Reference:2007-03-02 Nick White at the Great Tree's Douglas Sharper vigil

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Revision as of 07:51, 6 June 2024 by Cjherkeless (talk | contribs) (Created page with "(03/02 16:05:17) Maracathu: Is it Doug season ??!?<br /> (03/02 16:05:17) Dr. O'Neill: sharper personally threw Astynax from the battlement at Troy<br /> (03/02 16:05:18) lightkeeper: Go Patriots!!!<br /> (03/02 16:05:18) Finrel: If we all jump at the same time the cavern will collapse!<br /> (03/02 16:05:21) Kierra starts to laugh<br /> (03/02 16:05:24) rong: sharpers rock n roll<br /> (03/02 16:05:26) Mystlander: SHARPER FACT #13: Douglas Sharper's first kiss killed 17...")
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(03/02 16:05:17) Maracathu: Is it Doug season ??!?
(03/02 16:05:17) Dr. O'Neill: sharper personally threw Astynax from the battlement at Troy
(03/02 16:05:18) lightkeeper: Go Patriots!!!
(03/02 16:05:18) Finrel: If we all jump at the same time the cavern will collapse!
(03/02 16:05:21) Kierra starts to laugh
(03/02 16:05:24) rong: sharpers rock n roll
(03/02 16:05:26) Mystlander: SHARPER FACT #13: Douglas Sharper's first kiss killed 17 and injured 52!
(03/02 16:05:31) K'laamas: o.o
(03/02 16:05:31) hailahh starts to laugh
(03/02 16:05:33) Nick Kreno: cool, lets do it
(03/02 16:05:39) lightkeeper: Go Patriots!!!
(03/02 16:05:39) Moiety Jean: TO DOUG SHARPER! ::toast::
(03/02 16:05:51) Mystlander cheers
(03/02 16:06:01) hailahh toasts Sharper with pernod
(03/02 16:06:04) lightkeeper: Go Patriots!!!
(03/02 16:06:04) Eleri: In The Sacred Names of Handlebar, Van *****, and yea even Fu Manchu, We Summon Thee
(03/02 16:06:06) achren: mmmm, toast
(03/02 16:06:18) Whilyam: Van what?
(03/02 16:06:25) Nick Kreno: gosh it's a sight to see you all from up here
(03/02 16:06:25) Kierra throws toast again
(03/02 16:06:25) Finrel: Van dike
(03/02 16:06:29) Rose: Thanks, Ja'run!
(03/02 16:06:38) rong eats toast
(03/02 16:06:38) lightkeeper: Tom Brady Rules!!!
(03/02 16:06:38) Nabby: may the powers that be, bless this mess
(03/02 16:06:40) Moiety Jean: Take a pic, Nick!
(03/02 16:06:42) Dudemom_2000: uh we got a gap in the stache here.....
(03/02 16:06:44) Gadren: back! for a little while at least
(03/02 16:06:49) Dr. O'Neill: why did we choose this Bevin?
(03/02 16:06:50) Kierra: Wb Gad
(03/02 16:07:08) Moiety Jean: Maintain the Mustache!
(03/02 16:07:08) Montgomery: hey! Someone fill in tis gap!
(03/02 16:07:08) Kierra: Someone's got water in their shoes
(03/02 16:07:22) hailahh: I hear splashing but there's no one there
(03/02 16:07:23) lightkeeper: Go Patriots!!!
(03/02 16:07:23) Dr. O'Neill: what happens if you lose all your points at heek?
(03/02 16:07:23) Gadren: This is the Grat Tree's Bevin -- the Great Tree was closely connected to Sharper
(03/02 16:07:23) Rils: Dr - cuz we of the Great Tree carry on his sacred memory!
(03/02 16:07:27) DocOlanA: The heek demon takes you away.
(03/02 16:07:27) Dudemom_2000: opsus has wet feet!
(03/02 16:07:30) Mystlander: SHARPER FACT #137: Douglas Sharper painted scenes from Genisis in six days... and it took years for Michaelangelo to copy his fresco onto the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel!
(03/02 16:07:54) Dudemom_2000: ha ha
(03/02 16:07:54) Kierra: lol
(03/02 16:07:55) Dr. O'Neill: oK QUICK HEEK TOURNY!
(03/02 16:07:55) Opsus: yes, it's me!
(03/02 16:07:55) From Cycreim in Cycreim's Relto: Kicked from my own 'hood! :P
(03/02 16:07:55) Deirdre: the heek table elotrocutes you
(03/02 16:07:56) Dr. O'Neill: Meet me at the tables!
(03/02 16:08:01) Kierra: You peoples are insane
(03/02 16:08:02) From Rils in The Great Tree's Bevin: how many people we got here now?
(03/02 16:08:05) Gadren: maintain the stache!
(03/02 16:08:09) Vortmax: Kierra: True.
(03/02 16:08:31) Maracathu: as i said..
(03/02 16:08:32) Chere: and therefore in the wrong hood
(03/02 16:08:33) rong: sharper, I want to have your babies!
(03/02 16:08:34) Montgomery: The stash is getting gaps. Fill the gaps!
(03/02 16:08:37) Eleri: someone better be keeping a chat log
(03/02 16:08:47) From Cycreim in Cycreim's Nexus: Sixty friggin six
(03/02 16:08:52) Vortmax: I am eleri
(03/02 16:08:54) lightkeeper: Go Patriots!!!
(03/02 16:08:55) From Gadren in The Great Tree's Bevin: wohba!
(03/02 16:08:57) Rils: kierra - fun, ain't it? ;)
(03/02 16:09:04) Dudemom_2000: no bald spots in the stache!!!!!
(03/02 16:09:05) Mystlander: We have taken a mustache formation, and are now summoning Douglas Sharper
(03/02 16:09:05) Nick Kreno: Never heard of a chat log before, is it like a Fire log?
(03/02 16:09:06) Kierra: Hehe, if ya can't beat 'em join 'em
(03/02 16:09:12) Maracathu: stache gaps are usually filled with breakfast remainders...
(03/02 16:09:17) Vortmax: Thanks Jarun
(03/02 16:09:18) Gadren hands out rogaine to be liberally applied to the gaps
(03/02 16:09:25) Kierra: Someone sucks at shaving
(03/02 16:09:27) T'layeh: Yes thanks Ja'run
(03/02 16:09:28) Rils: you know it!
(03/02 16:09:29) Butch: Maybe soneone should hand out mushrooms?
(03/02 16:09:29) Nick Kreno: Sounds like Orc michief to me!
(03/02 16:09:34) Eleri: IN The Name of The Sacred Football Team, We summon Thee, Oh Sharper
(03/02 16:09:38) Moiety Jean: That's awesome, Ja'run [the picture Ja'run took from the balcony]
(03/02 16:09:41) Vortmax: GO PATS!
(03/02 16:09:50) Kierra: Maybe we should do the Great Cone chant
(03/02 16:09:55) lightkeeper: GO PATS!
(03/02 16:09:57) Vortmax: Coooooooooooooone
(03/02 16:10:00) T'layeh: cooooooone
(03/02 16:10:01) Moiety Jean: Can someone up there get a full screen shot to post at the forums?
(03/02 16:10:02) Kierra: cooooooooooooooooooooone
(03/02 16:10:04) Dudemom_2000: Coooooooooonnnnnnneeeee
(03/02 16:10:08) lightkeeper: GO PATS!
(03/02 16:10:10) Nick Kreno: I already have a few
(03/02 16:10:10) Mystlander: Maybe we could form a New England Pats flag?
(03/02 16:10:15) Rils: shrooooooooooomie....
(03/02 16:10:16) Kierra: Coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooone
(03/02 16:10:21) Finrel: thank you rose
(03/02 16:10:22) Vortmax: We summon the Destroyer of Barricades, Remover of Cones, and Keeper of the Holy Mustache
(03/02 16:10:22) Nick Kreno: I'll need to join the forums though! lol
(03/02 16:10:22) Eleri: Let He Who Driveth Dr. Kodama To Distraction Come Forth!
(03/02 16:10:25) Rih'ki: coooooooooooone
(03/02 16:10:31) Dudemom_2000: oooooorrrrraannnnnnngggggeee cooooonnnnee
(03/02 16:10:33) Kierra: Amen
(03/02 16:10:42) Nick Kreno: been meaning to anyway...
(03/02 16:10:43) Moiety Jean: if you are on the door side of the lamps at the base of the stairs, you're on the wrong side of the mustache. We want only a semicircle, not a full circle.
(03/02 16:10:45) Kierra: Gazuntheit
(03/02 16:10:58) Dr. O'Neill speaks in tounges
(03/02 16:11:00) Rils: To the Inflamer of Laxman, and Irritator of Engberg...
(03/02 16:11:00) Nabby: i am a wayward hair!
(03/02 16:11:01) lightkeeper: GO PATS!!!
(03/02 16:11:02) Dr. O'Neill does a dance
(03/02 16:11:09) gkid2006 is a bit puzzled...
(03/02 16:11:11) Kierra: Coooooooooooooooooone
(03/02 16:11:19) Rose: nanazonaaz, want to come in line?
(03/02 16:11:21) Rils: we have a reseng!!!!!
(03/02 16:11:23) Vortmax: Don't worry gkid
(03/02 16:11:28) Kierra: Gazuntheit
(03/02 16:11:29) Dudemom_2000 grabs Dr. O'Neill's tounges and reforms it back into a tongue
(03/02 16:11:30) Ja'run wonders if Sharper won't come... perhaps Yeesha will.
(03/02 16:11:38) Gadren: Mustache, Mustache, we Must Ache for Mustache
(03/02 16:11:41) Maracathu: sorry folks, gotta go. wonderful party !!! shorah everybody !
(03/02 16:11:41) Vortmax: I want to see HoloSharper
(03/02 16:11:42) rong starts a moonwalk in sharpers honour
(03/02 16:11:42) Nick Kreno: cool, proabaly here to contol the dammage
(03/02 16:11:44) Moiety Jean: no one should be standing between the base ends of the two stairs to the meeting room.
(03/02 16:11:46) lightkeeper: GO PATS!!!
(03/02 16:11:49) Vortmax: See ya Mara :D
(03/02 16:11:50) Kierra: *snickers*
(03/02 16:11:51) Mystlander: oh eee oh... oh oooooooooh oh... SHHHHHHAAAAARRRRRRPPPPPEEEEEERRRRR
(03/02 16:11:57) Gadren wants you to call
(03/02 16:12:05) Ja'run: he needs to get in here before this age crashes...
(03/02 16:12:08) Julian Lapis: Shorah fellow seekers of Ultimate Truth
(03/02 16:12:13) gkid2006: party?
(03/02 16:12:21) Moiety Jean: much better, thank you!
(03/02 16:12:27) Kierra sneezes
(03/02 16:12:29) lfus: Nanozonaaz, come stand by me.....
(03/02 16:12:31) Eleri: Let He Who Will Make Cate Alexander Go Prematurely Grey Come Forth!
(03/02 16:12:34) Ja'run: They Eyes of the Storm...
(03/02 16:12:38) Nick Kreno: lol be funny if he showed up only to have us crash the age
(03/02 16:12:41) K'laamas snerks
(03/02 16:12:46) Vortmax: I still show no ResEng here
(03/02 16:12:50) Kierra: Funny...annoying...synonymns really
(03/02 16:12:53) Mystlander: SHARPER FACT #14: Douglas Sharper's earwax is the base ingredient in plastic explosives!
(03/02 16:12:53) Moiety Jean: Hi professor!
(03/02 16:13:00) islander1 salutes
(03/02 16:13:05) Rils: weird, I saw one run by! Female with a miner's hat...
(03/02 16:13:06) Vortmax: That explains a lot Mystlander
(03/02 16:13:07) Finrel salutes
(03/02 16:13:09) Professor Askew: Hi, MJ!!
(03/02 16:13:09) Kierra: Heyla prof
(03/02 16:13:14) Kaz claps his hands
(03/02 16:13:16) Deirdre: maybe he blew his brains out
(03/02 16:13:19) Moiety Jean: Join the semi-circle of the Great Mustache!
(03/02 16:13:21) Rils: PROFFFFFFF!!!!!!!
(03/02 16:13:24) Mystlander roars with laughter
(03/02 16:13:25) Professor Askew: Hi, Kierra.
(03/02 16:13:29) rong does a dance
(03/02 16:13:36) Mystlander: Woo hoo! Professor, my professor!
(03/02 16:13:37) Professor Askew: RIIIIIILS!
(03/02 16:13:39) Gadren: O Sharper who art in Teledahn, hallowed be thy stache
(03/02 16:13:43) Whilyam: "The Short Happy Life of Douglas Sharper"
(03/02 16:13:48) Montgomery: Sometimes ResEngs have their KIs turned off.
(03/02 16:13:50) Kierra: I thought that was "teacher, my teacher"...
(03/02 16:13:59) Nick Kreno: Thy Great Tree Come
(03/02 16:14:01) Professor Askew: lol
(03/02 16:14:08) Finrel: oh captain, my captain!
(03/02 16:14:10) Mystlander: Actuall it's Captain, my Captain
(03/02 16:14:10) achren: captain, my captain
(03/02 16:14:17) achren: :D
(03/02 16:14:17) Kierra: Oh, right.
(03/02 16:14:28) Julian Lapis: 'Fear and Loathing in the Great Tree'
(03/02 16:14:29) Finrel: dead poets
(03/02 16:14:41) Kierra nods her head
(03/02 16:14:46) Dr. O'Neill: anyone know the current population in here?
(03/02 16:14:50) rong: we need a group of sharperettes, that will bring him back no worries
(03/02 16:14:51) Gadren: Thy Great Tree come, thy beard be combed, in hoods as it is in Relto
(03/02 16:14:51) Kierra: Um....a lot
(03/02 16:15:01) Moiety Jean: TO DOUG SHARPER, EVERYBODY! ::toasts again, loudly::
(03/02 16:15:01) achren: over 45 when I came
(03/02 16:15:03) Whilyam: Beat Kierra :P
(03/02 16:15:04) Kierra: gazuntheit
(03/02 16:15:07) Vortmax throws toast
(03/02 16:15:09) Kierra: :P
(03/02 16:15:14) Finrel sneezes
(03/02 16:15:21) Kierra throws toast
(03/02 16:15:22) Julian Lapis: 'We were somewhere round Carlsbad, on the edge of the desert, when the Bahro began to take hold...'
(03/02 16:15:22) Dudemom_2000: Sharper, sharper, sharper
(03/02 16:15:22) Rils: Sharperettes to do the can can?
(03/02 16:15:23) Dr. O'Neill: can we overload the Bevin?
(03/02 16:15:35) Nick Kreno: Douglas Sharper come thee that waitith within the Great Tree
(03/02 16:15:36) T'layeh: it is possible
(03/02 16:15:37) Vortmax: We can sure try Doc :D
(03/02 16:15:39) Moiety Jean: You betcha!
(03/02 16:15:40) Rih'ki catches toast and eats it "YUM"
(03/02 16:15:40) Deirdre is waiting...
(03/02 16:15:41) T'layeh: and highly likely
(03/02 16:15:45) hailahh: sharp, sharper, sharpest
(03/02 16:16:06) Whilyam: Douglas Sharpest...
(03/02 16:16:07) Kierra: Sharpie
(03/02 16:16:07) Ja'run: we can find out
(03/02 16:16:07) Vortmax: Douglas, come here thsi instant!
(03/02 16:16:07) Mystlander: SHARPER FACT #19: Douglas Sharper doesn't have to pay taxes... he sends a photo of his moustache to the IRS and they back off!
(03/02 16:16:10) Kaz does a dance
(03/02 16:16:15) Gadren: Sharper is positively superlatively comparitive
(03/02 16:16:18) hailahh does a dance
(03/02 16:16:18) Nick Kreno: To Sharper, the sharpest one of us all
(03/02 16:16:19) Kierra chuckles
(03/02 16:16:23) Whilyam: Ooh! Douglas Sharpie, the indelible guy :P
(03/02 16:16:32) Dudemom_2000: We need a Sharper song
(03/02 16:16:35) lfus cheers
(03/02 16:16:35) Kierra: Gazuntheit
(03/02 16:16:36) Dr. O'Neill: sharper sounds like Chuck Norris
(03/02 16:16:43) Moiety Jean: Return to us from the void!
(03/02 16:16:51) Kaz: How mmuch longer?
(03/02 16:16:54) AKA.: when I linked in there were 59 listed in this hood
(03/02 16:16:55) Vortmax: Sharper could kick Chuck Norris's tushie.
(03/02 16:16:56) Rih'ki: Sharpie, King of the Markers ... oh wait ...
(03/02 16:16:59) Kierra starts to laugh
(03/02 16:16:59) To Mystlander: LOL another Chuck Norris comparison
(03/02 16:17:01) Dr. O'Neill: has the vigil started?
(03/02 16:17:03) Nick Kreno: Hail Sharper, we who are about to die salute you!
(03/02 16:17:09) Nick Kreno salutes
(03/02 16:17:20) Kierra: Wait...die??
(03/02 16:17:20) T'layeh salutes
(03/02 16:17:20) Ja'run: SHARPER FACT #20: Douglas Sharper doesn't actually care about explorers, he just likes to indulge them so they will be on his side so he can use them for leverage.
(03/02 16:17:20) From Gadren in The Great Tree's Bevin: now where would they get that idea? :P
(03/02 16:17:22) Vortmax salutes
(03/02 16:17:22) rong does a dance
(03/02 16:17:26) Moiety Jean: Who is next for sacrifice?
(03/02 16:17:30) Kierra DOES'T salute
(03/02 16:17:31) Montgomery: Uh ... has anyone tried calling Sharper on his cell?
(03/02 16:17:32) Julian Lapis: Ok, who;s got the nymph?
