Reference:2006-11-08 DRC Liaison Discussion and Planning Meeting

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(11/08 14:57:03) Eleri: Shorah, Marie! It's been a while!
(11/08 14:57:08) Marie Sutherland waves
(11/08 14:57:17) Vortmax waves
(11/08 14:57:32) CAGrayWolf: Shorah Marie
(11/08 14:57:44) Marie Sutherland: so many duties, so little time
(11/08 14:57:54) CAGrayWolf: Know that feeling
(11/08 14:57:59) Eleri: running frantic, hmm?
(11/08 14:58:13) Marie Sutherland: pretty much, yes.
(11/08 14:58:23) Marie Sutherland: But such is life. How are things with you all?
(11/08 14:58:41) Eleri: goodgood.
(11/08 14:59:06) Marie Sutherland: I believe Kodama will be coming. Engberg is on the surface, and Laxman is occupied.
(11/08 14:59:31) Vortmax: Dr. Kodama is always good for a laugh. :)
(11/08 15:00:08) Eleri: don't let him hear you say that ;) You'll blow his cover
(11/08 15:01:04) CAGrayWolf: Shorah Dr Kodama
(11/08 15:01:08) Vortmax: Greetings
(11/08 15:01:09) Dr. Kodama: hello
(11/08 15:01:33) Eleri: Hihi!
(11/08 15:02:07) Vortmax: Sooooo.... Where to start?
(11/08 15:02:27) Eleri: yer stuck with the five of us for another 6 months :)
(11/08 15:03:04) Dr. Kodama: I suppose we are.
(11/08 15:03:04) Vortmax: I guess first I'd like to know if you have any news for us, things the explorers should know.
(11/08 15:03:15) Marie Sutherland: I see that. No complaints from me. You all did a great job at working with what you were given.
(11/08 15:03:55) Dr. Kodama: Then lets get on with the future.
(11/08 15:04:28) Dr. Kodama: Marie are you leading this or am I?
(11/08 15:04:47) Marie Sutherland: Some kind of official announcement? No. We don't have any.
(11/08 15:05:07) Marie Sutherland: At least not at this time.
(11/08 15:05:14) Dr. Kodama: Then we're done?
(11/08 15:05:20) CAGrayWolf starts to laugh
(11/08 15:05:26) Vortmax laughs
(11/08 15:05:29) Marie Sutherland: I do have other things to discuss, though, if you'd like to cover that now.
(11/08 15:05:29) Vortmax: What did I say? :P
(11/08 15:05:39) CAGrayWolf: I would
(11/08 15:05:42) Vortmax nods his head
(11/08 15:05:46) Dr. Kodama: Very good.
(11/08 15:06:17) Marie Sutherland: I've been trying to keep up with the forums, even without time to get into the various discussions.
(11/08 15:06:47) Eleri: it's been semi organized chaos, as usual
(11/08 15:07:15) CAGrayWolf: I have a hard time keeping up ... and I have the time.
(11/08 15:07:33) Marie Sutherland: I've seen that some folks want to lock the liaisons into a specific role of just being strictly between the DRC and the explorers.
(11/08 15:07:58) Marie Sutherland: Personally, I don't agree with that idea.
(11/08 15:08:10) CAGrayWolf claps his hands
(11/08 15:08:24) Vortmax: Are you saying you'd like to see us continue working with Cyan and GameTap on their projects?
(11/08 15:08:28) Eleri: I figured, we'll end up going where we're needed
(11/08 15:08:59) Marie Sutherland: I think of the liaisons' job as "information dissemination". You don't merely work for the DRC, even though we are the ones that initially asked for you.
(11/08 15:09:29) Marie Sutherland: I see the liaisons as helping people who have information connect with the people that want that information.
(11/08 15:09:40) Marie Sutherland: The town halls are a great example.
(11/08 15:09:54) Vortmax: So really, a more general information-facilitation job (for lack of a better term).
(11/08 15:10:01) Marie Sutherland: The town halls haven't solely been with the DRC.
(11/08 15:10:23) Marie Sutherland: The upcoming Town Hall with the Great Tree folks is an excellent example.
(11/08 15:10:33) Vortmax nods his head
(11/08 15:10:53) Marie Sutherland: In that case, the information that they have that people want is information about the Great Tree members themselves.
(11/08 15:10:54) CAGrayWolf: We have semi-discussed having TH with groups that are quite active in the cavern, starting with The Great Tree. How do you feel about this?
(11/08 15:11:03) Marie Sutherland: I don't have a problem with that continuing in the future.
(11/08 15:11:07) Marie Sutherland: Comments?
(11/08 15:11:27) CAGrayWolf: Sorry, you just answered that. *blush*
(11/08 15:11:38) Eleri: I think that'll work just fine. If groups know they can come to us, to help them connect with others
(11/08 15:11:44) Vortmax: I like this. That way we're open to everyone, regardless of which "faction" they're in.
