
(06/20 08:11:34) Dr. Kodama: next
(06/20 08:11:37) CAGrayWolf: Fealinquen, you have a question?
(06/20 08:12:11) Fealinquen ElEressea: Will you proceed with resoration of currently opened regions - such as restoring pub at the middle of stairways, ending of Tokotah alley and hanging bridge to their original state?
(06/20 08:12:35) Dr. Kodama: Yes, we intend to do all of that.
(06/20 08:12:44) Dr. Kodama: Again, though, I don't have timeframes.
(06/20 08:12:47) Dr. Kodama: next
(06/20 08:12:50) CAGrayWolf: Thend, you have a question?
(06/20 08:12:54) From DRCLeri1: missed that one
(06/20 08:13:00) From DRCLeri1: no /shout
(06/20 08:13:03) Thend: Will explorers, in general, be able to take an active role in the Restoration. For example, at the moment the DRC is only a handful of people faced with handling an immense amount of work, wouldn't things move faster if you had an army of willing volunteers. And if experrtise is perceived as necessary to carry out said Restoration, then where exactly are the documented fruits of the DRC's official academic research, besides the basic opening up of new places?
(06/20 08:13:07) From Fealinquen ElEressea: Sorry, I have typed few questions but they were missed in lag...
(06/20 08:13:40) DRCLeri1: everyone, please remeber to use /shout when asking your questions
(06/20 08:13:52) Dr. Kodama: is this a question or a comment on our progress?
(06/20 08:13:59) To Fealinquen ElEressea: Added you back on the list
(06/20 08:14:03) Dr. Kodama: I don't see the question and I'm not going to respond to the comment.
(06/20 08:14:05) Dr. Kodama: next
(06/20 08:14:17) CAGrayWolf: Erik, you have a question?
(06/20 08:14:27) From DRCLeri1: did you get Tweek in the queue?
(06/20 08:14:47) To DRCLeri1: Yes
(06/20 08:15:04) From Erik: my computer crashed; i hope i can still ask my question
(06/20 08:15:08) From DRCLeri1: ok! Toss me in there, too :)
(06/20 08:15:09) CAGrayWolf: Pulli, please have a seat.
(06/20 08:15:47) CAGrayWolf: Arthur, you have a question?
(06/20 08:16:39) From StarLion in StarLion's Relto: crashed out, I'll be back with my question in a second...
(06/20 08:16:45) Dr. Kodama: Is that all?
(06/20 08:16:56) From Domahreh: more questions
(06/20 08:16:59) From Domahreh: from me :)
(06/20 08:17:17) CAGrayWolf: Sorry we are losing those with ???
(06/20 08:17:32) CAGrayWolf: Tweek, you have a question?
(06/20 08:17:35) Tweek: have you been into the Tomb of the great king yet? If so could you confirm that the 4 alchoves mentioned in the Catherines journals (one which contained the Terahnee book) if they contain linking books to the other Ronay splinter ages or not?
(06/20 08:17:38) Pulli (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/20 08:18:22) From Arthur Kalnins: QUESTION again.
(06/20 08:18:40) Dr. Kodama: the tomb of the Great King is sealed well and a sacred place - we are working carefully with it.
(06/20 08:18:53) Dr. Kodama: It's not high on our list.
(06/20 08:18:57) Dr. Kodama: Next.
(06/20 08:19:07) CAGrayWolf: Did Erik make it back?
(06/20 08:19:23) Tweek: I don't see him
(06/20 08:19:26) CAGrayWolf: Arthur, you question please?
(06/20 08:19:51) GingerDiva: Erik is here, just not on lists
(06/20 08:19:52) From Tweek: dont see Arthur either,
(06/20 08:20:01) Arthur Kalnins: Vortmax was kind enough to ask this for me at the last liaison meeting but I'm afraid he got it a little wrong. Why are translators like Nick White and Michael Simpson still on the DRC payroll even though they helped Douglas Sharper steal many D'ni artifacts and books from the DRC?
(06/20 08:20:59) Dr. Kodama: Nick and Michael are good employees.
(06/20 08:21:11) Dr. Kodama: We've all made mistakes.
(06/20 08:22:10) Dr. Kodama: And "stealing many books and artifacts" might be a stretch.
(06/20 08:22:14) Dr. Kodama: next
(06/20 08:22:16) CAGrayWolf: StarLion, you have a question?
(06/20 08:23:13) From Thend: QUESTION
(06/20 08:23:20) From Arthur Kalnins: QUESTION
(06/20 08:23:41) CAGrayWolf: Did we loose StarLion?