(03/02 16:17:34) Vortmax is still on fire...
(03/02 16:17:35) rong dances like he has never danced before
(03/02 16:17:35) Nick Kreno: DEATH!!!
(03/02 16:17:35) Eleri: We Beeseech Thee, Oh Sharper...
(03/02 16:17:40) 909: is it sure he's coming? or is there even a good hint he's coming tonight?
(03/02 16:17:40) Gadren wants you to call
(03/02 16:17:40) Mystlander: SHARPER FACT #20: Douglas Sharper can expectorate a distance of over 400 yards!
(03/02 16:17:42) Kierra flinches
(03/02 16:17:47) Moiety Jean: Ja'run, that is not a sanctioned sharper fact!
(03/02 16:17:55) Rils: OOO ME ME
(03/02 16:17:56) Nick Kreno: Got in my LotR quote of the day
(03/02 16:17:59) rong: im just glad to get away from those animal noises
(03/02 16:18:00) Eleri: Keeper of the Secret Shroomie Burger Recipe...
(03/02 16:18:02) Julian Lapis: Come on! All rituals need a dancing Nymph! Its a tradition, or an old charter! Or something
(03/02 16:18:05) Ja'run: it is now :)
(03/02 16:18:09) Moiety Jean: Mystlander has supplied the correct Fact #20
(03/02 16:18:19) Julian Lapis: ELERI!!!
(03/02 16:18:23) Deirdre: I think that Sharper is 3 fries short of a Happy Meal
(03/02 16:18:27) Eleri: Appear To Your Less -Than-Humble, But Still Darn Worthy Supplicants
(03/02 16:18:27) Dudemom_2000: Do not break the Stache formation!!!!
(03/02 16:18:28) hailahh does a dance
(03/02 16:18:29) Kaz: How much longer till this vigil starts?
(03/02 16:18:39) Kierra chuckles
(03/02 16:18:43) Rils: Sharper invented both fries AND the happy meal!
(03/02 16:18:49) Vortmax: It's running now Kaz
(03/02 16:18:59) Dudemom_2000: Rils was that Sharper Fact #21?
(03/02 16:19:00) Moiety Jean: The Vigil began 18 minutes ago! And allllll's weeelllll!
(03/02 16:19:01) Mystlander: Oh... oh...
(03/02 16:19:03) Mystlander says DOH!
(03/02 16:19:04) reenee does a dance
(03/02 16:19:19) Dr. O'Neill: as much as I enjoy this I don't see anything coming of it
(03/02 16:19:20) Eleri: Yes, Julian? OH Right! Dancing Nymphs!
(03/02 16:19:21) Rils: yup yup! ha ha
(03/02 16:19:21) Eleri does a dance
(03/02 16:19:24) Vortmax sneezes
(03/02 16:19:24) hailahh does a dance
(03/02 16:19:28) Kaz: I hate being a newb
(03/02 16:19:29) Ja'run wonders how long it will take for people to look behind them
(03/02 16:19:31) Dr. O'Neill: has anyone had any success with Neligahn?
(03/02 16:19:32) Kierra brings out her sharpies and looks around for AFK victims
(03/02 16:19:33) Vortmax: Douglas Sharper!
(03/02 16:19:35) Vortmax wants you to call
(03/02 16:19:35) Montgomery: Yeesha didn't show up right away either ...
(03/02 16:19:42) Rils: lol... we're up to TWO resengs! How many more can we collect?
(03/02 16:19:45) Annacat: Heya guys
(03/02 16:19:52) Dr. O'Neill: i have seen pics of Yeesha showing up
(03/02 16:19:53) T'layeh: I'll bet five
(03/02 16:19:55) Butch kneels down...
(03/02 16:19:58) Dudemom_2000: ResEng, ResEng
(03/02 16:19:58) Rils: ANNA!!!!
(03/02 16:20:02) Vortmax: Save the ResEngs! Collect the whole set
(03/02 16:20:03) Annacat waves hello
(03/02 16:20:06) Moiety Jean: Annamannacat!
(03/02 16:20:10) Dr. O'Neill: how do you know if there is a ReEng?
(03/02 16:20:11) Moiety Jean: Join the throng!
(03/02 16:20:11) Julian Lapis taps Eleri on the shoulder
(03/02 16:20:15) Eleri does a dance
(03/02 16:20:23) Moiety Jean throngs
(03/02 16:20:23) rong: ResEngs bow at the feet of sharper!
(03/02 16:20:25) Nick Kreno: Save the ResEng, save the world
(03/02 16:20:25) reenee does a dance
(03/02 16:20:26) Dudemom_2000: If they show up here someone scream RAID!!!!
(03/02 16:20:30) Whilyam: Are the two ResEngs actually here?
(03/02 16:20:31) Annacat: Any old place, or are we in formation?
(03/02 16:20:33) rong does a dance
(03/02 16:20:40) Whilyam: Because I see three online.
(03/02 16:20:42) Moiety Jean: We are forming the Great Mustache!
(03/02 16:20:47) Gadren: back in formation everyone!
(03/02 16:20:47) Mystlander: DOUGLAS SHARPER FACT #22: Chuck Norris checks under his bed each night for Douglas Sharper!
(03/02 16:20:52) Dr. O'Neill: how do you see three online?
(03/02 16:20:52) Nick Kreno: lol
(03/02 16:20:55) Annacat: Where should I stand?
(03/02 16:20:57) Whilyam: With my eyes
(03/02 16:21:03) lfus: zors'r where are you standing
(03/02 16:21:06) Moiety Jean: Stand in the semicircle
(03/02 16:21:07) Curty: by the way guys we are a little under 60 people in here:)
(03/02 16:21:10) Whilyam: shout Bailey, Drechsel, and Norton
(03/02 16:21:23) Deirdre yawns
(03/02 16:21:23) Whilyam: Bailey, Drechsel, and Norton.
(03/02 16:21:23) Nabby: We rock
(03/02 16:21:23) Opsus cheers
(03/02 16:21:27) Julian Lapis: AYIA AYIA CTHULHU
(03/02 16:21:27) Kierra groans
(03/02 16:21:37) Nick Kreno: o yea, lets aim for 70
(03/02 16:21:37) Julian Lapis: Wait... thats not right
(03/02 16:21:37) Whilyam: Are they in this hood or another Bevin?
(03/02 16:21:37) Curty: We was 62 but some left
(03/02 16:21:44) Moiety Jean: We have a gap in the mustache over here again
(03/02 16:21:47) Curty: This hood
(03/02 16:21:52) Eleri: DOUGLAS SHARPER FACT#23: Douglas Sharper imprisoned McGyver with only a roll of masking tape and a popsicle stick
(03/02 16:21:53) Dr. O'Neill: oh!
(03/02 16:22:13) hailahh shakes her head
(03/02 16:22:13) M'buhir: omg the lag
(03/02 16:22:21) Whilyam: Oh cool. Hello ResEngs.
(03/02 16:22:21) 909: Julian.... it's "Aya carumba!"
(03/02 16:22:23) AKA.: lol
(03/02 16:22:24) Annacat: I suggest we NOT summon Cthulhu ;-)
(03/02 16:22:28) lfus: Helllllllooooooo
(03/02 16:22:29) Kierra: i'll second that!
(03/02 16:22:31) electrode: anybody get into great zero yet
(03/02 16:22:33) Moiety Jean: Eleri! That is an excellent fact! we will add it to the list as number ... what are we on? 149?
(03/02 16:22:35) Tayrtahn: holy-!
(03/02 16:22:36) Gadren: ia! ia! cthulu ftaghn
(03/02 16:22:40) Julian Lapis: Hes a nice fellow once you get to know him...
(03/02 16:22:41) Annacat: Nooooo
(03/02 16:22:45) Dr. O'Neill: Lets try to get Atrus' old *** in here!
(03/02 16:22:45) achren: :D
(03/02 16:22:47) Eleri: Umm... I forget
(03/02 16:22:51) rong: douglas sharper fact #334, all douglas sharper facts are untrue
(03/02 16:22:51) Whilyam: Actually, no ResEngs are visible on my KI list.
(03/02 16:22:52) Curty: oh Eleri by the way that movie freakin rocks!!!!
(03/02 16:22:54) Curty cheers
(03/02 16:22:58) Annacat: We're all insane anyway, I suppose...
(03/02 16:23:02) Moiety Jean: Go to the forum and post it there!
(03/02 16:23:05) Gadren: ^_^
(03/02 16:23:07) Moiety Jean: You know the thread?
(03/02 16:23:07) Nick Kreno: DOuGLAS SHARPER FACT #24: Sharper had an addiction problem, he was found sniffing Sharpies when alone in his office
(03/02 16:23:07) Julian Lapis: Met him and Nyrhalotep when I was banished to the plains of Leng.
(03/02 16:23:09) Rils: speak for yerself AC!
(03/02 16:23:27) Annacat always speaks for herlsef
(03/02 16:23:29) Julian Lapis: We chatted bout lovecraft. Apparently he took a LOT of artistic license.
(03/02 16:23:31) Curty: it was as cool as Ryan Millar's video
(03/02 16:23:44) Mystlander: SHARPER FACT #23: Douglas Sharper once ate a Honda Civic on a dare... He later crapped out a newer model!
(03/02 16:23:48) Annacat: Ah yes, the real Cthulhu is a sweetie, I'm sure
(03/02 16:23:51) Kierra starts to laugh
(03/02 16:23:57) Curty: Pretty high quality ...Eleri nice job;0
(03/02 16:23:59) Curty: :)
(03/02 16:24:05) Julian Lapis: He is. Makes the greatest Sushi Ommlette.
(03/02 16:24:15) Kierra: Eeew
(03/02 16:24:15) achren: I always wondered just how to pronounce 'ftaghn'
(03/02 16:24:18) Deirdre is a bit puzzled...
(03/02 16:24:18) Eleri: Thank you, Curty :)
(03/02 16:24:20) Annacat: Sushi Omelette? *ears perk up*
(03/02 16:24:29) Julian Lapis: out The Elder Gods I like, its their fan club I cant stand.
(03/02 16:24:29) Kierra just threw up
(03/02 16:24:32) Tayrtahn: for the record, there are over 60 people in here
(03/02 16:24:39) Moiety Jean: Mystlander will be reading from the list of sanctioned Douglas Sharper Facts this evening
(03/02 16:24:40) T'layeh cheers
(03/02 16:24:40) Gadren: hmm...i bet everyone's a bit hungry
(03/02 16:24:41) rong cheers
(03/02 16:24:41) achren: woo
(03/02 16:24:42) Vortmax: Ia! Ia! Sharper F'taghn!
(03/02 16:24:46) rong cheers
(03/02 16:24:46) Gadren sets up a pizza vending machine
(03/02 16:24:46) Rils: A lot like "flan" only with mucus.
(03/02 16:24:47) Annacat: Hahahaha
(03/02 16:24:48) Julian Lapis: Whats the point of finding a frisky nymph if you sacrifice them?
(03/02 16:24:54) Dr. O'Neill: someone should go pull the people from the city in here
(03/02 16:24:54) Kierra starts to laugh
(03/02 16:24:59) Gadren: lol
(03/02 16:24:59) Julian Lapis: Defeats the point, surely.
(03/02 16:25:20) Annacat: Nymphs aren't my type
(03/02 16:25:23) electrode: what is supposed to happen here
(03/02 16:25:26) Rih'ki is a bit puzzled...
(03/02 16:25:26) Moiety Jean: Opsus sounds soggy [editor's note: Opsus was making water splashing sounds everywhere he ran, and not just in the fountain)
(03/02 16:25:31) Kierra: Wackyness ensues
(03/02 16:25:31) reenee: i think the city is in here lol
(03/02 16:25:31) Eleri wishes she had a bottle of Miskatonic U perfume. Smells soooo yummy
(03/02 16:25:32) Julian Lapis: Heh, each to their own Anna.
(03/02 16:25:32) Opsus laughs
(03/02 16:25:35) Annacat: Sharper... will... APPEAR
(03/02 16:25:41) Curty: Nope I'm not going to risk crashing again! I was pushing 1.60 gig page file
(03/02 16:25:44) Rils: We should try and get ourselves into the shape of his hat!
(03/02 16:25:48) Julian Lapis: Hehe, Eleri knows her Randolph Carter.
(03/02 16:25:50) Annacat: That or we'll have fun being random and nothing will happen
(03/02 16:25:51) Moiety Jean: NOW!
(03/02 16:25:51) Kierra snorts
(03/02 16:25:54) Moiety Jean: er.. wait...
(03/02 16:25:57) Moiety Jean: NOW!
(03/02 16:26:01) Rils: including the crease!
(03/02 16:26:03) Moiety Jean: um.. okay...
(03/02 16:26:05) Moiety Jean: NOW!
(03/02 16:26:08) Vortmax: NOW?
(03/02 16:26:08) Gadren: when I count to 10, Sharper will be here
(03/02 16:26:10) Moiety Jean: dang it!
(03/02 16:26:10) Kierra: How about not?
(03/02 16:26:10) Annacat knocks out Jean for her own good
(03/02 16:26:10) Gadren: 1
(03/02 16:26:11) achren: what we need, is a plotlight
(03/02 16:26:13) Gadren: 2
(03/02 16:26:15) Whilyam: WON!
(03/02 16:26:15) achren: spotlight
(03/02 16:26:17) Tayrtahn: 10!
(03/02 16:26:19) Gadren: 3
(03/02 16:26:19) Nick Kreno: 10
(03/02 16:26:19) From Cycreim in Cycreim's Relto: Well that went as well as could be expected!
(03/02 16:26:21) Moiety Jean bites annacat
(03/02 16:26:22) Gadren: 4
(03/02 16:26:22) Kierra: 3 sir!
(03/02 16:26:26) Vortmax: How many ResEngs now?
(03/02 16:26:26) Gadren: 5
(03/02 16:26:26) Nick Kreno: 4
(03/02 16:26:27) Whilyam: 42!
(03/02 16:26:28) Eleri: Hail to Thee, Oh Master of the Seekrit Spy Room That No One Is Supposed To KNow About
(03/02 16:26:30) rong: everyone in the classroom!
(03/02 16:26:30) Gadren: 6
(03/02 16:26:30) Nick Kreno: 321
(03/02 16:26:32) Gadren: 7
(03/02 16:26:40) From Cycreim in Cycreim's Relto: I'm locked out of the neighbourhood
(03/02 16:26:40) Annacat cleans and dresses the wound
(03/02 16:26:40) Gadren: 8
(03/02 16:26:43) Julian Lapis: a rousing rendition of 'Dies Irae' is in order.
(03/02 16:26:43) Whilyam: 125!!!
(03/02 16:26:44) To Mystlander: are you still stuck out there? cyc?
(03/02 16:26:44) From Gadren in The Great Tree's Bevin: aw
(03/02 16:26:45) Gadren: 9
(03/02 16:26:47) Vortmax: 314!!
(03/02 16:26:49) Kierra: Thoust shalst not proceed to 4. five is RIGHT out!
(03/02 16:26:50) Gadren: 9.5
(03/02 16:26:50) Butch: 18
(03/02 16:26:52) T'layeh: 314!
(03/02 16:26:53) Eleri: 4
(03/02 16:26:54) Dr. O'Neill: i am going to play heek
(03/02 16:26:54) Gadren: 9.9
(03/02 16:26:55) Eleri: 8
(03/02 16:26:56) Eleri: 15
(03/02 16:26:56) Gadren: 9.99
(03/02 16:26:57) T'layeh: gah Vort you beat me to it
(03/02 16:26:57) Nick Kreno: lol
(03/02 16:26:57) Rih'ki: How many Sharpers will fit on the head of a Shroomie?
(03/02 16:26:57) Julian Lapis: NINE THOUUUSAAAAAAAAAND!!!
(03/02 16:26:58) Whilyam: 3.14!
(03/02 16:26:58) M'buhir: 314
(03/02 16:26:59) Eleri: 23
(03/02 16:27:00) Butch: 18
(03/02 16:27:00) Gadren: ad infinitum
(03/02 16:27:01) rong: lol
(03/02 16:27:03) Nick Kreno: 9.999i99999999
(03/02 16:27:04) Tayrtahn: ah, the internet memes are spilling everywhere!
(03/02 16:27:08) Butch: 18
(03/02 16:27:11) M'buhir: 1 googolplexian
(03/02 16:27:13) rong: three and a half
(03/02 16:27:16) lightkeeper: GO PATS!!!
(03/02 16:27:16) 909: -1
(03/02 16:27:16) Eleri: e!
(03/02 16:27:17) Butch: 18
(03/02 16:27:25) DocOlanA: 42
(03/02 16:27:25) achren: 9.81
(03/02 16:27:25) Eleri: i!
(03/02 16:27:25) Julian Lapis: THE BALLS ARE INERT!!!!!!
(03/02 16:27:25) Gadren: In soviet russia, internet memes spill YOU
(03/02 16:27:27) Vortmax: O Holy Mustache! Save us from the Great Old ONes!
(03/02 16:27:27) Moiety Jean dies of numbers
(03/02 16:27:29) T'layeh: 2/0!
(03/02 16:27:33) Kierra: There are only 10 people in the world. those who understand binary, and those who dont
(03/02 16:27:33) Finrel: yeah doc, 42
(03/02 16:27:36) Gadren: pi!
(03/02 16:27:46) rong: i dont get it
(03/02 16:27:46) DocOlanA: 37. In a row.
(03/02 16:27:46) rong: lol
(03/02 16:27:46) Rih'ki laughs
(03/02 16:27:46) achren: when come back...
(03/02 16:27:49) Whilyam: FOUR ResEngs online
(03/02 16:27:51) Moiety Jean: Yakov Smirnov said it
(03/02 16:27:51) Eleri: Square root of -1!