(11/08 15:12:01) CAGrayWolf: Exactly my feelings as well.
(11/08 15:12:23) Eleri: hmm. Maybe wee need to be known as Cavern Liaisons then
(11/08 15:12:44) CAGrayWolf: That would probably be less confusing.
(11/08 15:12:44) Vortmax: Tweek is on his way
(11/08 15:12:50) Eleri: so people don't keep trying to pin us down.
(11/08 15:12:53) Marie Sutherland: I think we're all on the same page, then.
(11/08 15:13:10) Marie Sutherland: That isn't a bad idea, Eleri.
(11/08 15:13:16) Vortmax: I like that too
(11/08 15:13:24) CAGrayWolf: Agreed
(11/08 15:13:30) Eleri: not that I mind being a DRC pipeline, but that way were're not limited
(11/08 15:14:13) Eleri: that should probably come as an official sort of announcement of change from you guys, hmm...
(11/08 15:14:24) Marie Sutherland: Helping us spread information around the Cavern will still be one of your roles (primarily by hosting the Town halls for now)
(11/08 15:14:38) Dr. Kodama: We'll have to think about that one.
(11/08 15:14:48) Dr. Kodama: I don't know about the name change.
(11/08 15:15:19) Eleri: you guys percolate it on your end. no sense rushing in
(11/08 15:15:40) Eleri: speaking of spread of information...
(11/08 15:15:43) Marie Sutherland: Agreed. We'll discuss it further.
(11/08 15:15:51) CAGrayWolf: I just feel better that we have a clearer idea of what to do and continue doing.
(11/08 15:16:22) Eleri: we should probably touch on the Great Tree issue. Since it looks like someone tried to stir up trouble though misinformation there...
(11/08 15:16:43) Dr. Kodama: What now?
(11/08 15:17:07) CAGrayWolf: Apparently (rumor) the DRC burned their jackets.
(11/08 15:17:25) CAGrayWolf: Shorah Tweek
(11/08 15:17:33) Vortmax: It's come out that it was a hoax though
(11/08 15:17:35) Eleri: which they now know was a hoax, but somone they trusted passed it off as real.
(11/08 15:17:42) Dr. Kodama: Who?
(11/08 15:17:49) Eleri: no idea
(11/08 15:17:56) Marie Sutherland: I saw it. I'm not sure who started the rumor, but it didn't even seem like dignifying it with a response was appropriate.
(11/08 15:18:04) Dr. Kodama: Well we can't control everything that is said anyway.
(11/08 15:18:12) Eleri: and I betcha they won't be trusting them anymore.
(11/08 15:18:13) CAGrayWolf: Astar would not release his sourse ... which I can understand.
(11/08 15:18:13) Dr. Kodama: So be it. There are liars in the world.
(11/08 15:18:17) Tweek: my appologise, I had some trouble getting down here.
(11/08 15:18:24) Marie Sutherland: It was bound to be discovered to be hoax soon enough on its own.
(11/08 15:18:33) Eleri: mostly, it bugs me that someoone would be trying to fan old flames
(11/08 15:18:36) Marie Sutherland: Hello, Tweek.
(11/08 15:18:36) Dr. Kodama: I'm sure there will be more lies in the future.
(11/08 15:18:42) Dr. Kodama: Tweek...
(11/08 15:18:49) Tweek: hi
(11/08 15:18:53) CAGrayWolf: This is true
(11/08 15:18:54) Vortmax: Right, we're worried this is a sign that perhaps more will be trying to stir up old conflicts.
(11/08 15:19:00) Dr. Kodama: I'm sure they will.
(11/08 15:19:02) Vortmax: It's something you should be aware of, if nothing else.
(11/08 15:19:14) CAGrayWolf: unfortunately ... along with mis-conception and mis-understandings.
(11/08 15:19:33) Dr. Kodama: Not everyone is a friend of the DRC. I'm fine with that.
(11/08 15:20:15) Eleri: as far as I can tell, the GT people are ready to start anew. Thing have changed, no sense holding onto old beliefs that may not fit
(11/08 15:20:25) Marie Sutherland: Shall we move on to something more positive?
(11/08 15:20:29) CAGrayWolf: I would like to ask ... will the DRC be available for any TH's before the cavern reopens?
(11/08 15:20:49) Vortmax: Yes, we'd like at least one, if possible
(11/08 15:21:17) CAGrayWolf: Perhaps along the lines of touching base and what you all have been working on.
(11/08 15:21:18) Eleri: just so pople don't fret you've been packed off by Bahro
(11/08 15:21:38) Marie Sutherland: Yes. We would like one more to discuss the upcoming changes to the Cavern.
(11/08 15:21:42) CAGrayWolf: and/or any updates.
