Reference:2006-12-20 Dr. Kodama in UO neighborhood

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Sechelot: which problem?
(12/20 22:13:45) Dan’ni: oooo Kodama’s here
(12/20 22:14:06) Dan’ni: Hello there Doctor.
(12/20 22:14:16) ChrisRivadeneira: Hi Dr.Kodama
Dr. Kodama: I don’t see Dr. Kodama
Dan’ni: How are things?
(12/20 22:14:26) Twi-lite: Hi Dr. Kodama
(12/20 22:14:36) Lontahv: Shorah
(12/20 22:14:41) Twi-lite: wow, the imagers are back
Dr. Kodama: I can hear you
JKC: yup
(12/20 22:14:42) Misterzen: Is there somedoy that can invite me in this neigborhood....
(12/20 22:14:47) Linkin’ Imp: I can hear you
(12/20 22:14:53) Misterzen: Yes I can here you
(12/20 22:15:04) Linkin’ Imp: No, mrzen… noone here yet
Dr. Kodama: How is everyone?
Linkin’ Imp: No hood members
(12/20 22:15:16) ChrisRivadeneira: Good
(12/20 22:15:18) Twi-lite: doing fine, how are you doctor?
(12/20 22:15:19) Linkin’ Imp: Good
Dr. Kodama: Good
Twi-lite: its so good to be back here,
Dr. Kodama: Lots of people here.
Analord: shorah everyone..
(12/20 22:15:47) Linkin’ Imp: Shorah
(12/20 22:15:57) Dan’ni: Yes people are coming back.
Dr. Kodama: The story?
Dr. Kodama: Yes.
Lontahv: Yes
(12/20 22:16:18) Linkin’ Imp: Thanks
(12/20 22:16:30) Kralys: hi
(12/20 22:16:44) Misterzen: IL Il y a Dr Kodoma a Uru Obsesison
(12/20 22:16:46) Lontahv: Heek
(12/20 22:16:47) Analord: :-)
(12/20 22:17:00) JKC: no heek yet :(
(12/20 22:17:00) Misterzen: IL y a Dr kodooma A Uru Obsession
(12/20 22:17:08) Linkin’ Imp: I don’t think so
(12/20 22:17:21) Gadren: Shorah!
(12/20 22:17:40) Gadren: How is everyone?
(12/20 22:17:46) Misterzen: allo Nehmo.... On dirait que le jeu est revenu a une version super primale…genre pas the heey,
Dr. Kodama: So why is this hood so popular?
Sechelot: where have you find your dress doctor kodama?
(12/20 22:17:59) Gadren shrugs
(12/20 22:18:03) Linkin’ Imp: Hi gadren
(12/20 22:18:07) Dan’ni: Doctor, what was in the message you received earlier today?
Dr. Kodama: Ah, hi Gadren.
Gadren: Well, Uru Obsession is one of the biggest D’ni-related forums…
(12/20 22:18:23) Twi-lite: Hi Gadren
(12/20 22:18:30) Misterzen: tu va ste coucher lesoudayay
Dr. Kodama: The message?
Dr. Kodama: Not sure which you are referring to. I’ve received many.
Dan’ni: I heard people talking about you receiving some kind og a shocking message after which everyone was sent to Relto.
(12/20 22:19:06) JKC: I think he means the “they come..” message
Dr. Kodama: No before. From Laxman.
Dr. Kodama: New Ages…not sure.
Linkin’ Imp: What is going on? do the bahro want us to leave?
Dr. Kodama: Not too long though.
Gadren: Dan’ni, the message from Laxman said something like the Lattice was acting funny
Dr. Kodama: Linkin’ Imp - you are very interesting looking.
Twi-lite: any idea when the city will be starting to open up?
(12/20 22:19:51) Misterzen: Je me demande si tu pourrais me faire entrer dans ton quartier,,,, il faut que je reinitialise
(12/20 22:19:52) Gadren: :P
(12/20 22:19:53) Linkin’ Imp: Is there something you are not telling us? are we in danger?