(03/02 16:27:55) Nick Kreno: you know it isn't footbal season anymore so calling the Patriots may not help...
(03/02 16:27:59) Tayrtahn: ResEng party?
(03/02 16:28:01) rong: i?
(03/02 16:28:03) Gadren: Eleri! no! you'll make the universe a splode
(03/02 16:28:04) Nick Kreno: *football
(03/02 16:28:04) Whilyam: Mathias, Bailey, Cowart, and Norton
(03/02 16:28:05) 909: cherry pi....
(03/02 16:28:09) rong: ooh
(03/02 16:28:17) reenee: take care everyone i hope he shows
(03/02 16:28:26) Finrel: last count 60 people
(03/02 16:28:29) Butch: Minus one Factorial! WOW!
(03/02 16:28:41) Rih'ki just waves
(03/02 16:28:43) Rose: Bagheera's coming in
(03/02 16:28:46) rong does a dance
(03/02 16:28:57) 909: what about Mowgli?
(03/02 16:28:59) Kierra: Vampire question: If a vampire kills a person with anemia, is that like a blood lite?
(03/02 16:29:11) rong: dont know
(03/02 16:29:12) Finrel: lite blood
(03/02 16:29:13) Moiety Jean: Mustache is getting too spread out there!
(03/02 16:29:14) achren: good band, Mowgli
(03/02 16:29:14) nanazonaaz: lol
(03/02 16:29:17) Vortmax: No, but they're hungry again in an hour
(03/02 16:29:24) Rih'ki roars with laughter
(03/02 16:29:26) Tayrtahn: it's quite the 'stache
(03/02 16:29:26) Whilyam groans
(03/02 16:29:26) Whilyam: Blood lite... ugh....
(03/02 16:29:27) rong: so, whats the answer?
(03/02 16:29:32) Kierra snickers
(03/02 16:29:37) hailahh groans
(03/02 16:29:37) Rih'ki: blood lite! good one
(03/02 16:29:42) Whilyam: Shorah, Mr. Cowart!
(03/02 16:29:43) Eleri: Shorah, Mr. Cowart
(03/02 16:29:48) Moiety Jean: You all by those brown doors, come to this side of the fountain!
(03/02 16:29:51) ResEng W. Cowart:
(03/02 16:29:51) Finrel: square root of infinity
(03/02 16:30:00) Vortmax: Heya Mr. Cowart!
(03/02 16:30:00) Gadren: Shorah Mr ResEng sir
(03/02 16:30:00) Tayrtahn: this party is for you, Mr. Cowart!
(03/02 16:30:00) Opsus waves hello
(03/02 16:30:02) Curty: ah what?
(03/02 16:30:02) Rih'ki: Howdt, ResEng
(03/02 16:30:04) *Moietay: Shorah Mr. Cowart!
(03/02 16:30:05) Vortmax: ResEng sacrifice!!
(03/02 16:30:07) Gadren: ^_^
(03/02 16:30:08) Butch: Quick, someone tell Sharper that the Pats are holding cheerleader tryouts here, tonight!
(03/02 16:30:08) T'layeh: Shorah Mr. Cowart
(03/02 16:30:09) achren: .9999 = 1!
(03/02 16:30:10) rong: four times 9?
(03/02 16:30:13) Whilyam: As the first Res Eng here, you will be the first to be sacrificed! :) Enjoy your time!
(03/02 16:30:14) Curty: lol!
(03/02 16:30:14) Moiety Jean: Mr. Cowart, are you here to see some Sharper?
(03/02 16:30:14) Eleri: Come Unto Us, Oh Mushroom Baron!
(03/02 16:30:19) Danster: Wow whats going on around here? :)
(03/02 16:30:19) Rils: RESENG! CHEESE IT!!!
(03/02 16:30:23) Kierra: o_O
(03/02 16:30:23) Rils: I mean, howdy!
(03/02 16:30:26) Tayrtahn runs
(03/02 16:30:27) Moiety Jean: IT'S THE HEAT!
(03/02 16:30:29) Curty: my mistake:)
(03/02 16:30:33) Vortmax: RUN! IT'S THE RESENGS!!
(03/02 16:30:34) Eleri: you are NOT allowed to sacrifice Cowart.
(03/02 16:30:41) Tayrtahn: awww..
(03/02 16:30:46) Gadren: *rabblerabblerabble*
(03/02 16:30:51) Moiety Jean: All sacrifices must be voluntary. Except Vortmax [editors note: Vortmax has been sacrificially on fire the entire evening]
(03/02 16:30:53) Rils: Oh right, we wouldn't hurt our buddy Cowert...
(03/02 16:30:55) Annacat: Sharper! Why did you leeeeeeeeave us? Retuuuuuuurn. Retuuuuuuurn.
(03/02 16:30:58) Dudemom_2000 waves hello
(03/02 16:31:02) Gadren: ohm...
(03/02 16:31:03) hailahh: have we forgotten Mr. Sharper?
(03/02 16:31:03) ResEng W. Cowart: Oh, OK. Y'all wanna sacrifice me? I thought we were cool...
(03/02 16:31:05) Kierra: Don't mind the crazy people....I'm not with them *nervous laugh*
(03/02 16:31:07) Rils: He took good care of us at "TGT Goes To School" night.
(03/02 16:31:07) Moiety Jean: Shhaaaaaaarrrrpppppeeeeeerrrr
(03/02 16:31:09) <sniffle> ResEng W. Cowart is sad
(03/02 16:31:12) Gadren: aww
(03/02 16:31:20) ResEng W. Cowart: I see how it is...
(03/02 16:31:22) Kierra: Aww now look what ya did
(03/02 16:31:22) Julian Lapis: Not at all... *hides knife and nymph*
(03/02 16:31:24) Annacat: No, of course we don't want to sacrifice you. We just play rough.
(03/02 16:31:24) Tayrtahn: naw, we're cool - it's just a human sacrifice
(03/02 16:31:25) Dudemom_2000: Come join the Stache
(03/02 16:31:26) Opsus laughs
(03/02 16:31:29) Moiety Jean: Are you offering, Cowart?
(03/02 16:31:29) Gadren: here, Mr. Cowart...try some of this pizza from the pizza vending machine we set up in here
(03/02 16:31:30) Whilyam: We're not cool. We're hot... as in ResEng Roast hot! :P
(03/02 16:31:31) Rose: Don't cry, we love ResEngs
(03/02 16:31:33) 909: you can't anyways: ResEngs have a magic hat. they're bullet-proof. not toemention.... they got a super KI
(03/02 16:31:36) Gadren offers a pizza
(03/02 16:31:43) Annacat scarfs pizza
(03/02 16:31:43) Vortmax is STILL on fire. Stupid people setting him on fire...
(03/02 16:31:47) Julian Lapis: ResEngs are too tired and stringy, and do not taste well with Ketchup
(03/02 16:31:56) Eleri: silly flamer
(03/02 16:31:57) Kierra: word to the wise Cowart....PLEASE dont give these people any sugar
(03/02 16:32:00) Rils: Cowerts cool, it's the Principal that's not
(03/02 16:32:00) rong takes pizza
(03/02 16:32:01) ResEng W. Cowart: Oh, that's right...I forgot that I'm impervious to sacrifice.
(03/02 16:32:02) Tayrtahn: so jump in the fountain, Vortmax - it's right there
(03/02 16:32:03) achren passes along the fire extinguisher
(03/02 16:32:05) Gadren start twitching
(03/02 16:32:08) Moiety Jean squrts a little more lighter fluid on Vort, just to keep him going
(03/02 16:32:10) T'layeh passes around pure sugar
(03/02 16:32:13) Gadren: ^_^
(03/02 16:32:20) Whilyam: Hey, Vortmax? Mr. Cowart looks a lot like you ;)
(03/02 16:32:23) Gadren: O_o*
(03/02 16:32:23) Julian Lapis: Yea. Besides, we're out of rams blood and virgin skulls.
(03/02 16:32:26) Dr. O'Neill: Yumm ResEng and Sourkraut
(03/02 16:32:28) Dudemom_2000 hands ResEng W. Cowart an apricot
(03/02 16:32:29) Moiety Jean: Uh oh.
(03/02 16:32:34) Devokan: Wow lots of people...whats going on?
(03/02 16:32:34) M'buhir: I'll be a sacrifice!! :D
(03/02 16:32:34) Professor Askew looks at his watch.
(03/02 16:32:38) Moiety Jean: Who did I just light?
(03/02 16:32:39) Dr. O'Neill: i call it a ResEng Ruben
(03/02 16:32:42) Vortmax: He stole my look!! Copyright infringement!! DMCA!!
(03/02 16:32:46) Kierra: We can sacrifice Vortmax though. go ahead. I've got the BBQ sauce
(03/02 16:32:48) *Moietay starts to laugh
(03/02 16:32:49) Butch: A loss 26-23
(03/02 16:32:53) Moiety Jean: M'buhir! Step right up!
(03/02 16:32:56) Julian Lapis: VORT! ON THE PYRE, QUICK MARCH!
(03/02 16:32:58) Butch: a wil 30-3
(03/02 16:33:04) Whilyam: Nick White is online!
(03/02 16:33:06) AKA.: that is right 909...the ResEng hats are magic....I sooooooo want either that or I will settle for a Sharper hat
(03/02 16:33:07) Butch: a w 41-0
(03/02 16:33:07) Annacat: Retuuuuuuuurn. Retuuuuuuuuuurn.
(03/02 16:33:16) Kierra snickers
(03/02 16:33:19) Tayrtahn: Yep, Nick's on
(03/02 16:33:19) M'buhir: is this gasoline or water?
(03/02 16:33:20) Gadren: yay nick is on
(03/02 16:33:20) Rils: Cowert, would you like to join the Stache Formation?
(03/02 16:33:28) Butch: a loss 31-23
(03/02 16:33:28) Annacat: Gasoline
(03/02 16:33:30) M'buhir: oh good
(03/02 16:33:31) Julian Lapis: Retuuuuuuuuuuuuurn.... with Shroomie Steaaaaaaaks.
(03/02 16:33:32) Kierra: Ah we have a willing sacrifice
(03/02 16:33:36) Rils: Cowart I mean?
(03/02 16:33:37) M'buhir: so now what?
(03/02 16:33:38) Curty: yeah baby!!!
(03/02 16:33:48) From Cycreim in D'ni-Ae'gura: Nick might be headed your way
(03/02 16:33:50) Curty: he sure is!
(03/02 16:33:51) ResEng W. Cowart: Thanks, Rils, but I just came to see this for myself...
(03/02 16:33:52) Julian Lapis: ah! A rousing rendition of 'Consumite Furore' is in order.
(03/02 16:33:54) Annacat: Light the the pyre
(03/02 16:33:58) From Gadren in The Great Tree's Bevin: will keep an eye open
(03/02 16:34:07) Moiety Jean: Okay, I can't jump, so I will light you from here
(03/02 16:34:08) Rils: Some of your buddies were her e a few minutes ago, but they were awefully quiet...
(03/02 16:34:12) Curty: come on Nick come to the hood!
(03/02 16:34:16) ResEng W. Cowart: And to practice my KI photography. =)
(03/02 16:34:18) Whilyam: Mr. Cowart! If Sharper shows up, will you arrest him for his crimes against humanity? :P
(03/02 16:34:20) Gadren thinks we need to summon Nick
(03/02 16:34:20) M'buhir: is this gonna hurt?
(03/02 16:34:22) Annacat: Oh Mighty Sharper, accept this our semi-willing offering to your barricade-stomping might...
(03/02 16:34:28) Moiety Jean: DR, are you also being sacrificed?
(03/02 16:34:29) Kierra yawns
(03/02 16:34:34) Moiety Jean: I can light you both at the same time
(03/02 16:34:35) T'layeh: only a lot M'buhir
(03/02 16:34:37) Tayrtahn: Commence the Nick White summoning!
(03/02 16:34:38) M'buhir: oh okay
(03/02 16:34:45) Danster: Yeah
(03/02 16:34:46) Curty: you really think Cyan would send Sharper so soon?!
(03/02 16:34:46) Gadren: O Nick who art in Relto, hallowed be thy ... er... translations
(03/02 16:34:48) Dr. O'Neill: i feel I am about to explode!
(03/02 16:34:51) ChrisRivadeneira: is Doug Here?
(03/02 16:34:58) Kierra twirls her finger around her ear
(03/02 16:35:01) Julian Lapis: AIA AIA AIA NICK WHITE NO NAKAMA
(03/02 16:35:01) Gadren shrugs
(03/02 16:35:02) Moiety Jean: Dr, if you are not being sacrificed, I suggest you move from the fountain
(03/02 16:35:03) Curty: they're gonna make us work for it!:)
(03/02 16:35:05) Moiety Jean: Thank you
(03/02 16:35:10) Annacat: I'm sure if Sharper wants to return, Cyan would have no say in stopping him ;-)
(03/02 16:35:12) electrode tries to be funny
(03/02 16:35:18) Julian Lapis: BAKA SAVANT NO CZOA
(03/02 16:35:19) Moiety Jean aims ceremonial flaming arrow at M'buhir
(03/02 16:35:28) Kierra hides the sugar
(03/02 16:35:29) Annacat cavorts in glee
(03/02 16:35:30) M'buhir winces
(03/02 16:35:42) achren finds the sugar, passes it around
(03/02 16:35:42) Vortmax throws some kiwi fruti at W. Cowart for snacky goodness
(03/02 16:35:45) Rils juices up the arrow extra good...
(03/02 16:35:45) Moiety Jean: ::fwip, THUD:: [editor's note: M'buhir then conveniently disappeared]
(03/02 16:35:46) Curty: depends on who's playing him LOL
(03/02 16:35:49) Kierra: Augh
(03/02 16:36:01) Rils: And down he goes!
(03/02 16:36:15) Dudemom_2000: we got bald spots in the Stache!!!!
(03/02 16:36:15) Curty: Hes in the nexus
(03/02 16:36:15) Gadren: O_o
(03/02 16:36:15) Kierra cheers
(03/02 16:36:15) rong starts to eat his own foot
(03/02 16:36:15) Annacat: HAIL! THE PYRE IS LIT!
(03/02 16:36:23) Moiety Jean: Thank you, who is next please?
(03/02 16:36:24) Rils: POOOF
(03/02 16:36:37) ChrisRivadeneira: so much lag
(03/02 16:36:37) Gondar: holy yahvo, 56 people!
(03/02 16:36:37) Kierra steps back
(03/02 16:36:39) Gadren: Shorah, Nick White!!
(03/02 16:36:42) achren: hey nick!
(03/02 16:36:43) Moiety Jean: Welcome, Nick
(03/02 16:36:44) From Gadren in The Great Tree's Bevin: nick is here
(03/02 16:36:44) T'layeh: Shorah Nick!
(03/02 16:36:46) ChrisRivadeneira: Hey Nick!
(03/02 16:36:54) Finrel: it was 60 when i came back
(03/02 16:36:55) Annacat: Hi Nick, welcome
(03/02 16:36:56) Vortmax: Heya Nick!! Welcome to the party!
(03/02 16:36:59) Kierra: heyla nick
(03/02 16:37:02) Gondar: Was 55 when I linked in. Which took forever.
(03/02 16:37:07) Wilkovius: Shorah Nick
(03/02 16:37:08) achren: I'm sure
(03/02 16:37:10) Gondar: We're borking the nexus! Hooray!
(03/02 16:37:15) Moiety Jean: Finrel, do you wish to be sacrificed?
(03/02 16:37:19) Julian Lapis: Hail Nick White! Behold our Pagan glory!
(03/02 16:37:21) Montgomery: Nice to see you again, Nick!
(03/02 16:37:22) Rils: welcome to the party Nick! Join the Stache Formation!
(03/02 16:37:23) AKA. cheers
(03/02 16:37:25) Eleri does a dance
(03/02 16:37:29) Finrel: hit me baby one more time!
(03/02 16:37:31) From Cycreim in D'ni-Ae'gura: Awesome! Tell him I said hi!
(03/02 16:37:32) rong:
(03/02 16:37:34) *Moietay: Hey Nick! Welcome!
(03/02 16:37:34) From Gadren in The Great Tree's Bevin: sure...see if you can hand out some torches and pitchforks to the aegura people
(03/02 16:37:43) Moiety Jean lights Finrel [editor's note: Finrel then promptly disappeared]
(03/02 16:37:54) Annacat: Cycreim says hi, Nick
(03/02 16:37:54) Julian Lapis: Have you come to pay tribute?
(03/02 16:37:54) Opsus waves hello
(03/02 16:37:54) Gondar: Poor Laxman.. "My lattice! My bloody lattice! You BROKE it!"
(03/02 16:37:54) rong waves to nick over the other side
(03/02 16:37:54) Kierra: Barbaric glory you mean
(03/02 16:37:58) Moiety Jean: Nick, Cycriem says hi!
(03/02 16:38:00) ChrisRivadeneira: Where do we pick up chat logs at?
(03/02 16:38:02) Rils: I don't think Nick has finished materializing...
(03/02 16:38:10) Annacat: I told him already MJ, GOSH
(03/02 16:38:12) Moiety Jean: Excellent.
(03/02 16:38:14) Gadren pokes Nick with a stick, since that rhymes
(03/02 16:38:15) achren: with this many people, it'll take awhile
(03/02 16:38:16) Whilyam: Shorah, Nick!
(03/02 16:38:21) rong: lol
(03/02 16:38:22) Moiety Jean bites Annacat again
(03/02 16:38:24) ChrisRivadeneira: it took 5 mins for me to link in
(03/02 16:38:24) *Moietay: Hey Nick!
(03/02 16:38:34) Curty: Hi Nick:)
(03/02 16:38:35) AKA. waves hello
(03/02 16:38:35) Rils: Welcome Nick! Join the Stache Formation!