(11/08 15:21:56) Eleri: that'll be an exciting one
(11/08 15:21:58) Marie Sutherland: WE're not sure of the exact timing, with our current schedules.
(11/08 15:22:01) CAGrayWolf: Agreed
(11/08 15:22:22) Dr. Kodama: Not this month.
(11/08 15:22:25) Vortmax: And, of course, time is short for everyone right now
(11/08 15:22:37) Marie Sutherland: My best estimate is that it would be sometime during the first week of December (4th - 8th)
(11/08 15:22:39) CAGrayWolf: How about we work on TH schedules and then submit a few dates to you. You can then let us know what works best for you all.
(11/08 15:22:52) Marie Sutherland: We'll provide a more specific time frame as soon as we can.
(11/08 15:23:11) CAGrayWolf: Ok, first part of Dec
(11/08 15:23:12) Vortmax: Okay, first week of December should be good. Right before the grand re-opening :D
(11/08 15:23:18) Marie Sutherland: Which brings me to my next point, actually.
(11/08 15:24:05) Marie Sutherland: There are changes coming to the Cavern, as you're aware.
(11/08 15:24:36) CAGrayWolf: In the mean time, I would like to focus some attention of groups that will be involved with cavern life ... like TGT. I feel this will help newer explorers get accustomed to these people/groups.
(11/08 15:24:49) Tweek: Changes?
(11/08 15:25:04) CAGrayWolf: *perk*
(11/08 15:25:04) Tweek: good idea wolfie.
(11/08 15:25:14) Marie Sutherland: Those changes may require the liaison's role to change a bit.
(11/08 15:25:31) Eleri: just warn us in advance?
(11/08 15:25:49) Marie Sutherland: For example, Laxman is working on the lattice as we speak.
(11/08 15:26:09) Dr. Kodama: Working a.k.a. destroying
(11/08 15:26:13) Tweek: lol
(11/08 15:26:15) CAGrayWolf starts to laugh
(11/08 15:26:24) Eleri: Laxman and his Lattice
(11/08 15:26:24) Vortmax: Hey, sometimes you have to do a format and reinstall. :D
(11/08 15:26:42) Dr. Kodama: We're expecting problems with it.
(11/08 15:27:13) Eleri: nothing like upgradind hardwaare you don't know quite how it works in the first place
(11/08 15:27:17) Marie Sutherland: Some of us are hoping for the best but preparing for the worst :)
(11/08 15:27:26) Vortmax: Any idea what kind of problems?
(11/08 15:28:16) Dr. Kodama: If we're not able to send messages via the KI, we may depend on you.
(11/08 15:28:23) Vortmax nods his head
(11/08 15:28:25) Dr. Kodama: That's the bottom line.
(11/08 15:28:30) Eleri: not a problem
(11/08 15:28:33) Dr. Kodama: And I would plan on it - but I"m a pessimist.
(11/08 15:28:50) Tweek: I'm just plain grumpy
(11/08 15:28:52) Vortmax: Always prepare for the worst. It's just a smart move.
(11/08 15:29:04) Tweek: Guild of Messengers it is then ;)
(11/08 15:29:24) Dr. Kodama: Perhaps more than you think eventually.
(11/08 15:29:55) Dr. Kodama: It won't hurt to begin see the future, somewhat distant, in those terms.
(11/08 15:30:29) Vortmax: Well, you know, we've heard rumors that destruction is coming... No idea what that means, but it's already getting us thinking.
(11/08 15:30:37) CAGrayWolf: Won't we need a special KI for bulk messaging or can we do that with our current KI?
(11/08 15:30:47) Dr. Kodama: You won't be using KI's.
(11/08 15:30:51) Dr. Kodama: They won't be working.
(11/08 15:30:54) Tweek: if the lattice is down KIs are no no
(11/08 15:30:58) CAGrayWolf: ooooooooooh
(11/08 15:31:02) Dr. Kodama: For bulk messaging.
(11/08 15:31:14) Vortmax: We'll be posting to forums and spending time in the Cavern telling peole in person. :D
(11/08 15:31:17) Tweek: see I told you homing pidgeons was the future..
(11/08 15:31:28) Marie Sutherland: That's was another point on my list, actually... the Guild of Messengers.
(11/08 15:31:50) Vortmax: (This would be Marie's cue to yell 'GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!")
(11/08 15:31:58) CAGrayWolf starts to laugh
(11/08 15:32:24) Marie Sutherland: Just so you're prepared for the "distant" future... the "information dissemination" role you're currently filling...
(11/08 15:32:45) Marie Sutherland: will one day fall under the jurisdiction of the Guild of Messengers.
(11/08 15:32:57) Vortmax: Interesting...
(11/08 15:33:00) CAGrayWolf: Cool
(11/08 15:33:11) Eleri: coolcool. Sort of the official cavern Press corps?