(12/20 22:19:59) Dan’ni: Ah. I see. Thanks Gadren.
(12/20 22:20:03) Linkin’ Imp: Thanks you, dr kodama
Dr. Kodama: I don’t believe we are in danger.
(12/20 22:20:15) Gadren nods his head
(12/20 22:20:21) Dan’ni: So what is the DRC up to now?
Dr. Kodama: We would not be allowing people here if that were the case.
Twi-lite: If we aren’t in danger, why can’t we go up to the meeting room in the hoods?
(12/20 22:20:44) Lontahv: What about Blake.
Dr. Kodama: In the short term we are investigating yesterday’s incident and the repurcussions from it.
Twi-lite: ahhhh
Dr. Kodama: In the long term, what we are always doing… restoring.
Kralys: what happened?
(12/20 22:21:27) Twi-lite: That scream yesterday was very chilling......
(12/20 22:21:27) Kralys: i guess i got here a little late
(12/20 22:21:28) Linkin’ Imp: dunno… seemed like a bahro yanked me out of my nexus
Dr. Kodama: We’re still looking into what exactly happened. I don’t want to speculate.
Dr. Kodama: Others can tell you their opinion if they so choose.
Linkin’ Imp: He seemed agitated (the bahro, that is)
(12/20 22:21:47) Dan’ni: Will you keep us updated on what you find?
Dr. Kodama: Of course.
Analord: does anyone mind letting me join this hood?
(12/20 22:21:58) Dan’ni: Awesome.
Dr. Kodama: I don’t know. I haven’t heard from Dr. Watson in a long time.
Misterzen: allo Soline mon ki : 73421
Dr. Kodama: He may be gettting a nice tan for all I know.
Misterzen: allo Soline mmon ki: 73421
(12/20 22:22:39) Linkin’ Imp starts to laugh
Dr. Kodama: The what?
Gadren: Many of these questions regarding Watson and when new Ages are coming have already been addressed multiple times in Town Hall Meetings. Check out to read the chatlogs
(12/20 22:23:00) Misterzen: HEllo Doc, Ko
Dr. Kodama: Ah, we’ve removed it.
ChrisRivadeneira: :(
Dr. Kodama: We’ll be returning it soon.
Misterzen: nine hearcut
(12/20 22:23:21) ChrisRivadeneira cheers
(12/20 22:23:22) Misterzen: haircut
Dr. Kodama: Checking it out - it was having problems.
Tiran: shorah everbody
(12/20 22:23:37) Linkin’ Imp: Shorah
Dr. Kodama: Not sure but not in the near future.
Dr. Kodama: The game room needs quite a bit of work.
Dan’ni: What kind of games are there in the game room, anyways?
(12/20 22:24:46) Dan’ni: Gemedet, maybe?
(12/20 22:24:48) Linkin’ Imp: Tiddlywinks
(12/20 22:24:50) Linkin’ Imp starts to laugh
Dr. Kodama: That’s part of the problem - we’re still trying to figure that out.
Dan’ni: Must be in a very bad shape then…
Dr. Kodama: It didn’t come with instructions.
Misterzen: waht will be the next tingh to open,,,,wht on the agenda ?
(12/20 22:25:16) Linkin’ Imp: Oh oh
(12/20 22:25:18) ChrisRivadeneira laughs
Dr. Kodama: And it’s not immediately obvious.
Linkin’ Imp: Hey… that’s a cool concept… games that you have to figure out how to operate
(12/20 22:25:56) Misterzen: IL y a Dr.Kodoma,,ici ca se rempli vite
Dr. Kodama: I haven’t seen Yeesha
Lontahv: The Egg-room when will it be open?
(12/20 22:26:12) Gadren: Besides the holograms in the Cleft, Chris, I haven’t
Dr. Kodama: Soon.
Dr. Kodama: Just going through some safety checks on it - after yesterday.
Dan’ni: Same with the rest of the city I suppose?
Dr. Kodama: Yes.