(03/02 16:38:38) Vortmax: Heya Nick! Do you bring news of the Holy Mustache?
(03/02 16:38:38) Nick White: What's up everybody!
(03/02 16:38:38) Annacat studies MJ for three rounds...
(03/02 16:38:38) Gadren: Shorah, Nick!
(03/02 16:38:41) T'layeh: Hey Nick!
(03/02 16:38:43) Gondar: He's in!
(03/02 16:38:45) ChrisRivadeneira tries to be funny
(03/02 16:38:46) Montgomery: Nice to see you again, Nick!
(03/02 16:38:46) Gadren: Not much, besides the usual insanity
(03/02 16:38:46) Kierra: Wassup!
(03/02 16:38:48) Wilkovius: Shorah Nick!
(03/02 16:38:49) Tayrtahn salutes
(03/02 16:38:56) rong: hello!
(03/02 16:38:58) Eleri: OHHHHH He Of The NiftyCool Office, We Summon Thee
(03/02 16:38:59) Danster: Hello Nick
(03/02 16:38:59) achren: insanity? us? never!
(03/02 16:39:02) Moiety Jean: Chris, is it your wish to be sacrificed for the honor of Sharper?
(03/02 16:39:04) Professor Askew: Hello, Nick.
(03/02 16:39:04) Kierra chuckles
(03/02 16:39:09) ChrisRivadeneira: Uh
(03/02 16:39:10) Gondar: Now how long until Nick leaves with a case of the heebie jeebies?
(03/02 16:39:15) ChrisRivadeneira: what happens when i'm sacrificed
(03/02 16:39:17) Gadren: heehee
(03/02 16:39:17) ChrisRivadeneira: :-/
(03/02 16:39:20) Dudemom_2000: wow this will make such a great music video......
(03/02 16:39:22) Moiety Jean: You run around on fire
(03/02 16:39:22) Kierra hides the sugar again
(03/02 16:39:23) Nick White: Not sure the stache is exactly right.
(03/02 16:39:24) lightkeeper: GO PATS!!!
(03/02 16:39:25) Montgomery: The stash is falling apart. REFORM!
(03/02 16:39:26) 909: I think Nick wiped out.....
(03/02 16:39:29) Moiety Jean: It's really fun, I promise
(03/02 16:39:31) Annacat: Heebie jeebies? Too late.
(03/02 16:39:33) Gadren: It was better earlier
(03/02 16:39:35) Moiety Jean: Doesn't hurt at all.
(03/02 16:39:35) achren finds the sugar again
(03/02 16:39:35) Rils: true, it needs some filling in...
(03/02 16:39:37) T'layeh: he's still on my list
(03/02 16:39:39) ChrisRivadeneira: uh do i get to stay here?
(03/02 16:39:41) Gadren: I'll send you a KI pic if you like
(03/02 16:39:44) ChrisRivadeneira: sure
(03/02 16:39:44) Gondar: Well, it's ok if he has them, just as long as he doesn't leave yet.
(03/02 16:39:46) Curty: lol!
(03/02 16:39:46) Vortmax: Ia! Ia! Sharper f'taghn!
(03/02 16:39:56) Kierra waves hello
(03/02 16:39:56) rong: so whens sharper comin then?
(03/02 16:39:56) Gadren: brb
(03/02 16:39:56) Nick White: Maybe you could all form the Patriots logo next?
(03/02 16:39:57) Curty: I think it needs a shave
(03/02 16:39:58) rong does a dance
(03/02 16:39:59) Moiety Jean: Of course! Until you become a smoldering, mustached-shaped pile of ash.
(03/02 16:40:03) Annacat: Retuuuuuuuurn....
(03/02 16:40:04) Rils: mmm... mucus flan...
(03/02 16:40:04) ChrisRivadeneira: Hey Nick!
(03/02 16:40:06) Kierra starts to laugh
(03/02 16:40:11) Chere starts to laugh
(03/02 16:40:13) Moiety Jean: too late, Chris!
(03/02 16:40:16) ChrisRivadeneira: ?
(03/02 16:40:21) Moiety Jean flicks the lighter and lights up Chris
(03/02 16:40:24) ChrisRivadeneira: I don't link out do i?
(03/02 16:40:24) Julian Lapis: Dance with us in our unholy worship, Nick!
(03/02 16:40:26) Annacat: The Pats had a bad season; there's nothing for you up there! Rejoin us!
(03/02 16:40:26) ChrisRivadeneira: AHHH
(03/02 16:40:37) Nick White: There he is on the fountain!
(03/02 16:40:44) Atrius Opheria: What's the hubbub?
(03/02 16:40:46) Vortmax does a dance
(03/02 16:40:46) Kierra is a bit puzzled...
(03/02 16:41:03) Rils: LOLOLOL
(03/02 16:41:04) Nick White: Oh wait....
(03/02 16:41:04) Tayrtahn says DOH!
(03/02 16:41:04) Whilyam: Nick, did you let Sharper know?
(03/02 16:41:04) Moiety Jean: Thank you, come again!
(03/02 16:41:05) Annacat: No, that's our next sacrifice
(03/02 16:41:05) rong: lol
(03/02 16:41:05) ChrisRivadeneira: Who is on the fountain?
(03/02 16:41:05) Annacat: You
(03/02 16:41:08) Vortmax: Come back to us Douglas! So the Pats can win again!
(03/02 16:41:08) Julian Lapis: It does good things for the biceps.
(03/02 16:41:13) M'buhir: Apparently I panic link upon being set aflame
(03/02 16:41:16) ChrisRivadeneira: Hey Nick
(03/02 16:41:18) ChrisRivadeneira waves hello
(03/02 16:41:23) Moiety Jean: M'buhir, that happens
(03/02 16:41:25) Rils: Here MJ, let me pass you the Flaming Arrow Gasoline...
(03/02 16:41:26) M'buhir: After some aloe vera and a brief hop in the pond in my relto, I'm back.
(03/02 16:41:28) Nick White waves hello
(03/02 16:41:30) Moiety Jean: Do we need to relight you?
(03/02 16:41:30) ChrisRivadeneira: We want Douglas Sharper!
(03/02 16:41:31) ChrisRivadeneira: :)
(03/02 16:41:35) Annacat: The Pats had a bad season because you left us, Sharper. Come restore your karma.
(03/02 16:41:43) Kierra is scared
(03/02 16:41:43) lightkeeper: Douglas the PATS need you to Return to the cavern
(03/02 16:41:52) SixEcho: what's going on here --- meeting?
(03/02 16:41:52) Vortmax: O Keeper of the Holy Mustache, Destroyer of Barricades, Remover of Cones, come to us!
(03/02 16:42:03) Annacat: WE SUMMON THEEE
(03/02 16:42:03) Whilyam: All hail the KRC! Karma Restoration Council
(03/02 16:42:04) ChrisRivadeneira tries to be funny
(03/02 16:42:06) Moiety Jean: we've got some mustache overgrowth here
(03/02 16:42:07) Atrius Opheria: I see, a gathering to summon Douglas Sharper
(03/02 16:42:08) Rils: Irritator of Engberg,
(03/02 16:42:11) rong: if he turns up, why would he stand on a fountain?
(03/02 16:42:20) Rils: Destroyer of Kodama
(03/02 16:42:21) ChrisRivadeneira: because doug likes to do that
(03/02 16:42:25) ChrisRivadeneira: lol
(03/02 16:42:25) Gondar: Cause it's shaped like a cone!
(03/02 16:42:26) rong: could be in the pub
(03/02 16:42:30) Rils: Inflamer of Laxman's Temper...
(03/02 16:42:32) Kierra says DOH!
(03/02 16:42:32) Gondar: And we know cones = barricades =e EVIL!
(03/02 16:42:36) Moiety Jean: Anyone standing to Annacat's left needs to move until they are standing on Annacat's right
(03/02 16:42:36) lightkeeper: We will paint your Pub!!!
(03/02 16:42:40) achren feels the need to re-write the Spoon song 'I Summon You'
(03/02 16:42:40) Rils: RETURN!
(03/02 16:42:42) Kierra: Hey! cones are good
(03/02 16:42:46) Gondar: Stomp the unholy cone!
(03/02 16:42:48) Tayrtahn: Shame Heaven couldn't be here tonight, eh Nick?
(03/02 16:42:49) Whilyam: Should I add "Woo-er of Sutherland"? Or not?
(03/02 16:42:49) Annacat: Return to us, Oh Tied-Died One
(03/02 16:42:53) Gondar: Well, cones are ok, I guess.. but barricades are evil
(03/02 16:42:54) T'layeh: Coooooooone
(03/02 16:42:56) Rils: Where's anna?
(03/02 16:42:56) ChrisRivadeneira stomps on cones
(03/02 16:42:59) Kierra: Coooooooooooone
(03/02 16:43:02) ChrisRivadeneira tries to be funny
(03/02 16:43:03) <sniffle> Kierra is sad
(03/02 16:43:04) Julian Lapis: We invoke thee! We beeshech thee! WE SUMMON THEE!!!
(03/02 16:43:05) Moiety Jean: You may step down from the fountain now that you are alight, Chris
(03/02 16:43:06) Annacat waves hello
(03/02 16:43:07) Rils: oh, hi... ;)
(03/02 16:43:23) Kierra: Noooo cone killer
(03/02 16:43:24) ChrisRivadeneira: Okay
(03/02 16:43:25) Eleri: WE Summon Thee To Return The Balance To The Cavern, Cate Is Just Too Darn Serious!
(03/02 16:43:25) Nick White: Where is Heaven? Haven't seen her since... hope I didn't scare her away.
(03/02 16:43:25) Moiety Jean: Be sure to remain on fire
(03/02 16:43:27) Tayrtahn: ah, Rils
(03/02 16:43:28) rong prays for the cone
(03/02 16:43:28) Atrius Opheria: It appears that we are running out of oxygen down here...
(03/02 16:43:43) Vortmax: Sharper, come to us! We've got Shroomie burgers!
(03/02 16:43:43) Kierra starts to laugh
(03/02 16:43:43) Rils: Howdy Tayr!
(03/02 16:43:46) Annacat: Sorry for the lag, just trying to indicate my position
(03/02 16:43:46) Moiety Jean: Nick, She's been around. :D I think she was flattered.
(03/02 16:43:49) Eleri: that sucks, Nick. Maybe you need to send flowers
(03/02 16:44:01) Kierra: Chocolates
(03/02 16:44:17) Atrius Opheria is afriad he'll miss something if he gets drink
(03/02 16:44:17) Whilyam: Heeere Sharpersharpersharper... here boy
(03/02 16:44:17) Eleri: how's your poetry, Nick?
(03/02 16:44:18) Rils: Nick, you can leave us yer phone number, we'll pass it along to her...
(03/02 16:44:20) Vortmax: Flowers AND chocolates
(03/02 16:44:21) Kierra starts to laugh
(03/02 16:44:21) Moiety Jean points Chris back to the mustache formation
(03/02 16:44:24) Julian Lapis: Chocolate flowers!
(03/02 16:44:30) T'layeh: lol
(03/02 16:44:33) Gadren: back
(03/02 16:44:35) Rih'ki: Chocolate covered Shroomie bits!
(03/02 16:44:37) Julian Lapis: Flourettes of Chocolate!
(03/02 16:44:43) Annacat: Return to us, Oh Scourge of Shroomies and Other Assorted Wildlife!
(03/02 16:44:47) Butch: Time for another face!
(03/02 16:44:47) Kierra: Chocolate cones
(03/02 16:44:49) Moiety Jean: Still too much mustache over here, fellows
(03/02 16:44:50) ChrisRivadeneira starts chanting Who do we want, WE WANT SHARPER!!!
(03/02 16:44:52) AKA.: the stach is looking good guys....keep up the good work
(03/02 16:44:55) M'buhir sneaks up behind Eleri and cups his hands over her eyes. " guess who!"
(03/02 16:44:56) Gondar cheers
(03/02 16:45:03) Moiety Jean waves hello
(03/02 16:45:04) achren: when do we want him?> NOW!
(03/02 16:45:05) Eleri jumps a foot
(03/02 16:45:09) ChrisRivadeneira: WHO DO WE WANT!!
(03/02 16:45:12) Vortmax: May the Holy Mustache smile upon us
(03/02 16:45:13) Dudemom_2000 taps her foot
(03/02 16:45:15) Annacat: SHARPER!
(03/02 16:45:17) Butch: SHARPER!
(03/02 16:45:17) Whilyam: SHARPER
(03/02 16:45:18) Kierra: Um....atrus?
(03/02 16:45:21) Kierra: Oh wait thats me
(03/02 16:45:22) ChrisRivadeneira: when do we want him1!!
(03/02 16:45:22) Gadren shrugs
(03/02 16:45:23) T'layeh: SHARPER!
(03/02 16:45:27) Annacat: NOW!
(03/02 16:45:31) Kierra: Tomorrow!
(03/02 16:45:32) AKA.: we should all chant "Sharper....Sharper"
(03/02 16:45:33) Kierra: Oh..sorry
(03/02 16:45:36) ChrisRivadeneira: WHO DO WE WANT!
(03/02 16:45:38) Whilyam: YESTERDAY!
(03/02 16:45:40) Vortmax: NOW, MOTHER.... oops, family game...
(03/02 16:45:41) Annacat: SHARPER!
(03/02 16:45:42) ChrisRivadeneira: WHEN DO WE WANT HIM?
(03/02 16:45:42) Whilyam: MOIETAY!
(03/02 16:45:43) Gavin E: Sharper!
(03/02 16:45:52) Atrius Opheria: Sometime in the near future
(03/02 16:45:52) Kierra: in three days!
(03/02 16:45:52) Devokan: Hey Nick White! Hows it going?
(03/02 16:45:53) AKA.: Sharper
(03/02 16:45:55) rong: next tuseday, 8 oclock!
(03/02 16:45:57) 909: may the mustache smile upon us, and the smile hold up the mustache!
(03/02 16:45:58) Gadren leans right
(03/02 16:45:58) Opsus leans right
(03/02 16:45:58) *Moietay: Me? What?
(03/02 16:45:59) Kierra leans right
(03/02 16:45:59) Rose: (background music) Who Let The Dogs Out!
(03/02 16:46:02) AKA.: Sharper
(03/02 16:46:02) Whilyam starts to laugh
(03/02 16:46:04) Moiety Jean wants some space!
(03/02 16:46:04) Kierra: Woof!
(03/02 16:46:08) lightkeeper: Return Sharper, Help the PATS!
(03/02 16:46:10) Gadren: well, sadly I must leave
(03/02 16:46:12) ChrisRivadeneira: WHO DO WE WANT!!
(03/02 16:46:12) Nick White: Oh my gosh!
(03/02 16:46:14) Mystlander: SHARPER FACT #4: It took 5 women three days to give birth to Douglas Sharper!
(03/02 16:46:18) Annacat: SHARPER!
(03/02 16:46:18) Kierra: ATRUS!
(03/02 16:46:20) Atrius Opheria: yeesha?
(03/02 16:46:20) ChrisRivadeneira: WHEN DO WE WANT HIM!!
(03/02 16:46:23) Vortmax laughs
(03/02 16:46:23) Mystlander leans left
(03/02 16:46:25) Annacat: Bye, Gadren
(03/02 16:46:26) Gadren: cya
(03/02 16:46:30) Vortmax: Awww, bye Gadren :(
(03/02 16:46:31) Atrius Opheria: Cya mate
(03/02 16:46:31) Annacat: NOW!
(03/02 16:46:36) Rils: Byeyya Gad!
(03/02 16:46:36) Moiety Jean: Bye Gadren!
(03/02 16:46:36) Nick White: You guys won't belive this!
(03/02 16:46:39) M'buhir: Does that mean he was birthed in peices and they assembled him later?
(03/02 16:46:39) Gadren: fill me in on whatever crazy things happen
(03/02 16:46:40) T'layeh: Bye Gadren
(03/02 16:46:41) Gadren: wait
(03/02 16:46:43) ChrisRivadeneira: what won't we believe
(03/02 16:46:44) *Moietay: Yes, Nick?
(03/02 16:46:44) Gadren: what is it, Nick?
(03/02 16:46:45) Annacat: Wgar, Nick?
(03/02 16:46:45) Julian Lapis: Nick... whats happening?
(03/02 16:46:45) Whilyam: What, Nick?
(03/02 16:46:46) Kierra: 6 minutes, 42 seconds
(03/02 16:46:46) T'layeh: what Nick?
(03/02 16:46:47) Rils: Nick, what's your gosh?
(03/02 16:46:49) Nick White: I just got a message on my KI...
(03/02 16:46:50) Moiety Jean: What? Nick! What won't we believe!
(03/02 16:46:53) Annacat: Oh?
(03/02 16:46:54) *Moietay: Ooh yes?
(03/02 16:46:56) Rils: HES HERE!!!!!!
(03/02 16:47:04) T'layeh: Oooooo
(03/02 16:47:05) Moiety Jean: sHAAARRPERRR!
(03/02 16:47:05) Nick White: From the man himself.
(03/02 16:47:05) Annacat: Yay!
(03/02 16:47:05) Whilyam: Ooh
(03/02 16:47:05) Rils: oh
(03/02 16:47:05) Kierra is a bit puzzled...
(03/02 16:47:05) Vortmax: GIVE US HIS KI NUMBER! Please?
(03/02 16:47:06) Nick White: This is nuts!
(03/02 16:47:06) Kierra: Aitrus?
(03/02 16:47:07) Gadren: ^_^^^_^_^_^_^_^
(03/02 16:47:07) Julian Lapis: Oh my Gosh!
(03/02 16:47:07) Gondar: What did he say?!
(03/02 16:47:07) ChrisRivadeneira: WOOT WOOT
(03/02 16:47:07) T'layeh: W00T!