(11/08 15:33:13) Marie Sutherland: Assuming that we can get the infrastructure in place to support Guilds at some point
(11/08 15:33:48) Marie Sutherland: That won't be in the immediate future, as Kodama said, but that is the direction that we want to be heading, just so you all know.
(11/08 15:34:05) Eleri: umm, as changes start happeneing, I assume there's going to be a major transition point? should we start planning for that?
(11/08 15:35:10) Tweek: Tweek had heard whispers about future guilds and stuff, should be interesting to see implimented.
(11/08 15:35:15) Marie Sutherland: eleri - it's to early to really start planning it in any detail, just be aware.
(11/08 15:35:21) Vortmax: Do you thinkf these changes will take place during our terms, or further out?
(11/08 15:35:43) Vortmax: (Understanding you have no specific dates in mind at this point...)
(11/08 15:35:45) Marie Sutherland: probably further out. hard to say
(11/08 15:35:49) Vortmax nods his head
(11/08 15:35:49) CAGrayWolf: or at least our specifc roles, currently?
(11/08 15:35:54) Dr. Kodama: Guilds are some time.
(11/08 15:35:58) Dr. Kodama: The KI going down is not.
(11/08 15:36:04) Vortmax: Right.
(11/08 15:36:38) Eleri: hmmmm
(11/08 15:36:52) Marie Sutherland: That's all from my list.
(11/08 15:37:03) Vortmax: That actually answers several of my questions too.
(11/08 15:37:07) Tweek: I didn't have time to get my list sorted
(11/08 15:37:23) Dr. Kodama: Is there anything more to discuss? Anyone?
(11/08 15:38:01) Vortmax: So, to make sure I have this correct: We are to help all groups in the Cavern to disseminate information at large. We will be needed for getting your word out soon too, if the Lattice goes down.
(11/08 15:38:03) Eleri: not that I can think of. Looks like things are moving forward, if slowly.
(11/08 15:38:08) Tweek: GT hoax has been covered, not sure what I missed at the start of the meeting.
(11/08 15:38:41) Vortmax: And in the further future, this job will fall under a Guild of Messengers.
(11/08 15:38:44) Vortmax: Right?
(11/08 15:38:44) Eleri: anything the DRC needs from the explorers?
(11/08 15:38:46) CAGrayWolf: I'll post the chat log if Vort doesn't beat me to it.
(11/08 15:38:59) Dr. Kodama: Yes.
(11/08 15:39:07) Marie Sutherland: sounds correct.
(11/08 15:39:37) Dr. Kodama: Very well, I think we're done.
(11/08 15:39:47) CAGrayWolf: Great, this has cleared up so much.
(11/08 15:39:50) CAGrayWolf cheers
(11/08 15:39:55) Eleri: woo!
(11/08 15:40:01) Marie Sutherland: and another DRC town hall with exact time to be determined.
(11/08 15:40:01) Vortmax: Heh, I feel like I'm forgetting something...
(11/08 15:40:20) Dr. Kodama: I need to go. I have a meeting with Cate.
(11/08 15:40:22) CAGrayWolf: I'm glad we can continue to be helpful you you all as well.
(11/08 15:40:23) Vortmax: Oh! Do you know if anyone specific will be taking over Sharper's job, should he not return? (An explorer wanted to know)
(11/08 15:40:27) Tweek: splended I can get back to my flora & fauna classification project. If the DRC have any information in that regard feel free to help ;)
(11/08 15:40:30) Dr. Kodama: Good day all.
(11/08 15:40:41) Tweek: By Dr, Kodama
(11/08 15:40:43) Vortmax: Thank you Dr. Kodama!
(11/08 15:40:48) Eleri: thanks!
(11/08 15:40:50) CAGrayWolf: bye Dr Kodama
(11/08 15:40:53) Dr. Kodama: Thank you.
(11/08 15:40:55) CAGrayWolf: and thank you
(11/08 15:41:25) Marie Sutherland: Sharper's replacement? No one that I know of.
(11/08 15:41:39) Eleri: Cate? This is a new name.
(11/08 15:41:40) Vortmax: Thanks. I'll pass that on.
(11/08 15:41:59) CAGrayWolf: I was thinking the same thing, Eleri.
(11/08 15:42:00) Marie Sutherland: He was doing his own thing most of the time anyway.
(11/08 15:42:22) Tweek: ain't that the truth
(11/08 15:42:23) CAGrayWolf: I would still like to see the rest of Teledahn.
(11/08 15:42:35) Marie Sutherland: Thanks for all your help.
(11/08 15:42:40) Vortmax: Thank you :)
(11/08 15:42:51) CAGrayWolf: You're very welcome Marie ... and thank you.
(11/08 15:43:05) Eleri: thanks bunches, Marie