Reference:2007-03-13 Nick White in a neighborhood

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Revision as of 06:55, 6 June 2024 by Cjherkeless (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Trevor1013: <br /> anyone want to play that table game with me?<br /> '''Nick White''': You’ve got the same colors…<br /> Bartley: 16<br /> '''Nick White''': What are you?<br /> '''Nick White''': I will Trevor.<br /> Corbin22: young adult, thank you very much <br /> (03/14 00:40:37) Trevor1013: cool! <br /> (03/14 00:40:39) Junee: heek is broken … :(<br /> '''Nick White''': You new down here?<br /> Trevor1013: ya<br /> '''Nick White''': Cool - welcome.<br /> '''Nic...")
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anyone want to play that table game with me?
Nick White: You’ve got the same colors…
Bartley: 16
Nick White: What are you?
Nick White: I will Trevor.
Corbin22: young adult, thank you very much
(03/14 00:40:37) Trevor1013: cool!
(03/14 00:40:39) Junee: heek is broken … :(
Nick White: You new down here?
Trevor1013: ya
Nick White: Cool - welcome.
Nick White: Have a seat.
Trevor1013: i had the single player game though
Nick White: Ah cool.
Junee: heek is broken for me :(
Nick White: Not sure what you mean by that but cool.
Halvor: Nick, you have to tell Laxman to fix the tables
(03/14 00:41:25) cxevalo waves hello
(03/14 00:41:35) Trevor1013: What do I do?
(03/14 00:41:39) Slightperil: Broken
Nick White: Yeah, what’s the deal?
Slightperil: Odd
(03/14 00:42:09) Ja’run wonders who he has to bribe to get Delin
(03/14 00:42:31) Big_John: Shorah, all!
Nick White: I’ll tell Victor.
(03/14 00:42:36) Junee wants to get on with the UO heek tournament soon…
(03/14 00:42:42) Slightperil: Its not just me is it?
Nick White: This been happening long?
Mowog: Shorah, John!
Nick White: Or is this a new thing?
Halvor: couple of weeks
(03/14 00:43:03) Slightperil: Can be that long
Nick White: I haven’t heard about it - I’m sure Victor hasn’t either.
Nick White: Bummer.
Crackeyes: Can any one tell me a hood that has elder derlin in it
(03/14 00:43:22) Slightperil: Clearly no one cares enough!
Nick White: I care.
Tweek: Ja’run> Delin books can be found in the D’ni Jazz Club Bevin, and The Great Tree Bevin to name a couple.
(03/14 00:43:31) Slightperil: Me too!
(03/14 00:43:35) Trevor1013: Is it broken?
(03/14 00:43:38) Slightperil: Yup
Nick White: I think so Trevor.
Trevor1013: awwww
Nick White: Sory about that.
White Rose: Nick do you know how soon you will be leaving for Negli
(03/14 00:43:49) Halvor: We were in the middle of a tournament when it happened :P
(03/14 00:43:53) Amarok - II: bon .. un saut au quartier et dodo apres
Nick White: When was this?
Slightperil: Took 3 points off me too!
(03/14 00:43:58) Trevor1013: Are you a VIP nick?
(03/14 00:44:06) Slightperil: Lol
Nick White: VIP? No, no. Just work for the DRC.
Trevor1013: Cool!
(03/14 00:44:16) Slightperil: SIP
(03/14 00:44:18) Annick: il se fait tard
(03/14 00:44:22) URUNick: I’m not, but Nick is important.
(03/14 00:44:26) Junee: A little more than a week ago maybe?
Nick White: Hmmm
Slightperil: somewhat important person
Nick White: Well I’ll pass it along.
Slightperil: :)
(03/14 00:44:52) Junee: Thanks :)
(03/14 00:45:20) Slightperil: When you leaving for Neg?
(03/14 00:45:32) Ja’run: I am aware of where the current delin books can be found
Nick White: I hope soon - looking for Rils.
Slightperil: He’s hard to find isn’t he! lol
(03/14 00:45:57) URUNick: So Nick. What’s the next age that’ll be opened?
Nick White: Sharper needs to talk to him.
Nick White: Dereno. Coming soon.
Ja’run: you might try the city…
Nick White: Should be this week.
URUNick: Cool.
(03/14 00:46:25) Slightperil: Cool
(03/14 00:46:30) Slightperil: Thanks for that
(03/14 00:46:35) Junee: Is the monkey a shy animal? Because I heard it but never saw anything
(03/14 00:46:44) URUNick: And Nick… May I join your search?