(03/02 16:47:10) Gavin E: OMG!!!
(03/02 16:47:10) Whilyam cheers
(03/02 16:47:11) *Moietay cheers
(03/02 16:47:13) Julian Lapis: Its him!
(03/02 16:47:14) Moiety Jean: Nick, don't tell him what we were doing!
(03/02 16:47:14) T'layeh cheers
(03/02 16:47:15) Rils: OH SHROOMIE LORD APPEAR!!!!
(03/02 16:47:16) Nick White: Gotta go guys - he wants to meet me.
(03/02 16:47:17) Curty: Darn!
(03/02 16:47:17) Opsus cheers
(03/02 16:47:17) Gavin E cheers
(03/02 16:47:18) Mystlander: WOOT!
(03/02 16:47:20) Kierra yawns
(03/02 16:47:29) lightkeeper: Woot
(03/02 16:47:29) Butch: Quick, light up a few more people!
(03/02 16:47:30) Rils: Nick, bring him here!
(03/02 16:47:30) Nick White: Talk to you later!
(03/02 16:47:30) rong: no fair!
(03/02 16:47:30) Gadren: ack!
(03/02 16:47:30) AKA. cheers
(03/02 16:47:30) Dudemom_2000: awwwww
(03/02 16:47:30) Chere: YEAH
(03/02 16:47:30) Gavin E cries
(03/02 16:47:30) Gondar: Ack!
(03/02 16:47:30) Annacat: Don't leeeeeave us!
(03/02 16:47:30) rong: lol
(03/02 16:47:30) Rih'ki roars with laughter
(03/02 16:47:31) Gadren: fill us in
(03/02 16:47:31) Gondar: You're mean!
(03/02 16:47:31) ChrisRivadeneira: Make sure he gets here tonight!!!
(03/02 16:47:32) *Moietay: NIck...bring him here!
(03/02 16:47:33) AKA.: he is here?
(03/02 16:47:33) Julian Lapis: THE SUMMONING! IT WORKED!!!
(03/02 16:47:33) Kierra starts to laugh
(03/02 16:47:34) Moiety Jean: Don't tell him about the sacrifices!
(03/02 16:47:38) M'buhir: Tell him I want to have his babies!
(03/02 16:47:39) Ttreb: Nick, what's his KI number?
(03/02 16:47:40) Rils: THE SUMMONING WORKED!!!!
(03/02 16:47:40) Whilyam: Tell him to come here afterwards!
(03/02 16:47:41) ChrisRivadeneira: Makesure he makes it here
(03/02 16:47:42) Moiety Jean: LOL
(03/02 16:47:42) Julian Lapis hugs Eleri
(03/02 16:47:42) Nick White (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(03/02 16:47:50) Annacat: Why can't we tell him?
(03/02 16:47:52) Eleri huggles Julian
(03/02 16:47:52) Annacat: He'd be flattered
(03/02 16:47:58) Curty: Its time for the story to actually get somewhere now.......:)
(03/02 16:47:58) AKA. nods her head
(03/02 16:48:03) Gavin E: quick, everyone follow nick!!!
(03/02 16:48:04) Gondar: Tell him we're waiting Nick!
(03/02 16:48:05) Moiety Jean: Ok, well don't tell him about Vortmax
(03/02 16:48:08) Julian Lapis: We did it! We should cavort with the Dark Arts more often!
(03/02 16:48:10) *Moietay: This is very exciting :D
(03/02 16:48:15) Kierra: o_O
(03/02 16:48:23) Halvor: wow, long link
(03/02 16:48:23) Gondar laughs
(03/02 16:48:23) T'layeh: indeed: :D
(03/02 16:48:23) Whilyam: Indeed it is.
(03/02 16:48:24) rong claps his hands
(03/02 16:48:24) Annacat: Dark Arts FTW
(03/02 16:48:24) KennyLynd does a dance
(03/02 16:48:25) Gavin E: Would nick prank us?
(03/02 16:48:25) *Moietay: And it only took forty seven minutes...hehe
(03/02 16:48:26) Halvor: what happened? did I miss anything?
(03/02 16:48:30) Vortmax: Hooray for Dark Arts!
(03/02 16:48:31) T'layeh: yes
(03/02 16:48:35) Vortmax: and Human Sacrivide!
(03/02 16:48:35) Julian Lapis: Halvor, we summoned Douglas SHARPER
(03/02 16:48:37) Kierra snickers
(03/02 16:48:45) Annacat: Nick wouldn't prank, he LURVES us
(03/02 16:48:45) Curty: Goood job GREAT TREE:)
(03/02 16:48:46) Whilyam draws Sharper pentagrams on the ground
(03/02 16:48:46) Vortmax: *sacrifice
(03/02 16:48:47) ChrisRivadeneira: Cant wait till we see sharper
(03/02 16:48:47) Halvor: SHarper is back???!!
(03/02 16:48:50) achren: maybe
(03/02 16:48:51) Annacat: So it seems
(03/02 16:48:52) Kierra yawns
(03/02 16:48:55) AKA.: the Stash worked!!!!!!!! you guys rock!!!!!!!
(03/02 16:48:56) Halvor cheers
(03/02 16:48:57) Rils: Nick is TGT Teh Bomb
(03/02 16:48:59) T'layeh: what exactly did nick say, the chat was scrolling too fast..
(03/02 16:48:59) ChrisRivadeneira: WHO DO WE WANT!!!
(03/02 16:49:07) Moiety Jean: DOUG SHARPER!
(03/02 16:49:08) Gondar: You know what this means.. we just made.. the sharper symbol.
(03/02 16:49:09) ChrisRivadeneira: WHEN DO WE WANT HIM!!!?
(03/02 16:49:10) Tayrtahn: I wonder what he'll think when he see this...
(03/02 16:49:10) Annacat: SHARPER!
(03/02 16:49:19) Moiety Jean: NOW!
(03/02 16:49:19) Annacat: NOW!
(03/02 16:49:19) Kierra: Nick is in Teledahn
(03/02 16:49:19) Rils: Never underestimate the power of the Stache...
(03/02 16:49:27) Whilyam: Where's Sharper now? He's in his Relto. Where's Sharper now? He's in the Nexus."
(03/02 16:49:27) Gavin E: people, move away from the link in spot, it looks like some deformed three headed monster!!!
(03/02 16:49:27) KennyLynd: will we have lag fiery abyss if we all dance at the same time
(03/02 16:49:27) Tayrtahn: makes sense
(03/02 16:49:28) achren: today
(03/02 16:49:28) M'buhir: We need t-shirts with mustaches on them
(03/02 16:49:28) lightkeeper: SHARPER
(03/02 16:49:28) AKA.: Sharper
(03/02 16:49:28) Annacat: He'll be very. very scared
(03/02 16:49:29) KennyLynd does a dance
(03/02 16:49:32) SixEcho does a dance
(03/02 16:49:33) Curty: Yep as he should be:)
(03/02 16:49:34) Rils: Poor guy...
(03/02 16:49:37) Gavin E does a dance
(03/02 16:49:38) AKA.: NOW!!!!!!!
(03/02 16:49:39) Kierra: Heck I"M scared
(03/02 16:49:45) KennyLynd does the conjuration dance
(03/02 16:49:47) Gavin E does a dance
(03/02 16:49:47) Gadren: OK, cya all! :)
(03/02 16:49:47) Annacat: But... we did this for him
(03/02 16:49:47) Julian Lapis: The man inspired a cult...
(03/02 16:49:48) KennyLynd does a dance
(03/02 16:49:49) Rils: That's what he gets for ascending to Almost Near Godhood.
(03/02 16:49:51) Gondar: Next step is swiping a DRC floodlamp and displaying a giant sillouette of a moustache on the cavern ceiling
(03/02 16:49:54) Mystlander does a dance
(03/02 16:49:55) Gavin E does a dance
(03/02 16:49:56) M'buhir: me too, I hope he doesn't take me up on that having his babies offer. o.o
(03/02 16:49:57) achren: :D
(03/02 16:49:58) Julian Lapis: THE SHARPER SIGNAL
(03/02 16:50:06) Gavin E leans left
(03/02 16:50:06) Tayrtahn: they can't move from the link-in point - their conciousness hasn't linked through yet
(03/02 16:50:06) Eleri hands out Sharper Fish
(03/02 16:50:06) From Cycreim in Cycreim's Relto: If Sharper shows up
(03/02 16:50:07) KennyLynd leans left
(03/02 16:50:09) Demelza: hello, we need 3 more bods for Delin, anyone?
(03/02 16:50:09) Vortmax: O Holy Mustache, smile upon us!!
(03/02 16:50:10) Annacat: It's all for you, Douglas! It's all for you! /Omen reference
(03/02 16:50:10) Rils: Yeah M'b, that might be awkward lol
(03/02 16:50:10) Whilyam: I'm not here for the cult, I'm here to see this man.
(03/02 16:50:10) Moiety Jean: Gondar, will you arrange this please?
(03/02 16:50:19) Julian Lapis: Put this in your ear... you can speak SHOOMRIE
(03/02 16:50:19) KennyLynd leans right
(03/02 16:50:19) AKA.: is that like the bat signal Julian?
(03/02 16:50:20) Curty: he is pulling Sharper out of his hole hes been hiding in
(03/02 16:50:24) Gondar: Arrange what? Oh, yeah..
(03/02 16:50:27) Whilyam: I already have a log going from when Cowart came in
(03/02 16:50:31) Tayrtahn: what's that I hear? The sound of 70 chatlogs starting?
(03/02 16:50:37) ChrisRivadeneira: where do the logs go?
(03/02 16:50:39) Eleri: DOUG-LAS SHAR-PER
(03/02 16:50:40) Kierra: Keh
(03/02 16:50:41) *Moietay: hehe
(03/02 16:50:42) DocOlanA: Mine's been running since you guys began.
(03/02 16:50:42) Rils: tayr, mine started long ago... ;)
(03/02 16:50:43) Demelza: Hello
(03/02 16:50:44) Vortmax: I started a log like 2 hours ago
(03/02 16:50:50) Julian Lapis: Yes Aka :D
(03/02 16:50:55) Gondar: Er, the DRC actually bolted down the floodlamps.. I think it's cause I tried to swipe one once. Used the thing for recharging my laptop.
(03/02 16:50:55) Tayrtahn: yeah, I figured people would
(03/02 16:50:58) David Perlman: I missed Nick... didn't I?
(03/02 16:51:00) AKA. starts to laugh
(03/02 16:51:03) Rils: yup, you did!
(03/02 16:51:14) Chere: do you think after nick meets him they will come here?
(03/02 16:51:15) <sniffle> David Perlman is sad
(03/02 16:51:18) Rih'ki imagines all the logs floating on the great sea of chat ...
(03/02 16:51:18) Vortmax: Yes David, you did. But it seems a certain Mustachioed Man called him away
(03/02 16:51:19) Curty: Its all good
(03/02 16:51:19) Annacat is a little scared of the logs and is trying to remember if said anything incriminating...
(03/02 16:51:21) Halvor: *bouce, bounce, bounce*
(03/02 16:51:25) Rils: hope so!
(03/02 16:51:26) Gondar: Nick came, said Sharper messaged hi,m and took off. Dunno about that.. but it seems so.
(03/02 16:51:35) lightkeeper: Douglas, Coach Belichek said to return to the cavern
(03/02 16:51:35) Kierra yawns
(03/02 16:51:35) Curty: sharper will be here soon:)
(03/02 16:51:25) Rils: hope so!
(03/02 16:51:26) Gondar: Nick came, said Sharper messaged hi,m and took off. Dunno about that.. but it seems so.
(03/02 16:51:35) lightkeeper: Douglas, Coach Belichek said to return to the cavern
(03/02 16:51:35) Kierra yawns
(03/02 16:51:35) Curty: sharper will be here soon:)
(03/02 16:51:38) AKA.: lol Vortmax
(03/02 16:51:38) Rils has some good dirt on Annacat in his chat log
(03/02 16:51:42) Gondar: We'll know when Sharper comes to be worshipped.
(03/02 16:52:00) Kierra starts to laugh
(03/02 16:52:02) achren: ohm...
(03/02 16:52:06) Curty: Lol! poor anna cat
(03/02 16:52:08) David Perlman: Do you really think Sharper will come?
(03/02 16:52:15) Moiety Jean: yay Cycreim!
(03/02 16:52:16) ChrisRivadeneira: I hope so
(03/02 16:52:32) Gondar: (OOC: Poor Cyan! We're not shaping the story, we're grabbing it by the throat, shaking it like a mistreated newborn, and demanding it start doing tricks for us.. :-)
(03/02 16:52:37) DocOlanA: Are you kidding? You've gathered a whole Bevin of worshipful supplicants. He'll come, it's like candy to him.
(03/02 16:52:37) *Moietay starts to laugh
(03/02 16:52:37) lightkeeper: DOUGLAS, Mr. KRAFT WANTS YOU IN THE CAVERN
(03/02 16:52:47) AdamC: I don't get it is Sharper some leader of a new religion?
(03/02 16:52:47) Rils: Cyc? Where? oh... PSYC!!!!
(03/02 16:52:55) Gondar: He is now Adam.
(03/02 16:52:59) M'buhir: If he is, dibs on being a priest
(03/02 16:53:01) Vortmax: The Mustache will come to us, under the Flaming Hat of Power!
(03/02 16:53:08) KennyLynd: whats the record number of people ever in one place?
(03/02 16:53:12) AKA.: the mustash formation has holes in guys are slacking
(03/02 16:53:15) AKA.: Lol
(03/02 16:53:15) Gondar: I think this is it now..
(03/02 16:53:19) Rils: And the Icy Sword of Shroomdom!
(03/02 16:53:19) From Nick White in Nick White's Teledahn: Don't think he's going to make it down. But he says "thanks for all the support".
(03/02 16:53:21) David Perlman: Aw fiery abyss I just came here to try and get my Tsogal changed to Delin...
(03/02 16:53:22) Tayrtahn: surely we've broken the record by now
(03/02 16:53:22) To Cycreim: omg, nick just asked if we're all still here
(03/02 16:53:22) Vortmax: Last year's St. Pat's parade had over 100 in the 'hood
(03/02 16:53:26) Annacat: Religion. Yes. Because this is totally serious and not a joke AT ALL. ;-)
(03/02 16:53:26) achren: at one point we had 60
(03/02 16:53:33) Gondar: Yes but in Live.
(03/02 16:53:37) Whilyam: Maybe Sharper can help you :P
(03/02 16:53:41) Anansi: What's going on here? :-O
(03/02 16:53:44) lightkeeper: SHARPER THE PATS NEED YOU IN THE CAVERN
(03/02 16:53:44) Rils is picking up on Annacat's sarcasm...
(03/02 16:53:45) Montgomery: The Sharper is coming! Re-form the stash!
(03/02 16:53:47) Gondar: And that was a blast Vort.. we brought down the nexus a fwe times.
(03/02 16:53:50) Whilyam: Douglas Sharper is back.
(03/02 16:53:52) David Perlman: Ever seen Life of brian?
(03/02 16:53:57) Anansi: Where? :-O
(03/02 16:54:05) Tayrtahn: (OOC: It's laggy, but still remarkably stable, considering)
(03/02 16:54:05) David Perlman: I think he'll be busy
(03/02 16:54:08) Gondar: Sharper is coming. The end is near. Sharper is coming. The end is near.
(03/02 16:54:16) Julian Lapis: Sharper is coming LOOK BUSY!!!
(03/02 16:54:16) Kierra: This is quite a handle-bar mustache
(03/02 16:54:31) Annacat looks busy
(03/02 16:54:37) Rils: FILL IT IN PEOPLE!
(03/02 16:54:38) Kierra looks confused
(03/02 16:54:46) 909 acts casual
(03/02 16:54:46) Whilyam: Everyone in places!
(03/02 16:54:46) Tayrtahn: It could also be a smilie face
(03/02 16:54:55) DocOlanA: If anyone has Sharpers KI# (or heck, for that matter any DRC or other NPC's KI#) could you PM me with it?
(03/02 16:54:55) Tayrtahn: or frowny
(03/02 16:54:55) Anansi: Is this one of those weird summoning rituals?
(03/02 16:54:55) *Moietay: Sharper is coming. Find a way. Make a mustache.
(03/02 16:54:55) Gondar looks about.
(03/02 16:54:58) 909 starts to laugh
(03/02 16:54:59) Rih'ki: we've got stache gaposis
(03/02 16:55:00) Whilyam roars with laughter
(03/02 16:55:00) Whilyam: Good one Tay
(03/02 16:55:08) Kierra starts to laugh
(03/02 16:55:08) *Moietay thanks you very much!
(03/02 16:55:08) hailahh: I think Nick came by, checked out how SERIOUS we were, and went to tell Nick to avoid this place like the plague
(03/02 16:55:08) T'layeh starts to laugh
(03/02 16:55:08) Annacat: No gaps
(03/02 16:55:09) Rils: LOL
(03/02 16:55:10) AKA. starts to laugh
(03/02 16:55:22) Kierra starts to laugh
(03/02 16:55:22) Dudemom_2000: you got bald spots in the stache here.................
(03/02 16:55:22) Whilyam: Nick told Nick? :P
(03/02 16:55:28) David Perlman: But Nick's coming back, right?
(03/02 16:55:28) Annacat: Fill in, folks, please?
(03/02 16:55:30) Tayrtahn: right, I forget I'm not the real Tay...
(03/02 16:55:33) Rils: now he's talkin to himself...
(03/02 16:55:35) Kierra: Nick talks to himself quite a bit apparently
(03/02 16:55:38) hailahh: I meant Shartper...
(03/02 16:55:40) David Perlman: I mean Doug's cool... but...
(03/02 16:55:42) Whilyam: I'M TAY!
