Reference:2007-02-08 Cate Alexander at explorer sit-in

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d’ni everything: yes thank you
(02/08 19:52:24) Vixen Online: Sydney’s movement is strong
(02/08 19:52:33) Nine-O-Nine: no…
(02/08 19:52:36) Moiety Jean: This is not a debate. Please allow those of us who have gathered to show THIS opinion to speak.
(02/08 19:52:50) AKA: Sydney who?
Cate Alexander: So there is a group who doesn’t want the forums?
Saxy: And most importantly, the removal of the forums is symbolic of the DRC stepping away from communications with the explorers. We are concerned about this.
(02/08 19:53:14) Vixen Online: She leads the Anti DRC Movement
(02/08 19:53:24) Vixen Online: Yes
(02/08 19:53:37) Vixen Online: No forums cate
Cate Alexander: Eight of you?
Saxy: Or at least another way of open communication.
(02/08 19:53:5 Moiety Jean: Last comment from me. Ms Alexander, I suspect many who support the cause of this gathering are unable to be here right now.
(02/08 19:53:5 JWPlatt: Cate, you are going to have people for and against anything. It’s an obvious answer.
(02/08 19:54:12) dcos: the actual sit in is not due to staart for another 6 minutes
(02/08 19:54:20) Moiety Jean: Because there are enough naysayers to have filled their spots in the Cavern.
(02/08 19:54:20) dcos: we’re here early
(02/08 19:54:22) Tweek: my legs don’t want me to keep sitting, and there are alot more than 8 of us who feel this way
(02/08 19:54:31) Donna: I just feel there are far more important issues
(02/08 19:54:32) Saxy claps her hands
(02/08 19:54:36) daht’ay: others are here to prevent supporters from getting into the city
(02/08 19:54:42) Vixen Online: Stand if you don’t want the forums back
Cate Alexander: So what is it about the forums - the number one thing - that you feel is missing?
Tweek: well I can’t sit so yeah
(02/08 19:55:04) JWPlatt: Moderators
(02/08 19:55:10) Sheila’R: Yes. Moderators
(02/08 19:55:11) Tweek: moderators
(02/08 19:55:16) Jan Stepmeir: our ability to communicate with you the DRC
(02/08 19:55:21) Saxy: Open communication.
Cate Alexander: What I mean is that if they are gone, what will you miss?
JulyForToday: I see no reason why the forums cannot be archive.. I’ll respect any decision regarding it’s ongoing use, but not archiving it seems a bit unreasonable
(02/08 19:55:24) daht’ay: A public forumfor the average explorer
(02/08 19:55:27) Kendah: Someone will probably open up an “illegal” forum, and where are we then?
(02/08 19:55:30) Sheila’R: I would like to see the forum back, but not as they had become
(02/08 19:55:37) Saxy: We need a way to keep communication between the DRC and explorers open.
Cate Alexander: It seems the old information is what most people want.
Vixen Online: More people stand than sitting, yay
(02/08 19:55:4 Tweek: I will miss the history/information thats located there and the communication line between us and the DRC
(02/08 19:55:54) JWPlatt: Yes, and the consistent presence of its owners.
(02/08 19:55:55) Jan Stepmeir: we need clear and USED lines of communication Cate
(02/08 19:55:57) Nine-O-Nine: At the very least.... yes. An archive.
(02/08 19:56:01) dcos: yes i loved being able to see the DRC discussion
(02/08 19:56:03) HannaGertie: a place to discuse and speculate about the D;ni, the restauration and everrything
(02/08 19:56:05) daht’ay: the archives are a separate issue, IMO
(02/08 19:56:13) Nine-O-Nine nods his head
(02/08 19:56:25) Donna: I liked the DRC to DRC stuff
Cate Alexander: The DRC rarely interated with the forums so there wasn’t much communication.
Saxy: Many members of The Great Tree wish to be here today to represent open communications with the DRC but were not able to make it.
(02/08 19:56:44) Kendah: So how does one sit down?
(02/08 19:56:45) Erik: A place where every explorer can discuss and will be taken seriously (some people don’t believe that there is a cavern)
(02/08 19:56:55) AKA: type /sit
(02/08 19:56:55) Nine-O-Nine: kendah, type /sit
(02/08 19:56:56) daht’ay: Any little nugget of info is good!
Cate Alexander: It seems you just want to talk to yourselves more than anything.
Vixen Online: Do you have the calling Cate?
(02/08 19:57:27) Saxy: We need to think of a better way to speak freely and regularly with the DRC, then.
(02/08 19:57:33) daht’ay: respectfully, Cate, that’s not so
Cate Alexander: In the past that is what the forums have been though.
daht’ay: the recent past
(02/08 19:58:04) JWPlatt: Note: Cate is driving the question to elicit responses for her agenda. One hopes she will find value in waiting for our own inspiartions.