Dr. Kodama: Not sure.
Lontahv: That’s good wouldn’t want anyone to get hurt.
(12/20 22:27:31) Misterzen: qui a le Ki de AmaH ?
(12/20 22:27:35) Tiran: Has anybody figured out what has happend? It was scary
(12/20 22:27:56) Gadren: Take a look on the forums…people have written up reports on it
(12/20 22:28:08) gelf: what makes the places they you have open any safer then the places your not letting us into yet?
(12/20 22:28:19) Gadren: <-- the DRC Liaisons have written an Announcement about it
(12/20 22:28:21) Linkin' Imp: Good question
Dr. Kodama: We have completed thourough checks on the open areas.
Linkin’ Imp: That was fast
Dr. Kodama: We have found some small cracks and other debris in other areas.
Dr. Kodama: That have caused us to not reopen.
Linkin’ Imp: Are you sure they were thorough?
(12/20 22:28:54) Mucol: small cracks?
(12/20 22:28:57) Tiran: Gadren: I was here when it happend. But I don’t know why it happend and what’s behind the event.
(12/20 22:29:09) Gadren: Hmm…so whatever happened had a physical effect on the area
(12/20 22:29:10) Lontahv: Is it as bad as Gahreesen?
Dr. Kodama: Yes. We are as sure as we can be.
Dr. Kodama: No.
Linkin’ Imp: Ond day doesn’t seem like much time to have done a thorough check of said open areas
Dr. Kodama: Small. We just want to make sure they have not damaged structural integrity.
Dr. Kodama: We have been working on night.
Dan’ni: IMP, well the hoods and Ferry always seemed quite stable…
Dr. Kodama: With restoration engineers.
Dr. Kodama: And there aren’t any major structures there.
Dan’ni: So I guess that’s partially the reason why those areas are open…
(12/20 22:30:28) Linkin’ Imp: ok. heh… i’m naturally overcautious
Dr. Kodama: What was your question Chris?
gelf: i would have thought checking cracks would have been an on going process anyway the whole places is cracked so do you keep mesurements of them all looking for changes?
(12/20 22:30:33) Linkin’ Imp kicks self
Dr. Kodama: Exacty gelf.
Tiran: cautios as usually
Dr. Kodama: Great Zero… we are working on it.
Tiran: Cautious as usually
Dr. Kodama: I would assume in the near term.
Gadren: Don’t expect to get any solid answers or schedules, Chris ;-) – I’d assume that whatever plans they had are going to be changed by recent events.
Dr. Kodama: I hate to give dates - if we don’t reach the goals we’ll have unhappy people.
Dr. Kodama: Yes Gadren, as well as that.
A’lan: Do you and the other DRC and res-eng folks going to work through the holidays or do you have other plans?
(12/20 22:32:22) gelf: did the whole cavern shake at the sound of the scream??? is that why we all linked out? our ki thought it was safer to do so?
Dr. Kodama: Some of us will be here and others will not.
Gadren: Chris, I’ve hada couple problems like that…I’ve found that linking out of the Nexus and linking in can sometimes fix it…
Dr. Kodama: I think I will be heading up to the surface for a short while.
Linkin’ Imp: A bahro was most definitely in the nexus with me
(12/20 22:32:58) Gadren: The KI doesn’t have linking abilities, gelf
(12/20 22:33:01) Linkin’ Imp: Ok doc
(12/20 22:33:12) Misterzen: thanks Doc
(12/20 22:33:17) Gadren: See you around, Dr. K. Thanks for all your help
(12/20 22:33:17) Linkin’ Imp: Yes. thanks
Dr. Kodama: Well I will be going.
Gadren: Good luck getting things working
Dr. Kodama: Thank you.
Dr. Kodama: Good Day.
Mucol: ok - take care
(12/20 22:33:30) Tiran: Bye
(12/20 22:33:31) Linkin’ Imp: Bye
(12/20 22:33:34) George: Bye!
(12/20 22:33:35) Dan’ni: All right. Take care. And good luck with the work.