(03/02 16:55:44) *Moietay: Lol, sorry Tayrtahn lol
(03/02 16:55:47) *Moietay: IM TAY!
(03/02 16:55:48) David Perlman: Kidding, kidding
(03/02 16:55:48) Annacat: Nick didn't say if he was coming back or not
(03/02 16:55:52) Julian Lapis: Talkikng to yourself is perfectly healthy.
(03/02 16:55:52) Eleri: Sharperpalooooza!
(03/02 16:55:58) AKA.: there are holes in the stashe still
(03/02 16:56:02) Tayrtahn: I suppose I should be Tayr, though...
(03/02 16:56:06) Julian Lapis: It just gets annoying because you know what your gonna say
(03/02 16:56:07) M'buhir: Sharperstock
(03/02 16:56:21) Tayrtahn: patch the stache!
(03/02 16:56:29) Montgomery: Sharperama
(03/02 16:56:29) Gondar: "You wouldn't believe these guys Doug, they're worshipping you!" "Really? Were there sacrifices?" "Yes! And praising, and a giant moustache!" "Hmm.. should I ocome in a blaze of glory, or descend from the cavern ceiling?"
(03/02 16:56:30) Annacat: SharperFest 2007
(03/02 16:56:32) Searu: what'sgoingonhere?
(03/02 16:56:33) achren: oh sharper my sharper!
(03/02 16:56:33) David Perlman: Heh I have a friend nicknamed stachell?
(03/02 16:56:37) Julian Lapis: DOUGSTONBURY
(03/02 16:56:38) lightkeeper: Yeesha Gonna be Jealous
(03/02 16:56:41) T'layeh: I've been minimized typing a post... nothing happened since Nick left right?
(03/02 16:56:50) Rils: did cyc ever make it back here?
(03/02 16:56:51) Gondar: Not yet. Just wait.
(03/02 16:56:54) M'buhir: Sharptoberfest
(03/02 16:56:58) Tayrtahn: what's with the lump on the stache?
(03/02 16:56:58) Annacat: No Cy yet
(03/02 16:57:03) T'layeh is rooted to the spot
(03/02 16:57:07) Gondar: Sharper is likely rummaging about to find his great tree hood linking book.
(03/02 16:57:07) Eleri: DOugfest 07!
(03/02 16:57:09) AKA. starts to laugh
(03/02 16:57:12) Julian Lapis: SHARPERPALOOZA
(03/02 16:57:13) ChrisRivadeneira: Where is Douglas :(
(03/02 16:57:31) Eleri: STACHERAMA!
(03/02 16:57:36) AKA.: this stache needs
(03/02 16:57:36) David Perlman: I bet he keeps linking to windows and having to try the link again.
(03/02 16:57:37) Rils: Teledahn, apparently
(03/02 16:57:50) Annacat: Can we order Chinese?
(03/02 16:57:53) Moiety Jean: I call this the BEST VIGIL EVER
(03/02 16:57:57) KennyLynd: Sharper Image?
(03/02 16:58:02) Annacat: Me too, MJ :-)
(03/02 16:58:05) Tayrtahn groans
(03/02 16:58:07) Kierra: Stachefest 2007
(03/02 16:58:07) Julian Lapis: I second that MJ!
(03/02 16:58:07) David Perlman: Chinese... but then we'll be hungry later
(03/02 16:58:13) Rils: I'm with Anna on the Chinese Food Initiative.
(03/02 16:58:19) Gondar: "Hi, I'd like to order for delivery? Yeah.. gimme 40 family meals.."
(03/02 16:58:19) Annacat: We'll eat later too, then
(03/02 16:58:23) Rils: Halvor - yes!
(03/02 16:58:27) DocOlanA: Well the best vigil ever is the vigil for the Great Pumpkin every halloween night, but I'll give this a close second.
(03/02 16:58:29) Atrius Opheria: Almost any foodstuffs will do for me
(03/02 16:58:29) M'buhir: Dhouglas Initiative?
(03/02 16:58:35) KennyLynd: 60 meals that is
(03/02 16:58:44) Rils: I get the fortune cookies.
(03/02 16:58:45) Anansi: You're all nuts? ;-)
(03/02 16:58:52) KennyLynd: OH I HATE YOU M'buhir
(03/02 16:58:53) Tayrtahn: can we call out for delivery?
(03/02 16:58:56) Annacat: "To a big cave in the middle of the New Mexico Dessert. And make it snappy, we're wicked hungry!"
(03/02 16:58:56) Julian Lapis: We're ALL a little nuts...
(03/02 16:58:57) lightkeeper: YEP
(03/02 16:58:59) Blade Lakem: is this the line for the Bon Jovi concert?
(03/02 16:58:59) achren: hey - is there a shortcut to go back to age players after sending a PM?
(03/02 16:58:59) AKA.: good job filled a hole in the STashe
(03/02 16:59:00) M'buhir: O.O I'm sorry!!!
(03/02 16:59:00) Curty: I welcome all of the newbies here to the Great Tree Hood:)
(03/02 16:59:00) Esther: cashew here
(03/02 16:59:01) KennyLynd: that was TOO good
(03/02 16:59:02) 909: i get the papers inside them Rils....
(03/02 16:59:02) AKA. cheers
(03/02 16:59:03) Atrius Opheria: a peanut
(03/02 16:59:10) Rils: 909 - DEAL.
(03/02 16:59:22) 909: k.
(03/02 16:59:26) 909: :-)
(03/02 16:59:28) KennyLynd: MY wife is rolling about the LOST reference
(03/02 16:59:37) Kierra isn't a nut, I'm just screwy
(03/02 16:59:37) M'buhir: hehe
(03/02 16:59:38) Eleri: DOUG DOUG DOUG DOUG DOUG
(03/02 16:59:39) Moiety Jean: I've gotten word from Nick!
(03/02 16:59:43) KennyLynd: thats our vote
(03/02 16:59:43) Annacat: Oh?
(03/02 16:59:44) achren: and?!
(03/02 16:59:44) Gondar: Aw
(03/02 16:59:44) Tayrtahn: uhoh
(03/02 16:59:47) ChrisRivadeneira: WHO DO WE WANT?
(03/02 16:59:49) Whilyam: Oh?
(03/02 16:59:55) Opsus: what did he say?
(03/02 16:59:56) achren: sharper!
(03/02 16:59:57) Annacat: SHARPER!
(03/02 16:59:59) DocOlanA: He's not coming.
(03/02 16:59:59) AKA.: Sharper!!!!
(03/02 17:00:00) *Moietay: OOh yes?
(03/02 17:00:01) Anansi: Please not that
(03/02 17:00:02) Moiety Jean: Doug is back, but he's not ready to show here yet.
(03/02 17:00:03) ChrisRivadeneira: WHEN DO WE WANT HIM??
(03/02 17:00:07) Blade Lakem: *drum roll*
(03/02 17:00:07) Annacat: OK
(03/02 17:00:08) DocOlanA: He's got a meeting with the DRC. So sayeth the UO Bevin folk.
(03/02 17:00:08) Gondar: Question.. if sharper does arrive.. what do we do? Do we all kneel, or bow, or..?
(03/02 17:00:09) achren: *pfffft*
(03/02 17:00:10) Vortmax: Awwwwwwww.
(03/02 17:00:10) AKA.: NOW!!!!!!
(03/02 17:00:12) *Moietay: Aww...well its a start!
(03/02 17:00:12) Vortmax: Now I hate him.
(03/02 17:00:13) Tayrtahn: Nick's not on the list any more
(03/02 17:00:16) KennyLynd: SHARPER
(03/02 17:00:19) KennyLynd waves hello
(03/02 17:00:21) Gavin E: Doug has a meeting with the DRC
(03/02 17:00:23) Moiety Jean: He thanks us for the support.
(03/02 17:00:25) lightkeeper: doug doug doug
(03/02 17:00:26) Gondar: Bah! Let's keep waiting.. he can't be in a meeting forever!
(03/02 17:00:38) ChrisRivadeneira: Whats going on?
(03/02 17:00:39) DocOlanA: Sure. Got nothing else to do tonight.
(03/02 17:00:39) Eleri starts to laugh
(03/02 17:00:41) Vortmax: Does he know what kind of supporting we were doing??
(03/02 17:00:50) Kierra snickers
(03/02 17:00:53) Gondar: Yeah.. Nick's gone.
(03/02 17:00:55) Julian Lapis: we were fuelling him by the SOULS OF THE darn
(03/02 17:00:55) Tayrtahn: well, good work with what we did accomplish, everyone
(03/02 17:00:57) Blade Lakem: Sharper is going to challenge the DRC to an arm wreslting match and beat them all at once!
(03/02 17:00:58) Moiety Jean: I think this thing was a great success. The sacrifices were probably to credit.
(03/02 17:00:59) Sonseeharay: I have never seen this many people in the hoods at all, combined even
(03/02 17:01:05) From Curty: once again Cyan is always in control;) I kinda like it
(03/02 17:01:06) KennyLynd: well, if he had his checkbook, yess
(03/02 17:01:12) Rils: hooray for the sacrifices!
(03/02 17:01:15) Julian Lapis: and the nubile dancing! DOnt forget that!
(03/02 17:01:19) achren: hehe
(03/02 17:01:23) Kierra: Ya for pointless bloodshed
(03/02 17:01:33) Eleri: nubile dancing always helps any situation
(03/02 17:01:33) Gavin E: Everyone knel for Sharper!
(03/02 17:01:35) KennyLynd: Hail bill, king of the dead presidents
(03/02 17:01:35) Gondar: And the flaming Vortmax!
(03/02 17:01:35) From Curty: We've got the best multiplaying game around:)
(03/02 17:01:36) Vortmax: But... I slaved for HOURS over a HOT STOVE making these shroomie burgers, and he's NOT COMING???
(03/02 17:01:38) Gavin E: kneel
(03/02 17:01:42) Gavin E kneels down...
(03/02 17:01:45) Sonseeharay kneels down...
(03/02 17:01:46) KennyLynd: FLAMING?
(03/02 17:01:46) Kierra kneels down...
(03/02 17:01:55) Moiety Jean: I suggest more sacrifices!
(03/02 17:01:56) Julian Lapis: Vort, we should set you on fire more often!
(03/02 17:01:56) Dudemom_2000 kneels down...
(03/02 17:01:56) Gondar kneels down...
(03/02 17:01:57) Vortmax: Yes. Flaming.
(03/02 17:01:57) Opsus kneels down...
(03/02 17:01:57) Kierra kneels down...
(03/02 17:02:01) Rih'ki kneels down...
(03/02 17:02:01) ChrisRivadeneira: WHO DO WE WANT!!
(03/02 17:02:03) Gondar: Sacrifices woo!
(03/02 17:02:03) Vortmax is en flambe
(03/02 17:02:04) Moiety Jean: Please form a line.
(03/02 17:02:05) Gondar kneels down...
(03/02 17:02:05) Pauline kneels down...
(03/02 17:02:07) Julian Lapis kneels down...
(03/02 17:02:08) Sonseeharay: sharper
(03/02 17:02:16) rong kneels up
(03/02 17:02:16) Annacat: SHARPER!
(03/02 17:02:16) Gavin E kneels down...
(03/02 17:02:25) achren: sharper! sharper!
(03/02 17:02:25) Kierra: ATRUS
(03/02 17:02:32) ChrisRivadeneira: WHEN DO WE WANT HIM
(03/02 17:02:33) Rils: SHARPER WE NEED YOU!
(03/02 17:02:33) *Moietay: brb
(03/02 17:02:33) ChrisRivadeneira tries to be funny
(03/02 17:02:33) Annacat: AFTER HIS MEETING!
(03/02 17:02:34) Gondar: Nick White! To tell us Sharper is coming!
(03/02 17:02:35) Kierra: Well, next tuesday would ne nice
(03/02 17:02:35) Jeremy Argento: Aitrus was cooler...
(03/02 17:02:40) Moiety Jean: LOL Annacat
(03/02 17:02:48) KennyLynd: is this also a Vort outing?
(03/02 17:02:59) ChrisRivadeneira: WE WANT SHARPER NOW!!!
(03/02 17:03:04) KennyLynd: nahhhh, I must have misunderstood
(03/02 17:03:05) sil_oh_wet bows
(03/02 17:03:05) Moiety Jean: More Sharper Facts!
(03/02 17:03:09) KennyLynd: SILLLL
(03/02 17:03:11) achren: *chants* we want sharper, we want sharper
(03/02 17:03:13) Vortmax: Oh, screw this. YESHA, COME TO US!
(03/02 17:03:14) sil_oh_wet: Kenny!!!!
(03/02 17:03:16) Rils: More Sharper Facts!
(03/02 17:03:18) Kierra brings out the S'more stuff
(03/02 17:03:30) Blade Lakem: Kumbaya.....
(03/02 17:03:31) sil_oh_wet: Shorah all
(03/02 17:03:32) Moiety Jean freshens Chris' flames since he's up here
(03/02 17:03:35) Eleri: Vort was ever in?
(03/02 17:03:36) Vortmax: Hey sil!
(03/02 17:03:39) ChrisRivadeneira cheers
(03/02 17:03:39) Rils: Where's Quaxo?
(03/02 17:03:40) Gondar: thanks us for our support.. more than likely he's gonna arrive at the meeting laughing his head off, and then stage a coup because he has a hood full of loyal supporters who will overthrow the barricades.
(03/02 17:03:40) Rih'ki: Hi sil :-)
(03/02 17:03:43) sil_oh_wet: Hiya Vortamx!!!
(03/02 17:03:47) sil_oh_wet: :-)
(03/02 17:03:48) Curty: Brb its been fun my Woman is calling me!
(03/02 17:03:54) achren: bye
(03/02 17:03:54) Annacat: I dunno where Quaxo is, I thought she was coming
(03/02 17:04:08) From Chere in Chere's Nexus: 65 population in there!
(03/02 17:04:08) Eleri: now *there* is a summoning.
(03/02 17:04:09) Annacat: She may have gotten hung up in the lab?
(03/02 17:04:09) rong does a dance
(03/02 17:04:09) sil_oh_wet: Thers my blue firemarble - im supposed to swollow that right?
(03/02 17:04:13) Rils: oh, ok
(03/02 17:04:14) ChrisRivadeneira: What else can we do to get Sharper to come?
(03/02 17:04:15) Kierra roasts a marshmallow over a firemarble
(03/02 17:04:26) Annacat: Flash him!
(03/02 17:04:27) Julian Lapis: SHARPER! COME BACK TO US!!! WE MADE YOU MUFFINS!!!
(03/02 17:04:28) Blade Lakem: we'll be mixing kool-aid in the fountain now...
(03/02 17:04:32) Moiety Jean: Now is the time for drinks and tall tales!
(03/02 17:04:34) Annacat: Wait... no...
(03/02 17:04:36) 909: Sharper fact # ??? He can fix burnt light bulbs in 14 seconds. That 1 second better than Laxman.
(03/02 17:04:37) Sonseeharay: I am on yeesha's side maybe the city should be left dormany for the Bahro
(03/02 17:04:38) Rils: I love our two-headed Link-In Monster.
(03/02 17:04:39) Curty: horray for the Sil-oh-Wet Hood!!!!
(03/02 17:04:41) Curty: Yay
(03/02 17:04:43) Kierra: Oh god not more sugar
(03/02 17:04:45) Mystlander: SHARPER FACT #2: Douglas Sharper can launch irritating barbs of his hair to deter would be predators!
(03/02 17:04:49) StarLion: looooong link 0_o 68 people in here
(03/02 17:04:50) Curty cheers
(03/02 17:04:55) achren: wow
(03/02 17:04:57) Eleri starts to laugh
(03/02 17:04:59) Vortmax: 68!!!???
(03/02 17:04:59) AKA.: I don't want to be a muffin
(03/02 17:05:02) Vortmax: Amazing.
(03/02 17:05:05) ChrisRivadeneira: Who do we want!!!
(03/02 17:05:06) Moiety Jean: woohoo!
(03/02 17:05:08) sil_oh_wet: He will come - he has too!!!!!
(03/02 17:05:08) StarLion: no lag, not bad
(03/02 17:05:10) Vortmax: LAXMAN!
(03/02 17:05:11) Moiety Jean: DOUG SHARPER!
(03/02 17:05:17) 909: who's a muffin?
(03/02 17:05:18) ChrisRivadeneira: When do we want him!!
(03/02 17:05:21) Vortmax: Erm, I mean, SHARPER
(03/02 17:05:22) Moiety Jean corrects Vort with a rolled up newspaper
(03/02 17:05:26) Moiety Jean: AFTER HIS MEETING!
(03/02 17:05:26) StarLion: don't tell me I just mised sharper XD
(03/02 17:05:27) Esther: less lag than in the city!
(03/02 17:05:29) Sonseeharay: hey when did this rumor start and from who?
(03/02 17:05:36) Blade Lakem: Sharper Fact: He can kill a squee at 20 paces with just a stern look and foul language.
(03/02 17:05:36) Rils: I WANT A MUFFIN!
(03/02 17:06:19) Moiety Jean: Sharper Fact: Doug Sharper once made a trumpet out of a live atlantic salmon, and it was perfectly in tune!
(03/02 17:06:22) Vortmax: Um, guys, what if Cyan is taking all of this seriously?
(03/02 17:06:37) Mystlander: SHARPER FACT #28: Douglas Sharper doesn't use a cell phone. He uses telepathy that has a 37% probability of giving the receiver a brain hemorrahage!
(03/02 17:06:39) Gondar: Then we get Sharper. What's the problem?
(03/02 17:06:41) Annacat: NO ONE could take THIS seriously. Seriously. ;-)
(03/02 17:06:46) sil_oh_wet: shall i put some tunes on shoutcast while we wait?