(02/08 19:58:0 HannaGertie: well we do alos like to see the discustion between the drc, their speculation of what things are and how ages are going
(02/08 19:58:10) Saxy: But you have just said the DRC do not regularly visit the forums, is that correct?
(02/08 19:58:15) JulyForToday: you could always restrict the use of the forums to DRC personnel only… then we could listen in on them, but it would remove any problematic discussions between explorers
(02/08 19:58:16) Erik: Because the DRC had no funding the past years… thanks to you, they have now
(02/08 19:58:34) Jan Stepmeir: that’s what they’ve been but that’s not what they represented
Cate Alexander: And they still have not used the forums.
Vixen Online: the forums were full of crud, i didn’t even want to read them
(02/08 19:58:59) daht’ay: they were unmoderated!
(02/08 19:59:00) AKA: I like the DRC site for the imformation it gives me…and to know what the Drc are doing…I didn’t post…I Just lurked but I would very much like back.
Cate Alexander: Although not that they are private, they are beginning to again.
Erik: Some DRC members did use the forum lately
(02/08 19:59:1 Moiety Jean: Alright, not the last comment from me. In the far past, the DRC used the forums for quick messages to one another and it allowed us a glimpse into their inner workings. We appreciated this greatly, this indication that the DRC were working.
(02/08 19:59:30) dcos: indeed!
Cate Alexander: Right, and we don’t want to make those public anymore.
(02/08 19:59:35) Saxy nods her head
(02/08 19:59:37) Matthew Allen: Cate, it seems as though you are attempting to justify your own opinions rather than listening to others. Why exactly did you come?
(02/08 19:59:41) Nine-O-Nine: There was vaualble info in those forums, and will continue to have more - when they are open.
(02/08 19:59:43) JulyForToday: the forum is how we found out about the return of the DRC in the first place..
(02/08 19:59:47) HannaGertie agrees with moyetyjean
Cate Alexander: I though you wanted communication back and forth. Didn’t realize you just wanted to talk.
Cate Alexander: Go ahead.
Moiety Jean: is there a faster way to set chat to Age Players than scrolling up and clicking Age Players on the list?
(02/08 20:00:34) Tweek: to better accomodate supporters, to not have to deal with the nexus cap, and to stop supporters being kept out by non supporters we are moving this sit in to the Beginners Bevin
(02/08 20:00:42) Vixen Online: i don’t think you should listen to them Cate, go on with your dictatorship
(02/08 20:00:43) JulyForToday: use /shout
(02/08 20:00:47) Amrak: You want communication, open up some ages Cate, win our hearts and minds.We will give you feedback.
(02/08 20:01:00) HannaGertie: we want to talk to both DRC and other exploresr, to exchange ideas and such
(02/08 20:01:09) Saxy: Even though it wasn’t direct interaction with the DRC during those times, MJ, at least it was a step in understanding the DRCs plans.
(02/08 20:01:39) dcos: okay so are we relocating?
(02/08 20:01:41) Saxy: So we’re moving this to the Beginners Bevin, correct?
(02/08 20:01:42) Erik: There was a real treasure of imformation on the old forums… and that’s all gone now.
(02/08 20:01:42) Tweek: to better accomodate suppoters, to not have to deal with the nexus cap, and to stop supporters being kept out by non-supporters we are moving this sit in/discussion to the Beginners Bevin
(02/08 20:01:52) Donna: I for one am glad a woman is finally in charge around here!
(02/08 20:01:55) Vixen Online: i think Sydney will take over you place here Cate!
(02/08 20:02:06) JulyForToday: Im all for relocating..
(02/08 20:02:27) d’ni everything: Im hoping this calms down
(02/08 20:02:33) Amrak: Thumbs down for Sydney and his war mongering…
(02/08 20:02:40) Jan Stepmeir: the DRC needs to be open and keep us informed or we and them will just continue to butt heads and be misinformed
Cate Alexander: So was that the sit-in then?
JWPlatt: Cate hasn’t answered my question…
(02/08 19:03:49) Vixen Online: not very many siting, lol
(02/08 19:04:07) Donna: Cate, many of us are still very excited about the future
Cate Alexander: I’m very unimpressed. People who like to complain and then not hear the other side of the argument.
JWPlatt: No, that’s not it. We need mroe space because so many people care to be here. Don’t be that way.
(02/08 19:04:15) Telaendril: Sry
(02/08 19:04:20) HannaGertie: the sit in is continues in the beginners hood
(02/08 19:04:21) d’ni everything: Cate I wish you courage and hope for the future
Cate Alexander: Good day to you all.