Reference:2007-02-22 Michael Engberg on restoring stained glass

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Michael Engberg linked into the city and proposed an opportunity for explorers to assist in restoring stained glass features.

Michael Engberg: Hello, everyone.
(02/22 21:19:33) A’drian waves hello
(02/22 21:19:34) Jimbo: Howdy
(02/22 21:19:37) Talazian: hi
(02/22 21:19:40) Sorceress: hi
(02/22 21:19:45) HeWhoIsBob: can anyone help me out with the Kadish Age?
(02/22 21:20:08) Erik: Hello Mr. Engberg
(02/22 21:20:13) A’drian: How are you today, Mr. Engberg?
(02/22 21:20:19) HeWhoIsBob: I’m stuck at the part where you need to manipulate the light coming from the ceiling
(02/22 21:20:22) The Broken Light: Shorah, large group of people.
(02/22 21:20:33) Myst’Aken: Have you come to check up on the museum doors ?
(02/22 21:20:38) Jimbo: bye mr engberg
(02/22 21:20:50) Erik: How are things going?
(02/22 21:21:03) Talazian: Just out for a stroll I guess.
(02/22 21:21:18) The Broken Light waves hello
(02/22 21:21:36) Jimbo: Hi Robert
Michael Engberg: How are things going today?
Sorceress: Good, how about you?
(02/22 21:21:53) The Broken Light: Things are great, you?
(02/22 21:21:57) Moiety Jean: ::follow, follow::
(02/22 21:22:06) Jimbo: i dunno . hes just checking
(02/22 21:22:12) Moiety Jean: Feeling a little restless, myself, Mr. Engberg.
(02/22 21:22:15) Johan: good, but i cannot throw snowballs in tsogal
Michael Engberg: Keeping busy, thanks.
Volki: shorah all
(02/22 21:22:37) Ti’an: So, is there a specific reason for your visit today?
(02/22 21:23:00) Kelm: Hello Mr Engberg how are you today?
(02/22 21:23:01) White Rose: Wait
Michael Engberg: Actually, there is, in fact.
Ti’an: Care to share with us, Mr. E?
Michael Engberg: I have an interesting opportunity to discuss with you.
Erik: i’m listening…
(02/22 21:24:06) Moiety Jean ‘s ears perk up
(02/22 21:24:09) Ti’an: We’re all ears
(02/22 21:24:10) The Broken Light: As am I :)
(02/22 21:24:11) A’drian: All ears.
(02/22 21:24:12) Sorceress is interested
(02/22 21:24:24) Jimbo: tell us
(02/22 21:24:30) BobLishman: please
(02/22 21:24:39) Myst’Aken wonder’s what it could be
(02/22 13:24:53) Michael Engberg: You have probably noticed the stained-glass "windows" in the 'hoods of the Gahreesen Age.
(02/22 13:25:02) BobLishman: yes
(02/22 13:25:04) Erik nods his head
(02/22 13:25:07) A'drian: Yes, they're beautiful.
(02/22 13:25:08) The Broken Light: Yes Mr. Engberg
(02/22 13:25:10) Sorceress: Yes, they're very pretty.
(02/22 13:25:48) The Broken Light: If you need a window cleaner, I have 4+ years of experience.
(02/22 13:26:16) Michael Engberg: We have recently found similar stained-glass windows for Eder Tsogal, but they need to be restored before they can be displayed.
(02/22 13:26:51) Myst'Aken: How can we help ?
(02/22 13:26:51) Moiety Jean: Ooh. Well, any task you'd care to set out I'm sure we'll be glad to take on.
(02/22 13:26:58) The Broken Light: Oh wow! They must be beautiful
(02/22 13:27:06) BobLishman: we're happy to help
(02/22 13:27:09) Ti'an: Yes, we'd be glad to help
(02/22 13:27:38) Michael Engberg: We were thinking that that is a project that the explorers might like to tackle.
(02/22 13:27:58) A'drian: I'm happy to volunteer in any way I can.
(02/22 13:28:03) BobLishman: me too
(02/22 13:28:05) Lule: me too
(02/22 13:28:08) Sorceress: Sounds great! What do we need to do?
(02/22 13:28:10) Moiety Jean: I'm one of numerous explorers raring for a chance to assist the restoration. This is wonderful.
(02/22 13:28:18) A'drian: I'm sure all of us are.
(02/22 13:28:21) Deathsbedbug: tell us how to help, and you'll have more helpers than you can handle :)
(02/22 13:29:14) Erik: I would love to do some restoration work.
(02/22 13:29:14) Ragdrazi: What you would be having us do?
(02/22 13:29:21) To Cycreim: Our words aren't falling on deaf ears. Engberg is here in the city proposing a project for us.
(02/22 13:29:28) Ragdrazi: And what are the risks?
(02/22 13:29:37) A'drian: Glass cuts, i'm sure.