(03/02 17:06:53) Moiety Jean: This evening is entirely UN-serious.
(03/02 17:06:55) Anansi: Jean: Those remind me of Chuck Norris facts, for some reason.
(03/02 17:06:56) Curty: We need to get more of our hood in here:)
(03/02 17:07:08) Eleri: Cyan has a healthy sense of the absurd...
(03/02 17:07:09) achren: or vin disel
(03/02 17:07:09) Curty: Yeah! Sil
(03/02 17:07:12) Blade Lakem: You are wise
(03/02 17:07:28) Gondar: We need to get everyone here.. if we can break 100 he'll have to skip the meeting as the DRC all collapse from apolexy
(03/02 17:07:42) Mystlander: SHARPER FACT #26: Douglas Sharper once cured himself of a rattlesnake bite by making the snake come back and suck the poison back out!
(03/02 17:07:43) achren: hehe
(03/02 17:07:50) ChrisRivadeneira: Okay thanks
(03/02 17:07:52) Blade Lakem: quick! Everyone taunt!
(03/02 17:08:00) sil_oh_wet: yes
(03/02 17:08:00) Mystlander taunts you
(03/02 17:08:00) Sonseeharay taunts you
(03/02 17:08:02) Blade Lakem taunts you
(03/02 17:08:03) Curty: Myst online
(03/02 17:08:03) Rils: re: sharper fact 26 - that man is a GENious.
(03/02 17:08:05) Moiety Jean: This entire Vigil has a big fat disclaimer attached
(03/02 17:08:05) AKA. taunts you
(03/02 17:08:07) Whalyn taunts you
(03/02 17:08:09) sil_oh_wet is so not one of those
(03/02 17:08:12) lightkeeper taunts you
(03/02 17:08:12) Curty: ......Logs
(03/02 17:08:15) achren: I taunt you - NI!
(03/02 17:08:17) StarLion: hehe
(03/02 17:08:18) sil_oh_wet: hiya LK
(03/02 17:08:29) Blade Lakem tries to be funny
(03/02 17:08:36) Kerry: hey
(03/02 17:08:36) Montgomery: Well, we succeeded in summoning hs familiar, Nick White. So we're on the right track ....
(03/02 17:08:39) Sunshine10: Wow
(03/02 17:08:43) Gondar: And Sharper is in the cavern.
(03/02 17:08:45) StarLion: 68 when I came from the nexus
(03/02 17:08:52) Gondar: So we know Sharper knows that we're almost 70 people now.
(03/02 17:08:53) AKA.: the stache has holes in it again
(03/02 17:08:53) Sunshine10: excellent
(03/02 17:09:02) Blade Lakem: we summoned Nick? darn, we got the wrong ritual!
(03/02 17:09:07) Anansi should have brought a tray of sausages-in-a-bun
(03/02 17:09:08) Gondar: It's close Blade.
(03/02 17:09:16) Gondar: It's because our stache is a little off.
(03/02 17:09:19) Wilkovius: it would be excellent PR if Sharper does show...
(03/02 17:09:50) Montgomery: "Wait. Two steps left THEN one step right. What did WE do?"
(03/02 17:09:57) KennyLynd: Does anyone know Doug Sharpers KI number?
(03/02 17:10:05) M'buhir: shoot, can't name neighborhoods
(03/02 17:10:07) Halvor: 1337
(03/02 17:10:08) Gondar: He probably got a new one Kenny..
(03/02 17:10:16) Gondar: So we're not sure ytet. He hasn't come out in public..
(03/02 17:10:20) Moiety Jean: No one has the venerable Ki of the SHARPER
(03/02 17:10:23) Blade Lakem: we don't care if we summon him. That's not the point.
(03/02 17:10:23) Gondar: But he knows we're waiting.
(03/02 17:10:24) rong: 666
(03/02 17:10:25) KennyLynd: Gondar says hes in the cavern
(03/02 17:10:31) KennyLynd: thanks alot guys
(03/02 17:10:39) Gondar: Rumor is it's #0000001
(03/02 17:10:56) Gondar: And not quite Kenny. Nick White said he had a meeting with the DRC..
(03/02 17:11:00) Gondar: So he's somewhere about.ow.
(03/02 17:11:10) KennyLynd: how do you know he is in the cavern Gondar?
(03/02 17:11:11) Blade Lakem: Yeah Sharper forges the first KI himself, using metal he got from a fallen meteor.
(03/02 17:11:12) Gondar: But busy or something.
(03/02 17:11:16) Anansi: It's not too bad when you're all quiet :P
(03/02 17:11:22) Gondar: ...what are you talking about?
(03/02 17:11:25) Rils: The Venerable Ki Number can not be defined by human counting standards.
(03/02 17:11:35) Blade Lakem: It's true! I saw it on the Discovery Channel!
(03/02 17:11:41) Gondar: He could be in the cavern... probably not. DRC I think set up in Kahlo or something now.
(03/02 17:11:58) Gondar: But he knows we're here. He'll be by. He has to be.
(03/02 17:12:16) Mystlander: SHARPER FACT #: Douglas Sharpers moustache can lift 200 pound barbells
(03/02 17:12:19) Moiety Jean: Well, everyone, The Best Vigil Ever is officially drawing to a close! Your sacrifices have been recorded for posterity.
(03/02 17:12:30) Gondar: ...per side!
(03/02 17:12:41) hailahh: awwwww
(03/02 17:13:00) Vortmax: ...wait, were we supposed to be sacrificing virgins?? Oh crap...
(03/02 17:13:01) hailahh: I was hoping we could keep going until at least 3 a.m.
(03/02 17:13:07) Moiety Jean: Thank you all for coming, and feel free to stick around for punch and pie, or wander off to other things.
(03/02 17:13:08) Blade Lakem: can I get an extra sacrifice in? I always wanted to sacrifice someone...
(03/02 17:13:15) M'buhir: sacrificing virgins?
(03/02 17:13:15) Vortmax: I'm going to stick around :D
(03/02 17:13:18) DocOlanA: Oooh! Punch and pie!
(03/02 17:13:18) achren: I'll go [editor's note: achren jumps up on fountain]
(03/02 17:13:22) David Perlman: Heck yeah! punch and pie!
(03/02 17:13:22) Gondar: Hey, we got Nick White, who says Sharper knows we're here.
(03/02 17:13:24) Mystlander: SHARPER FACT #32: Douglas Sharper's shadow erodes concrete!
(03/02 17:13:35) Rils: WAIT A SEC - someone sed tea and coffee would be provided!!!!
(03/02 17:13:47) Annacat hands out caffeinated beverages
(03/02 17:13:48) achren: LIGHT ME!
(03/02 17:13:50) Blade Lakem: rils, you were supposed to bring the refreshments!
(03/02 17:13:51) Curty: And of course Saxy has a crush on him;)
(03/02 17:13:54) Gondar: Yes, you provide your own tea and coffee, and you drink it.
(03/02 17:13:56) Vortmax: Bye hailahh
(03/02 17:14:13) Rils: sunnuvva... Good thing I still ahve a cookie in my pocket...
(03/02 17:14:23) Annacat steals Rils's cookie
(03/02 17:14:23) sil_oh_wet: does anyone else need the addy for listening to tunes?
(03/02 17:14:28) Vortmax: Yeah, sure, but that's what Yeesha said. :p
(03/02 17:14:28) Moiety Jean: YOU READY FOR THIS? ::brandishes flaming arrow::
(03/02 17:14:33) Esther: yes
(03/02 17:14:38) achren: wooo!
(03/02 17:14:38) M'buhir: all I've had to eat in the past week is kemo rainbow fish
(03/02 17:14:39) Rils: duh duh duh!
(03/02 17:14:47) Halvor: I have a Krillfly I caught
(03/02 17:14:50) Moiety Jean shoots arrow
(03/02 17:14:53) Halvor: haven't tastet it yet
(03/02 17:14:57) Annacat: YAY!
(03/02 17:14:57) achren: *FLAME*
(03/02 17:15:07) Moiety Jean: ::Achren bursts into flame::
(03/02 17:15:07) M'buhir: let me know how it tastes
(03/02 17:15:15) Annacat: Accept our sacrifice, oh Shroomie Destroyer...
(03/02 17:15:24) M'buhir: I'm intested in the cuisine in these ages since I rarely go topside anymore
(03/02 17:15:27) Moiety Jean: Oh Keeper of the Fungi
(03/02 17:15:27) achren dances the dance of FLAMING DEATH!
(03/02 17:15:29) Rils: Captain of the Hosts of Flappers
(03/02 17:15:45) achren does a dance
(03/02 17:15:46) Gondar: (OOC: Poor Cyan! TYhey must be panicking now.. "Quick! Excuse! We don't have the avatar ready!" "Err.. 'he's in a meeting, can't come.. yeah!'" "That'll work... quick! How quickly can you make the hat work again?" "I thought it was next week!" "Ah geez.. we need it now!")
(03/02 17:15:47) Blade Lakem: eat FLAMING DEATH CAPITALIST PIGDOGS!
(03/02 17:15:59) Rils: Pardon?!
(03/02 17:15:59) Moiety Jean: LOL
(03/02 17:16:01) Opsus laughs
(03/02 17:16:03) Annacat: Barron of Tie-Dye, accept our offerings
(03/02 17:16:04) Halvor: LOL
(03/02 17:16:10) David Perlman: Shorah, Mathias
(03/02 17:16:11) Anansi: We look like a group of crazed terrorist fanatics. Isn't anyone concerned about a full-scale invasion of D'ni by the U.S. army?
(03/02 17:16:11) Mystlander: SHARPER FACT #36: Douglas Sharper knows the answers to all of the secrets of LOST.
(03/02 17:16:20) Gondar: What do you mean, we? I'm not American.
(03/02 17:16:26) DocOlanA: Excuse me? I'm from PETA, and did you know that Capitalist Pigdogs are an endangered species, you horrible barbaric person?
(03/02 17:16:29) Rils: 4 DAYS!
(03/02 17:16:32) Blade Lakem: mysty: Really? I gotta find him then...
(03/02 17:16:38) Vortmax has been here a week
(03/02 17:16:39) M'buhir: I'd like to see the U.S. try to invade D'ni. The tanks would certainly not fit
(03/02 17:16:50) Anansi: Commandosontheotherhand
(03/02 17:16:50) Blade Lakem: doc, you are from pita? Isn't that a bread?
(03/02 17:16:53) Anansi: Argh
(03/02 17:16:57) DocOlanA: Two words, M'buhir. Bunker Busters.
(03/02 17:16:57) M'buhir: it'd take a few days to get all the footmen down here through the caverns
(03/02 17:16:58) sil_oh_wet: oops music
(03/02 17:16:58) Curty: Oh doc that was so funny
(03/02 17:17:07) Gondar: Plus, well, invasions are silly when you can only invade in single-file via linking book.
(03/02 17:17:08) Annacat: Who is going commando? *shocked*
(03/02 17:17:09) ChrisRivadeneira: You wouldn't need tanks down here
(03/02 17:17:10) Moiety Jean: Feel free to move about! The need for our wonderful mustache is ended.
(03/02 17:17:24) M'buhir: that would take a LOT of bunker busters
(03/02 17:17:26) sil_oh_wet: no mustache?
(03/02 17:17:28) Rils: Yeah for the wonderful moustache!
(03/02 17:17:49) David Perlman: Mathias, here to enjoy the festivities?
(03/02 17:17:52) Vortmax: Ah, no more fire...
(03/02 17:17:55) Mystlander: SHARPER FACT #50: Douglas Sharper has only one allergy... humble pie. It's not that it's deadly, it just won't stay down!
(03/02 17:18:04) Vortmax steams
(03/02 17:18:08) Moiety Jean: Well folks, you know what that means. Now I'll do a dance.
(03/02 17:18:19) Rose: The Most Exalted ResEng Mathias is on his way in
(03/02 17:18:22) Moiety Jean: I love that one, ML
(03/02 17:18:28) Gondar: Yay ResEng!
(03/02 17:18:38) ChrisRivadeneira: Res ENG!!
(03/02 17:18:43) Gondar: Welcome!
(03/02 17:18:43) ChrisRivadeneira: How are you?
(03/02 17:18:44) Gondar: And stuff.
(03/02 17:18:46) Vortmax: Did he bring Sharper??
(03/02 17:18:51) David Perlman: Shorah Mathias
(03/02 17:18:55) Rils: Hullo reseng!
(03/02 17:18:57) Moiety Jean: Is there a ResEng in the link monster?
(03/02 17:19:00) Blade Lakem: Sharper Fact: Douglas Sharper never has to pay attention. Attention pays him
(03/02 17:19:01) ResEng B. Mathias: Shorah all.
(03/02 17:19:03) David Perlman: Come to join the festivities?
(03/02 17:19:07) sil_oh_wet: lol blade
(03/02 17:19:09) Anansi: Ole.
(03/02 17:19:10) Vortmax: Heya Mathias
(03/02 17:19:16) Annacat hands ResEng a cookie and tea
(03/02 17:19:24) Rih'ki: Shorah Mathias
(03/02 17:19:27) ChrisRivadeneira: Will Douglas Sharper be able to make it here?
(03/02 17:19:27) Rose: Shorah
(03/02 17:19:28) Mystlander: SHARPER FACT #59: Douglas Sharper doesn't have to pay attention... attention pays him!
(03/02 17:19:30) Vortmax: And the page, did you bring the page?
(03/02 17:19:37) achren: lol
(03/02 17:19:40) Gondar: You forgot the donuts.. FOOL!
(03/02 17:19:40) achren: you fool!
(03/02 17:19:42) ResEng B. Mathias ResEng turns down all bribes
(03/02 17:19:46) Halvor hands ResEng a Krillfly
(03/02 17:20:02) Annacat 's cookie is not a bribe
(03/02 17:20:07) Moiety Jean: It's not a bribe, we're just welcoming you to the party. ;)
(03/02 17:20:14) Gondar: It's nmot a bribe.. it's a.. uh.. gift! With no expectation of a return.. but it would be nice, wink wink nudge nudge..
(03/02 17:20:23) M'buhir: SHARPER FACT #255 One time Sharper ate a bean burrito. The result was the big bang.
(03/02 17:20:25) Moiety Jean hands Mathias $50 to welcome to the party
(03/02 17:20:30) Rifkind: shorah....and yikes I forgot my shirt
(03/02 17:20:31) Vortmax: Although, if there WAS something we could give you to get Sharper's KI number, just let us know... ;)
(03/02 17:20:34) rong: any more cookies going?
(03/02 17:20:35) Mystlander: SHARPER FACT #62: Douglas Sharper is the patron saint of righteous indignation toward authority!
(03/02 17:20:40) Anansi: Bribes are overrated... Blackmail works better :-)
(03/02 17:20:40) Annacat stole that cookie from Rils anyway...
(03/02 17:20:49) Rils: Whoever wrote these Sharper Facts is a genious...
(03/02 17:21:02) Vortmax: Power? Money? Women? Men??
(03/02 17:21:04) Annacat: Sharper Facts were a group effort
(03/02 17:21:05) Rils hopes nobody notices the cookie had exlax in it
(03/02 17:21:11) sil_oh_wet: kxxy .... come dance on the fountain?
(03/02 17:21:17) ChrisRivadeneira does a dance
(03/02 17:21:20) rong feels odd
(03/02 17:21:22) Annacat wonders why Rils had such a cookie
(03/02 17:21:22) Gondar: He left?
(03/02 17:21:30) Rils: anna - I know... ;)
(03/02 17:21:32) ChrisRivadeneira: WHO DO WE WANT?
(03/02 17:21:33) Moiety Jean: it was SUCH a cookie
(03/02 17:21:48) Rils suddenly realizes he should not be telling people why he needs an exlax cookie
(03/02 17:21:52) ChrisRivadeneira: WHEN DO WE WANT HIM?
(03/02 17:21:57) Annacat: So many Yeesha shirts... nice :-)
(03/02 17:21:57) Montgomery: SHARPER FACT #285: When Michael Nesmith' s mother invented Liquid Paper, Sharper topped it by inventing the Sharpie.
(03/02 17:21:57) Gondar: Next step is a major DRC member.. one of the five.
(03/02 17:21:59) sil_oh_wet: NOW
(03/02 17:22:03) Vortmax: Did we lose our ResEng?
(03/02 17:22:09) Moiety Jean: FRY'S DOG
(03/02 17:22:15) Vortmax: :(
(03/02 17:22:15) Rose: yes, he linked out
(03/02 17:22:17) sil_oh_wet: music is on shoutcast for any who are interested
(03/02 17:22:19) <sniffle> Vortmax is sad
(03/02 17:22:22) Annacat: I think we scared him! :-)
(03/02 17:22:25) Rifkind does a dance
(03/02 17:22:35) Vortmax is sorta bummed...
(03/02 17:22:36) Atrius Opheria: I am
(03/02 17:22:36) M'buhir does a dance
(03/02 17:22:39) Gondar: no, see.. Sharper is in a meeting with the DRC.
(03/02 17:22:48) Curty: bless you
(03/02 17:22:48) ChrisRivadeneira does a dance
(03/02 17:22:49) M'buhir does a dance
(03/02 17:22:51) Mystlander: SHARPER FACT #64: The DRC thinks Douglas Sharper was the were-rabbit in Monty Python's Holy Grail... Actually, he was the Legendary Black Beast of Aaaaaaaaugh!
(03/02 17:22:53) sil_oh_wet: we will wait for the meeting to be over
(03/02 17:23:02) sil_oh_wet is staying here till SHARPER comes
(03/02 17:23:05) Gondar: Mathias went to tell them "They're ready to riot! Finish the meeting up quickly!"
(03/02 17:23:15) David Perlman: Any luck finding sharper?
(03/02 17:23:19) Annacat: The meeting could go a long time, you may be waiting awhile....