(06/20 08:23:47) StarLion: I'm here
(06/20 08:24:08) CAGrayWolf: Please ask your question.
(06/20 08:24:26) StarLion: oops, it didn't go through...ok, I'll try again
(06/20 08:24:30) To Fealinquen ElEressea: You're next
(06/20 08:24:49) CAGrayWolf: Remember to use the /shout command.
(06/20 08:25:06) From Tweek: I have another question to ask if there is room for me int he list.
(06/20 08:25:10) StarLion: will the compleate path from teh surface to D'ni (Cleft > Great Shaft > D'ni) Eventualy be fully open and explorable?
(06/20 08:26:07) Dr. Kodama: It's a long term goal - not anytime soon.
(06/20 08:26:13) Dr. Kodama: next
(06/20 08:26:26) Tweek: We would ask that you please keep seated during the TH to keep issues to a minimum.
(06/20 08:26:30) CAGrayWolf: Fealinquen, you have a question?
(06/20 08:26:33) Fealinquen ElEressea: Will neighbourhoods become more customizable? Do you plan to open the doors to private houses in them? I heared of planning of raising sunken boat in harbour. What's now about it? And will we be allowed to access city tunnels in future? Hmmm. Please, one more: when will be historical documents updated? We didn't read new DRC journals for a long time.
(06/20 08:26:54) To Domahreh: You're next.
(06/20 08:27:39) Dr. Kodama: Neighborhood - Yes. Private houses in them - yes. City tunnels - yes. More documents will be made available as we translate them. We'll have some soon.
(06/20 08:27:43) Dr. Kodama: next
(06/20 08:27:46) CAGrayWolf: Domareh, you have a question?
(06/20 08:27:58) Domahreh: Could you explain the different phases of restoration progress as listed at the DRC website, how sites move from phase to phase, and why sites are suspended?
(06/20 08:28:11) To DRCLeri1: You're next
(06/20 08:29:19) Dr. Kodama: Sites move from phase to phase after approval processes. They are suspended when we don't have someone to be actively working on it.
(06/20 08:29:32) Dr. Kodama: next
(06/20 08:29:34) CAGrayWolf: Eleri, you have a question?
(06/20 08:29:43) DRCLeri1: what's the state of the concert hall, and have you found any music or related artifacts?
(06/20 08:29:57) To Thend: You're next
(06/20 08:30:48) Dr. Kodama: The concert hall interior is in fairly good shape although again, I don't have a timetable for its opening. We have found music-related artifacts and music itself that was played there.
(06/20 08:31:57) Dr. Kodama: We have not found much as many did not survive the Fall but we have found documents of famous musicians the like.
(06/20 08:31:59) Dr. Kodama: next
(06/20 08:32:01) CAGrayWolf: Thend, you have a question?
(06/20 08:32:04) Thend: Has the United States', or any other, government taken an interest in the DRC's Restoration of A'guera and/or D'ni technology?
(06/20 08:32:32) From Sorceress: QUESTION
(06/20 08:32:40) To Arthur Kalnins: You're next.
(06/20 08:32:47) Dr. Kodama: Not sure they believe it's real...
(06/20 08:32:52) Dr. Kodama: next
(06/20 08:33:10) CAGrayWolf: Arthur, you have a question?
(06/20 08:33:12) Arthur Kalnins: Where was Phil Henderson supposedly killed? I've heard that a bridge collapsed with him on it, Sharper thought he stood on a precepice which collapsed, and Dr. Watson thought a wall fell on him. What exactly happened?
(06/20 08:33:29) To Tweek: Next
(06/20 08:33:37) From DRCLeri1: memememeeee! ;)
(06/20 08:33:53) From Thend: QUESTION
(06/20 08:34:14) Dr. Kodama: He was killed by the Guild Hall.
(06/20 08:34:58) Dr. Kodama: As to what exactly happened, no one was there with him. However, there is rubble from a collapse of a support structure. That's all we have.
(06/20 08:35:06) Dr. Kodama: next
(06/20 08:35:08) CAGrayWolf: Tweek, you have a question?
(06/20 08:35:11) Tweek: I was wondering is the Karim District the area along the Canyon "Strip" where the Kadish Store is located?
(06/20 08:35:27) To Sorceress: You're next
(06/20 08:36:02) Dr. Kodama: Karim is in the city proper. No.
(06/20 08:36:09) Dr. Kodama: next
(06/20 08:36:11) CAGrayWolf: Sorceress, you have a question?
(06/20 08:36:15) From Amala_Sandra: Shorah Racco
(06/20 08:36:31) To DRCLeri1: You're next
(06/20 08:36:34) From Amala_Sandra: It is the first time I see a Town Hall.