(02/22 13:29:43) Michael Engberg: Feel free to restore the stained glass as best as you think it would have looked
(02/22 13:30:42) Michael Engberg: and send a picture of the restored window to
(02/22 13:30:51) The Broken Light: What I believe he means is we are to submit to the DRC a diagram of how we think the stained glass window should look
(02/22 13:30:58) Myst'Aken: I see
(02/22 13:31:04) Moiety Jean: Interesting. So it is also a creative opportunity!
(02/22 13:31:09) Erik: Sounds great!
(02/22 13:31:12) The Broken Light: I am very excited.
(02/22 13:31:17) Ragdrazi: Arts and crafts.
(02/22 13:31:17) BobLishman: is that correct mr engberg?
(02/22 13:31:21) Ragdrazi laughs
(02/22 13:31:36) Ti'an: An excellent opportunity for the creative among us. Thank you Mr. E.
(02/22 13:31:54) Moiety Jean: Thank you very much, Mr. Engberg. This is a welcome opportunity.
(02/22 13:32:17) A'drian: Mr. Engberg, any specifications for the restoration?
(02/22 13:32:24) The Broken Light: You know the window above the Gahreesen book in Bevin? We're to submit how we believe the window above the Tsogahl book should look.
(02/22 13:32:31) Ti'an: Would there be compensation of some sort for the best efforts, Mr. E?
(02/22 13:32:35) Erik: Thank you Mr Engberg for letting us help with the restoration.
(02/22 13:32:57) Ragdrazi: What materals can we use to resurch to insure historial acuracy.
(02/22 13:33:07) Michael Engberg: We'll collect the images until March 26th and then select some of them for display in the 'hoods with Eder Tsogal.
(02/22 13:33:34) The Broken Light: We should probably use the Gahreesen window as a guideline
(02/22 13:33:45) Erik: Is there a limit for restorating windows? Or could you send multiple entries?
(02/22 13:34:01) Ragdrazi: Two types on the Gahreesen window aren't there?
(02/22 13:34:13) Ti'an: Ahhh....pubilicity...the best compensation an artist can get :)
(02/22 13:34:16) Michael Engberg: We'll be adding more specific details to the drcsite in the near future.
(02/22 13:34:24) Sorceress: Okay!
(02/22 13:34:25) The Broken Light: Thank you very much, Mr. Engberg.
(02/22 13:34:28) The Broken Light bows
(02/22 13:34:39) Myst'Aken: Which would be preferred the single or triple pane version ?
(02/22 13:34:40) Ti'an: We'll be sure to get the word out
(02/22 13:34:40) Sorceress: Thanks, this sounds like it's gonna be fun :)
(02/22 13:35:15) Moiety Jean: I trust you have technicians available to craft the glass once designs are chosen?
(02/22 13:35:52) The Broken Light: They have the technicians to restore an underground civilization. I'm sure they can craft glass :)
(02/22 13:36:04) Moiety Jean: Good point, TBL
(02/22 13:36:12) Ragdrazi: Or repair it rather.
(02/22 13:36:32) Michael Engberg: You may submit as many designs as you like.
(02/22 13:36:52) The Broken Light: Awesome.
(02/22 13:37:05) The Broken Light: Thank you very much for this opportunity, Mr. Engberg.
(02/22 13:37:07) Moiety Jean: For those not so artistically inclined, how soon might they be able to help again with The Great Zero?
(02/22 13:37:09) Erik: Nice.
(02/22 13:37:13) Michael Engberg: Thanks. I'm glad it's something some of you are interested in.
(02/22 13:37:20) The Broken Light cheers
(02/22 13:37:27) Sorceress breaks out her colored pencils
(02/22 13:37:35) Moiety Jean: Any opportunity to assist is interesting. :)
(02/22 13:37:43) Michael Engberg: Moiety Jean, I'm really not sure. Sorry.
(02/22 13:38:15) Moiety Jean: That's okay. Please keep working. We know it takes time.
(02/22 13:38:34) The Broken Light: I really don't mean to be bothersome, but do you have and comments regarding the recent supposed Yeesha summoning?
(02/22 13:39:00) Ragdrazi raises eyebrows
(02/22 13:39:20) To Cycreim: They want a stained glass window to hang over Tsogahl books in the hoods
(02/22 13:39:32) From Cycreim in The Great Tree's Bevin: Nice
(02/22 13:39:32) From Cycreim in The Great Tree's Bevin: How about Delin?
(02/22 13:40:52) A'drian: I'd be happy to help you lift those bothersome barrels from infront of the Museum.
(02/22 13:40:57) To Cycreim in The Great Tree's Bevin: nothing said about Delin yet. Might be next. I won't ask him, I want to hear if he answers some other questions
(02/22 13:41:03) Ragdrazi starts to laugh
(02/22 13:41:12) Ragdrazi: Another task for the not so artistically inclined.
(02/22 13:41:14) Michael Engberg: Thanks for the offer, A'drian.