(03/02 17:23:24) Vortmax: I thought Sharper was the old man from scene 24...
(03/02 17:23:48) Blade Lakem: We get to riot? Cool!
(03/02 17:23:49) Halvor: next vigil should be for Dr Watson wearing a Yeesha shirt and the Kadish helmet
(03/02 17:23:54) Blade Lakem: i always wanted to be in a riot!
(03/02 17:24:06) sil_oh_wet: music is on
(03/02 17:24:16) Vortmax: I'm gonna loot Kadish's vault :D
(03/02 17:24:30) Blade Lakem: vort: that sounds like a euphemism if I have ever heard one
(03/02 17:24:46) M'buhir: vortmax: That'd be hot if he wasn't dead
(03/02 17:24:48) Annacat: Riots... looting... it's like Sharper is ALREADY back... ;-)
(03/02 17:24:49) Gondar: Blade: MY BRAIN! IT MELTS!
(03/02 17:24:49) ChrisRivadeneira does a dance
(03/02 17:24:59) Mystlander: SHARPER FACT #66: Douglas Sharper regularly bathes in lava... he says it makes a great exfolient!
(03/02 17:25:00) Blade Lakem: gondor: My job here is done
(03/02 17:25:07) Vortmax: YOU PEOPLE AND YOUR DIRTY MINDS!! I feel so at home...
(03/02 17:25:11) Rifkind says DOH!
(03/02 17:25:33) Moiety Jean: Isn't it wonderful?
(03/02 17:25:42) Annacat revels in insanity
(03/02 17:25:53) ChrisRivadeneira: Everybody should get on the fountain
(03/02 17:25:57) M'buhir: I want to link to Sharper's relto if you know what I mean.
(03/02 17:26:01) Mystlander: SHARPER FACT #71: Douglas Sharper drinks dandelion milk with his cookies!
(03/02 17:26:29) Mystlander: Woo hoo! zors'r!
(03/02 17:26:49) Gondar: When is Kodama going to come in and wonder what kind of insane people are we?
(03/02 17:26:51) Vortmax: SHARPER FACT #420: Douglas Sharper can get honey from bees without smoke or a suit. They merely fly away at his glare.
(03/02 17:27:02) sil_oh_wet: lol
(03/02 17:27:06) Mystlander: SHARPER FACT #74: Douglas Sharper IS Sparticus!
(03/02 17:27:12) achren: HA!
(03/02 17:27:20) Montgomery does a dance
(03/02 17:27:28) Rils: lol
(03/02 17:27:47) Rifkind: Sharper Fact # 773, he is really Jack Bauer
(03/02 17:28:18) sundog: girls go crazey for a sharp(er) dressed man.....
(03/02 17:28:28) M'buhir: o.o
(03/02 17:28:39) Mystlander: SHARPER FACT #76: The un-translated D'ni Script on Kerath's arch actually says, "Douglas, Sharper, he's one bad mutha..."
(03/02 17:28:47) DocOlanA: Shut your mouth!
(03/02 17:28:48) Moiety Jean: HAHAHA
(03/02 17:28:49) Montgomery: SHARPER FACT #286: Sharper is actually an old-style Klingon that came back in time.
(03/02 17:28:52) sil_oh_wet: thanks Curty
(03/02 17:28:54) Mystlander roars with laughter
(03/02 17:28:59) achren: I'm just talkin' 'bout Doug!
(03/02 17:28:59) Moiety Jean: You talkin bout SHARPER!
(03/02 17:29:03) David Perlman: You realize that Sharper may actually be terrified by all the crazy stalkers who read his journal and decided to worship him
(03/02 17:29:06) Vortmax: We can dig it.
(03/02 17:29:16) rong: I am Douglas Sharper!
(03/02 17:29:24) DocOlanA: Technically I don't worship him. I'm just observing.
(03/02 17:29:32) sil_oh_wet: I want SHARPER
(03/02 17:29:39) Annacat: Yeah, worship. Not a joke. At all. ;-)
(03/02 17:29:50) Annacat uses blatant sarcasm
(03/02 17:30:00) Rils once again is picking on Anna's sarcasm
(03/02 17:30:03) achren: see my face? I'm completely serious : |
(03/02 17:30:04) Montgomery: Oh, crap! Did anyone remember to feed his fish?, "thing?"
(03/02 17:30:09) Annacat was subtle, but thanks
(03/02 17:30:11) David Perlman: Who here is an individual?
(03/02 17:30:14) Moiety Jean: Right. Because we are so absolutely not joking with all he cult stuff. ;) /sarcasm
(03/02 17:30:16) M'buhir: I don't have a problem with Sharper worship. There's enough room in my religion for two gods :D
(03/02 17:30:25) Rils: Anna - I'm there for ya... ;)
(03/02 17:30:44) Halvor: We are all individuals!
(03/02 17:30:44) Vortmax: I wiorship His Shadow^WMustache
(03/02 17:30:45) Moiety Jean: LOL
(03/02 17:31:04) Mystlander: SHARPER FACT #78: Douglas Sharper hasn't come back to the cavern, because he won the annual DRC Rochambeau contest, and Kodama is a sore loser!
(03/02 17:31:11) Nick Kreno: still no Sharper yet?
(03/02 17:31:15) achren: *snicker*
(03/02 17:31:19) Moiety Jean: :D
(03/02 17:31:24) Montgomery: What's the count in here, now?
(03/02 17:31:37) Nick Kreno: it was 56 before I came in
(03/02 17:32:02) David Perlman: No I mean you seemed upset
(03/02 17:32:04) Vortmax does a dance
(03/02 17:32:07) Montgomery: It was 68 a while ago.
(03/02 17:32:12) Curty: Anybody who wants to come up and dance come on up on the fountain!
(03/02 17:32:22) Lobo: Say, I'm looking for a friend. She's wearing a Yeesha shirt.
(03/02 17:32:29) Curty wonders just how many can fit up here;)
(03/02 17:32:34) sil_oh_wet smiles
(03/02 17:32:38) Nick Kreno: lol be hard to find
(03/02 17:32:40) Rils: Lobo, take yer pick!
(03/02 17:32:40) Halvor: no one by that description here
(03/02 17:32:40) sil_oh_wet: im wearing a yeesha shirt
(03/02 17:32:59) islander1: complete with music and pizza
(03/02 17:32:59) Nick Kreno: there are a lot of Yeesha shirt wearers here
(03/02 17:33:01) Atrius Opheria: black is the new white! woooooo!
(03/02 17:33:09) Montgomery does a dance
(03/02 17:33:12) Curty: we're gonna get Wild!!!!!
(03/02 17:33:13) Mystlander: SHARPER FACT #80: Douglas Sharper built a golem out of pipe cleaners, cornflakes, engine grease, and dried leaves; he then brought it to life using his innate magic powers. The golem's tasks are to defy the DRC in generic ways when Douglas is unavailable to to so himself/
(03/02 17:33:14) Montgomery does a dance
(03/02 17:33:17) Annacat: I'm wearing a Yeesha shirt too
(03/02 17:33:26) Curty: Brb K
(03/02 17:33:41) Mystlander roars with laughter
(03/02 17:33:41) Halvor: Yeesha shirt is the new Yeesha shirt!
(03/02 17:33:46) Nick Kreno: I thought black was the new black
(03/02 17:33:47) sil_oh_wet: LOBO!!!!
(03/02 17:33:47) StarLion: no, you cant brb, it's not ok
(03/02 17:33:50) Montgomery does a dance
(03/02 17:33:57) sil_oh_wet: music is on
(03/02 17:33:58) Kerryth: lol
(03/02 17:34:06) Moiety Jean: It's nature's tree!
(03/02 17:34:08) sil_oh_wet: where is SHARPER???
(03/02 17:34:14) Nick Kreno: so did the moustach disban?
(03/02 17:34:17) Vortmax: SHARPER FACT #314: Douglas Sharper can shoot laser beams from his eyes.
(03/02 17:34:24) sil_oh_wet: yes
(03/02 17:34:24) Quaxo: Hey everyone! Sorry I'm late! Quite the gang gathered!
(03/02 17:34:24) Annacat: Yeah, party's over
(03/02 17:34:25) Mystlander gives zor's a great big hug!
(03/02 17:34:27) Blade Lakem: sharper transcends time and space
(03/02 17:34:30) sil_oh_wet: hiya Quaxo
(03/02 17:34:31) Annacat: Heya Quaxo
(03/02 17:34:37) Rils: QUAXO!!!!
(03/02 17:34:42) Vortmax: Hey Quaxo
(03/02 17:34:42) Moiety Jean: Sharper said he is very sorry but cannot make it, and he sent us a lovely fruitcake as a show of friendship.
(03/02 17:34:42) ChrisRivadeneira: WHERE IS SHARPER :(
(03/02 17:34:43) Nick Kreno: So Sharper never showed
(03/02 17:34:45) zors'r hugs mysty right back
(03/02 17:34:45) Rils: You totally missed everything... ;)
(03/02 17:34:46) Annacat waves hello
(03/02 17:34:51) Quaxo waves hello
(03/02 17:34:58) Blade Lakem: shorah quaxo
(03/02 17:34:59) sil_oh_wet: come girls - rock your boys ...lalalalala
(03/02 17:35:03) Vortmax: And it's a tasty fruitcake too!
(03/02 17:35:06) Moiety Jean: Quaxo? Quaxo?
(03/02 17:35:06) Mystlander thinks zors'r looks GREAT dressed as Douglas Sharper!
(03/02 17:35:07) Montgomery: MJ -- serious or joking?
(03/02 17:35:07) Quaxo: Awww man! I tried! But....there was stew....
(03/02 17:35:14) Moiety Jean: Where is my arch-nemesis?
(03/02 17:35:16) achren: SHARPER FACT #653 His teeth and not diamonds are the hardest substance on earth
(03/02 17:35:17) Annacat: Stew?
(03/02 17:35:18) zors'r blushes
(03/02 17:35:21) Annacat: Moose stew?
(03/02 17:35:30) Quaxo: No, just beef...
(03/02 17:35:32) Annacat: Alas
(03/02 17:35:32) Moiety Jean: I'm joking. But Nick did say that Sharper won't be coming, though he appreciates our support.
(03/02 17:35:37) Annacat: But beef's OK
(03/02 17:35:42) Quaxo: 'tis
(03/02 17:35:52) ChrisRivadeneira does a dance
(03/02 17:35:52) sil_oh_wet: he better be coming - we need him
(03/02 17:36:04) Montgomery: Anyone get his KI#?
(03/02 17:36:05) Quaxo: LOL = we're standing the middle of 50 people talking about beef...
(03/02 17:36:08) Lobo: Sharper Fact No. 1--He doesn't have mystical powers like Yeesha and so probably only receives communications the same way as most humans.
(03/02 17:36:11) Quaxo: hey MJ!
(03/02 17:36:13) StarLion: well, if sharper isn't going to show, maybe we can summon up Phil Henderson...
(03/02 17:36:16) Quaxo: At long last we meet!
(03/02 17:36:17) achren: hey, it's what's for dinner
(03/02 17:36:27) ChrisRivadeneira: BEEF
(03/02 17:36:31) ChrisRivadeneira: :)
(03/02 17:36:36) ChrisRivadeneira does a dance
(03/02 17:36:38) Blade Lakem: we should summon beef!
(03/02 17:36:38) Wilkovius does a dance
(03/02 17:36:41) sil_oh_wet is still going to wait here until SHARPER comes!!!!
(03/02 17:36:43) Quaxo: And Rils too!
(03/02 17:36:44) Rils comes over to give all the TGT girls a howdy hello!
(03/02 17:36:46) Quaxo: Huzzah!
(03/02 17:36:46) Mystlander: SHARPER FACT #93: Douglas Sharper knows the six-point palm exploding heart technique!
(03/02 17:36:51) Moiety Jean is a bit upset...
(03/02 17:36:51) ChrisRivadeneira: WHO DO WE WANT?
(03/02 17:36:53) kxxt: Hi Lobo
(03/02 17:36:53) Rils cheers
(03/02 17:36:59) 909: SHARPER'S HAT!! UHhhh.... heh.... ok.... right.
(03/02 17:37:00) sil_oh_wet cheers
(03/02 17:37:00) Blade Lakem: bEEF!
(03/02 17:37:00) Vortmax: KODAMA!
(03/02 17:37:03) Quaxo: Man there's alot of people here!
(03/02 17:37:06) rong does a dance
(03/02 17:37:09) Moiety Jean: FRY'S DOG!
(03/02 17:37:23) Rils: What's wrong with Fry's dog?
(03/02 17:37:35) Annacat: Hello fellow GT members
(03/02 17:37:35) Curty: the Hill's have got it shaken over there too:)
(03/02 17:37:37) Blade Lakem: Fried dog? eww
(03/02 17:37:46) Moiety Jean: WHEN DO WE WANT IT? FRY'S DOG!
(03/02 17:37:47) Quaxo: Should I be frightened by the number of people whose names I recognize?
(03/02 17:37:52) Lobo: Nice to see you too.
(03/02 17:37:56) Moiety Jean: (Futurama!)
(03/02 17:37:58) StarLion: no...
(03/02 17:37:59) Vortmax: Not at all Quaxo :D
(03/02 17:38:00) Quaxo: haha
(03/02 17:38:02) Rils: LOL
(03/02 17:38:02) Blade Lakem: Quaxo: yes. no. oh I'm so confused.
(03/02 17:38:02) Annacat: Why would you be frightened?
(03/02 17:38:05) Mystlander: SHARPER FACT #95: Douglas Sharper saved the Cheerleader, and the World!
(03/02 17:38:06) Quaxo: Vort? Right on!
(03/02 17:38:19) Rils just got MJ's Futurama reference a half second before she sed it
(03/02 17:38:21) zors'r starts to laugh
(03/02 17:38:21) Moiety Jean: so, my arch nemesis. *QUAXo...* we meet at last.
(03/02 17:38:22) Quaxo: I dunno. ;)
(03/02 17:38:23) achren: dinner time - I'll be back in a bit! Keep the faith!
(03/02 17:38:23) Curty: Shake your body
(03/02 17:38:25) ChrisRivadeneira: Whose staying till Sharper shows up
(03/02 17:38:45) Moiety Jean: We may have to sacrifice you some more, Chris
(03/02 17:38:53) Montgomery: SHARPER FACT #71: Buckaroo Banzia is actually based on Douglas Sharper's life.
(03/02 17:38:53) Quaxo: Yes indeed. I would sneeze if I did not hold such a high level of distain...
(03/02 17:38:54) Quaxo: :P
(03/02 17:38:58) Vortmax: I'm staying until he shows up or until I fall asleep
(03/02 17:38:58) Annacat: Guys, we have no indication Sharper is even coming tnoght...
(03/02 17:39:04) ChrisRivadeneira: Sounds like a plan Moiety Jean
(03/02 17:39:06) Curty: Never thought we would be bringing the house down in the Great Tree hood;)
(03/02 17:39:25) Montgomery: I have to drive home, but I'll be back later.
(03/02 17:39:29) Curty: Thats just weird..but cool
(03/02 17:39:30) Quaxo: Right on.
(03/02 17:39:33) Blade Lakem: we are bringing down the house? No one tell Ragdrazi.
(03/02 17:39:34) Wilkovius: cheers sil
(03/02 17:39:35) Annacat: See you, Montgomery
(03/02 17:39:39) Curty: They're nice community
(03/02 17:39:40) Quaxo: haha!
(03/02 17:39:40) Rils: LOLOLOLOL
(03/02 17:39:57) Vortmax roars with laughter
(03/02 17:41:00) sil_oh_wet: we party until he arrives
(03/02 17:41:08) sil_oh_wet: that my idea of FUN and function
(03/02 17:41:48) Guru: Where's the Tea and Coffee?????
(03/02 17:42:25) Vortmax wants you to call
(03/02 17:42:43) Rils: Who ya gonna call?
(03/02 17:42:52) sil_oh_wet: everybody wang chung tonight!!
(03/02 17:42:56) 909: ghostbusters!
(03/02 17:43:26) Vortmax wang chungs
(03/02 17:43:32) Lobo: Sharper Fact No. 218--His first name is Douglas, not Doug1as
(03/02 17:43:49) sil_oh_wet cheers for Sharper
(03/02 17:43:51) Guru: Lol
(03/02 17:44:04) Quaxo: Sharper Sharper he's our man,
(03/02 17:44:13) Quaxo: If he can't do it...
(03/02 17:44:18) Vortmax: I will.
(03/02 17:44:21) Guru: Do we have a mustache or Patriots pattern going yet?
(03/02 17:44:21) Gondar: 49 people in nexus.. and plus me now
(03/02 17:44:30) Vortmax: Whoa, flying fire marble!
(03/02 17:44:38) David Perlman: sharper fact 1392: sharper is in the running for the 11th doctor, He might tell them yes this time.
(03/02 17:44:38) Quaxo: Heads up!
(03/02 17:44:38) Vortmax: That thing almost hit me!
(03/02 17:44:48) StarLion: I just saw a cone fly by...
(03/02 17:44:52) StarLion: what the? 0_o
(03/02 17:45:04) Mystlander: SHARPER FACT #96: Douglas Sharper stood in two lines simultaneously buying both a Wii and a PS3... To the horror of all those who were still standing in line, he promptly threw both into a fissure!
(03/02 17:45:32) Gondar: Of course he threw them into the fissure so he had them in the past and future at the same time.
(03/02 17:45:45) Gondar: Poor Yeesha begged for one.. he said he'd think about it
(03/02 17:48:58) ian1: Sharper here?
(03/02 17:49:18) Moiety Jean: I really don't think he's planning to show today
(03/02 17:49:40) Moiety Jean: A guy with that much history's gotta come back carefully