(06/20 08:36:44) Sorceress: Have you found any artifacts from the Guild of Actors? Like plays or recorded performances?
(06/20 08:36:56) From Amala_Sandra: Oops Sorry
(06/20 08:37:10) To Amala_Sandra: No prob :)
(06/20 08:37:45) Dr. Kodama: we have not found recorded performances but there is plenty of written evidence of performances.
(06/20 08:37:51) Dr. Kodama: next
(06/20 08:37:53) CAGrayWolf: Eleri, you have a question?
(06/20 08:37:57) DRCLeri1: between the Hall of Kings and the Guild Hall is a tall spire carved with a spiral path. Is this a road of some sort, and do you know what's up there?
(06/20 08:38:12) To Thend: You're next
(06/20 08:39:20) Dr. Kodama: If it's what I'm thinking of, it's nothing special - decorative.
(06/20 08:39:23) Dr. Kodama: next
(06/20 08:39:27) CAGrayWolf: Thend, you have a question?
(06/20 08:39:30) Thend: Why is the DRC considering utilizing Guild structures for explorer participation in the Restoration of A'guera instead of more current scientific structures? And how closely will the DRC's modern Guilds mirror D'ni's old ones?
(06/20 08:41:50) From DRCLeri1: question, oh Wolfie :)
(06/20 08:42:51) From Domahreh in Domahreh's Relto: i'm on my way -- followup question on the music hall I'd like to ask
(06/20 08:43:44) From Tweek: we lost Kodama?
(06/20 08:44:43) GingerDiva: Dr K go bye bye :(
(06/20 08:44:45) DRCLeri1: looks like the bahro are packing people off again
(06/20 08:44:55) Arthur Kalnins: We've lost Kodama?
(06/20 08:44:57) Tweek: wish they'd pack me off
(06/20 08:44:58) CAGrayWolf: We may have lost Dr Kodama ... please be patient.
(06/20 08:45:16) Arthur Kalnins runs around screaming.... not
(06/20 08:45:21) Thend: Do you know if he heard my question?
(06/20 08:45:43) Tweek: not sure, we may get you to ask it again if that is ok Thend
(06/20 08:45:54) CAGrayWolf: Thend, not sure. If not you can ask again.
(06/20 08:46:05) CAGrayWolf: Thanks Tweek
(06/20 08:46:11) Tweek sips coffee from a thermos
(06/20 08:46:20) Arthur Kalnins: Heh... it's funny to watch him fly out of the room
(06/20 08:46:37) StarLion looks up
(06/20 08:46:41) StarLion: Wah? Where did he go?
(06/20 08:46:42) GingerDiva: i'm way past the point of coffee keeping me awake lol
(06/20 08:47:19) CAGrayWolf: WB Dr Kodama
(06/20 08:47:19) Dr. Kodama: sorry
(06/20 08:47:26) Tweek: welcome back
(06/20 08:47:29) Dr. Kodama: so...the Guild are D'ni and we are restoring D'ni.
(06/20 08:47:36) Arthur Kalnins: Welcome back, Dr. Kodama
(06/20 08:47:44) CAGrayWolf: Do you have the last question or should it be asked again?
(06/20 08:47:45) Dr. Kodama: The D'ni were flexible in their Guild and we will be too.
(06/20 08:48:03) Dr. Kodama: We will mirror their Guilds as long as they are relevant to what we need.
(06/20 08:48:06) Dr. Kodama: next
(06/20 08:48:08) CAGrayWolf: Eleri, you have a question?
(06/20 08:48:12) From Tweek: i think he got the question
(06/20 08:48:31) To Tweek: LoL :)
(06/20 08:48:36) DRCLeri1: Has the DRC been to K'veer, and was there any sign of Atrus' time there?
(06/20 08:48:42) To Domahreh: You're next
(06/20 08:49:50) Dr. Kodama: Yes we've been there, as most of you have probably. And yes there is evidence, like his desk.
(06/20 08:49:55) Dr. Kodama: next
(06/20 08:49:57) CAGrayWolf: Domahreh, you have a question?
(06/20 08:50:09) Domahreh: Follow up on the music hall question -- the actual music discovered there, is this a recording of a performance, or musical scores, or both? have you seen/listened to them? Can you say something about the character of D'ni music (does it resemble any music we know) or D'ni music notation?
(06/20 08:51:09) From Thend: QUESTION
(06/20 08:51:58) Dr. Kodama: The piece that plays in the Kadish Gallery is a nice sample of D'ni music...although there was a wide variety - the best we can tell.