Nick White: I think we’ve got enough for now.
Nick White: Thanks though.
cxevalo: Nick the technology of the Ki and Great Zero seem to be quite different than the rest of the D’ni tenhnology. Is there any information on who developed them?
(03/14 00:47:29) Slightperil: Too much Sharper thinks
Nick White: As far as I know the D’ni.
Nick White: No reason to think differently.
URUNick: Heh. I’ll be glad to help. I know some info on Negilahn from a friend who tried it out.
(03/14 00:48:43) cxevalo: I was thinking of specific people or the reign of specific kings.
Nick White: Ah…
Nick White: Not sure on exact time frames offhand.
Nick White: Sorry.
Slightperil: Near the end i think
(03/14 00:49:13) Slightperil: Close to the Fall
(03/14 00:49:20) Ja’run: how many pods are there exactly?
(03/14 00:49:23) URUNick: It’s been changed before… I think…
(03/14 00:49:26) cxevalo: it seems a vest jump ahead
Nick White: Great Zero is pretty old - well the location was ancient.
Nick White: I’m sure it was upgraded over the years.
Mowog: Yeah, the notes say the KIs started to be distributed just before the Fa..
(03/14 00:49:41) Mowog: Fall…
Nick White: KI… right.
Slightperil: The D’ni were advanced, they just didn’t like to use the technology
(03/14 00:50:10) Junee: Wasn’t the GZ one of the first things in D’ni?
(03/14 00:50:17) URUNick: Do you think the KS=I’s caused “The Fall”
(03/14 00:50:20) No Ka ‘Oi: Isn’t the Great Zero a natural phenomenon?
(03/14 00:50:23) cxevalo: and now the great zero is tied to the Ki technology.
(03/14 00:50:25) URUNick: *KI’s
(03/14 00:50:33) Mowog: Good question… at least the concept of a zero line played into their city design.
(03/14 00:50:37) Ja’run: I thought the GZ and the ki were fairly new technology about to be implimented by the D
(03/14 00:50:44) Ja’run: ‘ni before the fall
(03/14 00:51:08) Slightperil: I don’t think Nicks really the man to ask…are you?
Nick White: Some of the Great Zero tech may have been.
Nick White: But the Great Zero itself is very old.
Skulls: Shorah
(03/14 00:51:48) Mowog: Nick… do you know what provides the power for the GZ?
(03/14 00:51:53) cxevalo: the zero line may be old but the Ki and th location system must have been late
(03/14 00:51:55) Ja’run: perhaps the Ki were designed around the existing GZ
(03/14 00:52:00) Mowog: It appears to consume great amounts of energy.
Nick White: I think Double A’s.
URUNick: xDD
(03/14 00:52:06) Mowog: He he…
(03/14 00:52:20) URUNick: Has to be a lot of them, then.
(03/14 00:52:25) Mowog: Twould.
(03/14 00:52:28) cxevalo: all that water is just for cooling
Nick White: That or a thermo-nuclear reactor.
Mowog: Yeah…
(03/14 00:52:49) Ja’run: the static in the air when its on always messes with my hair…
(03/14 00:52:50) URUNick: So you’re saying you don’t know, Nick?
Nick White: Not sure - gotta ask Lax that stuff.
Mowog: You can see a waterfall off in the distance, falling toward the energy generator.
Nick White: Yes URUNick that is what I am saying.
cxevalo: or a subcyclic dark mater converter
Nick White: Gotta jet everyone.
Sumatria: so soon
(03/14 00:53:31) Mowog: See you later!
(03/14 00:53:33) Ja’run: lets just call the power source one really big fire marble
(03/14 00:53:36) URUNick: Aww.
(03/14 00:53:36) Gavin E: ya
(03/14 00:53:37) Junee: (“lax” is the Swedish word for salmon)
(03/14 00:53:39) Mowog: Ha… yeah.
Nick White: Target practice time.
Ja’run: bye!
(03/14 00:53:44) URUNick: xD
(03/14 00:53:45) Big_John: Thanks for dropping by, Nick!
(03/14 00:53:46) borg1985: bye
Nick White: Can’t be late....
Tweek: cya nick, I’ll give rils a poke when I see him
(03/14 00:53:51) Mowog: Catch you later!
(03/14 00:53:52) Slightperil: Bye
(03/14 00:53:54) Sumatria: who is I mean what is your target?
Nick White: See you all later.