Reference:2007-01-03 DRC Liaisons meeting with Cate Alexander and Marie Sutherland

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(01/03 12:59:37) Vortmax: Greetings Cate!
(01/03 12:59:38) Cate Alexander: Hello.
(01/03 12:59:38) Eleri: How do you do, Cate. Shorah, and welcome
(01/03 12:59:42) Vortmax: Great to finally meet you at last
(01/03 12:59:47) Cate Alexander: Eleri, nice to meet you.
(01/03 12:59:51) Tweek: bonjour, hello, yo and other greetings
(01/03 12:59:52) Cate Alexander: Vortmax, nice to meet you.
(01/03 12:59:57) Vortmax waves
(01/03 13:00:00) Cate Alexander: Tweek, the same.
(01/03 13:00:13) Cate Alexander: There are a couple of more people right?
(01/03 13:00:36) Vortmax: Yes, but it's unknown whether they will make it.
(01/03 13:00:46) Cate Alexander: We'll give them a couple of minutes.
(01/03 13:00:46) Eleri: Gadren and CAGreyWolf
(01/03 13:00:49) Vortmax: Will Dr. Engberg be joining us?
(01/03 13:00:56) Cate Alexander: No, he will not.
(01/03 13:01:07) Cate Alexander: Mr. Engberg.
(01/03 13:01:38) Cate Alexander: Are things going well?
(01/03 13:01:43) Vortmax: Heh, I tend to assume all DRC members are doctors.
(01/03 13:01:49) Vortmax nods his head
(01/03 13:01:56) Cate Alexander: Not all of us - I'm not.
(01/03 13:02:07) Vortmax: Ah, so you are with the DRC?
(01/03 13:02:11) Tweek: I'm not a Dr. I just play one on TV
(01/03 13:02:23) Cate Alexander: Yes.
(01/03 13:02:31) Eleri: nifty
(01/03 13:02:43) Vortmax: Oh no! Tweek!
(01/03 13:02:50) Eleri: Bahro got him again
(01/03 13:02:58) Cate Alexander: He do that often?
(01/03 13:03:15) Vortmax: Not usually, no.
(01/03 13:03:20) Eleri: he's got a twitchy linking book, I think
(01/03 13:03:39) Cate Alexander: Alright, I was hoping to have all five of you here but it seems we won't.
(01/03 13:03:40) Vortmax: It must be all the excitement :)
(01/03 13:03:51) Eleri: Is this your first chance to visit, Cate?
(01/03 13:04:14) Cate Alexander: Visit the cavern?
(01/03 13:04:33) Cate Alexander: I've been in the cavern quite a few times.
(01/03 13:04:42) Cate Alexander: I haven't been to this particular neighborhood.
(01/03 13:04:48) Cate Alexander: Is Tweek returning?
(01/03 13:04:58) Eleri: He should be on his way back
(01/03 13:04:58) Vortmax: I believe he is, as soon as he can Link back
(01/03 13:05:25) Cate Alexander: Well this won't be extremely formal so maybe we should just get started.
(01/03 13:06:03) Vortmax: Sure
(01/03 13:06:04) Cate Alexander: I'm in the process of asessing a variety of areas, groups, protocols, etc... within the structure of the DRC and the liasons somewhat fall into those categories.
(01/03 13:06:05) Eleri says hi to Marie, too, so she doesn't feel forgotten :)
(01/03 13:06:18) Eleri: sounds interesting.
(01/03 13:06:22) Eleri: and complicated
(01/03 13:06:22) Cate Alexander: I'd like to know a little bit more about your group.
(01/03 13:06:50) Vortmax: Well, as I understand it, we are supposed to be a way to pass information between the DRC and the Explorers
(01/03 13:06:51) Cate Alexander: What you feel like you are accomplishing - if anything - and your opinion on how you are viewed by other explorers
(01/03 13:06:59) Cate Alexander: Is that happening?
(01/03 13:07:00) Marie Sutherland smiles at Eleri with a small nod.
(01/03 13:07:12) Eleri: some.
(01/03 13:07:19) Vortmax: Not often enough, though since the DRC has been so busy lately, it's understandable.
(01/03 13:07:34) Eleri: the easiest way for the DRC to get a solid message to everyone now, is through the KI
(01/03 13:07:56) Cate Alexander: So does that mean your role is not necessary?
(01/03 13:08:16) Eleri: I think it needs... expanded?
(01/03 13:08:27) Cate Alexander: Right.
(01/03 13:08:31) Vortmax: And defined. We still don't have a very clear definition of our role.
(01/03 13:08:46) Cate Alexander: What ways do you see yourselves expanding?
(01/03 13:08:53) Eleri: Like, if something happens, like the scream, it's easier to tell us the details, and let us get the word out.
(01/03 13:09:02) Eleri: that much info won't fit in a KI message
(01/03 13:09:25) Cate Alexander: My impression is that people would be a little jealous of you having first dibs on important information.
(01/03 13:09:38) Cate Alexander: Have you found that to be the case or is that wrong?
(01/03 13:09:42) Eleri: *nod* some people always would be.
(01/03 13:09:59) Eleri: theres a few groups that have reall issues with supposed power bases
(01/03 13:10:10) Cate Alexander: Of course, there always will be.
(01/03 13:10:24) Cate Alexander: And I don't have much time for that.
(01/03 13:10:31) Eleri: but by and large, as long as we're not hiding info, people have been ok
(01/03 13:10:41) Cate Alexander: But, at the same time, we want to make sure there is a good reason for the power.
(01/03 13:10:47) Eleri: exactly.
(01/03 13:11:03) Cate Alexander: Well, I'm not sure I'm going to have answers for you today.
(01/03 13:11:14) Cate Alexander: There is a lot to consider...
(01/03 13:11:22) Eleri nods
(01/03 13:11:24) Vortmax: That implies there will be answers though, and that's good.
(01/03 13:11:30) Cate Alexander: I will say I think there will be a role for you in the future.
(01/03 13:11:43) Anonymous Coward: well that was rather annoying
(01/03 13:11:45) Cate Alexander: But I won't guarantee it.
(01/03 13:11:51) Eleri: We've talked a little bit about writing down some of the things that have become community standards
(01/03 13:11:53) Anonymous Coward: oh please say you guys can here me?
(01/03 13:12:14) Vortmax: I hear you Tweek, though you're on the KI as Anonymous Coward
(01/03 13:12:20) Anonymous Coward: yeah
(01/03 13:12:31) Eleri: weird
(01/03 13:12:31) sighs
(01/03 13:12:35) Anonymous Coward: brb
(01/03 13:12:49) Cate Alexander: Apparently Tweek has better things to do. : )
(01/03 13:12:57) Vortmax: He's trying to fix that KI bug.
(01/03 13:13:10) Cate Alexander: Regardless, it was a pleasure to meet you all and I hope we can have some answers for you - one way or another - soon.
(01/03 13:13:19) Eleri: If I may ask, Cate, how did you get involved with the DRC?
(01/03 13:13:46) Cate Alexander: Long story... I don't have time for that now as I have another event to attend...
(01/03 13:13:50) Vortmax: And what is your role in the organization?
(01/03 13:13:55) Cate Alexander: Thank you again and we'll be in contact.
(01/03 13:14:02) Cate Alexander: Ready Marie?
(01/03 13:14:04) Vortmax thanks you very much!
(01/03 13:14:10) Eleri: Any time. Marie has all out KI numbers and emails