(06/20 08:52:14) Dr. Kodama: next.
(06/20 08:52:35) CAGrayWolf: In regards the K'veer ... does this mean that most of us have taken "The Path" and that it pertains to our current journies and exploration?
(06/20 08:53:00) CAGrayWolf: You're next
(06/20 08:53:19) To Thend: You're next
(06/20 08:54:02) Dr. Kodama: I can't speak for you but most people I know have seen K'veer.
(06/20 08:54:05) Dr. Kodama: next.
(06/20 08:54:08) CAGrayWolf: Thend, you have a question?
(06/20 08:54:10) Thend: What relationship has Cyan had and currently have with the DRC and the Restoration project, D'ni and funding in general? And have any of them taken The Journey, like some in the DRC has?
(06/20 08:55:32) Dr. Kodama: We have a good relationship with Cyan, obviously. I believe some of them have taken the journey.
(06/20 08:55:36) Dr. Kodama: next.
(06/20 08:55:48) CAGrayWolf: Please give a huge round of appluase for Dr Kodama. We would like to thank you again for taking the time to answer questions.
(06/20 08:55:56) DRCLeri1 claps her hands
(06/20 08:55:59) Domahreh claps his hands
(06/20 08:55:59) Arthur Kalnins claps his hands
(06/20 08:56:00) Dr. Kodama: Thank you for coming.
(06/20 08:56:01) GingerDiva claps her hands
(06/20 08:56:02) StarLion claps his hands
(06/20 08:56:06) Arthur Kalnins claps his hands
(06/20 08:56:07) Dr. Kodama: Good day to you all.
(06/20 08:56:08) From DRCLeri1: confirm tonight, too
(06/20 08:56:16) Mark Dev claps his hands
(06/20 08:56:29) Domahreh claps his hands
(06/20 08:56:36) From Dr. Kodama: Thank you.
(06/20 08:56:45) CAGrayWolf: Dr Kodama, you will be joining us again tonight for a second meeting?
(06/20 08:57:08) Domahreh: great job, liaisons -- thanks for moderating
(06/20 08:57:16) Dr. Kodama: I believe Marie will be coming tonight - although I might.
(06/20 08:57:33) CAGrayWolf: Thank you Dr Kodama
(06/20 08:57:37) Arthur Kalnins cheers
(06/20 08:57:46) Amala_Sandra: Thanks a lot.
(06/20 08:57:47) DRCLeri1: thanks everyone for coming!
(06/20 08:58:00) StarLion: haha, well now I know for sure...Kodama has a Relto
(06/20 08:58:03) Arthur Kalnins: Very informative.
(06/20 08:58:30) Sorceress: I crahsed, what did he say about D'ni music notation?
(06/20 08:58:32) Arthur Kalnins: Nothing :P
(06/20 08:58:32) Domahreh: is it uncouth to ask marie similar questions to what were asked this morning?
(06/20 08:58:33) Sorceress: doh
(06/20 08:58:34) Domahreh: LOL, nothing -- but he did say that the Kadish Gallery music is D'ni
(06/20 08:58:35) Arthur Kalnins: He said the Kadish music was a good sample, of it
(06/20 08:58:46) Arthur Kalnins: but that there was a wide range
(06/20 08:58:47) DRCLeri1: not really, as long as it expands on morning stuff.
(06/20 08:58:52) GingerDiva: ok 4am now lol - time for bigtime crashing to happen here!
(06/20 08:59:04) StarLion: no doub
(06/20 08:59:08) StarLion: doubt
(06/20 08:59:09) Sorceress: cool, thanks
(06/20 08:59:11) DRCLeri1: he's a man of few words!
(06/20 08:59:12) Domahreh: Which is an important step, I think... I'm working on some D'ni music theory, and the Kadish song fits nicely
(06/20 08:59:18) CAGrayWolf: G'day or G'night to you all.
(06/20 08:59:20) CAGrayWolf waves
(06/20 08:59:24) Sorceress: I expected nothing less. :)
(06/20 08:59:28) kimmie1 waves
(06/20 08:59:29) GingerDiva: night everyone :)
(06/20 08:59:31) Arthur Kalnins waves
(06/20 08:59:35) GingerDiva waves
(06/20 08:59:40) Domahreh: afternoon, night all
(06/20 08:59:42) StarLion: Or would it be "I expected nothing more"?
(06/20 08:59:58) Arthur Kalnins: Let's hope the DRC makes it to the night one this time :P
(06/20 09:00:24) Arthur Kalnins: Or morning, depending on your country of origin